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The interaction of water waves with arrays of bottom-mounted, surface-piercing circular cylinders is investigated theoretically. The sidewall of each cylinder is porous and thin. Under the assumptions of potential flow and linear wave theory, a semi-analytical solution is obtained by an eigenfunction expansion approach first proposed for impermeable cylinders by Spring and Monkmeyer (1974), and later simplified by Linton and Evans (1990). Analytical expressions are developed for the wave motion in the exterior and all interior fluid regions. Numerical results are presented which illustrate the effects of various wave and structural parameters on the hydrodynamic loads and the diffracted wave field. It is found that the porosity of the structures may result in a significant reduction in both the hydrodynamic loads experienced by the cylinders and the associated wave runup.  相似文献   

Water wave interaction with a floating porous cylinder   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The interaction of water waves with a freely floating circular cylinder possessing a side-wall that is porous over a portion of its draft is investigated theoretically. The porous side-wall region is bounded top and bottom by impermeable end caps thereby resulting in an enclosed fluid region within the structure. The problem is formulated based on potential flow and linear wave theory and assuming small-amplitude structural oscillations. An eigenfunction expansion approach is then used to obtain semi-analytical expressions for the hydrodynamic excitation and reaction loads on the structure. Numerical results are presented which illustrate the effects of the various wave and structural parameters on these quantities. It is found that the permeability, size and location of the porous region may have a significant influence on the horizontal components of the hydrodynamic excitation and reaction loads, while its influence on the vertical components in most cases is relatively minor.  相似文献   

In this paper, theoretical study is carried out to investigate the general 3D short-crested wave interaction with a concentric two-cylinder system. The interior cylinder is impermeable and the exterior cylinder is thin in thickness and porous to protect the interior cylinder. Both cylinders are surface-piercing and bottom mounted. Analytical solution is derived based on the linear potential theory. The effects of the wide range wave parameters and structure configuration including porosity of the exterior cylinder and the annular spacing on the wave forces, surface elevations and the diffracted wave contours are examined.  相似文献   

This paper presents numerical solutions for the wave reflection from submerged porous structures in front of the impermeable vertical breakwater. A new time-dependent mild-slope equation involves the parameters of the porous medium including the porosity, the friction factor and the inertia coefficient, etc. is derived for solving the boundary value problem. A comprehensive comparison between the present model and the existing analytical solution for the case of simple rectangular geometries of the submerged structure is performed first. Then, more complicated cases such as the inclined and trapezoidal submerged porous structures in front of the vertical breakwater with sloping bottom are considered. This study also examines the effects of the permeable properties and the geometric configurations of the porous structure to the wave reflection. It is found that the submerged porous structure with trapezoidal shape has more efficiency to reduce the wave reflection than that of triangular shape. The numerical results show that the minimum wave reflection is occurred when the breakwater is located at the intermediate water depth.  相似文献   

A two-dimensional analytical solution is presented to study the reflection and transmission of linear water waves propagating past a submerged horizontal plate and through a vertical porous wall. The velocity potential in each fluid domain is formulated using three sets of orthogonal eigenfunctions and the unknown coefficients are determined from the matching conditions. Wave elevations and hydrodynamic forces acting on the porous wall are computed. Reflection and transmission coefficients are presented to examine the performance of the breakwater system. The present analytical solutions are found in fairly good agreement with the available laboratory data. The results indicate that the plate length, the porous-effect, the gap between plate and porous wall, and the submerged depth of the plate all show a significant influence on the reflected and transmitted wave fields. It is also interesting to note that the submerged plate plays an important role in reducing the transmitted wave height, especially for long incident waves.  相似文献   

Yong Liu  Yu-cheng Li  Bin Teng 《Ocean Engineering》2007,34(17-18):2364-2373
This study examines the hydrodynamic performance of a new perforated-wall breakwater. The breakwater consists of a perforated front wall, a solid back wall and a submerged horizontal porous plate installed between them. The horizontal porous plate enhances the stability and wave-absorbing capacity of the structure. An analytical solution based on linear potential theory is developed for the interaction of water waves with the new proposed breakwater. According to the division of the structure, the whole fluid domain is divided into three sub-domains, and the velocity potential in each domain is obtained using the matched eigenfunction method. Then the reflection coefficient and the wave forces and moments on the perforated front wall and the submerged horizontal porous plate are calculated. The numerical results obtained for limiting cases are exactly the same as previous predictions for a perforated-wall breakwater with a submerged horizontal solid plate [Yip, T.L., Chwang, A.T., 2000. Perforated wall breakwater with internal horiontal plate. Journal of Engineering Mechanics ASCE 126 (5), 533–538] and a vertical wall with a submerged horizontal porous plate [Wu, J.H., Wan, Z.P., Fang, Y., 1998. Wave reflection by a vertical wall with a horizontal submerged porous plate. Ocean Engineering 25 (9), 767–779]. Numerical results show that with suitable geometric porosity of the front wall and horizontal plate, the reflection coefficient will be always rather small if the relative wave absorbing chamber width (distance between the front and back walls versus incident wavelength) exceeds a certain small value. In addition, the wave force and moment on the horizontal plate decrease significantly with the increase of the plate porosity.  相似文献   

Wave transformation over submerged permeable breakwater on porous bottom   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A numerical model is presented in this study to investigate the wave transformation over a submerged permeable breakwater on a porous slope seabed. For this purpose, the time-dependent mild-slope equation is newly derived for waves propagating over two layers of porous medium. This new mild-slope equation involves the parameters of the porous medium, and it is a type of hyperbolic differential equation, therefore numerically efficient. The validity of the present model is verified based on the comparisons with the previous experiments. The effects of the permeable properties of both the porous seabed and the submerged permeable breakwater are discussed in detail. The geometry of the submerged permeable breakwater to the wave transformation is also investigated based on the numerical solutions.  相似文献   

Jaw-Fang Lee  Yo-Ming Cheng   《Ocean Engineering》2007,34(11-12):1690-1700
This study presents an analytical solution for the problem of waves passing a submerged porous structure, using a multi-region method in the solution scheme considering the characteristics of geometry and composing materials of the porous structure. Using the flux and pressure conditions on horizontal boundaries and interfaces, the orthogonal property of wave motion within the porous layers through water depth is derived, and applied in the solution process. The flux and pressure conditions on vertical boundaries and interfaces are integrated to give a set of linear matrix equations, through which the unknown coefficients are solved. Comparisons of the present method with previous studies are preceded in verification, which suggests the validity and practicability of the present study, with a further expectation of extending our work to build a mild-slope equation over multiple-layer porous medium in the future.  相似文献   

In this paper, based on the linear wave theory, the interaction of short-crested waves with a concentric dual cylindrical system with a partially porous outer cylinder is studied by using the scaled boundary finite element method (SBFEM), which is a novel semi-analytical method with the advantages of combining the finite element method (FEM) with the boundary element method (BEM). The whole solution domain is divided into one unbounded sub-domain and one bounded sub-domain by the exterior cylinder. By weakening the governing differential equation in the circumferential direction, the SBFEM equations for both domains can be solved analytically in the radial direction. Only the boundary on the circumference of the exterior porous cylinder is discretized with curved surface finite elements. Meanwhile, by introducing a variable porous-effect parameter G, non-homogeneous materials caused by the complex configuration of the exterior cylinder are modeled without additional efforts. Comparisons clearly demonstrate the excellent accuracy and computational efficiency associated with the present SBFEM. The effects of the wide range wave parameters and the structure configuration are examined. This parametric study will help determine the various hydrodynamic effects of the concentric porous cylindrical structure.  相似文献   

The wave dispersion equation has played a very important role in the development of ocean surface wave theories. The evaluation of the length of a water wave is an essential example of solving the dispersion relation. Conventional ocean wave theories have been based on an assumption of a rigid impermeable seabed. Thus, the conventional wave dispersion equation can only be used in the case of a wave propagating over a rigid impermeable seabed. For waves propagating over a porous seabed (such as a sandy bed), the conventional dispersion relation is no longer valid because of the absence of the characteristics of the porous seabed. The objective of this study is to establish a new wave dispersion equation for waves propagating over a porous seabed. Based on the new relation, the effects of a porous seabed on wave characteristics (such as the wavelength and wave profile) are discussed in detail.  相似文献   

1.Introduction Owingtoitssignificanteffectofreductionofwaveloadsandwaverun up,theperforatedwallon anarrayofcylindricalstructureshasreceivedconsiderableattentioninrecentyears.Manyresearches havebeencarriedoutinthisfield.Anexactsolutionforthediffractionoflinearwaterwaveswithan arrayofimpermeablecylinderswasfirstgivenbySpringandMonkmeyer(1974)usinganeigenfunction expansionapproach.Subsequently,LintonandEvans(1990)madeamajorsimplificationtothetheo ry,whichallowedthenear fieldquantitiessuchasload…  相似文献   

The phenomenon of the wave, seabed and structure interactions has attracted great attentions from coastal geotechnical engineers in recent years. Most previous investigations have based on individual approaches, which focused on either flow region or seabed domain. In this study, an integrated model (PORO-WSSI II), based on the Volume-Averaged/Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes (VARANS) equations and Biot's poro-elastic theory, is developed to investigate the mechanism of the wave-permeable structure-porous seabed interactions. The new model is verified with the previous experimental data. Based on the present model, parametric studies have been carried out to investigate the influences of wave, soil and structure parameters on the wave-induced pore pressure. Numerical results indicated: (i) longer wave period and larger wave height will obviously induce a higher magnitude of pore pressure at the leading edge of a breakwater; (ii) after a full wave-structure interaction, the magnitude of pore pressure below the lee side of a breakwater decreases with an increasing structure porosity while it varies dramatically with a change of structure height; and (iii) the seabed thickness, soil permeability and the degree of saturation can also significantly affect the dynamic soil behaviour.  相似文献   

The wave transmission, reflection and energy dissipation characteristics of ‘’-type breakwaters were studied using physical models. Regular and random waves in a wide range of wave heights and periods and a constant water depth were used. Five different depths of immersion (two emerged, one surface flushing and two submerged conditions) of this breakwater were selected. The coefficient of transmission, Kt, and coefficient of reflection, Kr, were obtained from the measurements, and the coefficient of energy loss, Kl was calculated using the law of balance of energy. It was found that the wave transmission is significantly reduced with increased relative water depth, d/L, whether the vertical barrier of the breakwater is surface piercing or submerged, where ‘d’ is the water depth and ‘L’ is the wave length. The wave reflection decreases and energy loss increases with increased wave steepness, especially when the top tip of the vertical barrier of this breakwater is kept at still water level (SWL). For any incident wave climate (moderate or storm waves), the wave transmission consistently decreases and the reflection increases with increased relative depth of immersion, Δ/d from −0.142 to 0.142. Kt values less than 0.3 can be easily obtained for the case of Δ/d=+0.071 and 0.142, where Δ is the height of exposure (+ve) or depth of immersion (−ve) of the top tip of the vertical barrier. This breakwater is capable of dissipating wave energy to an extent of 50–80%. The overall performance of this breakwater was found to be better in the random wave fields than in the regular waves. A comparison of the hydrodynamic performance of ‘’-type and ‘T’-type shows that ‘T’-type breakwater is better than ‘’-type by about 20–30% under identical conditions.  相似文献   

The hydrodynamic performance of a dual cylindrical caisson breakwater (DCBW) formed by a row of caissons each of which consisting of a porous outer cylinder circumscribing an impermeable inner cylinder has been theoretically investigated. The theoretical formulation is based on the eigenfunction expansion method proposed by Spring and Monkmeyer (1974) which was further modified by Linton and Evans [Linton, C.M., Evans, D.V., 1990. The interaction of waves with arrays of vertical circular cylinders. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 215, 549–569] for an array of impermeable cylinders. The present formulation is an extension of the work of Wang and Ren [Wang, K.H., Ren, X., 1994. Wave interaction with a concentric porous cylinder system. Ocean Engineering 21(4), 343–360], wherein; the interaction of linear waves with a single concentric porous cylinder system was studied. In the present study, the formulation has been extended to the case of a group of porous dual cylinder system. Parametric studies are carried out to study the influence of porosity (G0) on the outer caisson, width of the doughnut chamber (a/b) and the angle of wave incidence on the variation in the hydrodynamic loading, wave run-up, free-surface elevation in its vicinity as well as the transmission on its lee-side. The importance of the presence of the inner cylinder in achieving the required hydrodynamic performance in terms of either protection or providing tranquility on its lee side keeping higher stability for the breakwater system is highlighted.  相似文献   

波浪对透空外双壁筒柱的绕射   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
滕斌  韩凌 《海洋工程》2001,19(1):32-37
应用透空壁内流体速度与两壁间压力差成正比的线性模型,建立了外壁透空的双筒圆柱对波浪绕射的解析解。通过数值计算研究了外壁透空率的大小、内外柱半径之比等因素对桩柱上总波浪作用力和波面高度的影响。数值结果表明圆柱外壁透空系数的增加,将明显地降低圆柱周围的波浪高度和圆柱上的波浪力;内外柱径之比的大小对波浪力和波高的最大值无太大影响,而对波浪力剧烈衰减区的位置和波高的振荡周期有决定作用。  相似文献   

Diffraction of linear waves around a group of dual porous cylinders consisting of a thin and porous outer cylinder with an impermeable inner cylinder is investigated analytically based on the eigenfunction expansion method proposed by Spring and Monkmeyer [Spring BH, Monkmeyer PL. Interaction of plane waves with vertical cylinders. In: Proceedings 14th international coastal engineering conference. 1974. p. 1828–47] and further modified by Linton and Evans [Linton CM, Evans DV. The interaction of waves with arrays of vertical circular cylinders. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 1990;215:549–69]. The present formulation is an extension of the work of Wang and Ren [Wang KH, Ren X. Wave interaction with a concentric porous cylinder system. Ocean Engineering 1994;21(4):343–60], wherein; the interaction of linear waves with a single concentric porous cylinder system was studied. This paper aims at investigating the influence of multiple interactions between the cylinders in the group on the hydrodynamic wave forces, wave run-up and free-surface elevation in their vicinity. Further, the study focuses on the variation of the forces and run-up on the individual cylinders within the group compared to that on isolated cylinders.  相似文献   

孤立波与直墙式多孔介质结构相互作用数值分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
宋帅  尤云祥  魏岗 《海洋工程》2007,25(4):7-14
以连续性方程和雷诺平均方程为控制方程,用k-ε模型封闭方程组,采用VOF方法追踪自由面,建立了具有造波和消波功能的二维孤立波数值水槽。并基于改进的Darcy多孔介质模型研究了二维孤立波与直墙式多孔介质结构的相互作用问题。数值分析了孤立波与直墙式多孔结构相互作用引起的流场和波形变化特性,并与文献中的实验结果进行了比较,数值结果与实验结果吻合良好。  相似文献   

Yong Liu  Bin Teng 《Ocean Engineering》2008,35(16):1588-1596
This study examines the hydrodynamic performance of a modified two-layer horizontal-plate breakwater. The breakwater consists of an upper submerged horizontal porous plate and a lower submerged horizontal solid plate. By means of the matched eigenfunction expansion method, a linear analytical solution is developed for the interaction of water waves with the structure. Then the reflection coefficient, the transmission coefficient, the energy-loss coefficient and the wave forces acting on the plates are calculated. The numerical results obtained for limiting cases are exactly the same as previous predictions for a single submerged horizontal solid plate and a single submerged horizontal porous plate. Numerical results show that with a suitable geometrical porosity of the upper plate, the uplift wave forces on both plates can be controlled at a low level. Numerical results also show that the transmission coefficient will be always small if the dimensionless plate length (plate length versus incident wavelength) exceeds a certain moderate value. This is rather significant for practical engineering, as the incident wavelength varies over a wide range in practice. Moreover, it is found that the hydrodynamic performance of the present structure may be further enhanced if the lower plate is also perforated.  相似文献   

Wave interaction with T-type breakwaters   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The wave transmission, reflection and energy dissipation characteristics of partially submerged ‘T'-type breakwaters (Fig. 1) were studied using physical models. Regular and random waves, with wide ranges of wave heights and periods and a constant water depth were used. Five different depths of immersions of the ‘T'-type breakwater were selected. The coefficient of transmission, Kt, coefficient reflection, Kr, were obtained from the measurements and the coefficient of energy loss, Kl is calculated using the law of conservation of energy. It is found that the coefficient of transmission generally reduces with increased wave steepness and increased relative water depth, d/L. This breakwater is found to be effective closer to deep-water conditions. Kt values less than 0.35 is obtained for both normal and high input wave energy levels, when the horizontal barrier of the T type breakwater is immersed to about 7% of the water depth. This breakwater is also found to be very efficient in dissipating the incident wave energy to an extent of about 65% (i.e. Kl>0.8), especially for high input wave energy levels. The wave climate in front of the breakwater is also measured and studied.
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Fig. 1. Schematic view of the T-type breakwater.  相似文献   

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