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A sonic anemometer-thermometer was used to measure turbulent fluxes of momentum and sensible heat and related turbulence statistics just above plant canopies in unstable conditions. The stability dependence of transport processes is presented, using observational data in a wide range of instability. The analysis of joint probability distributions of w – u, w – T, w – wu, and w – wT confirmed that just above plant canopies, downdrafts were remarkably efficient for vertical transport of momentum and scalar quantities in near neutral conditions. Furthermore, it was shown that updrafts became more efficient than downdrafts for vertical transport, especially of scalar quantities, in very unstable conditions.  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted to study turbulent transport processes of scalar quantities within and above a rice plant canopy. A sonic anemometer-thermometer and a Lyman- humidiometer were used to measure the turbulent fluxes of sensible and latent heat and related turbulence statistics within a paddy field. The sensible and latent heat fluxes measured at two heights within and above the plant canopy showed that the upper layer of this plant canopy was an active source region and that the source strength of sensible and latent heat depended on the solar radiation and physiology of rice plants. Analysis of joint probability distributions of w and T and of w and q within this plant canopy showed that downdrafts were remarkably efficient for upward transport of sensible and latent heat in the daytime. The vertical fluxes of temperature and humidity variance were also divergent from the upper layer of plant canopies. The power spectra of temperature and humidity within the plant canopy decreased rapidly in the high frequency range, compared with the - 2/3 law relationship of nS(n) vs log n observed above plant canopies.  相似文献   

From measurements in the atmospheric surface layer over a paddy field, the Kolmogorov constants for CO2 and longitudinal wind velocity were obtained. In this study, the nondimensional dissipation rate nc = (1–16 v )-1/2 for CO2 variance and = (1–16 v )-1/4 v for turbulent energy were used, assuming the equality of the local production term and the local dissipation term, and neglecting the divergence flux term in the budget equation. The value of the constant for CO2 was consistent with recent determinations for temperature and humidity. The constant for longitudinal wind velocity showed good agreement with other recent observations.  相似文献   

Turbulent kinetic energy and its vertical flux were measured at two heights over a paddy field. The vertical transport of turbulent kinetic energy was always downward right above the paddy field and was frequently downward at higher levels within a few metres above the crop. Contributions to the downward transport arise mainly from the turbulent kinetic energy of horizontal wind velocity components. It is shown from the analysis of probability distributions that appreciable transport takes place intermittently in a few large downward bursts and that these downdrafts are efficient for downward energy transport.In the budget of turbulent kinetic energy, the flux divergence term and the energy dissipation term are the main loss terms under unstable conditions. These terms increase in magnitude with increasing instability. Buoyant production is insufficient to balance these losses. The imbalance term involving the pressure-work term is probably one of the main energy sources in unstable conditions.  相似文献   

Direct measurement of the fluctuation of vorticity and its vertical transport was attempted in the surface layer over a paddy field, combining four sonic anemometers. The results obtained after some corrections of the raw data were in reasonable agreement with those expected from a dimensional analysis.  相似文献   

The linearized, two-dimensional flow of an incompressible fully turbulent fluid over a sinusoidal boundary is solved using the method of matched asymptotic expansions in the limit of vanishing skin-friction.A phenomenological turbulence model due to Saffman (1970, 1974) is utilized to incorporate the effects of the wavy boundary on the turbulence structure.Arbitrary lowest-order wave speed is allowed in order to consider both the stationary wavy wall, and the water wave moving with arbitrary positive or negative velocity.Good agreement is found with measured tangential velocity profiles and surface normal stress coefficients. The phase shift of the surface normal stress exhibits correct qualitative behavior with both positive and negative wave speeds, although predicted values are low.  相似文献   

A comprehensive experiment for turbulence and profiles has been carried out over a very rough natural mallee bushland. In Part I, the large inherent structures of the turbulence are presented. Short-period space-time correlations of wind and temperature indicate that periodic fluctuations pervade the lower surface layer above the canopy. These are associated with the appearance of large turbulent structures. Prominent peaks in the spectra are identified with the arrival of these structures, which show that they have a relatively large length scale over rough surfaces. These findings suggest a different mechanism for the enhancement of turbulent diffusivity over rough surfaces from that by the simple generation of turbulence by plant wakes.Analysis via conditional sampling of the turbulent components has revealed that bursts make almost the same contributions as gusts (at the measurement height of 8.4 m above ground) for either momentum or temperature under neutral conditions; for unstable conditions and high hole size H (see Equation (3)), gusts dominate for momentum while bursts dominate for heat transfer. This implies that the mechanisms for momentum and heat transfer are different.  相似文献   

Climate effects on atmospheric carbon dioxide over the last century   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The buildup of atmospheric CO2 since 1958 is surprisingly well explained by the simple premise that 57% of the industrial emissions (fossil fuel burning and cement manufacture) has remained airborne. This premise accounts well for the rise both before and after 1980 despite a decrease in the growth rate of fossil fuel CO2 emissions, which occurred at that time, and by itself should have caused the airborne fraction to decrease. In contrast, the buildup prior to 1958 was not simply proportional to cumulative fossil fuel emissions, and notably included a period during the 1940s when CO2 growth stalled despite continued fossil fuel emissions. Here we show that the constancy of the airborne fraction since 1958 can be in part explained by decadal variations in global land air temperature, which caused a warming-induced release of CO2 from the land biosphere to the atmosphere. We also show that the 1940s plateau may be related to these decadal temperature variations. Furthermore, we show that there is a close connection between the phenomenology producing CO2 variability on multidecadal and El Niño timescales.  相似文献   

Hot-wire anemometers were used to measure air temperature and the three velocity components of the wind within and above a maize canopy. From digitized anemometer outputs, correlation coefficients for vertical heat flux and turbulent momentum transfer were calculated. A comparison of these coefficients with profiles of mean wind speed and mean temperature indicates that the main features of the turbulence may be explained in terms of the usual mixing-length theory. Instantaneous records of heat and momentum flux, however, indicate the existence of other competing turbulent mechanisms due to the unsteady, non-equilibrium nature of the turbulent flow. Regimes of flow dominated by mechanical and/or thermal mixing are indicated. Spectral results show that high shear and turbulent intensity levels as well as the presence of the maize leaves and stalks as vortex-shedding surfaces complicate the energy transfer mechanism. An energy balance between radiation and convection reveals that the energy budget is primarily a balance between solar radiation and the flux of latent heat.Contribution of the Sibley School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Cornell University, in cooperation with the Agricultural Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Ithaca, N.Y., U.S.A. and the Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station. Department of Agronomy Series No. 1116.Sibley School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Cornell University; U.S. Department of Agriculture, Gainesville, Florida Section for Estuary and Fjord Studies, River and Harbour Laboratory, Technical University of Norway, Trondheim, Norway; State Univ. of New York at Buffalo; and U.S. Department of Agriculture and Cornell University; respectively.  相似文献   

The results of an experiment carried out in the summer of 1988 in the forest-steppe region of the USSR are given. The aim of the experiment was to study turbulent exchange between the atmosphere and a non-homogeneous underlying surface consisting of a patchwork quilt of agricultural lands sown with different crops (hereafter called chessboard-type inhomogeneities). Simultaneous measurements of turbulent fluxes of heat, momentum and humidity by the eddy-correlation methods and also the measurements of the mean wind velocity and temperature are described. The values of turbulent fluxes calculated from the profile measurements are in good agreement with those obtained from the eddy-correlation measurements. Thus it may be concluded that the universal functions of Monin-Obukhov similarity theory (determined from measurements over a flat and homogeneous underlying surface) pertain also to a non-homogeneous (chessboard-type) underlying surface.  相似文献   

利用位于上海中心城区徐家汇站的涡动相关湍流通量资料,对该区域2012年12月至2013年11月二氧化碳(CO2)通量的时间变化、空间分布特征、年总排放量进行分析。结果表明:中心城区徐家汇为CO2通量的源区,CO2通量的日变化呈现与交通流量相对应的双峰现象,冬季的通量值普遍小于其他季节,尤其在早高峰时段更为明显。节假日CO2通量的早高峰效应并不明显,其峰值明显低于工作日,且有滞后的趋势。各方向CO2通量大小与其周边下垫面情况密切相关,夏季白天在商业建筑密集区和主要道路处,CO2通量明显高于其他季节。上海中心城区CO2通量的年总排放量为44.5 kg/(m2·a),高于国内外其他城市的市中心或高密度住宅区的数值,这主要和观测时段相对偏晚、植被覆盖率偏低、周边高层建筑和主干道偏多有关。  相似文献   

Mesoscale surface turbulent fluxes over a complex terrain surrounded by oceans have been investigated using a 3-D numerical mesoscale model, under conditions with and without synoptic flows. The study indicated that under synoptically calm condition, the allocation and intensity of mesoscale surface turbulent fluxes (MSTFs) were greatly impacted by the thermally forced mesoscale circulation (TFMC) over mesoscale heterogeneous landscape. The max-imum values of sensible (Hs) and latent (LE) heat fluxes were located over the convergent zones and considerably im-pacted by the soil wetness (M), but did not depend strongly on the atmospheric background thermal stability (β0). The simulated results suggested that the sensible heat flux was closely proportional to the square of wind speed in the surface layer. By the action of synoptic flow, the allocation of LE was shifted to downwind, its intensity increased.  相似文献   

Turbulent flow over a very rough,random surface   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
A knowledge of the nature of turbulent flow over very rough surfaces is important for an understanding of the environment of crops, forests, and cities. For this reason, a wind-tunnel investigation was carried out on the variations in mean velocity, Reynolds shear-stress, and other turbulence quantities in a deep turbulent flow over a rough surface having a fair degree of randomness in the shapes, sizes, and positions of its elements.There was a layer close to the surface with considerable variations in both mean velocity and shear-stress, and the horizontal scale over which the mean velocity varied was much larger than the average distance between roughness elements. Above this layer, whose depth was of the order of the spacing between roughness elements, shear stress was constant with height, and the velocity profile had a logarithmic form. The usefulness of both mean profile and eddy-correlation methods for estimating fluxes above very rough terrain is discussed in the light of these findings.  相似文献   

The budget equation for carbon dioxide variance can be represented by production, dissipation and flux divergence terms. Each term is measured under near neutral to moderately unstable conditions over vegetated fields. The flux divergence term is about an order of magnitude smaller than production and dissipation terms, though it shows a loss for 0.006 < v < 1 and a gain for 1 < - v < 10. Here, v is the Monin-Obukhov stability parameter including humidity effect. As expected from a closure of the budget, the nondimensional production and dissipation terms are basically identical and represented by the same functional form: (1–16 v )–1/2.  相似文献   

A calibration equation and some results of the field performance of an infrared instrument, which is designed to measure simultaneous fluctuations of atmospheric carbon dioxide and water vapor, are described. Field observations show that the instrument is suitable for simultaneous measurement of turbulent fluxes of carbon dioxide and water vapor in conjunction with a sonic anemometer. Measured values of carbon dioxide and water vapor fluxes show diurnal variations characterized by crop activity with respect to assimilation, respiration and evapotranspiration. Carbon dioxide is transferred downward during the daytime and upward at night, while latent heat and sensible heat are transferred in the opposite sense. The non-dimensional gradient of carbon dioxide is expressed in the following form under weak unstable conditions: c = (1 – 16 v )-1/2. Here, v is the Monin-Obukhov stability parameter including the humidity effect. This relation was originally proposed for temperature and humidity. Thus, the results indicate that the turbulent mechanisms of carbon dioxide fluctuations are similar to those of other scalar entities. This is strongly supported by the high correlation coefficient found between fluctuations of carbon dioxide and temperature or humidity in the air layer over crop fields.  相似文献   

The eddy covariance technique was used to measure the CO2 flux over four differently grazed Leymus chinensis steppe ecosystems (ungrazed since 1979 (UG79), winter grazed (WG), continuously grazed (CG), and heavily grazed (HG) sites) during four growing seasons (May to September) from 2005 to 2008, to investigate the response of the net ecosystem exchange (NEE) over grassland ecosystems to meteorological factors and grazing intensity. At UG79, the optimal air temperature for the half-hourly NEE occurred between 17 and 20 °C, which was relatively low for semi-arid grasslands. The saturated NEE (NEEsat) and temperature sensitivity coefficient (Q 10) of ecosystem respiration (RE) exhibited clear seasonal and interannual variations, which increased with canopy development and the soil water content (SWC, at 5 cm). The total NEE values for the growing seasons from 2005 to 2008 were ?32.0, ?41.5, ?66.1, and ?89.8 g C m?2, respectively. Both the amounts and distribution of precipitation during the growing season affected the NEE. The effects of grazing on the CO2 flux increased with the grazing intensity. During the peak growth stage, heavy grazing and winter grazing decreased NEEsat and gross primary production (45 % for HG and 34 % for WG) due to leaf area removal. Both RE and Q 10 were clearly reduced by heavy grazing. Heavy grazing changed the ecosystem from a CO2 sink into a CO2 source, and winter grazing reduced the total CO2 uptake by 79 %. In the early growing season, there was no difference in the NEE between CG and UG79. In addition to the grazing intensity, the effects of grazing on the CO2 flux also varied with the vegetation growth stages and SWC.  相似文献   

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