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几种大型海藻对赤潮异弯藻生长抑制效应的初步研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
利用共存培养系统研究了大型海藻缘管浒苔、刚毛藻、石花菜、鸭毛藻、扇形拟伊藻、蜈蚣藻、海黍子、脆江蓠对赤潮异弯藻(Heterosigma akashiwo)生长的抑制效应并和孔石莼的作用进行比较。实验指出:孔石莼和缘管浒苔对赤潮异弯藻的抑制效应最强,石花菜次之;扇形拟伊藻、蜈蚣藻、刚毛藻、脆江蓠、海黍子虽表现出抑制作用但较差;鸭毛藻的抑制效应最弱。  相似文献   

对2017年8月采集自辽宁大连獐子岛的部分红藻门海藻样品进行形态分类学研究。经鉴定,样品中包含角叉菜属1种及1变种,即角叉菜(Chondrusocellatus Holmes)和角叉菜小型变型(C.ocellatus f.parus Mikami);马泽藻属1种,即日本马泽藻(Mazzaella japonica(Mikami)Hommersand);蜈蚣藻属4种,即亚洲蜈蚣藻(Grateloupia asiatica Kawguchi et Wang)、链状蜈蚣藻(Grateloupia catenata Yendo)、青岛蜈蚣藻(Grateloupia qingdaoensis Li et Ding)和带形蜈蚣藻(Grateloupia turuturu Yamada)。文中提供了详细的物种鉴定特征描述、解剖学特征图片及生物地理分布信息等内容,研究结果丰富了中国黄海北部地区红藻门的物种多样性,对该地区海藻资源的保护和利用提供了一定的分类学依据。  相似文献   

近年来海水富营养化导致近海海域大型海藻过量繁殖,为研究大型海藻与营养盐的相互关系,我们采用实验生态学的方法研究了4种大型海藻(孔石莼、小珊瑚藻、缘管浒苔、石花菜)单养和两两混养条件下的生长、营养盐(PO4-P和NO3-N)含量变化以及营养盐吸收利用情况。结果表明,单养条件下,孔石莼的湿重增长最多(46.4%),其相对增长率显著高于缘管浒苔、小珊瑚藻、石花菜。孔石莼+缘管浒苔、孔石莼+小珊瑚藻、孔石莼+石花菜混养体系中,孔石莼的相对增长率显著高于缘管浒苔、小珊瑚藻、石花菜,其他混养体系中两种大型海藻的相对增长率无显著差异。在单养条件下培养10d,海藻对PO4-P、NO3-N的利用率分别以孔石莼(85.4%)、缘管浒苔(72.6%)为最大,而石花菜对两种营养盐的利用率均最小(51.1%和57.1%)。在混养条件下,PO4-P、NO3-N的最高利用率分别出现在孔石莼+小珊瑚藻(86.3%)和缘管浒苔+小珊瑚藻(81.7%)体系中。无论单养还是混养,海藻对PO4-P和NO3-N的吸收速率都在第2d达到峰值。因此,大型海藻可以有效地去除营养盐,4种藻中,孔石莼和缘管浒苔分别是去除PO4-P和NO3-N的最佳大型海藻。本研究结果可以为利用大型海藻进行环境污染的治理提供支持。  相似文献   

流沙湾冬、春季大型海藻的微量元素分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用微波消解法和AFA、ICP-MS对流沙湾2008年冬春季21种大型海藻的微量元素进行了分析。结果表明,As、Cu、Pb、Cr、Se、Fe、Mn在细江蓠体内含量最高,分别为8.90、34.35、24.26、68.12、12.04、26777.20、400.16mg/kg;Hg在海蕴体内含量最高,达6.90mg/kg;Zn在鼠尾藻体内含量最高,为277.37mg/kg;Cd在石花菜体内含量最高,为6.77mg/kg;Ba在海门冬体内含量最高,为127.02mg/kg。各藻类对各重金属元素的综合富集能力由强到弱依次为细江蓠拟刚毛藻水云海蕴鼠尾藻海门冬条浒苔小珊瑚肠浒苔蜈蚣藻礁膜大石花菜石花菜半盐生单歧藻团扇藻长石莼宽扁叉节藻穗状鱼浒苔喇叭菜海头红刚毛藻,显示出藻类对各重金属元素综合富集能力因藻而异。各元素被藻类富集的量从大到小依次为FeMnBaZnCrCuPbAsSeCdHg,显示出藻类对营养元素的富集要大于对毒性元素的富集。各藻类对各重金属的富集系数从几倍至几十万倍不等,最高是细江蓠对Fe的富集,其次为海蕴对Hg的富集,最差为刚毛藻对Se的富集,其富集系数分别为204875.29、13800.00、3.48。聚类分析结果显示细江篱的富集能力最强,是多种重金属污染海域修复的首选生态环境材料。但对重金属复合污染海域进行生物修复,应有针对性地选择数种富集能力较强的大型海藻组成修复生物群落。  相似文献   

2014年3—4月间,在西沙群岛鸭公岛海藻资源调查中采集到一种石花菜类海藻,经鉴定为匍匐石花菜扁平变种Gelidium pusillum var.pacificum Taylor。其主要特征为:1.藻体紫红色,丛生;2.藻体高约1~2cm,由匍匐茎和直立枝构成,直立枝基部圆柱形或扁压,上部扁平,具有不规则或羽状分枝,匍匐茎近圆柱形,其下生有不规则或尖锥状固着器;3.皮层细胞2~3层,根丝细胞数量较多,集中分布在髓层;4.四分孢子囊生于小枝顶端,形成囊群,四分孢子囊横切面观长卵圆形,埋于皮层细胞中,十字形分裂;5.枝顶端轴细胞形态为穹形,突出于皮层外。上述特征1~3可将匍匐石花菜扁平变种区别于我国产的匍匐石花菜其他变种,特征5可将该变种区别于个体较小的蓝色拟鸡毛菜,特征4不能有效地区分近缘种。综合如上特征,利用营养生长特征鉴定我国分布的个体较小的石花菜和拟鸡毛菜类群是一种可行的方法。该变种为我国三沙市西沙群岛首次记录,丰富了南海诸岛海藻区系的植物地理成分,也为进一步分析该区系的植物地理全貌提供了技术资料。  相似文献   

李宏基 《海洋科学》1988,12(2):69-71
石花菜在分类上属红藻门(Rhodophyta)真红藻纲(Protoflorideae)石花菜目(Geliceeales)石花菜科(Gelidiaceae)石花菜属(Gelidium)。 由于石花菜体内含有大量的胶质,是制作琼胶的良好原料,故为海藻中的重要种类。近几年来,我国采用石花菜人工筏式养成获得成功,为海藻养殖业增加了新的种类。  相似文献   

采用PCR扩增的方法获得了第一个松藻目物种长松藻(Codium cylindricum)的ITS序列,长松藻ITS全长515bp,其中ITS1的长度为74bp,5.8S序列长163bp,ITS2的长度为278bp.与已知的绿藻门其它5个目8个属物种的ITS序列的系统发育分析结果表明,绿藻门物种分为三大支,其中团藻目藻类为一支,松藻目和刚毛藻目藻类为一支,石莼目、顶管藻目和丝藻目藻类构成一大支;长松藻与刚毛藻目的刚毛藻属和硬毛藻属物种同为多核藻体,在系统发生上表现出更近的亲缘关系;不同绿藻目海藻的聚类关系表明,其能够准确地反映出其在单核与多核、单细胞与多细胞等生物结构特性方面的差异与水平.  相似文献   

由于广泛的形态可塑性,导致刚毛藻属物种的分类仍存在不确定性。作为分布较广的物种之一,细弱刚毛藻已报道了许多变异类型,这为对其鉴定造成了困难。针对这个问题,本研究通过采集于黄海西部相似于细弱刚毛藻的9个样品,分析了它们的形态多样性。一些样品具有明显的可变鉴定特征,难于利用形态分类准确鉴定。因此,采用18S rDNA和 ITS序列对它们进行了分子鉴定。其中,样品的18S rDNA序列相似度为99.6%-100%,而ITS的为98.7% -100%。分子数据强烈地支持了形态可变的样品可准确定位为细弱刚毛藻。通过对样品分类特征的比较分析发现,作为分类标准的分枝方式和密度、藻体颜色、藻体高度和质地受环境影响和藻体成熟度而发生较大变化。此外,作为相对稳定的特征,细胞大小在种内水平上也常发生变化。18S rDNA和ITS序列在本种鉴定上的成功应用,表明以DNA条形码为基础的基因序列分析可作为传统形态分类学强有力的辅助方法。  相似文献   

针对国际上海洋绿藻束生刚毛藻Cladophorafascicularis与C.vagabunda的同物异名争议,本文对采集于海南岛莺歌海的束生刚毛藻进行了形态学观察。从55个样品的形态特征观测及分析中获得了用于其物种鉴定的主要特征为:藻体丛生,黄绿色,往往纠缠在一起,高3—23cm;基部为不规则分枝的假根状,往往多个植株的假根粘连在一起;直立部分叉状或多不规则叉状分枝,主枝可产生多个分枝或产生分级的分枝;上部枝多个密集成束,偏生于一侧,末位小枝侧生,多向内侧弯曲,略呈栉状排列,枝端钝尖;主轴细胞长宽比为3—6.5,侧枝细胞长宽比为3—5,小枝细胞长宽比为1.5—5,末位细胞长宽比为1.2—5。结合形态特征比较以及分子数据分析,本文探讨了束生刚毛藻与C. vagabunda的同物异名问题,认为束生刚毛藻可作为独立种存在。  相似文献   

欺骗岛是一个著名的活火山岛,本文首次报导该岛沿岸大型海藻体上的附着硅藻。共鉴定了65种,变种和变型,隶属于10科22属,在我国无记录的共19种和变种。优势种为波氏脆杆藻、偏肿弧形杆线藻、古时卵形藻、海洋脆杆藻、纤细楔形藻、克革伦氏针杆藻南极变种。  相似文献   

Seagrasses support a great diversity of epiphytic organisms. There are no detailed published accounts of algae and animals growing on seagrasses in South Africa. The seagrass Thalassodendron leptocaule (previously known as Thalassodendron ciliatum) is unique among southern African seagrasses in that it occurs on exposed rocky outcrops along the Mozambican and north-eastern South African coasts; most other seagrasses are restricted to sheltered bays and estuaries. Here we present accounts of species of flora and fauna identified growing epiphytically on this seagrass in northern KwaZulu-Natal. A total of 52 taxa of macroalgae and 204 species of macroinvertebrates were identified as epiphytic on South African T. leptocaule. The most frequently observed macroalgal epiphytes were predominantly Rhodophyta and were common among periodically exposed, intertidal and subtidal habitats. The crustose red coralline algae Pneophyllum amplexifrons and Hydrolithon farinosum were frequently observed, primarily on stems and leaves of the seagrass respectively. The most diverse groups of epiphytic invertebrates were Arthropoda, Annelida and Mollusca, which together comprised 76% of the macroinvertebrate species recorded. This seagrass species is evidently an important substratum and ecosystem that supports a hidden wealth of biodiversity.  相似文献   

张英格  伍冠一  陈曦 《海洋科学》2021,45(1):129-138
石花菜(Gelidium amansii),石花菜科石花菜属植物,是一种广泛分布于我国沿海的可食用红藻,具有丰富的营养价值,是琼脂的主要来源,石花菜还有滋阴降火、清热解毒、化瘀散结等功效。目前,国内外研究表明石花菜具有降血脂、降血糖、抗肿瘤、抗菌、抗炎等多方面药理作用,化学成分研究还不深入。本文从石花菜的化学成分、药理作用与市场应用等方面进行了归纳总结,以期为石花菜的进一步研究提供理论依据。  相似文献   

The analysis of the macroalgae distribution along the salinity gradient in the Azov Sea, the Kerch strait, and Taman Bay during the summer allowed finding two macroalgae complexes. The first complex (brackish) is formed by algae belonging to the Enteromorpha, Cladophora, Rhizoclonium, and Chaetomorpha genera in the Taganrog Gulf. The second complex (marine) with dominating algae belonging to the Enteromorpha, Chaetomorpha, Ceramium, and Polysiphonia inhabits the littoral part of the Azov Sea itself, the Kerch Strait, and Taman Bay. The saprobe analysis of the flora showed that the majority of macroalgae species inhabiting the Azov Sea are represented by meso- and polysaprobes and a small number of oligosaprobe species inhabit the Kerch Strait. The biggest species diversity of macroalgae was noted in the southwestern part of the sea; the value of Shannon’s index was 0.65 in the Taganrog Gulf, 1.04 in the Azov Sea, 1.38 in Taman Bay. The leading role in the littoral communities of Taganrog Gulf belongs to aquatic flowering plants with Potamogeton perfoliatus being dominant; as the salinity increases, the share of such species as P. pectinatus, Zostera marina, Z. noltii, Ruppia maritime, and Zannichellia major starts to increase.  相似文献   

A mechanism of competition between epiphytes and seagrasses potentially modulated by grazers was studied in a high-nutrient Thalassia testudinum meadow in the Indian River Lagoon (Florida, U.S.A.). The effects of fish grazing on epiphytes, and likely enhancing T. testudinum growth, was tested through an exclusion experiment. Twelve (2×2m) independent experimental plots were selected within a shallow monospecific bed to which three randomized treatments (exclusion fences, open fences and controls) with four replicates each were assigned. The epiphyte load was monitored on T. testudinum leaves inside the plots from January 1995 to March 1996. Treatment effects occurred during a chlorophyte bloom in March 1995, when the epiphyte biomass was significantly higher inside the exclusion cages than in either of the controls. The composition of the epiphytic community in March 1995 was dominated by sheet-like Enteromorpha and filamentous algae such as Cladophora , which are less resistant to herbivory than the coarsely-branched forms of red algae (e.g. Hypnea , Chondria and Acanthophora) that bloomed subsequently. These results suggest that herbivory change seasonally depending on the availability of different prey species to fish-grazers, which preferentially utilize the fleshy green algae typical of bloom conditions over the thicker coarsely-branched red algae. In the nutrient-rich lagoon the role of top-down interactions in enhancing T. testudinum growth is limited to the reduction of shading by green macroalgae.  相似文献   

The occurrence of harmful epiphytic dinoflagellates is of concern to scientists, the aquaculture industry, and government due to their toxicity not only to marine organisms but also to humans. There have been no studies on the abundance of the epiphytic dinoflagellates in Korean waters. We explored the presence of epiphytic dinoflagellates in the coastal waters off Jeju Island, southwestern Korea. Furthermore, we measured the abundance of epiphytic dinoflagellates on the thalli of 24 different macroalgae, collected from five different locations in October 2009. Five epiphytic dinoflagellate genera Amphidinium, Coolia, Gambierdiscus, Ostreopsis, and Prorocentrum were found. These five genera were observed on the thalli of the macroalgae Chordaria flagelliformis, Martensia sp., Padina arborescens, and Sargassum sp., while none were observed exceptionally on Codium fragile. The abundance of Ostreopsis spp. was highest on Derbesia sp. (8,660 cells/g wet weight), while that of Gambierdiscus spp. was highest on Martensia sp. (4,870 cells/g-ww). The maximum abundances of Amphidinium spp., Coolia spp., and Prorocentrum spp. were 410, 710, and 300 cells/g-ww, respectively. The maximum abundance of Coolia spp., Gambierdiscus spp., and Ostreopsis spp. obtained in the present study was lower than for other locations reported in literature. The results of the present study suggest that the presence and abundance of epiphytic dinoflagellates may be related to the macroalgal species of the coastal waters of Jeju Island.  相似文献   

This study investigated the community structure and functional traits of the mollusk fauna associated with macroalgae with different thallus morphologies in a reef environment in Northeastern Brazil. A total of 15 individuals of each species of macroalgae adhered to natural substrate and 15 individuals of Padina gymnospora detached from the substrate were collected. The structural complexity of algal habitats was measured and the associated malacofauna screened and identified. All three macroalgae differed significantly in the complexity of their habitat, with Sargassum polyceratium being the most complex. A total of 823 specimens of mollusks belonging to 22 species and 11 families were recorded, of which Columbellidae was the most represented with six species. The functional trait “size” revealed that micromollusks smaller than 10 millimeters were predominant in the community; however, individuals of larger sizes (up to 24.54 millimeters) belonging to young stages of other species were also present. Eight functional trophic groups were identified, of which “carnivorous” stood out with seven species. Six functional groups of microhabitats were identified, with intra‐specific variation in habitats, while habitat expansion was documented for species not yet recorded in association with macroalgae. The structure of the molluskan community differed among the three algae species with the greatest richness, abundance, and diversity of mollusks and functional traits occurring with S. polyceratium. Community structure differed between algae adhered to natural substrate and detached algae, with the latter having lower mollusk richness and diversity, but with greater abundance of some species that remained on algal fronds after release from the reef environment. This study reinforces the importance of algal habitat for marine invertebrate fauna, especially for micromollusks that spend their entire life cycle, or part of it, in association with macroalgae.  相似文献   

Eight ophiuroid species, six from the northern Kattegat-eastern Skagerrak and three from the northern Adriatic Sea, were examined for regeneration of arms. The species were separated into groups based upon mode of feeding and habitat. Comparison between groups collected in the northern Kattegat-eastern Skagerrak showed that infaunal suspension- and deposit-feeding species (Amphiura filiformis and A. chiajei) had significantly more scars per arm (mean number 0.78) than epibenthic suspension feeders (Ophiothrix fragilis and Ophiocomina nigra, 0.29) or epibenthic carnivores and deposit feeders (Ophiura ophiura and O. albida, 0.13). Spatial variation in arm regeneration incidence was found between sampling sites in the northern Kattegat-eastern Skagerrak for Amphiura filiformis and in the northern Adriatic Sea for Ophiothrix quinquemaculata. The ash-free dry weight (AFDW) and nitrogen (N) contents were measured in arms of six species of brittle-stars from the northern Kattegat-eastern Skagerrak. Differences between species were found, with highest concentrations of AFDW and N in Amphiura filiformis, intermediate in A. chiajei, Ophiocomina nigra and Ophiothrix fragilis, and lowest in Ophiura ophiura and O. albida. As the infaunal suspension- and deposit-feeding brittle-stars (Amphiura spp.) had the highest proportions of damaged arms and highest AFDW and N contents in their arms in this comparison, it is suggested that selective cropping of arms by demersal fish is the main cause of arm damage on Amphiura spp. in this area.  相似文献   

Twenty-two different species of Arctic brown, red and green macroalgae, collected in the Kongsfjord at Ny-Ålesund (Spitsbergen), were incubated under polar conditions and investigated for their release of volatile halogenated organic compounds (VHOC). Bromoform, dibromomethane, dibromochloromethane, bromodichloromethane, 1,2-dibromoethane, diiodomethane and chloroiodomethane have been identified and their net releases during incubations were determined. Generally, brown and green macroalgae showed higher VHOC release, while red macroalage had only low release. Bromoform was released in relatively large quantities from all species studied, with the highest release observed from the brown algae Dictyosyphon foeniculaceus (0.3 μg g−1 wet algal weight day−1) and Laminaria saccharina (0.15 μg g−1 wet algal weight day−1), and from the green algae Monostroma arcticum (0.3 μg g−1 wet algal weight day−1) and Blidingia minima (0.27 μg g−1 wet algal weight day−1). Dibromomethane, diiodomethane, dibromochloromethane and 1,2-dibromoethane showed lower net release during the incubations. The net release of chloroiodomethane and bromodichloromethane was very low for the most algae species investigated. Based on the distribution of these algae in the Arctic environment, Dictyosiphon foeniculaceus and Laminaria saccharina may be important sources for VHOC because of high release and high biomass. Release of VHOC could be detected from all parts of the thallus of the macroalga. This may provide some evidence for a possible role of VHOC production as a chemical protection mechanism in algae.  相似文献   

A survey on the epiphytic microorganisms growing on Posidonia oceanica leaves was conducted along a depth transect along the coast of Eastern Tunisia (Mahdia). Samples were collected by SCUBA diving at depths of 3, 5, 10 and 12 m in July 2008 and January 2009. A total of 58 microepiphyte taxa were identified. Multivariate analyses revealed temporal and spatial variation of the abundance of epiphytic microalgae. Water motion, light availability, temperature and motility of species seem to be responsible of temporal and bathymetric variations of epiphytic microalgae. Unlike diatoms, dinoflagellates were more abundant in deep waters, suggesting that they are more vulnerable to hydrodynamics. The significant correlation between leaf area index and abundance of epiphytic species indicates that the phenological parameters of the host plant influence the abundance of the epiphytic microorganisms. Among the epiphytic dinoflagellates, our data showed a great number of potentially toxic species (Alexandrium minitum, Amphidinium carterae, Karenia selliformis, Coolia monatis, Karlodinium veneficum, Ostreopsis siamensis, Prorocentrum concavum, Prorocentrum minimum, Prorocentrum rathymum and Prorocentrum lima). These species were more abundant in the deep station under more sheltered conditions than found at inshore shallower stations, which are subjected to high water motion.  相似文献   

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