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Quartile-deviation (QDa) and median-diameter (Md) values have been calculated from the grain-size distributions of a variety of Pleistocene and modern glacial and para-glacial sediments. The QDa—Md pairs are plotted on double-log graph paper to determine whether their graphic distributions are distinctive, and to examine their sedimentological implications. Three distributions emerge. The first has a shallow gradient and represents coarse bi-modal tills consisting largely of rock fragments — distribution (a). The second, with an intermediate gradient, represents fine uni- or non-modal tills consisting mainly of monomineralic grains — distribution (b). The third (c) has a steep gradient and consists of bi-modal tills with a dominant proportion of monomineralic grains. Each of these distributions is explained by using the grain-size characteristics of physically weathered rock debris as a starting point for discussion. By a process dominated by the continual addition of weathered-grain populations (population addition), tills with (a) characteristics are formed. By a process dominated by comminution and the selective removal of grains by ablation (population subtraction), tills with (b) characteristics are formed. Any of these tills, when subjected to flowing water, rapidly lose their glacial characteristics and assume QDa—Md characteristics of fluvial deposits (although they are fluvioglacial).  相似文献   

Mineralogic and textural data suggest that glacial ice derived from the region of the present day Cook Ice Shelf extended to the edge of the d'Urville Sea continental shelf. As part of this glacial maximum, basal tills and glacial marine sediments were deposited over an irregular subglacial surface. Extensive redeposition of eroded material took place in the middle and outer portions of the continental shelf. Retreat of glacial ice was relatively rapid and was associated with widespread deposition of a thin residual glacial marine unit and turbidity current deposits in the far western and eastern parts of the region. Today, sedimentation on the continental shelf of the d'Urville Sea is controlled by biogenic and physical oceanographic processes. Deposition of ice-rafted detritus from icebergs undoubtedly occurs but is relatively insignificant. Glacial advances along this periphery of East Antarctica appear to the regulated by adjacent outlet glaciers rather than direct advance of the grounded ice sheet.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Geoscience》2007,339(3-4):200-211
At the end of the Neoproterozoic, the Earth may have experienced important environmental changes, with a transition between two supercontinents (from Rodinia to Gondwana), extensive glaciations with ice caps reaching the Equator and the beginning of metazoan diversification. In such a context, the palaeomagnetic record can be used to constrain both the palaeogeography and the palaeoclimate (palaeolatitudinal distribution of glacial deposits). Here we present an up-to-date geochronological and palaeomagnetic database for the Neoproterozoic glacial deposits, including poles recently obtained on ‘cap carbonates’ from China, Oman, and Amazonia. The database comprises ten poles (from eight different cratons), obtained directly on the glacial deposits or on the overlying ‘cap carbonate’, and two other palaeolatitudes derived from reference poles coeval to well-dated glacial units in the same craton. The occurrence of glacial deposition at low latitudes (<30 °) is attested by some good-quality poles, two of them well dated at ∼740 and ∼635 Ma. Based on these poles and on reference poles obtained on igneous rocks, tentative palaeogeographic reconstructions for ∼750, ∼620, and ∼580 Ma (ages for which the database has limited but still sufficient entries) were performed in order to investigate the tectonic context within which the glacial events were produced.  相似文献   

Lichenometry curves were derived for the glacier forelands of Breidamerkurjokull and Skalafellsjökull using measurements of the collective species, Rhizocarpon geographicum , from independently dated surfaces deglaciated during the period since the late-19th century ice maximum episode in the area. The form of the curves appears to be linear. Several methods of predicting the ages of undated surfaces were compared for specific test examples, including single lichenometry curves, families of curves and multiple curves based on randomly selected largest lichens. The last method provided a useful means of assessing the reproducibility of predicted ages. Where substrate conditions were highly variable, a lichenometry curve based on single largest lichens provided a preferred result.  相似文献   

Fossil remnants of up-turned debris-rich bands of glacial ice are recorded from three localities in the Polish Lowlands. In each case the fossil debris bands occur in proximal parts of hills built of glacitectonically disturbed sediments. The characteristics of these remnants and of the associated deposits and structures are described, and they are compared to present-day examples from Spitsbergen.  相似文献   

Estimating palaeowind strength from beach deposits   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract The geological record of past wind conditions is well expressed in the coarse gravel, cobble and boulder beach deposits of Quaternary palaeolakes in the Great Basin of the western USA and elsewhere. This paper describes a technique, using the particle‐size distribution of beach deposits, to reconstruct palaeowind conditions when the lakes were present. The beach particle technique (BPT) is first developed using coarse beach deposits from the 1986–87 highstand of the Great Salt Lake in Utah, combined with instrumental wind records from the same time period. Next, the BPT is used to test the hypothesis that wind conditions were more severe than at present during the last highstand of Lake Lahontan (≈ 13 ka), which only lasted a decade or two at most. The largest 50 beach clasts were measured at nine beach sites located along the north, west and south sides of Antelope Island in the Great Salt Lake, all of which formed in 1986–87. At these sites, the largest clast sizes range from 10 to 28 cm (b‐axis), and fetch lengths range from 25 to 55 km. Nearshore wave height was calculated by assuming that the critical threshold velocity required to move the largest clasts represents a minimum estimate of the breaking wave velocity, which is controlled by wave height. Shoaling transformations are undertaken to estimate deep‐water wave heights and, ultimately, wind velocity. Wind estimates for the nine sites, using the BPT, range from 6·5 to 17·4 m s?1, which is in reasonable agreement with the instrumental record from Salt Lake City Airport. The same technique was applied to eight late Pleistocene beaches surrounding the Carson Sink sub‐basin of Lake Lahontan, Nevada. Using the BPT, estimated winds for the eight sites range from 9·7 to 27·1 m s?1. The strongest winds were calculated for a cobble/boulder beach with a fetch of 25 km. Instrumental wind records for the 1992–99 period indicate that wind events of 9–12 m s?1 are common and that the strongest significant wind event (≥ 9 m s?1 for ≥ 3 h) reached an average velocity of 15·5 m s?1. Based on this preliminary comparison, it appears that the late Pleistocene western Great Basin was a windier place than at present, at least for a brief time.  相似文献   

The power law regression equation, <R(M–O)> = 1.46(<ρ(r c)>/r)?0.19, relating the average experimental bond lengths, <R(M–O)>, to the average accumulation of the electron density at the bond critical point, <ρ(r c)>, between bonded pairs of metal and oxygen atoms (r is the row number of the M atom), determined at ambient conditions for oxide crystals, is similar to the regression equation R(M–O) = 1.41(ρ(r c)/r)?0.21 determined for three perovskite crystals at pressures as high as 80 GPa. The pair are also comparable with the equation <R(M–O)> = 1.43(<s>/r)?0.21 determined for oxide crystals at ambient conditions and <R(M–O)> = 1.39(<s>/r)?0.22 determined for geometry-optimized hydroxyacid molecules that relate the geometry-optimized bond lengths to the average Pauling bond strength, <s>, for the M–O bonded interactions. On the basis of the correspondence between the equations relating <ρ(r c)> and <s> with bond length, it seems plausible that the Pauling bond strength might serve a rough estimate of the accumulation of the electron density between M–O bonded pairs of atoms. Similar expressions, relating bond length and bond strength hold for fluoride, nitride and sulfide molecules and crystals. The similarity of the expressions for the crystals and molecules is compelling evidence that molecular and crystalline M–O bonded interactions are intrinsically related. The value of <ρ(r c)> = r[(1.41)/<R(M–O)>]4.76 determined for the average bond length for a given coordination polyhedron closely matches the Pauling’s electrostatic bond strength reaching each the coordinating anions of the coordinated polyhedron. Despite the relative simplicity of the expression, it appears to be more general in its application in that it holds for the bulk of the M–O bonded pairs of atoms of the periodic table.  相似文献   

冰川堆积物的粒度组成在很大程度上控制了其物理力学性质,但常规试验无法得到连续的冰川堆积物的粒度组成数据。应用数字图像处理技术和室内试验相结合的分析方法,首先借助图像处理技术,对冰川堆积物剖面的砾石形态进行分析,获取粗粒部分(>2cm)的粒度组成,然后采用室内颗分试验获得细粒(<2cm)部分的粒度组成,将2类粒度数据进行叠合即可获取连续的冰川堆积物的粒度组成。结果表明:研究区冰川堆积物的粒度组成极不均匀且颗粒分析曲线呈现多峰性,具有良好的级配和工程性质;冰川堆积物的粒度组成、砾石形态和排列特征都有很好的分形特征。  相似文献   

王献礼    张永双  曲永新  姚鑫  熊探宇 《地质通报》2010,29(0203):469-475
冰川堆积物的粒度组成在很大程度上控制了其物理力学性质,但常规试验无法得到连续的冰川堆积物的粒度组成数据。应用数字图像处理技术和室内试验相结合的分析方法,首先借助图像处理技术,对冰川堆积物剖面的砾石形态进行分析,获取粗粒部分(>2cm)的粒度组成,然后采用室内颗分试验获得细粒(<2cm)部分的粒度组成,将2类粒度数据进行叠合即可获取连续的冰川堆积物的粒度组成。结果表明:研究区冰川堆积物的粒度组成极不均匀且颗粒分析曲线呈现多峰性,具有良好的级配和工程性质;冰川堆积物的粒度组成、砾石形态和排列特征都有很好的分形特征。  相似文献   

The Quaternary deposits in the Store Middelgrund–Rørdebanke area midway between the island of Anholt and Hallandsåsen on the Swedish coast are described on the basis of reflection seismic profiles with a vertical resolution of 5–10 m. The Quaternary rests on Upper Cretaceous limestone, the surface of which is nearly horizontal. Three Quaternary sequences are defined and interpreted as: (1) Late Weichselian marine or lacustrine deposits, (2) Late Weichselian glaciogenic deposits, and (3) Late Saalian–Eemian and Early–Middle Weichselian deposits. Sequence 3 is probably comparable to the upwards-coarsening sequence known from Skaerumhede in Vendsyssel. The layers in sequence 3 are dislocated in the eastern part of the Store Middelgrund–Rødebanke area mainly by gentle folding, but other types of deformations occur. Folding could be the result of horizontal push from an ice sheet approaching from the east. Alternatively the folding is an effect of vertical, gravitational forces acting on the sediments due to an unstable density profile, as described by the Rayleigh–Taylor instability model. The zone of deformation is located close to the northern flank of the tectonically active Sorgenfrei–Tornquist Zone. It is suggested that the initiation of the folding process was facilitated by tremors from small earthquakes.  相似文献   

《Sedimentary Geology》2007,193(1-4):167-192
The coarse-grained, ice-contact, Porta Subaqueous Fan/Delta Complex was deposited in glacial Lake Rinteln at the margin of the Saalian ice sheet that advanced south of the Weser Chains, NW Germany. The ice-proximal depositional system was up to 15 km long and 10 km wide. The present study deals with ice-proximal subaqueous fan deposits, which are interpreted as products of a subcritical plane-wall outflow jet that periodically passed into a supercritical jet with hydraulic jump. The proximal facies assemblage consists of the coarse, clast-supported gravelly deposits of a hyperconcentrated (high-density) effluent and of related cohesionless debris flows attributed to the conduit or immediate proximal jet outflow zone of flow establishment. The intermediate facies assemblage, attributed to the outflow jet proximal zone of flow transition, is dominated by normally graded and cross-stratified gravels with scour structures at their bases; these gravels were deposited by a high-density effluent capable of forming mouthbar-like features. These deposits pass downcurrent into an assemblage of planar parallel-stratified and planar and trough cross-stratified sands and pebbly sands (partially interpreted as antidunes), with abundant scour structures and intercalated layers of fine sand/silt and silty mud, attributed to the jet distal zone of flow transition. The distal facies assemblage consists of trough cross-stratified sands and pebbly sands, and is attributed to the outflow jet proximal zone of established flow. The sedimentary succession as a whole has wedge-shape geometry, with a gentle fan-shaped inclination of the bedding from the southeast to the southwest. Repeated vertical alternations of supercritical and subcritical deposits and muddy interlayers can be attributed to temporary fluctuations in the meltwater outflow, whereas the overall upward fining of the succession indicates a net decline of meltwater discharges.  相似文献   

The strength of a bond, defined as p=s/r, where s is the Pauling bond strength and r is the row number of an M cation bonded to an oxide anion, is related to a build-up of electron density along the MO bonds in a relatively large number of oxide and hydroxyacid molecules, three oxide minerals and three molecular crystals. As p increases, the value of the electron density is observed to increase at the bond critical points with the lengths of the bonds shortening and the electronegativities of the M cations bonded to the oxide anion increasing. The assertion that the covalency of a bond is intrinsically connected to its bond strength is supported by the electron density distribution and its bond critical point properties. A connection also exists between the properties of the electron density distributions and the connectivity of the bond strength network formed by the bonded atoms of a structure. Received: 20 August 1997 / Revised, accepted: 3 November 1997  相似文献   

 The average strength, s, of the bonded interactions comprising a cation containing oxide anion coordination polyhedron and the value of the electron density, ρ(r c ), at the bond-critical points are inversely correlated with bond length. In each case, the observed bond lengths, R, were modeled with power-law expressions defined in terms of s/r and ρ(r c )/r, respectively, where r is the Periodic Table row number of the cation involved in the bonded interaction. On the basis of the close connection between bond strength and the value of the electron density at the bond-critical point, we conclude that bond strength is a direct measure of bond type; the greater its value, the greater the localization of electron density in the binding region and the greater the shared–electron covalent character of the bonded interaction. Received: 15 October 2002 / Accepted: 17 February 2003 Present address:G. V. Gibbs in care of M. Spackman Department of Chemistry, University of New England, Armidale 2351, Australia Acknowledgements The NSF is thanked for supporting this study with grant EAR–9627458. The paper was written while GVG was a Visiting NSF Scholar at The University of Arizona. The faculty and graduate students of the Department of Geosciences and Bob Downs and Marelina Stimpf in particular are thanked for making the visit great fun.  相似文献   

Minimum energy theoretical bond lengths R t obtained with robust split-basis molecular orbital calculations for 27 hydroxyacid molecules containing first- and second-row cations X n+ reproduce XO bond lengths in crystals. Plots of ln(R t ) vs. ln(s), where s is the Pauling bond strength, define two different but essentially parallel trends (for first- and second-row cations, respectively) as observed for crystals. A new bond strength parameter p=s/r is defined where r=1 for first- and r=2 for second-row main-group cations. When a ln(R t ) vs. ln(p) plot is prepared with these theoretical bond lengths, a single trend is obtained. A regression analysis of this data set shows that more than 99 percent of the variation of ln(R t can be explained in terms of a linear dependence on ln(p), yielding R=1.39 p ?0.22 as an estimator of the bond lengths. A comparison of 153 mean XO bond lengths compiled by Shannon (1976) for main-group closed-shell X-cations from all 6 rows of the periodic table with those estimated with this formula for r=1, 2, ..., 6, respectively, shows that these bond lengths are estimated within 0.05 Å on average with nearly 85 percent estimated within 0.10 Å of the observed value. More than 97 percent of the variation of these observed bond lengths can be ranked in terms of a linear dependence on the estimated bond lengths. The success of these calculations is further evidence that the forces that govern bond length variations in oxide crystals behave as if they are short-ranged.  相似文献   

The Quaternary glacial sequences in the Baltic region in Estonia. Latvia and Lithuania are relatively complete and reasonably well studied. The maximum thickness of deposits (200 300 m) is found in the uplands and ancient valleys. Tills of several genetic types have been described and in this paper the present view on the structure of the Pleistocene cover is given. The ice movement and glacial sedimentation were controlled by climate. underlying topography and tectonic processes.  相似文献   

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