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Measurements of the sum of peroxy radicals [HO2 + RO2],NOx (NO + NO2) and NOy (the sum of oxidisednitrogen species) made at Mace Head, on the Atlantic coast of Ireland in summer 1996 and spring 1997 are presented. Together with a suite of ancillary measurements, including the photolysis frequencies of O3 O(1D)(j(O1D)) and NO2 (j(NO2)), the measured peroxy radicals are used to calculate meandailyozone tendency (defined as the difference of the in-situphotochemical ozone production and loss rates); these values are compared with values derived from the photochemical stationary state (PSS) expression. Although the correlation between the two sets of values is good, the PSS values are found to be significantly larger than those derived from the peroxy radical measurements, on average, in line with previous published work. Possible sources of error in these calculations are discussed in detail. The data are further divided up into five wind sectors, according to the instantaneous wind direction measured at the research station. Calculation of mean ozone tendencies by wind sector shows that ozone productivity was higher during spring (April–May) 1997 than during summer (July–August) 1996across all airmasses, suggesting that tropospheric photochemistry plays an important role in the widely-reported spring ozone maximum in the Northern Hemisphere. Ozone tendencies were close to zero for the relatively unpolluted south-west, west and north-west wind sectors in the summer campaign, whereas ozone productivity was greatest in the polluted south-east sector for both campaigns. Daytime weighted average ozone tendencies were +(0.3± 0.1) ppbv h–1 for summer 1996 and +(1.0± 0.5) ppbvh–1 for spring 1997. These figures reflect the higher mixing ratios of ozone precursors in spring overall, as well as the higher proportion of polluted air masses from the south-east arriving at the site during the spring campaign. The ozone compensation point, where photochemical ozone destruction and production processes are in balance, is calculated to be ca. 14 pptv NO for both campaigns.  相似文献   

The laser flash photolysis/UV absorption spectrometry technique has been used to investigate the kinetics of the peroxy radical permutation reactions (i.e. self and cross reactions) arising from the OH-initiated oxidation of isoprene (2-methyl-1,3-butadiene), and of the simpler, but related conjugated dienes, 1,3-butadiene and 2,3-dimethyl-1,3-butadiene. The results of the two simpler systems are analysed to provide values of the rate coefficients for the 6 peroxy radical permutation reactions of the three types of isomeric peroxy radical produced in each system (T = 298 K, P = 760 Torr). The rate coefficients are all significantly larger than values estimated previously by extrapolation of structure-reactivity relationships based on the kinetics of a limited dataset of simpler radicals containing similar structural features. The results are discussed in terms of trends in self and cross reaction reactivity of primary, secondary and tertiary peroxy radicals containing combinations of allyl, -hydroxy and -hydroxy functionalities. Since the peroxy radicals formed in these systems are structurally very similar to those formed in the isoprene system, the kinetic parameters derived from the results of the simpler systems are used to assist the assignment of kinetic parameters to the 21 permutation reactions of the six types of isomeric peroxy radical generated in the isoprene system. Kinetic models describing the OH-initiated degradation of all three conjugated dienes to first generation products in the absence of NOx are recommended, which are also consistent with available end product studies. The model for isoprene is considered to be a further improvement on that suggested previously for its OH-initiated oxidation in the absence of NOx. The mechanism is further extended to include chemistry applicable to NOx-present conditions, and calculated product yields are compared with those reported in the literature.  相似文献   

Reactive halogen species (RHS = X, XO, HOX, OXO; X = Cl, Br, I) are known to have an important influence on the chemistry in the polar boundary layer (BL), where they are responsible for ozone depletion events in spring. Recent field campaigns at Mace Head, Ireland, and the Dead Sea, Israel, identified for the first time iodine oxide (IO) at mixing ratios of up to 6.6 ppt and 90 ppt bromine oxide (BrO), respectively, by DOAS also at lower latitudes. These results intensified the discussion about the role of the RHS in the mid-latitude BL.Photochemical box model calculations show that the observed IO mixing ratios can destroy ~0.45 ppb ozone per hour. This is comparable to the rates of the known O3-loss processes in the boundary layer. The model studies also reveal that IO, at these levels, has a strong influence on the BL photochemistry, increasing the OH/HO2- and the NO2/NO - ratios. In combination these changes lead to a reduction of the photochemical ozone formation, which - in addition - reduces ozone mixing ratios by up to 0.15 ppb/h.The studies for the Dead Sea case give no information on the heterogeneous process responsible for the bromine release, but they show that a total of 2 – 4 ppb of total bromine have to be released to explain the observed complete depletion of 60 ppb ozone in 2 – 3 hours.  相似文献   

利用LLA-C光化学反应机制,在NOX保持高值不变时,模拟分布范围很广的8种初始[NMHC]/[NOx](109/109)(1.0、3.0、7.1、14.3、28.6、57.2、100.0、200.0)条件下臭氧体积分数的变化。模拟结果表明,当[NMHC]/[NOx]≥15.0时,臭氧生成量对NMHC的改变不大敏感而主要依赖于NOx的大小。但是,当非甲烷烃与氮氧化物的比北较低(<7.0)时,臭氧生成量紧密地依赖于非甲烷烃体积分数。进一步的验证工作还有待于加强。  相似文献   

The authors analyzed the retrieval sensitivity of tropospheric ozone using simulated the Global Ozone Monitoring Experiment-2 (GOME-2) measurements. The retrieval sensitivity was evaluated by the degree of free- dom for signal (DFS). The combination of the ultraviolet (UV), UV polarization (UVPOL), and visible (VIS) bands enhances DFS of tropospheric ozone and improves the vertical resolution of the retrieved ozone profile. UVPOL reduces the dependence on solar zenith angle, mainly in- creases the sensitivity in upper troposphere. Polarization increased the DFS by 20% on the eastern side of the GOME-2 orbit, with little improvement on the western side because the increase in DFS due to polarization is depend- ent on the relative azimuth angle. The inclusion of the visi- ble band reduces significantly the dependence on viewing geometry, and mainly increases the DFS in the lower tro- posphere (0-6 kin) by a factor of two. It was possible to retrieve several independent pieces of tropospheric ozone information from GOME-2 UV/UVPOL/VIS measure- ments, especially in the lower troposphere.  相似文献   

In part two of this series of papers on the IMS model, we present the chemistry reaction mechanism usedand compare modelled CH4, CO, and O3 witha dataset of annual surface measurements. The modelled monthly and 24-hour mean tropospheric OH concentrationsrange between 5–22 × 105 moleculescm–3, indicating an annualaveraged OH concentration of about 10 × 105 moleculescm–3. This valueis close to the estimated 9.7 ± 0.6 × 105 moleculescm–3 calculated fromthe reaction of CH3CCl3 with OH radicals.Comparison with CH4 generally shows good agreementbetween model and measurements, except for the site at Barrow where modelledwetland emission in the summer could be a factor 3 too high.For CO, the pronounced seasonality shown in the measurements is generally reproduced by the model; however, the modelled concentrations are lower thanthe measurements. This discrepancy may due to lower the CO emission,especially from biomass burning,used in the model compared with other studies.For O3, good agreement between the model and measurements is seenat locations which are away from industrial regions. The maximum discrepancies between modelled results and measurementsat tropical and remote marine sites is about 5–10 ppbv,while the discrepancies canexceed 30 ppbv in the industrial regions.Comparisons in rural areas at European and American continental sites arehighly influenced by the local photochemicalproduction, which is difficult to model with a coarse global CTM.The very large variations of O3 at these locations vary from about15–25 ppbv in Januaryto 55–65 ppbv in July–August. The observed annual O3amplitude isabout 40 ppbv compared with about 20 ppbv in the model. An overall comparison of modelled O3 with measurements shows thatthe O3seasonal surface cycle is generally governed bythe relative importance of two key mechanisms that drivea springtime ozone maximum and asummertime ozone maximum.  相似文献   

利用双向耦合的区域气候模式和大气化学模式系统, 研究了中国与邻近地区人为污染排放引起对流层臭氧变化和产生的辐射强迫.结果表明, 污染排放对对流层臭氧含量的影响有明显的季节变化, 对北方的影响不如南方显著, 西部的季节变化稳定且小于东部, 内陆污染地区各季节臭氧柱含量的变化量均较高.对整个模拟区域而言, 臭氧变化量的年平均值为30.928 DU, 春季最大为32.168 DU, 而空间分布变化在12~38 DU之间.臭氧变化量对北方地区辐射的影响较小, 而对低纬和华东地区影响较大, 臭氧变化量引起的晴空地气系统短波辐射强迫、长波辐射强迫的平均值分别是0.185 W·m-2和0.464 W·m-2, 标准化短波辐射强迫与净辐射强迫值为0.006 W·m-2·DU-1和0.021 W·m-2·DU-1.气候反馈过程对对流层臭氧含量的影响范围在-0.470~0.752 DU之间, 包含气候反馈过程的区域年平均臭氧变化量是30.942 DU.在气候反馈条件下, 臭氧变化量的短波和长波辐射强迫分别是0.249 W·m-2及 0.482 W·m-2, 标准化的短波与净辐射强迫值为0.008 W·m-2·DU-1和0.024 W·m-2·DU-1.臭氧变化量导致地表温度的变化范围在±0.80 K之间.  相似文献   

Ozone production efficiencies (EN), which can be defined as the netnumber of ozone molecules produced per molecule of NOxoxidised, have been calculated from measurements taken during three intensive field campaigns (one in the spring, EASE 96, and two in the summer, EASE 97 and TIGER 95), at two European coastal sites (Mace Head, Ireland (EASE) and Weybourne, Norfolk (TIGER)) impacted by polluted air masses originating from both the U.K. and continental Europe, as well as relatively clean oceanic air masses from the Arctic and Atlantic. From a detailed wind sector analysis of the EASE 96 and 97 data it is clear that two general types of pollution regime were encountered at Mace Head. The calculated ozone production efficiency in clean oceanic air masses was approximately 65, which contrasted to more polluted air, from the U.K. and the continental European plume, where the efficiency decreased to between 4 and 6. The latter values of ENagree well with literature measurements conducted downwind of various urban centres in the U.S. and Europe, which are summarised in a wide-ranging review table. The EN value calculated for clean oceanic air is effectivelyan upper limit, owing to the relatively rapid deposition of HNO3 tothe ocean. Consideration of the variation of EN with NOx forthe three campaigns suggests that ozone production efficiency is relatively insensitive to both geographical location and season. The measuredEN values are also compared with values derived from steady-state expressions. An observed anti-correlation between EN and measured ozone tendencyis briefly discussed.  相似文献   

The response of tropospheric ozone to a change in solar UV penetration due to perturbation on column ozone depends critically on the tropospheric NO x (NO+NO2) concentration. At high NO x or a polluted area where there is net ozone production, a decrease in column ozone will increase the solar UV penetration to the troposphere and thus increase the tropospheric ozone concentration. However, the opposite will occur, for example, at a remote oceanic area where NO x is so low that there is net ozone destruction. This finding may have important implication on the interpretation of the long term trend of tropospheric ozone. A change in column ozone will also induce change in tropospheric OH, HO2, and H2O2 concentrations which are major oxidants in the troposphere. Thus, the oxidation capacity and, in turn, the abundances of many reduced gases will be perturbed. Our model calculations show that the change in OH, HO2, and H2O2 concentrations are essentially independent of the NO x concentration.  相似文献   

The NO3 radical initiated oxidation of cyclopentene, cyclohexene and 1-methyl-cyclohexene has been studied. The products formed in an N2O5-NO2-N2-O2-cycloalkene-static reactor system, at 0.1 MPa and 296 K, were investigated using long path FTIR. The principal products were aldehydes formed via a ring opening process. The reactions also resulted in significant yields of three types of ring retaining nitrooxy-substituted compounds. The average yields of alkyl nitrates from, e.g., reactions with cycloalkene were 25.1% 2-oxo-cyclohexyl nitrate, 22.8% 2-hydroxy-cyclohexyl nitrate and 4.0% 1,2-cyclohexyl dinitrate. The mechanisms involved resembles those proposed for acyclic alkenes. In absence of NO, -oxo and -hydroxy-cycloalkyl nitrates are formed via self reactions of -nitrooxy substituted cycloalkyl peroxy radicals. Estimated branching ratios for the reactants leading to ring retaining products in the presence and in the absence of NO are given and the possible relevance of these reactions for cycloalkenes under tropospheric conditions is discussed.  相似文献   

A sensitivity analysis is performed in order to study recently observed changes in atmospheric methane and carbon monoxide trends. For the analysis we have adapted a one-dimensional transport/chemistry model in order to comply with changes in vertical transport, stratosphere-troposphere flux of ozone, the water vapour cycle and the short-wave radiative transfer. In addition we have formulated an improved relationship which expresses the steady state OH concentration in terms of longer lived compounds which has a fair agreement with the one-dimensional model results. An analysis of the observed changes and trends in methane and carbon monoxide shows that both emissions and changes in global OH concentrations can be main causes for the observed changes. Average methane emissions have slowed down, particularly in the NH, in the last five years, though perhaps not very significantly. Carbon monoxide emissions are decreasing faster in the last couple of years than in the period 1983–1990. The study suggests that climate fluctuations (tropospheric water vapour, temperature and convective activity) and the stratospheric ozone depletion (tropospheric UV radiation) have a significant influence on tropospheric composition and thus on trends in methane and carbon monoxide concentrations.The IMAU is partner in the Netherlands Centre for Climate Research (CCR).  相似文献   

利用卫星数据分析了我国全境及不同区域对流层臭氧(O3)柱含量1979—2005年全年和不同季节的长期变化趋势,及不同季节对流层O3柱含量与南方涛动指数的关系。结果表明,对流层O3柱含量在夏季有微弱的上升趋势,其他季节呈下降趋势,但总体变化趋势并不显著;在珠三角和四川盆地地区四季总体呈下降趋势;在华北地区除了冬季之外,其他季节以及全年平均均为增长趋势,最高的增长率出现在夏季,达到1.10DU/10a。南方涛动强度的变化与我国一些地区的对流层O3变化呈显著相关,但华北地区对流层O3的增长趋势与大气环流变化的关系不明显。  相似文献   

Eulerian state-of-the-art air pollution forecasting systems on the European scale are operated routinely by several countries in Europe. DWD and FUB, both Germany, NERI, Denmark, NILU, Norway, and SMHI, Sweden, operate some of these systems. To apply such modeling systems, e.g. for regulatory purposes according to new EU directives, an evaluation and comparison of the model systems is fundamental in order to assess their reliability. One step in this direction is presented in this study: The model forecasts from all five systems have been compared to measurements of ground level ozone in Germany. The outstanding point in this investigation is the availability of a huge amount of data – from forecasts by the different model systems and from observations. This allows for a thorough interpretation of the findings and assures the significance of the observed features. Data from more than 300 measurement stations for a 5-month period (May–September 1999) of the German monitoring networks have been used in this comparison. Different spatial and temporal statistical parameters were applied in the evaluation. Generally, it was found that the most comprehensive models gave the best results. However, the less comprehensive and computational cheaper models also produced good results. The extensive comparison made it possible to point out weak points in the different models and to describe the individual model behavior for a full summer period in a climatological sense. The comparison also gave valuable information for an assessment of individual measurement stations and complete monitoring networks in terms of the representativeness of the observation data.  相似文献   

Three independent methods have been used to sort the ozone, carbonmonoxide, and other radiatively important trace gases measured at Mace Head,Ireland, and thereby distinguish clean air masses transported over the NorthAtlantic from the more polluted air masses which have recently travelledfrom the European continent. Over the period April 1987–June 1995 theNorthern Hemisphere surface ozone baseline concentrations exhibited a meanconcentration of 34.8 ppb, with a small positive trend (+0.19 ppbyr-1), while the corresponding trend in air originating fromthe polluted European areas was negative (–0.39 ppbyr-1). Carbon monoxide measurements from March 1990 toDecember 1994 showed negative trends for both the unpolluted (–0.17ppb yr-1) and polluted data (–13.6 ppbyr-1). Overall the continent of Europe was shown to be a smallnet sink of 2.6 ppb for all occasions when European air was transported tothe North Atlantic.  相似文献   

In this paper we present a review of atmospheric chemistry research in China over the period 2006-2010, focusing on tropospheric ozone, aerosol chemistry, and the interactions between trace gases and aerosols in the polluted areas of China. Over the past decade, China has suffered severe photochemical smog and haze pollution, especially in North China, the Yangtze River Delta, and the Pearl River Delta. Much scientific work on atmospheric chemistry and physics has been done to address this large-scale, complex environmental problem. Intensive field experiments, satellite data analyses, and model simulations have shown that air pollution is significantly changing the chemical and physical characters of the natural atmosphere over these parts of China. In addition to strong emissions of primary pollutants, photochemical and heterogeneous reactions play key roles in the formation of complex pollution. More in-depth research is recommended to reveal the formation mechanism of photochemical smog and haze pollution and their climatic effects at the urban, regional, and global scales.  相似文献   

Atmospheric hydroxyl (OH), hydroperoxy (HO2), total peroxy (HO2 and organic peroxy radicals, RO2) mixing ratios and OH reactivity (first order OH loss rate) were measured at a rural site in central Pennsylvania during May and June 2002. OH and HO2 mixing ratios were measured with laser induced fluorescence (LIF); HO2 + RO2 mixing ratios were measured with chemical ionization mass spectrometry (CIMS). The daytime maximum mixing ratios were up to 0.6 parts per trillion by volume (pptv) for OH, 30 pptv for HO2, and 45 pptv for HO2 + RO2. A parameterized RACM (Regional Atmospheric Chemistry Mechanism) box model was used to predict steady state OH, HO2 and HO2 + RO2 concentrations by constraining the model to the measured OH reactivity and previously measured volatile organic compound (VOC) distributions. The averaged model calculations are generally in good agreement with the observations. For OH, the model matched the observations for day and night, with an average observed-to-modeled ratio of 0.80. In previous studies such as PROPHET98, nighttime NO was near 0 pptv and observed nighttime OH was significantly larger than modeled OH. In this study, nighttime observed and modeled OH agree to within measurement and model uncertainties because the main source of the nighttime OH was the reaction HO2 + NO → OH + NO2, with the NO being continually emitted from the surrounding fertilized corn field. The observed-to-modeled ratio for HO2 is 1.0 on average, although daytime HO2 is underpredicted by a factor of 1.2 and nighttime HO2 is over-predicted by a factor of ∼2. The average measured and modeled HO2 + RO2 agree well during daytime, but the modeled value is about twice the measured value during nighttime. While measured HO2 + RO2 values agree with modeled values for NO mixing ratios less than a few parts per billion by volume (ppbv), it increases substantially above the expected value for NO greater than a few ppbv. This observation of the higher-than-expected HO2 + RO2 with the CIMS technique confirms the observed increase of HO2 above expected values at higher NO mixing ratios in HO2 measurements with the LIF technique. The maximum instantaneous O3 production rate calculated from HO2 and RO2 reactions with NO was as high as 10–15 ppb h−1 at midday; the total daily O3 production varied from 13 to 113 ppbv d−1 and was 48 ppbv d−1 on average during this campaign.  相似文献   

Ozone loss rates from ozonesonde data reported in the Match experiments of winters 1994/95 and 1995/96 inside the Arctic polar vortex are compared with simulations of the same winters performed using the SLIMCAT 3D chemistry and transport model. For 1994/95 SLIMCAT reproduces the location and timing of the diagnosed ozone destruction, reaching 10 ppbv/sunlit hour in late January as observed. SLIMCAT underestimates the loss rates observed in February and March by 1–3 ppbv/sunlit hour. By the end of March, SLIMCAT ozone exceeds the observations by 25–35%. In January 1995 the ozonesonde-derived loss rates at levels above 525 K are not chemical in origin but due to poor conservation of air parcels. Correcting temperature biases in the model forcing data significantly improved the agreement between the model and observed ozone at the end of winter 1994/95, increasing ozone destruction in SLIMCAT in February and March. The SLIMCAT simulation of winter 1995/96 does not reproduce the maximum ozone loss rates diagnosed by Match of 13 ppbv/sunlit hour. Comparing the data for the two winters reveals that the SLIMCAT photochemistry is least able to reproduce observed losses at low temperatures or when low temperatures coincide with high solar zenith angles (SZA). When cold (T = 192 K), high SZA (90°)matches are excluded from the 1995/96 analysis, agreement between the diagnoses and SLIMCAT is better with ozone loss rates of up to 6 ppbv/sunlit hour. For the rest of the winter SLIMCAT consistently underestimates the Match rates of ozone loss by 1–3 ppbv/sunlit hour. In March 1996 the monthly mean SLIMCAT ozone is 50% greater than observations at 430–540 K. In both winters, ozone destruction rates peaked more rapidly and declined more slowly in the Match observations than in the SLIMCAT simulations. The differences between the observed and modelled cumulative ozone losses demonstrate that the total ozone destruction by the end of the winter is sensitive to errors in the instantaneous ozone loss rates of 1–3 ppbv/sunlit hour.  相似文献   

Free tropospheric measurements of ozone, peroxyacetylnitrate andprecursors (CO, NMHC) that were made within the framework of the EUROTRACsub-project TOR (Tropospheric Ozone Research) between 1990 and 1995 at theGAW station Izana, Tenerife (28°18N, 16°30W) arediscussed. The average annual cycles reveal the importance of transport fromnorthern mid-latitudes and the role of photo-chemistry. According toair-mass trajectories, which were supplied to us from AEROCE(Atmosphere/Ocean Chemistry Experiment), transport from northernmid-latitudes is associated with high precursor concentrations in winter,whereas ozone concentrations in winter are not much influenced by transportpatterns, suggesting a rather uniform distribution over the northern part ofthe Northern Hemisphere around mean value of 43 ± 5 ppb. In summer,high ozone concentrations of up to 90 ppb are often encountered duringtransport from north, while the levels of precursors are much lower than inwinter, because of photochemical destruction. Trajectories from southerlylatitudes and the Sahara usually have the lowest ozone concentrationsassociated with them.  相似文献   

应用查表法模拟区域对流层O3、Nox分布和演化的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
应用STEM-II气相光化学模式探讨了影响对流层O3、NOx气相光化学转化率的各物理、化学因子。表明在我国多数地区光化学污染物特征(NMHC/NOx较高)下,光辐射强度、温度、初始O3浓度和NOx浓度是影响O3、NOx气相光化学转化率的主要因子。将以上因子分档组合,计算并建立了各种情况下O3、NOx气相光化学转化率的查算表,并将之用于模拟区域O3、NOx的演化和分布。结果表明,与光化学模式直接耦合计算法相比,该方法既能显著缩短计算时间,又能基本反映大气化学反应的非线性过程,并与直接耦合法符合得较好。  相似文献   

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