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 In December 1995 we dredged early Miocene coral-reef carbonates and early/middle Pliocene slope carbonates outcropping on the submerged Rama Ridge. This indicates that some of the Banda Sea Ridges were present during early Miocene times. Subsequent major tectonic subsidence occurred between middle Miocene and early Pliocene times. These results concur with the hypothesis of a relatively recent age for the North Banda Sea basement. Received: 5 March 1997 / Revision received: 23 October 1997  相似文献   

The biogeochemistry of particulate organic matter was studied in the Great Ouse estuary draining to the North Sea embayement known as the Wash from March 1990 to January 1991. Eleven locations were sampled monthly on a 50 km transect across the shallow estuary from the tidal weir to the middle of the Wash. Particulate organic carbon (POC) and total carbohydrate, protein and lipid analyses were combined with the determination of stable carbon isotopes. δ13C often increased from −30‰ in the river to −22‰ in the tidal freshwater reach. The mixing zone between fresh and marine tidal waters displayed only a slight increase in δ13C to −19‰. The change in δ13C values in the freshwater tidal reach demonstrated that mixing of riverborne and marine suspended POC was not the only process affecting the carbon stable isotope composition. Complementary sources, interfering considerably with the two end-member sources, may be identified as autocthonous primary production and resuspension of sediment that may be transported upstream. The respective importance of these sources is subject to seasonal variation. From March to August, high concentrations in carbohydrate and protein through the whole estuary indicate that despite turbidity significant primary production occurred. The proportional importance of the uncharacterized fraction of POC, which is considered as complex organic matter, was high from September to January and low from March to August. During most of the year, the biochemical compositions of particulate organic matter in the turbidity maximum and the rest of the estuary were similar. This contradicted the principle that owing to the long residence times of particles degradation processes largely dominate the production processes within the turbidity maximum. The occurence of significant in situ production in such shallow water estuaries may partially compensate for the degradation of suspended particulate organics, resulting in a complex relationship between the biogeochemical cycling and the fate of nutrients.  相似文献   

本文利用World Ocean Atlas 2013(WOA2013)气候态的温盐资料和the Simple Ocean Data Assimilation (SODA v3.3.1)流场数据,分析印尼贯穿流东部源区马鲁古海和哈马黑拉海的水团垂向分布特征及其来源,特别是次表层、中层及深层水的来源和路径。结果表明,气候态下,马鲁古海次表层的高温高盐水来自于北太平洋,与北太平洋热带水性质接近,哈马黑拉海次表层主要是来自南太平洋热带水;中层水以低温低盐为特征,马鲁古海的中层水来自南太平洋,受南极中层水控制,哈马黑拉海的中层水可能是从马鲁古海而来的南太平洋水;对于次表层和中层之间的过渡层,马鲁古海与哈马黑拉海的水源为南、北太平洋的混合水,且两个海域之间也存在着水团交换;在深层,马鲁古海的水源更倾向于班达海北部及塞兰海,而与太平洋水无关,哈马黑拉海由于地形阻挡也难以与太平洋直接发生水团交换。  相似文献   

A synthesis of high-resolution (Chirp, 2–7 kHz) subbottom profiles in the Ulleung Basin reveals patchy distribution of shallow (<90 m subbottom depth) gassy sediments in the eastern basin plain below 1,800-m water depth. The shallow gases in the sediments are associated with acoustic turbidities, columnar acoustic blankings, enhanced reflectors, dome structures, and pockmarks. Analyses of gas samples collected from a piston core in an earlier study suggest that the shallow gases are thermogenic in origin. Also, published data showing high amounts of organic matter in thick sections of marine shale (middle Miocene to lower Pliocene sequence) and high heat flow in the basin plain sediments are consistent with the formation of deep, thermogenic gas. In multi-channel deep seismic profiles, numerous acoustic chimneys and faults reflect that the deep, thermogenic gas would have migrated upwards from the deeper subsurface to the near-seafloor. The upward-migrating gases may have accumulated in porous debrites and turbidites (upper Pliocene sequence) overlain by impermeable hemipelagites (Quaternary sequence), resulting in the patchy distribution of shallow gases on the eastern basin plain.  相似文献   

This study describes the temporal variation of microphytobenthic biomass and its controlling factors, as well as the impact of microphytobenthic activities on coastal shallow sediment in the eastern Seto Inland Sea, Japan. The chlorophyll a (Chl a), phaeopigments and sedimentary biophilic element (C, N, P and Si) contents in surface sediments, as well as nutrient concentrations at the sediment-water interface (overlying water and pore water) were observed monthly during November 2003 to May 2005 at one site in Shido Bay (water depth ca. 7 m) and at one site in Harima-Nada (35 m). No correlation was observed between the sedimentary biophilic elements and other parameters. The maximum chlorophyll a content of 48.2 μg g–1 was found in surface sediments under the photon flux reaching the seafloor of 537 μmol photon m–2 s–1 during the winter period when water transparency was the highest at station S (Shido Bay). Our results suggest that higher chlorophyll a content in surface sediment was due to the fresh microphytobenthic biomass (mainly benthic diatom). We also found a significant negative correlation between Chl a and inorganic nutrients in pore water during the low temperature period, especially silicic acid. This result suggests that the silicic acid was assimilated largely during the increase of microphytobenthic biomass in surface sediment. This study suggests that the microphytobenthic roles may have a great effect on nutrient budgets during the large supply of irradiance (winter periods) for their photosynthetic growth in shallow coastal waters.  相似文献   

晚第四纪以来,黄河、长江都曾经江苏中部海岸注入南黄海,河海交互作用形成一系列沉积,全新世海侵后发育岸外辐射沙脊群。沙脊群西北部、由岸滩与沙脊所夹持的西洋潮流通道,位于北侧废黄河三角洲和南侧长江三角洲两大地貌单元间的过渡区,成为揭示不同大河交互作用下的海岸、陆架晚第四纪沉积层序模式的重要窗口。最近通过更多晚第四纪钻孔对比和浅层地震剖面集成研究发现:① 由于混乱的测年结果和陆相硬黏土层对比不当,造成之前基于07SR01孔和Y1孔构建的辐射沙脊群西洋潮流通道浅部沉积(标高−60 m以内)的年代框架有误,其主体应是晚更新世沉积且发育两个沉积旋回,末次冰盛期硬黏土层多被潮流侵蚀而缺失,表层全新世沉积厚度在水下沙脊处基本不足10 m,其余普遍不足5 m,甚至缺失;② 仅在西洋西北段稳定分布的浅层地震单元U3指示了MIS 3古黄河三角洲的南缘,自晚更新世以来西洋所在的江苏中部海岸可能深受古黄河物源的影响,这尚需在西洋西北段的关键位置钻取新孔,并结合已有浅层地震剖面和东南段钻孔来进一步研究证实。提出下一步工作将基于层序地层学方法,通过对已有控制性浅层地震剖面进行地震层序格架的三维可视化、提取地震单元和反射界面的空间分布特征,结合已有及新增控制性钻孔的沉积学和年代学研究,构建可靠年代框架、判识大河物源,并参考邻区钻孔资料,来探明西洋潮流通道的浅部沉积层序,反演其形成演化。  相似文献   

The Mohn Ridge separates the Greenland Sea and the Lofoten Basin. Previous studies identified the export across the Mohn Ridge(EMR) from the Greenland Basin into the Lofoten Basin using water mass analysis and the tracer diffusion method, but there is still lack of direct current measurements. A surface mooring with four current meters was deployed on the Mohn Ridge from June 5 to June 18 in 2015, when three cyclones passed in the adjacent area. In the absence of cyclones, the flow on the Mohn R...  相似文献   

In May, 2007 we sank the remains of a Minke whale (Balaenoptera acutorostrata) in the East Sea, Peter the Great Bay, at 30 m of water near the coast of Big Pelis Island. In the present study we describe the nematode communities in sediments under the implanted whale carcass. Abundance of nematodes increased with the distance from the carcass. Dominant trophic group was non-selective deposit feeders. The highest values of indexes of a specific diversity and evenness were noted in sediments under the whale, while domination index occurred at the highest distance from the whale. The suggestion is made that the cause of low density of nematodes in sediments under the whale is an extreme increase in number of macrofaunal animals, and predation and food competition between macro- and meiofauna. The changes noted in nematode assemblages living in an implanted whale in shallow waters are similar to those in deep-sea assemblages.  相似文献   

A nearshore fish assemblage inhabiting a shallow bay in the southern Bothnian Sea, Sweden, with demanding environmental conditions (c. 5‰; >15°C during 4 months 1980 and 1 month 1981) was studied during a two-year period, in 1980 and 1981. Seasonal distribution patterns, dietary relationships, and growth rates were studied in Pungitius pungitius (L.), Pomatoschistus minutus (Pallas.), Gasterosteus aculeatus (L.), Phoxinus phoxinus (L.), Pomatoschistus microps (Krøyer) and Gobius niger L. The structure of the juvenile populations changed both over seasons and years but the adult populations remained constant. Lower water temperature, fewer individuals, lower and delayed fish growth, and lower interspecific food overlaps were found in 1981 compared to 1980. Few significant correlations were found in both years between the following community parameters: diversity, niche width, food overlap, and the proportion of each species in the fish assemblage.According to these results it is suggested that food competition and resource partitioning were of minor importance for the structuring of the fish community in the present area. Rather, the extreme salinity and the fluctuations in temperature regulated the fish populations. One may conclude that the populations of juveniles were more influenced by short-term changes in the environment than those of the adults.  相似文献   

台风"苏力"是2013年最强的台风之一。本文利用再分析资料、卫星遥感资料及ARGO浮标数据等分析了台风过境所引起的海表面温度(SST)、海表面高度异常(SLA)以及海洋次表层温、盐的变化规律,给出了上层海洋对台风响应的基本特征。台风所经过的海域都存在着明显的降温,在冷涡区域引起了6~7℃的海表温度的冷却,降温区域集中在路径的右侧。台风造成SLA降低,最大为20cm左右。海表温度的变化滞后于海面高度的变化。ARGO浮标数据显示,台风引起了海面的显著降温,最大降温幅度为5℃,位于冷涡内,且位于路径的右侧。路径左侧的SST的降低相对较小,为1.5~2.5℃。台风的扰动导致次表层水涌升到表层,改变了表层的盐度和密度,引起混合层加深。  相似文献   

Using the mesoscale eddy trajectory atlas product derived from satellite altimeter data from 1993 to 2016, this study analyzes statistical characteristics and seasonal variability of mesoscale eddies in the Banda Sea of the Indonesian seas. The results show that there were 147 mesoscale eddies that occurred in the Banda Sea, of which 137 eddies were locally generated and 10 originated from outside. The total numbers of cyclonic eddies(CEs,clockwise) and anticyclonic eddies(AEs, anticlockwise) ar...  相似文献   

Triassic platform-margin deltas in the western Barents Sea   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Early to Middle Triassic in the Barents Sea was dominated by prograding transgressive-regressive sequences. Internal clinoform geometries indicate that sediments were derived from the Baltic Shield in the south and the Uralian Mountains in the east and southeast. These systems were formed in a large, relatively shallow epicontinental basin, where modest variations in relative sea-level relocated the shoreline significantly. This study shows the development of strike elongated depositional wedges that thicken just basinward of the platform-edge. Seismic facies and time-thickness maps show the position and development of platform-margin delta complexes within each sequence. Seismic clinoforms and trajectory analysis show significant lateral variation from the axis of the delta complex to areas adjacent to the main delivery system. Frequent toplap geometries are observed in proximity to coarse-grained deposits, while aggradation of seismic clinoforms characterizes areas laterally to the platform-margin deltas. Complex shifts in depocenters are revealed by large-scale compensational stacking pattern and relict platform breaks. Locally, relict breaks are created due to pre-existing paleo-topography. Platform-margin deltas can be identified by careful mapping of clinoform geometries, clinoform angles and trajectories. However, seismic analysis of prograding clinoform units indicate that the shoreline and delta complexes commonly are positioned landward of the platform-edge. Deposition of platform-margin deltas is sometimes caused by locally increased sediment supply during slightly rising relative sea-level, and occasionally caused by a regional drop in relative sea-level with significant shelf bypass.Development, position, thickness and facies distribution of platform deltas and platform-margin deltas of very broad low-relief basins, like the Triassic of the epicontinental Barents Sea basin, are strongly sensitive to changes in relative sea-level due to rapid emergence and submergence of wide areas, and to changes in position of major rivers supplying sand to the delta systems. In this respect, the depositional model of the present study deviates from models of clinoform successions obtained from small and narrow basins or siliciclastic platforms with high coarse-clastic sediment supply.  相似文献   

The Alboran Ridge is an anticlinorium structure trending N65°E bounded by two main right lateral strikeslip fault systems, one north and one south. These transpressional features connect westward to a pull-apart zone where massive diapirism occurs. The orientation of the diapiric zone is N150°E. That orientation and the right lateral motion along the Alboran Ridge fit a N150°E convergent motion between African and Iberian plates. We suggest that the southern Alboran Basin evolved as an extensional stage from Burdigalian to Langhian and as a transpressional stage during Tortonian to present time.  相似文献   

The structure of the annual-mean shallow meridional overturning circulation(SMOC) in the South China Sea(SCS) and the related water movement are investigated,using simple ocean data assimilation(SODA) outputs.The distinct clockwise SMOC is present above 400 m in the SCS on the climatologically annual-mean scale,which consists of downwelling in the northern SCS,a southward subsurface branch supplying upwelling at around 10°N and a northward surface flow,with a strength of about 1×10~6 m~3/s.The formation mechanisms of its branches are studied separately.The zonal component of the annual-mean wind stress is predominantly westward and causes northward Ekman transport above 50 m.The annual-mean Ekman transport across 18°N is about 1.2×10~6 m~3/s.An annual-mean subduction rate is calculated by estimating the net volume flux entering the thermocline from the mixed layer in a Lagrangian framework.An annual subduction rate of about 0.66×10~6m~3/s is obtained between 17° and 20°N,of which 87% is due to vertical pumping and 13% is due to lateral induction.The subduction rate implies that the subdution contributes significantly to the downwelling branch.The pathways of traced parcels released at the base of the February mixed layer show that after subduction water moves southward to as far as 11°N within the western boundary current before returning northward.The velocity field at the base of mixed layer and a meridional velocity section in winter also confirm that the southward flow in the subsurface layer is mainly by strong western boundary currents.Significant upwelling mainly occurs off the Vietnam coast in the southern SCS.An upper bound for the annual-mean net upwelling rate between 10° and 15°N is 0.7×10~6m~3/s,of which a large portion is contributed by summer upwelling,with both the alongshore component of the southwest wind and its offshore increase causing great upwelling.  相似文献   

南海上层对台风响应的模拟研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用中尺度海气耦合模式对2006年第1号台风Chanchu海气相互作用的模拟结果.分析了南海上层海洋对台风的热力和动力响应特征.研究发现:模拟的chanchu影响下南海SST分布与观测较为符合;与SST降低相对应的是混合层深度普遍增加,较大的海面冷却对应了较大的混合层加深;在台风作用下,海面上产生了一个气旋式环流,随着台风中心的移动而移动.流场呈现明显的不对称结构;模拟结果表明南海对台风的响应具有很明显的近惯性振荡特征.  相似文献   

Kovalev  D. P.  Kovalev  P. D. 《Oceanology》2020,60(6):728-734
Oceanology - The results of an analysis of wave observations in Dvoinaya Bay at the southern part of Matua Island (Kuril Ridge) are reported. Experimental studies were carried out in order to...  相似文献   

Paola Ridge, along the NW Calabrian margin (southern Tyrrhenian Sea), is one of the few reported deep sea sites of precipitation of authigenic carbonates in the Tyrrhenian Sea. Here, the changing composition of the seeping fluids and the dynamic nature of the seepage induced the precipitation of pyrite, siderite and other carbonate phases. The occurrence of this array of authigenic precipitates is thought to be related to fluctuation of the sulfate-methane transition zone (SMTZ).Concretions of authigenic minerals formed in the near sub-bottom sediments of the Paola Ridge were investigated for their geochemical and isotopic composition. These concretions were collected in an area characterized by the presence of two alleged mud volcanoes and three mud diapirs. The mud diapirs are dotted by pockmarks and dissected by normal faults, and are known for having been a site of fluid seepage for at least the past 40 kyrs. Present-day venting activity occurs alongside the two alleged mud volcanoes and is dominated by CO2-rich discharging fluids. This discover led us to question the hypothesis of the mud volcanoes and investigate the origin of the fluids in each different domed structure of the study area.In this study, we used stable isotopes (carbon and oxygen) of carbonates coupled with rare earth element (REE) composition of different carbonate and non-carbonate phases for tracing fluid composition and early diagenesis of authigenic precipitates. The analyses on authigenic precipitates were coupled with chemical investigation of venting gas and sea-water.Authigenic calcite/aragonite concretions, from surficial sediments on diapiric structures, have depleted 13C isotopic composition and slightly positive δ18O values. By contrast, siderite concretions, generally found within the first 6 m of sediments on the alleged mud volcanoes, yielded positive δ13C and δ18O values. The siderite REE pattern shows consistent LREE (light REE) fractionation, MREE (medium REE) enrichment and positive Gd and La anomalies. As shown by the REE distribution, the 13C-depleted composition and their association with chemosymbiotic fauna, calcite/aragonite precipitated at time of moderate to high methane flux close to the seafloor, under the influence of bottom seawater. Authigenic siderite, on the other hand, formed in the subseafloor, during periods of lower gas discharges under prolonged anoxic conditions within sediments in equilibrium with 13C-rich dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) and 18O-rich water, likely related to methanogenesis and intermittent venting of deep-sourced CO2.  相似文献   

The variability of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) over days to a multi-year time span has been investigated in the Gulf of Trieste (northern Adriatic Sea) over a period of 5 years (January 1999 to December 2003). Samples were collected in a grid of 9 to 12 stations on monthly frequency and in one station on weekly (2003) and daily (1-month) frequency. DOC samples were analyzed by the HTCO method. DOC concentration varied over the five years in the range of 50 to 194 μM with annual median values ranging from 88 to 98 μM. Over the years 1999–2002, DOC showed a clear annual periodicity with winter minima and late summer maxima, higher in 1999 and 2000. During 2003 no seasonality was detected. The absence of DOC seasonality and the lower DOC concentrations during 2003 are most likely related to the drought that characterized the whole year. Accumulation was calculated as the difference between averaged winter minima (59 ± 7 μM) and the monthly averaged integrated value. DOC that had accumulated from spring to summer totally disappeared from the water column in winter when DOC concentrations reached the background value. The Gulf of Trieste, as with the rest of the Northern Adriatic each year, seems to be able to bring back DOC concentrations at low levels despite the significant external (mainly Isonzo River inputs) and internal organic matter loads. DOC concentration exhibited quite wide fluctuations weekly and daily, suggesting there might be DOC of different turnover time through production, consumption, migration and accumulation.  相似文献   

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