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In the solar wind, electrostatic ion cyclotron waves can be excited by electrons when the flow velocity becomes supersonic. The waves reduce the proton temperature anisotropy and heat the protons effectively. Temperature equations for T e ,T p and T p are solved numerically in the region from 1 AU to the Sun, with the non-thermal proton heating rate included as a parameter. Distributions of T e ,T p , T p and the proton heating rate are determined and found to be in good agreement with the proton heating rate expected from the linear growth rate of electrostatic ion cyclotron waves. The electron thermal conductivity is reduced approximately 2–3 times smaller than the usual collisional one due to the plasma wave instabilities. Effective energy exchange rates from proton-proton and electron-proton interactions are 1–10 and 10–100 times larger than the Coulomb collision rates v ppand v ep,respectively.  相似文献   

We present Very Large Array observations at wavelengths of 2, 3.5, 6, and 20 cm, of angular broadening of radio sources due to the solar wind in the region 2–16 solar radii. Angular broadening is anisotropic with axial ratios in the range 2–16. Larger axial ratios are observed preferentially at smaller solar distances. Assuming that anisotropy is due to scattering blobs elongated along magnetic field lines, the distribution of position angles of the elliptically broadened images indicates that the field lines are non-radial even at the largest heliocentric distances observed here. At 5R⊙, the major axis scattering angle is ∼ 0.7" atλ= 6 cm and it varies with heliocentric distance asR -1.6. The level of turbulence, characterized by the wave structure function at a scale of 10 km along the major axis, normalized toλ = 20 cm, has a value 20 ± 7 at 5R⊙and varies with heliocentric distance asR -3. Comparison with earlier resu lts suggest that the level of turbulence is higher during solar maximum. Assuming a power-law spectrum of electron density fluctuations, the fitted spectral exponents have values in the range 2.8–3.4 for scale sizes between 2–35 km. The data suggests temporal fluctuations (of up to 10%) in the spectral exponent on a time scale of a few tens of minutes. The observed structure functions at different solar distances do not show any evidence for an inner scale; the upper limits are l k m at 2R⊙ and 4 km at 13R⊙. These upper limits are in conflict with earlier determinations and may suggest a reduced inner scale during solar maximum.  相似文献   

A two-fluid model of the solar wind with anisotropic proton temperature and allowing for extended coronal proton-heating is considered for the case of a purely radial and of a spiral magnetic field. Proton-proton Coulomb-collisions together with a spiral interplanetary magnetic field are found to be sufficient to reduce the thermal anisotropy in the proton gas to a value in agreement with observations. Reasonable values are obtained for the flow-velocity, number density and the protontemperature near the orbit of the Earth.This work was supported by the Norwegian Research Council for Science and the Humanities (E. Leer) and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration under Contract No. NGR-05-009-081.  相似文献   

The stability of the solar wind is studied in the case of spherical symmetry and constant temperature. It is shown that the stability problem must be formulated as a mixed initial and boundary-value problem in which are prescribed the perturbation values of velocity and density at an initial time and additionally the velocity perturbation at the base of the corona for all times. The solution is constructed by linear superposition of normal solutions, which contain the time only in an exponential factor. The stability problem becomes a singular eigenvalue problem for the amplitudes of the velocity and pressure perturbations, since additionally to the boundary condition at the base of the corona one must add the condition that the amplitudes behave regularly at the critical point. It is proved that only stable eigenvalues exist.  相似文献   

PROGNOZ-7 observations of intense “magnetosheath-like” plasma deep inside the high latitude boundary layer, the plasma mantle, indicates that solar wind plasma elements may occasionally penetrate the magnetopause and form high density regions in the plasma mantle. These “magnetosheath-like” regions are usually associated with strong flow of solar wind ions (e.g. H+ and He2+) and the presence of terrestrial ions (e.g. O+). The magnetosheath-like structures may roughly be classified as “newly injected” or “stagnant”. The newly injected structures have characteristics very similar to those found in the magnetosheath, i.e. strong antisunward flow and magnetosheath ion composition and density. The magnetic field characteristics may, however, differ considerably from those found further out in the magnetosheath. The “stagnant” structures are characterized by a reduced plasma flow, a lower density and a different ion composition as compared to that in the magnetosheath. In a few cases newly injected structures were even found in the innermost part of the mantle (i.e. forming a “boundary region” adjacent to the lobe). These cases were also associated with fairly strong fluxes of O+ ions in the outer mantle. Whilst the newly injected type of magnetosheath-like structure contained almost no O+ ions, the stagnant regions were intermixed by an appreciable amount of ionospheric ions. The newly injected and stagnant penetration regions had both in common a diamagnetic decrease of the ambient magnetic field. The newly injected structures, however, were also associated with a considerable reorientation of the magnetic field vector. A common feature for penetration regions well separated from the magnetopause is that they are mainly observed for a southward IMF. A third category of plasma mantle penetrated events, denoted “open magnetopause” events, usually occurred when the IMF was away and northward. Characteristics for these events were a smooth transition/rotation of the magnetic field vector near the magnetopause, and fairly high ion densities in the mantle and the transition region.  相似文献   

Non-linear, three-dimensional, time-dependent fluid simulations of whistler wave turbulence are performed to investigate role of whistler waves in solar wind plasma turbulence in which characteristic turbulent fluctuations are characterized typically by the frequency and length-scales that are, respectively, bigger than ion gyrofrequency and smaller than ion gyroradius. The electron inertial length is an intrinsic length-scale in whistler wave turbulence that distinguishably divides the high-frequency solar wind turbulent spectra into scales smaller and bigger than the electron inertial length. Our simulations find that the dispersive whistler modes evolve entirely differently in the two regimes. While the dispersive whistler wave effects are stronger in the large-scale regime, they do not influence the spectral cascades which are describable by a Kolmogorov-like   k −7/3  spectrum. By contrast, the small-scale turbulent fluctuations exhibit a Navier–Stokes-like evolution where characteristic turbulent eddies exhibit a typical   k −5/3  hydrodynamic turbulent spectrum. By virtue of equipartition between the wave velocity and magnetic fields, we quantify the role of whistler waves in the solar wind plasma fluctuations.  相似文献   

The interaction processes governing the penetration of the interstellar gas into the solar neighbourhood are re-examined — as well as photo-ionization and charge-exchange processes, proton elastic collisions and electron ionizations help reduce the nearby gas densities. The total destruction rate varies little during the solar cycle, by perhaps 10%. Particle heating, particularly via the elastic collisions, determines the gas characteristics in the gravitationally focussed tail—enhanced H-density is prevented, while the He-tail is effectively hotter than 103 K.Termination of the solar wind is rediscussed in the light of both electron heating and the stronger gas/plasma interaction. The spiral interplanetary field is taken to break up and the subsonic plasma flow to be controlled by the pressure of slowly cooling electrons. The terminating collisionless shock is then, if it exists at all, very weak (M 1<1.4), subcritical, and energetically unimportant. Cosmic rays are little affected by this sonic transition, but at least the electron component should be modulated by plasma turbulence throughout the ionizing flow.
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The structure and dynamics of neutral sheets in the solar wind is examined. The internal magnetic topology of the sheet is argued to be that of thin magnetic tongues greatly distended outward by the expansion inside the sheet. Due to finite conductivity effects, outward flow takes place across field lines but is retarded relative to the ambient solar wind by the reverse J×B force. The sheet thickness as well as the internal transverse magnetic field are found to be proportional to the electrical conductivity to the inverse one third power. Estimating a conductivity appropriate for a current carried largely by the ions perpendicular to the magnetic field, we find sheet dimensions of the order of 500km representative for the inner solar corona. For a radial field of strength 1/2G at 2R , the transverse field there is about 2 × 10–3G and decreases outward rapidly.The energy release in the form of Joulean dissipation inside the sheet is estimated. It is concluded that ohmic heating in current sheets is not a significant source of energy for the overall solar wind expansion, mainly because these structures occupy only a small percentage of the total coronal volume. However, the local energy release through this mechanism is found to be large - in fact, over 7 times that expected to be supplied by thermal conduction. Therefore, ohmic heating is probably a dominant energy source for the dynamical conditions within the sheet itself.The National Center for Atmospheric Research is sponsored by the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

The discovery of the solar wind has been an outstanding achievement in heliophysics and space physics. The solar wind plays a crucial role in the processes taking place in the Solar System. In recent decades, it has been recognized as the main factor that controls the terrestrial effects of space weather. The solar wind is an unusual plasma laboratory of giant scale with a fantastic diversity of parameters and operating modes, and devoid of influence from the walls of laboratory plasma systems. It is also the only kind of stellar wind accessible for direct study. The history of this discovery is quite dramatic. Like many remarkable discoveries, it had several predecessors. However, the honor of a discovery usually belongs to a scientist who was able to more fully explain the phenomenon. Such a man is deservedly considered the US theorist Eugene Parker, who discovered the solar wind, as we know it today, almost “with the point of his pen”. In 2017, we will celebrate the 90th anniversary birthday of Eugene Parker.  相似文献   

A catalogue of 346 well defined high-speed plasma streams detected in solar wind observations 1964–75 is presented. The data base for the study is the compilation of interplanetary plasma/magnetic field data prepared by J. King. It is believed that the catalogue may be found useful for studies of various solar-interplanetary and solar-terrestrial phenomena.Proceedings of the 14th ESLAB Symposium on Physics of Solar Variations, 16–19 September 1980, Scheveningen, The Netherlands.  相似文献   

The orientations of tangential discontinuities seen by Mariner 4 are interpreted as implying a sector dependent asymmetry in the north-south component of the solar-wind flow. In two sectors, fast solar wind streams had a southward motion relative to slow streams, in one sector the reverse obtained, and in the remaining sector the asymmetry was not clearly defined. We interpret this as being due to greater pressure in the north hemisphere in two sectors and greater pressure in the south hemisphere in one. It is possible this asymmetry could produce a small average southward magnetic field component.  相似文献   

Some new ideas on the interaction of the solar wind with the magnetosphere are brought forward. The mechanism of reflection of charged particles at the magnetopause is examined. It is shown that in general the reflection is not specular but that a component of momentum of the particle parallel to the magnetopause changes. A critical angle is derived such that particles whose trajectories make an angle less than it with the magnetopause enter the magnetosphere freely, so transferring their forward momentum to it. Spatially or temporally non-uniform entry of charged particles into the magnetosphere causes electric fields parallel to the magnetopause which either allow the free passage of solar wind across it or vacuum reconnection to the interplanetary magnetic field depending on the direction of the latter. These electric fields can be discharged in the ionosphere and so account qualitatively for the dayside agitation of the geomagnetic field observed on the polar caps. The solar wind wind plasma which enters the magnetosphere creates (1) a dawn-dusk electric field across the tail (2) enough force to account for the geomagnetic tail and (3) enough current during disturbed times to account for the auroral electrojets. The entry of solar wind plasma across the magnetosphere and connection of the geomagnetic to interplanetary field can be assisted by wind generated electric field in the ionosphere transferred by the good conductivity along the geomagnetic field to the magnetopause. This may account for some of the observed correlations between phenomena in the lower atmosphere and a component of magnetic disturbance.  相似文献   

Today's challenge for space weather research is to quantitatively predict the dynamics of the magnetosphere from measured solar wind and interplanetary magnetic field(IMF) conditions. Correlative studies between geomagnetic storms(GMSs)and the various interplanetary(IP) field/plasma parameters have been performed to search for the causes of geomagnetic activity and develop models for predicting the occurrence of GMSs, which are important for space weather predictions. We find a possible relation between GMSs and solar wind and IMF parameters in three different situations and also derived the linear relation for all parameters in three situations.On the basis of the present statistical study, we develop an empirical model. With the help of this model, we can predict all categories of GMSs. This model is based on the following fact: the total IMF Btotalcan be used to trigger an alarm for GMSs, when sudden changes in total magnetic field Btotaloccur. This is the first alarm condition for a storm's arrival. It is observed in the present study that the southward Bzcomponent of the IMF is an important factor for describing GMSs. A result of the paper is that the magnitude of Bzis maximum neither during the initial phase(at the instant of the IP shock) nor during the main phase(at the instant of Disturbance storm time(Dst) minimum). It is seen in this study that there is a time delay between the maximum value of southward Bzand the Dst minimum, and this time delay can be used in the prediction of the intensity of a magnetic storm two-three hours before the main phase of a GMS. A linear relation has been derived between the maximum value of the southward component of Bzand the Dst, which is Dst =(-0.06) +(7.65)Bz+ t.Some auxiliary conditions should be fulfilled with this, for example the speed of the solar wind should, on average, be 350 km s-1 to 750 km s-1, plasma β should be low and, most importantly, plasma temperature should be low for intense storms. If the plasma temperature is less than 0.5 × 106 K then the Dst value will be greater than the predicted value of Dst or if temperature is greater than 0.5 × 106 K then the Dst value will be less(some nT).  相似文献   

It has been suggested that the distribution functions characterizing the constituents of the solar coronal plasma are non-Maxwellian. If so, an accurate treatment of the collisional momentum and energy exchange between the plasma constituents within the framework of hydrodynamic models requires a re-evaluation of the general transfer integrals in multi-component plasmas. We have evaluated these integrals numerically for both Maxwellian and non-Maxwellian distribution functions of the plasma species avoiding the standard approximation for the collision cross sections frequently employed in the literature. Significant differences are shown to exist in the energy exchange rates for different distributions. We also demonstrate the inadequacy of the assumption of thermodynamic equilibrium in the innermost solar wind and reveal the importance of an accurate evaluation of the transfer integrals for the solar coronal plasma based on more realistic velocity distributions.Presented at the CESRA-Workshop on Coronal Magnetic Energy Release at Caputh near Potsdam in May 1994.  相似文献   

Preferred bartels days of high-speed plasma streams in the solar wind   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An analysis of 346 high-speed solar wind streams observed at 1 AU during 1964–75 is presented. The analysis shows that a two-sector structure was the dominant feature of the interplanetary magnetic field associated with the high-speed solar wind plasma. The high-speed streams occurred at preferred Bartels days: Positive polarity streams were most frequent near Bartels day 4, negative polarity streams were most frequent near Bartels day 17. Since the solar wind carries with it the photospheric magnetic polarity of the solar source region, the observed distribution of Bartels days must indicate a fundamental property of the distribution of the solar sources of high-speed plasma streams. The observations are explained in terms of a tilted dipole model of the solar-interplanetary field.Proceedings of the 14th ESLAB Symposium on Physics of Solar Variations, 16–19 September 1980, Scheveningen, The Netherlands.  相似文献   

We have investigated the rate of occurrence of solar wind phenomena observed between 1972–1984 using power-spectrum analysis. The data have been taken from the high-speed solar wind (HSSW) stream catalogue published by Mavromichalaki, Vassilaki, and Marmatsouri (1988). The power-spectrum analysis of HSSW events indicates that HSSW stream events have a periodicity of 9 days. This periodicity of HSSW events is of the 27-day period of coronal holes, which are major sources of solar wind events. In our opinion, the 9-day period may be the energy build-up time for coronal hole regions to produce the HSSW stream events.  相似文献   

The hypothesis of a generation or triggering of solar activity by the combined planetary tides on the solar surface is examined by a search for correlations between the sunspot numbers and the tidal amplitudes, using averaged values of several time scales (between one day and eleven years), and taking non-linear amplitude effects into account. The result is negative: There exist no detectable correlations.  相似文献   

We examine a mechanism for breaking down solar wind (SW) speed shears within 1 astronomical unit (a.u.), initiated by the development of the Kelvin-Helmholtz (K-H) instability for typical parameters of the plasma and magnetic field in the interplanetary medium. A semi-empirical SW model has been invoked to derive a distribution of the plasma parameters β = 8πP/B2 and MA2 = (ρν2/2)/(B2/8π) between the Sun and 1 a.u. It is shown that in the vicinity of the Sun, up to heliocentric distances r ≈ 0.1 a.u., the parameters β ? 1, and M2A ? 1 and therefore the magnetic field here may be considered a very strong one. Because of the stabilizing effect of the magnetic field the K-H instability in this region does not develop and a presence of great shears in SW speed with large velocity gradients is possible here.At distances r > 0.1 a.u. the parameters β ? 1, and M2A > 1. Examination of a variety of SW speed profiles showed that the presence of plasma flow velocity shears in this region leads to an excitation of the K-H instability. Numerical analysis results indicate that a principal role in the excitation of this instability is played by oblique waves that propagate at an angle α ≈ 45° to the stream velocity vector.The question of the evolution of the leading front of a high speed SW streams within 1 a.u. is discussed, with a proper account of the influence of competing effects of kinematic steepening and turbulent viscosity, the latter being due to the development of the K-H instability. It is shown that the turbulent viscosity effect in this region is substantial and is capable of ensuring an expansion of the leading front of the high speed SW stream as this moves from 0.3 to 1 a.u., in agreement with experimental evidence reported by Rosenbauer et al. (1977).  相似文献   

Under the geometrical optics approximation we discuss the propagation of a polarized magnetic profile, made up of Alfvén waves, in the solar wind. We show that (i) the profile propagates at an angle to the radial direction (the direction of the solar wind flow), (ii) the radial half-width of the profile stays essentially constant, or even diminishes a little, with distance from the Sun, (iii) the half-width in a direction transverse to the radial direction increases without limit as the magnetic profile moves outward from the Sun. Thus the profile stretches out into a ‘ribbon’ which could, of course, be experimentally identified as a discontinuity. We also give equations for the variation of polarization of the profile, and illustrate the behavior of polarization in a simple case. We have done these calculations to show that the production of ‘discontinuities’ in the solar wind can arise from propagation effects on irregularly shaped ‘blobs’ of magnetic field, as well as from other causes.  相似文献   

Plasma data from Pioneers 6–7 and from a variety of satellites operating near the Earth are used to investigate the heliographic latitude dependence of the solar wind bulk speed near the sunspot maximum. No evidence is found for a latitude effect: the latitudinal gradient, if any, turns out to be 2 km (sec degree)–1, to be compared with the gradient of 10 km (sec degree)–1 observed in periods of low or moderate solar activity.  相似文献   

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