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董瑞杰 《地理教学》2021,(2):14-17,34
问题链提供了一种地理概念教学的思路和方法,对学生的深度学习有极强的引领作用。本文阐述问题链的内涵,分析问题链对地理概念教学的纽带作用,对问题链应用于地理概念教学的环节进行分析并举例说明,最后提出地理概念问题链教学的要点。  相似文献   

随着高中新版课程标准、新教材的实施推进,课堂教学转型面临严峻挑战。“问题链导学”秉持问题导向、亲历探究与学生立场,通过以学定标、依标施策、因策设法三条链式导学路径,实现在学习经历中推进学习进阶,在学习进阶中落实地理学科核心素养的培育。  相似文献   

梁颖思  冯桂萍 《地理教学》2021,(23):33-36,41
本文以"巴西"为例,阐明了在"研学后教"升级版课堂中开展深度学习、有效设计"研学问题链"是中学地理有效教学的核心,也是落实学生地理核心素养的有效途径.因此,本文构建了以"研学问题链"为核心的深度学习路径,并探讨了深度学习视角下地理问题链的优化设计路径,提出了深度学习下初中地理问题链的实施策略.  相似文献   

王卫兴 《地理教学》2021,(10):18-21,45
随着新课标的实施与新教材的使用,深度学习已经成为新课程改革的焦点.本文将问题式教学作为地理教学的主要方式,将基于问题的教学策略融入到地理学习过程中,以"设疑—解疑—质(释)疑"开展教学设计和教学评价,激励学生在课堂中进行深度学习,凸显学生的学习主体性,优化学生的思维品质,实现地理核心素养的培育目标.  相似文献   

牛民吉 《地理教学》2021,(18):29-32
在教育领域中,深度学习是由教师的科学引导和学生的深度认知组成的,目的是让学生学会构建知识模型和具备自学能力,能对给定的地理事象从多个角度自主分析和解决问题;"问题驱动"式教学策略则是从技术层面上帮助学生实现学科知识的深度学习,在会话中完成深度理解.为此,本文通过在课堂教学环节中搭建学习支架,设计不同维度、层级和梯度的问题链来推动课堂流程,探究"问题驱动"式教学策略在课堂"深度学习"中的作用.  相似文献   

课堂是落实地理核心素养的主阵地,创设深度学习的课堂教学情境是实现核心素养目标的重要途径。深度学习是一种着力于培育学生分析、综合和评价能力的指向较高认知水平层次的思维发展活动。本节课选择浙江塘栖作为区域背景,由浅入深地分析材料,建立合作探究式课堂。课堂教学中,通过"分析、综合和评价"等行为动词,设计层层递进的问题链,激发学生进行深度学习与思考。通过创设真实情境的学习,既调动了学生的学习兴趣,落实了新课标学科课程要求,同时也培养了学生关注生活、热爱家乡的情怀。  相似文献   

在自主学习理念下,基于学情和学科特点设计预习的内容并进行类型的划分。针对预习效果,实现课堂教学对接,促进教学向生成性、实践性、研究性转化。本文以“宇宙中的地球”为例,探讨预习内容的设计与课堂对接,并对“地理1”模块的实践效果进行问卷调查统计和实践反思。  相似文献   

《The Journal of geography》2012,111(7):422-429

The purpose of this article is to introduce the use of the collage as a teaching technique to teachers of geography. The collage is presented within the context of a teaching unit in which emphasis is placed upon unit objectives, teaching techniques, and evaluation methods. Methods used to relate the college to subject matter content are stressed. It is demonstrated that the collage stimulates and increases student participation in the learning process and enhances the possibilities of meaningful, learning experiences. It is concluded that the collage has great potential as a non-verbal medium of communication, considerable usefulness at almost any instructional level, and applicability to a large range of geography and social science subject matter.  相似文献   


In the last few years a great deal of educational literature has been devoted to the concept of individualized learning in an open classroom, i This approach is based on the premise that students are capable of analytical and creative thought when given the opportunity to work on their own initiative and at their own rates. It is an alternative to the traditional teacher-centered classroom and is justified by the belief that the student learns more effectively when he is interested; that the student develops greater responsibility; that the slower, generally passive student is brought into a position of active participation in the learning process.

Little has been written about the applicability of such an approach to the field of geography. Interest in this method prompted the author to experiment with such a program in her own classes during her first year of teaching. This article describes the results of individualized learning in two ninth grade physical geography classes conducted at Western Illinois University's Laboratory School.  相似文献   

汪洋 《地理教学》2019,(11):17-21
基于具身认知理论,尝试构建具身学习环境,在具身学习环境中,优化地理课堂学习活动,即层次化学习活动目标、最优化学习活动策略、沉浸化学习活动任务、交互化学习活动共同体、可视化学习活动评价,并通过"月相"课堂教学案例做详实的阐述。  相似文献   

《The Journal of geography》2012,111(4):197-198

The videotape and other technological innovations are powerful tools for enhancing classroom learning. Teachers can fall into the trap of simply turning on the VCR while students watch with unstimulated and unchallenged minds. This article offers a technique that engages students in active, reflective thought by utilizing the National Geographic Society videotape, Connections. Using the videotape narrative prior to viewing provides students with opportunities to become critical consumers of technology.  相似文献   

地理实践力是地理核心素养的重要组成部分,是地理课堂教学中核心素养培养的薄弱环节。本文针对高中地理课堂中中学生地理实践力培养存在的问题进行探究,并从教学目标、教学内容、教学方法、教学评价等方面对地理实践力的培养提出优化建议,以期为广大教师地理教学提供借鉴与参考。  相似文献   

《The Journal of geography》2012,111(6):285-295

The purpose of this article is to describe a capstone course in undergraduate student geographical research in which GIS and other geospatial tools were used to teach undergraduate students basic geographical principles. The course uses the “cooperative learning” pedagogical approach to address one of a number of client-supplied research projects, chosen on the basis of logistical difficulty, time, student ability, and project importance. In the connection of primary data with existing data, students confronted a number of important research issues such as mapping ethics, database design and management, time management, group dynamics, and research limitations.  相似文献   

This work shares a time-sensitive framework for teaching GIS to educators of all levels and disciplines. Existing relationships with teachers enabled the addition of GIS content in professional development activities. The amount of time devoted to GIS-related content varied depending on time made available for interaction with the audience. Content audiences included geography, history, social studies, science, agriculture, religion, and math teachers. The framework was developed, tested, and refined over a period of six years, during thirty-six trainings, and with 580 educators. Use of this framework emphasizes that not one size fits all in GIS education and that GIS can work for any teacher, their content, their classroom, and their time availability.  相似文献   

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