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The Cretaceous Mount Daniel Complex (MDC) in northern Fiordland, New Zealand was emplaced as a 50 m-thick dyke and sheet complex into an active shear zone at the base of a Cordilleran magmatic arc. It was emplaced below the 20–25 km-thick, 125.3?±?1.3 Ma old Western Fiordland Orthogneiss (WFO) and is characterized by metre-scale sheets of sodic, low and high Sr/Y diorites and granites. 119.3?±?1.2 Ma old, pre-MDC lattice dykes and 117.4?±?3.1 Ma late-MDC lattice dykes constrain the age of the MDC itself. Most dykes were isoclinally folded as they intruded, but crystallised within this deep-crustal, magma-transfer zone as the terrain cooled and was buried from 25 to 50 km (9–14 kbar), based on published P-T estimated from the surrounding country rocks. Zircon grains formed under these magmatic/granulite facies metamorphic conditions were initially characterized by conservatively assigning zircons with oscillatory zoning as igneous and featureless rims as metamorphic, representing 54% of the analysed grains. Further petrological assignment involved additional parameters such as age, morphology, Th/U ratios, REE patterns and Ti-in-zircon temperature estimates. Using this integrative approach, assignment of analysed grains to metamorphic or igneous groupings improved to 98%. A striking feature of the MDC is that only?~?2% of all igneous zircon grains reflect emplacement, so that the zircon cargo was almost entirely inherited, even in dioritic magmas. Metamorphic zircons of MDC show a cooler temperature range of 740–640 °C, reflects the moderate ambient temperature of the lower crust during MDC emplacement. The MDC also provides a cautionary tale: in the absence of robust field and microstructural relations, the igneous-zoned zircon population at 122.1?±?1.3 Ma, derived mostly from inherited zircons of the WFO, would be meaningless in terms of actual magmatic emplacement age of MDC, where the latter is further obscured by younger (ca. 114 Ma) metamorphic overgrowths. Thus, our integrative approach provides the opportunity to discriminate between igneous and metamorphic zircon within deep-crustal complexes. Also, without the tight field relations at Mt Daniel, the scatter beyond a statistically coherent group might be ascribed to the presence of “antecrysts”, but it is clear that the WFO solidified before the MDC was emplaced, and these older “igneous” grains are inherited. The bimodal age range of inherited igneous grains, dominated by ~?125 Ma and 350–320 Ma age clusters, indicate that the adjacent WFO and a Carboniferous metaigneous basement were the main sources of the MDC magmas. Mafic lenses, stretched and highly attenuated into wisps within the MDC and dominated by ~?124 Ma inherited zircons, are considered to be entrained restitic material from the WFO. A comparison with lower- and upper-crustal, high Sr/Y metaluminous granites elsewhere in Fiordland shows that zircon inheritance is common in the deep crust, near the source region, but generally much less so in coeval, shallow magma chambers (plutons). This is consistent with previous modelling on rapid zircon dissolution rates and high Zr saturation concentrations in metaluminous magmas. Accordingly, unless unusual circumstances exist, such as MDC preservation in the deep crust, low temperatures of magma generation, or rapid emplacement and crystallization at higher structural levels, information on zircon inheritance in upper crustal, Cordilleran plutons is lost during zircon dissolution, along with information on the age, nature and variety of the source material. The observation that dioritic magmas can form at these low temperatures (<?750 °C) also suggests that the petrogenesis of mafic rocks in the arc root might need to be re-assessed.  相似文献   

The Arthur River Complex is a suite of gabbroic to dioritic orthogneisses in northern Fiordland, New Zealand. The Arthur River Complex separates rocks of the Median Tectonic Zone, a Mesozoic island arc complex, from Palaeozoic rocks of the palaeo‐Pacific Gondwana margin, and is itself intruded by the Western Fiordland Orthogneiss. New SHRIMP U/Pb single zircon data are presented for magmatic, metamorphic and deformation events in the Arthur River Complex and adjacent rocks from northern Fiordland. The Arthur River Complex orthogneisses and dykes are dominated by magmatic zircon dated at 136–129 Ma. A dioritic orthogneiss that occurs along the eastern margin of the Complex is dated at 154.4 ± 3.6 Ma and predates adjacent plutons of the Median Tectonic Zone. Rims on zircon cores from this sample record a thermal event at c. 120 Ma, attributed to the emplacement of the Western Fiordland Orthogneiss. Migmatitic Palaeozoic orthogneiss from the Arthur River Complex (346 ± 6 Ma) is interpreted as deformed wall rock. Very fine rims (5–20 µm) also indicate a metamorphic age of c. 120–110 Ma. A post‐tectonic pegmatite (81.8 ± 1.8 Ma) may be related to phases of crustal extension associated with the opening of the Tasman Sea. The Arthur River Complex is interpreted as a batholith, emplaced at mid‐crustal levels and then buried to deep crustal levels due to convergence of the Median Tectonic Zone arc and the continental margin.  相似文献   

We investigate a low‐strain outcrop of the lower crust, the Pembroke Granulite, exposed in northern Fiordland, New Zealand, which exhibits localized partial melting. Migmatite and associated tschermakite–clinozoisite (TC) gneiss form irregular, elongate bodies that cut a two‐pyroxene–pargasite (PP) gneiss. Gradational boundaries between rock types, and the progressive nature of changes in mineral assemblage, microstructure and chemistry are consistent with the TC gneiss and migmatite representing modified versions of the PP gneiss. Modification is essentially isochemical, where partial modification involves hydration of the assemblage and mineral chemistry changes, and complete modification involves additional recrystallization and in situ partial melt production. Microstructures of quartz and plagioclase, including small dihedral angles, string of beads textures and films surrounding amphibole and garnet grains are consistent with the former presence of melt in modified rock types. The documented rock modification is attributed to melt–rock interaction occurring during porous melt flow of a dominantly externally derived, hydrous silicate melt. Microstructures indicate melt flow occurred along grain boundaries and field relationships show it was focused into channels tens of metres wide, with preference for following the pre‐existing foliation. Melt–rock interaction at the grain scale resulted in hydration and modification of the host PP gneiss, which resulted in localized partial melting. These relationships indicate prograde hydration during localized melt–rock interaction drove migmatization of the lower crust.  相似文献   

The western Fiordland Orthogneiss (WFO) is an extensive composite metagabbroic to dioritic arc batholith that was emplaced at c. 20–25 km crustal depth into Palaeozoic and Mesozoic gneiss during collision and accretion of the arc with the Mesozoic Pacific Gondwana margin. Sensitive high‐resolution ion microprobe U–Pb zircon data from central and northern Fiordland indicate that WFO plutons were emplaced throughout the early Cretaceous (123.6 ± 3.0, 121.8 ± 1.7, 120.0 ± 2.6 and 115.6 ± 2.4 Ma). Emplacement of the WFO synchronous with regional deformation and collisional‐style orogenesis is illustrated by (i) coeval ages of a post‐D1 dyke (123.6 ± 3.0 Ma) and its host pluton (121.8 ± 1.7 Ma) at Mt Daniel and (ii) coeval ages of pluton emplacement and metamorphism/deformation of proximal paragneiss in George and Doubtful Sounds. The coincidence emplacement and metamorphic ages indicate that the WFO was regionally significant as a heat source for amphibolite to granulite facies metamorphism. The age spectra of detrital zircon populations were characterized for four paragneiss samples. A paragneiss from Doubtful Sound shows a similar age spectrum to other central Fiordland and Westland paragneiss and SE Australian Ordovician sedimentary rocks, with age peaks at 600–500 and 1100–900 Ma, a smaller peak at c. 1400 Ma, and a minor Archean component. Similarly, one sample of the George Sound paragneiss has a significant Palaeozoic to Archean age spectrum, however zircon populations from the George Sound paragneiss are dominated by Permo‐Triassic components and thus are markedly different from any of those previously studied in Fiordland.  相似文献   

Garnet granulite facies mid‐to lower crust in Fiordland, New Zealand, provides evidence for pulsed intrusion and deformation occurring in the mid‐to lower crust of magmatic arcs. 238U‐206Pb zircon ages constrain emplacement of the ~595 km2 Malaspina Pluton to 116–114 Ma. Nine Sm‐Nd garnet ages (multi‐point garnet‐rock isochrons) ranging from 115.6 ± 2.6 to 110.6 ± 2.0 Ma indicate that garnet granulite facies metamorphism was synchronous or near synchronous throughout the pluton. Hence, partial melting and garnet granulite facies metamorphism lasted <5 Ma and began within 5 Ma of pluton emplacement. Garnet granulite facies L‐S tectonites in the eastern part of the Malaspina Pluton record the onset of extensional strain and arc collapse. An Sm‐Nd garnet age and thermobarometric results for these rocks directly below the amphibolite facies Doubtful Sound shear zone provide the oldest known age for extension in Fiordland at ≥112.8 ± 2.2 Ma at ~920 °C and 14–15 kbar. Narrow high Ca rims in garnet from some of these suprasolidus rocks could reflect a ≤ 1.5 kbar pressure increase, but may be largely a result of temperature decrease based on the Ca content of garnet predicted from pseudosections. At peak metamorphic conditions >900 °C, garnet contained ~4000 ppm Ti; subsequently, rutile inclusions grew during declining temperature with limited pressure change. Garnet granulite metamorphism of the Malaspina Pluton is c. 10 Ma younger than similar metamorphism of the Pembroke Granulite in northern Fiordland; therefore, high‐P metamorphism and partial melting must have been diachronous for this >3000 km² area of mid‐to‐lower crust. Thus, two or more pulses of intrusion shortly followed by garnet granulite metamorphism and extensional strain occurred from north to south along the axis of the lower crustal root of the Cretaceous Gondwana arc.  相似文献   

U-Pb isotopic analyses of zircons from a distinctive suite of previously undated granulite facies metaplutonic rocks, here termed the Western Fiordland Orthogneiss (WFO), in Fiordland, southwest New Zealand, indicate synkinematic magmatic emplacement between 120 and 130 Ma ago. These rocks were previously interpreted as possibly being of Precambrian age. Initial Pb and Sr ratios are consistent with arc/subduction related magmagenesis with little or no involvement of ancient continental crust. Subsequent high pressure (>12 kb) metamorphism of the WFO may reflect a major collision event involving crustal thickening by overthrusting of a >15 km thick sequence. Metamorphism ceased 116 Ma ago based on206Pb/238U ages of zircon from a retrogressed granulite. U-Pb isotopic analysis of apatite, along with previously published Rb/Sr mineral ages, indicate that final uplift and cooling to <300–400° C was largely completed by 90 Ma. The average uplift rate during this period is inferred to have been in excess of 1 mm/yr.Unmetamorphosed gabbronorites of the Darran Complex in eastern Fiordland, inferred by some investigators to be the granulite protolith, yield concordant U/Pb zircon ages of 137±1 Ma. U-Pb ages of apatite, and previously published K/Ar mineral ages indicate that these rocks experienced a rapid and simple cooling history lasting only a few million years. The high-grade WFO and unmetamorphosed Darran Complex are now separated by a profound structural break. However, the ages and similarities in initial Pb and Sr isotopic ratios suggest that both suites are products of the same Early Cretaceous cycle of subduction-related magmatism. The timing of Early Cretaceous magmatism and metamorphism, collision and resultant crustal thickening, and subsequent great uplift and erosion in Fiordland has important implications for terrane accretion and the evolution of relative plate motions along the New Zealand segment of the Gondwana margin.  相似文献   

Pods of granulite facies dioritic gneiss in the Pembroke Valley, Milford Sound, New Zealand, preserve peritectic garnet surrounded by trondhjemitic leucosome and vein networks, that are evidence of high‐P partial melting. Garnet‐bearing trondhjemitic veins extend into host gabbroic gneiss, where they are spatially linked with the recrystallization of comparatively low‐P two‐pyroxene‐hornblende granulite to fine‐grained high‐P garnet granulite assemblages in garnet reaction zones. New data acquired using a Laser Ablation Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometer (LA‐ICPMS) for minerals in various textural settings indicate differences in the partitioning of trace elements in the transition of the two rock types to garnet granulite, mostly due to the presence or absence of clinozoisite. Garnet in the garnet reaction zone (gabbroic gneiss) has a distinct trace element pattern, inherited from reactant gabbroic gneiss hornblende. Peritectic garnet in the dioritic gneiss and garnet in trondhjemitic veins from the Pembroke Granulite have trace element patterns inherited from the melt‐producing reaction in the dioritic gneiss. The distinct trace element patterns of garnet link the trondhjemitic veins geochemically to sites of partial melting in the dioritic gneiss.  相似文献   

The Marguerite Amphibolite and associated rocks in northern Fiordland, New Zealand, contain evidence for retention of Carboniferous metamorphic assemblages through Cretaceous collision of an arc, emplacement of large volumes of mafic magma, high‐P metamorphism and then extensional exhumation. The amphibolite occurs as five dismembered aluminous meta‐gabbroic xenoliths up to 2 km wide that are enclosed within meta‐leucotonalite of the Lake Hankinson Complex. A first metamorphic event (M1) is manifest in the amphibolite as a pervasively lineated pargasite–anorthite–kyanite or corundum ± rutile assemblage, and as diffusion‐zoned garnet in pelitic schist xenoliths within the amphibolite. Thin zones of metasomatically Al‐enriched leucotonalite directly at the margins of each amphibolite xenolith indicate element redistribution during M1 and equilibration at 6.6 ± 0.8 kbar and 618 ± 25 °C. A second phase of recrystallization (M2) formed patchy and static margarite ± kyanite–staurolite–chlorite–plagioclase–epidote assemblages in the amphibolite, pseudomorphs of coronas in gabbronorite, and thin high‐grossular garnet rims in the pelitic schists. Conditions of M2, 8.8 ± 0.6 kbar and 643 ± 27 °C, are recorded from the rims of garnet in the pelitic schists. Cathodoluminescence imaging and simultaneous acquisition of U‐Th‐Pb isotopes and trace elements by depth‐profiling zircon grains from one pelitic schist reveals four stages of growth, two of which are metamorphic. The first metamorphic stage, dated as 340.2 ± 2.2 Ma, is correlated with M1 on the basis that the unusual zircon trace element compositions indicate growth from a metasomatic fluid derived from the surrounding amphibolite during penetrative deformation. A second phase of zircon overgrowth coupled with crosscutting relationships date M2 to between 119 and 117 Ma. The Early Carboniferous event has not previously been recognized in northern Fiordland, whereas the latter event, which has been identified in Early Cretaceous batholiths, their xenoliths, and rocks directly at batholith margins, is here shown to have also affected the country rock. However, the effects of M2 are fragmentary due to limited element mobility, lack of deformation, distance from a heat source and short residence time in the lower crust during peak P and T. It is possible that many parts of the Fiordland continental arc achieved high‐P conditions in the Early Cretaceous but retain earlier metamorphic or igneous assemblages.  相似文献   

A generalised crustal structure of Fiordland is proposed.Detailed mapping in part of Western Fiordland has led to the recognition of a basement granulite facies lower crustal material, probably Precambrian in age) separated by a regional thrust zone from a cover sequence (amphibolite facies gneisses, of Lower Paleozoic age). With the recognition of the basement—cover relationship and the aid of aeromagnetic anomalies Fiordland has been divided into four, generally north-northeast trending, regions. The Western Fiordland region is composed chiefly of basement rocks. The Central Fiordland and Southwestern Fiordland regions are made up predominantly of amphibolite and greenschist-facies metasediments and gneissic granodiorites of the cover sequence, which in Central Fiordland have a regional dip to the east, off the basement. The Eastern Fiordland region is characterised by a series of basic, intermediate and acid intrusive rocks. The more prominent magnetic anomalies in Eastern Fiordland, Southwestern Fiordland, and a large anomaly off the coast of Western Fiordland, are all considered to be caused by intrusive bodies. The presence of a positive gravity anomaly over Western Fiordland, coupled with a gravity low offshore, is consistent with the lower crust being uplifted and exposed in this area. Continuing shallow and intermediate-depth seismic activity beneath Fiordland, as well as the large size of the gravity anomaly, suggest that tectonic forces are currently acting to maintain Western Fiordland at its unusually high level.Fiordland thus displays a cross-section of continental crust: Precambrian(?) metaigneous granulites in the lower crust; Lower Paleozoic metasedimentary amphibolitefacies gneisses and melted equivalents in the middle crust; Mesozoic intrusives, and overlying Cretaceous and Tertiary sediments in the upper crust.  相似文献   

Previous U–Pb zircon dating of the Pomona Island Granite (PIG) pluton (South Island, New Zealand) yielded either Permo-Carboniferous or Late Jurassic ages for five samples essentially indistinguishable in their field, petrographic, and geochemical characteristics. Detailed cathodoluminescence imaging and LA-ICP-MS dating of zircon in new and previously dated samples reveal that portions of the pluton contain either delicately oscillatory-zoned Late Jurassic zircon grains with rare Permo-Carboniferous cores, or Permo-Carboniferous grains with ubiquitous but thin Late Jurassic rims. Based on zircon dissolution-overgrowth textures, zircon rim and core trace element compositions, and the limited extent of sub-solidus rock recrystallisation textures, the bipartite age distribution is unlikely to reflect variable Pb-loss or metamorphic re-equilibration. Magmatic Zr-saturation temperatures were ≥851°C for samples dominated by Jurassic zircon and ≤809°C for samples with a predominance of Permo-Carboniferous zircon. Together, these data are consistent with PIG magmas having been derived from partial melting of a Permo-Carboniferous felsic igneous source at variable temperature wholly in the Late Jurassic (157 ± 3 Ma). The lowest temperature melts would have been incapable of dissolving significant amounts of pre-existing zircon and consequently generated inheritance-rich magmas, with the very thin rims on the pre-existing zircon grains the only evidence of the Late Jurassic magmatic age. As the partial melting temperature increased and nearly all pre-existing zircon grains dissolved into the magma, an inheritance-poor batch of melt was generated, which precipitated new zircon grains upon crystallisation. Concentrations of major and many trace elements in both magma batches may have been buffered by retention of residual quartz and feldspar in the source, which would explain the limited geochemical differences between inheritance-rich and inheritance-poor portions.  相似文献   

Regionally extensive two-pyroxene granulites in Fiordland, southwest New Zealand, are products of metamorphism of a suite of anhydrous magmas which crystallized two pyroxenes. The granulite protolith (igneous charnockitic rock) synkinematically intruded metasediment and other orthogneiss in an Early Cretaceous subduction-related magmatic arc, and during cooling experienced deformation-induced recrystallization to form granoblastic gneiss. The granulites occur side by side with coeval rocks of amphibolite facies. Mineral zoning and textural relationships in both granulites and amphibolite facies rocks provide evidence of two distinct periods of crystallization: 1) an early high temperature, comparatively low pressure event accompanying magmatic intrusion (andalusite-sillimanite facies series recorded locally in the country rock), followed by 2) high pressure metamorphism under conditions of 650°–700° C at 12–13 kbar. Garnet granulite locally overprinted earlier formed two-pyroxene granulite during the latter event. The pressure increase (6 kbar) between the two events is attributed to crustal thickening by overthrusting, and is equivalent to unloading of a 20 km thick slab over rocks already buried at mid-crustal depths. Both events occurred over a < 20 m.y. interval, between the time of magmatic emplacement of the granulite protolith and uplift-controlled final cooling of the terrain. The Phanerozoic granulites in Fiordland share some petrologic similarities with Precambrian granulite terrains, suggesting that at least some aspects of the former may serve as a useful model for development of the latter.  相似文献   

Fiordland, New Zealand exposes the lower crustal root of an Early Cretaceous magmatic arc that now forms one of Earth's most extensive high‐P granulite facies belts. The Arthur River Complex, a dioritic to gabbroic suite in northern Fiordland, is part of the root of the arc, and records an Early Cretaceous history of emplacement, tectonic burial, and high‐P granulite facies metamorphism that accompanied partial melting of the crust. Late random intergrowths of kyanite, quartz and plagioclase partially pseudomorph minerals in the earlier high‐T assemblages of the Arthur River Complex, indicating high‐P cooling of an over thickened crustal root by c. 200 °C. The kyanite intergrowths are themselves partially pseudomorphed by paragonite, commonly in the presence of phengitic white mica. Biotite–plagioclase intergrowths that partially pseudomorph phengitic white mica and diopside–plagioclase intergrowths that partially pseudomorph jadeitic diopside, combined with published thermochronology results, are consistent with later rapid decompression. A short duration anticlockwise P–T path may be explained by the high‐P juxtaposition of comparatively cool upper crustal rocks following their tectonic burial and under thrusting during the waning stages of Early Cretaceous orogenesis. This was then followed by the decompression giving the rapid exhumation within 20 Myr of peak metamorphism, as suggested by the isotopic data.  相似文献   

Four aluminosilicate-bearing, amphibolite facies pelitic schists sampled from the root of the long-lived eastern Gondwana continental magmatic arc now exposed in southwest Fiordland, New Zealand, record remarkably different P–T–t histories. The four samples were collected from within 20 km of each other within the Fanny Bay Group and Deep Cove Gneiss near Dusky Sound. Integrated petrography, mineral chemistry, mineral equilibria modelling and in situ electron microprobe chemical dating of monazite shows that the sample of the Fanny Bay Group south of the Dusky Fault records a Carboniferous history with peak conditions of 4–4.5 kbar at 570–590 °C, while one sample of the Deep Cove Gneiss from Long Island records a Cretaceous history with apparent peak conditions of 7.5 kbar at 650 °C. Two other samples of the Deep Cove Gneiss from Resolution Island record mixed Carboniferous and Cretaceous histories with apparent peak conditions of 7 kbar at 650 °C and 3–7 kbar at 640–720 °C. The metapelitic schists on Resolution Island were intruded by arc magmas including the voluminous high- P Western Fiordland Orthogneiss, yet they lack mineralogical evidence of the Cretaceous high- P (>12 kbar) event. Analysis of water isopleths in a model system shows that the amount of water accommodated in the rock mineral assemblage increases with pressure. With the exhaustion of all free water, and without the addition of external water, these rocks persisted metastably within the deep arc during the high- P event. The emplacement of large volumes of diorite (i.e. the Western Fiordland Orthogneiss) into the root of the Early Cretaceous continental magmatic arc did not lead to regional granulite facies metamorphism of the country rock schists, as large volumes of amphibolite facies rock metamorphosed under medium- P conditions persisted metastably in the deep arc crust.  相似文献   

Granulite facies gabbroic and dioritic gneisses in the Pembroke Valley, Milford Sound, New Zealand, are cut by vertical and planar garnet reaction zones in rectilinear patterns. In gabbroic gneiss, narrow dykes of anorthositic leucosome are surrounded by fine‐grained garnet granulite that replaced the host two‐pyroxene hornblende granulite at conditions of 750 °C and 14 kbar. Major and trace element whole‐rock geochemical data indicate that recrystallization was mostly isochemical. The anorthositic veins cut contacts between gabbroic gneiss and dioritic gneiss, but change in morphology at the contacts, from the anorthositic vein surrounded by a garnet granulite reaction zone in the gabbroic gneiss, to zones with a septum of coarse‐grained garnet surrounded by anorthositic leucosome in the dioritic gneiss. The dioritic gneiss also contains isolated garnet grains enclosed by leucosome, and short planar trains of garnet grains linked by leucosome. Partial melting of the dioritic gneiss, mostly controlled by hornblende breakdown at water‐undersaturated conditions, is inferred to have generated the leucosomes. The form of the leucosomes is consistent with melt segregation and transport aided by fracture propagation; limited retrogression suggests considerable melt escape. Dyking and melt escape from the dioritic gneiss are inferred to have propagated fractures into the gabbroic gneiss. The migrating melt scavenged water from the surrounding gabbroic gneiss and induced the limited replacement by garnet granulite.  相似文献   

Relocation of well observed, intermediate depth earthquakes in the Fiordland region by the method of joint hypocentre determination has revealed some fine structure in the Benioff zone. The earthquakes occur in three groups. The central group is the largest and occupies a planar volume less than 15 km thick striking N40°E and dipping at 80°. The deepest events in the region, at depths of 150 km, occur at the northeast end of this group. The two smaller groups lie to the northeast and to the south of the main group. The focal mechanism of the majority of the main group is that of thrust faulting. We suggest that the main group lies within a section of Indian plate lithosphere which has been broken off and rotated into its observed position and that the northern edge of the unbroken subducted Indian plate is indicated by the southern group. We suggest that the small northeastern group has quite a different tectonic origin and is similar to a group of earthquakes further north which are at a similar distance from, and presumably related to, the Alpine Fault.Use has also been made of the travel-time information which is a by-product of the joint hypocentre method to construct upper mantle velocity models for P and S waves in the South Island. The features of this model are a high-velocity region in the vicinity of the Benioff zone, and a subcrustal zone of high seismic velocities running east-west across the center of the South Island in an otherwise normal mantle.  相似文献   

In southwest New Zealand, a suite of felsic diorite intrusions known as the Western Fiordland Orthogneiss (WFO) were emplaced into the mid to deep crust and partially recrystallized to high‐P (12 kbar) granulite facies assemblages. This study focuses on the southern most pluton within the WFO suite (Malaspina Pluton) between Doubtful and Dusky sounds. New mapping shows intrusive contacts between the Malaspina Pluton and adjacent Palaeozoic metasedimentary country rocks with a thermal aureole ~200–1000 m wide adjacent to the Malaspina Pluton in the surrounding rocks. Thermobarometry on assemblages in the aureole indicates that the Malaspina Pluton intruded the adjacent amphibolite facies rocks while they were at depths of 10–14 kbar. Similar P–T conditions are recorded in high‐P granulite facies assemblages developed locally throughout the Malaspina Pluton. Palaeozoic rocks more than ~200–1000 m from the Malaspina Pluton retain medium‐P mid‐amphibolite facies assemblages, despite having been subjected to pressures of 10–14 kbar for > 5 Myr. These observations contradict previous interpretations of the WFO Malaspina Pluton as the lower plate of a metamorphic core complex, everywhere separated from the metasedimentary rocks by a regional‐scale extensional shear zone (Doubtful Sound Shear Zone). Slow reaction kinetics, lack of available H2O, lack of widespread penetrative deformation, and cooling of the Malaspina Pluton thermal anomaly within c. 3–4 Myr likely prevented recrystallization of mid amphibolite facies assemblages outside the thermal aureole. If not for the evidence within the thermal aureole, there would be little to suggest that gneissic rocks which underlie several 100 km2 of southwest New Zealand had experienced metamorphic pressures of 10–14 kbar. Similar high‐P metamorphic events may therefore be more common than presently recognized.  相似文献   

Adakites have a distinct chemistry that links them to melting of a mafic source at high pressure. They have been attributed to melting of subducted oceanic crust or melting of the mafic crustal roots of thick continental arcs, and are an important contrast to mantle wedge melting as a means of generating continental crust. We report the first direct evidence for the generation of adakitic melts in mafic lower continental crust, in an exhumed Cretaceous arc in the South Island of New Zealand. The lower crustal Pembroke Granulite has the bulk chemistry and partial melting textures involving peritectic garnet appropriate for a source region for an adakitic melt. The melt migrated from the area through a fracture network now filled with trondhjemitic veins. Emplacement of the melt was in the upper crust of the Cretaceous section, illustrated by the presence of coeval adakites in the upper crustal Nelson-Westland region.  相似文献   

To date, few adakitic rocks have been reported in direct association with contemporary intra-continental extensional structures, which has cast doubt on genetic models involving partial melting of the lower crust. This study presents Early Cretaceous (143-129 Ma, new Sensitive high-resolution ion microprobe (SHRIMP) zircon U-Pb ages) adakitic granites, which are directly associated with a contemporary metamorphic core complex (i.e., the Northern Dabie Complex in the Dabie area). These granites exhibit relatively high Sr contents, negligible to positive Eu and Sr anomalies, high La/Yb and Sr/Y ratios, but very low Yb and Y contents, similar to subducted oceanic crust-derived adakites. They are also characterized, however, by very low MgO or Mg# and Ni values, and Nd-Sr isotope compositions (εNd(t) = −14.6 to −19.4 and (87Sr/86Sr)i = 0.7067-0.7087) similar to Triassic continent-derived eclogites subducted in the Dabie-Sulu Orogen. Additionally, late granitic dikes in the adakitic intrusions exhibit low Sr contents, clearly negative Eu and Sr anomalies, low La/Yb and Sr/Y ratios, but relatively high Yb and Y contents, similar to 118-105 Ma granites in the Northern Dabie Complex. Based on composition and geochronology data of Neoproterozoic amphibolites and orthogneisses, Triassic high- to ultra-high pressure metamorphic rocks, and Early Cretaceous mafic-ultramafic intrusive rocks, and the constraints provided by experimental melt data for tonalites, metabasaltic rocks and eclogites, we suggest that the adakitic granites were most probably generated by partial melting of thickened amphibole or rutile-bearing eclogitic lower crust as a consequence of Triassic-Middle Jurassic subduction and thrusting. The late dikes probably originated from plagioclase-bearing intermediate granulites. Moreover, we suggest that late Mesozoic delamination or foundering of thickened eclogitic lower crust is also a more plausible mechanism for the petrogenesis of Early Cretaceous mafic-ultramafic intrusive rocks in the Dabie area, and probably involved partial melting of a mixed source comprising eclogitic lower crust that had delaminated or foundered into upper lithospheric or asthenospheric mantle peridotite. Asthenospheric upwelling in response to post-collisional delamination of lithospheric mantle was likely to have provided the heat source for the Cretaceous magmatism.  相似文献   

Plutonic zircons from the Cretaceous Separation Point Suite (SPS) were analysed by LA-ICPMS for U–Pb isotope ratios and trace element concentrations. Pooled 206Pb/238U ages range from 112 to 124 Ma. Cathodoluminescence imaging reveals minor inheritence and textural evidence of repeated dissolution and re-precipitation of zircon. Core and rim spot analyses, however, document zircon growth during extended periods of time (>2 myr). Protracted crystallisation histories for simple plutonic systems are inconsistent with generalised thermal constraints, which predict cooling below the solidus within <1 myr. Consequently, we conclude that the SPS granitoids sampled in this study were not emplaced rapidly but incrementally over extended time periods. Zircon Th/U and Zr/Hf ratios are positively correlated with crystallisation temperatures, consistent with crystallisation from evolving melts. However, highly variable trace element concentrations, along with temperature reversals are indicative of complex crystallisation histories involving continuous fractional crystallisation repeatedly punctuated by hotter, more mafic magma recharge. Normalised abundances of the redox-sensitive elements Eu and Ce in zircon vary systematically with degrees of whole rock differentiation, pointing to evolutionary trends in magmatic oxidation states coupled with feldspar crystallisation.  相似文献   

A major arc batholith, the Western Fiordland Orthogneiss (WFO) in Fiordland, New Zealand, exhibits irregular, spatially restricted centimetre-scale recrystallization from two-pyroxene hornblende granulite to garnet granulite flanking felsic dykes. At Lake Grave, northern Fiordland, the composition and texture of narrow (<10–20 mm across) felsic dykes that cut the orthogneiss are consistent with an igneous origin and injection of melt to form orthogneiss migmatite. New U–Pb geochronology suggests that the injection of dykes and migmatization occurred at c . 115 Ma, during the later stages of arc magmatism. Recrystallization to garnet granulite is promoted by volatile extraction from the host two-pyroxene hornblende granulite via adjacent dykes and the patchy development of garnet granulite is left as a marker adjacent to the melt migration path. New mineral equilibria modelling suggests that a two-pyroxene hornblende assemblage is stable at <11 kbar, whereas a garnet granulite assemblage is stable at >12 kbar, suggesting that garnet granulite may have formed with <5 km crustal loading of the batholith. Although the garnet granulite assemblages signify that the WFO experienced high- P conditions, the very local nature of these textures indicates widespread metastability (>90%) of the two-pyroxene hornblende granulite assemblages. These results indicate the strongly metastable nature of assemblages in mafic lower arc crust during deep burial and demonstrate that the degree of reaction in the case of Fiordland is related to interaction with migrating melts.  相似文献   

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