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A density-dependent numerical groundwater model was applied to study the climate change impact in a shallow aquifer in the Mediterranean coast of Morocco, the Saïdia aquifer. The stresses imposed to the model were derived from the IPCC emission scenarios and included recharge variation and sea level rise. The main effect of the climate change in the Saïdia aquifer will be a decrease in renewable resources, which in the worst-case scenario may decrease to 50–60% of present-day values, due to the decline in recharge and to a reduced inflow from the adjacent Triffa aquifer. The water quality will be affected mostly in the area immediately adjacent to the seashore, where salinity may increase up to 30 g/l. Localised areas may see a decrease in salinity due to the induced freshwater recharge from Oued Moulouya River and diminished inflow from high-salinity springs.  相似文献   

The Snake River Plain aquifer in southeast Idaho is hosted in a thick sequence of layered basalts and interbedded sediments. The degree to which the layering impedes vertical flow has not been well understood, yet is a feature that may exert a substantial control on the movement of contaminants. An axial-flow numerical model, RADFLOW, was calibrated to pumping test data collected by a straddle-packer system deployed at 23 depth intervals in four observation wells to evaluate conceptual models and estimate properties of the Snake River Plain aquifer at the Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory. A delayed water-table response observed in intervals beneath a sediment interbed was best reproduced with a three-layer simulation. The results demonstrate the hydraulic significance of this interbed as a semi-confining layer. Vertical hydraulic conductivity of the sediment interbed was estimated to be about three orders of magnitude less than vertical hydraulic conductivity of the lower basalt and upper basalt units. The numerical model was capable of representing aquifer conceptual models that could not be represented with any single analytical technique. The model proved to be a useful tool for evaluating alternative conceptual models and estimating aquifer properties in this application. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

The objective of this work was the estimation of time-space hydraulic (water depth, flow velocity) and morphological (sediment transport and bank erosion) characteristics in the downstream part of a Mediterranean stream under current and future climatic conditions. The two-dimensional hydraulic model MIKE 21C was used, which has been developed specifically to simulate 2D flow and morphological changes in rivers. The model is based on an orthogonal curvilinear grid and comprises two parts: (a) the hydrodynamic part and (b) the morphological changes part. The curvilinear grid and the bathymetry file were generated using a very high-resolution DEM (1 m × 1 m). Time series discharge data from a hydrometric station introduced in the hydrodynamic part of the model. Regarding the morphological part of the model, field measurements of suspended sediment concentration and of bank erosion were used. The model was calibrated and verified using field data that were collected during high and low flow discharges. Model simulation was in good agreement with field observations as indicated by a variety of statistical measures. Next, for predicting the riverbank change, future meteorological data and river flow data for the next 10 years (2017–2027) were employed. These data series were created according to a lower and a higher emission climate change scenario. Based on the results, an increase in rainfall intensity may cause significant changes in river banks after 10 years (more than 5 m of soil loss in river meanders). Using the obtained simulation results, extreme hydrological events such as floods transporting large sediment loads and changes in river morphology can be monitored. The proposed methodology was applied to the downstream part of the Koiliaris River Basin in Crete, Greece.  相似文献   

A numerical assessment of seawater intrusion in Gaza, Palestine, has been achieved applying a 3-D variable density groundwater flow model. A two-stage finite difference simulation algorithm was used in steady state and transient models. SEAWAT computer code was used for simulating the spatial and temporal evolution of hydraulic heads and solute concentrations of groundwater. A regular finite difference grid with a 400 m2 cell in the horizontal plane, in addition to a 12-layer model were chosen. The model has been calibrated under steady state and transient conditions. Simulation results indicate that the proposed schemes successfully simulate the intrusion mechanism. Two pumpage schemes were designed to use the calibrated model for prediction of future changes in water levels and solute concentrations in the groundwater for a planning period of 17 years. The results show that seawater intrusion would worsen in the aquifer if the current rates of groundwater pumpage continue. The alternative, to eliminate pumpage in the intruded area, to moderate pumpage rates from water supply wells far from the seashore and to increase the aquifer replenishment by encouraging the implementation of suitable solutions like artificial recharge, may limit significantly seawater intrusion and reduce the current rate of decline of the water levels.  相似文献   

The El Jadida landfill is one among many uncontrolled dumping sites in Morocco with no bottom liner. About 150 tons/day of solid wastes from mixed urban and industrial origins are placed directly on the ground. At the site of this landfill, the groundwaters circulate deeply (10–15 m) in the Cenomanian rock (calcareous–marl), which is characterised by an important permeability from cracks. The soil is sand–clay characterized by a weak coefficient of retention.The phreatic water ascends to the bottom of three quarries, which are located within the landfill. These circumstances, along with the lack of a leachate collection system, worsen the risks for a potential deterioration of the aquifer.To evaluate groundwater pollution due to this urban landfill, piezometric level and geochemical analyses have been monitored since 1999 on 60 wells. The landfill leachate has been collected from the three quarries that are located within the landfill. The average results of geochemical analyses show an important polluant charge vehiculed by landfill leachate (chloride = 5680 mg l−1, chemical oxygen demand = 1000 mg l−1, iron = 23 000 μg l−1). They show also an important qualitative degradation of the groundwater, especially in the parts situated in the down gradient area and in direct proximity to the landfill. In these polluted zones, we have observed the following values: higher than 4.5 mS cm−1 in electric conductivity, 1620 and 1000 mg l−1 respectively in chlorides and sulfate (), 15–25 μg l−1 in cadmium, and 60–100 μg l−1 in chromium. These concentrations widely exceed the standard values for potable water.Several determining factors in the evolution of groundwater contamination have been highlighted, such as (1) depth of the water table, (2) permeability of soil and unsaturated zone, (3) effective infiltration, (4) humidity and (5) absence of a system for leachate drainage. So, to reduce the pollution risks of the groundwater, it is necessary to set a system of collection, drainage and treatment of landfill leachates and to emplace an impermeable surface at the site of landfill, in order to limit the infiltration of leachate.  相似文献   

Water is a vital resource for the survival of not only human population, but also almost all ecosystems. Constituting 30 % of all freshwater, groundwater is the main source of available freshwater. Coastal aquifers, which serve as the major freshwater source for densely populated zones, are of vital importance and quite vulnerable to climate change. This paper examines the significant consequences of climate change, decreasing recharge rates, sea-level rise and increasing freshwater demand on the sustainable management of coastal aquifers, via a hypothetical case study. A 3-D numerical model is developed using SEAWAT, to simulate a circular island aquifer in the form of a freshwater lens surrounded by saltwater. Issues such as sloping land surface resulting in landward migration of the coastal boundary and transient response of the system due to pumping are considered through a set of predictive simulations. To assess the sensitivity of the model results to important parameters, a sensitivity analysis is performed. Results of this research, revealing the effects of mentioned pressures on the long-term sustainability of the freshwater resource, are evaluated on the basis of groundwater reserves and intrusion of the freshwater–saltwater interface in lateral and vertical directions. These outcomes are further used to determine the sustainable pumping rate of the system, considering both quantity and quality of the groundwater resources.  相似文献   

Trifa is the most productive agricultural plain of north-eastern Morocco. The development of agricultural activities during the last few decades has been mainly based on imported water for irrigation. However, irrigation requirements have become so large that groundwater is used as a secondary source to supply the agricultural and domestic water needs, causing a depletion of the groundwater resources, especially during dry periods. A hydrological and a hydrogeological model for the Trifa plain have been developed, which yield information on relevant parameters such as groundwater recharge, and estimate the amount of pumped groundwater needed to meet the irrigation needs. The models (MODFLOW and WetSpass) provide insight into the status and evolution of the groundwater reserves. The results of the study are useful to predict the sustainability of the groundwater resources in the Trifa plain and to evaluate possible management actions. A reduction in groundwater abstraction by at least 25% may be necessary to achieve sustainable conditions.
Resumen Trifa es la planicie agrícola más productiva del noreste de Marruecos. El desarrollo de las actividades agrícolas durante las últimas décadas se ha basado principalmente en agua importada para riego. Sin embargo, los requerimientos de riego han llegado a ser tan grandes ocasionando que se utilice el agua subterránea como una fuente secundaria para abastecer las necesidades de agua para uso doméstico y agrícola, lo que causa un agotamiento de los recursos de agua subterránea, especialmente durante periodos secos. Se ha desarrollado un modelo hidrogeológico e hidrológico para la planicie Trifa el cual aporta información de parámetros relevantes tal como recarga de agua subterránea y estima la cantidad de agua subterránea que necesita bombearse para satisfacer las necesidades de riego. Los modelos (MODFLOW y WetSpass) aportan una idea acerca del estado actual y la evolución de las reservas de agua subterránea. Los resultados de este estudio son útiles para predecir la sostenibilidad de los recursos de agua subterránea en la planicie Trifa y para evaluar posibles acciones de gestión. Puede ser necesario reducir la explotación de agua subterránea en por lo menos 25% para alcanzar condiciones sostenibles.

Résumé Trifa est la plaine agricole la plus productive du Nord-Est marocain. Le développement de l’activité agricole durant ces dernières décennies a essentiellement reposé sur l’irrigation. Néanmoins les besoins de l’irrigation sont devenus tels que l’eau souterraine est utilisée comme ressource secondaire, pour combler la demande en eau domestique et agricole, induisant un rabattement d’autant plus important durant les périodes sèches. Un modèle hydrologique et hydrogéologique de la plaine de Trifa a été développé sur base des paramètres les plus importants, tels la recharge, et permet d’estimer le pompage nécessaire des eaux souterraines pour combler les besoins de l’irrigation. Les modèles (MODFLOW et WetSpass) apportent une bonne connaissance de l’état et de l’évolution des réserves souterraines. Les résultats de l’étude sont utiles pour prédire la longévité des ressources et pour évaluer différents scénarios de gestion. Une réduction de l’extraction de 25% serait nécessaire pour atteindre un état durable.

依据钻孔岩性,水文地质资料,将文峪河冲洪积扇平原分为上游单一潜水区和中下游承压水区,中下游垂向划分为上部弱水含水层和下部较强承压水含水层,对上游潜水和中下游承压水用二维侧向流数学模型,对中下游弱潜水用一维垂向流数学模型,在计算了现状开采条件下的水资源基础上,进一步计算出,在扇上游集中采水时,按工业开采和农业开采,以地下水多年总补排均衡,水位长期稳定的约束条件地下水可开采量。  相似文献   

Kriging of water levels in the Souss aquifer,Morocco   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Universal kriging is applied to water table data from the Souss aquifer in central Morocco. The procedure accounts for the spatial variability of the phenomenon to be mapped. With the use of measured elevations of the water table, an experimental variogram is constructed that characterizes the spatial variability of the measured water levels. Spherical and Gaussian variogram models are alternatively used to fit the experimental variogram. The models are used to develop contour maps of water table elevations and corresponding estimation variances. The estimation variances express the reliability of the kriged water table elevation maps. Universal kriging also provides a contour map of the expected elevation of the water table (drift). The differences between the expected and measured water table elevations are called residuals from the drift. Residuals from the drift are compared with residuals obtained by more traditional least-squares analysis.  相似文献   

Assessing sustainability of coastal groundwater is significant for groundwater management as coastal groundwater is vulnerable to over-exploitation and contamination. To address the issues of serious groundwater level drawdown and potential seawater intrusion risk of a multi-layered coastal aquifer system in Zhanjiang, China, this paper presents a numerical modelling study to research groundwater sustainability of this aquifer system. The transient modelling results show that the groundwater budget was negative (\(-3826\times 10^{4}\) to \(-4502\times 10^{4 }\,\hbox {m}^{3}/\hbox {a}\)) during the years 2008–2011, revealing that this aquifer system was over-exploited. Meanwhile, the groundwater sustainability was assessed by evaluating the negative hydraulic pressure area (NHPA) of the unconfined aquifer and the groundwater level dynamic and flow velocity of the offshore boundaries of the confined aquifers. The results demonstrate that the Nansan Island is most influenced by NHPA and that the local groundwater should not be exploited. The results also suggest that, with the current groundwater exploitation scheme, the sustainable yield should be \(1.784\times 10^{8}\, \hbox {m}^{3}/\hbox {a}\) (i.e., decreased by 20% from the current exploitation amount). To satisfy public water demands, the 20% decrease of the exploitation amount can be offset by the groundwater sourced from the Taiping groundwater resource field. These results provide valuable guidance for groundwater management of Zhanjiang.  相似文献   

Hydraulic conductivity (K) for an alluvial system in a riverbank filtration area in Changwon City, South Korea, has been studied using grain-size distribution, pumping and slug tests, and numerical modeling. The alluvial system is composed of layers: upper fine sand, medium sand, lower fine sand, and a highly conductive sand/gravel layer at the base. The geometric mean of K for the sand/gravel layer (9.89?×?10?4 m s?1), as determined by grain-size analyses, was 3.33 times greater than the geometric mean obtained from pumping tests (2.97?×?10?4 m s?1). The geometric mean of K estimates obtained from slug tests (3.08?×?10?6 m s?1) was one to two orders of magnitude lower than that from pumping tests and grain-size analyses. K estimates derived from a numerical model were compared to those derived from the grain-size methods, slug tests and pumping tests in order to determine the degree of deviation from the numerical model. It is considered that the K estimates determined by the slug tests resemble the uppermost part of the alluvial deposit, whereas the K estimates obtained by grain-size analyses and pumping tests are similar to those from the numerical model for the sand/gravel layer of the riverside alluvial system.  相似文献   

The Direct Current resistivity method was applied to the consolidated coastal Plioquaternary aquifer of Mamora plain, located on the Atlantic coast of Morocco. The aim is to determine the depth of the base of the saturated zone in the aquifer and to help in imaging lateral and vertical distribution of groundwater salinity. The geoelectric survey showed four geoelectric formations with the following electrical resistivities from top to bottom: 20–80, 200–2000, 200–300 and 5–70 Ohm m. The latter designates the basement of the aquifer constituted of marls and sandy marls. The mean resistivity of 250 Ohm m designates the aquifer formation. It decreases to less than 25% of its initial values for the soundings near the shore, reflecting the oceanic impact on the aquifer formation resistivity. The contour map shows that the basement of the saturated zone in the aquifer is deeper in the Northwest near the Sebou River estuary with values up to 70 m below sea level. This results in a larger thickness of the saturated zone of the aquifer leading to a consequent hydraulic potential. On the other hand, it has been deduced that the extent of marine intrusion inside the continent can be governed by human activities, natural properties and substratum geometry of the aquifer as well as by ecological factors. An optimal network of electrical soundings has been proposed for the monitoring of saltwater intrusion.  相似文献   

Gaza coastal aquifer (GCA) is the most precious natural source where it is the only source of water for different uses. Groundwater crisis in Gaza includes two major folds: shortage of water supply and contamination. The extraction of groundwater currently exceeds the aquifer recharge rate. As a result, the groundwater level is falling continuously leading severely deterioration of GCA. The main objective of this study is to analyze and evaluate the current and proposed water resources management plans and their effect on the water level of GCA. In this respect, the available quantities of rainfall that could be harvested and infiltrated from different types of land-use based on existing and planned situations are studied using GIS tool and numerical models for GCA using V-MODFLOW environment for simulating four scenarios: (i) existing management practice (no action scenario), (ii) proposed Palestinian Water Authority (PWA) stormwater infiltration plan, (iii) proposed Gaza Emergency Technical Assistance Program (GETAP) interventions, and (iv) combination between second and third scenarios. The management scenarios were tested with the calibrated flow model for the target period between 2016 and 2040. The simulation results of existing management practice scenario show that there are several depression zones in Gaza Strip; in southern part from ??18 to ??24 m MSL in 2020 and 2040, in the northern part from ??7 to ??12 m MSL in 2020 and 2040, and in the middle regions experienced a small decline in groundwater level. The simulation results of proposed PWA scenario indicate similar depression zones as per first scenario but with good enhancement of water level, ??17 to ??18 m MSL in the southern part and ??3 to ??6 m MSL in the northern part in 2020 and 2040, respectively. The simulation results of GETAP intervention scenario show a positive impact on groundwater level. The results of fourth scenario show good enhancement of water level, in which the water level in the northern part ranges from +?3 to +?6 m MSL in 2020 and 2040, while in the south part ranges from ??15 to +?4 MSL in 2020 and 2040.  相似文献   

Current high‐resolution palaeoenvironmental records reveal short‐term Holocene coolings. One of these major Holocene rapid climate changes occurred between 3.2 and 2.7 cal. ka BP. The sensitivity of river systems vis‐à‐vis slight and short‐term Holocene climatic variations is a subject of controversy in the scientific community. In this paper, we present a 4.0 to 1.4 cal ka BP palaeoflood record from the Lower Moulouya River (northeastern Morocco) to demonstrate the high sensitivity of semiarid rivers in the southwestern Mediterranean towards Holocene environmental changes. The Lower Moulouya flood deposits are characterised by thick, well‐stratified, predominantly clayey to silty overbank fine sediments. These cohesive sediments show evidence of excellent preservation conditions against fluvial erosion and contain a continuous record of mid to late Holocene flood sequences. The Moulouya palaeoflood record can be interpreted in the context of regional and global high‐resolution proxy data, revealing a strong coupling with Holocene rapid climate changes. The centennial‐scale Moulouya palaeohydrological history will be discussed with palaeoenvironmental data from the same record (palaeomagnetics, sedimentary charcoal record, anthracological analyses, snail analyses) to generate new ideas about the mid to late Holocene hydrological cycle in the southwestern Mediterranean. The deduced features of pronounced Lower Moulouya flooding and the decreased fire recurrence during Holocene cooling remain somewhat inconsistent with the interpretation of other palaeohydrological and paleaoecological records from the southwestern Mediterranean. However, enhanced Lower Moulouya flood frequencies between 3.2 and 2.7 cal. ka BP agree with increased floodplain aggradation in other major river systems of Mediterranean North Africa. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

在沿海地区,尤其是围海造陆工程形成的陆域地区地下水水位受潮汐影响较大,使传统水文地质试验求取含水层参数存在较大误差。因此通过合理概化地下水在潮汐作用下运动规律,建立数学模型,推导解析公式求取沿海含水层参数具有重要意义。分析天津滨海新区两处观测孔地下水位及潮汐波动特征,在滞后时间不明显的情况下,利用观测孔水位变幅数据计算了含水层水头扩散系数,并根据承压含水层储水系数经验值进一步获得含水层渗透系数。通过两个观测孔分别计算,对比计算结果互相验证发现,该方法取得了令人满意的结果。利用地下水潮汐效应计算含水层参数可以广泛应用于沿海地区水文地质工作中。  相似文献   

Hydrogeology Journal - A participatory modelling approach is presented for effective groundwater management at the Mediterranean coastal plain of Marathon, Greece. The main objective was to...  相似文献   

Percolation ponds have become very popular methods of managed aquifer recharge due to their low cost, ease of construction and the participation and assistance of community. The objective of this study is to assess the feasibility of a percolation pond in a saline aquifer, north of Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India, to improve the storage and quality of groundwater. Electrical resistivity and ground penetrating radar methods were used to understand the subsurface conditions of the area. From these investigations, a suitable location was chosen and a percolation pond was constructed. The quality and quantity of groundwater of the nearby area has improved due to the recharge from the pond. This study indicated that a simple excavation without providing support for the slope and paving of the bunds helped to improve the groundwater quality. This method can be easily adoptable by farmers who can have a small pond within their farm to collect and store the rainwater. The cost of water recharged from this pond works out to be about 0.225 Re/l. Cleaning the pond by scrapping the accumulated sediments needs to be done once a year. Due to the small dimension and high saline groundwater, considerable improvement in quality at greater depths could not be achieved. However, ponds of larger size with recharge shafts can directly recharge the aquifer and help to improve the quality of water at greater depths.  相似文献   

The Bou-Areg plain in the Mediterranean coast at the North-eastern of Morocco is characterized by a semi-arid climate. The aquifer consists of two sedimentary formations of Plio-quaternary age: the upper formation of fine silts and the lower one of coarse silts with sand and gravels. The aquifer is underlain by marly bedrock of Miocene age that dips toward the coastal lagoon of Bou-Areg. The hydrodynamic characteristics vary between 10−4 and 10−3 m/s; and transmissivities range between 10−4 and 10−1 m2/s. The general direction of flow is SW to NE, toward the lagoon. The aquifer is crossed by the river Selouane, which also ends in the lagoon. The groundwater is characterized by a high salinity that can reach 7.5 g/l. The highest values are observed in the upstream and in the downstream sectors of the aquifer. The temporal evolution of the physico-chemical parameters depends on the climatic conditions and piezometric variations. The analysis of the spatio-temporal distribution of the physico-chemical parameters suggests different sources of groundwater salinization: the seawater intrusion, the influence of marly gypsum-bearing terrains, and the influence of anthropogenic products as the agricultural fertilizers, which cause great nitrate concentrations that vary between 80 and 140 mg/l.  相似文献   

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