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Water is a vital resource for the survival of not only human population, but also almost all ecosystems. Constituting 30 % of all freshwater, groundwater is the main source of available freshwater. Coastal aquifers, which serve as the major freshwater source for densely populated zones, are of vital importance and quite vulnerable to climate change. This paper examines the significant consequences of climate change, decreasing recharge rates, sea-level rise and increasing freshwater demand on the sustainable management of coastal aquifers, via a hypothetical case study. A 3-D numerical model is developed using SEAWAT, to simulate a circular island aquifer in the form of a freshwater lens surrounded by saltwater. Issues such as sloping land surface resulting in landward migration of the coastal boundary and transient response of the system due to pumping are considered through a set of predictive simulations. To assess the sensitivity of the model results to important parameters, a sensitivity analysis is performed. Results of this research, revealing the effects of mentioned pressures on the long-term sustainability of the freshwater resource, are evaluated on the basis of groundwater reserves and intrusion of the freshwater–saltwater interface in lateral and vertical directions. These outcomes are further used to determine the sustainable pumping rate of the system, considering both quantity and quality of the groundwater resources.  相似文献   

The Archean basement of Sierra Leone is a typical example of granite-greenstone terrains found in ancient continental nucleii. Reconnaissance field mapping showed that the area can be subdivided into old gneiss, which predates the greenstone belts, and young granite which is later than the greenstone belts.New Rb-Sr whole-rock age determinations on two suites of old tonalitic gneiss yield ages of 2786 ± 49 Ma and 2770 ± 137 Ma, which either reflect the time of formation of the original tonalites or their metamorphism. Three new Rb-Sr whole-rock age determination on young granites yield ages of 2786 ± 143 Ma, 2780 ± 79 Ma and 2770 ± 50 Ma, which are interpreted as the time of emplacement. The widespread occurrence of similar young granites, throughout the Archaean of West Africa, suggests that these results date a major event in the evolution of this segment of the crust.A published Pb-Pb age of the old gneiss and the new ages of the young granite bracket the age of the greenstone belts to 3000-2770 Ma. However, if the Rb-Sr ages of the old gneiss reported in this paper reflect the time of their formation, the age of the greenstone belts is tightly bracketed to ca. 2770 Ma. There is no isotopic evidence for rocks substantially older than 3000 Ma in the West African Archaean.  相似文献   

Counter to intuition, small-scale measurements of hydraulic conductivity do not average to regional values. Instead, mean hydraulic conductivity increases with measurement scale up to a critical distance termed the range, beyond which a constant regional value prevails. Likewise, variance in log hydraulic conductivity increases with separation distance between measurement points as the spatial correlation decreases. As dissolution proceeds in carbonate aquifers, heterogeneity and the volume necessary for an equivalent homogeneous medium (EHM) both increase. As these variables increase, the range of scale increase in both mean hydraulic conductivity and variance increases proportionately. Consequently, the range in scale effects is a reliable measure of the degree of secondary dissolution. By correlating the numeric value of range with independently measured hydraulic properties, the prevalent type of flow system, diffuse, mixed or conduit can be determined.  相似文献   

Summary In several places of the old crystalline basement of the Eastern Alps a classification of the pre-Alpine metamorphic effects into an older, high-to intermediate-pressure metamorphism (eclogites, kyanite) and a younger, lower-pressure one (and±ky±cord) is recognizable. Some local geological situations allow a sharp chronological distinction to be made between these two events; and the available radiometric age values demonstrate the Caledonian age (500 m.y.) of the older metamorphism and the Hercynian age (320 m.y.) of the younger one. Elements exist showing that the Caledonian metamorphism, belongs to a complex cycle of geological processes which took place substantially during the Ordivician age (?) and has all the ingredients of the orogenic cycles. This evolutional picture represents a possible model for the whole of the Eastern Alps.
Überlegungen zur Entwicklung der voralpidischen Metamorphose im Ostalpin
Zusammenfassung An mehreren Stellen im altkristallinen Grundebirge der Ostalpen ist eine Gliederung der voralpidischen metamorphen Ereignisse in eine ältere Metamorphose, die einer hoch-bis mitteldruckbetonten Faziesserie (Eklogite, Disthen) angehört und eine jüngere weniger druckbetonte Metamorphose (Andalusit±Disthen±Cordierit) erkennbar. Einzelne lokale geologische Situationen erlauben eine scharfe chronologische Trennung dieser zwei Ereignisse; das Caledonische Alter ( 500m.y.) der älteren und das Hercynische Alter ( 320 m.y.) der jüngeren Metamorphose wird durch radiometrische Altersdaten demonstriert. Es gibt Hinweise, daß die Caledonische Metamorphose zu einem komplexen geologischen Ereignis mit allen Kennzeichen eines orogenen Zyklusses gehört, das im wesentlichen während des Ordoviziums stattgefunden hat. Diese genetischen Vorstellungen scheinen als mögliches Modell für die gesamten Ostalpen annehmbar.

With 3 Figures  相似文献   

In accordance with Senegal’s decentralisation policy, important forest management tasks, including the right to allocate charcoal production rights, have been transferred to rural councils. This paper investigates the impact of these institutional reforms on charcoal production practices using the environmental entitlement framework developed by Leach et al. [Environmental entitlements: dynamics and institutions in community-based natural resource management. World Development 27 (2) (1999) 225]. The councils have not been able to turn their new endowments into entitlements because they lack sufficient strength and legitimacy. Informal institutions, notably the coalition between merchants, state agents and village chiefs, continue to run the charcoal business and are hardly affected by decentralisation efforts. Most rural people, especially those relying solely on agriculture for sustenance, do not benefit at all from the charcoal trade. They do suffer from the environmental costs it brings with it, however. Although tensions between pro-exploitation actors and pro-conservation actors are evident, the pro-exploitation actors’ firm grip on the informal institutions will probably lead to a prolonged subversion of the laws that seek to enhance local control and to sustain the forest.  相似文献   

The large Saraya batholith intruded the Lower Proterozoic sequences of Eastern Senegal. Structural analysis indicates that this large granitic batholith corresponds to a composite body consisting of several coalescent plutons and interfering diapirs. Interpretation of the structural fabric patterns in these plutons and in the host-rocks constitutes the basis of a hypothetical model of initiation, ascent and emplacement as follows: (1.) development of a deep N-S granitic ridge controled by a major crustal fracture generated by an earlier extensional phase re-activated by a strike-slip fault which, probably, would facilitate segregation, collection and ascent of magmas; (2.) intrusion and splitting up of the ridge into several diapirs which ascended simultaneously and separately in a setting of a N-S sinistral transcurrent deformation inducing a transverse NW-SE shortening and forceful emplacement of plutons and (3.) final emplacement characterized by interference between regional deformation and pluton ‘ballooning’, the latter leading to the coalescence of intrusions and to the formation of a larger, apparently homogeneous body. This model could be extended to the other large Birimian batholiths of the Lower Proterozoic in Eastern Senegal.  相似文献   

While groundwater constitutes a crucial resource in many crystalline-rock regions worldwide, well-yield conditions are highly variable and barely understood. Nevertheless, it is well known that fault zones may have the capacity to ensure sustainable yield in crystalline media, but there are only a few and disparate examples in the literature that describe high-yield conditions related to fault zones in crystalline rock basements. By investigating structural and hydraulic properties of remarkable yielding sites identified in the Armorican Massif, western France, this study discusses the main factors that may explain such exceptional hydrogeological properties. Twenty-three sites, identified through analysis of databases available for the region, are investigated. Results show that: (1) the highly transmissive fractures are related to fault zones which ensure the main water inflow in the pumped wells; (2) the probability of intersecting such transmissive fault zones does not vary significantly with depth, at least within the range investigated in this study (0–200 m); and (3) high yield is mainly controlled by the structural features of the fault zones, in particular the fault dip and the presence of a connected storage reservoir. Conceptual models that summarize the hydrological properties of high-yield groundwater resources related to fault zones in crystalline basement are shown and discussed.  相似文献   

The Austroalpine basement complex has a complicated pre-Alpidic history which begins with the Caledonian era. In the late Precambrian (?) and early Paleozoic a magmatic-sedimentary rock sequence is formed presumably in an island-arc or active continental margin environment. Subduction with eclogite formation is followed by collision, high-grade metamorphism and anatexis in the Ordovician. This Caledonian basement is preserved in parts of the Austroalpine crystalline mass. The post-Caledonian deposits are mainly shelf type sediments with intercalated volcanics, although there is evidence for an oceanic basin to the south. The Variscan facies zones are arranged in SW-NE direction, oblique to the Alpidic trend. In a first stage of Variscan orogeny in the Carboniferous, south(east)-vergent decollement nappes, syntectonic flysch deposits, and granitoids are formed along with regional metamorphism. This is followed by a second stage in the Permian with north(west)-vergent thrusting, renewed granite formation, and metamorphism. The Variscan nappe pile is today exposed in a deeper level in the west or northwest than in the east or southeast.  相似文献   

The Kedougou Kenieba Inlier (KKI) (Paleoproterozoic of Eastern Senegal) is a portion of the West African Craton (WAC) containing a granite-greenstone terrain that experienced three distinct periods of magmatic activity, peaking at 2200, 2160–2130 and 2100–2070 Ma. In the Inlier, Paleoproterozoic granitoids and large-scale transcurrent shear zones are spatially associated, suggesting a genetic link between magma bodies and shear zones. Granitic intrusions are associated with all the volcanic episodes and phases of deformation, and have been used to constrain the age of many of these events. Our structural data and deformation sequence indicate that the Mako Greenstone Belt and the adjacent granitoid complexes have undergone a multi-phase evolutionary history that is spread over a prolonged period. The available geochronological data and field studies allowed classification of the granitoids of the KKI into four generations GI, GII, GIII and GIV.The current data suggest that the oldest rocks in the KKI, the Badon granites (2198 ± 2 Ma) and the tonalitic gneisses from Tonkouto (2200–2198 Ma) (GI), could be correlated with an early Birimian magmatic event. The gneisses, crystallized at depth, record the earliest deformation and in contrast to other tonalites, do not appear to have intruded volcanic rocks. The second manifestation of magmatism was intrusion of mafic diorite – the Gabbro Sandikounda Layered Igneous Complex type (GII) and development of the Laminia Kaourou Plutonic Complex (LKPC) (2160–2130 Ma). These bodies pre-date or are sometimes synchronous with a major deformational episode, and may, therefore, have formed very early in convergent Birimian orogenesis.The third major peak of magmatic activity occurred after the above major episode with the development of the oval shaped Diombalou and Bouroumbourou plutons (GIII). The orientation of these plutons parallel to the regional strike of the schistosity indicates structural control on granite emplacement. Eburnean magmatism was terminated in the Mako Belt following compressional Eburnean deformation, with the emplacement of the Tinkoto, Mamakono plutons (GIV) in the east of the complex and continued in the Dialé–Daléma supergroup with the syntectonic emplacement of the Saraya batholith. Garnitiferous granites of crustal derivation were emplaced in the final period of extensional activity around 2080 Ma.Field observations suggest the early plutons of the complex granitic (Kakadian) batholith intruded during convergent deformation whereas later igneous activity accompanied regional orogen-parallel extension, followed by exhumation. In the Mako Belt, thickening of the crust was proposed to have caused heating and the ‘apparent diapiric rise’ of the Diombalou and Bouroumbourou plutons.  相似文献   

The observed aeromagnetic anomaly map of Southern High Plateaus provides general information about the magnetization variations that are associated with subsurface magnetic sources, but it does not bring clear information about all geological elements of the study area. In this work, we attempt, by analyzing these aeromagnetic data, to determine structures of Paleozoic basement that may indicate the presence of major deep-seated structures in this area. To better understand and outline the basement geological structures, two approaches have been performed. Such analysis includes application of a low-pass filtering and spectral analysis, which permits an enhanced visual interpretation of the magnetization sources and leads to a better knowledge of the geological structures especially basins or intrusive bodies. The results obtained show magnetic anomalies indicating geological features trending NE–SW. They also reveal two depths of magnetic sources in the area. The deeper sources range from 1074 to 4057 m and reflect the Paleozoic basement. However, the shallower sources range from 153 and 596 m reflecting magnetic sources shallower than the basement. The outcomes of this study suggest a new structure and will contribute to better understand the characteristics and organization of the basin as well as the improvement of the geological map of the area for hydrocarbon exploration.  相似文献   

A method is proposed that uses analysis of borehole stratigraphic logs for the characterization of shallow aquifers and for the assessment of areas suitable for manual drilling. The model is based on available borehole-log parameters: depth to hard rock, depth to water, thickness of laterite and hydraulic transmissivity of the shallow aquifer. The model is applied to a study area in northwestern Senegal. A dataset of boreholes logs has been processed using a software package (TANGAFRIC) developed during the research. After a manual procedure to assign a standard category describing the lithological characteristics, the next step is the automated extraction of different textural parameters and the estimation of hydraulic conductivity using reference values available in the literature. The hydraulic conductivity values estimated from stratigraphic data have been partially validated, by comparing them with measured values from a series of pumping tests carried out in large-diameter wells. The results show that this method is able to produce a reliable interpretation of the shallow hydrogeological context using information generally available in the region. The research contributes to improving the identification of areas where conditions are suitable for manual drilling. This is achieved by applying the described method, based on a structured and semi-quantitative approach, to classify the zones of suitability for given manual drilling techniques using data available in most African countries. Ultimately, this work will support proposed international programs aimed at promoting low-cost water supply in Africa and enhancing access to safe drinking water for the population.  相似文献   

Groundwater in eastern Uganda mostly occurs in fractures in the crystalline basement rocks and at the interface between the overburden and bedrock. The study was aimed at improving the success rate of boreholes through the use of complimentary geophysical siting procedures in 16 locations in Kamuli District, eastern Uganda. Boreholes that were sited after applying appropriate geophysical techniques yielded adequate quantities of water, whereas those sited where such procedures were not applied were out of service sooner than expected. Techniques to determine the precise location of resistivity anomaly and vertical electrical sounding (VES) models were used to locate water-bearing zones. VESs were undertaken to provide an overview of the geology. The apparent resistivities of the water-bearing zones both from VES and resistivity profiling data, had a relationship with the success rates of the boreholes. Electrical resistivities were correlated with hydrogeological parameters. The majority of successful boreholes had, within water-bearing zones, minimum apparent resistivity values less than 200 and 100 Ohmm, from the resistivity profiling anomalies and VES, respectively. The depth to bedrock was generally greater than 20 m below ground level, which indicates potential for medium yielding boreholes.  相似文献   

To increase the potentiality of development and land reclamation activities, the Egyptian government funds the construction of a new desert road in Upper Egypt. This road connects Upper Egypt with the Red Sea Governorate. Surrounding the road is 207,000 acres of land surface which is almost flat and suitable for reclamation. To ensure the sustainability of the proposed development surrounding the road, analyses of the morphometric parameters, infiltration test and the grain size distribution, geoelectrical and hydrogeological investigations were conducted in the area. The results indicated a possibility of flash flood hazards and poor drainage condition for land reclamation activities is expected. The hydrogeological and geoelectrical investigations revealed that the unconfined Quaternary and confined Nubian Sandstone aquifers are the main aquifers in the area. The depths to water in the two aquifers range from 18 to 36 and 80 to 300 m with an average thickness of 40 and 275 m, respectively. The aquifers are made of sands and silt with clay intercalations. The total dissolved solids of water ranges between 1,700 and 5,400 mg/L, whereas the sodium absorption ratio ranges between 7 and 30 meq/L, indicating the suitability of water for irrigating medium- to high-salt-tolerant crops with proper drainage facilities. Thus, water in this area is not suitable for domestic use. Based on hydrogeological equations, the available water for extraction from the aquifers in the area is about 17.195?×?109 m3, and this volume is not feasible to reclaim the whole proposed area for reclamation. Meanwhile, it may be possible to water small farms (not more than 60,000 acres for 50 years). Surface water source should be considered for the sustainability development of the area.  相似文献   

The study region covers 1,650 km2 of the Mid-Ganga Basin in Bihar, experiencing intensive groundwater draft. The area forms a part of the Gangetic alluvial plain where high incidence of arsenic groundwater contamination (>50 μg/l) has recently been detected. Seventy-seven groundwater samples have been collected and analysed for major ions, iron and arsenic. Arsenic contamination (max 620 μg/l) is confined in hand pump zones (15–35 m) within the newer alluvium deposited during Middle Holocene to Recent age. The older alluvial aquifers are arsenic-safe and recorded maximum concentration as 9 μg/l. Out of 12 hydrochemical facies identified, four have been found arsenic-affected: Ca–HCO3, Mg–HCO3, Ca–Mg–HCO3 and Mg–Ca–HCO3. The geochemical evolution of groundwater, as investigated by graphical interpretation and statistical techniques (correlation, principal component analysis) revealed that dissolution of detrital calcite, dolomite and infiltration of rainwater are the major processes shaping the groundwater chemistry in the newer alluvium. Arsenic and iron showed strong positive correlation. Rainfall infiltration, carrying organic matter from recently accumulated biomass from this flood-prone belt, plays a critical role in releasing arsenic and iron present in the sediments. Geochemical evolution of groundwater in older alluvium follows a different path, where cation-exchange has been identified as a significant process.  相似文献   

The Bleida fractured aquifer is not well studied in terms of water resources as previous geophysical investigations in this area were undertaken for mining purposes. This study utilized magnetic resonance sounding surveys in order to define the distribution of water resources in the region of Bleida and to locate areas favorable for the drilling and construction of productive hydraulic boreholes. For this purpose, eight magnetic resonance sounding surveys were conducted in two sites at the intersection of faults in basement rocks. The results of these surveys indicated that there were two distinct levels of saturation in fractured rock that decreased with depth.  相似文献   

In the Austroalpine Basement to the south of the Tauern Window, distinct suites of metabasites occur with orthogneisses in pre-Early-Ordovician units. Tholeiitic and alkaline within-plate basalt-type metabasites are associated with acid meta-porphyroids in the post-Early-Ordovician Thurntaler Phyllite Group. According to their correlated trace element abundances, metabasite zircons crystallized with their host rocks. Protolith Pb–Pb zircon ages, whole-rock Ta/Yb–Th/Yb and oxygen, Sr, Nd isotope data define two principal evolution lines. An older evolution at elevated Th/Yb typical of subduction-related magmatism, started by 590-Ma N-MORB-type and 550–530 Ma volcanic arc basalt type basic suites, which mainly involved depleted mantle sources. It finished with mainly crustal-source 470–450-Ma acid magmatites. An other evolution line by tholeiitic and 430-Ma alkaline within-plate basalt-type suites in both pre- and post-Early-Ordovician units is characterized by an intraplate mantle metasomatism and enrichment trend along multicomponent sources. These magmatic evolution lines can be related to a plate tectonic scenario that involved terranes in a progressively mature Neoproterozoic to Ordovician active margin, and a subsequent Palaeo-Tethys passive margin along the north Gondwanan periphery.  相似文献   

Kyanite-rich and quartz-rich eclogites occur as lenses within amphibolite-facies quartzo-feldspathic gneisses in the Pohorje Mountains, Northern Slovenia, that form the easternmost Austroalpine basement. Major and trace elements indicate that the kyanite-rich eclogites were derived from plagioclase-rich gabbroic cumulates, whereas the quartz-rich eclogites represent more fractionated basaltic compositions. Both varieties are characterized by a LREE-depleted N-MORB type REE signature. Geothermobarometry and P-T pseudosections indicate that eclogites equilibrated at 1.8-2.5 GPa and 630-700 °C, consistently with the lack of coesite and with equilibration conditions of the chemically similar eclogites from the adjacent basement units at Koralpe and Saualpe type localities. Decompression reaction textures include (i) clinopyroxene-plagioclase intergrowths after omphacite, (ii) replacement of kyanite by corundum-plagioclase-spinel±sapphirine symplectites, (iii) breakdown of phengite to biotite-plagioclase sapphirine symplectites. The results of this study indicate that Koralpe, Saualpe and Pohorje high-pressure rocks represent former MORB-type oceanic crust that was subducted in the course of the late Cretaceous (approximately 100 Ma ago) collision between the European and the Apulian plates.  相似文献   

Shallow aquifers can cross-contaminate deeper aquifers through penetration of an intervening aquitard, via sandy intervals in the aquitard, along well casings, across long well screens, or around aquitard pinchouts. Distinguishing among these potential pathways requires the use of evaluation tools that may support or eliminate certain pathways. These tools include groundwater gradient and aquitard penetration calculations, aquifer pumping test interpretation techniques, chemical concentration plots and statistical methods, hydraulic conductivity-based travel time calculations, pumping-concentration tests, methods for evaluating leaky wells, and methods for evaluating aquitard continuity. Based on analysis of several of these techniques at three sites experiencing aquifer cross-contamination, the authors conclude that calculation of flow rates for various pathways is the single most useful method to confirm or refute specific pathways. Evaluation of leaky wells and aquitard continuity generally must be coupled with other tools to adequately test specific pathways. While fingerprinting, statistical analysis or ratio analysis of contaminants from various sources and receptors was not completed for any of the evaluated sites, the authors believe that these techniques have strong potential for confirming or eliminating pathways. Future research in this area is suggested. Furthermore, the interpretation of pumping-concentration tests is not well developed and needs further assessment.
Resumen Acuíferos someros pueden ocasionar contaminación transversal de acuíferos profundos mediante la penetración de un acuitardo intermedio, a través de intervalos arenosos en el acuitardo, a lo largo del revestimiento de pozos, o en las inmediaciones de lentes de acuitardos. Para distinguir entre estas trayectorias potenciales se requiere el uso de herramientas de evaluación que pueden apoyar o eliminar ciertas trayectorias. Estas herramientas incluyen cálculos de gradientes de agua subterránea y penetración de acuitardos, técnicas de interpretación de pruebas de bombeo de acuíferos, diagramas de concentración química y métodos estadísticos, estimaciones de conductividad hidráulica en base al tiempo de viaje, pruebas de concentración de bombeo, métodos para evaluar pozos con fugas, y métodos para evaluar la continuidad de acuitardos. Basándose en el análisis de varias de estas técnicas en tres sitios que experimentan contaminación transversal de acuíferos, los autores concluyen que la estimación de ritmos de flujo para varias trayectorias es el único método más útil para confirmar o rechazar trayectorias de flujo específicas. La evaluación de pozos con fugas y continuidad de acuitardos generalmente debe estar acompañada con otras herramientas para probar adecuadamente trayectorias específicas. Aunque no se completó para ninguno de los sitios evaluados técnicas de huellas, análisis estadístico o análisis de relaciones de contaminantes de varias fuentes y receptores, los autores creen que estas técnicas tienen fuerte potencial en la confirmación o eliminación de trayectorias. Se sugiere investigación futura en esta área. Además, la interpretación de pruebas de concentración de bombeo no se ha desarrollado bien y necesita evaluación posterior.

Résumé Les aquifères de surface peuvent contaminer les aquifères plus profonds à travers un aquitard, un intersection sableuse dans laquitard, le long des forages et de leur crépines, ou de la terminaison biseautée des aquitards. Distinguer et sélectionner ces différents modes de contamination nécessite lutilisation doutils dévaluation. Ces outils incluent le gradient découlement des eaux souterraines et le calcul de pénétration des aquitards, les techniques dinterprétation des essais de pompage, les méthodes dinterprétation chimiques et de traitement statistique, les calculs des temps de transferts sur base de la conductivité, les tests de pompage couplé aux analyses de concentration, les méthodes pour évaluer linfiltration directe alimentant les forages, et les méthodes permettant dévaluer la continuité des aquitards. Basé sur lanalyse de plusieurs de ces techniques sur trois sites expérimentales présentant des contaminations transversale, les auteurs concluent que le calcul des rapports découlement est la méthode la plus simple pour confirmer ou refuser les voies spécifiques. Alors que le traçage, les analyses statistiques et les analyses de la contamination provenant de différentes sources et récepteurs nétait pas complètes pour la plus part des différents sites évalués nétaient pas compléments certains, les auteurs croient que ces techniques ont un potentiel fort pour confirmer ou éliminer ces techniques. Des recherches futures dans cette zone est suggérée. Par ailleurs, linterprétation des tests de pompage couplés à lanalyse des concentrations nest pas développée et nécessite de meilleurs estimations.

The Um Had area, central Eastern Desert, Egypt shows a regional stretching in the NW–SE and a contraction in the NE–SW direction. Major NW–SE folds, small recumbent folds, and local thrusts and reverse faults were recognized. Complicated relation between folds and boudinage was identified. This stretching amount ranges from 1.282 to 1.309. Earlier coaxial and later non-coaxial strains were inferred. The change from axial to non-coaxial stress regime was gradual and the latter was associated with minor clockwise and anticlockwise rotation of structural elements. During the non-coaxial strain, strain fringes were formed as a consequence of the high circulation of fluids in low temperature and high pressure conditions. Superimposed strain fringes indicating right- and left-lateral senses of movement were recognized. At least three generations of fringes were recognized, implying three stages of non-coaxial stretching. Each generation has about 15 increments which show irregular strain gradient and intensity over the different increments. Eastwards, the strain increments became mature and westwards, the finite strain increases. The strongest finite strain was found in a narrow belt delimiting the basement rocks on the west and underlying the Phanerozoic sediments. Chocolate-tablet structure was recorded and indicates later multidirectional tension. Not all Nubia Sandstone exposures are overlying the basement rocks and some are separated by NW–SE normal faults. Major NW–SE normal faults are cutting basement rocks of different ages.  相似文献   

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