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The carbon isotopic composition of organic matter from lake sediments has been extensively used to infer variations in productivity. In this paper, based on the study of the contents and δ13C values of organic matter in different types of lakes, it has been found that δ13C values of organic matter have different responses to lake productivity in different lakes. As to the lakes dominated by aqutic macrophytes such as Lake Caohai, organic matter becomes enriched in 13C with increasing productivity. As to the lakes dominated by aquatic algae such as Lake Chenghai, δ13C values of organic matter decrease with increasing productivity, and the degradation of aquatic algae is the main factor leading to the decrease of δ13C values of organic matter with increasing productivity. Therefore, we should be cautious to use the carbon isotopic composition of organic matter to deduce lake productivity.  相似文献   

自然界中有机质分布广泛、类型多样且性质各异,不论在水体还是在沉积物(岩)中都扮演着重要的角色。因此,探讨各类型有机质聚集和沉积过程的差异性,对深化认识有机质沉积特征和演化规律具有重要的意义。生物体在生长过程中产生了许多有机质,包括生物体自身、生物残体、动物排泄物以及生物分泌的有机分子等,各类型有机质的性质差异极大。由于研究方法的不同,可将海洋中有机质划分为颗粒有机质(particulate organic matter,POM)和溶解有机质(dissolved organic matter,DOM),而DOM又可划分为胶体有机质(colloidal organic matter,COM)和真溶解有机质;从聚合体形式上看,又有海雪和悬浮体等存在形式。进一步分析发现有机质的形态包括生物体、生物残体、排泄物和有机质聚合体等,并且各类型有机质与无机矿物以不同的形式共存。此外,DOM与POM间存在一定的转化关系。这些性质和特征架起了不同类型有机质间聚集和沉积的桥梁。在沉积物(岩)中通过粒度或密度分级分离及孢粉相分析,也发现不同类型的有机质,如生物体、生物残体和无定形等,它们常与特定的无机矿物共生,如无定形多富集在黏粒级颗粒中,而生物体和生物残体多富集在粗颗粒中。进一步溯源发现沉积物(岩)中的各类有机质与生物有机质或海洋中有机质的类型极具相似性,这些特征展现各类型有机质在沉积过程中的差异性。综合有机质的形态、性质以及与矿物共生关系,认为有机质可通过机械沉积、化学沉积和生物沉积等3种不同的方式沉积保存,其中机械沉积的有机质以惰性的生物残体为主,化学沉积的有机质以活性极强的无定形为主,生物沉积有机质以活性较强的微生物和粘附物为主。有机质沉积方式及有机质特征、矿物—有机质间关系和保存条件的差异,决定了有机质的演化命运的不同,进而对有机质生烃以及碳循环产生重要的影响,因而应引起人们的高度关注。  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to evaluate the influence of polyvalent cations known to form complexes with natural organic substances on the operational fractionation of dissolved organic matter (DOM) using XAD-8 adsorber resin. Dissolved organic matter solutions from a forest floor were treated with increasing concentrations of polyvalent metal cations (Ca2+, Al3+, Fe3+) at different pH levels. Then the concentrations of total dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and the distribution between hydrophilic and hydrophobic DOC were determined. The concentrations of total DOC decreased slightly when the C/metal ratio was less than 10, especially for Al and Fe. Hydrophilic DOC increased and hydrophobic DOC decreased with increasing concentrations of metal cations. Effects increased in the order Ca<Al<Fe and were more pronounced at low DOC concentrations and high pH values. The reason for the reduction of the DOC concentrations seemed to be the formation of insoluble metal–DOM complexes, while soluble metal–DOM complexes may induce an alteration of the distribution between hydrophilic and hydrophobic DOC. Thus, the polyvalent cations and their concentration need to be considered when DOM fraction distributions, determined with XAD-8 resin, of different waters are compared, especially at low DOC contents and high pH.  相似文献   

 The biogenic Si concentration in a sediment can be determined as the non-detrital Si concentration by normalization of the total Si concentration with Al. This procedure is based upon the assumptions that (1) that Al exists predominantly in detrital, i.e. minerogenic, particles and (2) that biogenic Si (mainly diatom frustules) is the dominating non-detrital Si phase. This paper focuses on the reasons for the variations of the non-detrital Si concentration in these lake sediments. Data from three lakes are presented, representing three principally different cases regarding the Si concentration. The processes controlling the concentrations of detrital and non-detrital Si are discussed. Received: 10 June 2000 · Accepted: 25 November 2000  相似文献   

青海湖底沉积物的矿物物相及有机质保存研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
盐湖沉积环境是烃源岩发育的重要地质环境。本文以青海湖湖底沉积物为例,根据有机质与粘土矿物含最及矿物表面积的关系,分析了矿物学因素对盐湖相富有机质沉积物中有机质保存的影响。研究发现:湖底沉积物中有机质丰富,为上层水中的浮游生物和南河流携带束的陆地高等植物两种来源。矿物物相分析发现沉积物中粘土矿物含量达到32.4%,以伊利石为主。沉积物经密度分离后测试发现,有机碳含量与粘土矿物含量及矿物表面积之间具有很好的正相关性,说明粘土矿物吸附是青海湖底沉积物中有机质的主要赋存形式。  相似文献   

Nonhydrolyzable carbon (NHC) and black carbon (BC) were measured upon treatments with the HCl/HF/trifluoroacetic acid method, and with the combustion method at 375 ℃, respectively in three contaminated soils from the urban area of Guangzhou and twenty-two bulk and size-fractionated sediments from the Pearl River Delta and Estuary, China. The isolated NHC and BC fractions were also characterized using elementary analysis, radiocarbon accelerated mass spectroscopy (AMS), solid state ^13C cross-polarization and magic angle spinning unclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (^13C-CP/MAS NMR), Fourier transformed infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), and Raman microspectrometry. The results showed that the NHC and BC accounted for 25.6%-84.7 % and 4.14%-17.3%, respectively, of the total organic carbon (OC) with averages of 51.9% and 11.2% in the soils and sediments. For the less contaminated, low OC fiver and estuary sediments (WR and C08), the OC and NHC concentrations increased with decreasing particle size.  相似文献   


总有机碳(TOC)、稳定碳同位素(δ13C)、岩石热解分析(Rock-Eval)和甾醇生物标志物等有机地球化学指标用于研究滇池过去70年沉积物有机质的来源及水体生产力的变化。C/N、δ13C、氢指数(HI)表明滇池沉积物有机质主要为水生来源, 且主要为藻类有机质。初级生产力指标(热解烃峰参数(S2)、HI、δ13C)和浮游植物甾醇(菜籽甾醇、甲藻甾醇)含量从2000年以后快速增加, 而从近几年开始增速放缓或开始下降, 说明滇池水体生产力在过去几十年不断上升, 不过在最近得到一定控制, 这与滇池沉积物营养盐的变化趋势相似。对生产力指标和浮游植物甾醇与环境因子如5年移动平均气温(T5)、总氮(TN)、总磷(TP)进行相关分析, 结果表明滇池生产力变化与环境因子呈现显著的正相关关系, 说明气候变暖和营养盐增加均促进该水域藻类的繁殖; 此外, 多元线性回归分析结果表明, TN是影响滇池生产力变化的主要环境因子。研究结果对探寻水体富营养化过程及影响因子, 并对湖泊管理和水华防治工作提供科学依据。


A paleolimnological study of lake-level changes in Lake 239 (Rawson Lake), a headwater lake in the Experimental Lakes Area in northwestern Ontario, indicates large fluctuations have occurred over the Holocene. Analyses are based on diatoms, the proportion of chrysophyte scales to diatoms and organic matter content from near-shore sediment cores. Quantitative estimates of lake level are based on a diatom-inferred depth model that was developed from surficial sediments collected along several transects in Lake 239. Declines of ∼ 1-3 m occurred during the late Holocene, whereas declines of at least 8 m occurred during the more arid mid-Holocene. These results provide the first substantive evidence of large declines in lake level in northwestern Ontario during the mid-Holocene. Conditions during the mid-Holocene may provide a partial view of future conditions under increasing global temperatures.  相似文献   


湖泊作为陆地生态系统的重要组成部分,在区域/全球碳循环中发挥着重要作用。研究大暖期(6±0.5 ka B.P.)湖泊沉积物有机碳储量,可为未来类似增温幅度下湖泊固碳潜力变化研究提供一定的基础数据。文章通过搜集我国不同地区65个含大暖期沉积年代及有机碳数据的湖泊资料,开展了大暖期中国湖泊沉积物有机碳储量的初步研究。结果表明,大暖期我国湖泊沉积物有机碳储量约为4.56 Pg C,变化范围约为0.90~19.08 Pg C(1 Pg=1015 g),主要集中在东部平原湖区、蒙新湖区及青藏高原湖区;有机碳累积速率约为22.3 g/(m2·a),变化范围约为4.4~92.6 g/(m2·a),其中以蒙新湖区最高,青藏高原湖区最低。大暖期我国湖泊有机碳储量与陆地碳库的比较表明,湖泊有机碳储量约为陆地(植被和土壤)有机碳储量的3%,而湖泊面积约为陆地面积的2%,加之湖泊沉积物较土壤及森林生物量能够保存更长的时间,因此湖泊在维系全球碳平衡中起着重要作用,湖泊的碳汇功能不容忽视。


洱海沉积物间隙水中溶解有机质的地球化学特性   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
对洱海沉积物间隙水中溶解有机质(DOM)含量、紫外可见吸收、荧光以及分子量等的垂直分布特征进行了研究。结果表明,DOC含量在沉积物水界面明显富集,随后急剧下降,6cm处达到最小值,随后呈上升趋势。DOC与吸光度值、荧光发射光谱强度之间具有一定的线性相关关系。DOM的E3/E4值范围在1~6之间,绝大多数在1~35之间。表征DOM中腐殖质来源的指标荧光指数值处于148~159之间,说明DOM以陆源输入为主。此外,洱海沉积物间隙水DOM分子量分布呈多峰分布模式,重均分子量(Mw)值在1462~1953Da之间,数均分子量(Mn)值在547~900Da之间,多分散性系数ρ值在202~305之间。随着沉积深度增大,Mw和Mn有略微的增大趋势,但变化不大。沉积物的氧化还原条件、微生物活动以及铁、锰氧化物等在沉积剖面的差异是控制间隙水中DOM各种地球化学特性的主要因素。  相似文献   

Diagenetic changes are difficult to distinguish from variations in sources of organic matter to sediments. Organic geochemical comparisons of samples of wood, bark, and needles from a white spruce (Picea glauca) living today and one buried for 10,000 years in lake sediments have been used to identify the effects of diagenesis on vascular plant matter. Important biogeochemical changes are evident in the aged spruce components, even though the cellular structures of the samples are well preserved. Concentrations of total fatty acids dramatically diminish; unsaturated and shorter chainlength components are preferentially lost from the molecular distributions. Concentrations of total alcohols are similar in the modern and 10,000-year-old wood and bark but markedly lowered in the aged needles. Hydrocarbon concentrations and distributions show little diagenetic change in the 10,000-year-old plant materials. Cellulose components in the wood decrease relative to lignin components, although both types of materials remain in high concentration in comparison to other organic components. Aromatization of abietic acid proceeds more rapidly in buried spruce wood than in bark; retene is the dominant polyaromatic hydrocarbon in the aged wood. In contrast to the variety of changes evident in molecular compositions, neither 13C values nor C/N ratios differ significantly in the bulk organic matter of modern and aged spruce components.  相似文献   

The potential effect of urban particulate matter (PM) accumulation on metal sorption onto two contrasting soils (Chernozem and Fluvisol) was investigated in a batch sorption experiment. While the Freundlich isotherms did not indicate any effect of PM addition to the soils, the Langmuir isotherm allowed us to estimate the potential behaviour of the PM in the soil. The PM added to the Chernozem did not lead to substantial changes in sorption of Cd, Cu, Mn, Ni, Pb, and Zn. On the contrary, the presence of PM in the Fluvisol increased the number of potential sorption sites in the soil. However, the results of the approximation showed a lower affinity of Cd, Mn and Ni for the Fluvisol and a better stability and a lower bioavailability of these elements in the Chernozem. In the case of Pb and Cu, no significant changes were observed in PM-enriched soils regardless of the soil properties.  相似文献   

有机质含量对淤泥固化效果影响的试验研究   总被引:10,自引:8,他引:10  
范昭平  朱伟  张春雷 《岩土力学》2005,26(8):1327-1330
淤泥固化技术是淤泥资源化利用的一个重要方法,而有机质对淤泥固化效果的影响是淤泥固化技术研究中的重要课题。在淤泥固化的试验研究中发现有机质含量对淤泥固化的效果有着显著影响。通过对不同有机物含量的固化试验揭示了该种影响的规律,发现淤泥中的有机质存在着一个极限含量4.3 %,当超过这一极限含量后,有机质量的增加不再对固化效果产生更大的影响。根据这一研究结果,提出了对于高有机质淤泥采用水泥-石膏进行固化的方法。  相似文献   

In Belgium, compatibility studies are performed in view of the final disposal of nitrate-containing bituminised intermediate-level radioactive waste in Boom Clay, which is considered as a potential host formation. Due to the presence of large amounts of nitrate in the waste, a slow release of nitrate (and to a smaller extent also nitrite) into the Boom Clay is expected. Nitrate and/or nitrite reduction by redox-active components of the host rock may cause a geochemical perturbation of the clay and subsequently might affect its barrier function against the migration of radionuclides. This paper therefore addresses the possible oxidation of one of the main redox-active components of the Boom Clay, i.e. dissolved organic matter, by nitrate and nitrite. For this, abiotic and microbially mediated nitrate and nitrite reduction was studied during long-term batch tests (2–2.5 years) in Boom Clay pore water, containing 155 ± 15 mg C/l present as humic and fulvic acids. Changes in the reducing capacity of the DOM due to oxidation were assessed successfully using two oxidants, namely ferricyanide and ferric citrate. The results of these experiments indicate that an abiotic reaction between DOM and nitrate does not occur or is characterised by very slow kinetics. On the other hand, a slow microbial nitrate reduction to nitrite was observed and the associated oxidation of DOM was confirmed by a decrease in the (partial) reducing capacity of DOM for ferric citrate. In contrast to nitrate, nitrite was shown to oxidise DOM both abiotically and mediated by microbes through (chemo)denitrification, although these reactions also seem to occur only at a rather slow rate. No significant change in the maximally obtainable reducing capacity of DOM (using ferricyanide) was detected during any of the observed reactions, suggesting that the impact of such a slow heterotrophic nitrate reduction is very limited.  相似文献   

Bacterial activity in the near-field environment of radioactive waste disposal facilities in deep argillaceous rocks is currently under investigation. Bacterial development could be enhanced by the availability of low-molecular-weight organic acids (LMWOA) dissolved in the pore water of clayey rocks. This study firstly aimed at isolating and characterizing the LMWOA of the Toarcian argillite from the Tournemire Underground Research Laboratory (France, Aveyron). It also aimed at assessing the disturbing effects that could be induced by a disposal facility on the type and release of LMWOA (exposure to oxygen, alkaline pH, temperature increase). Under the experimental conditions investigated at 60 °C, the mean dissolved organic carbon (DOC) is about 15 mg L−1 with a LMWOA proportion of 35 %. The main LMWOA are composed of formate, fumarate, propionate, acetate, and lactate. DOC is mainly influenced by both temperature and pH increases, whereas the LMWOA type nature and release are more specifically affected by the exposure to oxygen.  相似文献   

在南祁连盆地木里坳陷钻遇中国陆域第一例天然气水合物实物样品。通过对木里冻土区钻遇水合物区域(DK井区)第四纪沉积物及邻区湖相沉积物中可溶有机质开展有机地球化学分析,发现DK井区浅地表沉积物中明显存在热解成因的可溶有机质,而邻区老人湖湖相沉积物中可溶有机质以高等植物输入为主。与区内烃源岩对比,热解成因的可溶有机质主要来源于中侏罗世烃源岩,晚三叠世尕勒得寺组烃源岩也有一定的贡献。结合该区水合物气源研究成果,DK井区沉积物中可溶有机质与形成水合物的烃类气体可能属于同源,侏罗纪、三叠纪烃源岩热演化生成的烃类能够沿断裂、砂岩裂隙等通道向上运移或渗漏至浅地表,其中甲烷、重烃气等轻质组分能够在稳定带内与地层水结合形成天然气水合物。木里地区第四纪沉积物中可溶有机质的来源解析能够为天然气水合物的勘探提供新的视角。  相似文献   

有机质是海相软土的重要组成部分,其对土体物理力学性质的影响有待深入研究。以连云港地区全新世海相软土为例,进行百组土体有机质物理力学试验。结果表明,研究区软土有机质含量平均值为0.98%,在0.90%~1.00%这个区间分布最为广泛。有机质含量在空间上分布不均,平行海岸线较垂直海岸线土体有机质含量变化小,自上向下变化规律复杂,但随着深度的增加有机质含量有增加的趋势;有机质含量与土体天然含水率、塑限、液限在0.01水平上显著正相关,与土体天然密度、干密度和比重在0.01水平上显著负相关,与土体粉粒含量在0.05水平上显著正相关,与土体黏粒含量相关性差;有机质含量与固结压力≤400 kPa阶段的孔隙比在0.01水平上显著正相关,与固结压力>400 kPa时的孔隙比相关性变差,这与有机质形成的复合体被破坏有关;海相软土黏土矿物、含盐量及含水率高,有机质与黏土矿物在碱性环境多通过阳离子键桥的方式来结合,形成有机复合体,可能参与千年及万年尺度的碳循环;研究土层最大埋深达30 m,符合有机质深埋的演化规律,而研究土体沉积时间距今最高才约8000 a,推测研究土体有机质还未达到平衡状态,还在进一步的循环演化过程当中。上述相关研究成果对海相软土分布区工程建设具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

1IntroductionEnzymaticandmicrobialdegradationoforganicmatterhasabearingnotonlyonearlydiagene sis,butalsoonelementcyclingandmicrobedistributioninlakesediments.Somereportsshowedtheabundancevariationsoforganicmatterinsediments (BurdigeandGardner,1998;ArthurandDean ,1998;WanGuojiangetal.,2 0 0 0 ) .However,duetothecomplexchemicalcompositionoforganicmatter,mechanismsofenzymaticandmicrobialdegradationandvariationsofeachchemicalcomponentneedtobestudiedfurther.Underanoxiccondition ,SO2 -4 isanimpo…  相似文献   

赛里木湖沉积物有机质变化特征及其环境信息   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在分析赛里木湖湖泊沉积物中氮含量(TN)、有机碳含量(TOC)及其碳同位素(δ~(13)C_(org))以及色素等指标的变化特征的基础上,结合沉积物中有机指标的环境意义的探讨,揭示了新疆赛里木湖湖泊沉积物中有机质所蕴含的环境信息.赛里木湖沉积物中总有机碳含量、总氮含量的变化反映了流域初级生产力的变化,沉积物色素变化是有机质保存条件的指标,间接指示了湖泊-流域水热配置环境.有机碳同位素(δ~(13)C_(org))反映了湖泊内外源的混合信息.结合有序样品聚类分析方法,可以将赛里木湖近代环境划分为四大发展阶段:1、各有机指标相对稳定;2、各有机指标明显波动;3、各有机指标显著增加;4、各有机指标快速增加.  相似文献   

Suspended particulate materials and bottom sediments from the Cariaco Trench were analysed for lipid content to investigate the diagenesis of organic matter in an anoxic water column and sediment. Distributions of fatty acids, sterols, and the acyclic isoprenoid hydrocarbons, lycopane and 2,6,10,15,19-pentamethyleicosane, support the hypothesis that alteration of organic matter usually attributed to sedimentary diagenesis occurs in the water column. Typical indicators of diagenetic processes, including preferential loss of unsaturated fatty acids, increased abundances of branched fatty acids, stenol-to-stanol conversion, and abundant acyclic isoprenoids, were observed in the water column across the oxic/anoxic interface in the Cariaco Trench. Lipid distributions in the sediment were remarkably uniform with depth. We conclude that organic material delivered to the sediment has been extensively altered in the water column, but that which is buried is preserved without much additional alteration.  相似文献   

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