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The effects of high-strain deformation and fluid infiltration during Alpine eclogite facies metamorphism have been studied across ductile shear zones in relatively undeformed metagranitoids at Monte Mucrone (Sesia Zone, Western Alps, Italy). Microfabrics together with bulk rock and stable isotope data indicate that the mineralogical and chemical variations are related to the degree of deformation, rather than to changes in P-T conditions or tectonic position. Transformation of meta-quartz diorite to recrystallized eclogitic mylonites involved the breakdown of biotite and plagioclase and required the influx of H2O. Bulk-rock geochemical data show that ductile deformation to form eclogitic mylonites involved an increase in volume with a weight percent gain in H2O and Si and variable loss of K, Na, Ca and Al. δ18O changes systematically across ductile shear zones into the undeformed country rocks. Constant values in shear zone centres indicate advection parallel to the shear zone and within 10 cm of the mylonites. A dominant component of diffusive oxygen exchange perpendicular to the shear zones produced isotopic fronts, evident from a gradual increase in δ18O values to the reference values of the country rocks. The degree of isotopic shift within the shear zones reflects increasing deformation and degree of reaction progress. Multiple phases of Alpine deformation and mineral growth are recognized in the Monte Mucrone metagranitoids, and in some cases, eclogite facies shear zones were reactivated under greenschist facies conditions. The results of this study suggest that high-strain deformation provided pathways for both synkinematic and post-kinematic metamorphic fluids which were necessary for complete reactions. Relict igneous fabrics, as well as the presence of corona textures around biotite and pseudomorphs after primary igneous plagioclase in the least deformed rocks, indicate a paucity of hydrous fluids and support the conclusion that fluid movement was channelled rather than pervasive.  相似文献   

韧性剪切变形对岩石地球化学行为的制约一直是地质学家们关注的问题。安徽桐城挂车河镇(挂镇)地区是大别造山带东缘和郯庐断裂带交汇位置,两个构造体系的韧性剪切带均发育,为开展对比分析研究提供了条件。不同构造体系及构造期次的长英质韧性剪切带在糜棱岩化过程中体积变化和元素迁移规律均相似,随着变形强度的增加。体积亏损和元素迁移越明显,体积亏损可达32.18%,元素迁移表现为SiO2、K2O、Na2O的迁出和Fe2O3、CaO、MgO的迁入;镁铁质脆一韧剪切带在糜棱岩化过程中体积变化和元素迁移规律与长英质剪切带的恰恰相反,体积增加21.63%~186.60%.元素迁移的显著特征是SiO2大量迁入及Fe2O3和CaO迁出。  相似文献   

本文以特提斯构造系怒江断裂高黎贡山韧性剪切带糜棱岩为实例。测试分析表明,在韧性剪切带岩石变形变质前后,SiO2、TiO2、全Fe、H2O等显著贫化,CaO、MgO、Na2O、K2O等显著富集;韧性剪切带的发育使原来的片麻岩转变为糜棱岩,原岩质量和体积的变化分别为-29.48%和-26.86%。构造岩的体积应变和质量迁移分析是构造时限年代学和流体/岩石比值研究的中间环节,它还在估算挤压构造带缩短量以及求算碳酸盐岩脱排CO2资源量等方面具有广泛的应用前景。  相似文献   

东天山"秋格明塔什-黄山韧性剪切带"是一条多期活动且持续时间很长的韧性剪切变形变质带,介于北部的康古尔塔格-黄山断裂和南部的雅满苏-苦水断裂之间。在研究其空间展布特征、变形组构、演化序列、力学性质、剪切位移量以及变形时代的基础上,对其与成矿的关系进行了初步探讨。  相似文献   

The currently inactive deep-seated gravitational slope deformation (DGSD) Sagspitz in Tyrol, Austria, covers an area of 3 km2 and originated along a glacially over-steepened slope composed mainly of phyllites belonging to the Innsbruck Quartzphyllite Complex. Past mass movement processes caused the formation of fracture systems and slump bodies which consequently form the aquifers of relatively large springs in a rock type with generally very low permeability and poor porosity. Analysis of water chemistry, oxygen isotope, and field parameters of the springs emerging from the DGSD imply that multilevel aquifers exist and enabled the detection of continuous deep flow paths through the entire length of the mass movement from the main scarp to the toe of the slope. It is shown that the aquifer boundaries and spring emergences throughout the loosened rock mass can be correlated to the internal and basal shear zones of the DGSD so that this hydrogeological approach proved to be useful for evaluating the mass movement structure.  相似文献   

Two kinds of mylonite series rocks, felsic and mafic, have been recognized in the NW-striking shear zone of the Jiapigou gold belt. During ductile deformation, a large amount of fluid interacted intensively with the mylonite series rocks: plagioclases were sericitized and theAn values declined rapidly, finally all of them were transformed to albites; dark minerals were gradually replaced by chlorites (mostly ripidolite). Meanwhile, large-scale and extensive carbonation also took place, and the carbonatization minerals varied from calcite to dolomite and ankerite with the development of deformation. The δ13C values of the carbonates are −3.0‰ – −5.6‰ suggesting a deep source of carbon. The ductile deformation is nearly an iso-volume one (f v≈1). With the enhancement of shear deformation, SiO2 in the two mylonite series rocks was depleted, while volatile components suchs as CO2 and H2O, and some ore-forming elements such as Au and S were obviously enriched. But it is noted that the enrichment of Au in both the mylonite series rocks did not reach the paygrade of gold. The released SiO2 from water-rock interactions occurred in the form of colloids and absorbed gold in the fluid. When brittle structures were formed locally in the ductile shear zone, the ore-forming fluids migrated to the structures along microfractures, and preciptated auriferous quartz because of reduction of pressure and temperature. Fluid inclusion study shows that the temperature and pressure of the ore-forming fluids are 245–292°C and 95.4–131.7 MPa respectively; the salinity is 12.88–16.33wt% NaCl; the fluid-phase is rich in Ca2+, K+, Na+, Mg2+, F and Cl, while the gaseous phases are rich in CO2 and CH4. The δD and δ18O, values of the ore-forming fluid are −84.48‰ – −91.73‰ and −0.247‰ – +2.715‰ respectively, suggesting that the fluid is composed predominantly of meteoric water. This project is financially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 9488010).  相似文献   

The microtextural, petrological and geochemical study of a ductile shear zone in the phlogopite peridotite of Finero/Ivrea Zone (northern Italy) reveals the long-term deformation of this zone. The zone is divided into a protomylonitic and an ultramylonitic part. Both parts reflect different periods of deformation, although the orientation of the mineral lineations does not change. In the coarse-grained part (period 1) the deformation started under granulite facies conditions (about 775°C). Olivine, ortho- and clinopyroxene and phlogopite recrystallized dynamically. In the ultramylonitic part relics of the granulite facies event and evidence for a continuous or two-stage deformation history under amphibolite facies (minimum 640°C) to upper greenschist facies conditions (maximum 520°C) are preserved (period 2). Amphibolite facies conditions are indicated by olivine recrystallization, the monoclinization of orthopyroxene porphyroclasts and the recrystallization and chemical changes of clinopyroxene. The greenschist facies final stage of period 2 is characterized by decreased X CO 2 and the syntectonic formation of antigorite, tremolite and phlogopite at the expense of recrystallized and porphyroclastic olivine and pyroxene. Between both deformation periods a short break in deformation continuity is probable. Continuous deformation or reactivation in shear zones of the Ivrea Zone has not been described so far. During the granulite facies shearing, small amounts of channelized fluid flow led to a slight mass transfer. The shear zone shows a moderate enrichment of Na, Ba, Cu, Cs, H2O and CO2 and a small loss of P. The mass balance of the ultramylonite indicates a significant increase in mass transport. A mass gain can be inferred for H, Na, K, Ba, Al, Ti, P, S, Cs, Sr, Rb, C, Zn, Zr, S, Sc, light rare earth elements, Nb, Cl and Au. The zone is depleted in Ca, Cu, Co, F and Ni. Si, Mg, Cr, Mn, Y, Nb and V are constant within analytical error. Deformation and fluid infiltration led to a change in volume which increases during the granulite facies event by 5.7% and during the lower temperature phase by 3.3%. The calculated fluid to rock ratios by standard equations results in unrealistically high values. For the interpretation of highly deformed rocks with drastic grain size reduction it is therefore necessary to consider the enhanced diffusion, which is mainly controlled by the increased grain boundary surface.  相似文献   

The Sesia zone (Italian Western Alps) offers one of the best preserved examples of pre-Alpine basement reactivated, under eclogite facies conditions, during the Alpine orogenesis. A detailed mineralogical study of eclogitized acid and basic granulites, and related amphibolites, is presented. In these rare weak to undeformed rocks microstructural investigations allow three main metamorphic stages to be distinguished.
(a) A medium- to low- P granulite stage giving rise to the development of orthopyroxene + garnet + plagioclase + brown amphibole + ilmenite ± biotite in basic granulites and garnet + K-feldspar + plagioclase + cordierite + sillimanite + biotite + ilmenite in acid granulites.
(b) A post-granulite re-equilibration, associated with the development of shear zones, producing discrete amphibolitization of the basic granulites and widespread development of biotite + sillimanite + cordierite + spinel in the acid rocks.
(c) An eo-Alpine eclogite stage giving rise to the crystallization of high- P and low- T assemblages.
In an effort to quantify this evolution, independent well-calibrated thermobarometers were applied to basic and acid rocks. For the granulite event, P-T estimates are 7–9 kbar and 700–800° C, and for subsequent retrograde evolution, P-T was 4–5 kbar and 600° C. For the eo-Alpine eclogite metamorphism, pressure and temperature conditions were 14–16 kbar and 550° C.
The inferred P-T path is consistent with an uplift of continental crust produced by crustal thinning prior to the subduction of the continental rocks. In the light of the available geochronological constraints we propose to relate the pre-Alpine granulite and post-granulite retrograde evolution to the Permo-Jurassic extensional regime. The complex granulite-eclogite transition is thus regarded as a record of the opening and of the closure of the Piedmont ocean.  相似文献   

In western Vanoise (French Alps), karstic pockets of Triassic‐to‐Jurassic metabauxites embedded in carbonate rocks and containing several generations of metamorphic veins were studied. During blueschist facies metamorphism, a cumulative amount of ~13 vol% of water is inferred to have been produced locally by successive dehydration reactions, and part of this fluid remained in the bauxitic lenses during most of the metamorphic cycle. Field and geochemical evidence show that these rocks have been isolated from large‐scale fluid flow (closed‐system behaviour). It is proposed that the internally derived fluid has promoted the opening of fluid‐filled open spaces (as attested by the euhedral habits of vein minerals) and served as medium for mass transfer from rock to vein. Indeed, the vein infill is obviously the result of chemical interactions, at the millimetre‐to‐centimetre scale, between the rock minerals and the locally produced aqueous fluid. Two vein types can be distinguished based on mineralogical and textural features: (i) some veins are filled with newly formed products of either prograde (chloritoid) or retrograde (chlorite) metamorphic reactions; in this case, fluid‐filled open spaces seem to offer energetically favourable nucleation/growth sites; (ii) the second vein type is infilled with cookeite or pyrophyllite, that were present in the host rock prior to the vein formation. In this closed chemical system, the components for the vein infill minerals have been transferred from rock to vein through the fluid, in a dissolution–transport–precipitation process, possibly stress‐assisted. These different vein generations all contain Al‐rich mineral infills, suggesting that Al was a mobile element (cm scale) during metamorphism. In these HP rocks, fluid flow may have been restricted, and if so mass transfer occurred by diffusion in an almost stagnant fluid. Metamorphic veins can be seen as witnesses of fluid and mass redistribution that partly accommodate the rock deformation (lateral segregation).  相似文献   

Recent seismicity in and around the Gargano Promontory, an uplifted portion of the Southern Adriatic Foreland domain, indicates active E–W strike-slip faulting in a region that has also been struck by large historical earthquakes, particularly along the Mattinata Fault. Seismic profiles published in the past two decades show that the pattern of tectonic deformation along the E–W-trending segment of the Gondola Fault Zone, the offshore counterpart of the Mattinata Fault, is strikingly similar to that observed onshore during the Eocene–Pliocene interval. Based on the lack of instrumental seismicity in the south Adriatic offshore, however, and on standard seismic reflection data showing an undisturbed Quaternary succession above the Gondola Fault Zone, this fault zone has been interpreted as essentially inactive since the Pliocene. Nevertheless, many investigators emphasised the genetic relationships and physical continuity between the Mattinata Fault, a positively active tectonic feature, and the Gondola Fault Zone. The seismotectonic potential of the system formed by these two faults has never been investigated in detail. Recent investigations of Quaternary sedimentary successions on the Adriatic shelf, by means of very high-resolution seismic–stratigraphic data, have led to the identification of fold growth and fault propagation in Middle–Upper Pleistocene and Holocene units. The inferred pattern of gentle folding and shallow faulting indicates that sediments deposited during the past ca. 450 ka were recurrently deformed along the E–W branch of the Gondola Fault Zone.We performed a detailed reconstruction and kinematic interpretation of the most recent deformation observed along the Gondola Fault Zone and interpret it in the broader context of the seismotectonic setting of the Southern Apennines-foreland region. We hypothesise that the entire 180 km-long Molise–Gondola Shear Zone is presently active and speculate that also its offshore portion, the Gondola Fault Zone, has a seismogenic behaviour.  相似文献   

The Legs Lake shear zone is a crustal‐scale thrust fault system in the western Canadian Shield that juxtaposes high‐pressure (1.0+ GPa) granulite facies rocks against shallow crustal (< 0.5 GPa) amphibolite facies rocks. Hangingwall decompression is characterized by breakdown of the peak assemblage Grt + Sil + Kfs + Pl + Qtz into the assemblage Grt + Crd + Bt ± Sil + Pl + Qtz. Similar felsic granulite occurs throughout the region, but retrograde cordierite is restricted to the immediate hangingwall of the shear zone. Textural observations, petrological analysis using PT/PMH2O phase diagram sections, and in situ electron microprobe monazite geochronology suggest that decompression from peak conditions of 1.1 GPa, c. 800 °C involved several distinct stages under first dry and then hydrated conditions. Retrograde re‐equilibration occurred at 0.5–0.4 GPa, 550–650 °C. Morphology, X‐ray maps, and microprobe dates indicate several distinct monazite generations. Populations 1 and 2 are relatively high yttrium (Y) monazite that grew at 2.55–2.50 Ga and correspond to an early granulite facies event. Population 3 represents episodic growth of low Y monazite between 2.50 and 2.15 Ga whose general significance is still unclear. Population 4 reflects low Y monazite growth at 1.9 Ga, which corresponds to the youngest period of high‐pressure metamorphism. Finally, population 5 is restricted to the hydrous retrograded granulite and represents high Y monazite growth at 1.85 Ga that is linked directly to the synkinematic garnet‐consuming hydration reaction (KFMASH): Grt + Kfs + H2O = Bt + Sil + Qtz. Two samples yield weighted mean microprobe dates for this population of 1853 ± 15 and 1851 ± 9 Ma, respectively. Subsequent xenotime growth correlates with the reaction: Grt + Sil + Qtz + H2O = Crd. We suggest that the shear zone acted as a channel for fluid produced by dehydration of metasediments in the underthrust domain.  相似文献   

A lower amphibolite Alpine shear zone from the Fibbia metagranite (Gotthard Massif, Central Alps) has been studied to better understand the parameters controlling strain localization in granitic rocks. The strain gradient on the metre‐scale shows an evolution from a weakly deformed metagranite (QtzI–KfsI–AbI–BtI ± PlII–ZoI–PhgI–Grt) to a fine banded ultramylonite (QtzII–KfsII–AbII–PlII–BtII–PhgII ± Grt–ZoII). Strain localization is coeval with dynamic recrystallization of the quartzofeldspathic matrix and a modal increase in mica, at the expense of K‐feldspar. The continuous recrystallization of plagioclase during deformation into a very fine‐grained assemblage forming anastomosed ribbons is interpreted as the dominant process in the shear zone initiation and development. The shear zone initiated under closed‐system conditions with the destabilization of metastable AbI–ZoI porphyroclasts into fine‐grained (20–50 μm sized) AbII–PlII aggregates, and with minor crystallization of phengite at the expense of K‐feldspar. The development of the shear zone requires a change in state of the system, which becomes open to externally derived fluids and mass transfer. Indeed, mass balance calculations and thermodynamic modelling show that the ultramylonite is characterized by gains in CaO, FeO and H2O. The progressive input of externally derived CaO drives the continuous metamorphic recrystallization of the fine‐grained AbII–PlII aggregate into a more PlII‐rich and finer aggregate. Input of water favours the crystallization of phengite at the expense of K‐feldspar to form an interconnected network of weak phases. Thus, recrystallization of 50% of the bulk rock volume would induce a decrease of the strength of the rock that might contribute to the development of the shear zone. This study emphasizes the major role of metamorphic reactions and more particularly plagioclase on strain localization process. Plagioclase represents at least one‐third of the bulk rock volume in granitic systems and forms a stress‐supporting framework that controls the rock rheology. Therefore, recrystallization of plagioclase due to changes in P–T conditions and/or bulk composition must be taken into account, together with quartz and K‐feldspar, in order to understand strain localization processes in granites.  相似文献   

The EW-striking Variscan Mérens shear zone (MSZ), located on the southern border of the Aston dome (Pyrenees), corresponds to variously mylonitized gneisses and plutonic rocks that are studied using the Anisotropy of Magnetic Susceptibility (AMS) technique. The plutonic rocks form EW-striking bands with, from south to north, gabbro-diorites, quartz diorites and granodiorites. The MSZ underwent a mylonitic deformation with an intensity progressively increasing from the mafic to the more differentiated rocks. The foliations are EW to NW–SE striking and subvertical. A first set of lineations shows a moderate WNW plunge, with a dextral reverse kinematics. More recent subvertical lineations correspond to an uplift of the northern compartment. To the east, the MSZ was cut by a N120°E-striking late shear band, separating the MSZ from the Quérigut pluton. The different stages of mylonitization relate to Late Variscan dextral transpression. This regime allowed the ascent of magmas along tension gashes in the middle crust. We interpret the MSZ as a zone of magma transfer, which fed a pluton now eroded that was similar to the Quérigut and Millas plutons located to the east. We propose a model of emplacement of these plutons by successive pulses of magmas along en-échelon transfer zones similar to the MSZ.  相似文献   

Foliated garnet-bearing amphibolites occur within the West Bore Shear Zone, cutting through granulite facies gneisses of the Strangways Metamorphic Complex. In the amphibolites, large euhedral garnet (up to 3 cm) occurs within fine-grained recrystallized leucocratic diffusion haloes of plagioclase–quartz. The garnet and their haloes include a well-developed vertical foliation, also present in the matrix. This foliation is the same as that cutting through the unconformably overlying Neoproterozoic Heavitree Quartzite. The textures indicate syn- to late kinematic growth of the amphibolite facies mineral assemblages.
All mineral assemblages record an arrested prograde reaction history. Noteworthy is the growth of garnet at the expense of hornblende and plagioclase, and the breakdown of staurolite–hornblende to give plagioclase–gedrite. These dehydration reactions indicate increasing P – T  conditions during metamorphism, and suggest heating towards the end of a period of intense deformation. Temperature estimates for the garnet–amphibolite and related staurolite–hornblende assemblages from the shear zone are about 600 °C. Pressure is estimated at about 5 kbar.
An Sm–Nd isochron gives an age of 381±7 Ma for the peak metamorphism and associated deformation. This age determination confirms that amphibolite facies conditions prevailed during shear zone development within the Strangways Metamorphic Complex during the Alice Springs Orogeny. These temperature conditions are significantly higher than those expected at this depth assuming a normal geothermal gradient. The Alice Springs Orogeny was associated with significant crustal thickening, allowing exhumation of the granulite facies, Palaeoproterozoic, lower crust. Along-strike variations of the tectonic style suggest a larger amount of crustal shortening in the eastern part of the Alice Springs Orogeny.  相似文献   

Metagranodiorite samples from the Brossasco‐Isasca Unit, Dora‐Maira Massif, western Alps, show pseudomorphous and coronitic textures where igneous minerals were partially replaced by ultra‐high pressure (UHP) metamorphic assemblages. The original magmatic paragenesis consisted of quartz, plagioclase, K‐feldspar, biotite and minor phases. During UHP metamorphism, the plagioclase (site P) was replaced by zoisite, jadeite, quartz, K‐feldspar and kyanite, and coronitic reactions developed between biotite and adjacent minerals. At the original igneous biotite–quartz contact (site A), a single corona of poorly zoned garnet is developed, whereas at the biotite–K‐feldspar (site B) and biotite–plagioclase (site C) contacts, composite coronas are formed. Integration of results from petrographic observations, calculations of mineral stoichiometry and thermodynamic calculations of mineral stability has allowed the determination of the metamorphic reactions involved and the estimation of the metamorphic conditions, which reached as high as 24 kbar and 650 °C. Accurate microanalysis by energy‐dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) and statistical analysis of the data allowed us to identify, for the first time in a natural Na‐pyroxene of metagranitoid rocks, the end‐member Ca‐Eskola.  相似文献   

Historic, sulphur-rich volcanic eruptions have altered global climate for as much as five years, and much larger events are known from the geologic record. At Scotts Bluff, Nebraska, Early Oligocene strata of the lower Arikaree Group contain a tephra bed with abundant calcite pseudomorphs after gypsum. Previous work has shown sulphate from the pseudomorphs in this tephra bears a high 17O anomaly indicative of oxidation of sulphur gases by ozone or hydrogen peroxide in the atmosphere. Possible sources of the tephra were caldera eruptions at about 28 Ma in the San Juan volcanic field of south-western Colorado (∼500 km SW of the study site) and the eastern Great Basin (∼1000 km WSW). The present sedimentological study shows that tephra and volcanogenic sulphate were deposited and preserved within a small, surface-discharging playa that developed on the irregular upper surface of aeolian siltstones of the subjacent White River Group. Sulphate solutions (including perhaps sulphuric acid) percolated downward within the vadose zone, dissolving early formed smectite cement within underlying volcaniclastic sandstones, reddening these rocks along an irregular alteration front. Preserved fine-scale stratification within the sandstones precludes the possibility that reddening took place during pedogenesis. Displacive growth of gypsum at the playa centre folded tephra beds and forced tephra into underlying sandstones, forming elongate cones. The large mass fraction of gypsum (now replaced by calcite) in the playa sediments suggests a huge, long-distance delivery of sulphate aerosols. Some of the sulphate and tephra may have come from the same eruption, or the fine-grained tephra may simply have aided preservation of dry-fog sulphate derived from an unrelated, effusive eruption of lava.  相似文献   

The Fenes Nappe belongs to the stack of tectonic units cropping out in the southern Apuseni Mts (Romania). It is characterised by a structural history consisting of two folding phases that developed during the time spanning from Early Aptian to Late Maastrichtian. The D1 phase produced west-northwest-verging, isoclinal to very tight folds, associated to a slaty cleavage. The main metamorphic imprint of the Fenes Nappe is linked to this deformation phase; illite and chlorite ‘crystallinity’ values indicate metamorphic conditions of the late diagenesis, close to the diagenetic zone/anchizone boundary. The subsequent D2 phase produced north-northwest-verging, parallel folds, not associated with synkinematic recrystallisation. These phases are interpreted as developed during a structural path, which includes burial at a depth of 8–10 km, followed by exhumation at shallower structural levels. To cite this article: A. Ellero et al., C. R. Geoscience 334 (2002) 347–354.  相似文献   

The study of mass movements in lake sediments provides insights into past natural hazards at historic and prehistoric timescales. Sediments from the deep basin of Lake Geneva reveal a succession of six large‐scale (volumes of 22 × 106 to 250 × 106 m3) mass‐transport deposits, associated with five mass‐movement events within 2600 years (4000 cal bp to 563 ad ). The mass‐transport deposits result from: (i) lateral slope failures (mass‐transport deposit B at 3895 ± 225 cal bp and mass‐transport deposits A and C at 3683 ± 128 cal bp ); and (ii) Rhône delta collapses (mass‐transport deposits D to G dated at 2650 ± 150 cal bp , 2185 ± 85 cal bp , 1920 ± 120 cal bp and 563 ad , respectively). Mass‐transport deposits A and C were most probably triggered by an earthquake, whereas the Rhône delta collapses were likely to be due to sediment overload with a rockfall as the external trigger (mass‐transport deposit G, the Tauredunum event in 563 ad known from historical records), an earthquake (mass‐transport deposit E) or unknown external triggers (mass‐transport deposits D and F). Independent of their origin and trigger mechanisms, numerical simulations show that all of these recorded mass‐transport deposits are large enough to have generated at least metre‐scale tsunamis during mass movement initiation. Since the Tauredunum event in 563 ad , two small‐scale (volumes of 1 to 2 × 106 m3) mass‐transport deposits (H and I) are present in the seismic record, both of which are associated with small lateral slope failures. Mass‐transport deposits H and I might be related to earthquakes in Lausanne/Geneva (possibly) 1322 ad and Aigle 1584 ad , respectively. The sedimentary record of the deep basin of Lake Geneva, in combination with the historical record, show that during the past 3695 years, at least six tsunamis were generated by mass movements, indicating that the tsunami hazard in the Lake Geneva region should not be neglected, although such events are not frequent with a recurrence time of 0·0016 yr?1.  相似文献   

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