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长期以来,地震学方法一直是地球物理学家用于探测地球内部奧秘的主要方法。正是这个方法,曾经为二十年前兴起的地球科学的一场革命——板块构造学说的形成和确立提供过有力的观测证据由地震观测得出的全球地震活动性图象为我们勾画出了岩石层板块的边界,向我们展示了岩石层板块在深部减的证据;震源机制解的系统分析则向显我们示了作用于板块边界上的力方向和性质。  相似文献   

张亚钧 《地球》2012,(1):172-175
《地球》杂志创刊于1981年,由中国地质博物馆和中国地质学会科普委员会联合主办,是我国唯一的一份综合性地质学科普期刊。创刊30年来,《地球》杂志在党的方针和政策指导下,努力坚持正确的办刊方向,从一个学会内部刊物,  相似文献   

(排名不分先后 )《中国地震》编辑部《地震地质》编辑部《世界地震译丛》编辑部《地震文摘》编辑部《地震研究》编辑部《地震学刊》编辑部《西北地震学报》编辑部《东北地震研究》编辑部《广东地质》编辑部《灾害学》编辑部《热带地理》编辑部《山西地震》编辑部《广西水利水电》编辑部《华北地震科学》编辑部《中国岩溶》编辑部《四川地震》编辑部《人民珠江》编辑部《大地测量与地球动力学》编辑部《海洋石油》编辑部《内陆地震》编辑部庆祝《华南地震》创刊二十周年共贺单位  相似文献   

2003年,《华北地震科学》迎来了20岁的生日。在河北省地震局领导的大力支持下,于11月20日召开了纪念会。前来祝贺的来宾有中国地震局数据信息中心期刊负责人冯树文;中国地震局地震数据信息中心期刊专业委员会秘书长赵萍;天津市地震局局长赵国敏;天津市地震局办公室主任王树义;山西省地震局原副局长齐书勤;河北省科技厅政策法规处处长李蔷薇。30多位历届主编、副主编、现任编委参加了纪念会。会上,杨国宝副局长代表局领导作了祝词,主编罗兰格对《华北地震科学》创刊20周年进行了回顾,20年来,《华北地震科学》可谓硕果满枝,经过几代编辑人员的…  相似文献   

顾问(Advisors)陈运泰(院士)(CHEN Yun一tai)陈惟昌(CHEN Wei一ehang)潘晓川(PAN Xiao一ehuan)罗吴美英(LOU一恻Mei一ying)陈顺(院士)(CHEN Yong)戴汝平(DAI Ru一ping)王革(似NGGe) J .F.Bertrajn何继善(院士)(HE Ji一shan)刘国权(LIU Guo一quan)徐家兴(XU J ia一x 1 ng) 5 .J.Duda主编(Editor-in一Chie约王椿铺(WANG Chun一yong)副主编(Assoeiate Editor-in一Chie幻郭履灿(常务)(GUO Lu一ean)谢强(XIE Qiang)陈志强(CHEN Zhi一qiang)童双立(TONG Shuang一11)许忠淮(XU Zhong一huai)丁厚本(DING Hou一ben)…  相似文献   

正尊敬的先生/女士:CT(Computerized Tomography)——计算机断层成像,是一种在不破坏物体结构的前提下,根据物体周边所获取的某种物理量(如地震波、X射线等)的投影数据,运用一定的数学方法,通过计算机处理,重建物体特定层面上的二维图像,以及依据一系列上述二维图像构成三维图像的技术。  相似文献   

正尊敬的先生/女士:CT(Computerized Tomography)——计算机断层成像,是一种在不破坏物体结构的前提下,根据物体周边所获取的某种物理量(如地震波、X射线等)的投影数据,运用一定的数学方法,通过计算机处理,重建物体特定层面上的二维图像,以及依据一系列上述二维图像构成三维图像的技术。  相似文献   

<正>尊敬的先生/女士:CT(Computerized Tomography-计算机断层成像,是一种在不破坏物体结构的前提下,根据物体周边所获取的某种物理量(如地震波、X射线等)的投影数据,运用一定的数学方法,通过计算机处理,重建物体特定层面上的二维图像,以及依据一系列上述二维图像构成三维图像的技术。随着CT技术和各专业学科的发展,CT在物质探测方面所具有巨大的优势,在医学、工业、地球物理、工程、农业、安全检测等领域得到了广泛的应用。  相似文献   

Hilary I.Inyang教授专攻地质及环境岩土工程,任北卡罗莱纳大学全球能源环境研究所所长、教授,兼任国际地球环境技术工程协会主席。2006年10月由联合国全体会员国提名,当选为新一届联合国副秘书长,主管文教、资源、环境、人口、安全、疾病等事务,并兼任联合国大学校长。几年来他多次访问我国,为我国的教育和科研事业做出了贡献。  相似文献   


Sandy desertification is a land degradation characterized by wind erosion, mainly resulted from the excessive human activities in arid, semiarid and part of sub-humid regions in North China. It is one of main kinds of desertification/land degradation as well as water-soil erosion and salinization in China. Rapid and continuous spread of sandy desertification during last 50 years has created a major environmental and socio-economic problem in North China. Remote sensing monitored results in 2000 showed that the sandy desertified land area has been 38.57 × 104 km2. The area of potential to slightly sandy desertified land is 13.93 × 104 km2, moderately land 9.977 ×104 km2, severely land 7.909 × 104 k2 and very severely land 6.756 × 104 km2. Sandy desertification mainly occurs in the semi-arid mixed farming-grazing zone and its northern rangeland zone, semi-arid dryland rainfed cropping zone and arid oasis-desert margin zone. The average annually developmental rate of sandy desertified land increased from 2,100 km2 · a-1 in 1976–1988 to 3,600 km2 · a-1 in 1988–2000. The basic status of sandy desertification in North China is “overall deterioration, while local rehabilitation”. Already achieved rehabilitation results and monitoring assessment show that about 60% of desertified land in North China can be restored under the conditions of rational land-use ways and intensity.


Sandy desertification is a land degradation characterized by wind erosion, mainly resulted from the excessive human activities in arid, semiarid and part of sub-humid regions in North China. It is one of main kinds of desertification/land degradation as well as water-soil erosion and salinization in China. Rapid and continuous spread of sandy desertification during last 50 years has created a major environmental and socio-economic problem in North China. Remote sensing monitored results in 2000 showed that the sandy desertified land area has been 38.57×104 km2. The area of potential to slightly sandy desertified land is 13.93×104 km2, moderately land 9.977×104 km2, severely land 7.909×104 km2 and very severely land 6.756×104km2. Sandy desertification mainly occurs in the semi-arid mixed farming-grazing zone and its northern rangeland zone, semi-arid dryland rainfed cropping zone and arid oasis-desert margin zone. The average annually developmental rate of sandy desertified land increased from 2,100tion in North China is "overall deterioration, while local rehabilitation". Already achieved rehabilitation results and monitoring assessment show that about 60% of desertified land in North China can be restored under the conditions of rational land-use ways and intensity.  相似文献   

顾功叙1985(引自地球物理研究所建所35周年纪念文集) 到了35年后的今天,我们研究所的研究任务倒是变得单一化了,只是地震的研究,看来比较单纯,但如何做下去,问题仍是根本没有解决的,学术思想紊乱,无人设法统一起来,领导上也从不组织议论,漠不关心,听之认之,行政管理已成习惯,科研前景是研究所的大事,我们不是行政单位,方向任务长期定不下来,这对于稍有科学知识和远见的人,必然会强烈不以为然的。 事实上问题并不太复杂困难,不说空话,只干实事就能有所作为,回避大问题是不对的,我们国家要在纪念建国100周年时各方面都赶上世界最发达的国家,指的是经济,当然也指科学,据今还有65年,如果大家满足现状,向后而不向前看,怎样能达到这个目标呢?总是成绩主要能推动我们前进吗?地震工作没有远景目标及奋斗方向,只说空话能打开一点局面,向科学高峰攀登吗? 人们的积极性能发挥出来吗?  相似文献   

1995年1月17日凌晨发生在大阪湾西侧的M6.9级兵库县南部地震已经过去了15年。此次地震从淡路岛东北端附近开始,同时向西北和东南破裂。在东南方向,右旋断裂从震中延伸约20km到达地球表面。在西北方向,破裂延伸约25km直达神户市下方。断裂没有到达神户地表,但破裂的方向和速度对波场产生了强大的前向方向性效应,  相似文献   

Analyses of over 600 archaeomagnetic data compiled by Burlatskaya and Nachasova (1977) illustrate that our knowledge of the intensity of the Earth's magnetic field is much poorer than generally believed. The data exhibit high scatter and the distribution of sampling localities is extremely limited. Rock magnetic and experimental contributions to the scatter are probably significant, although it is impossible to determine uniquely the sources of scatter without a substantial increase in the data base and without making additional assumptions about the past magnetic field behaviour. Nevertheless, when averaged in 1000 year intervals, the archaeomagnetic intensity data for the past 5000 years can be simply, but non-uniquely, interpreted in terms of a change in the intensity of the dipole field. This interpretation is broadly consistent with independent evidence from radiocarbon data. Because of inconsistencies in radiocarbon data prior to 8000 years B.P. and because of inadequacies in the archaeomagnetic data, the previously alleged sinusoidal variation of the dipole field intensity with a period of 8000–9000 years should be regarded as highly tentative.  相似文献   

A benthic habitat along the coast of McMurdo Station in the Ross Sea, Antarctica is enriched by sewage from the station and altered by hydrocarbons and heavy metals in an adjacent historic dumpsite. We report on 10 years of change in the benthic communities from 1988 to 1998 and compare enrichment effects at Australia's Casey Station, East Antarctica. Despite being 14 km apart, reference communities upcurrent and downcurrent of McMurdo Station remained closely similar over time, dominated in all years by a tube building polychaete, Spiophanes tcherniae. The community bordering McMurdo Station was generally a third as abundant as communities at the reference sites over the decade of sampling, although diversity was as high or higher, except in the most contaminated areas. In 1992, organic enrichment of the outfall community intensified and within the year, the opportunistic polychaetes Aphelochaeta sp., Ophryotrocha notialis, Capitella perarmata, and Leitoscoloplos kerguelensis became dominant. Since 1996, two of the three enriched communities have increased in resemblance to the reference communities. Given the observed responsiveness of the benthos to the outfall so far, further changes are anticipated within the year following implementation of sewage treatment in 2003. Organic enrichment by McMurdo Station has had a greater impact on benthic community structure than at Australia's Casey Station.  相似文献   

通过对川滇菱形块体边界带上的29个跨断层形变测量场地的观测资料进行处理,分析,根据确定的异常判据和指标,提取异常变化值,并对异常的时空分布进行综合分析,探讨地震发生前各个测量场地测量数据中所包含的前兆异常特征,同时对各断裂的群体形变特征进行分析。  相似文献   

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