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We undertook a time-series photometric multisite campaign for the rapidly oscillating Ap (roAp) star HD 99563 and also acquired mean light observations over four seasons. The pulsations of the star, which show flatter light maxima than minima, can be described with a frequency quintuplet centred on 1557.653 μHz and some first harmonics of it. The amplitude of the pulsation is modulated with the rotation period of the star that we determine with 2.91179 ± 0.00007 d from the analysis of the stellar pulsation spectrum and of the mean light data. We break up the distorted oscillation mode into its pure spherical harmonic components and find it is dominated by the ℓ= 1 pulsation, and also has a notable ℓ= 3 contribution, with weak ℓ= 0 and 2 components. The geometrical configuration of the star allows us to see both pulsation poles for about the same amount of time; HD 99563 is only the fourth roAp star for which both pulsation poles are seen and only the third where the distortion of the pulsation modes has been modelled. We point out that HD 99563 is very similar to the well-studied roAp star HR 3831. Finally, we note that the visual companion of HD 99563 is located in the δ Scuti instability strip and may thus show pulsation. We show that if the companion was physical, the roAp star would be a 2.03-M, object, seen at a rotational inclination of 44°, which then predicts a magnetic obliquity     .  相似文献   

We present optical time series spectroscopy of the pulsating white dwarf star G 29-38 taken at the Very Large Telescope (VLT). By measuring the variations in brightness, Doppler shift and line shape of each spectrum, we explore the physics of pulsation and measure the spherical degree (ℓ) of each stellar pulsation mode. We measure the physical motion of the g modes correlated with the brightness variations for three of the eight pulsation modes in this data set. The varying line shape reveals the spherical degree of the pulsations, an important quantity for properly modelling the interior of the star with asteroseismology. Performing fits to the Hβ, Hγ and Hδ lines, we quantify the changing shape of the line and compare them to models and previous time series spectroscopy of G 29-38. These VLT data confirm several ℓ identifications and add four new values, including an additional ℓ= 2 and a possible ℓ= 4. In total, from both sets of spectroscopy of G 29-38, eleven modes now have known spherical degrees.  相似文献   

The axial modes for non-barotropic relativistic rotating neutron stars with uniform angular velocity are studied, using the slow-rotation formalism together with the low-frequency approximation, first investigated by Kojima. The time-independent form of the equations leads to a singular eigenvalue problem, which admits a continuous spectrum. We show that for     , it is nevertheless also possible to find discrete mode solutions (the r modes). However, under certain conditions related to the equation of state and the compactness of the stellar model, the eigenfrequency lies inside the continuous band and the associated velocity perturbation is divergent; hence these solutions have to be discarded as being unphysical. We corroborate our results by explicitly integrating the time-dependent equations. For stellar models admitting a physical r-mode solution, it can indeed be excited by arbitrary initial data. For models admitting only an unphysical mode solution, the evolutions do not show any tendency to oscillate with the respective frequency. For higher values of l it seems that in certain cases there are no mode solutions at all.  相似文献   

We report 36.6 h of time-resolved CCD photometry of the DB white dwarf star PG 2246+121 and the discovery that it is a new pulsating variable. Analysis of our compact single-site data set allowed the detection of three mode multiplets, two triplets at 256 and 329 s, respectively, and one doublet at 286 s. The frequency splitting within those structures is exactly the same within the length and accuracy of our data set.
We argue that these multiplets are the result of non-radial g-mode pulsations, most probably of spherical degree ℓ=1, which then yields a formal stellar rotation period of 2.00±0.12 d. We suggest that the excited modes are three consecutive radial overtones of order 3–7, most likely k =4,5,6. This discovery's impact on the understanding of pulsating DB white dwarfs is discussed.  相似文献   

Using the stellar photometry catalogue based on the latest data release (DR4) of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS), a study of the Galactic structure using star counts is carried out for selected areas of the sky. The sample areas are selected along a circle at a Galactic latitude of +60°, and 10 strips of high Galactic latitude along different longitudes. Direct statistics of the data show that the surface densities of ℓ from 180° to 360° are systematically higher than those of ℓ from 0° to 180°, defining a region of overdensity (in the direction of Virgo) and another one of underdensity (in the direction of Ursa Major) with respect to an axisymmetric model. It is shown by comparing the results from star counts in the ( g − r ) colour that the density deviations are due to an asymmetry of the stellar density in the halo. Theoretical models for the surface density profile are built and star counts are performed using a triaxial halo of which the parameters are constrained by observational data. Two possible reasons for the asymmetric structure are discussed.  相似文献   

Observations of the southern Cepheid ℓ Car to yield the mean angular diameter and angular pulsation amplitude have been made with the Sydney University Stellar Interferometer at a wavelength of 696 nm. The resulting mean limb-darkened angular diameter is 2.990 ± 0.017 mas (i.e. ± 0.6 per cent) with a maximum-to-minimum amplitude of 0.560 ± 0.018 mas corresponding to 18.7 ± 0.6 per cent in the mean stellar diameter. Careful attention has been paid to uncertainties, including those in measurements, in the adopted calibrator angular diameters, in the projected values of visibility squared at zero baseline, and to systematic effects. No evidence was found for a circumstellar envelope at 696 nm. The interferometric results have been combined with radial displacements of the stellar atmosphere derived from selected radial velocity data taken from the literature to determine the distance and mean diameter of ℓ Car. The distance is determined to be 525 ± 26 pc and the mean radius  169 ± 8 R  . Comparison with published values for the distance and mean radius shows excellent agreement, particularly when a common scaling factor from observed radial velocity to pulsation velocity of the stellar atmosphere (the p -factor) is used.  相似文献   

Only a fraction of the theoretically predicted non-radial pulsation modes have so far been observed in δ Scuti stars. Nevertheless, the large number of frequencies detected in recent photometric studies of selected δ Scuti stars allow us to look for regularities in the frequency spacing of modes. Mode identifications are used to interpret these results.
Statistical analyses of several δ Scuti stars (FG Vir, 44 Tau, BL Cam and others) show that the photometrically observed frequencies are not distributed at random, but that the excited non-radial modes cluster around the frequencies of the radial modes over many radial orders.
The observed regularities can be partly explained by modes trapped in the stellar envelope. This mode selection mechanism was proposed by Dziembowski & Królikowska and shown to be efficient for  ℓ= 1  modes. New pulsation model calculations confirm the observed regularities.
We present the s – f diagram, which compares the average separation of the radial frequencies ( s ) with the frequency of the lowest frequency unstable radial mode ( f ). This provides an estimate for the  log  g   value of the observed star, if we assume that the centres of the observed frequency clusters correspond to the radial mode frequencies. This assumption is confirmed by examples of well-studied δ Scuti variables in which radial modes were definitely identified.  相似文献   

We present new high-speed, multisite photometric observations of the rapidly oscillating Ap star HD 119027 acquired over seven nights during 1996. A frequency analysis of these observations reveals the presence of oscillations at 1835, 1875, 1888, 1913, 1940, 1942 and (possibly) 1953 μHz. These frequencies are consistent with a spacing of either 13 or 26 μHz, depending on the reality of the oscillations at 1875 and 1953 μHz. The data in hand do not permit us to discriminate between the two possible spacings. If the smaller value of the spacing is correct, it suggests that HD 119027 is outside the main-sequence band. Two of the frequencies listed above are separated by only 1.95 μHz, suggesting that they are modes of ( n ,ℓ) and ( n  − 1, ℓ + 2), which in roAp stars is a quantity governed by the internal magnetic field.  相似文献   

We study the possibility of the excitation of non-radial oscillations in classical pulsating stars. The stability of an RR Lyrae model is examined through non-adiabatic non-radial calculations. We also explore stability in the presence of non-linear coupling between radial and non-radial modes of nearly identical frequency.   In our model, a large number of unstable low-degree (ℓ = 1,2) modes have frequencies in the vicinity of unstable radial mode frequencies. The growth rates of such modes, however, are considerably smaller than those of the radial modes. We also recover an earlier result that at higher degrees (ℓ = 6–12) there are modes trapped in the envelope with growth rates similar to those of radial modes.   Subsequently, monomode radial pulsation of this model is considered. The destabilizing effect of the 1:1 resonance between the radial mode and nearby non-radial modes of low degrees is studied, with the assumption that the excited radial mode saturates the linear instability of all other modes. The instability depends on the radial mode amplitude, the frequency difference, the damping rate of the non-radial mode, and the strength of the non-linear coupling between the modes considered. At the pulsation amplitudes typical for RR Lyrae stars, the instability of the monomode radial pulsation and the concomitant resonant excitation of some non-radial oscillation modes is found to be very likely.  相似文献   

We consider the evolution of white dwarfs with compact object companions (specifically black holes with masses up to  ∼106  M  , neutron stars, and other white dwarfs). We suppose that the orbits are initially quite elliptical and then shrink and circularize under the action of gravitational radiation. During this evolution, the white dwarfs will pass through resonances when harmonics of the orbital frequency match the stellar oscillation eigenfrequencies. As a star passes through these resonances, the associated modes will be excited and can be driven to amplitudes that are so large that there is a back reaction on the orbit which, in turn, limits the growth of the modes. A formalism is presented for describing this dynamical interaction for a non-rotating star in the linear approximation when the orbit can be treated as non-relativistic. A semi-analytical expression is found for computing the resonant energy transfer as a function of stellar and orbital parameters for the regime where back reaction may be neglected. This is used to calculate the results of passage through a sequence of resonances for several hypothetical systems. It is found that the amplitude of the  ℓ= m = 2  f -mode can be driven into the non-linear regime for appropriate initial conditions. We also discuss where the no back reaction approximation is expected to fail, and the qualitative effects of back reaction.  相似文献   

We have carried out a three-site photometric campaign for the β Cephei star θ Oph from 2003 April to August. 245 h of differential photoelectric u v y photometry were obtained during 77 clear nights. The frequency analysis of our measurements has resulted in the detection of seven pulsation modes within a narrow frequency interval between 7.116 and 7.973 c d−1. No combination or harmonic frequencies have been found. We have performed a mode identification of the individual pulsations from our colour photometry that shows the presence of one radial mode, one rotationally split  ℓ= 1  triplet and possibly three components of a rotationally split  ℓ= 2  quintuplet. We discuss the implications of our findings and point out the similarity of the pulsation spectrum of θ Oph to that of another β Cephei star, V836 Cen.  相似文献   

The age of the Universe has been increasingly constrained by different techniques, such as the observations of type Ia supernovae (SNIa) at high redshift or dating the stellar populations of globular clusters. In this paper, we present a complementary approach using the colours of the brightest elliptical galaxies in clusters over a wide redshift range  ( z ≲ 1)  . We put new and independent bounds on the dark energy equation of state parametrized by a constant pressure-to-density ratio   w Q  and by a parameter (ξ) which determines the scaling between the matter and dark energy densities. We find that accurate estimates of the metallicities of the stellar populations in moderate and high-redshift cluster galaxies can pose stringent constraints on the parameters that describe dark energy. Our results are in good agreement with the analysis of dark energy models using SNIa data as a constraint. Accurate estimates of the metallicities of stellar populations in cluster galaxies at   z ≲ 2  will make this approach a powerful complement to studies of cosmological parameters using high-redshift SNIa.  相似文献   

We present the results of a spectroscopic multisite campaign for the β Cephei star 12 (DD) Lacertae. Our study is based on more than thousand high-resolution high S/N spectra gathered with eight different telescopes in a time span of 11 months. In addition, we make use of numerous archival spectroscopic measurements. We confirm 10 independent frequencies recently discovered from photometry, as well as harmonics and combination frequencies. In particular, the slowly pulsating B-stars (SPB)-like g -mode with frequency 0.3428 d−1 reported before is detected in our spectroscopy. We identify the four main modes as  (ℓ1, m 1) = (1, 1), (ℓ2, m 2) = (0, 0), (ℓ3, m 3) = (1, 0)  and  (ℓ4, m 4) = (2, 1)  for   f 1= 5.178 964 d−1, f 2= 5.334 224 d−1, f 3= 5.066 316 d−1  and   f 4= 5.490 133 d−1  , respectively. Our seismic modelling shows that f 2 is likely the radial first overtone and that the core overshooting parameter  αov  is lower than 0.4 local pressure scale heights.  相似文献   

A multisite campaign of BI CMi was carried out with excellent frequency resolution and high photometric accuracy from 1997 to 2000, including two long observing seasons. 29 pulsation frequencies could be extracted from the 1024 h (177 nights) of photometry used. The detected frequencies include 20 pulsation modes in the main pulsation frequency range from 4.8 to 13.0 cycle d−1 (55 to 150 μHz), eight linear combinations of these frequencies, and a very low frequency at 1.66 cycle d−1. Since the value of the low frequency at 1.66 cycle d−1 cannot be identified with a linear combination of other frequencies, g-mode pulsation is suspected, but rotational modulation of abundance spots cannot be ruled out. BI CMi, which is situated near the cool edge of the classical instability strip, may be both a δ Scuti and a γ Doradus star. Another outstanding property of BI CMi is the presence of a number of close frequency pairs in the power spectrum with separations as small as 0.01 cycle d−1.
A rotational velocity of     was determined from a high-dispersion spectrum. From phase differences, the dominant modes can be identified with ℓ values from 0 to 2. The spectral type and evolutionary status of BI CMi are examined.  相似文献   

We calculate the secondary anisotropies in the cosmic microwave background (CMB) produced by inhomogeneous reionization from simulations in which the effects of radiative and stellar feedback effects on galaxy formation have been included. This allows us to determine self-consistently the beginning ( z i≈30), the duration ( δz ≈20) and the (non-linear) evolution of the reionization process for a critical density cold dark matter (CDM) model. In addition, from the simulated spatial distribution of ionized regions, we are able to calculate the evolution of the two-point ionization correlation function, C χ , and obtain the power spectrum of the anisotropies, C , in the range 5000<ℓ<106. The power spectrum has a broad maximum around ℓ≈30 000, where it reaches the value 2×10−12. We also show that the ionization correlation function C χ is not Gaussian, but at separation angles θ ≲10−4 rad it can be approximated by a modified Lorentzian shape; at larger separations an anticorrelation signal is predicted for both C χ and C ( θ ). Detection of signals as above will be possible with future millimetre-wavelength interferometers like the Atacama Large Millimeter Array (ALMA) , which appears as an optimum instrument to search for signatures of inhomogeneous reionization.  相似文献   

We present results of a comprehensive asteroseismic modelling of the β Cephei variable θ Ophiuchi. We call these studies complex asteroseismology because our goal is to reproduce both pulsational frequencies and corresponding values of a complex, non-adiabatic parameter, f , defined by the radiative flux perturbation. To this end, we apply the method of simultaneous determination of the spherical harmonic degree, ℓ, of excited pulsational mode and the corresponding non-adiabatic f parameter from combined multicolour photometry and radial velocity data. Using both the OP and OPAL opacity data, we find a family of seismic models which reproduce the radial and dipole centroid mode frequencies, as well as the f parameter associated with the radial mode. Adding the non-adiabatic parameter to seismic modelling of the B-type main-sequence pulsators yields very strong constraints on stellar opacities. In particular, only with one source of opacities it is possible to agree the empirical values of f with their theoretical counterparts. Our results for θ Oph point substantially to preference for the OPAL data.  相似文献   

We make use of 3456 d of observations of the low-ℓ p-mode oscillations of the Sun in order to study the evolution over time of the measurement precision of the radial eigenfrequencies. These data were collected by the ground-based Birmingham Solar-Oscillations Network (BiSON) between 1991 January and 2000 June. When the power spectrum of the complete time series is fitted, the analysis yields frequency uncertainties that are close to those expected from the returned coherence times of the modes. The slightly elevated levels compared with the prediction appear to be consistent with a degradation of the signal-to-noise ratio in the spectrum that is the result of the influence of the window function of the observations (duty cycle 71 per cent). The fractional frequency precision reaches levels of a several parts in 106 for many of the modes. The corresponding errors reported from observations made by the GOLF instrument on board the ESA/NASA SOHO satellite, when extrapolated to the length of the BiSON data set, are shown to be (on average) about ∼25 per cent smaller than their BiSON counterparts owing to the uninterrupted nature of the data from which they were derived.
An analysis of the BiSON data in contiguous segments of different lengths, T , demonstrates that the frequency uncertainties scale as T −1/2. This is to be expected in the regime where the coherence (life) times of the modes, τ n ℓ, are smaller than the observing time T (the 'oversampled' regime). We show that mode detections are only now beginning to encroach on the 'undersampled' regime (where   T < τ n ℓ)  .  相似文献   

p-mode oscillations in solar-like stars are excited by the outer convection zone in these stars and reflected close to the surface. The p modes are trapped inside an acoustic cavity, but the modes only stay trapped up to a given frequency [known as the acoustic cut-off frequency  (νac)  ] as modes with larger frequencies are generally not reflected at the surface. This means that modes with frequency larger than the acoustic cut-off frequency must be travelling waves. The high-frequency modes may provide information about the physics in the outer layers of the stars and the excitation source and are therefore highly interesting as it is the estimation of these two phenomena that cause some of the largest uncertainties when calculating stellar oscillations.
High-frequency modes have been detected in the Sun, in β Hydri and in α Cen A and α Cen B by smoothing the so-called echelle diagram and the large frequency separation as a function of frequency has been estimated. The large frequency separation has been compared with a simple model of the acoustic cavity which suggests that the reflectivity of the photosphere is larger at high frequency than predicted by standard models of the solar atmosphere and that the depth of the excitation source is larger than what has been estimated by other models and might depend on the order n and degree l of the modes.  相似文献   

Low frequency oscillation, typical for γ Doradus g‐mode type stellar core sensitive pulsation, as well as higher frequency δ Scuti type pulsation typical for p ‐modes, sensitive to the envelope, make HD 8801 a remarkable hybrid pulsator with the potential to probe a stellar structure over a wide range of radius. In addition HD 8801 is a rare pulsating metallic line (Am) star. We determined the astro‐physical fundamental parameters to locate HD 8801 in the H‐R diagram. We analyzed the element abundances, paying close attention to the errors involved, and confirm the nature of HD 8801 as a metallic line (Am) star. We also determined an upper limit on the magnetic field strength. Our abundance analysis is based on classical techniques, but uses for the final step a model atmosphere calculated with the abundances determined by us. We also discuss spectropolarimetric observations obtained for HD 8801. This object is remarkable in several respects. It is a nonmagnetic metallic line (Am) star, pulsating simultaneously in p‐ and g‐modes, but also shows oscillations with periods in between these two domains, whose excitation requires explanation. Overall, the pulsational incidence in unevolved classical Am stars is believed to be quite low; HD 8801 does not conform to this picture. Finally, about 75 % of Am stars are located in short‐period binaries, but there is no evidence that HD 8801 has a companion. (© 2013 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

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