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Field investigation and seismic section explanation showed that the Longmen Mountain Thrust Belt has obvious differential deformation:zonation,segmentation and stratification.Zonation means that,from NW to NE,the Longmen Mountain Thrust Belt can be divided into the Songpan- Garz(?) Tectonic Belt,ductile deformation belt,base involved thrust belt,frontal fold-thrust belt,and foreland depression.Segmentation means that it can be divided into five segments from north to south: the northern segment,the Anxia...  相似文献   

By analyzing the balanced cross sections and subsidence history of the Longmen Mountain thrust belt, China, we concluded that it had experienced five tectonic stages: (1) the formation stage (T3x) of the miniature of Longmen Mountain, early Indosinian movement, and Anxian tectonic movement created the Longmen Mountain; (2) the stable tectonic stage (J1) where weaker tectonic movement resulted in the Longmen Mountain thrust belt being slightly uplifted and slightly subsiding the foreland basin; (3) the intense tectonic stage (J2-3), namely the early Yanshan movement; (4) continuous tectonic movement (K–E), namely the late Yanshan movement and early Himalayan movement; and (5) the formation of Longmen Mountain (N–Q), namely the late Himalayan movement. During those tectonic deformation stages, the Anxian movement and Himalayan movement played important roles in the Longmen Mountain’s formation. The Himalayan movement affected Longmen Mountain the most; the strata thrust intensively and were eroded severely. There are some klippes in the middle part of the Longmen Mountain thrust belt because a few nappes were pushed southeastward in later tectonic deformation.  相似文献   

By analyzing the balanced cross sections and subsidence history of the Longmen Mountain thrust belt,China,we concluded that it had experienced five tectonic stages:(1)the formation stage (T3x) of the miniature of Longmen Mountain, early Indosinian movement, and Anxian tectonic movement created the Longmen Mountain;(2)the stable tectonic stage(J1)where weaker tectonic movement resulted in the Longmen Mountain thrust belt being slightly uplifted and slightly subsiding the foreland basin;(3)the intense tectonic stage(J2-3),namely the early Yanshan movement;(4) continuous tectonic movement(K-E),namely the late Yaushan movement and early Himalayan movement;and(5)the formation of Longrnen Mountain(N-Q),namely the late Himalayan movement. During those tectonic deformation stages, the Anxian movement and Himalayan movement played important roles in the Longmen Mountain'S formation.The Himalayan movement affected Longmen Mountain the most;the strata thrust intensively and were eroded severely.There are some klippes in the middle part of the Longmen Mountain thrust belt because a few nappes were pushed southeastward in later tectonic deformation.  相似文献   

Through field geological survey,the authors found that abundant thrust faults developed in the Longmen (龙门) Mountain thrust belt.These faults can be divided into thrust faults and strike-slip faults according to their formation mechanisms and characteristics.Furthermore,these faults can be graded into primary fault,secondary fault,third-level fault,and fourth-level fault according to their scale and role in the tectonic evolution of Longmen Mountain thrust belt.Each thrust fault is composed of several secondary faults,such as Qingchuan (青川)-Maowen (茂汶) fault zone is composed of Qiaozhuang (乔庄) fault,Qingxi (青溪) fault,Maowen fault,Ganyanggou (赶羊沟) fault,etc..The Longmen Mountain thrust belt experienced early Indosinian movement,Anxian (安县) movement,Yanshan (燕山)movement,and Himalayan movement,and the faults formed gradually from north to south.  相似文献   

Through field geological investigation and seismic interpretation of the Longmen (龙门) Mountain thrust belt, we summarized the following structural styles: thrust belt, fault-related fold (fault bend fold, fault propagation fold, and fault decollement fold), pop-up, triangle zone, duplex, superimposed fold, ductile deformation structures, reverse thrust fault, klippe, decollement structure,etc.. These structural styles have evident distribution characteristics; they had zonation and segmentation in plane. Th...  相似文献   

龙门山冲断带构造特征研究主要进展及存在问题探讨   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
在前人研究成果基础上,对龙门山冲断带差异构造变形特征,构造几何样式,构造演化等几个方面进行了综述。研究表明,龙门山冲断带具有明显差异构造变形特征,即东西分带、南北分段、上下分层,同时发育大量构造变形样式,如断层相关褶皱、三角带、飞来峰、双重构造等等,在经历了多期复杂构造演化之后,构造变形样式具有多期叠加特征,最后提出详细地表构造地质建模、地震剖面精细解释及合理模型的建立,同时结合多种量化测试分析手段能够有效推进龙门山冲断带复杂构造样式与多期构造演化阶段分析研究工作,以及推动该地区的油气勘探。  相似文献   

川西龙门山褶皱冲断带分带性变形特征   总被引:36,自引:5,他引:36  
通过野外地质考察和地震资料解释,将龙门山褶皱冲断带划分为5个构造带,即青川-茂汶断裂以西为松潘-甘孜构造带,青川-茂汶断裂与北川-映秀断裂之间为韧性变形带,北川-映秀断裂与马角坝-通济场-双石断裂之间为基底卷入冲断带,马角坝-通济场-双石断裂与广元-关口-大邑断裂之间为前缘-褶皱冲断带,广元-关口-大邑断裂以东为前陆坳陷带,在构造变形特征上,各条断裂在演化上具有前展式特征,在松潘-甘孜构造带和韧性变形带构造变形强烈,形成推覆构造带等构造变形样式,在前缘-褶皱冲断带和前陆坳陷带,变形强度较弱,形成背冲断块或断层相关褶皱等构造,西北部区域的变形表现为塑性变形特征,向南东方向渐变为塑-脆性变形和脆性变形,在剖面上各条断裂所形成的深度向盆地方向逐渐递减。龙门山褶皱冲断带的分带性变形特征是由多种因素共同影响的结果,这些因素主要有板块构造背景的决定作用、多套滑脱层的控制作用和岩性因素的制约作用。  相似文献   

库车前陆褶皱-冲断带盐构造差异变形和分段性特征探讨   总被引:11,自引:6,他引:11  
通过野外地质调查、GIS分析、三维可视化分析、盐相关构造变形样式的探讨、平衡剖面分析以及缩短量和缩短率的估算,表明库车前陆褶皱—冲断带盐构造具有明显的差异变形和分段性特征。差异变形主要表现为纵向上不同层次变形的差异性以及平面上构造变形的分带性与分段性。段与段的分界一般为走滑断层,在野外可见大量断层三角面、擦痕、阶步、错断的山脊和河谷等现象,地貌GIS分析可以揭示一些构造分段的细节特征,三维可视化反映了隐伏的残留盐枕的分段性。不同的段具有迥然不同的构造变形样式,平衡剖面分析可以估算出不同段落缩短量和缩短率的明显差异。盐构造差异变形和分段性的形成一方面受控于天山造山带的分段性活动过程,还和盐岩层本身的沉积学特征及盐体展布格局有关,同时还明显受到基底构造的控制,与基底古隆起、基底断裂及古构造断坡的发育密切相关。  相似文献   

龙门山前陆褶皱冲断带构造解析与川西前陆盆地的发育   总被引:55,自引:2,他引:55  
通过详细的野外地质调查和精细的地震剖面构造解析。揭示了龙门山前陆褶皱冲断带的基本构造特征。对比分析了龙门山北段与南段构造变形几何学和运动学的差异。提出龙门山北段主要表现为一系列复杂的逆冲推覆构造,晚三叠纪变形强于新生代;龙门山南段则以基底卷入的叠瓦状冲断为特点,晚白垩纪-早第三纪变形尤为突出。与前陆褶皱冲断带相对应的是,川西晚三叠纪时期的周缘前陆盆地主要表现在整个龙门山褶皱冲断带的前渊地区;而晚白垩纪-早第三纪再生前陆盆地却局限在川西盆地的南部,并且印-藏碰撞的持续挤压作用使得晚新生代构造变形不断向东扩展进入川西盆地南部。  相似文献   

川西龙门山冲断带构造油气藏类型及分布预测   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
野外地质考察和地震剖面解释表明川西龙门山冲断带具有复杂的构造地质特征,认为研究区发育类型众多的构造变形样式,主要有背冲断块、三角带构造、逆冲断层带和断块构造、断层相关褶皱构造以及双重构造等,不同类型的构造变形样式形成不同类型的构造油气藏。不同类型构造油气藏具有一定的分布规律,在平面上具有分带性,并与龙门山冲断带的主干断裂密切相关,如北川-映秀断裂与马角坝-通济场-双石断裂之间主要发育与断层相关的褶皱型油气藏;马角坝-通济场-双石断裂与广元-关口-大邑断裂之间主要发育三角带构造型油气藏以及一些断滑褶皱型油气藏,等等。在纵向上具有分层性,区域性滑脱层之上发育各种类型的构造油气藏,主要有背冲断块型油气藏、逆冲断裂带内的构造油气藏等,滑脱层之下发育双重构造型油气藏、断层相关及与背斜有关的构造油气藏。  相似文献   

通过对采自龙门山南段、中段和北段花岗岩与砂岩样品中的磷灰石、锆石的裂变径迹年龄的分析,发现中生代以来龙门山的隆升在走向上存在分段性,在近东西方向上存在分带性。从松潘-甘孜褶皱带→龙门山冲断带→川西前陆盆地:松潘-甘孜褶皱带整体发生区域隆升,裂变径迹年龄与高程呈正相关关系;在龙门山冲断带,裂变径迹年龄与高程呈负相关关系或无关,说明冲断层在隆升过程中起主导作用;在川西前陆盆地,样品随埋深发生部分或全部退火。茂县-汶川断裂两侧锆石裂变径迹年龄差异明显而磷灰石裂变径迹年龄无明显差异,显示茂县-汶川断裂以西地区在38~10 Ma发生过更为快速的隆升;北川断裂两侧磷灰石裂变径迹年龄差异明显,表明北川断裂以西地区在10~0 Ma发生过快速隆升。从走向上看,从龙门山北段向南段,锆石裂变径迹年龄呈逐渐增大的趋势,这可能意味着印支末期或燕山早期,龙门山北段发生了更快的隆升;而磷灰石裂变径迹年龄总体上从龙门山北段向中段和南段呈递减趋势,反映新生代期间龙门山中、南段隆升更快。  相似文献   

综合地球化学、野外剖面和钻测井等资料,运用岩石学和地层对比、盆地模拟等方法,剖析了龙门山造山带和川西前陆盆地的盆山耦合关系,探讨了这种盆山耦合关系对油气成藏的控制作用,最后给出了勘探建议及有利区带预测。结果表明:龙门山造山带和川西前陆盆地在沉积和构造方面表现出良好的盆山耦合关系,具体表现在沉降与隆升的对应、物源与沉积的对应以及构造多幕性和沉积旋回性的对应等特征上;沉积耦合关系控制着烃源岩的沉积厚度及热演化程度,并影响着储层的垂向和横向分布,而构造耦合关系则对造山带和前陆盆地的断层发育以及油气运移和成藏所需圈闭具有决定性作用;盆山耦合呈多期性,具有沉积、沉降中心以及沉积相展布不断迁移和多期叠加的特征;形成了川西前陆盆地深、中、浅层的三维立体幕式演化成藏模式。有利区带预测表明:梓潼坳陷南端是深盆气的有利聚集区;浅层气主要分布在古隆起发育的盆地中、南段;深层气则多分布于盆地北部及中部地层尖灭带。  相似文献   

龙年  陶晓风 《江苏地质》2012,36(4):355-359
龙门山飞来峰主要有挤压推覆和重力滑覆两种形成观点,飞来峰的成因对龙门山的构造演化具有重要意义。通过对其北段宝珠寺飞来峰野外实地考察及其构造变形特征的研究,得出该飞来峰主体为向斜构造,具有多层结构,由北西—南东向逆冲推覆形成,为推覆说提供了有力的证据;并且该区域构造具有典型的后展式逆冲推覆构造,区别于整个龙门山前展式推覆构造模式。  相似文献   

甯濛  刘殊  龚文平  魏一冰  纪璇 《地质论评》2015,61(6):1248-1256
前陆冲断带具有巨大的油气勘探潜力,构造分段性控制油气分布。龙门山冲断带构造分段特征明显,但对分段性的形成机理缺乏深入研究。总结前人砂箱模拟实验成果认为:盆地基底差异和推覆带附近刚性体分布的差异,是造成冲断带构造分段的主要原因。龙门山前川西古拗拉谷的发现,为盆地基底存在差异提供了有利证据,古拗拉谷两侧发育大邑古隆起、江油——老关庙古隆起,在后期逆冲推覆过程中形成阻挡。通过对龙门山推覆带基底特征和刚性地体进行分析,结合前人模拟实验结果,明确提出龙门山冲断带构造分段机理:龙门山北段构造的形成是以碧口地块为动力,龙门山初始裂谷边缘古隆起形成阻挡,在古隆起上方形成冲断带;中段以彭灌杂岩体[彭县——灌县(都江堰)杂岩体]传递动力,在川西古拗拉谷坳陷部位,刚性体挤入盆地内部,印支期——喜马拉雅期,古坳陷部位继承性地发展为川西前陆盆地;南段以宝兴杂岩体传递动力,在大邑古隆起上方形成冲断带。  相似文献   

川西坳陷龙门山前带在中侏罗统沙溪庙组沉积时期,发育一套以冲积扇-辫状河三角洲为主的近源冲积体系。基于 高分辨率层序地层学理论,通过对野外露头、岩心、分析化验、地球物理和钻井资料的综合分析,阐明发育在山前带的近 源冲积体系的砂体成因类型,总结砂体垂向叠置关系和平面分布规律,建立近源冲积体系砂体叠置模式。结果表明,河道 和席化滩坝是研究区内主要的砂体成因类型,其中河道较为发育;物源和湖平面升降是影响砂体展布的重要因素,物源控 制河道砂体的展布,湖平面升降控制滩坝砂体的展布和河道砂体的质量;砂体叠置模式可以分为4种,分别是超低可容空 间叠置河道砂砾岩体、低可容空间叠置河道砂体、高可容空间叠置河道砂体和高可容空间河道叠置席化滩坝砂体。  相似文献   

柯东构造带柯东段中新世以来两期构造变形与油气成藏   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
昆仑山前柯东构造带油气勘探潜力大,但其地下复杂构造制约着本区油气勘探。综合最新钻井、地震、非地震及野外露头资料,对柯东构造带柯东段进行构造建模研究,认为柯东段构造变形为两期,早期为圈闭形成期,与断层相关褶皱发育;晚期为调整期,高角度断层发育。两期构造变形作用控制着本区油气成藏、调整过程。  相似文献   

The Triassic Jialingjiang Formation and Leikoupo Formation are characterized by thick salt layers. Three tectono-stratigraphic sequences can be identified according to detachment layers of Lower-Middle Triassic salt beds in the northern Sichuan Basin, i.e. the sub-salt sequence composed of Sinian to the Lower Triassic Feixianguan Formation, the salt sequence of the Lower Triassic Jialingjiang Formation and Mid-Triassic Leikoupou Formation, and the supra-salt sequence composed of continental clastics of the Upper-Triassic Xujiahe Formation, Jurassic and Cretaceous. A series of specific structural styles, such as intensively deformed belt of basement-involved imbricated thrust belt, basement-involved and salt-detached superimposed deformed belt, buried salt-related detached belt, duplex, piling triangle zone and pop-up, developed in the northern Sichuan Basin. The relatively thin salt beds, associated with the structural deformation of the northern Sichuan Basin, might act as a large decollement layer. The deformation mechanisms in the northern Sichuan Basin included regional compression and shortening, plastic flow and detachment, tectonic upwelling and erosion, gravitational sliding and spreading. The source rocks in the northern Sichuan Basin are strata underlying the salt layer, such as the Cambrian, Silurian and Permian. The structural deformation related to the Triassic salt controlled the styles of traps for hydrocarbon. The formation and development of hydrocarbon traps in the northern Sichuan Basin might have a bearing upon the Lower-Middle Triassic salt sequences which were favorable to the hydrocarbon accumulation and preservation. The salt layers in the Lower-Middle Triassic formed the main cap rocks and are favorable for the accumulation and preservation of hydrocarbon.  相似文献   

Structural studies on Proterozoic rocks belonging to the Lunavada Group, Southern Aravalli Mountain Belt (SAMB), India, have shown that they underwent three episodes of deformation which have led to the formation of various regional scale interference patterns. Whilst the northern parts of the SAMB underwent brittle-ductile deformation, the southern portion underwent more ductile deformation. On the basis of structural as well as metamorphic studies it has been established earlier that the region was subjected to uplift orogenesis during its evolutionary history. In the present paper an attempt is made to visualize the possible causes that led to deformation of the SAMB, the structural geology of which has been established by the authors, and to constraint the timing of these events on the basis of already available geochronological data. A “working-hypothesis” is proposed according to which it is suggested that deformation of the SAMB is a result of the accretion of the three protocontinents viz. Aravalli, Dharwar and Singhbhum during the Mesoproterozoic. It is envisaged that the accretion of Aravalli and Singhbhum Protocontinents occurred between 1600 and 1400 Ma along the NE-SW trending Son Suture and this event led to development of NE-SW trending structures in the SAMB. Suturing of Aravalli and Dharwar Protocontinents between 1400 and 935 Ma along the E-W Narmada Suture was responsible for the E-W to NW-SE trending D3 structures of the SAMB. It is postulated that the Satpura orogeny which resulted in deformation of rocks in Satpura mountain range lying to the south of Narmada Suture was coeval with the accretion of Aravalli and Dharwar Protocontinents.  相似文献   

杜怡星  时志强 《沉积学报》2017,35(3):460-469
在川西北地区绵竹汉旺、安县雎水剖面上三叠统卡尼阶海绵礁(丘)灰岩顶部发现古喀斯特;野外露头可见明显的花斑状构造以及蜂窝状溶孔,显微镜下可见泥晶化颗粒,喀斯特角砾以及喀斯特溶孔充填物,其中包括泥-亮晶方解石,生物碎屑以及陆源石英颗粒;根据露头岩性和显微薄片特征判断其属于早成岩期喀斯特;喀斯特成单层发育,之上覆盖化石丰富的黄色或黑色页岩,其中的菊石化石鉴定表明其为上卡尼阶底部沉积。该喀斯特是重要的等时界面,且可作为该地区上下卡尼阶的界线。喀斯特之上的岩性在汉旺和雎水有差异:在绵竹汉旺青岩沟剖面,喀斯特灰岩之上覆盖有黑色粉砂质页岩与生屑灰岩(如层状海绵灰岩、海百合灰岩),在汉旺观音崖剖面,喀斯特面之上发育海绵丘灰岩及页岩,在安县雎水剖面,古喀斯特发育在滚落的海绵巨砾之上。综合研究表明,喀斯特的形成与早期龙门山的隆升以及卡尼期湿润气候事件在发生时间上非常相近,推测其成因与龙门山的隆升以及卡尼期湿润气候事件有关。  相似文献   

由于大巴山地区处于独特的构造背景,拥有丰富的油气资源,正吸引人们开展日益深入的研究。本文通过有限差分方法,利用平面应变的二维弹塑性本构模型,对大巴山前陆冲断带开展了系列数值模拟研究。结果表明,前陆区拥有相对软弱的滑脱层(含膏盐岩的中下三叠统),是大巴山前陆冲断带主滑脱面由后陆向前陆逐渐抬升的主控因素。该滑脱层的分布以及同构造沉积的分布限定了主前缘逆冲断裂(镇巴断裂)的位置,通过该断裂,大巴山后陆的强烈缩短应变由深滑脱层(震旦系下部)向南传递至浅滑脱层(三叠系中下统)。镇巴断裂和城口断裂一起,它们的长期活动性,可能调节了大巴山一半以上的总缩短应变。同构造沉积发生后,前陆区浅层侏罗山式褶皱往前扩展的同时,后陆的先成断裂也继续活动并发生顺时针旋转,构成无序逆冲扩展序列。主要断层的逆冲扩展和经典背驮式不同,缩短应变主要由主断层下盘向后陆深部俯冲来实现。模拟结果和大巴山地质原型的近似程度,说明了利用有限差分软件对地质构造进行模拟的可行性。  相似文献   

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