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Geoid data from Geosat and subsatellite basement depth profiles of the Kane Fracture Zone in the central North Atlantic were used to examine the correlation between the short-wavelength geoid (=25–100 km) and the uncompensated basement topography. The processing technique we apply allows the stacking of geoid profiles, although each repeat cycle has an unknown long-wavelength bias. We first formed the derivative of individual profiles, stacked up to 22 repeat cycles, and then integrated the average-slope profile to reconstruct the geoid height. The stacked, filtered geoid profiles have a noise level of about 7 mm in geoid height. The subsatellite basement topography was obtained from a recent compilation of structure contours on basement along the entire length of the Kane Fracture Zone. The ratio of geoid height to topography over the Kane Fracture Zone valley decreases from about 20–25 cm km-1 over young ocean crust to 5–0 cm km-1 over ocean crust older than 140 Ma. Both geoid and basement depth of profiles were projected perpendicular to the Kane Fracture Zone, resampled at equal intervals and then cross correlated. The cross correlation shows that the short-wavelength geoid height is well correlated with the basement topography. For 33 of the 37 examined pro-files, the horizontal mismatches are 10 km or less with an average mismatch of about 5 km. This correlation is quite good considering that the average width of the Kane Fracture Zone valley at median depth is 10–15 km. The remaining four profiles either cross the transverse ridge just east of the active Kane transform zone or overlie old crust of the M-anomaly sequence. The mismatch over the transverse ridge probably is related to a crustal density anomaly. The relatively poor correlation of geoid and basement depth in profiles of ocean crust older than 130–140 Ma reflects poor basement-depth control along subsatellite tracks.  相似文献   

陈子燊  位帅 《海洋通报》2020,39(5):530-535
使用美国北卡罗来纳州的 FRF 1985—2016 年的极值波高及其持续时间数据,采用最优的 Gumbel-Hougaard copula函数和 Kendall 分布函数构建极值波高和相应历时不同组合的联合概率分布模式,分析各个组合的遭遇概率、“或”重现期、“且”重现期和 Kendall 重现期,以出现最大可能概率的方法推算各组合联合设计值。结果表明:Kendall 重现期所对应的累积频率更准确地代表了特定设计频率下的风险率;重现期分别为 5 年、10 年、20 年、50 年、100 年、200 年推算的 Kendall重现期设计值介于“或”重现期和“且”重现期设计值之间,小于相应的边缘分布设计值;基于 Kendall 重现期的极值波高及其持续时间不同重现期组合推算的结果可为海洋工程构筑物设计与风险管理提供新的选择与参考。  相似文献   

海洋生态系统动力学模型的可预测性是模型应用的重要限制因子之一,而模型稳定性则是模型可预测性的前提。本文提出了一个基于降维理论的方法,用于研究质量守恒的营养盐-浮游植物-浮游动物-碎屑(NPZD)这类海洋生态系统动力学模型的稳定性和Hopf分岔。研究结果显示,NPZD模型的非奇异平衡点是稳定的,而当模型参数在临界值附近变动时可能会发生Hopf分岔。同时,本文采用数值模拟的方法对该理论分析结果进行了实例验证。本文提出的基于降维理论的方法能够从理论上有效分析质量守恒系统的稳定性问题和Hopf分岔。  相似文献   

The models about lithospheric thickness and thermal conduction inside the lithosphere and the top layer ofthe asthenosphere have been proposed in this study for four type regions: the midoceanic ridge, the extinct spreading ridge, the lithospheric fault fissure and the mouth of the extinct submarine volcanoes which are in deep sea bottom. The solutions of the models are found to be the same. The formulas of temperature distribution inside the lithosphere and the top layer of the asthenosphere, the lithospheric thicknesses to the heat flow and the crustal ages to the heat flow are obtained. The crustal ages and the lithospheric thicknesses of the central basin are calculated. And they are used to draw the lithospheric thicknesses and crustal ages maps of the central basin (in this paper both the central basin and the basin are the central basin of the South China Sea). According to their characteristics, the central basin is divided into three regions. The lithospheric thicknesses, crustal ages and heat flow distribution characteristics are discussed respectively. The formation and evolution of the South China Sea are analysed and it is thought that the South China Sea has undergone three episode-seafloor spreadings.  相似文献   

Ocean current forecasting is still in explorative stage of study. In the study, we face some problems that have not been met before. The solving of these problems has become fundamental premise for realizing the ocean current forecasting. In the present paper are discussed in depth the physical essence for such basic problems as the predictability of ocean current, the predictable currents, the dynamical basis for studying respectively the tidal current and circulation, the necessity of boundary model, the models on regions with different scales and their link. The foundations and plans to solve the problems are demonstrated. Finally a set of operational numerical forecasting system for ocean current is proposed.  相似文献   

海上溢油油膜厚度实验室模拟和理论模型对比研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
溢油量是衡量溢油规模的关键指标,是处理溢油事故的重要依据。油膜厚度是确定溢油量的基本前提,是一个尚未解决的国际难题。实验室中模拟了不同阶段和不同环境条件下扩展油膜的厚度变化特征。结果表明,实验室模拟与理论模型分析具有基本一致的变化趋势,扩展速度与扩展时间成反比;温度是影响油膜厚度的重要因素,相同条件下,温度越高,油膜厚度越小;海水盐度会影响溢油扩展,但这种影响并未延伸到对油膜厚度的控制上。由于实验室模拟限定在平静海面条件下,并未考虑风和海流等扩展中不容忽视的因素,故与理论构建模型相比系数相差较大。通过对比分析,前期构建的理论模型更能准确地反映海洋溢油的实际情况,加之在实例验证中的较高准确性,该模型具有业务化实施和广泛推广的潜力。  相似文献   

随着海洋观测技术和海洋数值模拟技术的发展,海洋学家已经能够获取海量的时空连续的海洋数据。但目前人们对于三维海洋大数据缺乏高效的交互可视探索手段,因此,利用科学可视化技术展现海洋数据,以及更深一步地挖掘时空数据规律是建立对海洋大数据从感知到认知的关键技术桥梁。本文利用体绘制技术从传输函数特征点数量、特征颜色映射以及表现特征的线型三个方面,设计针对海洋温盐异常数据以及压力异常数据的传输函数标准形态模式,能够直观有效地表现海洋涡旋温盐和压力异常三维结构。本文优化了球面光线投射算法,在保证绘制质量的情况下,实现了大规模海洋三维涡旋实时交互展示;同时实现了三维数据的内部漫游功能,能够更加清晰且完整地表现局部海洋涡旋的三维结构。通过可视分析发现,处于黑潮延伸体附近的气旋涡(CE, Cyclone Eddy)温度异常呈“上正下负”的三维结构;由于涡旋引起的海水升降运动,部分反气旋涡(AE, Anticyclone Eddy)盐度异常呈现出“上正下负”的三维结构;相较于温盐异常结构,海洋涡旋压力异常结构轮廓更为清晰且不会出现上下不一致的情况。  相似文献   

Flow cytometry (FCM) is now becoming a routine tool for the enumeration and optical characterization of bacteria in marine environments. We investigated the effects of sample fixation and storage upon flow cytometric determination of marine bacteria. Fixed and unfixed seawater samples were analyzed by FCM immediately aboard ship and/or later in the laboratory, and the appearances of the fluorescence signals and bacterial counts of these samples were compared. Fixation and storage led to the formation of multiple peaks in fluorescence histograms; this was also seen in 22 out of 36 samples frozen in liquid nitrogen. Fixation did not, but storage did induce a decrease of bacterial counts: a rapid decrease during the first 3 days followed by a slower decline. The decline of cell numbers in stored samples was expressed by a regression model. Our studies indicate that precaution is necessary when interpreting the data from fixed and/or stored marine bacterial samples analyzed by FCM. The possibility that the procedure of fixation and storage leads to the appearance of high DNA and low DNA bacterial groups should be considered.  相似文献   

海洋观探测技术是海洋科学和技术的重要组成部分,对预警海洋灾害、开发海洋资源和空间、保护海洋环境、维护海洋权益、加强国防建设非常重要,海洋观探测仪器的研发是海洋观探测技术发展的重要基础和支撑。本文以Web of Science为数据统计源,基于战略咨询智能支持系统(ISS)平台和CiteSpace工具,通过文献计量和可视化分析,从发文量、涉及学科、作者、机构、关键词等方面对1998—2022年海洋观探测仪器技术论文进行了统计分析,总结了当前海洋观探测仪器技术领域的研究态势和研究热点,得出以下结论:(1)近10余年海洋观探测仪器技术研究呈快速增长趋势。虽然中国在该领域起步较晚,但发展迅速,2018年后发文量稳居世界第一,top 10高被引论文作者有3位是中国学者,中国研究学者在该领域具有较高影响力。但是发文量top 10机构多为美国研究机构,top 10高产作者中尚无中国学者,中国在该领域科研机构和研究人员的影响力和竞争力方面还需继续提高。(2)从词云聚类分析结果看,该领域全球研究热点集中在无人机、地磁仪、微波辐射计、海表温度和水色研究上。需要注意的是,ocean sensor关联词多为聚...  相似文献   

Photovoltaic systems are renewable energy sources with various applications and their implementations in energy production and saving are verified. Installing those systems onto merchant marine vessels could prove to be an efficient way of minimizing fuel costs and simultaneously protecting the environment by reducing significant carbon dioxide emissions. This paper examines the feasibility of installing solar panels onto vessels and also calculated the payback period from the adopted investment with respect to fuel oil savings. Thus, the two important parameters incorporated in the parametric analysis are the solar radiation density and the fuel cost. In order to calculate the energy production of the solar installation systems, the globe is divided in six different zones, according to solar radiation density (Stackhouse and Whitlock, 2008). For one square meter of the considered solar panels the peak output power is taken equal to 130 W (Kagaraki, 2001). The payback period of the investment depends greatly on the fuel prices. For a reasonable fuel price annual increase at about 10-15% the estimated payback period varies from 16 to 27 years. The more the fuel oil increases, the methodology reveals that the payback period converges to a minimum of 10 years. When using any storage media such as hydrogen, the methodology shows that the payback period increases and this depends on the proportion of the energy stored and from the storage media itself.  相似文献   

姜雨 《海洋地质前沿》2022,38(12):92-100
通过立体震源方式激发,斜缆、平缆深拖等方式接收是目前海上拖缆采集获取宽频资料的几种主要实现方式。在同一靶区分别采用立体震源与平面震源对比激发、不同沉放深度的水平缆,以及不同缆型缆深的斜缆等采集试验,对比研究关键宽频采集参数对中深层成像的影响。通过研究发现,与平面震源相比,立体震源成像在该区中深层具有更高的频宽和信噪比;水平缆沉放达到一定深度后成像对深度不敏感,但随着沉放深度增加信噪比有所提升;斜缆采集缆型对成像影响有限,斜缆沉放深度在采集设计时应根据每个靶区水深及目的层不同具体分析和确定。  相似文献   

Based on the results of processing experimental data obtained from measurements of current velocities and water temperatures on the United States Atlantic Shelf and near the Hawaii Islands (the island of Oahu and Mamala Bay), we perform a comparative analysis of the characteristics of internal waves in these representative areas of continental and island shelves of the ocean. These investigations indicate that the internal-wave fields in these areas are very different from one another in both the low- and high-frequency ranges. On the Atlantic Shelf, we have regularly observed tandems of powerful internal solitons clearly seen on space imagery of the oceanic surface. On the island shelves, soliton-type internal waves were less seldom seen as very specific oscillations. The absence of surface manifestations of even powerful solitons in Mamala Bay is explained both by the large pycnocline depth and by the fact that the vertical structure of these solitons is controlled by the second rather than the first mode, as it is on the Atlantic Shelf.  相似文献   

A video plankton recorder (VPR) and a remotely operated vehicle (ROV) were utilized on three cruises in the oligotrophic North Pacific Subtropical Gyre (NPSG) between 1995 and 2002 to quantify the size and abundance of marine snow and Rhizosolenia diatom mats within the upper 305 m of the water column. Quantitative image analysis of video collected by the VPR and an ROV-mounted particle imaging system provides the first transect of marine snow size and abundance across the central North Pacific Gyre extending from 920 km NW of Oahu to 555 km off Southern California. Snow abundance in the upper 55 m was surprisingly high for this oligotrophic region, with peak values of 6.0–13.0×103 aggregates m−3 at the western- and easternmost stations. At stations located in the middle of the transect (farthest from HI and CA), upper water column snow abundance displayed values of 0.5–1.0×103 aggregates m−3. VPR and ROV imagery also provided in situ documentation of the presence of nitrogen-transporting, vertically migrating Rhizosolenia mats from the surface to >300 m with mat abundances ranging from 0 to 10 mats m−3. There was clear evidence that Rhizosolenia mats commonly reach sub-nutricline depths. The mats were noted to be a common feature in the North Pacific Gyre, with the lower salinity edge of the California Current appearing to be the easternmost extent of their oceanic distribution. Based on ROV observations at depth, flux by large (1.5 cm) mats is revised upward 4.5-fold, yielding an average value of 40 μmol N m−2 d−1, a value equaling previous estimates that included much smaller mats visible only to towed optical systems. Our results suggest that the occurrence across a broad region of the NPSG of particulate organic matter production events represented by high concentrations of Rhizosolenia mats, associated mesozooplankton, and abundant detrital marine aggregates may represent significant stochastic components in the overall carbon, nitrogen, and silica budgets of the oligotrophic subtropical gyre. Likewise, their presence has important implications for the proposed climate-driven, ecosystem reorganization or domain shift occurring in the NPSG.  相似文献   

通过中尺度气象研究与预报模式WRF(weather research and forecasting)和两种台风经验模型重构了2018年影响我国珠江口地区的超强台风“山竹”过程中的气压和风矢量场,在台风最佳路径数据的基础上开展了方法间的比较,并与香港、澳门和深圳三个国际机场的实测数据进行了对比分析,验证了三种模拟方案模拟台风“山竹”的可靠性。利用非结构网格半隐式跨尺度海洋模式SCHISM (semi-implicit cross-scale hydroscience integrated system model),将三种模拟气压和风场作为驱动场输入风暴潮模式中进行增水模拟试验,比较了它们在赤湾、三灶、横门和黄埔四个测站风暴潮增水中各自的效果,并进一步验证了WRF模式和两种经验模型模拟台风“山竹”的有效性。综合来看, WRF大气模式对气压、风速、风向及风暴增水模拟效果最佳,如果进一步优化该模式的各种参数化方案,可能还能提高其精度。如果不具备使用WRF大气模式的条件,台风经验1模型也是一个完全可以接受的、简单快捷的方案。  相似文献   

史磊  宋毅宁  秦宏 《海洋科学》2021,45(4):40-50
自20世纪80年代以来,我国出台了众多海洋捕捞相关政策,厘清这些政策变迁规律对海洋捕捞业的健康发展具有重要意义。本文对1986年以来我国海洋捕捞业的政策文本展开量化分析,构建政策时间维度、政策工具维度、政策价值维度三维政策文本分析框架,梳理当前捕捞业政策变迁和结构特征,并深入分析了捕捞业政策与现实的匹配性。研究发现,海洋捕捞业的部分政策目标之间存在一定的冲突和矛盾;政策工具体系全面,但不同政策工具数量分布不均衡;早期政策的经济价值取向突出,社会、生态价值相对不足,需要适时调整政策价值取向。未来应明确政策目标,推动海洋捕捞管理范式由投入控制向产出控制的转变;优化政策工具组合,引导渔民自觉养护海洋渔业资源,提高海洋捕捞业政策的有效性;整合政策价值取向,协调产业发展、资源养护和渔民利益的关系,推动海洋捕捞可持续发展。  相似文献   

为研究连云港海洋牧场人工鱼礁区建设前后的水动力环境变化,利用DHI MIKE水动力模块模拟2002年和2016年人工渔礁区建设前后的水动力环境,并分析人工鱼礁区潮流为SE方向时顺流方向纵断面流速和流向的空间变化规律以及工程前后鱼礁区内水质和水生物的变化情况。结果表明:人工鱼礁区建成后,工程海域垂向流速和流向变化较大,水平流速和流向变化较小;由于附着在人工鱼礁上大型藻类的生长,水质逐年变好,且水生物量也逐年增加。  相似文献   

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