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The region of the junction and interaction between the East European Craton (EEC) and the West Arctic Craton (WAC) is regarded as a complexly built zone or assembly of both the volumetric and dividing linear tectonic elements: the Trollfjord–Rybachi–Kanin (TRK) Lineament, the pericratonic subsidence zone of the EEC, the Karpinskii Lineament, the Murmansk Block of the Fennoscandian (Baltic) Shield, and the Kolmozero–Voronya Zone, which are briefly characterized in this paper. Evidences of thrusting have been established not only in the TRK Suture Zone and on the Rybachi Peninsula, which represent a fragment of the Timanides fold–thrust belt, but also to the southwest, in the Upper Riphean and Vendian terrigenous sequences making up the Sredni Peninsula and related to the pericratonic trough of the VEC. Two phases of fold–thrust deformations with elements of left-lateral strike-slip offset pertaining to the activity and evolution of the lineament suture dividing the Sredni and Rybachi peninsulas have been recorded. The variously oriented fault–fold systems within this fault zone are evidence for multistage deformation and can be explained by an at least twostage change in the kinematics that control displacement along the fault. The disintegrated granitic massifs of the Archean crystalline basement tectonically squeezed out in the upper crust as protrusions are localized within TRK Fault Zone. Plagiogranitic bodies, which underwent superposed fault-fold deformations of both kinematic stages, are an evidence of the vigorous tectonic event that predated folding and two-stage strike-slip displacement along the TRK Fault—by thrusting of Riphean sequences from north to south toward the Archean craton. The nappe–thrust regional structure was formed at this stage; elements of it have been recognized in the Sredni, Rybachi, and Kanin peninsulas. The main stages of tectonic evolution in the junction zone between the EEC and the WAP have been revealed and substantiated.  相似文献   

The Vendian (Baikalian), Late Devonian (Ellesmerian), and Mid-Cretaceous (Brookian) orogenies were three cardinal events in the history of formation and transformation of the continental crust in the eastern Arctic region. The epi-Baikalian Hyperborean Craton was formed by the end of the Vendian (660–550 Ma), when the Archean-Proterozoic Hyperborean continental block was built up by the Baikalian orogenic belt and concomitant collision granitoids. As judged from the localization of deepwater facies, the Early Paleozoic ocean occupied the western part of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago, western Alaska, and the southern framework of the Canada and Podvodnikov basins and was connected with the Iapetus ocean. The closure of the Early Paleozoic Arctic basins is recorded in two surfaces of structural unconformities corresponding to the pre-Middle Devonian Scandian orogenic phase and the Late Devonian Ellesmerian Orogeny; each tectonic phase was accompanied by dislocations and metamorphism. The Ellesmerian collision was crucial in the Caledonian tectogenesis. The widespread Late Devonian-Mississippian rifting probably was a reflection of postorogenic relaxation. As a result, the vast epi-Caledonian continental plate named Euramerica, or Laurussia, was formed at the Devonian-Carboniferous boundary. The East Arctic segment of this plate is considered in this paper. In the Devonian, the Angayucham ocean, which was connected with the Paleoasian and Uralian oceans [62], separated this plate from the Siberian continent. The South Anyui Basin most likely was a part of this Paleozoic oceanic space. The shelf sedimentation on the epi-Caledonian plate in the Carboniferous and Permian was followed by subsidence and initial rifting in the Triassic and Jurassic, which further gave way to the late Neocomian-early Albian spreading in the Canada Basin that detached the Chukchi Peninsula-Alaska microplate from the continental plate [25]. The collision of this microplate with the Siberian continent led to the closure of the South Anyui-Angayucham ocean and the development of the Mid-Cretaceous New Siberian-Chukchi-Brooks Orogenic System that comprised the back Chukchi Zone as a hinterland and the frontal New Siberian-Wrangel-Herald-Lisburne-Brooks Thrust Zone as a foreland; the basins coeval with thrusting adjoined the foreland. Collision started in the Late Jurassic; however, the peak of the orogenic stage fell on the interval 125–112 Ma, when ophiolites had been obducted on the margin of the Chukchi Peninsula-Alaska microplate along with folding and thrusting accompanied by an increase in the crust’s thickness, amphibolite-facies metamorphism, and growth of granite-gneiss domes. The magmatic diapir of the De Long Arch that grew within the continental plate in the Mid-Cretaceous reflected a global pulse of the lower mantle upwelling that coincided with the maximum opening of the Canada Basin. The present-day appearance of the eastern Arctic region arose in the Late Mesozoic and Cenozoic owing to the opening of the Amerasia and Eurasia oceans. Sedimentary basins of various ages and origins—including the Late Devonian-Early Carboniferous grabens, the spatially coinciding Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous rifts related to the opening of the Canada Basin, the syncollision basins in front of the growing orogen, and the Cretaceous-Cenozoic basins coeval with strike-slip faulting and rifting at the final stages of orogenic compression and during the opening of the Eurasia ocean were telescoped on sea shelves.  相似文献   

Tectonics and Petroleum Potential of the East China SeaShelf Rift Basin   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
There are two Cenozoic sedimentary basins in the East China Sea. They are the East China Sea shelf basin and the Okinawa Trough basin. The former can be divided into a western and an eastern rift region. The development of the shelf basin underwent continental-margin fault depression, post-rift and then tectonic inversion stages. Available exploration results show that the distribution of source rocks is controlled by the basin architecture and its tectonic evolution. In the Xihu depression, mudstones and coals are the main source rocks. The eastern rift region has good geological conditions for the formation of large oil and gas fields.  相似文献   

Korago  E. A.  Kovaleva  G. N.  Schekoldin  R. A.  Il’in  V. F.  Gusev  E. A.  Krylov  A. A.  Gorbunov  D. A. 《Geotectonics》2022,56(2):123-156
Geotectonics - Our study considers the structure and tectonics of the Novaya Zemlya archipelago, located in the west Russian Arctic and part of the Eurasian Arctic: (i) the age of the Pre-Paleozoic...  相似文献   

东亚大陆边缘的俯冲带构造   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
东亚大陆边缘自北向南发育了琉球海沟和马尼拉海沟等俯冲带。简要论述了这些俯冲带的构造特征、演化历史和一些科学前缘问题 ;认为愈来愈多的地球科学问题 ,如地震的发生机制、俯冲板块动力学等 ,集中在俯冲板块边界 ;解决弧后盆地成因和中国大陆边缘张裂过程等许多地质科学问题 ,有待于对俯冲带构造演化的深入了解。同时 ,在这些俯冲带发现了丰富的天然气水合物 ,具有良好的资源前景 ,因而 ,俯冲带的构造研究成为科学研究的前沿热点  相似文献   

油气是重要的战略资源。其中天然气作为清洁能源,它曾经是,现在是,在可预期的未来——全球碳减排、中国碳达峰情景下,仍然是最重要的能源资源。能源进口渠道的多元化一直是中国缓解能源紧张的有效措施之一。北极地区油气资源丰富且以天然气为主,已发现的油气资源中绝大多数在俄罗斯,尤其是天然气。但是俄罗斯天然气生产的油气田80%以上已经进入北极圈。2012年,中俄合作开发北极亚马尔液化天然气项目正式启动,标志着中国参与北极油气资源开发利用取得重要进展,也事实上开启了中国主导的"丝绸之路经济带建设"和俄罗斯主导的"欧亚经济联盟建设"对接合作的进程。北极地区已发现的油气资源共计3289.4亿桶油当量,其中石油605.4亿桶(84.1亿吨)油当量,仅为全球已发现石油资源的2.5%;天然气41.4万亿立方米(约合2683亿桶,372.6亿吨油当量),占全球已发现天然气资源的15.5%。北极地区已发现的油气总资源中绝大多数在俄罗斯,俄罗斯已发现的北极油气资源合计2905亿桶油当量(403.5亿吨),占88.3%;其中天然气约39.47万亿立方米,约合2557.9亿桶(355.3亿吨)油当量,占北极地区已发现天然气总资源的95%以上。北极待发现的油气资源量也非常可观,约占世界待发现常规石油资源的15%;天然气占世界待发现常规天然气资源的30%,其分布也主要在俄罗斯。随着全球气候变暖和能源战略博弈,俄罗斯为确保其天然气出口及财政来源,必然要加大北极油气、特别是天然气的开采和开发,并通过北极航道运到中国和其他消费国。本文在概括分析北极油气资源分布特点、俄罗斯油气资源与北极战略及北方海航道通行能力的基础上,回顾了北极亚马尔液化天然气项目诞生、发展演变及其国际博弈的背景;概括介绍了中国成功介入北极油气资源项目这一标志性事件过程,并进一步提出了中国对北极油气资源利用战略举措的建议。   相似文献   

北极西巴伦支海盆地是全球最具勘探潜力的含油气盆地之一。基于IHS数据库最新资料,分析了该盆地油气地质特征,揭示了盆地油气分布特征,划分了含油气系统和成藏组合,评估了盆地资源潜力,并优选了有利勘探区带。研究表明,区域上西巴伦支海盆地已发现油气藏主要分布于盆地的西南部;层系上油气主要富集于侏罗系和三叠系储层,其已发现控制和探明(2P)可采储量分别占盆地总2P可采储量的72.6%和15.5%。盆地内主要发育2个已知的含油气系统,分别为侏罗系/三叠系复合含油气系统和二叠系/石炭系复合含油气系统。蒙特卡洛模拟评估出西巴伦支海盆地石油、天然气和凝析油待发现可采资源量(均值)分别为487.4×106 t、1375.6×109 m3和84.6×106 t,折合成油当量为1681.9×106 t,其中天然气占66.0%。综合资源评价结果和油气成藏条件地质分析优选出2个有利勘探区带,分别是盆地南部的侏罗系成藏组合有利勘探区带和三叠系成藏组合有利勘探区带。  相似文献   

Kolodyazhny  S. Yu.  Poleshchuk  A. V.  Zykov  D. S. 《Geotectonics》2021,55(4):473-501
Geotectonics - The article considers the features of the tectonics of the Central Russian deformation belt located in the central part of the East European Platform. The belt is traced in a wide...  相似文献   

Doklady Earth Sciences - In the north of the shallow East Siberian Arctic Shelf (the Laptev and East Siberian seas), based on CDP (common depth point) seismic data for 71 lines with total length of...  相似文献   

俄罗斯地质学家在近20年来以岩石圈板块构造理论和地体分析方法,对中-东西伯利亚和俄罗斯远东地区构造和区域成矿作用的研究取得了一系列重要进展。这些进展集中体现在2个多国合作项目取得的成果和2部最新的科学专著中。作者重点介绍了中-东西伯利亚和俄罗斯远东地区区域构造演化、区域构造和区域成矿单元及一些重要金属矿床的基本特征,并对本区地质演化的某些重要问题(转换陆缘、蒙古-鄂霍茨克造山带等)做了讨论,以此向读者提供一个有关俄罗斯东部地区上述领域基本研究现状的梗概。  相似文献   

Analysis of specific features of the structure and petroleum potential of the Aptian Laptev Sea region is presented. Age and lithological composition of the sedimentary cover of the shelf are predicted. Oil- and-gas source sequences, catagenetic zonation of organic matter, and potential petroliferous objects in large structural zones are characterized. It is supposed that oil likely played a significant role in the phase composition of naphtides. Its formation in the land and coastal shelf zone was stipulated by the presence of high-quality oil source rocks in the Riphean–Phanerozoic cover of the Siberian Craton. In the remaining part of the shelf, where the Aptian–Cenozoic rift system is widespread, oil can also be present in pools, because the rocks likely accommodate not only gas source rocks, but also deltaic and prodeltaic oil-and-gas source rocks that are located in the main oil formation zone. The above properties are specific features of the study region, and its hydrocarbon potential will be increasing steadily with the shelf development.  相似文献   

近年来,东非大陆边缘油气接连获得大突破,已成为世界油气勘探的热点。与西非和北非相比,东非油气勘探和研究程度均很低,尤其经历错综复杂的构造演化过程后,盆地构造、沉积与油气系统及其三者之间的相互作用关系十分复杂,不利于对东非油气勘探前景的分析和判断。本文通过对东非大陆边缘形成与演化过程的探讨,并结合现今盆地结构和油气发现状况,研究认为,东非大陆边缘先后经历了Karoo陆内裂谷、侏罗—白垩纪裂谷两期裂谷和一期被动陆缘作用阶段。两期裂谷发育多套烃源层系,并与被动陆缘阶段的三角洲-深水浊积扇储层时空上构成较好的油储关系,两者均受控于东非复杂构造演化作用,构造对油藏系统的改造或破坏作用影响了东非油气富集规模和类型。  相似文献   

The results of the gas-geochemical investigations obtained in the Birofeld graben of the Middle Amur sedimentary basin during several years are considered together with the coal prospecting and geological-geophysical information. Data on the gas composition of soil, snow cover, groundwater, and surface water are reported. Gas-geochemical and genetic indicators are used for revealing the hydrocarbon (HC) gases of different origins and establishing the principal regularities of their distribution, which allows the prospects of the petroleum potential of the graben to be preliminarily assessed.  相似文献   

曹凯  王国灿  王岸 《地球科学》2007,32(5):713-721
青藏高原东昆仑北部地区新构造活动强烈, 存在一系列活动断层, 控制了该地区的地貌格局和水系的发育.其中大部分活动断层是已经确定下来的, 还有一些活动断层还处在定性推测阶段.引进河流长度-坡度参数(以下简称“SL参数”) 和Hack剖面2个能够有效反映区域新构造活动的地质参数, 对昆仑河纵剖面坡度变化进行详细刻画和研究, 并对昆仑河河流阶地进行空间对比分析.研究结果表明, 昆仑河河流的Hack剖面与SL参数存在形貌上的对应关系, SL参数的突变主要是受断裂构造活动控制; 证实了昆仑河-野牛沟断裂和东昆中断裂第四纪以来存在构造活动性; 第四纪以来强烈的构造差异隆升作用控制了东昆仑地区的地貌水系发育格局, 并将产生更深远的影响.   相似文献   

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