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沙尾风化壳高岭土矿床的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周国平 《矿床地质》1990,9(2):167-175
广东沙尾高岭土矿属残积型风化壳矿床,分为白云母二长花岗岩钠化高岭土矿和斑状二长花岗岩高岭土矿。矿石主要组成矿物包括高岭石、埃洛石,伊利石及石英,含少量长石。原矿石SiO_2高达67—70%,Al_2O。20—23%,精矿SiO_2 47—50%,Al_2O_3 33—36%。矿石铁、钛含量低,SiO_2/Al_2O_3在2.2—2.5之间。高岭土的成矿作用分为前期热液蚀变阶段和后期表生风化阶段,前期主要以钠长石化和白云母化为主,后期通过地表水淋洗发育成高岭土风化壳。  相似文献   

The ground air of the bauxite deposit in West Africa was tested for its chemical composition. The obtained data provide the first insight into the air effect on the mineralogical-geochemical zoning of the lateritic weathering profile. The air was tested in areas with different geomorphologic features, which allowed us to study the effect of relief and landscape on the ground-air formation.  相似文献   

通过对赣南江贝稀土矿床进行岩相学、矿床学和地球化学研究,表明该矿床成矿母岩主要为寻乌岩组变质岩,岩性有变粒岩、片岩和片麻岩,其中云母片岩稀土元素含量最高,是最有利的成矿母岩,属轻稀土富集型母岩,是近些年新发现的1处中深变质岩风化壳离子吸附型稀土矿.矿区呈低缓丘陵地貌,风化壳平均厚度12.33 m,矿体主要赋存于全风化层中,矿体平均厚度4.68 m, SRF2 O3品位0. 035%~0. 122%,属离子吸附型稀土矿.稀土主要来源于易风化的水磷酸盐类矿物和稀土氟碳酸盐类矿物,风化壳化学蚀变指数CIA>90 %,表明了强烈的风化作用为矿床的形成创造了有利条件.会昌—安远—寻乌地区中深变质岩广泛分布,具有大型稀土矿成矿潜力.  相似文献   

风化壳型土壤剖面是记录"地球关键带"长期信息的重要载体。然而,目前对大范围的风化壳-土壤原位风化过程研究较少,化学风化指标能否指示其风化强度存在争议。本研究以广东省湿润亚热带气候主导区的6个花岗岩风化壳型土壤剖面为研究对象,结合土壤的常量元素地球化学和粒度数据来描述剖面的化学风化和物理变化,探讨CIA反映湿润亚热带风化壳型土壤风化强度的适用性。结果显示:在温带地区迁移作用微弱的惰性元素Fe、Al、Ti在亚热带风化剖面上层含量相对中下层较低;随着地区降水量的增加,CIA从剖面顶部到底部数值呈增加趋势,这与风化壳剖面自上而下风化强度减弱的理想风化趋势相悖;并且发现CIA指标与气候参数,尤其是降水之间存在良好的反相关关系(R2=0.77,P < 0.01,y=-0.0065x+104.01)。通过对该异常现象的探讨,得到以下认识:在湿润亚热带地区,风化壳表层土壤具有复杂的物理、化学变化,尤其是高降水量引起的物理侵蚀使得化学活动性弱的Fe、Al、Ti氧化物、以及粘粒被地表径流带走或者下渗到更深层土壤中,使得表层土壤的CIA值偏低,不能真实反映其化学风化强度。因此,在应用CIA指标反映湿润亚热带高降水地区风化壳土壤剖面的风化强度时应当谨慎。  相似文献   

塔巴庙地区奥陶系风化壳识别与结构分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
水平洞穴砂砾岩是识别多期次岩溶旋回水平岩溶带的标志,是岩溶旋回连接沉积旋回及周期性海平面变化的纽带,故塔巴庙地区奥陶系水平洞穴岩溶带产出的层位、厚度,以及井深,则是水平岩溶发育状况的体现。这里从地层学、岩石学、矿物学、钻井录井、测井、地球化学等标志识别风化壳,根据三个水平岩溶带特征确定三个水平岩溶带的分布,进而对其进行分析对比。确定出三个水平岩溶带差异性及成因,使保存好的风化壳作为油气水储集的有利场所。  相似文献   

The paper presents the characteristics of chrome spinels from an ore-bearing packet of the Vladimir chromite deposit. Three main types of chrome spinels are distinguished by morphology and chemical composition: medium-chrome ore-forming, high-chrome transformed, and low-chrome relict accessory. The significant role of weathering conditions is expressed in alteration of accessory chrome spinel. The formation of high-chrome spinels is explained by the hydrothermal effect of the Varshavsky granitoid massif with accompanying dikes and talc–carbonate metasomatic rocks. Characteristic accessory minerals are represented by native gold and nickel, millerite, pentlandite, chalcopyrite, maucherite, PGE sulfides, and picroilmenite.  相似文献   

According to this paper, the juvenile crust of the Chingiz Range Caledonides (Eastern Kazakhstan) was formed due to suprasubduction magmatism within the Early Paleozoic island arcs developed on the oceanic crust during the Cambrian–Early Ordovician and on the transitional crust during the Middle–Late Ordovician, as well as to the attachment to the arcs of accretionary complexes composed of various oceanic structures. Nd isotopic compositions of the rocks in all island-arc complexes are very similar and primitive (εNd(t) from +4.0 to +7.0) and point to a short crustal prehistory. Further increase in the mass and thickness of the crust of the Chingiz Range Caledonides was mainly due to reworking of island-arc complexes in the basement of the Middle and Late Paleozoic volcanoplutonic belts expressed by the emplacement of abundant granitoids. All Middle and Late Paleozoic granitoids have high positive values of εNd(t) (at least +4), which are slightly different from Nd isotopic compositions of the rocks in the Lower Paleozoic island-arc complexes. Granitoids are characterized by uniform Nd isotopic compositions (<2–3 ε units for granites with a similar age), and thus we can consider the Chingiz Range as the region of the Caledonian isotope province with an isotopically uniform structure of the continental crust.  相似文献   

Doklady Earth Sciences - Within the Kokchetav massif (Northern Kazakhstan), Mesoproterozoic granites and acid volcanics are widespread: these are the youngest Precambrian igneous rocks forming...  相似文献   

At Dondo Mobi in the gold district of Eteke, south Gabon, gold mineralization was studied in a tropical forest setting. The mineralization occurs in quartz veins within amphibolites of an Archaean gneiss-amphibolite series. Gold distribution patterns were studied in the different horizons of the weathering profile and in the different grain-size fractions of the materials sampled from three pits sunk in the weathered zone: upslope (pit P1), directly overlying (pit P2) and downslope (pit P3) of the mineralization.The weathering profile consists of an upper, thick, loose sandy argillaceous horizon (H1), an irregular nodular horizon with laterite nodules or blocks (H2) and a saprolite layer (H3) up to 70 m thick. In each pit, the specific geochemical signature of the bedrock is recognized in the three horizons of the weathering profile. Some groups of elements, e.g., Cr-Ni or Ba-V-P2O3, characterize amphibolite or black shale, respectively. Signal attenuations in the upper horizon can be explained by a homogenization effect. That can be related to a mushroom supergene dispersion, simultaneously inducing vertical decrease and lateral enrichment in element contents. Gold also mushrooms extensively in the different horizons of the weathering profile. The dispersion pattern is somewhat anisotropic, a strong enlargement being observed in the upper (H1) and intermediate nodular (H2) horizons alike. However, the evolution of Au distribution is not the same for all grain-size fractions: (a) in the finest fraction, Au is regularly distributed in the weathering profile at the anomalous top and tends to preserve an equivalent level of concentration laterally; (b) in the coarsest fraction, the maximum Au content is found in the upper horizon just above the mineralized structure; it is rapidly decreases laterally, in the surface halo.The Au geochemical dispersion halo consists mainly of fine-grained gold developed from rather coarse-grained mineralization. Its characteristics suggest that Au dispersion was produced as a result of Au dissolution together with collapse of the weathering profile causing gold migration over short distances.The minimal volumetric reduction of saprolite in the upper horizon can be estimated to be in the range of 60%, on the basis of the content of the different grain-size fractions and the density variations in the various horizons.In exploration, geochemical techniques, even using wide sample spacing, are proving quite adequate to prospect for Au in tropical rainforest weathering environment. Indeed, significant, well-contrasted dispersion haloes facilitate detection of rather confined mineralization.  相似文献   

Gold- and silver-containing pyrites of the Tikhii area at the Julietta deposit (Engteri ore cluster, Magadan Region) were studied by optical and scanning electron microscopy and electron probe microanalysis. One- or two-phase rounded microinclusions consisting of electrum (450-680%c) and/or galena or of petrovskaite and/or uytenbogaardtite, galena, and sphalerite have been found in early pyrites. Later As-pyrites (up to 2.6 wt.% As) contain multiphase xenomorphic microinclusions of acanthite, uytenbogaardtite, freibergite, argentotetrahedrite-tennantite, naumannite, petzite, selenopolybasite-selenostephanite, tellurocanfieldite, and other ore minerals localized in pores, cracks, and interstices. Pyrites that underwent hypergene alterations have rims and veinlets formed by acanthite, goethite, anglesite, plattnerite, and native silver. The presence of rounded ore mineral microinclusions and large pores in the early pyrites suggests the participation of volatiles in the mineral formation and the uptake of large amounts of impurities by pyrite under high-gradient crystallization conditions. The thermobarogeochemical studies of fluid inclusions in quartz have shown that the ore zone formed under boiling-up of hydrothermal medium-concentration NaCl solutions at 230-105 °C. The results of thermodynamic calculations evidence that Ag-Au-S-Se minerals formed under decrease in temperature and fugacity of sulfur (log1Q/S2 = -22 to -9) and selenium (log1Q/Se2 = -27 to -14) and change of reducing conditions by oxidizing ones in weakly acidic to near-neutral solutions.  相似文献   

A Middle Tertiary volcanic belt in the High Andes of north-central Chile hosts numerous precious- and base-metal epithermal deposits over its 150 km north-south trend. The El Indio district, believed to be associated with a hydrothermal system in the late stages of development of a volcanic caldera, consists of a series of separate vein systems located in an area of 30 km2 which has undergone intense argillic-sericitic-solfataric alteration. The majority of the known gold-copper-silver mineralization occurs within a structural block only 150 by 500 m in surface area, with a recognized vertical extent exceeding 300 m. This block is bounded by two high-angle northeast-trending faults oriented subparallel to the mineralized veins.Hypogene mineralization at El Indio is grouped into two main ore-forming stages: Copper and Gold. The Copper stage is composed chiefly of enargite and pyrite forming massive veins up to 20 m wide, and is accompanied by alteration of the wall rocks to alunite, kaolinite, sericite, pyrite and quartz. The Gold stage consists of vein-filling quartz, pyrite, native gold, tennantite and subordinate amounts of a wide variety of telluride minerals. Associated with this stage is pervasive alteration of the wall rocks to sericite, kaolinite, quartz and minor pyrophyllite. The transition from copper to gold mineralization is marked by the alteration of enargite to tennantite and by minor deposition of sphalerite, galena, huebnerite, chalcopyrite and gold. Mineral stability relations indicate that there was a general decrease in the activity of S2 accompanied by variations in the activity of Te2 during the Gold stage.Fluid-inclusion data show homogenization temperatures ranging from about 220 to 280°C, with salinities on the order of 3–4 eq. wt. % NaCl for the Copper stage. The Gold-stage inclusions indicate a similar range in homogenization temperatures, but significantly lower salinities (0.1–1.4 eq. wt. % NaCl). Fluid inclusions of transition minerals show a weak inverse relationship between homogenization temperatures (190–250°C) and salinities (3.4–1.4 eq. wt. % NaCl), which may represent mixing of hotter Gold-stage fluids with cooler late-Copper-stage fluids. No evidence of boiling was found in fluid inclusions, but CO2 vapor-rich inclusions were identified in wall-rock quartz phenocrysts which pre-date copper and gold mineralization.Mineral stability calculations indicate that given a fairly restricted range of solution compositions, the Copper-, Transition- and Gold-stage minerals at El Indio could have been deposited from a single solution, with constant total dissolved sulfur which underwent reduction through time. Limited sulfur-isotope data indicates that pyrite from the Copper stage was not in isotopic equilibrium with Copper-stage alunite or Transition-stage sphalerite. The sulfur-isotope and fluid-inclusion data indicate that two fluids with comparable temperatures but different compositions flowed through the El Indio system. The earlier fluid deposited copper attended by sericite-alunite-kaolinite alteration, and later epithermal fluids deposited gold with quartz-sericite-kaolinite-pyrite alteration.  相似文献   

黔西北玄武岩风化壳中的稀土矿是一个分布广泛、稀土含量较高的新类型稀土矿。本文主要通过岩相学、矿物学和地球化学的方法,系统研究了该稀土矿层的岩石组构、矿物组合及地球化学特征,探讨了该地区稀土迁移富集机理。结果显示该风化壳稀土矿层厚度大(单层厚度0.1~0.5 m,总厚度约5~15 m)。矿石中主要矿物为高岭石(60%~80%),次要矿物为蒙脱石(2%~8%)、赤铁矿(5%~20%)。稀土总量较高(144~2288×10-6),具轻稀土富集特征,并且稀土含量高的样品均为高岭石粘土岩。稀土配分模式图中显示明显负铕异常(0.22~0.85),铈异常变化较大(0.86~1.63)。综合分析认为玄武岩风化壳中的稀土元素的富集和高岭石的含量密切相关,稀土元素可能在偏还原的环境中被高岭石颗粒吸附。  相似文献   

以平坝白云岩风化壳剖面为例,主要利用化学连续提取的方法,结合透射电镜的分析,对碳酸盐岩风化壳岩-土界面附近的稀土超常富集层中REE的赋存状态进行了研究,获得了REE在水溶态及可交换态(相态Ⅰ)、碳酸盐结合态及专性吸附态(相态Ⅱ)、非晶质氧化铁锰结合态(相态Ⅲ)、晶质氧化铁锰结合态(相态Ⅳ)、有机质及硫化物结合态(相态Ⅴ)和残渣态(相态Ⅵ)等6种相态的含量及变化规律.结果表明,REE在富集层中主要以专性吸附态、残渣态和有机态为主.风化前缘可溶态稀土所占比例较高,为稀土在风化壳中的迁移、转化提供可能;基岩中原生含磷稀土矿物的风化产生的稀土磷酸盐矿物的聚集导致了残渣态稀土大量存在于风化前缘;此外,由于风化淋溶的不断进行,可溶态的REE在高的pH值条件与剖面中的有机质、铁锰氧化物和粘土矿物共同作用下沉淀、富集,也导致了风化前缘稀土的超常富集.  相似文献   

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