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Valitov  M. G.  Shakirov  R. B.  Lee  N. S.  Legkodimov  A. A.  Yakimov  T. S.  Ponomareva  A. L.  Kalinchuk  V. V.  Bovsun  M. A.  Bulanov  V. A.  Proshkina  Z. N.  Syrbu  N. S.  Korskov  I. V.  Kalgin  V. Yu.  Baldanova  K. O.  Okulov  A. K.  Makseev  D. S. 《Oceanology》2022,62(1):139-141
Oceanology - The paper presents brief results of comprehensive studies of the water area of the Tatar Strait and Sea of Japan obtained on cruise 61 of the R/V “Akademik Oparin” in...  相似文献   

Some unusual features have been analysed in this paper on the sea conditions ofnorthwestern East China Sea and the fisheries of Mackerel, Round Scad, Sardines off Zhejiangin the autumn of 1983, based on the data of the past years. The findings are as follows: 1. The low-salinity water area formed by the Changjiang River runoff emptying intothe sea expanded by three times as campared with that of 1978 (a poor runoff year). The  相似文献   

Oceanology - Cruise 83 of the R/V Akademik Mstislav Keldysh was organized by the Shirshov Institute of Oceanology in the framework of the Program “Marine Ecosystems of the Siberian...  相似文献   

Shakirov  R. B.  Cuong  Do Huy  Obzhirov  A. I.  Valitov  M. G.  Lee  N. S.  Legkodimov  A. A.  Kalgin  V. Yu.  Yeskova  A. I.  Proshkina  Z. N.  Telegin  Yu. A.  Storozhenko  A. V.  Ivanov  M. V.  Pletnev  S. P.  Sedin  V. T.  Bulanov  A.V.  Shvalov  D. A.  Lipinskaya  N. A.  Bovsun  M. A.  Makseev  D. S.  Thanh  Nguyen Trung  Anh  Le Duc  Luong  Le Duc 《Oceanology》2021,61(1):147-149
Oceanology - Abstract—The paper gives brief results of comprehensive studies in the South China Sea obtained from a joint Russian–Vietnamese expedition in November 2019 (cruise 88 of...  相似文献   


Cruise 81 of the R/V Akademik Mstislav Keldysh was organized by Shirshov Institute of Oceanology and took place from August 27 to September 25, 2020 under the Program “Marine Ecosystems of the Siberian Arctic.” Participants included 76 scientists from the institutes of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow State University, VNIRO, and the NRC Kurchatov Institute and specialists from the Emergency Situations Ministry. Coordinated hydrophysical, hydrochemical, biooceanological, geochemical, and radioecological research was carried out over the Kara Sea, on the shelf near the St. Anna Trough, the continental slope, the Novaya Zemlya depression, and bays of the eastern coast of Novaya Zemlya. The condition of disposed radioactive waste in bays of the archipelago was assessed.


Orlov  A. M.  Gorbatenko  K. M.  Benzik  A. N.  Rybakov  M. O.  Nosov  M. A.  Orlova  S. Yu. 《Oceanology》2021,61(2):295-296
Oceanology - The article presents the results of hydrobiological, ichthyological, trophological, acoustic, and genetic research aboard the R/V Professor Levanidov in the Chukchi, East Siberian,...  相似文献   

Kostyleva  A. V.  Polukhin  A. A.  Stepanova  S. V. 《Oceanology》2020,60(6):735-741
Oceanology - This study was based on data obtained during the cruise 63 of the R/V Akademik Mstislav Keldysh in September 2015. We examine the features of the hydrochemical structure of the Lena...  相似文献   

The strong increase in altimeter measurement errors near land surfaces is a limiting factor for coastal applications. We analyze the performance of the new Ka-band SARAL/AltiKa (SRL) mission in the northwestern Mediterranean Sea. SRL sea surface height (SSH) measurements are compared with those from the Jason-2 Ku-band satellite mission. The results show a significant increase in both quantity and quality of SSH data available near coastlines when using SRL data. Available edited data are 95.1% of SRL compared with 88.6% for Jason-2. Closer than 10 km to the coastline, available SRL data are still about 60% and only about 31% for Jason-2. Comparisons of the altimeter sea level variations are made with available coastal tide gauge data. The differences obtained between altimeter and tide gauge SLA time series are reduced for SRL (3.3 cm in average) compared with Jason-2 (4.2 cm in average), especially closer than 30 km to the land. It results in higher correlations (by 30%) obtained with SRL data. The coastal circulation derived from altimetry using SRL data shows an offshore meandering, which is more stable in time and with larger velocities close to the coast than that derived from Jason-2 observations.  相似文献   

Ivanova  E. V.  Skolotnev  S. G.  Borisov  D. G.  Demidov  A. N.  Bich  A. S.  Gippius  F. N.  Gryaznova  A. S.  Dobroliubova  K. O.  Zinger  T. F.  Korshunov  D. M.  Levchenko  O. V.  Mashura  V. V.  Muccini  F.  Nemchenko  N. V.  Peyve  A. A.  Pertsev  A. N.  Sani  K.  Sanfilippo  A.  Simagin  N. V.  Sokolov  S. Yu.  Ferrando  C.  Chamov  N. P.  Shakhovskoy  I. B.  Sholukhov  K. N. 《Oceanology》2020,60(3):424-426
Oceanology - Herein we provide information on the integrated geological, geophysical, sedimentological, paleoceanographic, hydrophysical and biological investigations in the Central Atlantic during...  相似文献   

Ulyanova  M. O.  Sivkov  V. V.  Bashirova  L. D.  Kapustina  M. V.  Bubnova  E. S.  Danchenkov  A. R.  Ezhova  E. E.  Krechik  V. A.  Eremina  T. R. 《Oceanology》2022,62(4):578-580
Oceanology - The 51st cruise of the PV Akademik Sergey Vavilov (June 30–July 14, 2021) included the study of redox conditions in the Baltic Sea deeps. Water temperature in the upper...  相似文献   

Sea surface height anomalies observed by satellites in 1992–2010 are combined with monthly climatologies of temperature and salinity to estimate circulation in the southern Bering Sea. The estimated surface and deep currents are consistent with independent velocity observations by surface drifters and Argo floats parked at 1,000?m. Analysis reveals 1–3-Sv interannual transport variations of the major currents with typical intra-annual variability of 3–7?Sv. On the seasonal scale, the Alaskan Stream transport is well correlated with the Kamchatka (0.81), Near Strait (0.53) and the Bering Slope (0.37) currents. Lagged correlations reveal a gradual increase of the time the lags between the transports of the Alaskan Stream, the Bering Slope Current and the Kamchatka Current, supporting the concept that the Bering Sea basin is ventilated by the waters carried by the Alaskan Stream south of the Aleutian Arc and by the flow through the Near Strait. Correlations of the Bering Sea currents with the Bering Strait transport are dominated by the seasonal cycle. On the interannual time scale, significant negative correlations are diagnosed between the Near Strait transport and the Bering Slope and Alaskan Stream currents. Substantial correlations are also diagnosed between the eddy kinetic energy and Pacific Decadal Oscillation.  相似文献   

Oceanology - The spatial distribution pattern of phytoplankton primary production (PP) and chlorophyll was studied by the data of three cruises in August–September 2015, 2017, and 2018. The...  相似文献   

Terskii  P. N.  Panchenko  E. D.  Gorin  S. L.  Agafonova  S. A.  Vasilenko  A. N.  Kulikova  Z. M.  Popryadukhin  A. A.  Alabyan  A. M. 《Oceanology》2021,61(6):1076-1078
Oceanology - Winter field campaigns conducted by the Department of Hydrology of the Moscow State University Geographical Faculty undertaken during winter periods of 2017–2020 are introduced....  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONRecentyears’studyhasprimarilyshownthattheSCShasanimportantinfluenceonthemonsooncurrentsandonthefloodactivitiesoccurredintheregionofChina (Sunetal .,1 999,Dingetal.,1 999) .ThemonsoononsetinevitablycausestheadjustmentoftheSCScircula tion ,andinturn ,th…  相似文献   

Obzhirov  A. I.  Mishukova  G. I.  Shakirov  R. B.  Mishukov  V. F.  Maltseva  E. V.  Sokolova  N. L.  Okulov  A. K.  Yatsuk  A. V.  Lifanskiy  E. V. 《Oceanology》2019,59(6):853-859
Oceanology - Intra-annual variability in methane fluxes at the water–atmosphere boundary was shown for the first time in the water area of the Sea of Okhotsk east of Sakhalin Island. The...  相似文献   

Study on abundance variation of pteropods in the East China Sea   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
1 Introduction Pteropoda, an order of marine pelagic mollusks, belongstoClassGastropoda,SubclassOpisthobranchia. The speciesofthisorder can be found all over the world buttheyareusuallyabundantinthecontinentalshelfand continental slope area. As fish diets…  相似文献   

Based on the numerical experiment on simulation of the Japan/East Sea (JES) water circulation response to the atmospheric forcing for 1958–2006, the analysis is made of its long-term variability in the JES Central Basin (CB). It was found that during the climatic year, the circulation remains cyclonic, strengthening in spring and weakening in autumn. The analysis of mean relative vorticity (MRV) at intermediate depths in the JES CB showed one that the spectrum of its interannual variability is formed mainly by oscillations of periods ~2, ~4 and ~5 years, and in the decadal range with ~10 and ~14 years. Along the depth, the spectral composition of MRV variability does not change, but there is a noticeable weakening of decadal variability amplitude, which does not occur with the 4- and 5-year oscillations. Using SVD-analysis, the connection is established between MRV variability, wind stress curl (WSC), as well as sensible heat flux. The strong connection between MRV and WSC is revealed in the range of 4–5 years, and in the decadal range (period is 10 years) the significant connection is with both WSC and air-sea temperature as a result of winter cooling and following deep convection.  相似文献   

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