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High-precision temperature measurements were carried out up to a depth of 2,930 m in the 5.5-km-deep well Torun-1, 26 years after completion of drilling. The temperature log provides equilibrium thermal state information for the Polish Lowland at the western margin of the Precambrian craton. Geothermal gradient calculated from the equilibrium temperature log, together with estimates of thermal conductivity from ‘net rock’ geophysical well logging analysis and available core measurements, yields heat flow in the range 50–60 mW/m2 below 2-km depth. Heat flow of 50 mW/m2 plus ∼10 mW/m2 generated within thick sediments and highly metamorphosed sedimentary wedge is typical for the western margin of the Precambrian East European craton. Heat-flow variations with depth can be explained by a model of surface-temperature changes >10°C (glaciation to Holocene). Torun-1 Working Group: Marta Wróblewska, Jacek Majorowicz, Jan Szewczyk, Jan Šafanda, Vladimír Cermák  相似文献   

江汉盆地当阳复向斜当深3井实测地温剖面和样品热导率测试结果表明:其现今地温梯度为20~24℃/km,热流值为56mW/m2,体现了盆地发育于扬子稳定陆块的大地构造属性。基于7个磷灰石裂变径迹样品和大量镜质体反射率古温标数据进行的热史恢复表明,盆地构造—热演化经历了前印支期的低热流(50~60mW/m2)和小剥蚀量(50~200m),印支期的高热流(约80mW/m2)及燕山期与喜马拉雅期的低热流(50~60mW/m2)与大剥蚀量(1100~2400m)的不同演化阶段,反映了盆地和区域构造演化过程的阶段性。受沉积剥蚀及盆地构造—热演化的控制,生油岩系的生烃阶段与过程具有多期次的特征。  相似文献   

We report results of bottom temperature monitoring of 2003–2004 in the deepwater South Baikal basin (Lake Baikal) near active gas-fluid methane vents at lake depths of 1020 and 1350 m. Sediments and water temperatures were measured using an autonomous temperature recorder designed at the Institute of Geophysics (Novosibirsk). Experiments implied short-duration recording and pioneering continuous 350 day-long monitoring near the Staryi vent. Measurements within a 1 m thick layer above and below the bottom showed notable variations in water (up to 0.07 °C) and sediment temperatures and in geothermal gradient. The long temperature records include a relatively steady period (mid-June 2003-early February 2004) with smooth temperature variations (especially in sediments) and two transient unsteady periods. The steady season is the best time for heat flow studies in the South Baikal basin. The 0.04–0.05 °C drop in bottom water temperature during the unsteady periods may result from intrusion of cold surface water. A positive temperature anomaly of ∼0.04 °C recorded in April 2003 may be caused, among other reasons, by active gas venting.  相似文献   

海拉尔盆地地温分布及控制因素研究   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4  
根据大量钻孔测温资料和实测热导率资料分析了海拉尔盆地地温分布状况,现今地温梯度变化在2.50℃/100m至4.0℃/100m之间,平均为3.0℃/100m,现今大地热值为42.15~63.86 mWm-2,平均约为55.00mWm-2,明显较松辽盆地低,表明海拉尔盆地是一个中温盆地。海拉尔盆地大磨拐河组底面和南屯组底面地温分布具有南高北低的特点。现今地温对油气生成有重要的控制作用,南部凹陷南屯组热演化程度高,普遍处于成熟生油阶段,南屯组是海拉尔盆地的主力生油层位,南部凹陷是海拉尔盆地主要找油区。海拉尔盆地与松辽盆地壳幔结构存在显著的差异。海拉尔盆地现今地温场主要受地壳厚度、基底结构、基底埋深及盆地构造等因素的控制。  相似文献   

The shallow water wave simulation model-SWAN incorporated with a simple fine sediment erosion model is applied to Hangzhou Bay, China, to model the horizontal distribution of the maximum bottom orbital velocity and corresponding fine sediment erosion rates induced by: (1) southeasterly steady winds (5, 20 and 30 m/s), (2) southwesterly steady winds (5 and 20 m/s); (3) northwesterly steady winds (5 and 20 m/s); (4) east-southeasterly steady winds (5 and 20 m/s); (5) easterly steady winds (5 and 20 m/s) under closed and unclosed boundaries; and (6) unsteady winds during the slack water periods. Results suggest: (1) the steady wind wave-induced maximum bottom orbital velocities and corresponding fine sediment erosion rates generally increased with the increasing steady winds; (2) closed and unclosed boundary conditions had more significant influences on modeled fine sediment erosion rates under 5 m/s easterly steady winds than 20 m/s; and (3) steady and unsteady wind wave-induced maximum bottom currents could be significant in eroding fine sediment bed in Hangzhou Bay. The results show implications for geomorphology, sedimentology, coastal erosion, and environmental pollution mitigation in Hangzhou Bay.  相似文献   

准噶尔盆地地温分布特征   总被引:31,自引:2,他引:31  
据盆地大量的钻孔测温资料和实测岩石热导率、放射性生热率等岩石热物理性质参数,分析了准噶尔盆地的地温分布状况,表明盆地现今是一个相对较冷的盆地,平均地温梯度为22.6℃/km.由热传导理论计算了盆地深部和无钻井区的地温,并编制了盆地3 000~6 000 m深温度分布图和盆地东西、南北向的温度分布剖面图,分析了盆地深浅地温的关系.  相似文献   

Owing to the lack o f terrestrial heat flow data, studying lithospheric thermal structure and geodynamics of the Yingen-Ejinaqi Basin in Inner Mongolia is limited. In this paper, the terrestrial heat flow o f the Chagan sag in the YingenEjinaqi Basin were calculated by 193 system steady-state temperature measurements of 4 wells, and newly measuring 62 rock thermal conductivity and 20 heat production rate data on basis o f the original 107 rock thermal conductivity and 70 heat production data. The results show that the average thermal conductivity and heat production rate are 2.11 ±0.28 W/(m.K) and2.42±0.25 nW/m~3 in the Lower Cretaceous o f the Chagan sag. The average geothermal gradient from the Lower Suhongtu 2 Formation to the Suhongtu 1 Fonnation is 37.6 °C/km, and that o f the Bayingebi 2 Formation is 27.4 °C/km. Meanwhile, the average terrestrial heat flow in the Chagan sag is 70.6 mW/m~2. On the above results, it is clear that there is an obvious negative correlation between the thermal conductivity o f the stratum and its geothermal gradient. Moreover, it reveals that there is a geothermal state between tectonically stable and active areas. This work may provide geothermal parameters for further research o f lithospheric thermal structure and geodynamics in the Chagan sag.  相似文献   

掌握真实地温梯度对于深入了解易受温压场控制的天然气水合物赋存状态具有重要意义。在南海天然气水合物钻探区获取的地温梯度主要以海底表层的热流探针方式为主,由于海底表层尚未压实,地层物理属性多呈现高渗透性,易受到海底底流影响,导致了部分地温梯度无法推算到较深地层。而另一方面,井下原位温度测量虽然可获取真实的地温梯度,但其经济成本昂贵并且时效性低。为此本研究依据天然气水合物钻探井位单一非平衡态温度测井数据和钻井进程,在前人的数学模型基础上,尝试现场快速恢复地层地温梯度的操作,并利用有限的原位地温梯度进行对比分析。研究结果表明,该方法在一定程度上具有适用性,当测井温度变化率在较均匀层段(例如A-B段),根据测井进程可大致估算具有参考意义的原始地温梯度。但应用该方法时也须谨慎,避免使用测井温度变化率在非均匀的数据段(例如B-C段),因为模型中受到数学条件而忽略的多种不确定因素的权重,在外部参数环境波动较大时有可能增加,从而减弱了模拟过程中时间因子的主要作用量。  相似文献   

The Gulf of Suez is characterized by the presence of many hot springs and deep thermal wells scattered around its coastal areas. So it is considered one of the promised geothermal areas in Egypt. In this study, the main emphasis is to investigate the geothermal potential around the Gulf of Suez using the available logging and geothermometer datasets. The temperature profiles and well logging data of some hot springs and deep wells around or within the coastal area of the Gulf of Suez are used in this study. The temperature profiles are analyzed and some important thermophysical properties are estimated (geothermal gradient, thermal conductivity, heat flow, and specific heat capacity). Such analysis revealed that a medium to high geothermal gradient (22.0–30°C/Km) is given for the Gulf of Suez as a whole, with some spots of much higher gradient in the order of 35.0–44°C/Km (Ras Fanar and Hammam Faraun areas). The compiled thermal plots show that the thick evaporites and rock salt lithology, which is a major constituent in this area, attain the highest thermal conductivity (>3.10 W/m/K) and heat flow (>90 mW/m2) and the lowest specific heat capacity (<0.30 J/kg/K). The available gamma ray and the natural gamma ray spectroscopy logs are used to conduct a radioactive-based heat generation study using the characteristic radioactive nature of some elements like; 238U, 235U, 232Th, and of the isotope of 40K. A good linearity is observed between the heat production (A in microwatt per cubic meter) and the gamma ray (API) along a wide range of datasets (0–150 API) in all wells. The heat production factor increases in the carbonate lithology (up to 3.20?μW/m3) and is proportional to the shale volume. A geothermometer-based study is used to estimate the subsurface formation temperature and heat flow from the geochemical analysis of some water samples collected from the studied hot springs. The estimated thermal parameters are in harmony with the regional thermal regime concluded form logging data. A thermal basin growth study, in relation to the clay diagenesis is conducted concerning the thermal effects that take place with depth giving rise to another clay mineral (illite). Furthermore, a number of 2D thermal–burial history diagrams are constructed for the complied sections of some of the studied areas to show the vertical distribution of the estimated petrothermal properties. A reserve evaluation study is carried out to estimate the economic geothermal capacity of these hot springs to be used as alternative clean source for possible energy production (electricity) and other low-temperature purposes.  相似文献   

我国未来深部大陆科学钻探计划深度为13000 m,温度梯度按3.0℃/100 m计算,井底温度将达到390℃以上,钻井液将面临超高温高压环境,钻井液技术将面临严峻考验。为此,开展了超高温钻井液的预研究,利用抗盐粘土、抗高温降滤失剂、抗高温解絮凝剂、抗高温保护剂等,研制了可用于230℃高温环境的饱和盐水钻井液配方。室内评价试验表明,用该配方配制的耐高温钻井液经230℃、16 h高温滚动老化后,具有良好的流动性能,高温高压失水量(210℃、3.45 MPa)<35 mL/30 min。  相似文献   

祁连山冻土区木里盆地三露天井田自2008年首次钻采到天然气水合物实物样品以来,实现了中低纬度高山冻土区天然气水合物勘探的重大突破。天然气水合物钻孔DK-9于2013年发现水合物,通过对该孔长期地温实时监测,获得了稳态的地温数据。结果表明,祁连山多年冻土区聚乎更矿区三露天井田冻土层底界为约163 m,冻土层的厚度达约160 m,冻土层内的地温梯度为138 ℃ /100 m,冻土层以下的地温梯度达485 ℃/100 m。根据天然气水合物形成的温-压条件分析,聚乎更矿区具备较好的天然气水合物形成条件,天然气水合物稳定带底界深度处于510~617 m之间。  相似文献   

侯颉  邹长春  曲璐  朱吉昌  李康  岳旭媛  彭诚  李宁 《现代地质》2015,29(5):1110-1121
三露天天然气水合物钻探结果揭示,水合物主要赋存于裂隙型和孔隙型储层中。基于钻探结果,在测井岩性识别的基础上,综合利用常规测井和超声波成像测井等资料,总结两类天然气水合物储层的测井响应特征,形成了基于测井资料的水合物储层识别方法,并对该区储层进行划分。结果表明:(1)裂隙型水合物储层比纯泥岩层段的裂隙发育;声波速度较高,范围为1.5~4.5 km/s ;电阻率最高可达90 Ω·m。孔隙型水合物储层比砂岩水层的声波速度高,范围为2.0~4.0 km/s;电阻率亦为高值,范围为90~180 Ω·m。(2)研究区14个钻孔共识别出裂隙型储层12层,孔 隙型储层15层,总厚度为217.2 m。钻遇水合物的厚层均能识别,但少量钻遇的薄层未能识别,原因可能为薄层水合物含量少,导致测井响应不明显。总体上,测井方法在三露天天然气水合 物储层识别方面应用效果良好。  相似文献   

为研究季节冻土地区冷阻层的路基温度场效应,基于ANSYS软件热分析原理,以粉煤灰土、橡胶颗粒改良粉煤灰土和聚丙烯纤维改良粉煤灰土3种冷阻层材料为研究对象,模拟季节冻土地区道路路基温度场,研究其阻止热量交换的效果。结果表明:采用粉煤灰土为冷阻层的道路的最大冻深为1.32 m,温度梯度最低值为-17.606℃/m;采用橡胶颗粒改良粉煤灰土为冷阻层的道路的最大冻深为0.94 m,温度梯度最低值为-23.563℃/m;聚丙烯纤维改良粉煤灰土为冷阻层的道路的最大冻深为1.20 m,温度梯度最低值为-19.557℃/m。橡胶颗粒改良粉煤灰土冷阻效果最佳,其确保路基土处于零上温度不冻结状态的最小摊铺厚度为0.33 m,适宜作为季节冻土地区的冷阻材料。  相似文献   

Geothermal water is plentiful in Changbai Mountain region, northeastern China, due to the volcanic activities and widespread faults. For the exploration of geothermal resources, this study uses quartz and cation geothermometer to estimate the temperatures of the geothermal reservoir and uses the tubular models to evaluate the thermal gradient. The hydrogeochemical characteristics of the geothermal resources were also evaluated by hydrogeochemical analysis. The results showed that the geothermal reservoir temperatures of the four major thermal springs in Changbai Mountain region range from 72 to 169 °C. The average geothermal reservoir temperatures of Jinjiang hot springs, Changbai hot springs I, Xianrenqiao hot springs, and Changbai hot springs II are 129.25, 169, 89, and 73.67 °C, respectively. The geothermal gradient values of the four major thermal springs have different characteristics. The geothermal gradient values of Jinjiang hot springs and Changbai hot springs I are 4.6 and 3.1 °C/100 m, respectively. The geothermal gradient values of Xianrenqiao thermal springs and Changbai thermal springs II are both lower than 1.5 °C/100 m, with the values of 1.1 and 1.4 °C/100 m. And the geothermal gradients are influenced by Changbai Mountain Tianchi volcano. In addition, the water chemical analyses showed that the geothermal water types are HCO3-Na with higher concentrations of Na+, Cl?, SO4 2?, TDS, and HCO3 ? than the non-thermal waters, which suggested a deep and long water cycle of the thermal water, and therefore a sufficient water-rock interaction.  相似文献   

青藏高原普若岗日冰原80m深冰层温度变化分析   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
2000年10月在普若岗日冰原海拔6000m处的80m深冰芯孔中,利用热敏电阻温度计测量了冰层温度.结果显示,所有温度曲线除2m深度以上表层温度已受到低温冷波强烈干扰开始转型外,主要曲线均表现为暖季型.最低冰温度-9.9℃,出现在12m深度处.以12m深度为界,上部冰层温度变幅大,下部冰温随深度增加基本呈直线型升高,温度梯度较上部小.观测期间,4m之上冰温随时间逐渐降低,其降幅随深度增加而逐渐减小.最大日降低幅度在0.m处达0.62℃,1m处为0.3℃,2m处为0.20℃.据冰层温度状况和气候条件,普若岗日冰原应属极大陆型冰川.  相似文献   

淮北煤田的高温热害问题愈发突出,但目前对该区系统的地温场特征及大地热流分布研究非常稀少.在系统分析淮北煤田大量地面钻孔井温测井数据和井下巷道围岩温度测试数据的基础上,结合72块岩石样品的热导率测试结果,全面阐述了该区现今地温梯度和大地热流的分布特征.研究表明:淮北煤田现今地温梯度众值介于1.80~2.80 ℃/100 m之间,平均地温梯度为2.42 ℃/100 m;大地热流值变化范围为39.52~74.12 mW/m2,平均热流值为55.72 mW/m2,地温梯度和热流值均低于同处华北板块的其他盆地以及南部的淮南煤田;大地热流受地温梯度控制明显,两者分布较为相似,整体表现为南高北低、西高东低的特点.结果表明,区内现今地温场和热流分布主要受区域地质背景和区内构造格局的控制.   相似文献   

程立华 《地下水》2011,(4):30-31
介绍了郑州市东区深层地热的特征,把深层地热资源划分为三层:埋藏深度320~850 m的第一地热储层,热储岩性为新近系中细砂层,热储平均厚度1553 m。热储温度33°C,地温梯度2.5~3.5°C/100 m。埋藏深度850~1 200m的第二热储层储岩性为新近系细砂、中细砂层,热储总厚度86~187m,热储温度45°...  相似文献   

Abnormally high formation pressures are encountered worldwide, ranging in geological age from Cenozoic to Paleozoic, within a depth range of few hundred meters to as deep as six thousand meters while carrying out exploratory drilling by E and P companies. Several causes can increase formation fluid pressure i.e. rapid loading of sediments results compaction disequilibrium, thermal expansion of fluids, compression and/or upliftment of strata by tectonic forces, generation of oil and gas from organic matter and its volume expansion due to high thermal stress within the restricted pore volume in subsurface condition. Few global examples on overpressure occurrences have been compiled in the paper with special reference to Bengal Basin. Emphasis has been given on methodology and interpretation on abnormal pressure detection in Bengal Basin with a compiled data package on generated curves (Geologs), charts, tables in a systematic way to understand the depth/stratigraphic horizons proved/interpreted as proved or likely to be within transition and overpressure regime. The integrated analysis indicates that the wells drilled in the east of Eocene hinge zone in the onshore and offshore parts of Bengal Basin have penetrated overpressure formation within Miocene in the depth range of 2800 m to 5340 m and the mud weight used to control this overpressure zone was more than 2.0 sp gr mud. The generated Geologs can be used as reference to understand the regime of transition and overpressure, as a valuable document for exploration drilling planning and monitoring. The generated model curve (modified using available data after Hottman and Johnson, 1956 curve) using sonic departure (i.e. Δtob(sh) −Δtn(sh)) from drilled wells may be used as an additional tool to find out the expected formation pressure gradient and equivalent mud weight in all future wells. The correlation of wells based on the trend of dcs and σ logs will be useful for predicting transition and overpressure top provided all the parameters required for calculating dcs and σ log recorded smoothly during drilling phase. The study has brought out the detail procedure to generate the pressure profile in the future wells. The generation of pressure profile of a well prior to drilling has got immense importance in oil industry. The drilling of the well should be done by maintaining the optimum mud weight generated from the pressure profile. In case, during drilling, formation pressure is more than the mud pressure, resulted gas kicks or worse, blowouts of the well. Excessively high mud pressure can fracture the formation and cause lost circulation. The oil and gas companies, worldwide, attributed 15% losses due to various problems associated with drilling complications, mostly related to improper pressure prediction of a well. The losses include loss of material as well as drilling process continuity, called non-productive time (NPT). The generation of accurate pressure profile reduces drilling problems, cuts exploration and development costs and allows billions of dollars now spent on losses to be better spent-building and replacing reserves.  相似文献   

We analyze the crustal rheology beneath the active resurgent Campi Flegrei caldera(CFc) in Southern Italy by modelling the 3 D brittle-ductile(B/D) transition, based on available thermal, geological and geophysical data. Firstly, the thermal field in the conductive physical regime is modeled using a finite element method; based on an optimization tool, this method is applied to evaluate the location and dimensions of the deep thermal source beneath the caldera. A horizontally-extended thermal anomaly located at about 5000 m depth below sea level is identified beneath Pozzuoli Bay, a part of the CFc. The same isotherm is located at a depth of 20,000 m beyond the caldera. This indicates a higher horizontal temperature gradient in the caldera with respect to the surrounding area. Next, we utilize this thermal model to image the 3D rheological stratification of the shallow crust below the caldera with two different values of strain rates. Within the caldera, the B/D transitions with ε equal to 10-12 s-1 and 10-8 s-1 are located at 3000 m and 5000 m depths, respectively. Outside the caldera, the transition is very deep(15,000-20,000 m), seemingly uninfluenced by the thermal state of the CFc volcanism. Finally, we compare these results with the spatial distribution of earthquake hypocenters, Benioff strain release and b-value distribution to investigate the relationship between crustal rheology and seismicity characteristics. Our analysis reveals that the image of the B/D transition is in agreement with the distribution of earthquake hypocenters, constraining the potential seismogenic volume of the region. Our study demonstrates that knowledge of the rheological state of a volcanic system is an important element to interpret its dynamic, forecast future activity and improve evaluation of the associated seismic hazard.  相似文献   

渤海湾盆地是我国华北油气开发的主战场,多年的油气勘探开发积累了大量钻井、测录井及测温数据。通过对区内深钻井测温数据的分析研究,发现中南部的冀中坳陷、黄骅坳陷、临清坳陷和济阳坳陷是干热岩地热资源的主要富集区,温度≥180 ℃的热储主要发育在基岩潜山或斜坡区,埋深适宜,温度较高,有一定的天然孔渗条件。4个主要坳陷区4 000 m以深钻井平均地温梯度范围为3.07~3.32 ℃/100 m,5 000 m以深钻井平均地温梯度范围为2.96~3.27 ℃/100 m,埋深越大,地温梯度越低。坳陷区埋深在4 309~6 261 m时相继达到180 ℃温度,为干热岩目标埋深范围。不同坳陷、区块和井区达到180 ℃干热岩温度界限的深度相差较大。下古生界、中元古界和太古宇三套热储是渤海湾盆地中南部最具开发利用潜力的干热岩热储类型。冀中坳陷主要发育奥陶系灰岩、寒武系白云岩和中元古界白云岩热储,黄骅坳陷以奥陶系灰岩热储为主,济阳坳陷发育寒武系-奥陶系灰岩和太古宇变质岩热储,临清坳陷主要为奥陶系灰岩热储。坳陷区的凹中和凹边凸起区,顶面埋深3 000~5 000 m的前中生界潜山是主要的勘探方向,冀中坳陷河西务、长洋淀等潜山,黄骅坳陷南大港、千米桥等潜山,济阳坳陷桩西孤北等潜山,临清坳陷马场、文留等潜山是干热岩勘探开发有利区。干热岩勘探可与深层油气勘探开发相结合,进行不同类型资源的兼探和综合开发利用。  相似文献   

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