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南极普里兹湾海冰数值模拟试验   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
张林  程展  任北期  李同娟 《海洋学报》2000,22(1):131-135
海冰在全球气候的变化过程中,具有举足轻重的作用。在气候模拟中,海冰预报的准确性直接影响到对气候的中、长期预测。海冰的成长和消融受诸多物理过程控制,其中海冰的热力过程是最重要因素之一。  相似文献   

针对台风参数化风场模型中最大风速半径$({R}_{\mathrm{m}\mathrm{a}\mathrm{x}})$和径向气压分布系数$(B)$两个关键参数,以0216(“森拉克”台风)和0414(“云娜”台风)两场台风为例,采用多种$ {R}_{\mathrm{m}\mathrm{a}\mathrm{x}} $和$ B $计算方法的组合方案,再现台风过程,并提取3处观测站点的模拟数据,与实测结果进行比对。将所得的台风风场作为风暴潮模型的驱动风场,利用MIKE 21模型进行浙江沿海两场台风的风暴潮数值模拟,结合实测资料,验证并分析天文潮位和风暴潮增水水位。结果表明,本文选取的参数化风场模型适用于计算影响浙江海域的台风风场,以此为基础建立的风暴潮模型的模拟结果满足精度要求。  相似文献   

渤海海上溢油漂移扩散数值模拟研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
黄娟  曹雅静  高松  徐江玲  刘桂艳 《海洋科学》2014,38(11):100-107
近几年渤海海上溢油突发事件频发,对海洋环境造成严重的污染。本文将业务化气象数值模型(Weather Research and Forecast model,WRF)、海流数值模型(Regional Ocean Model System,ROMS)的数值预报结果作为海洋环境驱动场,采用"油粒子"的海上溢油漂移扩散数值模拟方法,对在渤海发生的溢油扩散行为进行模拟预测。本文针对渤海溢油事件,设计敏感试验,研究不同风、流系数和网格分辨率对溢油扩散模拟结果的影响,获得适合于渤海的溢油数值模型参数,提高溢油漂移扩散预报的准确度,为海洋溢油应急处置和防灾减灾提供技术支持。  相似文献   

围填海溃堤洪水演进数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
围填海工程建于软土地基上,海堤易产生不规则沉降甚至坍塌,而在高水位期间可能发生溃堤灾害。本文采用HLL逼近Riemann解格式计算界面通量和有限体积法离散控制方程建立了数学模型,对围填海工程溃堤洪水运动进行模拟研究。针对浙南某围填海工程,成功模拟了海塘不同位置发生溃堤时的洪水演进过程:溃堤初始时刻,围区内淹没面积和淹没水深增长迅速,其后洪水推进速度放缓,平均水深则经历下降、快速增长、缓慢增长3个阶段变化;并且南堤溃决事故下同时刻平均水深较东堤溃决时高0.3~0.5m,其洪水灾害性和风险性更高。进一步分析双溃口条件下淹没水深的空间分布及其变化规律可知,洪水完全淹没围填海区仅需要60min,溃堤4h后淹没水深可达1.7m,围区东、南部两股水流迅速交汇将会造成较大的人员伤亡,其他区域居民可有15min以上逃生时间。另外,糙率参数在±15%区间变化下,计算平均水深最大变幅为20%,淹没面积最大变幅为14%。研究成果对于减少溃堤突发事故损失,提高工程建设管理水平具有重要现实意义,可为今后围填海工程的安全设计和风险评估提供技术依据。  相似文献   

The phenomenon of drag reduction by the injection of micro-bubbles into turbulent boundary layer has been investigated using an Eulerian-Eulerian two-fluid model. Multiple-size group (MUSIG) based on population balance models, which resolve a wide range of bubble sizes taking into account the bubble break-up and coalescence have been used for this purpose. The simulated results are compared against the experimental findings of Madavan et al. [1984. Reduction of turbulent skin friction by micro-bubbles. Physics of Fluids 27, 356-363] and also other numerical studies explaining the sophisticated phenomena of drag reduction. For the two Reynolds number cases considered, the buoyancy with the plate on the bottom configuration is investigated, as from the experiments it is seen that buoyancy seem to play a role in the drag reduction. Numerical model employed in the investigation comprises of a micro-bubble laden flow wherein two independent sets of Reynolds averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) transport equations were used to describe both the phases of the flow. The shear stress transport (SST) turbulence model is used as the turbulent closure for the primary phase and a zero equation turbulence model is used for the micro-bubbles. Change in the mean streamwise velocity profiles, void fraction, turbulence modification and other results are presented and discussed with corresponding change in the gas injection rates. The complex mechanism of drag reduction are scrutinised and explained in context to our numerical findings. Special attentions have been also devoted to divulge the effect of bubble coalescence and break-up caused by random collision and turbulent impact. Numerical results showed good agreement for the skin-friction coefficients against experimental data throughout various air injection rates. The MUSIG model was found to be one of the best candidates to resolve the bubble dynamics in micro-bubble-induced drag reduction problems.  相似文献   

Based on the filtered Navier-Stokes equations and Smagorinsky turbulence model,a numerical wave flume is developed to investigate the overtopping process of irregular waves over smooth sea dikes.Simulations of fully nonlinear standing wave and regular wave’s run-up on a sea dike are carried out to validate the implementation of the numerical wave flume with wave generation and absorbing modules.To model stationary ergodic stochastic processes,several cases with different random seeds are computed for each specified irregular wave spectrum.It turns out that the statistical mean overtopping discharge shows good agreement with empirical formulas,other numerical results and experimental data.  相似文献   

海冰动力学过程的数值模拟   总被引:41,自引:11,他引:30  
讨论了海冰动力学性质并阐述决定海冰漂移的动量平衡,冰脊和水道形成及确定冰应力与形变、强度之间关系的海冰流变学.提出了模拟海冰动力学过程的数值模式,模式中冰厚分布由开阔水、平整冰和堆积冰3种要素表示.在这3要素的预报方程中引入形变函数,采用一种参数化方法模拟冰脊和水道.为了表示冰内相互作用,将海冰作为一种非线性粘性可压缩物质,采用粘-塑性本构关系.本文还概述和讨论了模式中所采用的数值方法,应用此模式模拟了渤海、波罗的海的波的尼亚湾和拉布拉多海的冰漂移.渤海冰漂移模拟结果明显地显示出潮周期变化,还模拟了渤海的冰脊和水道,进行了海冰流变学参数的敏感性试验.并将此冰模式与大气模式和边界层模式联接,给出渤海海冰预报结果.  相似文献   

Numerical simulation for dynamical processes of sea ice   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
NumericalsimulationfordynamicalprocessesofseaiceWuHuiding,BaiShan,ZhangZhanhaiandLiGuoqing(ReceivedMay16,1996;acceptedJanuary...  相似文献   

The main purpose of this study is to establish a better understanding of the relationship between drag reduction and surface roughness. Experiments were conducted to measure the force and flow characteristics of a circular cylinder with different types of artificial surface roughness over the range 6 × 103 < Re < 8 × 104 (Re is based on the cylinder diameter D). The roughness cylinder was formed by covering the exterior surface of the cylinder with uniformly distributed (1) sandpaper, (2) netting, and (3) dimples. The roughness coefficient ranged from k/D = 0.0028 to 0.025 (k is the roughness height). A detailed quantitative measurement of the flow field around the cylinder using Particle Imaging Velocimetry (PIV) was carried out. The hydrodynamic force coefficients (drag and lift) of the rough cylinders are compared against those of a smooth cylinder measured under the same flow conditions. It is found that certain configuration of surface roughness significantly reduces the mean drag coefficient of the cylinder, particularly at large Reynolds numbers. In addition, the root-mean-square (r.m.s.) lift coefficient of the rough cylinders is considerably lower than that of a smooth cylinder.  相似文献   

琉球群岛海域海浪数值计算地形处理效应及试验分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
毛科峰  陈希  李妍  萧中乐 《海洋科学》2010,34(11):91-96
针对琉球群岛海域内多岛屿复杂地形对海浪数值计算的特殊影响,发展一种综合利用水深数据和高分辨率海岸线数据优化计算网格且引入次网格地形效应的方法,并利用WAVEWATCH-Ⅲ模式进行连续1个月的数值模拟试验。结果表明:采用该方法后,在计算网格分辨率上,充分考虑了海岸和多岛屿地形对海浪传播的作用和多岛屿的次网格效应,数值计算结果有明显改善。  相似文献   

台风会引起风暴增水和强浪。围填海工程建于软土地基上,海堤易产生不规则沉降,在台风引起的强浪作用下有可能发生溃堤,海水在高水位下大量涌入围区,引发灾难。针对溃坝的急变流特性,基于Delft3D Open Source,采用一种基于经典交错网格的改进型数值方法(其水流扩展流动数值近似算法符合动量守恒,而水流收缩流动数值近似则满足伯努利方程),建立了舟山东港新城溃堤洪水演进模型,并计算了最大可能风暴增水条件下溃堤洪水在东港新城的演进过程。结果表明,围区内的地形形势对洪水的演进及最终分布起了决定性作用,当溃口出现在不同位置时,影响范围和程度不一样。东港南部由于地势较低,且没有大型的吸纳洪水的人工湖,当附近出现50 m宽的溃口时,近乎整个南部区域都会受到海水的影响;而北部由于地势相对较高,影响有限。  相似文献   

提出了一种带纵摇前墙的新型振荡水柱式波浪能(OWC)装置,借助Open FOAM开源代码平台和waves2Foam工具包,数值模拟研究带纵摇前墙OWC装置的水动力性能和转换效率。主要研究前墙吃水d_1、前墙密度ρ、后墙吃水d_2、旋转约束力(用无量纲弹簧系数K表示)对该装置的反射系数C_r、透射系数C_t、耗散系数C_d和波能转换效率ξ的影响规律。结果表明,纵摇前墙能有效减少能量耗散,提高波能转换效率ξ;无量纲弹簧系数K对装置转换效率的影响主要集中在短波区域,且在K为0时装置具有最大的转换效率和最宽的高效频率带;前墙的密度和吃水深度对水动力系数影响不大;后墙的吃水深度对水动力系数影响较大,增加吃水深度能有效提高装置对于中短波和中长波段的波能转换效率,但对系统整体的能量耗散系数影响不大。  相似文献   

Effect of air-sea temperature difference on the momentum exchange between air and sea for fetch-limited casesChengZhanandWuSh...  相似文献   

本文利用POM模式对环台湾岛海域冬季的水文要素进行了数值模拟,对有代表性的水平环流、温度场和上升流三个要素所进行的分析表明:模式再现了台湾岛东岸的高温高盐强流速区即黑潮,黑潮在冬季并无直接进入台湾海峡的分支存在;西岸的东北向流在冬季各个层次上都存在,台湾东北部的冷涡模拟与实况较为一致。温度场和上升流的分布与水平环流有很好的对应关系。本文还进一步验证了前人的一些研究成果,并对一些特殊物理现象的成因进行了定性解释。  相似文献   

Field experiments were conducted on a low-gradient, high-energy sandy beach (Truc Vert, France) and a steep, low-energy gravel beach (Slapton, UK) to examine alongshore-directed currents within the swash zone. At Truc Vert, data were collected over 33 tidal cycles with offshore significant wave heights of 1–4 m and periods of 5–12 s. At Slapton data were collected during 12 tides with wave heights of 0.3–1 m and periods of 4–9 s. The swash motion was predominantly at infragravity frequencies at Truc Vert and incident frequencies at Slapton.  相似文献   

江苏重点海域绿潮漂移扩散数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
江苏海域是绿潮灾害的多发海域,本文利用MIKE3模型建立了江苏辐射沙洲重点海域三维水动力模型,并采用实测资料对模型进行验证和率定;在水动力模型的基础上建立绿潮漂移扩散模型,对江苏海域绿潮漂移路径进行了模拟并与卫星遥感监测的结果进行对比。对比结果表明,模型24 h和48 h模拟结果与卫星遥感图像分析结果较吻合,模型能为江苏海域绿潮的预警预报提供一定参考。  相似文献   

A commonly used method of simulating ocean waves from a specified frequency spectrum is shown to be incorrect. The method consists of adding numerous sine curves with random phases; and the error arises from assuming that the amplitudes of these component sine waves are deterministic, when they are in fact random variables. Methods of using random amplitudes are described and only one is found to be satisfactory. In this method the number of random values simulated — and then transformed with an inverse FFT — equals the required number of simulated data points. So simulation in the frequency domain can only give relatively short runs; it is necessary to work in the time domain if arbitrarily long runs are required.Errors in wave group statistics derived from the incorrect simulation method are discussed and related to discrepancies reported between groupiness in simulated data and ocean measurements.  相似文献   

为了研究舟山海域复杂地形条件下的台风浪特征,在高分辨数值模拟中采用了利用海图资料处理复杂岛屿地形分布的方法,利用WAVEWATCHⅢ和SWAN模式相嵌套模拟了影响该海域的西北行路径的典型台风浪过程.分析表明,舟山海域的东南部、东北部、西北部、内部海域受台风的影响各不相同,台风浪特征分布与海域的岛屿分布、水深分布等因素密...  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONNumerica comutation and simu1ation of tidal waves in the closed ocean of China havebo greatly imProved in recent years. As far as the method Of numerica comPU8tion are con-cemed, we can divide them into two classes: beundary va1ue methed and initial value methed.The fOrmer needs the tidal level value of coast beund8ry and the side beundary of water shOuldbe given, and its calculative result dePends on the reliability of boundary value. The rnan-madeermr, caed by getting the…  相似文献   

刘君  张雪琪 《海洋工程》2017,35(3):29-36
板翼动力锚是依靠自重完成安装并靠自重和海床土的抗力来锚固的新型动力锚。板翼动力锚在水中自由下落的阻力决定了锚到达海床表面时的速度,进而直接决定了锚贯入海床中的深度以及它能提供的承载力。板翼动力锚的形状比较复杂,采用计算流体动力学的方法研究板翼动力锚的下落速度、水平位移和转角与下落位移的关系。计算结果表明:板翼动力锚的拖曳阻力系数约为0.93~1.12之间;在沉贯过程中应使加载臂与翼板共面以减少阻力;板翼动力锚的终端速度约为28 m/s。  相似文献   

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