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红树胚轴和叶片生长发育的元素动态   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
郑文教  林鹏 《海洋学报》1997,19(1):96-103
探讨中国8种主要红树植物的叶片和3种典型胎生的胚轴种苗,在生长发育中Cl、Na、K、Ca、Mg及灰分的含量动态.结果表明,随着胚轴在母树上的胎生发育,胚轴不仅Cl、Na含量降低,K、Ca、Mg及灰分含量也降低,成熟时各元素及灰分含量均远低于果实,表明胚轴的盐分含量在胎生过程中是一个低盐化的过程.红树植物叶片从幼叶至老叶:K含量降低;Ca、Mg含量提高;Cl、Na及灰分含量拒盐红树提高,而泌盐红树则相反幼叶高于老叶.表明拒盐红树盐分有集中于老叶的趋势,随着叶片更新、富盐叶片凋落而排除体内过多盐分的累积是拒盐红树抗盐适应的特性之一.K元素则可再周转利用.  相似文献   

海南长宁河口桐花树红树林土壤CH4动态研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了海南东寨港长宁河口桐花树Aegzceras corniculatum红树林下土壤的CH4动态.土壤CH4通量的滩面变化规律四季一致,平均值为0.56 mg  相似文献   

Mangrove wetlands can reduce heavy metal pollution by trapping heavy metals. In this study, the concentration,transport and bioaccumulation of Cr, Cd, Cu, Zn and Pb in the sediments and different parts of Aegiceras corniculatum at four different sites in the Qinzhou Bay in southwestern China were investigated. The results showed that although the potential ecological risk of all five heavy metals was slight, the concentration of Cr was at a moderate pollution level due to the emissions of industries and aquaculture waste water. Core sediment records indicated that the concentrations of heavy metals at the depth of 0–20 cm were relatively high, showing an increasing trend of heavy metals over the past 20–30 years. Cr, Cu, Pb and Cd accumulated mainly in the roots of A. corniculatum, while Zn accumulated mainly in the stems. Aegiceras corniculatum showed the strongest transport capacity for Zn and Cu and the strongest bioaccumulation ability for Cd. Compared with other mangrove communities, A. corniculatum can be chosen as a restoration species in tropical and subtropical coastal zones polluted by Zn, Cu and Cd.  相似文献   

潮位与盐度是影响桐花树幼苗生长发育的重要环境因子,在一定程度上决定桐花树胚胎能否成功着床与快速成苗。本文采用室内控制实验观测桐花树胚胎萌动期根系发育过程,进而探讨盐度、淹水时长、盐度−淹水时长交互作用对胚根萌发及生长的影响。结果表明:(1)模拟低低潮位淹水环境的完全浸泡胚胎24 h/d培养处理组,桐花树胚胎无法萌根。模拟中低潮位淹水环境的完全浸泡胚胎6 h/d + 浸泡胚根18 h/d培养处理组,胚胎平均萌根率最高,胚根最长。模拟高高潮位胚胎基部浸泡水体环境的浸泡胚根培养处理组,胚胎萌根率与平均萌根率最低,胚根数量最少。模拟高高潮位胚胎基部扎入潮滩环境的蛭石浅插培养处理组,胚根萌发最慢,萌根率最高,胚根最短、数量最多。(2)在盐度为0的环境中,培养13 d后胚根最长。在盐度为10的环境中,培养后的前11 d胚根最长、数量最多。在盐度为20的环境中,萌根率、平均萌根率以及胚根长度和数量明显偏低,胚根萌发与生长受到抑制。(3)淹水时长−盐度交互作用对桐花树胚根生长影响显著,若淹水时长、盐度处于桐花树胚胎萌根耐受范围内,淹水时长−盐度复合胁迫下胚胎依然能够正常萌根。人工培育桐花树幼苗,采用完全浸泡胚胎6 h/d + 浸泡胚根18 h/d,盐度为10培养胚根生长发育最优。研究结果可为潮间带桐花树幼苗人工培育与保护提供部分理论依据。  相似文献   

红树林植物桐花树内生真菌类群分布的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
从红树林植物桐花树Aegiceras corniculatum的叶、叶脉、树皮、茎等4个部位, 湿季共分离到297株内生真菌, 干季共分离到232株内生真菌.叶片内生真菌优势类群为青霉属和盘长孢霉, 叶脉为青霉属和枝孢霉属, 树皮内生真菌中不产孢类所占比例最高, 而茎部的优势类群为枝孢霉属和短梗孢霉, 说明内生真菌的分布具有一定的器官和组织特异性.比较各部位内生真菌湿季类群和干季类群发现其优势类群也有一定的变化: 叶片内生真菌湿季优势类群是青霉属和盘长孢属, 而干季优势类群为不产孢类群B和C;叶脉、树皮、茎的内生真菌的优势菌群在湿季和干季也有差异.这说明不同季节的环境因素(降水量、气温、湿度、光照强度等)的变化对内生真菌的类群及其分布具有较强的影响.  相似文献   

王芳  董乐  戴聪杰  林娈  欧巧慧 《海洋科学》2009,33(12):44-49
以桐花树(Aegiceras corniculatum (L.) Blanco)叶为材料, 采用同源PCR克隆策略, 扩增桐花树多酚氧化酶(Polyphenol Oxidase, PPO)铜结合区之间的cDNA序列.该序列长度597 bp (Genbank accession No. GQ404509), 编码了一段由199 个氨基酸残基组成的多酚氧化酶保守区片段.桐花树PPO保守区片段具有PPO铜结合区A(CuA)的特征信号序列Hnswl.FFpFHRyyLyffE.同源比对表明, 该序列与GenBank上其他已有的植物多酚氧化酶氨基酸序列的同源性都在65%以上.  相似文献   

种子胎生是红树植物典型的适应特征之一。本研究以胎生红树植物桐花树(Aegiceras corniculatum)花蕾、种子和胚轴为材料,研究了胎生发育过程中繁殖体内源性脱落酸(ABA)、赤霉素(GA3)、可溶性糖和淀粉含量的动态变化。结果表明:ABA含量在胎生发育过程中呈现先降低后升高的显著变化,即在种子形成前的花蕾期最高\[(1.86±0.07) μg/g\],在种子期达到最低值\[(0.75±0.07) μg/g\],然后随种子萌发逐渐回升;GA3含量则呈现相反的变化趋势,先升高后降低,即在种子期最高\[(12.60±0.05 )μg/g\],然后随种子萌发逐渐降低\[(1.97±0.05) μg/g\];繁殖体可溶性糖含量随发育进程先升高后降低,在种子萌发早期达到最高值;淀粉含量始终呈现增加的趋势,并在种子萌发晚期达到最高值。在胎生过程中,桐花树繁殖器官的内源性ABA和GA3含量以及可溶性糖和淀粉含量的动态变化表明,ABA和GA3通过对糖代谢的综合调控作用可能是红树植物胎生的重要机制之一。  相似文献   

1 引言 真菌种类繁多,其形态性状复杂多变且易受环境影响,仅依靠形态、生化等表形特征加以鉴别显得较为困难且易出现偏差,尤其是真菌形态鉴定中占有重要地位的孢子,很多植物内生真菌孢子不能在一般实验室条件下形成,这一点给分类鉴定带来困难.随着分子生物学技术的发展,基于ITS(inter-nal transcribed spacer,ITS)区的多态性,ITS区的序列分析近来已广泛应用于真菌种属水平的分类和系统发育方面的研究[1-4].  相似文献   

对生长在漳江口红树林湿地国家级自然保护区不同盐度环境中(FZ1:7.95-10.00;FZ2:11.10-15.25;FZ3:15.60-20.08;FZ4:20.58-23.54)优势红树植物桐花树的光合色素含量和叶绿素荧光特征进行了研究,结果表明盐度最低的样地FZ1比其他样地具有更高的叶绿素a、叶绿素b和胡萝卜素含量(p〈0.05).Fv/Fm、Fv/F0和PIABS表现出同样的规律:FZ1、FZ2较高,尤其FZ1最高,与FZ3、FZ4有极显著水平差异(p〈0.01).叶绿素荧光诱导动力学曲线(O-J-I-P)起始部分变化不大,其余部分均是FZ3比其他3个样地低.比活性参数ABS/CS、TRo/CS各样地间无显著差异;ETo/RC、RC/CSo是FZ3比其他样地下降,尤其是与FZ1、FZ2有极显著差异.DIo/CS则是FZ3比其他样地高,尤其是与FZ1、FZ2有极显著差异.这些结果表明,在保护区内盐度7.95‰-15.25‰环境中的桐花树叶片光合色素含量较高,光合器官对光能的吸收、转化和利用效率更高.  相似文献   

盐藻SOD的盐适应性与物质积累的关系   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
实验分析了不同NaCl浓度处理下,盐藻SOD活性及其与细胞密度、β-胡萝卜素积累和蛋白质积累的关系.结果表明:在30~120 g/L的盐度范围内,随着NaCl浓度的提高,SOD活性极显著地增强,说明盐藻SOD是一种高盐适应酶.盐藻SOD活性与细胞密度及物质积累关系密切:在SOD活性为0.710×108 cells-1·min-1左右时,盐藻细胞密度、β-胡萝卜素和蛋白质的积累量都最高,而在SOD活性较低或较高时,盐藻细胞密度、β-胡萝卜素和蛋白质的积累量都较低.可能适当盐度下SOD的活动较好地保护了盐藻体内物质积累反应的进行.  相似文献   

冷胁迫下红树植物白骨壤和桐花树叶片热值的变化   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
对九龙江口不同土壤盐度的白骨壤和桐花树离体叶片进行1-2℃冷胁迫处理,结果表明,随着冷胁迫时间的延长,白骨壤和桐花树叶片的热值逐渐下降,电解质渗出率呈现不同程度的上升,其中土壤盐度高的澳头白骨壤和桐花树叶片的变化幅度较土壤盐度低的白骨壤和桐花树小。白骨壤和桐花树叶片总含水量在冷处理过程中变化不大,但其自由水含量呈显著下降趋势,而束缚水含量及束缚水与自由水含量的比值则呈显著上升趋势。还原糖、可溶性糖和淀粉含量在冷胁迫过程中逐渐下降,蔗糖含量则逐渐上升。土壤盐度高的澳头白骨壤和桐花树叶片的自由水和束缚水含量的变化幅度大于土壤盐度低者,而还原糖、蔗糖、可溶性糖和淀粉含量的变幅则小于土壤盐度低者。  相似文献   

三种不同生境的桐花树种群的遗传多样性和遗传分化   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
黎中宝  林鹏  邓传远 《台湾海峡》2000,19(3):379-385
采用垂直板型聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳测定了三种不同生境的桐花树(Aegiceras cor niculatum)种群的遗传多样性和遗传分化。桐花树和种群水平都维持有较高的遗传变异性,观察杂合度分别为0.252和0.244。期望杂合度分别为0.266、0.240。种群间遗传分化系数为0.127,表明总的遗传变异中有12.7%来自种群间,种群间遗传距离和遗传一致度均值分别为0.060和0.964,基因流畅,Nm=2.187。  相似文献   

观测红树林潮滩在波浪和潮流作用下的近底层垂向剖面悬沙浓度变化过程, 对理解海岸带植被的消能促淤机制和滨海湿地生态修复工程有着重要作用。本文以北部湾七星岛岛尾桐花树红树林潮滩为例, 基于剖面流速仪HR、声学多普勒单点流速仪ADV、浪潮仪T-wave及剖面浊度仪ASM, 获取了研究区域2019年夏季大潮连续3天的水文数据, 同时结合桐花树典型植株实测参数, 分析了潮周期内红树林潮滩近底层垂向剖面悬沙响应波浪、潮流作用及桐花树空间结构的运动过程。结果表明: 1) 桐花树潮滩近底层悬沙浓度和悬沙通量具有涨潮明显大于落潮的潮汐不对称现象, 剖面垂向高悬沙浓度区域在涨潮初期—涨急由距底部0.1~0.37m转变为距底部0.5~0.67m, 落急—落潮末期则由上部转变为下部; 2) 潮周期内悬沙起动和再悬浮阶段发生在以波浪作用主导的涨潮初期和落潮末期, 平流和沉降发生在以潮流作用为主的涨急至落急整个阶段; 3) 涨潮阶段桐花树冠层的茂密枝叶通过减缓流速拦截多于冠层上部40%以上的悬沙, 落潮水体则挟沙自陆向海经过桐花树群落, 使得悬沙浓度下降超过71%。该不对称涨、落潮动力沉积机制有利于悬沙向岸输运, 促进潮滩扩张过程。  相似文献   

广西钦州湾晚全新世红树林演变及对海平面变化的响应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Mangroves, widely distributed along the coasts of tropical China, are influenced by Asia monsoon, relative sea level change and enhanced human activity. To predict the impacts of future climate change on mangrove ecosystems, it can be understood by reconstructing past mangrove dynamics using proxies preserved in coastal sediments. In this study, we quantitatively partitioned buried organic matter(OM) sources, collected from a vulnerable mangrove swamp in the Qinzhou Bay of northwestern South China Sea, using a ternary end-member mixing model of δ~(13)C and C:N values. Mangrove-derived OM(MOM) contribution was used as a tracer for mangrove development since 2.34 cal ka BP. This information, together with paleoclimate records(i.e.,speleothem δ~(18)O values, sea level change, grain size parameters) and human activity, was used to divide mangrove development into three stages during the late Holocene: relative flourish(2.34–1.13 cal ka BP), relative degradation(1.13–0.15 cal ka BP) and further degradation(0.15–0 cal ka BP). Before 1.13 cal ka BP, mangroves flourished with a high MOM contribution((88.9±10.6)%), corresponding to stable and high sea level under a warm and humid climate. After 1.13 cal ka BP, rapid fall in relative sea level coupled with the strengthening of the Asian winter monsoon, resulted in mangrove degradation and MOM reduction((62.4±18.9)%). Compared with air temperature and precipitation, the relative sea level fall was the main controlling factor in mangrove development before entering the Anthropocene(the time of the Industrial Revolution). After ~150 cal a BP, reclamation of mangrove swamps to shrimp ponds is the main factor causing mangrove degradation and MOM reduction.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate whether there was distinctive seasonal and zonal variation in the species diversity, biomass, and element accumulation capacities of macroalgae in two major intertidal mangrove stand types (Avicennia marina assemblage andSonneratia apetala assemblage) in the Zhanjiang region of southern China. Over a year, 31 species in 15 genera were identified in both mangrove assem-blages, of which the dominant species wereCladophoropsis zollingeriand Enteromorpha clathrat.Macroal-gal species were significantly most abundant in spring (p〈0.05), followed by summer, winter, and autumn. Variation in the zonal distribution of macroalgal species was conspicuous in both intertidal mangrove as-semblages, with the greatest abundance in the middle zone, and the least in the front zone. Patterns in the seasonal and zonal variation in macroalgal biomass in theS. apetalaassemblage were similar to those of macroalgal species diversity in both mangrove assemblages. The seasonal patterns in tissue concentrations of 15 analyzed elements were not uniform among the macroalgaeC. zollingeri,E. clathrata, andGracilaria salicornia in theA. marina assemblage. All three species exhibited variation in their responses to ambient concentrations of different elements, implying their differential ability to absorb and selectively accumulate certain elements.  相似文献   

Mangrove degradation must reduce carbon sequestration in recent years, thereby aggravating global warming.Thus, short-term impacts of human activity on mangrove ecosystems are cause for concern from local governments and scientists. Mangroves sediments can provide detailed records of mangrove species variation in the last one hundred years, based on detailed 210 Pb data. The study traced the history of mangrove development and its response to environmental change over the last 140 years in two mangrove swamps of Guangxi, Southwest China. Average sedimentation rates were calculated to be 0.48 cm/a and 0.56 cm/a in the Yingluo Bay and the Maowei Sea, respectively. Chemical indicators(δ13Corg and C:N) were utilized to trace the contribution of mangrove-derived organic matter(MOM) using a ternary mixing model. Simultaneous use of mangrove pollen can help to supplement some of these limitations in diagenetic/overlap of isotopic signatures. We found that vertical distribution of MOM was consistent with mangrove pollen, which could provide similar information for tracing mangrove ecosystems. Therefore, mangrove development was reconstructed and divided into three stages: flourishing, degradation and re-flourishing/re-degradation period. The significant degradation, found in the period of 1968–1998 and 1907–2007 in the Yingluo Bay and the Maowei Sea, respectively, corresponding to a rapid increase of reclamation area and seawall length, rather than climate change as recorded in the region.  相似文献   

Field observations of the tidal transport of nutrients and organic matter in a mangrove swamp on Ishigaki Island, Okinawa, Japan revealed that groundwater flow from the swamp plays a significant role in increasing concentration of dissolved inorganic phosphorous and organic matter in a major channel. In contrast, dissolved inorganic nitrogen is transported from the mangrove swamps via surface water flow in the small channels of the swamp.  相似文献   

林益明  向平  林鹏 《海洋科学》2004,28(2):43-48
对深圳福田红树林区的秋茄 (Kandelia candel)、木榄 (Bruguiera gymnorrhiza)、桐花树 (Aegiceras corniculatum)、无瓣海桑 (Sonneratia apetala)、海漆 (Excoecaria agallocha)、银叶树 (Heritiera littoralis)不同发育阶段叶片以及秋茄、木榄、桐花树、无瓣海桑、海漆繁殖体的灰分含量和热值进行研究.结果表明( 1)不同发育阶段叶片的灰分含量变化趋势没有一定的规律性, 6种红树植物中老叶灰分含量均不是最低;植物繁殖体的灰分含量低于成熟叶;( 2)秋茄、无瓣海桑、木榄、桐花树繁殖体的干质量热值和去灰分热值基本上低于不同发育阶段叶片,而海漆繁殖体的干质量热值和去灰分热值高于不同发育阶段叶片;( 3) 6种红树植物不同发育阶段叶片的干质量热值与灰分含量具有极显著的线性负相关( P<0.01),不同发育阶段叶片和繁殖体的干质量热值与灰分含量具有显著线性负相关( P<0.05).  相似文献   

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