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月球目前的同步旋转轨道状态使得形成的撞击坑分布满足一定的不对称性.本文利用最新的LRO影像和地形数据,结合早期的Clementine影响数据,分析了月球辐射状撞击坑经度方向成坑率分布,结果表明所识别的辐射状撞击坑的年龄为0.9 Ga内,西-东半球方向存在明显不对称性,比值约为1.35~1.53;同时利用辐射状撞击坑模拟了0.9 Ga内的同步旋转轨道的平均状态,得到该时间内月球的向点-背点为70°W-110°E附近;最后利用撞击坑数据库资料对月球形成以来各地质世纪时间尺度内的撞击坑进行了成坑率分布分析,结论表明月球在大爆炸中后期间可能处于过近似的同步轨道旋转状态,但是与现在的轨道运行状态相反,月球在之后的地质时期内经历了翻转,其诱因可能是雨海和东方海盆地遭受的撞击.


The largest lunar craters are normally surrounded by one or more ring anticlines which are accompanied on their inner edges by ring synclines.  相似文献   

Eight of eleven Apollo 16 rake-sample anorthosites are very similar to each other, to hand-specimen Apollo 16 anorthosites, and to Apollo 15 anorthosites. They have feldspar An96.6, both high- and low-Ca pyroxene with a restricted range of (low-magnesium) composition, minor olivine (~ Fo60), traces of ilmenite and chromite, and originally coarse-grained, but now cataclastic texture. Such ferroan anorthosite is evidently a coherent, distinctive and widespread lunar rock type of cumulate origin which may not necessarily be very closely related genetically to other highland rock types.  相似文献   

In arid environments, thermal oscillations are an important source of rock weathering. Measurements of temperature have been made on the surface of rocks in a desert environment at a sampling interval of 0·375 s, with simultaneous measurements of wind speed, air temperature, and incoming shortwave radiation. Over timescales of hours, the temperature of the rock surface was determined primarily by shortwave radiation and air temperature, while rapid temperature variations, high dT/dt, at intervals of seconds or less, were determined by wind speed. The maximum values of temperature change and time spent above 2°C min?1 increased at high measurement rates and were much higher than previously reported. The maximum recorded value of dT/dt was 137°C min?1 and the average percentage time spent above 2°C min?1 was ~70 ± 13%. Maximum values of dT/dt did not correlate with the maximum values of time spent above 2°C min?1. Simultaneous measurements of two thermocouples 5·5 cm apart on a single rock surface had similar temperature and dT/dt values, but were not correlated at sampling intervals of less than 10 s. It is suggested that this is resulting from rapid fluctuations due to small spatial and timescale wind effects that are averaged out when data is taken at longer sampling intervals, ~10 s or greater. Published in 2010 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In reexamining the accumulated magnetic data on lunar rocks, several common patterns of magnetic behavior are recognized. Their joint occurrence strongly suggests a new model of lunar rock magnetism, which appeals only to partial preferred textural alignment of the spontaneous moments of magnetic grains, without requiring the existence of ancient lunar magnetic fields. This magnetic fabric, mimetic to locally oriented petrofabric, gives rise to an apparent “textural remanent magnetization” (TXRM). In order to account for the observed intensity of “stable remanence” in lunar rocks, only a minute fraction (10?3 to 10?5) of the single-domain iron grains present need be preferentially aligned. Several mechanisms operating on the lunar surface, including shock and diurnal thermal cycling, appear adequate for producing the required type and degree of magnetic alignment in all lunar rock classes. The model is supported by a wide variety of direct and indirect evidence and its predictions (e.g. regarding anisotropic susceptibility and remanence acquisition) can be experimentally tested.  相似文献   

Pre-earthquake signals have been widely reported, including perturbations in the ionosphere. These precursory signals, though highly diverse, may be caused by just one underlying physical process: activation of highly mobile electronic charge carriers in rocks that are subjected to ever increasing levels of stress. The charge carriers are defect electrons associated with O? in a matrix of O2?. Known as positive holes or pholes h, they flow out of the stressed rock into the unstressed rock volume, traveling meters in the laboratory, probably kilometers in the field. At the rock–air interface they cause: (i) positive surface potential, (ii) field-ionization of air molecules, (iii) corona discharges. The rate of formation of airborne ions can exceed 109 cm?2 s?1. Massive air ionization prior to major earthquakes increases the electrical conductivity in the air column and may cause ionospheric perturbations, earthquake lights, and unusual animal behavior as well as infrared emission.  相似文献   

Summary In the course of thermal demagnetization of igneous rocks, the author observed that in a few cases there was a rise in the intensity of magnetization with a rise in temperature and this was observed with all types of formations with normal and inverse polarizations. The increase of intensity with rise in temperature took place at various temperatures ranging from 150°C to 550°C. The results are discussed in the light of modern theories and the author concludes that the interaction of different ferromagnetic constituents with different Curie points is the probable cause of the anomalous features.  相似文献   

Microprobe analyses show that whitlockite from lunar rocks is enriched in REE relative to the associated apatite, whereas a terrestrial whitlockite is severely depleted in REE relative to the associated apatite. After considering other possibilities, we suggest that the lunar whitlockite originally crystallized as the high-T polymorph, which is capable of taking up excess CaO (and REE?). Inversion to the low-T form has been inhibited by the non-stoichiometry, so that the present “whitlockite” phase is poorly crystalline. Similar relations may exist in terrestrial basalts of low water content, but would be easily overlooked in petrographic studies.  相似文献   

Peter Bond recounts another attempt to visit Mars, yet more data from Galileo and the benefits that result from applying a variety of instruments to a tricky problem.  相似文献   

The precision of height measurements derived from laser scanning a weathered rock surface was analysed. Different registration methods for comparing surfaces to deduce weathering were assessed and the most precise was found to be the method that used registration shapes as control, located in different planes relative to the scanned surface. In addition, the different sources of error in scanning precision were assessed by varying factors such as scan distance, lens configuration, scan angle and the nature of the topography being scanned. From this analysis it was possible to suggest what the optimal scanning conditions were for this particular experimental set‐up. The procedures outlined for assessing errors in the precision of height measurements are transferable to other scanning studies. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

月球重力场是月球科学研究的重要部分,是进一步了解月球内部结构和构造的基础,也是我国探月计划“嫦娥工程”一个重要的科学研究内容.本文针对“嫦娥工程”,利用GSFC/NASA/USA的GEODYNII/SOLVE轨道分析软件,分析计算了利用单星跟踪数据恢复月球重力场的能力,同时模拟计算了双星跟踪数据在恢复月球重力场方面的能力,结合可能的工程环境我们对两种情况分别给出了30天、60天和90天的计算结果.计算表明双星相比于单星对月球重力场的中低阶位系数有比较显著的改善.  相似文献   

欧罗巴星陨石坑对冰层厚度的制约   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文

欧罗巴(木卫二)是目前最有可能存在地外生物的星体,是空间探测计划的重点对象.欧罗巴冰层厚度直接制约着生物存在的可能性.另一方面,冰层厚度控制着温度结构、流变特性,进而制约着冰体构造特征及演化过程.前人基于板的挠曲,陨石坑分析,热-力学分析等方法得到的冰层厚度变化范围很大(小于1 km到大于30 km).基于前人的研究,我们通过研究欧罗巴陨石坑的松弛过程进而约束冰层的厚度.本文将冰视为非牛顿流体,修正了前人在引用冰体实验数据过程中存在的不足.依据前人的研究思路,基于有限单元法及更新网格技术,取新近形成的陨石坑形状为初始几何模型,针对不同厚度的冰层,对欧罗巴最大陨石坑的松弛过程进行了动力学模拟.模拟结果显示:1)冰层越厚,所需松弛时间越长;2)冰层越厚,陨石坑附近的黏度越高,这是松弛时间相对较长的直接原因.本文认为欧罗巴冰层的厚度大于20 km.值得注意的是,作为端元模型,本文模型中冰层与基岩直接接触,后续研究将进一步考虑其他模型.


Application of one-dimensional Fourier analysis to the erosional morphology of intertidal beach at a number of contrasting sites in North Queensland, Australia, confirms that there exists a zonation of hollows. Although different combinations of processes may be responsible for the morphology of each zone it is suggested that increasing case hardening and joint development with associated intermittent exposure of the beach rock may be the greatest influence on the development of erosion hollow zonation.  相似文献   

This paper reviews processes which, it is argued, occurred in lunar lava flows and were involved in the formation of lunar sinuous rilles.The development of ideas relating to rille formation is described and evidence which suggests that they are products of lava effusions is outlined.An analytical lava flow model is described which relates the shapes of lava flows to conditions at the commencement of the flows. An essential part of the model is its use of the yield strength of lava as a parameter. It is shown that the model predicts the occurrence of the channel/levee morphology of lava flows.It is argued that the channels of large flows were deepened by melting. Heat transfer processes within lava flows are discussed and analysed and it is shown that a prolonged period of flow is required before melting of the substrate begins. Estimates are given of initial heating periods and subsequent melting rates.The possibility of the occurrence of turbulent lava flow is discussed. Application of the flow model to sinuous rilles and flows in Mare Imbrium shows that both types of feature could be the remnants of similar effusive events in which the flow could have become turbulent. Turbulent flow is shown to promote erosive melting and it is suggested that the sinuous rilles were cut by the flows which became turbulent.A process of rille formation is described which is consistent with the foregoing arguments and with observations made at Hadley Rille. It is concluded that rilles were formed by the rapid effusion of large volumes of low yield strength lavas.Paper presented at the Symposium Volcanoes of the Earth and Planets, held at the University of Lancaster, March 17, 1981.  相似文献   

Many stone‐covered surfaces on Earth are subject to aeolian deposition of atmospheric dust. This study investigates how the deposition of dust is affected when rock fragments become gradually more embedded in the ground or, inversely, become more concentrated on the surface. Experiments were executed in an aeolian dust wind tunnel with eight different types of pebbles. The following parameters were measured: dust deposition on the pebbles, dust deposition between and underneath pebbles, total dust deposition (pebbles + inter‐pebble space), and the fraction, of total deposition, of dust caught by the pebbles alone. The absolute amount of dust deposition and the dust deposition density (dust deposition per unit surface) were studied for each parameter. The effects exerted by pebble size, pebble flattening, pebble elongation and wind speed were also investigated. Dust patterns on and around pebbles were also studied via flow visualization. The absolute amount of dust settling on pebbles decreases the more that the pebbles become embedded. Dust deposition density on pebbles, on the other hand, increases with embedding. The more pebbles become embedded in the soil, the more efficient the process of dust deposition on pebbles becomes. Dust deposition between and underneath pebbles increases with pebble embedding. Dust deposition density between and underneath pebbles is maximum at 50 per cent embedding, showing that in this area dust deposition is most efficient when pebbles are halfway embedded. Total deposition slightly decreases the more pebbles become embedded, but total dust deposition density increases with embedding. Aerodynamic flow separation and diverging and converging airflow play an important role in the process of dust deposition on stone‐covered surfaces. The more pebbles protrude above the soil, the more they act as an obstacle and the more they disturb the air and dust flow creating scouring zones, flow separation bubbles and shelter areas for the dust. All these effects diminish as pebbles become more embedded in the soil. However, perturbations in dust patterns remain visible until pebbles have disappeared entirely. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We performed nitrogen and argon isotopic analyses in single 200-μm-sized ilmenite grains of lunar regolith samples 71501, 79035 and 79135. Cosmogenic and trapped components were discriminated using stepwise heating with a power-controlled CO2 laser. Cosmogenic 15N and 38Ar correlate among different ilmenite grains, yielding a mean 15Nc/38Arc production ratio of 14.4±1.0 atoms/atom. This yields a 15N production rate in bulk lunar samples of 3.8-5.6 pg (g rock)−1 Ma−1, which agrees well with previous estimates. The trapped δ15N values show large variations (up to 300‰) among different grains of a given soil, reflecting complex histories of mixing between different end-members. The 36Ar/14N ratio, which is expected to increase with increasing contribution of solar ions, varies from 0.007 to 0.44 times the solar abundance ratio. The trapped δ15N values correlate roughly with the 36Ar/14N ratios from a non-solar end-member characterized by a 36Ar/14N ratio close to 0 and variable but generally positive δ15N values, to lower δ15N values accompanied by increasing 36Ar/14N ratios, supporting the claim of Hashizume et al. (2000) that solar nitrogen is largely depleted in 15N relative to meteoritic or terrestrial nitrogen. Nevertheless, the 36Ar/14N ratio of the 15N-depleted (solar) end-member is lower than the solar abundance ratio by a factor of 2.5-5. We explain this by a reprocessing of implanted solar wind atoms, during which part of the chemically inert rare gases were lost. We estimate that the flux of non-solar N necessary to account for the observed δ15N values is comparable to the flux of micrometeorites and interplanetary dust particles estimated for the Earth. Hence we propose that the variations in δ15N values observed in lunar regolith can be simply explained by mixing between solar wind contributions and micrometeoritic ones infalling on the Moon. Temporal variations of δ15N values among samples of different antiquities could be due to changes in the micrometeoritic flux through time, in which case such flux has increased by up to an order of magnitude during the last 0.5 Ga.  相似文献   

As the only natural satellite of the earth, the Moon has always been the first choice for human exploration of the solar system. China’s lunar exploration project(Chang’e project) was launched in 2004. At present, it has created a perfect end to the three phases of “orbiting, landing and returning”. A series of remarkable research achievements have been made on the basic issues of current lunar scientific research, such as the Earth-Moon space environment, lunar surface material, morphology,geol...  相似文献   

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