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Three debris-flow simulation model software have been applied to the back analysis of a typical alpine debris flow that caused significant deposition on an urbanized alluvial fan. Parameters used in the models were at first retrieved from the literature and then adjusted to fit field evidence. In the case where different codes adopted the same parameters, the same input values were used, and comparable outputs were obtained. Results of the constitutive laws used (Bingham rheology, Voellmy fluid rheology and a quadratic rheology formulation which adds collisional and turbulent stresses to the Bingham law) indicate that no single rheological model appears to be valid for all debris flows. The three applied models appear to be capable of reasonable reproduction of debris-flow events, although with different levels of detail. The study shows how different software can be used to predict the debris-flow motion for various purposes from a first screening, to predict the runout distance and deposition of the solid material and to the different behaviour of the mixtures of flows with variation of maximum solid concentration.  相似文献   

Large isolated gravity flows (debrites) are widely present in the stratigraphic record of the northern Apennines foreland-basin system. These strata may be useful for provenance signals and dispersal pathways during foreland evolution. This paper examines a cohesive debris flow bed interbedded with turbidite strata of the Macigno Formation (Late Oligocene, Tuscany, Italy), in order to obtain new data on the provenance of the clastic material. Clasts in the debris flow are predominantly plutonic (granodiorite, tonalite, and S-granite) and subordinately metamorphic (gneiss and schist) and sedimentary calcareous clasts. The composition of the clasts within the debris flow is similar to the clastic composition of the interbedded turbidite sandstones of the "Macigno costiero." The depositional features of the debris flow suggest that it traveled for a short distance within the basin before it was deposited not far from the slope. The absence of a high-pressure/low-temperature (HP/LT) paragenesis in the plutonic and metamorphic clasts of the debris flow indicates a provenance from a crystalline basement not involved in the high-pressure phases of the Alpine Orogenesis. Previous studies have indicated the Central-Western Alps as potential source areas for the Macigno Formation sediments. The lack of HP/LT metamorphic signatures in our studied samples excludes the Pennidic and Austroalpine nappes of the Western Alps as possible sources for the debris flows of the "Macigno costiero." These new data (sedimentological, petrographical, and microstructural) suggest that the Corsica-Sardinia Hercynian basement, lacking a HP/LT paragenesis, is the more accredited source area of the debris flow and of the related turbidite sandstones of the "Macigno costiero" succession. These foredeep-feeding sediments were probably before deposited within an episutural basin developed close to the northern Apennines orogenic wedge.  相似文献   

In March 2012, during the rainy season in the Altiplano plateau, a >100-year return period rainfall event affected the deeply incised valleys of the Precordillera of the Tarapacá Region, northern Chile. This extreme event in a very arid region triggered a number of debris and mud flows that caused severe damage and destruction in several small villages along the Camiña and Tarapacá valleys. The highly vulnerable location of the villages on top of alluvial fans due to socioeconomic and cultural reasons is a key factor to explain the level of destruction in most villages. In this paper, this unusual, remarkable landslide event is described, and the hazard faced by these settlements for future rainfall episodes and possible mitigation measures are discussed.  相似文献   

Rainfall intensity–duration (ID) thresholds are commonly used to predict the temporal occurrence of debris flows and shallow landslides. Typically, thresholds are subjectively defined as the upper limit of peak rainstorm intensities that do not produce debris flows and landslides, or as the lower limit of peak rainstorm intensities that initiate debris flows and landslides. In addition, peak rainstorm intensities are often used to define thresholds, as data regarding the precise timing of debris flows and associated rainfall intensities are usually not available, and rainfall characteristics are often estimated from distant gauging locations. Here, we attempt to improve the performance of existing threshold-based predictions of post-fire debris-flow occurrence by utilizing data on the precise timing of debris flows relative to rainfall intensity, and develop an objective method to define the threshold intensities. We objectively defined the thresholds by maximizing the number of correct predictions of debris flow occurrence while minimizing the rate of both Type I (false positive) and Type II (false negative) errors. We identified that (1) there were statistically significant differences between peak storm and triggering intensities, (2) the objectively defined threshold model presents a better balance between predictive success, false alarms and failed alarms than previous subjectively defined thresholds, (3) thresholds based on measurements of rainfall intensity over shorter duration (≤60 min) are better predictors of post-fire debris-flow initiation than longer duration thresholds, and (4) the objectively defined thresholds were exceeded prior to the recorded time of debris flow at frequencies similar to or better than subjective thresholds. Our findings highlight the need to better constrain the timing and processes of initiation of landslides and debris flows for future threshold studies. In addition, the methods used to define rainfall thresholds in this study represent a computationally simple means of deriving critical values for other studies of nonlinear phenomena characterized by thresholds.  相似文献   

The insufficient knowledge of the Dalaymyao area and the large resource potential of copper-polymetallic ores casts doubt on the adequate assessment of mineral content with the use of traditional research methods. On the basis of investigation of the regional geologic structure and correlation of patterns in mineral resource distribution within the eastern and western flanks of the East-Uzhumujin metallogenic belt (Erlian perspective field), two prognostic models for mineral resources have been made on the basis of geologic anomalies. Target areas for prospects and sampling have been outlined using Morpas 3.0 software.  相似文献   

The analysis of 3D relief models of the lower Amur region and several adjacent areas suggested that the structure of the region is related to the horizontal tectonic layering of the upper part of the Amur plate. When it was dislocated to the northwest at the terminal Cretaceous, some fragments of the upper layers were displaced not strictly synchronously but with some lag relative to the whole plate. This scenario was responsible for the formation of the main morphostructural elements of the region: river valleys, mountain ranges, and graben series. These inferences are supported by field observations and some geological data. The proposed hypothesis can also be applied for several other regions.  相似文献   

The Tepearasi Formation of the autochthonous Geyikdagi Group in the Central Tauride Belt, SE of Beysehir, is Dogger in age and consists dominantly of massive limestones and greyish dolomites occurring within the middle to upper sections. The total thickness of the dolomitic levels ranges from 100-300 m and laterally extends 500-700 m. Three types of dolomite were distinguished through petrographic analyses: homogeneous, mottled (saddle-crystalline) and joint-filling dolomite, which were interpreted to have formed in two different stages, early diagenetic and late diagenetic. The homogeneous dolomite of the early diagenetic stage is light-coloured and monotonous-textured and shows the form of a dolosparite mosaic. The mottled dolomite formed in the late diagenetic stage is light- to dark-coloured and coarsely granular idiomorphic. The other type of late diagenetic dolomite, described as the joint-filling type, presents a crystal growth pattern from the joint walls towards the centre of the joint space. I  相似文献   

In the south-eastern depocentre of the Val d’Agri basin (Southern Apennines), a volcanic ash layer crops out interbedded within poorly structured alluvial fan deposits of Late Pleistocene age. Textural, depositional and pedological features of this weathered layer suggest a primary deposition from a pyroclastic fall-out of volcanic ash. Chemical analyses of feldspars show an alkali trachytic composition and accessory minerals association allow to correlate this tephra layer with the regionally dispersed Y-7 marine tephra layer (Tufo Verde Epomeo eruption, Ischia volcano), dated at 56 ± 4 ka. The Val d’Agri tephra here described for the first time was deposited during MIS Stage 3. Its recovery and characterization permit to contribute to regional correlation of the Mediterranean climatic and volcanic events from marine to continental successions and to describe landscape evolution of the Southern Apennines during glacial–interglacial cycles.  相似文献   

Landslide susceptibility mapping (LSM) is important for catastrophe management in the mountainous regions. They focus on generating susceptibility maps beginning from landslide inventories and considering the main predisposing parameters. The aim of this study was to assess the susceptibility of the occurrence of debris flows in the Zêzere River basin and its surrounding area using logistic regression (LR) and frequency ratio (FR) models. To achieve this, a landslide inventory map was created using historical information, satellite imagery, and extensive field works. One hundred landslides were mapped, of which 75% were randomly selected as training data, while the remaining 25% were used for validating the models. The landslide influence factors considered for this study were lithology, elevation, slope gradient, slope aspect, plan curvature, profile curvature, normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), distance to roads, topographic wetness index (TWI), and stream power index (SPI). The relationships between landslide occurrence and these factors were established, and the results were then evaluated and validated. Validation results show that both methods give acceptable results [the area under curve (AUC) of success rates is 83.71 and 76.38 for LR and FR, respectively]. Furthermore, the AUC results for prediction accuracy revealed that LR model has the highest predictive performance (AUC of predicted rate?=?80.26). Hence, it is concluded that the two models showed reasonably good accuracy in predicting the landslide susceptibility in the study area. These two models have the potential to aid planners in development and land-use planning and to offer tools for hazard mitigation measures.  相似文献   

Effects of mercury on ecosystems and human health are well documented. Human activities have significant impacts on transport, transformation, and fate of mercury in the natural environment. In this study, a gold mining area (Tongchuan), an urban area (Xi…  相似文献   

On the background of Early Paleozoic precollisional, syncollisional, and late collisional igneous rocks prevailing in the region (Khaidai and Shara-Nur granitoids and Birkhin gabbroid complex), rare-metal pegmatoid granite bodies and pegmatites along the southern edge of the Ol’khon region are of particular interest. They have a Middle Paleozoic age (390-391 Ma), cut the Caledonides, and belong to different geochemical types. The Anga unit includes amazonite-containing Li-F-B pegmatites, which are also enriched in Ta, Nb, and W. In the Ol’khon Group, only one K-feldspathic body rich in Rb, Be, Nb, W, Sn, Sc, U, and Th, with large crystals of aquamarine, has been found. The compositions of granite-pegmatite bodies and accessory rare-metal minerals have been studied. The rare-metal granite-pegmatites probably form a peripheral zone of the Hercynian within-plate setting widespread in the eastern Baikal area and related to the influence of the Siberian hot spot.  相似文献   

The regional carbonization of the Riphean metamorphic complexes is discussed using as an example the Tamginskoe and Turgenevskoe graphite deposits located in the northern part of the Khanka terrane. It is shown that the noble metal mineralization associates closely with the graphitization. Isotopic, X-ray, and thermal analyses and Raman spectroscopy were first used for investigating the structural state of the graphite with defining its two varieties. The first of them is represented by nanocrystalline fluidogenic graphite that was formed during gas condensate crystallization from deep-seated reduced ore-bearing fluid. The second variety (large-flake graphite) represents a product of metamorphic recrystallization of carbonaceous terrigenous protoliths. The recrystallization was accompanied by the granitization of the sedimentary protolith, mobilization, and the transfer of the carbonaceous and ore matter of the host rocks. It is inferred that the graphitization associated with noble metal mineralization is a polygenic process. The graphite of the first generation associates closely with amorphous diamond-like carbon. This unexpected find may bear genetic information useful for geological and geochemical reconstructions.  相似文献   

The Hassi R’Mel field, which is the largest gas field in Algeria, produces principally gas condensate. The produced gas and oil comes from four reservoirs of Triassic age (reservoir A, reservoir B, reservoir C, and the Lower Series). All the previous studies in this field focused only on the upper reservoirs (A, B, and C), which have shown an excellent petrophysical properties. However, due to the presence of shale facies as well as volcanic intrusions, the Lower Series reservoir has been less explored. Thus, our study is mainly focused on this Lower Series in order to find the best sandy levels. The aim of this paper was to determine the facies types in the area, their distribution in the southern area of the Hassi R’Mel gas field, and their depositional environment. The Triassic rocks in this field are divided into four formations. From the youngest to oldest, these are S4, Lower Shale, Horizon A, and the Lower Series. The Lower Series formation can be further divided into three members (shaly sandstone, andesite, and lower shale). The shaly sandstone member within the Lower Series is composed of four units that are present all over the study area with an important pinch-out toward the northern part. The depositional environment within the defined units is a braided fluvial system in the southern part that evolves into a meandering fluvial system toward the north. Thus, the study area is considered to be a transitional zone between two depositional systems.  相似文献   

We developed a 2D numerical model to simulate the evolution of two superposed ocean-continent-ocean subduction cycles with opposite vergence, both followed by continental collision, aiming to better understand the evolution of the Variscan belt. Three models with different velocities of the first oceanic subduction have been implemented. Striking differences in the thermo-mechanical evolution between the first subduction, which activates in an unperturbed system, and the second subduction, characterised by an opposite vergence, have been enlighten, in particular regarding the temperature in the mantle wedge and in the interior of the slab. Pressure and temperature (P-T) conditions predicted by one cycle and two cycles models have been compared with natural P-T estimates of the Variscan metamorphism from the Alps and from the French Massif Central (FMC). The comparative analysis supports that a slow and hot subduction well reproduces the P-T conditions compatible with data from the FMC, while P-T conditions compatible with data of Variscan metamorphism from the Alps can be reproduced by either a cold or hot oceanic subduction models. Analysing the agreement of both double and single subduction models with natural P-T estimates, we observed that polycyclic models better describe the evolution of the Variscan orogeny.  相似文献   

The Australian continent has an enigmatic present-day stress pattern with considerable regional variability in maximum horizontal stress (SHmax) orientations. Previous attempts to estimate the Australian SHmax orientation with geomechanical–numerical models indicate that plate boundary forces provide the major controls on the contemporary stress orientations. However, these models do not satisfactorily predict the observed stress orientation in major basins throughout eastern Australia, where the knowledge of the present-day crustal stresses is of vital importance for development and management of different types of geo-reservoirs. In addition, a new comprehensive stress-data compilation in Australia, which contains 2150 data records and is the key dataset for model calibration, provides motivation to construct a new geomechanical–numerical model for Australia. Herein, we present a 3D geomechanical–numerical model that predicts both the SHmax orientation and the relative stress magnitudes throughout the Australian continent. Our best-fit model, with mean absolute deviation of 15°, is in good agreement with observed SHmax orientations and the stress regime in most areas, and shows a much better fit in areas where the stress pattern was unable to be predicted by previous published attempts. Interestingly, the best-fit model requires a significant push from the western boundary of Australian continental model, which is possible supporting evidence for the east–west-oriented mantle drag postulated by state-of-the-art global convection models, or may be generated by the excess of gravitational potential energy from Tibetan Plateau, transferred through the Indo-Australian Plate. Hence, our modelling results provide a good first-order prediction of the stress field for areas where no stress information is currently available and can be used to derive initial and boundary conditions for local and reservoir-scale 3D geomechanical models across Australia.  相似文献   

The dental and skeletal fluorosis is highly prevalent in Zhijin, Guizhou, especially at Hualuo Village, Hehua Village and Majiazhuang Village. The contents of fluorine in coal, clay used for coal combustion, mixed fuel of coal and clay, corn, and chili from households of the three villages were determined by the pyrohydrolysis-fluorine ion-selective electrode method. The average contents of fluorine in the above samples respectively are 237 mg/g, 2262 mg/g, 828 mg/g, 1419 mg/g, and 110 mg/g. The clay used for coal combustions is the main fluorine source of endemic fluorosis and the inferior coal and weathered coal are the secondary source of fluorine. During the combustion of mixed fuel of coal and clay, about eighty percent of fluorine was volatilized, approximately two thirds of which was from the clay and the other one third from the coal. The occurrence of fluorine in clay used for coal combustion is closely related to apatite and hornblende. The contents of fluorine in corn and chili, dried by coal-clay mixed fuel are about 1400 and 73 times higher than the permitted level of fluorine in foods according to the Chinese Standard. It is worth paying attention to the high-fluorine indoor surroundings, such as coal, clay, corn, and chili, particularly ash from boiler bottom with the fluorine content of 15738 μg/g. Besides the technologies of fluorine fixation during the combustion,  相似文献   

《Geodinamica Acta》2000,13(6):345-366
In the Radicondoli–Travale area of the Larderello geothermal field (Italy) new structural and petrologic data on some metamorphic units, cored from geothermal wells, reveal the existence of a wide complex of hornfels rocks. The development of the complex is related to the emplacement of Neogene magmatic rocks at a shallow depth within a Permo–Triassic terrigenous metasedimentary sequence of a low metamorphic grade. The sequence was subjected to alpine tectonic-metamorphic events. This reconstruction gives new insights in the tectonic setting of metamorphic units below the Tuscan Nappe, in southern Tuscany. Particularly, the medium and high grade metamorphic rocks seem strictly related to the development of Neogene thermal aureoles and do not represent remnants of a Paleozoic basement. Furthermore, in this sector of the Larderello geothermal system, the presence of deep geothermal reservoir at a depth of 3 000 m is mainly linked to the enhanced permeability caused by fracturing in these hornfels rocks. This fracturing is a consequence of the dehydration reaction occurring in the metapelites due to Neogene thermal metamorphism. This mechanism allowed the development of a long-lived hydrothermal system, shown by the secondary mineralogical assemblages. These testify the presence of at least two hydrothermal stages which are well preserved in the less permeable units.  相似文献   


In the Radicondoli–Travale area of the Larderello geothermal field (Italy) new structural and petrologic data on some metamorphic units, cored from geothermal wells, reveal the existence of a wide complex of hornfels rocks. The development of the complex is related to the emplacement of Neogene magmatic rocks at a shallow depth within a Permo–Triassic terrigenous metasedimentary sequence of a low metamorphic grade. The sequence was subjected to alpine tectonic-metamorphic events. This reconstruction gives new insights in the tectonic setting of metamorphic units below the Tuscan Nappe, in southern Tuscany. Particularly, the medium and high grade metamorphic rocks seem strictly related to the development of Neogene thermal aureoles and do not represent remnants of a Paleozoic basement. Furthermore, in this sector of the Larderello geothermal system, the presence of deep geothermal reservoir at a depth of 3 000 m is mainly linked to the enhanced permeability caused by fracturing in these hornfels rocks. This fracturing is a consequence of the dehydration reaction occurring in the metapelites due to Neogene thermal metamorphism. This mechanism allowed the development of a long-lived hydrothermal system, shown by the secondary mineralogical assemblages. These testify the presence of at least two hydrothermal stages which are well preserved in the less permeable units. © 2000 Editions scientifiques et médicales Elsevier SAS  相似文献   

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