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Doklady Earth Sciences - The regularities of the distribution of lake sizes on thermokarst plains with fluvial erosion are studied in order to evaluate the risk of dangerous natural processes....  相似文献   

热融湖塘对多年冻土的热影响   总被引:10,自引:8,他引:2  
以发育于青藏高原多年冻土区的红梁河热融湖塘为例,研究了热融湖塘附近土体的热状态变化特征,以及其对湖岸多年冻土上、下限影响情况.结果表明:热融湖塘侧向热影响改变了热融湖塘下部和周围区域土体的热状态,使周围土体热状态处于动平衡状态,既受热融湖塘的热影响,也受到周围多年冻土的热影响.热融湖塘对周围浅层土体温度和多年冻土上限影响相对较小,但热融湖塘热影响引起了湖岸边缘的多年冻土上限增大和地温升高.热融湖塘对深部土体温度和多年冻土厚度有较大的影响.  相似文献   

基于对青藏高原北麓河盆地天然形成的湖塘下部及其周围地温的监测分析, 结果表明该湖塘为非贯穿型热喀斯特湖. 湖塘下部多年冻土上限变化较大, 湖岸过渡带及天然场地多年冻土上限基本保持不变. 随着远离湖塘中心, 湖塘下部及其周围多年冻土含冰量依次升高, 地温年变化深度依次降低, 年平均地温依次降低. 观测期内, 湖塘下部浅层多年冻土地温在逐渐升高, 深部土体地温基本保持不变; 湖岸过渡带及天然场地下部多年冻土地温基本保持不变. 天然场地多年冻土地温明显低于湖塘下部土体地温.  相似文献   

山西高河井田属海河水系长治盆地水文区,主要河流为纵贯全区的浊漳河,自西南流入区内。勘探区内地形地质条件复杂,河流及河漫滩面积大,为克服三维地震勘探存在的诸如检波线的铺设、检波器藕合、激发层位选择等难题,主要采取了陆上检波器挖坑埋置(黄土地段坑深20cm,沙滩地段坑深40cm)、水上检波器用木桩固定等措施,并采用陆上井中放炮、砾石层坑炮、河水中水下放炮相结合的激发方式。为防止井喷和声波产生的高频随机干扰,采取浅井井口压沙袋技术。通过处理解释,获得了较为精确的断层、陷落柱等地质信息,为矿方安全生产提供了可靠的地质保障。  相似文献   

区域土壤侵蚀定量研究的国内外进展   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27  
由于水土保持宏观决策的需要、土壤侵蚀学科自身的进步和全球变化研究的促进,过去的10多年来,国内外研究者对区域尺度土壤侵蚀研究给予了高度重视。已经开展的主要研究包括:全球和区域(包括国家尺度)土壤侵蚀调查、区域土壤侵蚀过程和尺度效应、区域土壤侵蚀因子和区域土壤侵蚀模型等。将区域土壤侵蚀作为现代陆地地表过程的一部分,充分考虑全球变化的影响,集成土壤侵蚀研究成果与遥感和GIS技术,开发分布式区域土壤侵蚀模型,成为区域土壤侵蚀定量评价研究的基本趋势。在对国内外区域土壤侵蚀定量评价研究评述的基础上,提出我国近期在区域土壤侵蚀方面研究的重点问题为:区域土壤侵蚀过程及其尺度效应的量化描述、区域土壤侵蚀模型开发、区域土壤侵蚀动态模拟与趋势预测、区域土壤侵蚀与全球变化关系研究和区域土壤侵蚀数据处理与管理方法。  相似文献   

河流相古土壤及其在河流沉积地层对比中的应用   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:13  
本文以济阳坳陷孤东油田馆上段河流相古土壤为例,对古土壤这一新的领域进行探索,主要论述河流相古土壤的识别及成因,并以古土壤为对比标志进行河流沉积地层的对比,为解决河流相储层对比这一人所公认的技术难题提出了一个新的方法。  相似文献   

造山带基岩河道流域地区的地貌演化定量化的分析主要关注气候、构造等外在因素以及河流内在调节机制对地貌演化的影响.总结了关于基岩河道流域地貌分析的定量方法和模型的研究进展.定量计算方法主要利用detachment-limited模型并结合具体的区域状况对气候变化或构造产生的扰动响应状态进行定量化分析,其中地貌起伏分析涉及对地貌在气候变化下的地貌起伏增强或降低的响应趋势分析,地貌响应时间域涉及地貌在气候变化、构造扰动或两者共同作用下的地貌响应时间问题.研究表明,气候作用引发的剥蚀加强并不能导致地貌起伏增大.气候变化、构造扰动或两者共同作用的地貌响应行为主要是气候、构造以及原地条件的函数.不同的区域其地貌响应时问域不同.在中国西高东低的地貌格局所决定的水文体系中,基岩河道流域占有重要地位.地貌定量化特别是地貌响应时间域的研究,有助于理解造山带的地貌演化过程,以及辨析构造运动、气候变化和地表过程特定的时空尺度.  相似文献   

青藏高原水力侵蚀定量研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
青藏高原生态环境脆弱,土壤侵蚀是严重的生态问题.定量监测和评价水力侵蚀是生态建设和水土保持规划的基础.为系统掌握青藏高原水力侵蚀定量研究现状,在查阅大量文献资料的基础上,系统整理了81篇相关文献.发现青藏高原定量评价方法包括基于坡面侵蚀模型、137Cs核素示踪法、径流小区和水文站观测3种类型,但总的来说研究明显不够.坡面侵蚀模型主要有美国修正通用土壤流失方程和中国土壤流失方程2种.基于修正通用土壤流失方程、中国土壤流失方程、137Cs核素示踪法、径流小区监测和水文站观测小流域得到的青藏高原土壤侵蚀模数分别为大于30、1~8、小于10、0~109和2~3 t/(hm2.a).经过分析发现,青藏高原土壤侵蚀定量研究存在4个方面的问题:模型计算中参数的选择存在问题,137Cs核素示踪法方面背景值不确定性太大,径流小区和小流域监测资料奇缺,没有全区评价结果.今后需要加强小区小流域自动化监测、137Cs背景值采样测试和综合评判以及137Cs核素示踪法土壤侵蚀测定.在这两项定量测定的基础上对全青藏高原土壤侵蚀进行定量评价,为水土保持规划和生态文明建设服务.  相似文献   

定量再造湖泊古生产力的尝试   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
根据海洋学计算古生产力的方法,利用云南现代陆相断陷湖盆的沉积学和生物学资料,推导出了湖泊中用有机碳法计算古生产力的公式:R=C×ρ×(1-Φ)/(0.00421×S^0.0826),并比较了用此公式和海洋中计算古生产力的公式计算出的山东济阳坳陷沙三段沉积时期的古生产力。结果表明,湖泊古生产力大多高于海洋古生产力,推导出来的计算湖泊古生产力大多的公式,对定量计算新生代古湖泊,尤其是类似于渤海湾盆地的断陷湖泊的古生产力有着重要的实际意义。  相似文献   

基于遥感和GIS的青海湖流域冻融侵蚀研究   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
依据1∶100万西宁幅地貌图,获取了青海湖流域冻融侵蚀界线.利用遥感和GIS方法获得了流域内地形、年降水量、年均气温、土地覆被类型、土壤类型5个评价因子数据,在GIS中通过建模及空间分析,获得了青海湖流域冻融侵蚀强度等级类型及空间分布信息.结果表明:研究区冻融侵蚀发生的总面积是14 875km2,其中,轻度侵蚀和中度侵蚀居多,分别占冻融侵蚀总面积的28.75%和62.57%;剧烈侵蚀和强烈侵蚀占少部分,分别占冻融侵蚀总面积的3.33%和0.76%.  相似文献   

通过对长江源北麓河流域多年冻土区热融湖塘及湖塘影响周边条件下高寒草甸土壤理化性质的比较研究,结果表明:热融湖塘的形成对高寒草甸土壤环境产生了明显影响,热融湖塘形成对土壤质地、含水量、容重以及土壤养分等产生强烈改变,尤其表层土壤;土壤机质(SOM)、全氮(N)等化学物质和其他养分成分在不同退化的土壤中都有所改变.有机质和...  相似文献   

Lubbock Lake (Southern High Plains of Texas) contains a cultural, faunal, and floral record within a virtually complete geological record spanning the past 11 100+ years. More than 88 archaeological occurrences have been excavated from five major stratigraphic units. The Paleoindian record (11 500–6500yr BP) begins with Clovis-age occupation (ca. 11 100yr BP) found within fluvial deposits (stratum 1). Subsequent Paleoindian occupations are found in lake and marsh sediments (stratum 2). Archaic occupations (8500-2000yr BP) are contained within aeolian and marsh deposits (strata 3 and 4). Ceramic occupations (2000-500yr BP) are found on a soil developed in stratum 4, in marsh sediments (strata 4 and 5), and in slopewash and aeolian sediments (stratum 5). The Protohistoric (500-300yr BP) and Historic (300-100yr BP) remains are in slopewash, aeolian, and marsh sediments (stratum 5) and associated soils. The Southern High Plains remained a grasslands throughout the last 11 500 years and neither man nor bison abandoned the region. The successive local faunas reflect changing ecosystems under pluvial to arid to more mesic to semiarid conditions. The occupation of Lubbock Lake through time appears to have been by small groups of people for both economic and short-term residential uses. These hunter-gatherer peoples underwent adaptive change brought about by climatic stress and alterations to food resources.  相似文献   

Thermokarst lakes, formed during permafrost thaw in Western Siberia Plain over past tens to hundreds years, cover overall territory close to million km2 and may represent significant source of CO2 and CH4 to the atmosphere. These acidic (3 < pH < 6) and humic [10 < dissolved organic carbon (DOC) < 50 mg/L] lakes are essentially inhabited by heterotrophic bacterioplankton with rare phytoplankton bloom occurring during warm periods. In order to understand possible effects of phytoplankton bloom on thermokarst lake hydrochemistry under climate warming scenario, we cultured pure cyanobacterium (Gloeocapsa sp.) and native cyanobacterial associate separated from the natural lake water. As substrates, sterilized thermokarst lake water and peat leachate from western Siberia were used. In these laboratory microcosm experiments which lasted 10 days, we monitored daily pH, biomass, DOC, and 40 major and trace elements. Despite significant variation of pH (4 to ~10.5) and biomass (a factor of 3–5), very few dissolved elements responded to massive cyanobacterial growth. The DOC varied within a factor of 1.2–1.5, exhibiting slow increase due to exometabolite production in thermokarst lake water and an initial decrease due to photodegradation in peat leachate. Elements appreciably affected by photosynthesis in both lake water and peat leachate substrates were P, Zn, Mn, and, in a lesser degree, Cd, K, Rb, Sr, Ba, Cr, Al, and U. While P, K (Rb), Mn, and Zn removal from solution during cell growth could be linked to biological demand by cyanobacteria, the adsorption of Cd, Sr, Ba, Al, Cr, U on the cell surface in response to the pH rise is most likely. Many other trace elements did not exhibit any significant evolution of the concentration during 10-day experiment either due to their strong complexation with allochthonous organic matter and essentially organic/organo-mineral colloidal status (Fe, Ni, Co, Cu, Pb, REEs, Ti, Zr, Hf, Th) or due to the lack of element interaction with cyanobacterial cells, via both adsorption and intracellular uptake (B, Si, V, Mo, As, Sb, Cs). Therefore, possible intensification of cyanobacterial bloom in thermokarst lakes caused by leaching of thawing peat will likely affect only few macronutrients and micronutrients such as P, K, Mn, and Zn, while the majority of trace elements bound to allochthonous DOC in the form of organic and organo-mineral colloids will not be affected by cyanobacterial biomass production and pH rise due to photosynthesis. Cyanobacterial bloom in organic-rich (20 mg DOC/L) thermokarst lakes exhibited significant potential of carbon sequestration from the atmosphere, which is more than an order of magnitude higher than the CO2 evasion due to heterotrophic plankton respiration of allochthonous DOC.  相似文献   

Based on monthly meteorological data from 11 stations(1959-2015)in Qinghai Basin(QHB) and its surrounding area, we analyzed monthly average temperature(Tmean), average maximum(TXam), minimum temperature(TNam) and precipitation variation characteristics as well as the influence of atmospheric oscillation on these parameters using Mann-Kendall trend analysis, mutation analysis, continuous Morlet wavelet transform, Pearson correlation analysis and R/S analysis method. In addition, the future trend of climate change in the regional scale was also discussed. We found that the temperature and precipitation increment were obvious in the region, especially the Tmean in autumn, winter, TXam and TNam in summer and winter precipitation showing significant increase. Temperature and precipitation experienced abrupt changes around 1986 and 2002, respectively. The period of oscillation of each temperature indices was similar featuring 2~3 years,8~10 years short- cycle and 30~32 years middle- cycle, while that for the precipitation featured 3~4 years,6~7 years short- cycle and 30~32 years middle- cycle. The East Asian Summer Monsoon Index(EASMI) anomaly is an important factor for the anomaly of autumn temperature and summer precipitation in QHB, while the Indian Summer Monsoon Index(ISMI) mainly affects the spring temperature and precipitation in the research area. The effects of Arctic Oscillation Index (AO) were relatively strong on temperature variation, especially in autumn and winter, and AO had significant effect on the precipitation in spring, summer and winter, too. The North Atlantic Oscillation Index (NAO) and ENSO have weak influence on the study area, NAO mainly affects summer and winter precipitation, while ENSO mainly affects autumn precipitation. The Hurst index of Tmean and annual precipitation in QHB are higher than 0.5, indicating that the temperature and precipitation in the study area will continue to be the positive trend in the future period.  相似文献   


The cave system is situated north of Lake Thun, in the Helvetic border chain. The overall geology is simple: the slightly dipping (15–25° towards the southeast) strata are interrupted by a NE-SW trending normal fault with a throw of 150 m in the NE and about 500 m in the SW. Since a part of the region is covered by flysch, the caves are the only way to observe the geological setting of the underlying Cretaceous and Eocene series. We show that observations in caves may yield valuable information about the onset of the tectonic movements: in particular, observations in the Barenkluft region clearly demonstrate that the beginning of préalpine extension had already begun in the Upper Cretaceous, and that this normal fault has been inverted later during Alpine compression. We also illustrate the influence of tectonic stress and strain upon karstification. The Alpine tectonic phases, with alternating compression and extension, contributed to the development of different karstogenetic levels. Tectonic strains opened and possibly closed some fractures, allowing (or preventing) water to flow through parts of the karst massive. The structural setting, defining the overall geometry of the limestone bed, played an important role in the development of the various phases of the system. Most of the conduits appear to belong to old, deep phreatic systems. Tectonics is only one of a number of factors controlling karstification. Together with lithology, it represents the geological control. Geomorphological factors (mainly spring and catchment positions, but also erosion of the flysch cover), as well as bioclimatical factors (quantity and physico-chemical characteristics of water), and hydrodynamics and transport processes can play a significant role on the genesis of karst systems. © 1999 Éditions scientifiques et médicales Elsevier SAS  相似文献   

《Geodinamica Acta》1999,12(6):377-388
The cave system is situated north of Lake Thun, in the Helvetic border chain. The overall geology is simple: the slightly dipping (15–25° towards the southeast) strata are interrupted by a NE–SW trending normal fault with a throw of 150 m in the NE and about 500 m in the SW. Since a part of the region is covered by flysch, the caves are the only way to observe the geological setting of the underlying Cretaceous and Eocene series. We show that observations in caves may yield valuable information about the onset of the tectonic movements: in particular, observations in the Bärenkluft region clearly demonstrate that the beginning of prealpine extension had already begun in the Upper Cretaceous, and that this normal fault has been inverted later during Alpine compression. We also illustrate the influence of tectonic stress and strain upon karstification. The Alpine tectonic phases, with alternating compression and extension, contributed to the development of different karstogenetic levels. Tectonic strains opened and possibly closed some fractures, allowing (or preventing) water to flow through parts of the karst massive. The structural setting, defining the overall geometry of the limestone bed, played an important role in the development of the various phases of the system. Most of the conduits appear to belong to old, deep phreatic systems. Tectonics is only one of a number of factors controlling karstification. Together with lithology, it represents the geological control. Geomorphological factors (mainly spring and catchment positions, but also erosion of the flysch cover), as well as bioclimatical factors (quantity and physico-chemical characteristics of water), and hydrodynamics and transport processes can play a significant role on the genesis of karst systems.  相似文献   

热喀斯特湖的出现和发育是多年冻土变暖的指示器,研究热喀斯特湖发育及其热效应是应对青藏高原气候变化和人类活动诱发冻土灾害的基础工作.基于SPOT-5卫星影像资料,在ArcGIS平台下解译遥感影像,获取了青藏公路沿线楚玛尔河至风火山段热喀斯特湖的数量和分布特征,这些热喀斯特湖以楚玛尔河高平原和北麓河盆地为主要分布区,且80%发育于高含冰量多年冻土区.热喀斯特湖通过竖向和侧向2种传热方式影响多年冻土,竖向传热会造成其下部多年冻土融穿,侧向传热会造成湖岸多年冻土增温,扩大热影响范围.通过北麓河地区一典型热喀斯特湖的数值计算,湖全年都在向湖岸放热.当热喀斯特湖离路基较近,将会对公路产生潜在或者直接的危害,其侧向热侵蚀往往会导致冻土路基温度升高,诱发路基病害.  相似文献   

CHI Guoxiang  LIN Ge 《地质学报》2014,88(Z2):1597-1599
Please refer to the attachment(s) for more details.  相似文献   

Thermokarst lake is the most visible morphologic landscape developing during the process of permafrost degradation, and it is still an international hot topic in permafrost research. The climate warming, and the consequent degradation of the permafrost on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau aggravate thermokarst lake development. The permafrost is normally considered as an aquiclude, and the permafrost degradation, especially when the permafrost is completely thawed by a thermokarst lake, might influence regional ground water. Therefore, a research program focusing on environmental and hydrological effects of thermokarst lakes in permafrost regions of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau was started and supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China. The work proposed by the application includes: To analysis the spatial and temporal distribution rule of thermokarst lakes in the Qinghai-Tibet Engineering Corridor (QTEC) under the climate change and engineering activities, and to evaluate the ecological environment effects through remote sensing and field investigation; to reveal the main factors influencing a typical thermokarst lake and its hydrothermal condition, and to elucidate the conversion relationship between the thermokarst lake and the groundwater with hydrological and isotope tracer tests; to make an analysis of the influences of different lake stage and size on regional permafrost, hydrological conditions and ecological environment through numerical simulation and statistical modelling, considering the relationships between the thermokarst lake and the ground water level. The research results will help to accurately assess regional permafrost ecological environment evolution and trend prediction, and to reasonably understand the impact factors of the permafrost hydrological evolution and its response mechanism to the ecological environment in the river source regions of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. In this paper, the research status analysis, the main research contents, research objectives and prospects were introduced so as to provide some references for related researchers and engineers.  相似文献   

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