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本文通过考虑强磁场中电子的量子效应,分析了强磁场下电子气体的Fermi能,讨论了磁场对核的屏蔽势和核反应率的影响,进而计算了强磁场对天体物理中几个较重要的热核反应的影响,结果表明,相对于无磁场而言,在较低密度下,足够强的磁场使原子核的屏蔽势显著增加,但在ρ/μe>10~5molcm~(-3)的密度下,中子星表面存在的强度为10~5~10~9T范围内的磁场对核反应率几乎没有影响。  相似文献   

The slowing down of charged ions in dense plasma is examined. It is found that under conditions prevailing in late phases of evolution, the nuclei can react while slowing down.The consequence of such an additional nuclear reaction on the product of the nuclear burning is discussed briefly.Partly supported by the United States-Israel Binational Science Foundation Grant 45, and National Research Council of Canada, grant A-514.  相似文献   

本文叙述了电水准的采用能适应低纬子午环的高精度要求 ,分析了水平差的个别测量值产生跳变的原因 :既有其本身的结构问题 ,也有仪器其它部件的不良影响。文中还介绍了对电水准作局部改善的情况。  相似文献   

分析了电荷屏蔽对超新星前身星环境下的电子俘获反应的影响,分析中强电荷屏蔽势能采用了最近人们利用线性响应理论给出的结果,对核素^56Co,^56Fe,^56Mn电子俘获率的分析计算表明,在低温高密情形下,电荷屏蔽对电子俘获反应的影响较先前的分析的影响程度略小,但电荷屏蔽对电子俘获反应的影响仍然显著。  相似文献   

We studied the propagation of uncertainties carried by the reaction rate coefficients in the photochemistry of Neptune's stratosphere. We showed that the uncertainties on the mole fractions of main hydrocarbons are equal to or larger than the estimated uncertainties on abundances gathered from observations. From a global sensitivity analysis study, we determined a list of 26 key reactions and discussed the 7 main key reactions that should be studied in priority to lower the uncertainties in the mole fractions computed from a photochemical model. This methodology is essential to improve the predictivity of photochemical models and, consequently, to better understand the physical and chemical processes that govern the composition of giant planet atmospheres.  相似文献   

概述了云南天文台1m RCC望远镜电气改造的软硬件设计及所得的结果。  相似文献   

Selection effects are a major source of error in statistical studies of pulsar data since the observed sample is a biased subset of the full galactic pulsar population. It is important to identify all selection effects and make a reasonable model before attempting to determine pulsar properties. Here we discuss a hitherto neglected selection effect which is a function of the periodP of the pulsar. We find that short-P pulsars are more difficult to detect, particularly if their dispersion measures are high. We also discuss a declination-dependent selection effect in the II Molonglo Survey (II MS), and find some evidence for the existence of both selection effects in the pulsar data from this survey. We discuss the implications of these additional selection effects for the recently proposed ‘injection’ of pulsars whereby pulsars seem to switch on only at longerP. Using the II MS data we calculate that the observability of pulsars withP between 0.0 s and 0.5 s is about 18 per cent less with the new selection effects than hitherto believed; the mean correction is 6 per cent forP between 0.5 s and 1.0 s. We conclude that injection is not qualitatively affected by these corrections.  相似文献   

Non-adiabatic effects associated with radiative loss and convective transfer add small imaginary parts to solar p-mode eigenfrequencies. An asymptotic approximation is developed to study the non-adiabatic effects. For the outermost layer where the approximation is not valid, an exact solution of the equation of non-adiabatic oscillation which results in an cigenfunction equation, is used. The inclusion of the non-adiabatic effects reduces the discrepancy between the theory and observations particularly for frequencies above 3.1 mHz.  相似文献   

One of the main limitations to the sensitivity of observations carried out withthe ISOCAM infrared camera comes from the responsivity variations and glitchescaused by impacts of charged particles. After more than 28 months of successfuloperations, the predicted glitch rate has been re-evaluated and compared toin-flight measurements. Glitch properties have been studied in orderto improve the removal algorithms, and thus the ultimate sensitivity of ISOCAM.All informations about the glitch phenomenon are very useful in order toprepare next space experiments.  相似文献   

研究了在高空电离层中运动的带电荷的卫星受电感应阻力后对轨道根数产生的摄动影响。研究结果表明 ,电感应阻力对带电卫星的轨道半长轴、轨道偏心率、近地点赤经、历元平赤经均有周期摄动影响 ,但除对半长轴有长期摄动效应外对其它轨道根数均无长期摄动。轨道倾角和升交点赤经不受摄动影响。文中以飞行在高度 1 50 0km的电离层中的导体卫星作为算例。计算结果显示 :带电导体卫星在高空电离层中带有一定电量时电感应阻力对轨道半长轴的缩短产生显著效应  相似文献   

We suggest a new algorithm to remove systematic effects in a large set of light curves obtained by a photometric survey. The algorithm can remove systematic effects, such as those associated with atmospheric extinction, detector efficiency, or point spread function changes over the detector. The algorithm works without any prior knowledge of the effects, as long as they linearly appear in many stars of the sample. The approach, which was originally developed to remove atmospheric extinction effects, is based on a lower rank approximation of matrices, an approach which has already been suggested and used in chemometrics, for example. The proposed algorithm is especially useful in cases where the uncertainties of the measurements are unequal. For equal uncertainties, the algorithm reduces to the Principal Component Analysis (PCA) algorithm. We present a simulation to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm and we point out its potential, in the search for transit candidates in particular.  相似文献   

Astroparticle physics and cosmology allow us to scan the universe through multiple messengers. It is the combination of these probes that improves our understanding of the universe, both in its composition and its dynamics. Unlike other areas in science, research in astroparticle physics has a real originality in detection techniques, in infrastructure locations, and in the observed physical phenomenon that is not created directly by humans. It is these features that make the minimisation of statistical and systematic errors a perpetual challenge. In all these projects, the environment is turned into a detector medium or a target. The atmosphere is probably the environment component the most common in astroparticle physics and requires a continuous monitoring of its properties to minimise as much as possible the systematic uncertainties associated. This paper introduces the different atmospheric effects to take into account in astroparticle physics measurements and provides a non-exhaustive list of techniques and instruments to monitor the different elements composing the atmosphere. A discussion on the close link between astroparticle physics and Earth sciences ends this paper.  相似文献   

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