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We present two different elastic models for, respectively, cemented and uncemented North Sea chalk well‐log data. We find that low Biot coefficients correlate with anomalously low cementation factors from resistivity measurements at low porosity and we interpret this as an indication of cementation. In contrast, higher Biot coefficients and correspondingly higher cementation factors characterize uncemented chalk for the same (low) porosity. Accordingly, the Poisson's ratio–porosity relationship for cemented chalk is different from that of uncemented chalk. We have tested the application of the self‐consistent approximation, which here represents the unrelaxed scenario where the pore spaces of the rock are assumed to be isolated, and the Gassmann theory, which assumes that pore spaces are connected, as tools for predicting the effect of hydrocarbons from the elastic properties of brine‐saturated North Sea reservoir chalk. In the acoustic impedance–Poisson's ratio plane, we forecast variations in porosity and hydrocarbon saturation from their influence on the elastic behaviour of the chalk. The Gassmann model and the self‐consistent approximation give roughly similar predictions of the effect of fluid on acoustic impedance and Poisson's ratio, but we find that the high‐frequency self‐consistent approach gives a somewhat smaller predicted fluid‐saturation effect on Poisson's ratio than the low‐frequency Gassmann model. The Gassmann prediction for the near and potentially invaded zone corresponds more closely to logging data than the Gassmann prediction for the far, virgin zone. We thus conclude that the Gassmann approach predicts hydrocarbons accurately in chalk in the sonic‐frequency domain, but the fluid effects as recorded by the acoustic tool are significantly affected by invasion of mud filtrate. The amplitude‐versus‐angle (AVA) response for the general North Sea sequence of shale overlying chalk is predicted as a function of porosity and pore‐fill. The AVA response of both cemented and uncemented chalk generally shows a declining reflectivity coefficient versus offset and a decreasing normal‐incidence reflectivity with increasing porosity. However, for the uncemented model, a phase reversal will appear at a relatively lower porosity compared to the cemented model.  相似文献   

We have studied 56 unfractured chalk samples of the Upper Cretaceous Tor Formation of the Dan, South Arne and Gorm Fields, Danish North Sea. The samples have porosities of between 14% and 45% and calcite content of over 95%. The ultrasonic compressional‐ and shear‐wave velocities (VP and VS) for dry and water‐saturated samples were measured at up to 75 bar confining hydrostatic pressure corresponding to effective stress in the reservoir. The porosity is the main control of the ultrasonic velocities and therefore of the elastic moduli. The elastic moduli are slightly higher for samples from the South Arne Field than from the Dan Field for identical porosities. This difference may be due to textural differences between the chalk at the two locations because we observe that large grains (i.e. filled microfossils and fossil fragments) that occur more frequently in samples from the Dan Field have a porosity‐reducing effect and that samples rich in large grains have a relatively low porosity for a given P‐wave modulus. The clay content in the samples is low and is mainly represented by either kaolinite or smectite; samples with smectite have a lower P‐wave modulus than samples with kaolinite at equal porosity. We find that ultrasonic VP and VS of dry chalk samples can be satisfactorily estimated with Gassmann's relationships from data for water‐saturated samples. A pronounced difference between the VP/VS ratios for dry and water‐saturated chalk samples indicates promising results for seismic amplitude‐versus‐offset analyses.  相似文献   

The elastic moduli and anisotropy of organic-rich rocks are of great importance to geoengineering and geoprospecting of oil and gas reservoirs. In this paper, we probe into the static and dynamic moduli of the Ghareb–Mishash chalk through laboratory measurements and new analytical approaches. We define a new anisotropy parameter, ‘hydrostatic strain ratio’ (Ω), which describes the differential contraction of anisotropic rocks consequent to hydrostatic compression. Ω depends on the C11, C12, C13 and C33 stiffness constants of a transversely isotropic material, and therefore enables a unique insight into the anisotropic behaviour of TI rocks. Ω proves more sensitive to anisotropy within the weak anisotropy range, when compared with Thomsen's ε and γ parameters. We use Ω to derive static moduli from triaxial compression tests performed on a single specimen. This is done by novel employment of a hydrostatic-deviatoric combination for transversely isotropic elastic stiffnesses. Dynamic moduli are obtained from acoustic velocities measurements. We find that the bedding-normal velocities are described well by defining kerogen as the load-supporting matrix in a Hashin–Shtrikman model (‘Hashin–Shtrikman (HS) kerogen’). The dynamic moduli of the Ghareb–Mishash chalk in dry conditions are significantly higher than the static moduli. The dynamic/static moduli ratio decreases from ∼4 to ∼2 with increasing kerogen content. Both the static and dynamic moduli decrease significantly with increasing porosity and kerogen content. The effect of porosity on them is two times stronger than the effect of kerogen.  相似文献   

南黄海南部与东海北部之间的深部构造   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4  
针对南黄海南部与东海之间的深部构造,根据前一段地球物理研究的结果,与有关文献进行对比探讨,发现其差异.在重力和三维地震层析成像结果基础上,探讨分析了该海域的深部构造,给出分布在南黄海南部与东海北部之间的苏浙-济州岛构造带的分布位置、形态特征,并讨论了该构造带的性质、与周边构造体系和构造演化的关系.并指出这一构造由于朝鲜半岛西缘断裂带的存在而并未延伸进入朝鲜半岛.  相似文献   

We propose a combination of Biot's equations for effective stress and the expression for shear failure in a rock to obtain an expression for minimum pore pressure in a stable vertical well bore. We show that a Biot's coefficient calculated from logging data in the Hejre Field, North Sea, is significantly different from 1. The log‐derived Biot's coefficient is above 0.8 in the Shetland Chalk Group and in the Tyne Group, and 0.6–0.8 in the Heno Sandstone Formation. We show that the effective vertical and horizontal stresses obtained using the log‐derived Biot's coefficient result in a drilling window for a vertical well larger than if approximating Biot's coefficient by 1. The estimation of the Biot's coefficient is straightforward in formations with a stiff frame, whereas in formations such as shales, caution has to be taken. We discuss the consequence of assumptions made on the mineral composition of shales as unphysical results could be obtained when choosing inappropriate mineral moduli.  相似文献   

The impact of the Black Sea Water (BSW) inflow on the circulation and the water mass characteristics of the North Aegean Sea is investigated using a high-resolution 3D numerical model. Four climatological numerical experiments are performed exploring the effects of the exchange amplitude at the Dardanelles Straits in terms of the mean annual volume exchanged and the amplitude of its seasonal cycle. Larger inflow of low salinity BSW influences the water characteristics of the whole basin. The largest salinity reduction is encountered in the upper layers of the water column, and the most affected region is the northeastern part of the basin. The winter insulation character of the BSW layer (low-salinity layer) is reduced by the seasonal cycle of the inflow (minimum during winter). The maximum atmospheric cooling coincides with the minimum BSW inflow rate, weakening the vertical density gradients close to the surface and thus facilitating the vertical mixing. The inflow rate of BSW into the North Aegean Sea constitutes an essential factor for the circulation in the basin. Increased inflow rate results into considerably higher kinetic energy, stronger circulation and reinforcement of the mesoscale circulation features. Although the position of the front between BSW and waters of Levantine origin does not vary significantly with the intensity of the BSW inflow rate, the flow along the front becomes stronger and more unstable as the inflow rate increases, forming meanders and rings. The changes in the intensity of BSW inflow rate overpower the wind and thermohaline forcing and largely determine the general circulation of the North Aegean Sea.  相似文献   

随着油气勘探难度不断增加,叠前弹性参数反演在油气勘探领域已逐渐成为一种有效的储层预测方法.该方法以Zoeppritz方程为基础,相较于叠后反演,叠前数据保留了大量与炮检距相关信息,在精度上有了较大的提升.本文从叠前AVO反演出发,利用纵横波联合反演方法对纵横波速度与密度三参数进行反演,并在模型和工区进行测试及应用.再利...  相似文献   

Rock physics analysis plays a vital role in time‐lapse seismic interpretation because it provides the link between changes in rock and fluid properties and the resulting seismic data response. In this case study of the Schiehallion Field, we discuss a number of issues that commonly arise in rock physics analyses for time‐lapse studies. We show that:
  • 1 Logarithmic fits of dry bulk (Kdry) and shear (Gdry) moduli vs. effective pressure (Peff) are superior to polynomial fits.
  • 2 2D surface fits of Kdry and Gdry over porosity (φ) and effective pressure using all the core data simultaneously are more useful and accurate than separate 1D fits over φ and Peff for each individual core.
  • 3 One average set (facies) of Kdry(φ, Peff) and Gdry(φ, Peff) can be chosen to represent adequately the entire Schiehallion reservoir.
  • 4 Saturated velocities and densities modelled by fluid substitution of Kdry(φ, Peff), Gdry(φ, Peff) and the dry bulk density ρdry(φ) compare favourably with well‐log velocities and densities.
  • 5 P‐ and S‐wave impedance values resulting from fluid substitution of Kdry(φ, Peff), Gdry(φ, Peff) and ρdry(φ) show that the largest impedance changes occur for high porosities and low effective pressures.
  • 6 Uncertainties in Kdry(φ, Peff) and Gdry(φ, Peff) derived for individual cores can be used to generate error surfaces for these moduli that represent bounds for quantifying uncertainties in seismic modelling or pressure–saturation inversion.

南海磁场特征研究   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
建立客观的磁力ΔT异常,获得可信的磁力ΔZ异常、居里面成果, 在此基础上开展综合地质地球物理研究,对于解决南海资源等相关的地质、地球物理问题意义重大.本文汇集我国历年在南海取得的磁力实测资料,重新处理、校正、整合,特别是追溯南海周边的国际地磁台的日变资料进行日变改正,形成的南海磁力ΔT异常,其资料品质得到了极大提高.采用全磁纬变倾角化极技术,获得磁力ΔZ异常,其与实测证实的磁性海山、海岛有非常好的匹配关系,建立起可以直接用于反演处理解释的南海磁力ΔZ异常.选择磁力ΔZ异常的小波多尺度分解四阶逼近,采用单一磁性界面反演技术进行深度反演,获得居里面又称磁性底界面.建立了认识、解释南海的磁场基础体系,证实了南海基性岩浆岩分布区与磁力ΔZ异常的正磁异常高密切相关,区域性的磁力ΔZ异常负磁异常区可能与居里面深度相关.  相似文献   

中国南海北部陆坡孔隙度的求取   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
孔隙度在岩石物理和地震勘探领域都是一个非常重要的参数,水饱和地层的孔隙度可以用于求海底地层的弹性模量进而求取纵横波速度、识别水合物以及估计水合物的储量等.然而在没有打钻的情况下要相对准确地了解海底未固结成岩地层的孔隙度变化趋势是困难的.历史上有学者提出了几个模型,都是基于孔隙度随深度的增加呈现指数下降的趋势,并且需要知道指数模型中的若干参数,因此就产生了两个问题,一是孔隙度是否随深度增加而呈现指数下降,二是指数模型中参数如何选取.本文从另外一个角度,即利用海底介质的压实性从表层开始往下逐层求取水饱和地层的孔隙度,此方法被称之为"体积模量法",它仅需要知道表层孔隙度和地层矿物组分,从而节省了勘探成本.本文将该方法应用于我国南海地区和美国ODP井数据,结果与测井数据以及地震反演数据吻合得较好.  相似文献   

The cyclic stress-strain behaviour of cohesionless soils is considered to be composed of elastic and inelastic components, and the cyclic elastic stress-strain relationships for one type of uniform sand are investigated by conducting isotropic and laterally constrained compression tests under low frequency cyclic loads. The effects of relative density, stress history, and stress state on the cyclic elastic behaviour are studied. Simple and practically applicable elastic stress-strain models are developed based on Hertzian contact theory. It was observed in both types of tests that elastic strains can accurately be modelled by a power function of stresses.  相似文献   

The energy equation was applied to four limited regions to investigate the basic mechanisms through which area-averaged eddy kinetic energy is maintained during the northern winter. The regions selected for this study are as follows: extratropical North Pacific (24.2°N–44.6°N, 130°E–150°W), tropical eastern North Pacific (0°–19.6°N, 170°W–110°W), South China Sea and. Bay of Bengal (0°–19.6°N, 80°E–140°E), and Timor Sea and eastern Indian Ocean (0°–19.6°S, 80°E–140°E). The zonally averaged upper flows over the first region were found to be barotropically stable. In contrast, they were barotropically unstable over the second region; namely, eddy motions over the tropical eastern North Pacific are maintained by receiving energy from zonal flows via barotropic interaction. The third and fourth regions are characterized by the importance of the conversion process between eddy available potential and eddy kinetic energy.Contribution No. 77-5, Department of Meteorology, University of Hawaii, USA.  相似文献   

The South China Sea where water depth is up to 5000 m is the most promising oil and gas exploration area in China in the future.The seismic data acquired in the South China Sea contain various types of multiples that need to be removed before imaging can be developed.However,compared with the conventional reflection migration,multiples carry more information of the underground structure that helps provide better subsurface imaging.This paper presents a method to modify the conventional reverse time migration so that multiple reflections can migrate to their correct locations in the subsurface.This approach replaces the numerical impulsive source with the recorded data including primaries and multiples on the surface,and replaces the recorded primary reflection data with multiples.In the reverse time migration process,multiples recorded on the surface are extrapolated backward in time to each depth level,while primaries and multiples recorded on the surface are extrapolated forward in time to the same depth levels.By matching the difference between the primary and multiple images using an objective function,this algorithm improves the primary resultant image.Synthetic tests on Sigsbee2 B show that the proposed method can obtain a greater range and better underground illumination.Images of deep water in the South China Sea are obtained using multiples and their matching with primaries.They demonstrate that multiples can make up for the reflection illumination and the migration of multiples is an important research direction in the future.  相似文献   

Characterization of the hydraulic properties of fractures in chalk   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Nativ R  Adar E  Assaf L  Nygaard E 《Ground water》2003,41(4):532-543

Petrogeneses of impure dolomitic marble and enclosed eclogite from the Xinyan area, Dabie ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) metamorphic terrane, central China were investigated with a special focus on fluid characteristics. Identified carbonate-bearing UHP assemblages are Dol + Coe ± Arg (or Mgs) ± Ap, Dol + Omp ± Coe ± Ap ± Arg (or Mgs), Phen + Omp + Coe + Dol ± Arg and Dol + Coe + Phen + Rt ± Omp ± Arg ± Ap. Retrograde assemblages are characterized by symplectitic replacement of Tr–Ab and Di–Ab after omphacite, and Phl–Pl symplectite after phengite. The P–T conditions of UHP metamorphism were estimated to be P > 2.7 GPa and T > 670 °C by the occurrence of coesite inclusions in garnet in enclosed eclogite and garnet–clinopyroxene geothermometer. The P–T conditions of initial amphibolitization were estimated to be 620 < T < 670 °C and 1.1 < P < 1.3 GPa by calcite–dolomite solvus thermometer and mineral parageneses. Phase relations in P–T– X CO 2 space in the systems NaAl–CMSCH and KCMASCH were calculated in order to constrain fluid compositions. Compositions and parageneses of UHP-stage minerals suggest the presence of fluid in UHP and exhumation stages. Occurrence of retrograde low-variance assemblages indicates that fluid composition during amphibolitization was buffered. A metastable persistence of magnesite and very restricted occurrence of calcite, magnesite and dolomite suggest a low fluid content in the post-amphibolitization stage.  相似文献   

Norwegian and British laws relevant to the control of marine pollution from North Sea petroleum development are briefly described. The emergence of law intended to reduce the probability of pollution from equipment failure or human error is noted, and suggestions are made to increase the effectiveness of this approach.  相似文献   

南海地球物理场特征及基底断裂体系研究   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7  
南海海域主体可划分为南海北缘、中西沙、南沙南海海盆四块,各块具有明显不同的重磁场特征。反演得到的莫霍面总体趋势由陆向洋抬升,反映陆壳、拉伸陆壳、过渡壳、洋壳的分布。东沙高磁异常含一定的高频成份,与新生代玄武岩及中生代岩浆岩有关,而其低频成份可能反映了发育的下地壳高速层,南海海域断裂极为发育,可分为北东向断裂组、东西向断裂组、北西向断裂组和南北向断裂组,南海北缘、南缘均以北东向张性断裂与北西向张剪性、剪性断裂为主要格架,形成了、南北分带、东西分块”构造格局。  相似文献   

南海地球物理场特征与基底断裂体系研究   总被引:13,自引:3,他引:13  
南海海域主体可划分为南海北缘、中西沙、南沙、南海海盆四块,各块具有明显不同的重磁场特征.反演得到的莫霍面总体趋势由陆向洋抬升,反映陆壳、拉伸陆壳、过渡壳、洋壳的分布.东沙高磁异常含一定的高频成份,与新生代玄武岩及中生代岩浆岩有关,而其低频成份可能反映了发育的下地壳高速层.南海海域断裂极为发育,可分为北东向断裂组、东西向断裂组、北西向断裂组和南北向断裂组.南海北缘、南缘均以北东向张性断裂与北西向张剪性、剪性断裂为主要格架,形成了"南北分带、东西分块"构造格局.  相似文献   

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