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In this paper, by assuming the equilibrium temperatures of RRab Lyrae variables defined by Carney, Storm & Jones as correct we show that temperatures derived from ( B − V ) colour (mean colour over the pulsational cycle calculated on the magnitude scale) transformations by Bessel, Castelli & Plez are consistent with the Carney et al. equilibrium temperatures within a probable error of δ  log  T e =±0.003 . As a consequence, it is shown that the pulsational temperature scale temperature–period–blue amplitude [ T eff= f ( P , A B )] relation provided by De Santis, who studied the ( B − V ) colour of about 70 stars of Lub's sample, is a suitable relation, being reddening- and metallicity-free, to calculate equilibrium temperatures for RRab variables. This relation is independent of variable mass and luminosity within a large range of period-shift from the mean period–amplitude relation valid for Lub's sample of variables. On the contrary, it is also shown that a temperature–amplitude–metallicity relation is strictly dependent on the period–amplitude relation of the sample used for calibrating it: we prove that this means it is dependent on both the mass and luminosity variations of variables.  相似文献   

We make use of the 'Next Generation' model atmospheres of Allard et al. and Hauschildt, Allard & Baron to compute theoretical models for low- and very-low-mass stars for selected metallicities in the range Z =0.0002 to 0.002. On this basis, we present theoretical predictions covering the sequence of H-burning stars as observed in Galactic globulars from the faint end of the main sequence up to, and beyond, the cluster turn-off. The role played by the new model atmospheres is discussed, showing that present models appear in excellent agreement with models by Baraffe et al. as computed on a quite similar physical basis. One finds that the theoretical mass–luminosity relations based on this updated set of models are in good agreement with the empirical data provided by Henry & McCarthy. Comparison with HST observation discloses that the location on the colour–magnitude diagram of the lower main sequence in Galactic globular clusters appears again in good agreement with the predicted sensitive dependence of these sequences on the cluster metallicity.  相似文献   

For the first time we propose a real physical mechanism for 'extra mixing' in red giants that can quantitatively interpret all the known star-to-star abundance variations in globular clusters. This is Zahn's mechanism. It considers extra mixing in a radiative zone of a rotating star as a result of the joint operation of meridional circulation and turbulent diffusion. It is shown that the only free parameter, the angular velocity at the base of the convective envelope, can be so adjusted as to fit the observed abundance correlations without leading to a conflict with available data on rotation velocities of blue horizontal branch stars in the same cluster. There are two critical assumptions in our model, that the top of the radiative zone is not in synchronous rotation with the stellar surface but rotates significantly faster and that the criterion for shear instability takes a particular form. These will eventually be tested by three-dimensional hydrodynamical simulations.  相似文献   

A66是位于球状星团M4红巨星支最底部(近亚巨星支顶部)的一颗红星.按其在C-M图上的位置,A66可能是星团成员.目前尚无自行或视线速度的测定.发现A66为一小变幅的新变星,周期约一天, v波段的总变幅约0.05等.但是,如果自行或视线速度测定证实为其成员星,那么变光的原因也许不是脉动.因为按照熊氏理论,这样低光度的红星其脉动周期不可能长于0.1天.对于A66这样的周期和变幅,又很难想像变光原因是黑子星的自转或EW型双星的交食.或者,A66不是星团成员.  相似文献   

[Fe/H]–φ31– P relations are found for c-type RR Lyrae stars in globular clusters. The relations are analogous to that found by Jurcsik & Kovács for field ab-type RR Lyrae stars, where a longer period correlates with lower metallicity values for similar values of the Fourier coefficient φ31. The relations obtained here are used to determine the metallicity of field c-type RR Lyrae stars, those within ω Cen, the Large Magellanic Cloud and toward the galactic bulge. The results are found to compare favourably to metallicity values obtained elsewhere.  相似文献   

We report the result of our near-infrared observations ( JHK s) for type II Cepheids (including possible RV Tau stars) in galactic globular clusters. We detected variations of 46 variables in 26 clusters (10 new discoveries in seven clusters) and present their light curves. Their periods range from 1.2 d to over 80 d. They show a well-defined period–luminosity relation at each wavelength. Two type II Cepheids in NGC 6441 also obey the relation if we assume the horizontal branch stars in NGC 6441 are as bright as those in metal-poor globular clusters in spite of the high metallicity of the cluster. This result supports the high luminosity which has been suggested for the RR Lyr variables in this cluster. The period–luminosity relation can be reproduced using the pulsation equation     assuming that all the stars have the same mass. Cluster RR Lyr variables were found to lie on an extrapolation of the period–luminosity relation. These results provide important constraints on the parameters of the variable stars.
Using Two Micron All-Sky Survey (2MASS) data, we show that the type II Cepheids in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) fit our period–luminosity relation within the expected scatter at the shorter periods. However, at long periods (   P > 40  d, i.e. in the RV Tau star range) the LMC field variables are brighter by about one magnitude than those of similar periods in galactic globular clusters. The long-period cluster stars also differ from both these LMC stars and galactic field RV Tau stars in a colour–colour diagram. The reasons for these differences are discussed.  相似文献   

We present theoretical evolutionary sequences of intermediate-mass stars  ( M = 3 − 6.5 M)  with metallicity   Z = 0.004  . Our goal is to test whether the self-enrichment scenario by massive asymptotic giant branch stars may work for the high-metallicity globular clusters, after previous works by the same group showed that the theoretical yields by this class of objects can reproduce the observed trends among the abundances of some elements, namely the O–Al and O–Na anticorrelations, at intermediate metallicities, i.e.  [Fe/H]=−1.3  . We find that the increase in the metallicity favours only a modest decrease of the luminosity and the temperature at the bottom of the envelope for the same core mass, and also the efficiency of the third dredge-up is scarcely altered. On the contrary, differences are found in the yields, due to the different impact that processes with the same efficiency have on the overall abundance of envelopes with different metallicities. We expect the same qualitative patterns as in the intermediate-metallicity case, but the slopes of some of the relationships among the abundances of some elements are different. We compare the sodium–oxygen anticorrelation for clusters of intermediate metallicity ( Z ≈ 10−3) and clusters of metallicity large as in these new models. Although the observational data are still too scarce, the models are consistent with the observed trends, provided that only stars of   M ≳ 5 M  contribute to self-enrichment.  相似文献   

By adopting the same approach outlined by De Santis & Cassisi, we evaluate the absolute bolometric magnitude of the zero-age horizontal branch (ZAHB) at the level of the RR Lyrae variable instability strip in selected Galactic globular clusters. This allows us to estimate the ZAHB absolute visual magnitude for these clusters and to investigate its dependence on the cluster metallicity. The derived M V (ZAHB)–[Fe/H] relation, corrected in order to account for the luminosity difference between the ZAHB and the mean RR Lyrae magnitude, has been compared with some of the most recent empirical determinations in this field, such as the one provided by Baade–Wesselink analyses, RR Lyrae periods, Hipparcos data for field variables and main-sequence fitting based on Hipparcos parallaxes for field subdwarfs. As a result, our relation provides a clear support to the 'long' distance scale. We discuss also another method for measuring the distance to Galactic globular clusters. This method is quite similar to the one adopted for estimating the absolute bolometric magnitude of the ZAHB but it relies only on the pulsational properties of the Lyrae variables in each cluster. The reliability and accuracy of this method have been tested by applying it to a sample of globular clusters for which, owing to the morphology of their horizontal branch (HB), the use of the commonly adopted ZAHB fitting is a risky procedure. We notice that the two approaches for deriving the cluster distance modulus provide consistent results when applied to globular clusters, the RR Lyrae instability strip is well populated. As the adopted method relies on theoretical predictions on both the fundamental pulsational equation and the allowed mass range for fundamental pulsators, we give an estimate of the error affecting present results, owing to systematic uncertainties in the adopted theoretical framework.  相似文献   

The physical parameters of the stars in the central region of the globular cluster M5 (NGC 5904) were determined from UBV photometry using Kurucz's synthetic flux distributions and some empirical relations. It is found that the bluest horizontal branch (HB) stars have higher luminosities than predicted by canonical zero-age horizontal branch models. Parameters of the mass distribution on the HB stars are determined. It is shown that the gap in the blue HB previously reported by Markov et al. in Paper I is probably a statistical fluctuation.  相似文献   

We report observations of the He  i λ 5876 (D3) line in the late A- and early F-type stars in the Pleiades and Alpha Persei star clusters used to determine chromospheric activity levels. This represents the first sample of young stars in this temperature range with chromospheric activity measurements. We find the same average activity level in the young early F stars as in Hyades-age stars and field stars. In addition, the young star sample shows the same large star-to-star variation in activity as seen in the older stars. Thus, as a whole, chromospheric activity in this photospheric temperature range remains the same over nearly a factor of 100 in stellar age (50 Myr to 3 Gyr), in striking contrast to the behaviour of later-type stars. In the five late A stars we find three certain detections of D3 and one likely detection. This includes the bluest star yet observed with a chromospheric D3 line, Pleiades star HII 1362 at ( B − V )0=0.22, making it one of the earliest stars with an observed chromosphere. The late A stars have D3 equivalent widths comparable to the weakest early F stars. However, when comparing D3 measurements in the young late A stars with older late A stars, we find evidence for a slight decrease in activity with age based on the large number of non-detections in the older stars. We find an apparently linear relationship between the activity upper limit and B − V over our entire range of B − V . Extrapolated blueward, this relationship predicts that the chromospheric D3 line would disappear for all stars at B − V ≈0.13.  相似文献   

OB星协和年轻星团是恒星形成与早期演化的“化石”,同时也是研究初始重质量函数(IMF)的最好场所;文中就OB星协和年轻星团的形成和早期演化方面的研究进展作了一评述,还论述了IMF的测定和研究情况,并对相关的速逃OB星及蓝离散星问题作了简要介绍。  相似文献   

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