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This study examines the spatiality of interlocking directorates of Canadian companies, with particular emphasis given to international interlocks. From a geographical standpoint, do these connections to foreign firms reinforce the importance of Canada’s top corporate cities as ‘gateways’ to international business? Is there a geography associated with the interlocking to these gateway cities? Findings build on James O. Wheeler’s body of research focused on corporate headquarters. This study is placed within the context of the current economic geography dialogue. Particular focus is placed on Saxenian’s theory of brain circulation, wherein she argues that individuals with international experience serve as brokers linking domestic businesses with those in distant regions. A further purpose of this study then is to examine Saxenian’s argument in the context of Canadian corporations. First, is there a geographical association between directors’ foreign educations and where Canadian firms are interlocked to internationally? Second, the corporate performance of Canadian firms interlocked internationally will be measured against those firms that are not. It seems logical to assume that increased connections would yield more diverse and rich knowledge, which could lead to better decisions, and thus corporate performance, in today’s global world. But does it? This study finds that being linked to an international company through a common director did translate into more profitability for Canadian firms. Findings also revealed a geographical link between international interlocks and a director’s foreign education. However, when Canadian firms were interlocked with an international company with a director who had international education, greater profits did not necessarily result.  相似文献   

地理距离对中国民营企业银行贷款的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
宋昌耀  李涛  李国平 《地理学报》2021,76(8):1835-1847
地理距离是企业银行贷款过程中的客观约束,而地理距离对资本流动的影响是金融地理学的基本命题。在分析地理距离对企业银行贷款作用机理的基础上,采用中国银行业分支机构与民营上市公司贷款数据,刻画城市银企贷款的地理距离特征,探究地理距离对企业银行贷款的影响。研究发现:① 银企地理距离对企业贷款规模具有显著负向影响,地理距离越近,贷款额度越多;借贷双方地处相同城市或相同省份时地理距离对贷款规模的影响更为显著。② 中心城市、大型城市和发达城市企业银行贷款相对距离大,而非中心城市、小型城市和欠发达城市企业银行贷款相对距离小。银企地理距离对企业信贷的影响在中心城市、大型城市和发达城市更为凸显。③ 企业规模、上市年龄和国有控股历史可以缓解地理距离对银行贷款额度的约束。④ 信息化水平与地理距离在贷款可得性上具有替代关系,信息化发展有助于降低地理距离对银行贷款额度的制约,但无法消除地理距离的影响。本文认为缓解地理距离约束对于企业融资具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Geographical places of interest of mountain territories are discussed. A comprehensive definition of the notion of “geotope” is provided, which takes into consideration its uniqueness, individuality and accessibility for study and popularization. A relevant classification of geotopes and approaches in studying them have been developed. Attention is drawn to the possibilities of protecting mountain geotopes, and to the need fro a popularization of geotopes in the geographical knowledge system. A case in point is provided by the record cards and the catalogue of geotopes as well as by websites with information bases of data on geographical attractions of mountain territories.  相似文献   

This study explores interlocking directorates, with specific focus on those connections when a director sits as an inside director for an American corporation and an outside director for firm located outside of North America. The goal of this study is to explore the spatial relationship between the personal histories of directors and the headquarter's location of the corporate boards on which they sit. First, it was found that a geographical relationship in the interlocking network of American companies exists. Second, it was determined that domestic personal histories played a significant role as 96.5 percent of directors attended a university in the United States and 93.4 percent directors were born there. When North American universities and North American births were deleted from the sample, a geographical pattern also emerges for Asian firms. Finally, the study found that the lone region that consistently displayed greater firm performance where a director's personal history and the interlocked company were the same as Asia.  相似文献   

A vociferous debate on socio-spatial formations is ongoing between those advocating a geography of scales and those advocating flat ontologies and assemblages, yet a middle ground has not been properly addressed. The author argues for an empirically driven, multidimensional assemblage approach whereby the processes constituting an assemblage and the different socio-spatial organisation of heterogeneous entities form the analytical basis for geographical analyses of particular empirical events. He shows how Norwegian companies in Indonesia encounter different stakeholders constituting a multidimensional (situated, scaled, and networked) ‘assemblage of national interests’ with multitudinous motivations and drivers but quite specific converged influence. He examines the territorialising forces employed during such encounters, the de-territorialising forces challenging the assemblage, and how the evolution of the ‘assemblage of national interests’ resulted in 2012 in the world's first law on corporate social responsibility (CSR), which has more or less forced Norwegian companies to make social investments in local communities within a CRS framing. The findings are that assemblages are scaled and networked, but also uncoordinated and ‘chaotic’. Norwegian companies in Indonesia are subject to a joint but dispersed, multidimensional assemblage of national interest, where stakeholders on different scales, with multiple motivations, mobilise to persuade them to run social investment programmes.  相似文献   

Agro-food transnational corporations (TNCs) are pivotal players in the emergent regulatory structures of the East Asian agro-food system, but there has been little explicit concern to account theoretically or empirically for their prevailing socio-spatial practices and strategies. This paper uses the case of Nestlé in South East Asia to make three claims. First, transnational corporate strategy is best understood as comprising an interaction of restructuring processes within the arenas of production, realisation (sales), and reproduction (corporate finance and investment). Second, the analysis of agro-food transnationals in Asia requires elevated attention to the local regulation of food systems. Third, in Nestlé's case at least, the articulation of global strategies with local arenas of production and markets encourages corporate finance to play a key role in the generation of profit. This is evidenced through the extensive use of intra-firm trade and royalty payments (or, related party transactions) by Nestlé in Thailand.  相似文献   

This analysis of a backward integration traceability scheme for red chillies developed by a multinational food company in India emphasizes spatial integration and differentiation within contract farming. The scheme is premised on the procurement of identically credentialed produce from 10 different sites in two states and incorporates growers in highly flexible and place‐contingent modes. Interviews with corporate informants and farmers reveal this flexibility to be the result of a two‐way process of risk management between the company and growers. The company spread its geographical exposure by initiating production across a number of far‐flung cultivation sites, and growers cultivate chillies for the company within the context of diverse agricultural systems, thereby mitigating dependence. The scheme has had positive impacts for participants, but has more complex implications for the evolution of agrarian landscapes in India. The selective enrolment of participants through ‘progressive farmer’ networks acts to reorganize rural spaces by generating new geographies of advantage and opportunity.  相似文献   

互联网地理学研究已成为近年国际人文地理学研究的热点之一,但对网站注册用户空间分布的研究较少。本研究以世界最大的社交网站Facebook为研究对象,利用获得的2012年注册用户规模数据,具体分析其空间分布规律与影响因素。研究发现:①无论是在洲际层面还是国家层面,Facebook注册用户的规模与普及率分布都存在着巨大差异。其中前者的集中化指数高,且偏重发达国家和人口规模过亿的国家;后者则是欧美、大洋洲和高收入国家相对偏高。②Facebook注册用户规模主要受国家经济总量、人口数量和网民规模三个层面因素影响,普及率则主要受人均收入、人口层面的城镇化率、网民普及率和网络基础设施等层面因素影响。此外,上网工具变革、文化差异和网络监督制度也是影响其空间分布的重要因素。③由于成为Facebook注册用户的基本前提是其必须首先是网民,因此后者也相应成为影响前者空间分布最为直接的因素。其他因素主要通过作用网民进而实现对Facebook注册用户空间分布的影响。  相似文献   

This paper evaluates foreign direct investment (FDI) in the Czech Republic and its regional development consequences after the collapse of state socialism. Two types of FDIs are identified: cross border export-oriented investments and market capture investments. The cross border export-oriented investments exploit low cost labor in the service of external markets and are typically concentrated in peripheral areas, mostly along the former West German border. This type of FDI is not likely to contribute to durable regional economies. The market capture investments involve both servicing the Czech market and integrating activities within a larger, multinational corporate network. This type of investment may create more durable sources of regional economic activity. A case study of the Volkswagen/Skoda joint venture is used to examine market capture investments and their consequences for regional development. This paper is based on interviews with plant managers and trade union leaders in companies with foreign investment, governmental officials at the various ministries and state agencies dealing with FDI, and information and data from the secondary sources.  相似文献   

基于POI数据的上海市餐饮业空间分布特征及影响因素   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
唐锦玥  何益珺  塔娜 《热带地理》2020,40(6):1015-1025
以上海市为研究对象,基于兴趣点(POI)数据,运用核密度分析刻画餐饮业空间格局,并构建OLS模型、空间滞后模型、空间误差模型探究餐饮业空间分布的影响因素。结果发现,餐饮业空间分布呈块状聚集、多中心发展的格局。其中,西餐业高度集中于内环线以内,呈东西向延伸;快餐业在中心城区和高校集聚的城郊结合部大规模集聚。空间计量回归结果表明,餐饮业分布受到人口、经济、交通、空间4类要素的影响:区域经济发展水平高、人口规模大、交通优越、相关业态丰富会促进集聚,而周边业态的混合度过高则会抑制集聚,城市空间结构也会影响餐饮业分布,商圈、中心城区的餐饮业密度更高;中餐、西餐、正餐、快餐4类餐饮业分布的影响因素存在差异性,西餐企业倾向于分布在地价较高的地区,中餐企业对交通可达性有更高的需求,正餐企业的分布与当地区域经济发展水平显著相关,快餐企业的分布与各类文娱公共设施的分布有密切联系。  相似文献   

This study develops a conceptual framework of the relationship between corporate systems and urban systems in the process of intangible asset accumulation and conducts case studies involving two distinctive and contrasting global firms. Intangible assets are important in maintaining the competitive advantage of cities and regions. The accumulation of local intangibles is the result of the evolutionary development of the relationship between the corporate system and the urban system. The results of the study suggest that the intangible assets of firms are critical in ensuring their competitiveness within a knowledge-based information society.  相似文献   

盛科荣  王丽萍  孙威 《地理研究》2020,39(12):2763-2778
价值链的空间重组正在深刻的改变着城市体系的经济景观,建立在价值链分工基础上的城市功能结构的研究已经成为经济地理学的重要课题。将中国上市公司500强企业网络划分为公司总部、商务服务、研究开发、传统制造、现代制造、物流仓储和批发零售七种类型功能区块,研究了中国城市价值链功能分工及其影响因素。结果发现:沿着价值链的功能分工已经成为中国城市体系经济景观的显著特征,功能多样化城市和功能专业化城市并存于中国城市体系,东部地区和城市密集地区的城市在价值链分工中占据了更好的地位;中国城市按照价值链中的优势功能可以划分为九种类型,少数城市转变为承载公司总部、研究开发、商务服务等多样化功能的高等级中心城市,而大量中小城市则转变为传统制造专业化基地;市场潜力、关键资源、区位条件、营商环境等城市属性特征是城市功能分工的重要影响因素,城市资源、区位可达性等属性特征的增强将提高城市成为总部基地、商务中心和研究基地的概率,而降低城市成为传统制造基地的概率。  相似文献   

This study applies the political ecology perspective in reframing corporate‐community engagement and adapts the community‐directed intervention (CDI) strategy using Global Memorandum of Understanding (GMoU) framework in relation to 30 rural communities that are likely to be affected by gas exploration and production activities in the Niger Delta region. The study draws attention to the indigenous structures and capacities of communities to implement CDI initiatives for possible replication in areas facing similar development challenges. Adopting the CDI framework as represented by the GMoU model could reconfigure social relations of power between companies and communities and fast‐track development and prevent or, at least, reduce corporate‐community tensions and conflicts in the petro‐economy of the Niger Delta.  相似文献   

Analysis of the location of the fastest growing private companies in the United States suggests that a new corporate landscape is emerging. During the 1980s this corporate landscape has increasingly been dominated by companies in the service sector rather than in manufacturing. Sunbelt metropolises, especially in California, are more favored locations for the fast-growth firms than for the traditional Fortune 500 industrial and 500 service corporations. The fast-growth firms are also more likely to locate in suburban areas than the traditional corporations. These service, Sunbelt, and suburban characteristics of the new corporate landscape are interpreted as a consequence of the restructuring of the US economy.  相似文献   

This research aims to evaluate the geographical knowledge of nine teachers in the region of Valparaiso, Chile. An interpretive case study was conducted with data collected through classroom observations, interviews, and questionnaires, and these data were then analyzed through triangulation. The findings showed that these teachers, who are the most qualified within the region's context, consider geography to be marginal knowledge in the school curriculum, although they also consider it relevant to the education of their pupils. Both elements provided evidence of the fragility of their geographical knowledge, which fell within a spectrum that combines expert knowledge and lay knowledge.  相似文献   

Climate adaptation policies are meant to reduce the negative consequences of the impacts associated with anthropogenic climate change, and in turn their success often depends on causal relationships within natural and human systems. In this paper, I examine the use of narratives about these causal relationships and explore why narratives with little basis in observation can persist in guiding policy. I examine three case studies, one concerning a narrative of climate impacts, a second concerning the relationship between household wealth and vulnerability, and the third concerning the procedures and needs of policy-makers themselves. In each case, I find that the narrative that was needed to legitimize and continue the resource flow within an existing policy process continued, despite growing empirical and model-driven evidence to suggest that the narrative may not be correct. I compare these stories with theories from sociological and evolutionary theory and suggest the importance of correcting or improving policy processes to avoid this pathology.  相似文献   


This paper is a case study of issues that have frustrated and slowed the development of a geographical information system for automation of topographic information processing within the U.S. Army. The findings, which are universal to all large organizations attempting to develop an initial capability, reinforce the notion that today most problems in the development of geographical information systems are rooted in organizational rather than technological issues. An iterative prototyping approach is suggested as a means of preventing similar situations when introducing such technology into large organizations. This ‘hands-on’ approach allows the organization and the people to adopt and evolve in parallel with the technology and improves the chances for success.  相似文献   

Industrial geographers working from a labour process and organisation of production perspective argue that the production process is being transformed by post Fordism and flexible specialisation. An alternative interpretation is that a shift from just-in-case to Just-in-time systems is taking place. A review of these ideas and case studies of two New Zealand-based manufacturing companies concludes that the shift to just-in-time is the more useful conceptualisation of changing workplace relations. Some directions for geographical research interested in the diffusion and impact of just-in-time methods are outlined.  相似文献   

刘毅 《地理研究》2018,37(8):1477-1484
人地关系是地理学科古老又年轻的话题,其内涵伴随人类社会发展不断丰富,具体表现形式也具有鲜明的时代特性。自吴传钧先生提出人地关系地域系统理论以来,人地关系在学科建设及国家重大发展战略制定研究中发挥着基础科学支撑作用,其作为地理学研究核心的地位逐步被强化。在人地冲突不断加剧的时代背景下,深化对人地关系的系统认知,基于人地关系地域系统理论探讨人地关系动态演进的理论基础,并从综合视角审视新时期中国人地关系的演进过程、核心特征及机制,继而探讨现代人地关系的协调路径。总的来说,人地关系演进的实质是人地要素之间围绕发展空间的博弈过程,新时期中国人地关系演变速度加快,人地要素的相互作用程度不断加深。通过技术进步、增加要素投入和调配资源等方式,中国基本已化解了“以量为主”的第一代人地矛盾,而进入“以质为主”的第二代人地矛盾期。典型表现是,粮食总量不再短缺,但在生产粮食过程中引发的土壤退化和水资源污染等问题加剧;区域性资源不再短缺,但在跨区域开发调配资源过程中引发的生态退化和环境污染等问题凸显。提升人的思想认知和加深对人地关系的综合认知是纠偏人地演进路径的关键。  相似文献   

The corporate policies and worldwide expansion of Esab AB and The Lincoln Electric Company, the world's leading welding companies, are described. The emphasis is on the role of financial resources, executive action, and corporate environment in handling the overcapacity crisis from the late 1970s to the mid 1980s and the deepening globalization thereafter.  相似文献   

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