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Eighty two dinosaur trackways were newly discovered in Upper Cretaceous lacustrine deposits on islands in the vicinity of Yeosu, Korea. Most dinosaur tracks occur in marginal lake deposits with polygonal desiccation cracks. The dinosaur tracks at the Yeosu site include 65 ornithopod trackways, 16 theropod trackways and one sauropod trackway. The prevalence of ornithopod tracks and the limited occurrence of sauropod tracks at the Yeosu site evidently reflect decreased sauropod diversity in the Upper Cretaceous. All ornithopod trackways represent bipeds, and most of the ornithopod tracks are similar to Caririchnium from other sites of the Korean peninsula. All fossil wood specimens collected in the study area represent conifers (three species of cupressaceous and two species of taxodiaceous conifers, and a new species) except for one, which is a discotyledon. It is thus inferred that the southwestern part of the Korean Peninsula was primarily covered with mesic forests with taxodiaceous trees during the Late Cretaceous. The K–Ar age of the Yeosu tracksite is determined as 81–65 Ma (Camapnian to Maastrichtian). It indicates that the Yeosu track site contains the last records of dinosaurs living in Asia. Consequently, semi-arid palaeoclimatic conditions, together with a large lake as a persistent water source and rich vegetation of gymnosperm trees as food, resulted in the preservation of abundant dinosaur tracks in the Upper Cretaceous on the Korean Peninsula.  相似文献   

A continent-oceanic island arc collision model was proposed as a new geodynamic scenario for the evolution of the Cretaceous Central Anatolian granitoids in the Central Anatolian crystalline complex (CACC) by Boztug et al. (2007b) [Boztug, D., Tichomirowa, M., Bombach, K., 2007b. 207Pb–206Pb single-zircon evaporation ages of some granitoid rocks reveal continent-oceanic island arc collision during the Cretaceous geodynamic evolution of the central Anatolian crust, Turkey. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 31, 71–86]. The key aspects of this model include an intra-oceanic subduction in the Neotethyan Izmir-Ankara Ocean, formation of an island arc and its subsequent collision with the northern margin of the Tauride–Anatolide Platform. The identical scenario was initially proposed by Göncüoglu et al. (1992) [Göncüoglu, M.C., Erler, A., Toprak, V., Yalınız, K., Olgun, E., Rojay, B., 1992. Geology of the western Central Anatolian Massif, Part II: Central Areas. TPAO Report No: 3155, 76 p] . Moreover, the weighted mean values of the reported 207Pb–206Pb single-zircon evaporation ages by Boztug et al. (2007b) [Boztug, D., Tichomirowa, M., Bombach, K., 2007b. 207Pb–206Pb single-zircon evaporation ages of some granitoid rocks reveal continent-oceanic island arc collision during the Cretaceous geodynamic evolution of the central Anatolian crust: Turkey. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 31, 71–86] from A-type granitoids in the CACC seem to be miscalculated and contrast with the field data.  相似文献   

The depositional environments and bivalve assemblages are determined for the Upper Cretaceous Hinoshima Formation of the Himenoura Group, Kamishima, Amakusa Islands, Kyushu, Japan. The Hinoshima Formation is characterized by a thick transgressive succession that varies from incised-valley-fill deposits to submarine slope deposits with high aggradation rates of depositional systems. The incised valley is filled with fluvial, bayhead delta, brackish-water estuary, and marine embayment deposits, and is overlain by thick slope deposits.Shallow marine bivalves are grouped into five fossil assemblages according to species composition: Glycymeris amakusensis (foreset beds of a bayhead delta), Nippononectes tamurai (foreset beds of a bayhead delta), Ezonuculana mactraeformisNucula formosa (central bay), Glycymeris amakusensisApiotrigonia minor (slope), and Inoceramus higoensisParvamussium yubarensis (slope). These bivalve assemblages all represent autochthonous and parautochthonous conditions except for a Glycymeris amakusensisApiotrigonia minor assemblage found in debris flow and slump deposits. The life habitats of these bivalves and the compositions of the assemblages are discussed in terms of the ecological history of fossil bivalves of the mid- to Late Cretaceous.  相似文献   

Sixteen selected samples from the Upper Cretaceous volcanic belt of the Eastern Pontids have been analysed for major elements, Rb, Sr and Zr. On the basis of the K2O versus SiO2 distribution, two groups of rocks have been distinguished, one with calc-alkaline affinity and a second group with shoshonitic character. The calc-alkaline rocks have porphyritic texture with clinopyroxene, plagioclase and orthopyroxene as phenocryst and in the groundmass. The orthopyroxene is lacking in the shoshonites where plagioclase, clinopyroxene and, in the more evolved terms, amphibole and biotite are the main phenocryst minerals. The shoshonitic rocks have higher K2ONa2O ratio, K2O, P2O5 and Rb, contents with respect to the calc-alkaline samples. The TiO2 content is invariably low, never exceeding approximately 1%. The occurrence of volcanic rocks ranging in composition from calc-alkaline to shoshonitic in the Upper Cretaceous volcanic belt of the Eastern Pontids suggests that the Upper Cretaceous volcanic cycle reached its mature stage before the onset of the Eocene calc-alkaline volcanism which is believed to be neither genetically nor tectonically related with the Upper Cretaceous volcanism.  相似文献   

The SE-Brazil passive continental margin is characterized by tholeiitic magmatism that is particularly widespread in the marginal Campos basin, facing the inland flood basalts of the adjacent Paranà basin. Campos magmatism is represented by Early Cretaceous (EC; 134–122 Ma) flood basalts and minor Upper Cretaceous-Early Tertiary basalt flows and intrusives, which were emplaced in a basin with attenuated crustal thickness (20 km). Petrography, mineral chemistry, wholerock geochemistry and Sr–Nd isotope composition emphasize that the EC-Campos basalts have suffered extensive seawater interaction which caused enrichment in MgO, FeO total, K2O, Rb and Ba, and depletion in SiO2 and CaO, while Zr, Nb, Y and REE remained virtually constant in samples with loss-on-ignition values less than 4 wt%. In general, Campos basalts have bulkrock chemistry similar to those of the inland Parana tholeiites (140–130 Ma) with relatively low concentrations of incompatible elements and TiO2 (<2 wt%). Batch-melting calculations suggest that Campos basalt genesis requires a garnet-peridotite source and variable degree of melting (9–25%) in order to explain the rare-earth-element (REE) patterns with chondrite normalised La/Yb(N) ratio ranging from 0.9–1.0 to 4.4–7.1. The Sr–Nd isotopic data for the slightly altered Campos basalts, of both Early Cretaceous and Upper Cretaceous-Early Tertiary age, plot close to bulk earth, or in the enriched quadrant of the mantle array. Inter-element (La, Zr, Nb, Ba) ratios preclude for the Campos (and Paranà) basalt genesis any significant participation of N-type (Zr/Nb>16) MORB (mid-ocean-ridge basalt) mantle in simple binary mixing models. On the whole, the Early Cretaceous Campos basalts appear as an easterly, younger extension of the northern Paranà volcanism and probably erupted during early stages of the major riftingprocesses which caused continental thinning. It is notable that in the Campos marginal basin both the basalt magmatism contemporaneous with the continental break-up, as well as that which occurred after the S. America-Africa separation, appears substantially related to subcontinental lithosphere and a Dupal-like OIB (ocean-island basalt) (e.g. Tristan da Cunha) source components.  相似文献   

《International Geology Review》2012,54(13):1602-1629
Widespread Cretaceous volcanic basins are common in eastern South China and are crucial to understanding how the Circum-Pacific and Tethyan plate boundaries evolved and interacted with one another in controlling the tectonic evolution of South China. Lithostratigraphic units in these basins are grouped, in ascending order, into the Early Cretaceous volcanic suite (K1V), the Yongkang Group (K1-2), and the Jinqu Group (K2). SHRIMP U-Pb zircon geochronological results indicate that (1) the Early Cretaceous volcanic suite (K1V) erupted at 136–129 Ma, (2) the Yongkang Group (K1-2) was deposited from 129 Ma to 91 Ma, and (3) the deposition of the Jinqu Group (K2) post-dated 91 Ma. Structural analyses of fault-slip data from these rock units delineate a four-stage tectonic evolution of the basins during Cretaceous to Palaeogene time. The first stage (Early to middle Cretaceous time, 136–91 Ma) was dominated by NW–SE extension, as manifested by voluminous volcanism, initial opening of NE-trending basins, and deposition of the Yongkang Group. This extension was followed during Late Cretaceous time by NW–SE compression that inverted previous rift basins. During the third stage in Late Cretaceous time, possibly since 78.5 Ma, the tectonic stress changed to N–S extension, which led to basin opening and deposition of the Jinqu Group along E-trending faults. This extension probably lasted until early Palaeogene time and was terminated by the latest NE–SW compressional deformation that caused basin inversion again. Geodynamically, the NW–SE-oriented stress fields were associated with plate kinematics along the Circum-Pacific plate boundary, and the extension–compression alternation is interpreted as resulting from variations of the subducted slab dynamics. A drastic change in the tectonic stress field from NW–SE to N–S implies that the Pacific subduction-dominated back-arc extension and shortening were completed in the Late Cretaceous, and simultaneously, that Neo-Tethyan subduction became dominant and exerted a new force on South China. The ongoing Neo-Tethyan subduction might provide plausible geodynamic interpretations for the Late Cretaceous N–S extension-dominated basin rifting, and the subsequent Cenozoic India–Asia collision might explain the early Palaeogene NE–SW compression-dominated basin inversion.  相似文献   

The platform limestones of Apulia (Italy) outcropping in the Gargano peninsula have been restudied. Paleomagnetic research has been carried out on Upper Cretaceous, Lower Cretaceous and Jurassic rocks. Despite the low intensities of the NRM (10–100 μA/m), all samples (268) could be cleaned by stepwise A.F. and/or thermal demagnetization treatments. NRM directions could be determined accurately and reproducibly for 85% of the samples, using a ScT cryogenic magnetometer and double precision measuring procedures. NRM of the Jurassic limestone is carried by secondary haematite and the results are therefore rejected from further consideration. The Upper and Lower Cretaceous limestones have an NRM carried by magnetite. Minor bedding tilt corrections improve the grouping of the site-mean results. The Upper Cretaceous “Scaglia” limestone (Turonian-Senonian) reveals a characteristic mean direction of decl. = 327.7°, incl. = 38.2°, α95 = 4.3° (21 sites), while the Lower Cretaceous “Maiolica” limestone (Neocomian-Aptian/Albian) reveals a characteristic mean direction of decl. = 303.1°, incl. = 35.1°, α95 = 8.7° (8 sites). The Cretaceous results show a post-Aptian/Albian counterclockwise rotation of about 25°, which is expressed by the smeared distribution of the Late Cretaceous site-mean results and a post-Senonian (i.e. Tertiary) counterclockwise rotation of the same amount with respect to the pole. These results are in excellent agreement with contemporaneous paleomagnetic results from other peri-Adriatic regions. A Tertiary counterclockwise rotation of all the stable Adriatic block is strongly supported by the new results.  相似文献   

Palaeotemperatures during the late Barremian–early Aptian (Early Cretaceous) on the Russian Platform have been determined on the basis of oxygen isotope analysis of aragonitic bivalve molluscan and ammonoid shells and belemnite rostra with well-preserved microstructure from the Ulyanovsk area. Those obtained from the planispiral and heteromorph ammonoid shells from the lower Aptian Volgensis–Schilovkensis, Deshayesi–Tuberculatum, and Deshayesi–Renauxianum zones range from 26.7 to 33.2 °C, from 29.2 to 33.1 °C, and from 27.0 to 29.5 °C, respectively. A heteromorph Helicancylus? cf. philadelphius shell from the uppermost lower Aptian Bowerbanki Zone was secreted in highest temperature conditions (32.8–35.2 °C). In contrast, upper Barremian molluscs (bivalve Cyprina sp. and belemnite Oxyteuthis sp.) of the Ulyanovsk area show significantly lower palaeotemperatures: 16.9–18.5 °C and 7.9–17.8 °C, respectively, which is in accordance with known palaeogeographic and palaeobotanical evidences, showing that a distinct climatic optimum seems to have occurred during the late early Aptian, when warm Tethyan water penetrated into the basin. Marked changes in calculated growth temperatures for investigated molluscs from the Russian Platform were most likely connected with both the general warming trend during the late Barremian–early Aptian and local palaeonvironmental conditions. New data from the Bowerbanki Zone of the Russian Platform provide evidence on existence of the positive carbon isotope anomaly (2.4–6‰) at the end of the lower Aptian. There were apparently the three positive C-isotope anomalies during the late Barremian–early Aptian. The onset of mid early Aptian Oceanic Anoxic Event (OAE) 1a seems to coincide with both the beginning of significant warm conditions (followed by short-term cooling) and the abrupt decline in heavy carbon isotope concentrations in marine carbonates, which partly were the likely consequences of the intensive release of CO2 (biased by volcanic activity) and/or dissociation of methane gas hydrate.  相似文献   

In eastern Heilongjiang, the Upper Jurassic is marine and restricted to the Suibin and Dong’an areas, where it is characterized faunally by Callovian–Volgian (Tithonian) bivalves and florally by dinoflagellates. The Lower Cretaceous is widely distributed in eastern Heilongjiang, and characterized faunally by Berriasian–Valanginian bivalves, Barremian–Albian ammonites and Aucellina, and florally by dinoflagellates. To the west, the marine facies grade into non-marine beds. Thus, in the east, for example in the Dong’an and Dajiashan areas, near the northwestern Palaeo-Pacific, the Lower Cretaceous is marine; westward, in the Yunshan, Longzhaogou, Peide, and Zhushan areas, marine and non-marine deposits alternate, whereas further west still, e.g. in the Jixi Basin, non-marine facies are intercalated with marine beds. This regional distribution is indicative of a large, shallow embayment opening eastwards to the Palaeo-Pacific; during the Early Cretaceous successive transgressive-regressive events influenced the climate and biota of eastern Heilongjiang and northeastern China. Many of the Lower Cretaceous sections contain abundant coals, demonstrating that in this region the Early Cretaceous was an important coal-forming period. Some non-marine bivalve species are common to the Lower Cretaceous Jixi Group of eastern Heilongjiang, the Jehol Group of western Liaoning and the Transbaikalian Group of Siberia, suggesting that these groups are of comparable Early Cretaceous age.  相似文献   

The composition and metallogeny of igneous rocks and relevant weathering crusts of Jurassic–Cretaceous provenances of the Russian Platform are considered. It is shown that the association of metals that accumulated in the process of weathering and erosion of ancient substratum includes P, Fe, Ti, V, and Cr. This process is reflected in the formation of nodular phosphorites, Ti and Zr placers, and iron ore deposits in the Jurassic–Cretaceous seas of the platform.  相似文献   

Cretaceous bakevelliids in Argentina are restricted to the Lower Cretaceous. They are recorded in shallow marine deposits in two Mesozoic basins located in the Andes foothills in Patagonia. In the Austral Basin (44°–55°S) there is only one genus, Gervillella, represented by a single specimen from the Barremian. In the Neuquén Basin (30°–40°S) two genera, Gervillaria and Gervillella, occur, ranging from the Berriasian to the Lower Barremian. In the Pilmatué Member of the Agrio Formation two species are identified: Gervillaria alatior (Imlay) and Gervillella aviculoides (J. Sowerby). The former is also recorded in Mexico while the latter is more widespread, occurring in Europe, Asia, and Africa. In the Bajada del Agrio section they come from eight tabular shell beds located near and on top of shallowing-upwards cycles. They were abundant only in four of these levels. These shell beds are interpreted as having been deposited in the mid-ramp (middle of cycles), and upper mid-ramp (top of cycles). A functional analysis of shells revealed two life habits: epibyssate and endobyssate.  相似文献   

This investigation continues the study of the Alan-Kyr reference section (Central Crimea, Belogorsk Region). The zoned age difference in the stratigraphic scheme of the Upper Cretaceous in the Eastern European Platform is considered according to benthic and planktonic foraminifers, as well as radiolarians in the Alan-Kyr section. This fact can be explained based on the suggestion that stratigraphically important taxa could have appeared in Crimea several million years earlier than on the platform, where they could migrate under the great global eustatic transgression in the Early Campanian. We also considered the influence of paleobiogeographic conditions on the taxonomic composition of the zoned foraminifer complexes, both benthic and planktonic.  相似文献   

Ferroalloy, base-metal and precious-metal deposits in or around the Gyeongsang Basin, which is located in the Cretaceous volcano-sedimentary terrain at the southeastern Korea, displays a genetic relationship with subvolcanic activities of Late Cretaceous to Tertiary age. Diverse mineralization, which occurs as vein, breccia-pipe, porphyry-style and skarn deposits, took place from 108 to 45 Ma that overlapped with polyphase episodes of igneous activity. Based on the mineralogy, host rock, fluid inclusion and stable isotope data of the deposits, the systematic variation of physicochemical conditions is thought to be due to their relative positions with respect to a magma source that is genetically related to a low to intermediate-sulfidation porphyry system. There appears to be a systematic decrease towards δ18OH2O values from copper (-gold) and ferroalloy deposits through polymetallic to precious-metal ones. However, Cu (-Au) or Fe–Mo–W deposits are proximal to a magmatic source, whereas polymetallic or precious-metal deposits are more distal to transitional.  相似文献   

A paleomagnetic study of platform-facies carbonate rocks of the mid-Cretaceous Morelos Formation and deep-water carbonate rocks of the overlying Upper Cretaceous Mezcala Formation, sampled at Zopilote canyon, in Guerrero State, southern Mexico, indicates that their characteristic magnetization was acquired contemporaneously with folding of these rocks during the Late Cretaceous Laramide orogeny. The remanence carrier is interpreted to be magnetite, although other mineral phases of high coercivity carry recent secondary overprints. The overall mean is of Dec=323.1° and Inc=36.5° (k=162.7; α95=2.7°; N=18 sites; 64% unfolding). Comparison with the North America reference direction indicates that this area has experienced a small, yet statistically significant, counterclockwise direction of 19.2±4.0°. Similar rotations are documented in other localities from southern Mexico; rotations are linked to mid-Tertiary deformation associated with the left-lateral strike-slip fault system that accommodated motion of the Chortis and Xolapa blocks.  相似文献   

Paleomagnetic and plate tectonic constraints on the movement of Tibet   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The paleomagnetic results from Tibet, north of the Yarlung-Zang bo suture zone, show that Tibet was at about 15°–20°N in Middle Cretaceous time. It then moved south down to 7°–10°N in the Late Cretaceous-Paleogene. The oceanic crust of the Xigaze ophiolites was magnetized at 13°N but thereafter migrated further south. This movement is compared with the relative movement of India and Asia as deduced from magnetic anomalies and paleomagnetism. Experimental models on deformation help us to explain how Tibet moved during the Late Cretaceous under the constraint of the Africa-Arabia indenter and during the Upper Tertiary under the constraint of the Indian indenter.  相似文献   

The definition and inventory of the upper units of the Antalya Nappes or “Calcareous Antalya Nappes” (CAN) are still a matter of controversies and often conflicting interpretations. In the Gedeller type locality, we logged a new succession that sheds light on the detailed stratigraphy of the Upper Antalya Nappes. The lower part of the series corresponds to the uppermost part of the Kemer Gorge Nappe and is overthrust by the Ordovician Seydişehir Formation of the Tahtalı Dağ Nappe. The newly described Gedeller Formation belongs to the Kemer Gorge Nappe and is represented by Campanian (Upper Cretaceous) Scaglia-type pelagic limestones, which yielded radiolarians of the Amphipyndax pseudoconulus Zone. It is demonstrated that the “Calcareous Antalya Nappes” are composed of three different nappes, the Kemer Gorge, Bakırlı and the Tahtalı Dağ nappes, all of them belonging to the Upper Antalya Nappes system.  相似文献   

An almost complete Upper Cretaceous sedimentary sequence recently recovered on the Kerguelen Plateau (southern Indian Ocean) during ODP Leg 183 was analysed for planktonic foraminifera in order to refine and integrate the zonal schemes previously proposed for the Southern Ocean area. Detailed biostratigraphic analysis carried out on holes 1135A, 1136A and 1138A (poleward of 50°S palaeolatitude during Late Cretaceous time) has allowed recognition of low and mid–high latitude bioevents, useful for correlation across latitudes, in addition to known Austral bioevents. The low latitude biozonation can be applied to Turonian sediments, because of the occurrence of Helvetoglobotruncana helvetica, which marks the boundary between Whiteinella archaeocretacea and Helvetoglobotruncana helvetica zones. The base of the Whiteinella archeocretacea Zone falls within the uppermost Cenomanian–Turonian black shale level in Hole 1138A. The stratigraphic interval from upper Turonian to uppermost Santonian can be resolved using bioevents recognized in the mid–high latitude sections. They are, in stratigraphic order: the last occurrence of Falsotruncana maslakovae in the Coniacian, the first occurrence of Heterohelix papula at the Coniacian/Santonian boundary, the extinction of the marginotruncanids in the late Santonian, and the first occurrence of Globigerinelloides impensus in the latest (?) Santonian. The remainder of the Late Cretaceous fits rather well in the Austral zonal scheme, except that Globigerinelloides impensus exhibits a stratigraphic range in agreement with its record at the mid–high latitude sections and extends further downwards than previously recorded at southern sites. Therefore, despite the poor recovery in certain intervals and the presence of several hiatuses of local and regional importance as revealed by correlation among holes, a more detailed zonal scheme has been obtained (mainly for the less resolved Turonian–Santonian interval). Remarks on some species often overlooked in literature are also provided.  相似文献   

A palaeo- and rock-magnetic study was carried out on the Jurassic–Cretaceous Guaniguanico Cordillera (15 sites, 112 oriented cores) in order to define a preliminary magnetostratigraphy and to obtain some constraints on the tectonic evolution of western Cuba. Rock-magnetic experiments indicate Ti-poor titanomagnetites as principal remanence carriers. Two magnetic phases seem to be present in a few samples: some spinels, which saturate at moderate magnetic fields and goethite, with higher coercivity. The presence of hematite (or mixture of spinels and hematite) is apparent in two units. In most cases the characteristic palaeodirections could be determined above 300°C. Eleven sites yield normal magnetic polarity and four reverse. The polarity zones can be tentatively correlated to chrons CM29–C24 in the reference geomagnetic polarity time scale. The mean palaeodirection calculated from all sites is Dm=335.7°, Im=43.1°, K=11, α95=12.3 and N=15. The corresponding palaeopole is Plat=66.4°, Plong=205.8°, K=13, and A95=11.1. This pole is not significantly different from North American Jurassic–Cretaceous poles. This suggests that no major latitudinal displacements and deformation have occurred since the Jurassic, in contrast to some previously proposed tectonic models.  相似文献   

Formation of Mesozoic western China, which was dominated by tectonic amalgamation along its southern margin and associated intracontinental tectonisms, holds a key for interpreting the succedent Cenozoic evolution. This paper presents new data including lithology, sedimentary facies, stratigraphic contact, seismic interpretation and paleo-structures within the Upper Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous strata in the northern Qaidam Basin, NW China. These data all account for a contractional tectonic deformation in the earliest Cretaceous. The South Qilian Shan, according to the sedimentary features and provenance analysis, reactivated and exhumated during the deformation, controlling the deposition of the Lower Cretaceous sequences. A simplified model for the Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous paleogeography and tectonics of the northern Qaidam Basin is accordingly proposed. The results also support a ∼25° clockwise rotation of the Qaidam Basin since the Early Cretaceous and a more accurate Mesozoic evolution process for the basin. This earliest Cretaceous deformation, associated with the reactivation of the South Qilian Shan at the time, are part of the intracontinental tectonisms in central Asia during the Mesozoic, and probably driven by both the closure of the Mongol-Okhostk Ocean to the north and the collision of the Lhasa and the Qiangtang blocks to the south.  相似文献   

The Francisco I. Madero deposit, central Mexico, occurs in the Mesozoic Guerrero Terrane, which hosts many ore deposits, both Cretaceous (volcanogenic massive sulfides) and Tertiary (epithermal and skarn deposits). It is hosted by a 600 m-thick calcareous-pelitic unit, of Lower Cretaceous age, crosscut by porphyritic dikes that strike NW–SE. A thick felsic volcanic Tertiary sequence, consisting of andesites and rhyolitic ignimbrites, unconformably overlies the Cretaceous series. At the base, the mineralization consists of several mantos developed within calcareous beds. They are dominantly composed of sphalerite, pyrrhotite and pyrite with minor chalcopyrite, arsenopyrite and galena. At the top of the orebody, there are calcic skarns formed through prograde and retrograde stages. The resulting mineral assemblages are rich in manganoan hedenbergite (Hd75–28Di40–4Jh40–20), andraditic garnets (Adr100–62Grs38–0), epidote (Ep95–36Czo60–5Pie8–0), chamosite, calcite and quartz. The temperature of ore deposition, estimated by chlorite and arsenopyrite geothermometry, ranges from 243° to 277 °C and from 300° to 340 °C, respectively. The pressure estimated from sphalerite geobarometry averages 2.1 kbar. This value corresponds to a moderately deep skarn and agrees with the high Cu content of the deposit. Paragenesis, PT conditions and geological characteristics are compatible with a distal, dike-related, Zn skarn deposit. Its style of mineralization is similar to that of many high-temperature carbonate replacement skarn deposits in the Southern Cordillera.  相似文献   

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