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对于用四脚锥体作护面的斜坡式防波堤进行了不规则波与规则波的对比试验。试验结果表明规则渡的等值波高应为有效渡高的1.24倍。此外,在本文中还探讨了入、反射波分离的方法,波浪周期对块体稳定性的影响以及堤体的反射率等问题。  相似文献   

结合物理模型试验,分析斜坡坡度、波陡、相对水深、护面类型和破波参数等因素对堆石防波堤不规则波浪反射系数的影响规律。将常用的Van der Meer公式,Seelig公式,Postma公式和Davison公式计算值和实测值进行比较,并结合试验数据,基于有效波高和平均周期定义的Iribarren数,得出堆石防波堤不规则波浪反射系数经验公式。结果表明,该公式能较好地计算不规则波作用下块石和扭王块体护面堆石防波堤波浪反射系数。  相似文献   

船舶大型化的趋势导致港口设施向深水发展。而对于深水防波堤,在较大设计波浪作用下,护面块体和垫层块石的重量往往超出现行技术规范的要求,针对大型天然块石垫层选料和施工困难,大量的开山选石损害自然环境等问题,本文总结了国内外人工块体的研究成果,阐明了人工块体垫层代替大型块石垫层的可行性,遴选了3种类型人工块体作为垫层,进行护面块体稳定性试验,经对比分析得出扭王字护面下带槽方块垫层的新结构,并确定其重量比值关系对护面稳定性的影响;对比传统垫层块石,给出遴选人工块体垫层的K_D值、堤前反射系数经验公式及波浪爬高糙渗系数推荐值。通过物理模型试验证明了深水斜坡防波堤通过采用人工垫层块体代替大型天然垫层块石的方法是可行的,为港口工程技术规范的修订提供了参考。  相似文献   

试验研究表明 ,不规则波对斜坡堤护脚棱体稳定性的威胁大于波高对应于Hs 的规则波 ,斜坡堤护面形式对护脚块石的稳定也有影响。Gerding公式虽然准确地描述了棱体在波浪作用下的稳定性规律 ,但由于护面糙率、透水率等因素的影响在工程上应用仍需进一步修正。文章指出在中低水位 ,Gerding公式计算的护脚棱体稳定重量有可能偏小 ,并给出了不同类型护面下护脚棱体稳定计算的修正系数  相似文献   

本文主要探讨波高和堤顶水深变化对潜堤胸墙波压力和护面块体稳定性的影响。以长江口为研究背景,测试潜堤胸墙波压力和块体稳定性,得到波高和堤顶水深变化使潜堤胸墙和块体稳定最不利水位确定方法,并得到潜堤胸墙波压力计算方法及钩连块体在潜堤情况下的稳定系数,为今后潜堤胸墙设计和钩连块体重量确定提供参考。  相似文献   

首先应确定海区的最大波高H_(max),按经验累积频率H_(max)=H_0.2%~H_0.5%或者采用H_(max)=(1.61~1.76)H_1/3。根据斜坡堤护面块体的吸波系数K_a确定斜坡堤的设计波高H_D=H_1/10=K_aH_(max)。根据浅水区波高易于破碎,可以按波高周期的联合分布求出波能量的最优比值E_r,进行摸拟试验或数值计算作斜坡堤设计的依据。  相似文献   

宽肩台式无人工护面块体的抛石防波堤是一种新型结构的斜坡堤,它是靠在波浪长期作用下最终形成的动力平衡断面来防浪的。大连北良粮食中转港系银行贷款建设的项目,该港的防波堤采用了宽肩台式结构,这在我国尚属首例。本文为该港宽肩台式防波堤设计方案稳定性的试验研究成果。  相似文献   

为确保2008北京奥运会青岛帆船比赛基地内工程的水工建筑物安全可靠,对给定的2种防波堤断面结构型式及护面块体稳定性进行物理模型试验。准确掌握在极端高水位、设计高水位、设计低水位和极端低水位时.SW向、25a和50a一遇波浪作用下,试验断面所承受的波浪作用力,及SE向50a一遇波浪作用下块体的稳定重量。并绘制各工况1%峰值波压力分布图,得出断面波压力的分布规律。对断面结构和护面块体稳定性进行分析。  相似文献   

近年来,军队和地方港口建设中,在一些水深达20 m的水域,选择了造价相对较高、但安全性和耐久性较好的斜坡式结构防波堤。但在确定护面块体稳定重量时却发现,按照相关规范计算的重量值偏小,不能满足安全性的要求。结合某船厂防波堤的断面物模试验,对大水深的斜坡堤护面块体的稳定性进行了初步分析,发现在该试验中块体的临界重量为8.15 t。并提出在计算块体稳定重量时应考虑水深的影响,适当降低块体稳定系数的取值。  相似文献   

李绍武  王家汉  柳叶 《海洋工程》2022,40(2):1-14,66
利用基于光滑粒子流体动力学(SPH)数值方法的开源软件DualSPHysics进行数值试验,模拟斜坡式防波堤上扭王字护面块体的安放过程,研究护面块体的稳定性。首先以DualSPHysics为平台开发了护面块体的安放功能模块,并对护面块体的安放效果进行评价,实现了按指定安放密度进行块体安放。块体安放完成后,在数值波浪水槽中研究护面块体在规则波作用下的运动及受力响应,并分析护面块体失稳的典型形式和失稳标准,通过系统化的参数分析,探讨波浪要素及块体安放等因素对块体稳定性的影响。结果表明,扭王字块体稳定性系数的取值范围为21.64~26.20,是规范推荐值的1.5倍左右。块体鼻轴方向的相对位置主要影响单个块体的上举脱出失稳,鼻轴方向在坡面上赤平投影图越分散,护面块体层整体上越稳定。坡面坡度变缓时,护面块体层整体下滑趋势减弱,但更易发生上举脱出失稳;单个块体缺失会加大周围块体的上举失稳概率。  相似文献   

《Ocean Engineering》2004,31(11-12):1577-1589
The basic principle involved in the design of S-shaped breakwater is the provision of a wide berm at or around the water level with smaller size armor stones than that used in conventional design, which are allowed to reshape till an equilibrium slope is achieved. An attempt is made to assess the influence of wave height, wave period, and berm width on the stability of S-shaped breakwater with reduced (30% reduction in armor stone weight) armor unit weight. From the investigation, it is found that the berm breakwater with 30% reduced armor weight would be stable for the design wave height if the berm width is 60 cm and wave period 1.2 s. For higher wave periods studied, zero damage wave height reduces by 20–40% of the design wave height. Wave period has large influence on the stability of berm breakwaters. The runup increases with decrease in weight up to Wo/W=0.9.  相似文献   

Berms deployed at the toe of conventional rubble mound breakwaters can be very effective in improving the stability of the armor layer. Indeed, their design is commonly tackled by paying attention to armor elements dimensioning. Past research studies showed how submerged berms can increase the stability of the armor layer if compared to straight sloped conventional breakwaters without a berm. To fill the gap of knowledge related to the interaction between breakwaters with submerged berm, waves and soil, this research aims to evaluate how submerged berms configuration influences the seabed soil response and momentary liquefaction occurrences around and beneath breakwaters foundation, under dynamic wave loading. The effects of submerged berms on the incident waves transformation have been evaluated by means of a phase resolving numerical model for simulating non-hydrostatic, free-surface, rotational flows. The soil response to wave-induced seabed pressures has been evaluated by using an ad-hoc anisotropic poro-elastic soil solver. Once the evaluation of the seabed consolidation state due to the presence of the breakwater has been performed, the dynamic interaction among water waves, soil and structure has been analyzed by using a one-way coupling boundary condition. A parametric study has been carried out by varying the berm configuration (i.e. its height and its length), keeping constant the offshore regular wave condition, the berm and armor layer porosity values, the water depth and the elastic properties of the soil. Results indicate that the presence of submerged berms tends to mitigate the liquefaction probability if compared to straight sloped conventional breakwater without a berm. In addition, it appears that the momentary liquefaction phenomena are more influenced by changing the berm length rather than the berm height.  相似文献   

护面是海堤和护岸的重要结构,直接抵御波浪作用,可采用人工块体、块石等,种类繁多。采用紧密排列方块石作为护面结构是一种景观性较好的型式,依据方块石厚度不同能抵御不同大小的波浪作用。干砌条石及干砌块石护面曾有一些规范给出过计算方法,但现行规范没有相关内容可供设计参考,已有计算方法的理论分析还存在不足。当波浪与斜坡堤相互作用时,方块石护面出现位移或脱落可能发生在波浪回落最低阶段、波浪破碎打击阶段及破后爬高水流作用阶段,通过研究得到了不同阶段波浪对方块石护面作用力的计算方法。在波浪回落最低阶段,考虑了护面及其下方垫层渗透性影响,通过理论分析建立了低渗透护面浮托压强计算模型,采用物模试验将计算结果与试验测量值进行了对比分析,结果表明总体趋势符合,量值接近;在波浪破碎冲击阶段,基于射流冲击作用原理,提出了波浪在斜坡面破碎冲击压强计算方法,通过试验分析了波浪破碎水深波高比与破波相似参数的关系,利用浅水波理论计算了波浪破碎冲击水流流速;在爬高水流作用阶段,提出了水流引起的方块石护面垂直浮托力及水平拖曳力的计算方法,通过试验结果拟合了浮托力系数和拖曳力系数,验证了水流作用下护面的受力特征。最后,针对方块...  相似文献   

通过实地调研,结合历史记录资料,初步研究了风暴潮对广东省沿海港航设施的影响状况和特点,提出了相应的防护措施。研究发现,广东省沿海港口设施受风暴潮影响的主要特点为防波堤受损最为严重,施工期受风暴潮影响损坏普遍存在,码头护岸受损较普遍,大型码头结构受损较少,中、小型码头结构特别是渔港结构受损较多。损坏成因主要包括波浪基础资料不足、设计波浪偏低、护面块体偏小等。从技术、工程和管理三个方面提出了防护措施。技术措施主要为加强波浪观测和科学研究;改进设计波浪推算方法。工程措施包括适当提高设计波浪标准;适当提高护面块体标准;优化平面布置,缩短无防护施工期;设立安全岛和避险安全区;加强对已建港航设施的现状调查、复核和分析,采取针对性的加固措施等。管理措施包括设立沿海港口风暴潮预警预报系统;编制风暴潮应急预案;加强港航设施的维护等。  相似文献   

扭王字块体护面斜坡堤越浪量试验研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
针对现行规范中缺少扭王字块体护面斜坡堤越浪量的计算方法,考虑波陡、相对水深、相对堤顶超高、相对坡肩宽度、相对胸墙高度和相对块体尺寸等影响因素,通过波浪水槽物模试验,运用多元回归方法,给出了扭王字块体斜坡堤越浪量中护面结构影响系数和平均越浪量的计算公式。与试验值和其它计算公式进行了验证对比,结果基本吻合,具有一致性的规律。研究成果丰富了规范内容,对斜坡堤工程设计具有重要参考意义。  相似文献   

斜坡堤典型胸墙波浪力的影响因素   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
李雪艳  付聪  范庆来  王岗 《海洋科学》2015,39(12):118-129
为探求斜坡堤典型胸墙迎浪面所受波浪力大小的影响因素,设计前仰式、深弧式、后仰式和直立式4种结构型式胸墙进行相关的物理模型试验。通过在典型胸墙迎浪面间隔布置压力测点,获取所受波浪压力,并将其进行积分求和,得到胸墙所受波浪力,进而讨论相对波高、相对波长、斜坡坡度和胸墙结构型式对波浪力的影响。结果表明,相对波高与相对波长对胸墙所受波浪力影响显著;波浪力随着相对波高的增大而增大,随着相对波长的增大呈现先增大、后减小、再增大的变化趋势;波浪力随着斜坡坡度的增大而减小。斜坡堤弧形胸墙所受波浪力明显大于直立式胸墙所受波浪力;在斜坡堤弧形胸墙中,前仰式胸墙受力较其余两种型式胸墙受力小。研究结果将加深波浪对斜坡堤胸墙作用力的理解,为后续工程设计提供理论指导。  相似文献   

The main idea concerned with the design of berm breakwaters is to construct a less expensive structure with reshaping berm. An experimental study on the front slope stability of homogeneous berm breakwaters has been carried out in a large number of 2D model tests at Tarbiat Modares University. In this paper, the results of this experimental study are presented conjointly with a formula for estimation of berm recession as the most important parameter for describing the reshaping. This includes the influence of wave height and period, storm duration, berm width and elevation variations on the stability of berm breakwater with different armor stone sizes. A total of 222 tests have been performed to cover the impact of these parameters. According to the present research, one can observe that considering different armor stone sizes, berm width is a significant parameter concerning reshaping of a berm breakwater that has not been covered in previous works, so that as the berm width increases the amount of berm recession decreases. To assess the validity of the present formula, comparisons are made between the estimated berm recessions by this formula and formulae given by other researchers, showing that the estimation procedure foretells berm recession well according to the present data. It is observed that the recession estimated by the present formula has comparatively better correlation with the present experimental data, and also with other experimental results within the range of parameters tested.  相似文献   

This paper introduces a new kind of armour block - hexagon multihole block on sloping breakwater. It has great characteristics such as good interlocking, strong resistance against waves and saving concrete. Through the hydraulic model test, the mechanism of stability of the block has been proved and the relations between stability and wave height, wave period, water depth, slope, laying method, porosity and cushion have been found. The effect of weight on steadiness have also been discovered. Finally, the method of design and some formulas are given.  相似文献   

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