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Rapid and high-resolution motion and tension measurements were made of a caged deep-sea remotely operated vehicle (ROV) system. Simultaneous measurements were made of all six components of motion at the cage and ship A-frame and of the tension in the tether at the ship. Data were collected for cage depths of 0–1765 m. The most significant forcing was in the wave-frequency band (0.1–0.25 Hz) and accounted for over 90% of the variance of vertical acceleration. The vertical acceleration of the cage lagged the acceleration of the A-frame by up to 1.9 s and its variance was larger by up to a factor 2.2. For moderate displacements of the A-frame (≤2 m), the system is only weakly non-linear because the harmonics (3rd and 5th) of the vertical acceleration of the cage account for less than 2% of the total variance. The system is essentially one-dimensional because only the vertical motion of the cage and the vertical motion of the A-frame were coherent, while horizontal motions of the cage were weak and incoherent with any component of motion of the A-frame. The natural frequency of the system is 0.22 Hz at 1730 m, and we estimate that it is within the waveband for depths between 1450 m and the full operating depth of 5000 m.Large vertical excursions of the A-frame produce momentary slack in the tether near the cage. Retensioning results in snap loads with vertical accelerations of 0.5 gravity. Large rates of change of tension and vertical acceleration first occur at the cage during its downward motion and propagate to the surface with the characteristic speed (3870 m s−1) of tensile waves for the tether. Six echoes are clearly detectable at both ends of the tether, and their pattern is extremely repeatable in different snap loads. Due to misalignment of the tether termination with the centres of mass and buoyancy, the cage pitches by up 14° during a snap. The resulting small radius of curvature poses the greatest stress on the tether.  相似文献   

Dicopia antirrhinum C. Monniot, 1972 is a rare species of deep-sea ascidian belonging to the Family Octacnemidae, reported at depths of 1000–2500 m in European Atlantic waters. Adult individuals have never been reported before in the Mediterranean Sea, where only seven juvenile specimens were found in 1975 at 500 m water depth in the Central basin (Malta). The affinities of these specimens with D. antirrhinum were noted, but lack of some typical characters of the species in juveniles prevented a definite taxonomical identification. No other member of the Octacnemidae has ever been found in the Mediterranean. In this study we describe the sampling of an adult specimen of D. antirrhinum at around 1100 m water depth on the flank of the La Fonera (Palamós) canyon, Northwestern Mediterranean, confirming their presence in the Mediterranean Sea. We also observed 5 individuals of this species on their natural habitat with a Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV). Our results highlight the potential occurrence of Octacnemidae, the presence of which has been largely overlooked, in several deep-sea canyon areas within the Western Mediterranean basin. These observations are important because they indicate the need for increased sampling effort with new technologies, such as ROVs, in ecologically relevant habitats such as canyons, in order to obtain a more accurate picture of deep-sea biodiversity in the Mediterranean Sea.  相似文献   

深海遥控潜水器多体系统非线性耦合动力特性模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
建立带缆遥控潜水器(TROV)系统空间运动模型,探讨支持船-吊缆-中际站-脐带缆-潜水器多体之间的强非线性耦合运动机理。潜器的运动考虑为六自由度,缆索分段的三维动态方程中采用了"凝集参数"模型与平均切向量非线性流体动力载荷处理技术,通过计算非均匀缆索的动张力和瞬态构型,预报导致脐带缆保护层及其内部光电传输芯线结构破坏的巨大瞬间突变载荷,对避免谐振,延长缆索寿命和最大限度地扩大ROV系统安全操作的范围,确保潜水器安全入坞和回收,节约试验费,避免作业事故都具有重要意义。  相似文献   

This study proposes a method for identification of the nonlinear dynamic model of an AUV while some states are unmeasured; hence, it concentrates on a nonlinear “state and parameter estimation” issue. In this method, a local linearization is used for solving the nonlinear dynamics based on the extended Kalman filter (EKF), and a particle filter (PF) is used to minimize errors and variances of the nonlinear system. In other words, the PF is combined with the EKF in the form of the extended Kalman particle filter (EKPF). The EKPF method is independent of the initial values and satisfies the limits of the parameters and also the assumption that the hydrodynamic coefficients are constant. Hence, it is shown when the ranges or signs of some parameters are known, the EKPF is a more accurate estimator than the EKF. Moreover, a new simulation is done using the model estimated by the EKPF and the results are compared and validated with the measured data of a new experimental test. It is shown that the obtained model can predict the trajectory path with the total normalized root-mean-square error (NRMSE) of 14% and the surge mean speed with the NRMSE of 5%; and it describes the 6DOF motion of the AUV more accurate than the EKF model.  相似文献   

浅海海底管线检测维修潜水器是具有复杂动力特性和作业方式的特种载人潜水器,其作业需配备姿态及航行自动控制系统。为了保证其自动控制系统研制成功,研制了1:8缩尺的自航模作为平台,将实际控制系统方案遵循相似性准则改造为自航模控制系统,包括校正与补偿回路、指令分配器、姿态控制回路、航行控制回路。在海洋工程水池模拟风浪流等海洋环境,进行各种情况下的控制试验,对实现的控制律加以验证和改进,这些改进又按照相似性准则反映到实际控制系统方案的修正中。控制系统的设计方案由此得到全面验证和改善。  相似文献   

田海涛  葛彤 《海洋工程》2004,22(4):80-85
论述了纵倾控制律设计及自航模试验。首先选择一系列深度,对同一深度采用频域校正法单独设计控制律,使之对不同的速度和漂角具有足够的稳态精度和抗干扰性,这些控制律被集成统一为纵倾控制器,并根据潜深变化进行切换,对于其它深度采用同样的方法设计。控制器首先通过计算机仿真,然后进行自航模试验验证。设计的纵倾控制系统同时在其他试验项目中(水下管线跟踪和动力定位)发挥了重要的作用。  相似文献   

The model test method of the FPSO and offloading system is investigated by using the development mode of “FPSO + CALM + TANKER” working in a 1700-m depth of offshore West Africa. An equivalent design based on static and dynamic similarity criteria for oil offloading line (OOL) is discussed, and a type of creative method for the equivalent design of OOL in a model test is proposed. Based on the static similarity criterion, the truncated design of the FPSO mooring system in water depth and horizontal directions is carried out. After that, a relevant static optimization is conducted. Meanwhile, to avoid interference between the FPSO mooring system and CALM mooring system, a horizontal equivalent design for the CALM mooring system is provided. On this basis, the model test scheme is conducted. Time domain coupled analyses for the whole system before and after truncation are later performed. After comparison, it is observed that the calculated results of the truncated system are basically consistent with those of the prototype system, and the design of the model test scheme is demonstrated to be robust and reliable.  相似文献   

海底管线检修潜水器主要依靠管线探测系统给出的管线位置信息完成水下自动跟踪巡线、定位和作业。针对管线探测系统信息不佳甚至丢失问题 ,建立了基于扩展卡尔曼滤波的信息重构算法 ,通过对来自管线探测系统、惯导和GPS系统以及管线位置历史数据库的信息进行融合 ,不仅提高了管线位置信息的稳定性 ,而且可以在管线探测系统信息丢失的情况下短时间内重构管线位置信息 ,供自动控制系统使用。运用该算法进行了计算机仿真和自航模试验 ,试验结果验证了该算法的有效性  相似文献   

This paper presents a theoretic implementation method of Morphing Unmanned Submersible Aerial Vehicle (MUSAV), which can both submerge in the water and fly in the air. Two different shapes are put forward so that the vehicle can suit both submergence and flight, considering the tremendous differences between hydrodynamic configuration and aerodynamic configuration of a vehicle. The transition of the two shapes can be achieved by using morphing technology. The water-to-air process, including water-exit, morphing, take-off and steady flight, is analyzed. The hydrodynamic and aerodynamic model of the vehicle exiting the water surface obliquely and then taking off into the air has been founded. The control strategy after morphing is analyzed and the control method is given. Numerical method is used to validate the motion model of the water-exit process. Results of simulations show the validity of the proposed model and the feasibility of MUSAV in theory.  相似文献   

The abundance and behaviour of fish on and around coral reefs at Twin Mounds and Giant Mounds, carbonate mounds located on the continental shelf off Ireland (600-1100 m), were studied using two Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) dives. We recorded 30 fish taxa on the dives, together with three species of Scleractinia (Lophelia pertusa, Madrepora oculata and Desmophyllum cristagalli) and a diverse range of other corals (Antipatharia, Alcyonacea, and Stylasteridae). Stands of live coral provided the only habitat in which Guttigadus latifrons was observed whereas Neocyttus helgae was found predominantly on structural habitats provided by dead coral. Significantly more fish were found on structurally complex coral rubble habitats than on flatter areas where coral rubble was clogged with sand. The most common species recorded was Lepidion eques (2136 individuals), which always occurred a few cm above bottom and was significantly more active on the reefs than on sedimentary habitats. Synaphobranchus kaupii (1157 indiv.), N. helgae (198 indiv.) and Micromesistius poutassou (116 indiv.) were also common; S. kaupii did not exhibit habitat-related differences in behaviour, whilst N. helgae was more active over the reefs and other structured habitats whereas M. poutassou was more active with decreasing habitat complexity. Trawl damage and abandoned fishing gear was observed at both sites. We conclude that Irish coral reefs provide complex habitats that are home to a diverse assemblage of fish utilising the range of niches occurring both above and within the reef structure.  相似文献   

张婷  张杰 《海洋科学》2018,42(6):141-149
溢油污染不仅会造成巨大的经济损失,而且给生态环境带来难以修复的破坏。准确、高效地监测海面溢油仍是当前亟需解决的问题。紫外传感器对油膜非常敏感,可快速发现,但存在误判;而SAR(SyntheticApertureRadar)溢油探测的精度较高,两者相结合可准确探测溢油。无人机平台可低成本地实现溢油快速应急响应,无人机载SAR和紫外传感器的载荷重量小,可同时集成于无人机上开展联合溢油探测,以满足业务化监测需求,此方面的研究尚未见有相关报道。本文拟研究溢油不同种类、厚度、在不同海洋环境条件下的紫外图像特征和SAR纹理特征、形状特征、散射特征,构建溢油特征数据库,并建立一种基于特征组合的溢油SAR与紫外联合探测方法;在此基础上研究对无人机数据获取模式和控制单元等的改造方案,进而实现溢油SAR和紫外图像的高效获取。  相似文献   

A moving particle image velocimetry (PIV) system was successfully developed and used in a large towing tank for ship model tests to observe velocity fields near ship models. The experimental method involved adjustable optical devices for various test conditions and a special particle-seeding device. The streamwise and cross-streamwise flow fields of a yacht model and a tanker model were measured. Ship type, bottom shape, and towing speed were found to be the causes of problems affecting optical access and image quality. Possible solutions, deeper optical ducts, dark painting color, and pre-processed analysis method, were proposed and discussed.  相似文献   

唐刚  姚小强  胡雄 《海洋工程》2020,38(2):27-38
为解决波浪补偿系统中时延现象导致的控制性能下降问题,通过建立Newton-ARMA模型提前预测船舶升沉运动来消除时延现象。首先设计卡尔曼滤波器对船舶升沉运动加速度信号进行降噪滤波处理;然后使用加速度二次积分模块将加速度信号转换为位移信号;最后建立自回归滑动平均(ARMA)模型,并使用牛顿(Newton)法对模型参数进行优化,得到船舶升沉运动的Newton-ARMA预测模型。仿真结果表明,Newton-ARMA模型对船舶升沉运动的预测时间可达10 s,预测误差随着预测时间的增加而增大; Newton-ARMA模型对二级海况、三级海况和四级海况下的船舶升沉运动平均预测精度分别达到89.43%、88.53%以及87.78%,远高于ARMA模型对船舶升沉运动预测的精度,说明采用Newton法优化ARMA模型参数可以显著提高船舶升沉运动的预测精度,也即Newton-ARMA模型对控制波浪补偿系统时延具有较好的补偿效果。  相似文献   

近年来,深水半潜平台已成为海洋工程领域研究的热点。分别通过模型试验和数值模拟的方法,对不同水深和浪向条件下作业的深水半潜平台的运动以及系泊系统的受力进行全面分析。在此基础上,进一步研究平台在深水作业时的运动和动力特性,以及水深和环境海况的变化对平台运动和系泊系统受力的影响规律。同时,对比完整系泊系统的情况,对一根系泊缆破断的极端状态下平台的特性开展研究,获得运动和系泊系统受力的变化规律。对比发现试验和数值的结果能较好地相互吻合,且均能满足相应的安全度要求,保证平台实际作业时的可靠性,为深水半潜平台设计中的安全极限计算提供一定的依据。  相似文献   

A randomized kinodynamic path planning algorithm based on the incremental sampling-based method is proposed here as the state-of-the-art in this field applicable in an autonomous underwater vehicle. Designing a feasible path for this vehicle from an initial position and velocity to a target position and velocity in three-dimensional spaces by considering the kinematic constraints such as obstacles avoidance and dynamic constraints such as hard bounds and non-holonomic characteristic of AUV are the main motivation of this research. For this purpose, a closed-loop rapidly-exploring random tree (CL-RRT) algorithm is presented. This CL-RRT consists of three tightly coupled components: a RRT algorithm, three fuzzy proportional-derivative controllers for heading and diving control and a six degree-of-freedom nonlinear AUV model. The branches of CL-RRT are expanded in the configuration space by considering the kinodynamic constraints of AUV. The feasibility of each branch and random offspring vertex in the CL-RRT is checked against the mentioned constraints of AUV. Next, if the planned branch is feasible by the AUV, then the control signals and related vertex are recorded through the path planner to design the final path. This proposed algorithm is implemented on a single board computer (SBC) through the xPC Target and then four test-cases are designed in 3D space. The results of the processor-in-the-loop tests are compared by the conventional RRT and indicate that the proposed CL-RRT not only in a rapid manner plans an initial path, but also the planned path is feasible by the AUV.  相似文献   

当安装于水下航行体上的旋转装置质量或转动惯量达到一定程度时,其对水下航行体运动与操纵的影响是不可忽略的。针对安装于水下航行体上的旋转装置,分析了水下航行体运动时装置的陀螺效应。得出了旋转装置陀螺力的明确数学方程。不失方法的一般性,假设旋转装置只在运动坐标系的X轴方向有旋转角速度,推导了在考虑陀螺效应作用的情况下水下航行体的六自由度模型方程;以此为基础,建立了水下航行体的仿真模型并对水下航行体的水下运动特性进行了仿真,分析了旋转装置的质量、角速度对水下航行体运动特性的影响规律,从而为研究在考虑陀螺效应情况下的水下航行体操纵奠定了基础。  相似文献   

基于ArcEngine的数字高程模型更新方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用COM技术,以ARCENGINE所提供的类库和凸包算法,实现了数字高程模型(DEM)数据更新的边界检测和利用矢量地形数据采集更新数字高程模型数据的方法。保证了数字高程模型数据的精度,可以满足数字高程模型的现势性需求。  相似文献   

在Munk模型和GDEM模型的基础上,提出了一种新的声速剖面结构参数化模型,即分层声速剖面模型(LSSPM).模型用含9个参数的四层分段函数分别描述混合层、主跃层、深海声道层和深海等温层的声速结构,形式简明、直观.数值实验结果表明,LSSPM模型对声速剖面的拟合可达到较高的精度,且对于中国周边的深海和浅海区域有较好的适...  相似文献   

高桩结构是码头工程普遍采用的一种结构形式,多年来,码头上部结构耐久性受到挑战,对新型的整体拼装双向预应力板结构进行了模型试验研究,结果显示所提出的设计方案、施工工艺和方法是可行和可靠的,并提出了混凝土结构模型试验的相似准则,从而可根据模型试验所得的荷载能力来估算原型结构荷载能力的方法。  相似文献   

UML在深海集矿机远程监控系统中应用研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
梁列全  王随平 《海洋工程》2005,23(3):105-109
分析了UML(unified modeling language)建模方法在信息建模中的优点,具体研究了UML建模方法在深海集矿机远程监控系统建模中的应用;针对深海集矿机远程监控系统的工艺流程,采用UML中的用例图、活动图和序列图等描述远程监控系统的需求、分析和设计阶段的信息系统模型;并对深海集矿机远程监控系统进行建模,使系统模型更通用、更易理解,增强了系统模型的重用性和互操作性。以Rational Rose 2002为工具来描述UML方法的建模过程,开发了深海集矿机远程监控系统,在海洋采矿系统的模型机上试验运行情况良好。  相似文献   

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