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The characteristics of the boundary layer over complex terrain (Lannemezan - lat.: 43.7° N and, long.: 0.7 ° E) are analyzed for various scales, using measurements obtained during the COCAGNE Experiment. In this first part, the dynamic characteristics of the flow are studied with respect to atmospheric stability and the relief at small (~20 km) and medium scales (~100 km). These relief scales depend on the topographical profile of the Lannemezan Plateau along the dominant axis of the wind (E-W) and the Pyrénées Mountains located at the south of the experimental site. The terrain heterogeneities have a standard deviation of ~48 m and a wavelength of ~2 km.The averaged vertical profiles of wind speed and direction over the heterogeneous terrain are analyzed. The decrease of wind speed within the boundary layer is greater than over flat terrain (WANGARA Experiment). However, a comparison between ETTEX (complex terrain) and COCAGNE vertical wind speed profiles shows good agreement during unstable conditions. In contrast, during neutral conditions a more rapid increase with normalized height is found with COCAGNE than with ETTEX and WANGARA data. The vertical profiles of wind direction reveal an influence of the Pyrénées Mountains on the wind flow. The wind rotation in the BL is determined by the geostrophic wind direction-Pyrénées axis angle (negative deviation) as the geostrophic wind is connected with the Mountain axis.When the geostrophic wind does not interact with the Pyrénées axis, the mean and turbulent wind flow characteristics (drag coefficient C D, friction velocity u *) depend on the topography of the plateau. When the wind speed is strong (>6 m s -1), an internal boundary layer is generated from the leading edge of the Plateau.  相似文献   

Wavelike motions within a strong morning inversion of the planetary boundary layer were investigated experimentally using two atmospheric research aircraft: an Aerocommander 280FL and a Cessna 206. The Aerocommander aircraft, instrumented for the measurement of rapid fluctuations of temperature, water vapour density and air velocities, was flown horizontally at different levels within the inversion layer in order to document adequate data on the wave motion. An example of such motions observed on 8 June, 1974 is described and analyzed in the present paper. The aircraft records obtained within the inversion layer at about 600 m above the ground show large fluctuations of the meteorological variables with well-defined amplitudes and wavelengths.Spectra and cross-spectra of temperature, water vapour density and air velocities were computed and analyzed to determine characteristics of gravity waves according to the method described by Metcalf (1975). These spectra exhibit a sharp maximum associated with high coherences at a particular wavelength. In this narrow spectral band, phase angles ±90 ° are obtained between vertical velocity and temperature as well as between vertical and horizontal velocities. These features suggest that observed motions are horizontally propagating trapped or evanescent waves. They enable us to estimate true wavelengths (500 m), wave vector azimuths, intrinsic frequencies and phase velocities of these waves. These results appear to be mutually consistent. Furthermore, it is possible to confirm these latter with the detailed vertical profiles of the boundary layer provided by the Cessna aircraft making spiral soundings. In this regard, the vertical structure of the Brunt-Väisälä frequency confirms that the waves are everywhere evanescent except within a thin highly stable layer between the diurnal mixed layer and the overlapping inversion. Moreover, examination of the wind profiles reveals that the interfacial vertical wind shear might be a relevant parameter reducing phase velocities. Such a conclusion is also supported by the observed wave vector directions which appear to be closely parallel to the wind shear vectors at the 600-m level. Additional confirmation is found by comparing the observed wavelengths to those predicted by applying the hydrodynamical stability model of Hazel (1972) to the measured profiles. Although the wind shear clearly plays a role in wave development, local heat flux and temperature variance values show that in this case the instability is only a marginal and sporadic event embedded in nearly neutral waves. Accordingly, it is argued that the observed motions are interfacial waves at the inversion base level, the amplitude and wave vector azimuth of which are controlled by the vertical wind shear.
Ondes de gravite interfaciales marginalement instables dans la couche limite planetaire
Résumé Des ondes de gravité interfaciales progressives sont étudiées à l'aide de deux avions dans la couche limite planétaire. Les spectres des vitesses et de la température fournissent les directions et vitesses de propagation. La comparaison des résultats aux profils verticaux du vent et de la température montre que ces ondes sont marginalement instables sous l'effet du cisaillement vertical du vent.

IOPG, 12, avenue des Landais - 63001 Clermont-Ferrand Cedex.

Complexe Scientifique des Cézeaux BP 45 - 63170 Aubiere.  相似文献   

Résumé Sur un site de la côte méditerranéenne française, à l'aide d'un avion spécialement équipé pour les mesures atmosphériques et d'une installation fixe (pylône de 50 m), ont été observées, dans des cas de brise de mer, des caractéristiques essentielles de la couche limite interne à caractère convectif formée à partir de la ligne côtière au sein d'un écoulement stable: particularités du champ de vitesse, discontinuité du champ thermique, contraste des flux verticaux, turbulence induite dans la couche stable. Pour compenser le caractère pseudo-eulérien des mesures par avion, les données de plusieurs expériences menées dans des conditions semblables ont été regroupées: on établit ainsi un schéma moyen du sommet de la couche interne pouvant être exprimé comme une puissance 0,4 de la distance à la côte.
The sea-breeze has been observed at a site along the French Mediterranean coast, using an aircraft specially fitted for atmospheric instruments and a fixed 50 m tower. The essential characteristics of the convective internal boundary layer, formed downwind from the coast in the primarily stable flow include the following: wind field distortions, a thermal field discontinuity, contrasts in vertical fluxes, turbulence induced in the stable layer. In order to compensate for the pseudo-eulerian feature of aircraft measurements, the data of several experiments obtained in similar circumstances have been grouped: this yields a height for the internal layer top, which can be expressed as the 0.4 power of the fetch.

A method is presented for the parameterization of subgrid-scale processes in the framework of a three-dimensional micro-scale model which simulates the initiation of precipitation in the planetary boundary layer. The method uses truncated second-order moment equations which involve combinations of dynamical, thermodynamical and water variables; the water variables include water vapor, cloud droplets and rain water, with the hypothesis of a Marshall-Palmer raindrop distribution.The method is applied to the case of a trade-wind cumulus layer where water vapor content is artificially increased. As some approximations concerning the water variables are not easy to verify by experimental methods, results should be considered only as indicative; they show the extent to which a more complete parameterization of subgrid-scale processes may compensate for the inevitable lack of spatial resolution in an atmospheric boundary-layer model.  相似文献   

Features associated with the upper limit of convection, observed by turbulence probes supported by a tethered kite balloon and by high-power Doppler radar, are described. The observations illustrate the interaction of thermal plumes with the capping inversion (and stable air aloft) and confirm the existence of non-turbulent, intermittently turbulent and fully turbulent layers. Evidence is presented for entrainment processes occurring on scales ranging from a few metres to several hundred metres. Individual distortions of the inversion interface, tracked by the radar, have a lifetime of about 5 minutes. Other, larger scale (i.e., > 1 km) perturbations of the top of the boundary layer were observed over longer periods, and are thought to be due to topographical effects.Now at the Meteorological Office, Bracknell, U.K.  相似文献   

Summary The influence of a wavy surface on thermal convection of Rayleigh-Bénard type in a Boussinesq fluid is investigated by direct numerical simulations. The surface height varies sinusoidally in one direction. The wave amplitude amounts up to 10% of the fluid layer height and the wavelength equals about the critical wavelength of Rayleigh-Bénard convection. The horizontal size of the computational domain equals this wavelength. For isothermal no-slip boundaries, two-dimensional convection sets in at subcritical Rayleigh numbers in close agreement with linear theory. The heat-transfer rate grows almost with the square of the surface-wave amplitude. Convection in a fluid layer over a no-slip surface with prescribed heat flux and an adiabatic free-slip boundary at the top is investigated for supercritical Rayleigh numbers and a Prandtl number of 0.7 in two and three dimensions. Two-dimensional simulations show oscillatory roll convection which becomes almost stationary if the Rayleigh number is of order 7000 or less. The two-dimensional convection is unstable with respect to three-dimensional disturbances and a cross-role pattern evolves even over a surface which is undulated in one direction only. For Rayleigh numbers exceeding about 15 000, the flow becomes turbulent. The results exhibit little sensitivity of the convection to the wavy surface for a 10% amplitude.With 11 Figures  相似文献   

The ECLATS experiment was conducted in order to investigate the influence of radiative processes on the dynamics of the atmospheric boundary layer during its diurnal evolution. This experiment was carried out over Niger, near Niamey, by measuring continuously the energy balance at ground level and by using an instrumented aircraft for turbulence, radiative fluxes and aerosol measurements in the boundary layer during dusty conditions (brumes sèches). This paper is restricted to an analysis of the turbulent structure in the homogeneous and stationary convective boundary layer. The turbulence moments for kinetic energy and the spectral characteristics of the vertical velocity are discussed. These results are compared with a set of data obtained for clear convective boundary layers. The differences observed are quite important and seem, at least in part, due to radiative processes (infrared radiative divergence in the surface layer and absorption of solar radiation in the boundary layer).  相似文献   

Features associated with the upper limit of convection, observed by turbulence probes supported by a tethered kite balloon and by high-power Doppler radar, are described. The observations illustrate the interaction of thermal plumes with the capping inversion (and stable air aloft) and confirm the existence of non-turbulent, intermittently turbulent and fully turbulent layers. Evidence is presented for entrainment processes occurring on scales ranging from a few metres to several hundred metres. Individual distortions of the inversion interface, tracked by the radar, have a lifetime of about 5 minutes. Other, larger scale (i.e., > 1 km) perturbations of the top of the boundary layer were observed over longer periods, and are thought to be due to topographical effects.  相似文献   

Summary In order to make the complicated process of thermal convection intelligible it is helpful if various component processes can be considered separately. It is well known that cumulus grow preferentially over mountains by day. The motion is analysed into thethermals, which are small scale, and thecirculations, which may be very large according to the topography. The circulations possess inertia which causes motion to persist into the night. The existence of clouds makes possible circulations in statically stable air and prevents the growth of clouds in other places. Nocturnal convection clouds are a complicated result of these and other minor effects. The forecasting of convection clouds is best done by comparison with previous occasions, preferably the previous day rather than by analysis of the present weather situation alone.
Zusammenfassung Um den komplizierten Vorgang der Wärmekonvektion verständlich zu machen, empfiehlt es sich, die verschiedenen Teilprozesse getrennt zu betrachten. Bekanntlich bilden sich Cumuli bevorzugt über Bergen bei Tage. Der Bewegungsvorgang läßt sich zerlegen in Wärmeströmungen von kleinen Dimensionen und in Zirkulationsströmungen, die entsprechend der Topographie sehr groß sein können. Die Zirkulationsvorgänge besitzen eine Trägheit, die die Bewegungsvorgänge bis in die Nacht andauern läßt. Das Vorhandensein von Wolken ermöglicht das Auftreten von Zirkulationen in statisch stabiler Luft und verhindert das Wachsen von Wolken an anderen Stellen; so bilden die nächtlichen Konvektionswolken ein kompliziertes Ergebnis dieser und anderer kleiner Effekte. Die Voraussage von Konvektionsbewölkung erfolgt am besten durch Vergleichung mit früheren Fällen, womöglich mit dem Vortage, eher als durch Analyse der momentanen Wettersituation allein.

Résumé Afin de rendre compréhensible le problème compliqué de la convection thermique, il est utile de considérer séparément les différents processus y prenant part. Généralement, les cumuli se forment de préférence en plein jour au-dessus des montagnes. Ce mouvement peut être divisé en courants thermiques de dimensions modestes et en courants de circulation qui, suivant la topographie du lieu, peuvent prendre une grande envergure. Ces courants de circulation possèdent une inertie qui permet à ces mouvements de persister pendant la nuit. La présence de nuages permet en outre des courants de circulation dans de l'air statiquement stable et peut empêcher des nuages de se former ailleurs. Les nuages de convection nocturnes sont, entre autre, le résultat de pareils effets. On sera mieux avisé de fonder la prévision des nuages de convection en comparant des cas précédents, notamment de la veille, plutôt qu'en analysant seulement la situation météorologique du moment.

With 2 Figures.

Presented at the 3rd International Meeting on Alpine Meteorology, Davos 12th–14th April, 1954.  相似文献   

Résumé On mesure les températures du sol à 2 profondeurs ainsi que les températures de la surface du sol et de l'air près du sol sur 2 sols différents: le sable des dunes du Grand Erg Occidental et la hamada1, près de Béni-Abbès (Algérie). On en déduit les coefficients de diffusivité thermique des matériaux constituant le sol. Connaissant d'autre part les rayonnements incidents, réfléchis, diffusés et émis par le sol, on estime la chaleur échangée entre celui-ci et l'air par convection et conduction. Observant que les chaleurs échangées varient avec la nature du sol et l'heure on en conclut qu'il doit s'établir une brise entre l'erg et la hamada analogue à la brise marine.
Summary One measures soil temperature at two depths, surface and air temperature near the ground in sand dunes of the Grand Erg Occidental and in the hamada1, near the oasis of Béni-Abbès (Algeria). One deduces from these results thermal diffusivity coefficients for these two soils. Knowing incident, reflected, diffused and emitted radiations of the ground, one computes the energy exchanged between air and ground surface through convection and conduction. One finds that these energies vary with the nature of the soil and with time, and one concludes that it must appear a breeze between dunes and hamada, quite similar to the sea breeze.

Zusammenfassung Es wurden die Bodentemperatur in zwei Tiefen, die Oberflächentemperatur und die Lufttemperatur in Bodennähe auf zwei unterschiedlichen Bodenarten, auf den Sanddünen des Grand Erg Occidental und auf der Hamada2 bei Beni-Abbès (Algerien), registriert. Aus den Messungen werden die Wärmeleitzahlen der entsprechenden Bodensubstanzen bestimmt. Aus den bekannten Werten der Einstrahlung und der Ausstrahlung sowie der reflektierten und der gestreuten Strahlung des Bodens wird der Wärmeaustausch durch Konvektion und Wärmeleitung zwischen Luft und Bodenoberfläche abgeschätzt. Da dieser Wärmeaustausch von der Natur des Bodens und der Tageszeit abhängt und über beiden Bodenarten verschieden groß ist, entsteht vermutlich eine Luftbewegung zwischen der Düne und der Hamada ähnlich der Seebrise.

Avec 5 Figures  相似文献   

Previous theoretical and observational investigations have shown that vertical plumes are formed in the high Rayleigh number convection field over heated horizontal surfaces and that these plumes become unsteady and turbulent when the Rayleigh number is higher than about 20 times its critical value R c. Based on these results, we conclude that the dissipation of kinetic energy takes place mainly in the surface boundary layer in high Rayleigh number laminar convection and mainly in the vertical plumes in turbulent convection, while the conversion of eddy potential energy into kinetic energy is accomplished mainly in the well-mixed main body of the fluid. On making use of these rather general conclusions concerning the kinetic energy generation and dissipation processes in the energy integrals, we are able to derive the well known 5/4 and 4/3 power laws of upward heat transfer by laminar and turbulent convections theoretically.  相似文献   

The earth’s surface is characterized by small-scale heterogeneity attributable to variability in land cover, soil characteristics and orography. In atmospheric models, this small-scale variability can be partially accounted for by the so-called mosaic approach, i.e., by computing the land-surface processes on a grid with an explicit higher horizontal resolution than the atmosphere. The mosaic approach does, however, not account for the subgrid-scale variability in the screen-level atmospheric parameters, part of which might be related to land-surface heterogeneity itself. In this study, simulations with the numerical weather prediction model COSMO are shown, employing the mosaic approach together with a spatial disaggregation of the atmospheric forcing by the screen-level variables to the subgrid-scale. The atmospheric model is run with a 2.8?km horizontal grid resolution while the land surface processes are computed on a 400-m horizontal grid. The disaggregation of the driving atmospheric variables at screen-level is achieved by a three-step statistical downscaling with rules learnt from high-resolution fully coupled COSMO simulations, where both, atmosphere and surface, were simulated on a 400-m grid. The steps encompass spline interpolation of the grid scale variables, conditional regression based on the high-resolution runs, and an optional stochastic noise generator which restores the variability of the downscaled variables. Simulations for a number of case studies have been carried out, with or without mosaic surface representation and with or without atmospheric disaggregation, and evaluated with respect to the surface state variables and the turbulent surface exchange fluxes of sensible and latent heat. The results are compared with the high-resolution fully coupled COSMO simulations. The results clearly demonstrate the high importance of accounting for subgrid-scale surface heterogeneity. It is shown that the atmospheric disaggregation leads to clear additional improvements in the structures of the two-dimensional surface state variable fields, but to only marginally impacts on the simulation of the turbulent surface exchange fluxes. A detailed analysis of these results identifies strongly correlated errors in atmospheric and surface variables in the mosaic approach as the main reason for the latter. The effects of these errors largely cancel out in the flux parameterization, and thus explain the comparably good results for the fluxes in the mosaic approach without atmospheric disaggregation despite inferior performance for the surface state variables themselves. Inserting noise in the disaggregation scheme leads to a deterioration of the results.  相似文献   

The major physical processes at and near the tropopause are evaluated; these processes are radiation, convection and turbulence, advection and vertical convergence. Calculations of instantaneous long wave radiative temperature change for observed and postulated moisture distributions show that radiation usually acts to smooth the temperature profile. Observations and the principle of continuity show that convection is infrequent and unimportant in establishing the tropopause. General principles and numerical integration of the heat conduction equation for special cases show that turbulence will act to smooth the temperature profile unless flux has a certain relationship to hydrostatic stability. Observations, calculations and the principle of continuity show that advection and vertical convergence cannot be universal mechanisms of tropopause formation.
Zusammenfassung Die grundlegenden physikalischen Prozesse an und in der Nähe der Tropopause werden bestimmt; diese Prozesse sind Strahlung, Konvektion und Turbulenz, Advektion und Vertikalakonvergenz. Berechnungen von momentanen Temperaturänderungen durch langwellige Strahlung für beobachtete und vorgegebene Feuchtigkeitsverteilungen lassen erkennen, daß die Strahlung gewöhnlich das Temperaturprofil auszugleichen sucht. Beobachtungen und das Kontinuitätsprinzip zeigen, daß Konvektion selten und für die Bildung der Tropopause unwichtig ist. Allgemeine Prinzipien und numerische Integration der Wärmeleitungsgleichung für spezielle Fälle zeigen, daß die Turbulenz das Temperaturprofil auszugleichen sucht, außer wenn der Wärmestrom in spezieller Beziehung zur hydrostatischen Stabilität steht. Beobachtungen, Berechnungen und das Kontinuitätsprinzip führen zu der Feststellung, daß Advektion und vertikale Konvergenz nicht als allgemeine Mechanismen für die Bildung der Tropopause angesehen werden können.

Résumé L'auteur évalue les processus physiques fondamentaux de la tropopause et à sa proximité; ces processus sont le rayonnement, la convection et la turbulence, l'advection et la convergence verticale. Le calcul de variations instantanées de la température dûes au rayonnement de grande longueur d'onde, par une distribution observée et supposée de l'humidité, montre qu'en général le rayonnement semble atténuer et égaliser le profil de la température. Les observations et le principe de continuité font admettre que la convection est rare et de peu d'importance pour la formation de la tropopause. Des principes généraux et une intégration numérique de l'équation de transmission de chaleur pour des can spéciaux montrent que la turbulence tend à égaliser le profil de température à moins que le flux de chaleur ne soit en relation spécifique avec la stabilité hydrostatique. Des observations, des calculs et le principe de continuité prouvent que l'advection et la convergence verticale ne peuvent être considérées comme étant des mécanismes généraux pour la formation de la tropopause.

With 4 Figures

The research reported here was supported in part by the Geophysical Research Directorate, A. F. Cambridge Research Center.  相似文献   

A method for calculating turbulent diffusion in the planetary boundary layer is developed based on Donaldson's second-order closure approach. The resulting partial differential equation for the turbulent mass flux has a hyperbolic character for early times when the plume scale is small compared with the ambient turbulent scale, with a smooth transition to a parabolic, gradient-diffusion-type character when the plume scale is large. Calculations are compared with available estimates from the literature for different values of Rossby number and Richardson number in the ambient atmosphere. Comparison of model predictions with laboratory simulation of diffusion in a free convection, mixed layer is good, with the model able to predict the maximum concentration rising from the ground as observed.This project has been funded in part with Federal funds from the Environmental Protection Agency under contract number EPA 68-02-1310.  相似文献   

The identification of the land-atmosphere interactions as one of the key source of uncertainty in climate models calls for process-level assessment of the coupled atmosphere/land continental surface system in numerical climate models. To this end, we propose a novel approach and apply it to evaluate the standard and new parametrizations of boundary layer/convection/clouds in the Earth System Model (ESM) of Institut Pierre Simon Laplace (IPSL), which differentiate the IPSL-CM5A and IPSL-CM5B climate change simulations produced for the Coupled Model Inter-comparison Project phase 5 exercise. Two different land surface hydrology parametrizations are also considered to analyze different land-atmosphere interactions. Ten-year simulations of the coupled land surface/atmospheric ESM modules are confronted to observations collected at the SIRTA (Site Instrumental de Recherche par Télédection Atmosphérique), located near Paris (France). For sounder evaluation of the physical parametrizations, the grid of the model is stretched and refined in the vicinity of the SIRTA, and the large scale component of the modeled circulation is adjusted toward ERA-Interim reanalysis outside of the zoomed area. This allows us to detect situations where the parametrizations do not perform satisfactorily and can affect climate simulations at the regional/continental scale, including in full 3D coupled runs. In particular, we show how the biases in near surface state variables simulated by the ESM are explained by (1) the sensible/latent heat partitionning at the surface, (2) the low level cloudiness and its radiative impact at the surface, (3) the parametrization of turbulent transport in the surface layer, (4) the complex interplay between these processes. We also show how the new set of parametrizations can improve these biases.  相似文献   

A free convection enhanced by a heating plate is studied in air-chambers under laminar conditions. Observations show the influence of the plate shape. Among the different convection patterns, a stationary cell is clearly identified. This bell-shaped convection typically represents the pollution domes observed over many cities. Convection begins immediately a horizontal temperature difference is created. From this point of view, a heat island situation appears quite different from a Rayleigh-Bénard one. Experiments reveal that the ambient stratification affects the Nusselt-Rayleigh relationship. The scale of the convection, the question of similarity and the limits of the experimental method are discussed. The results of experiments lead to the formulation of proposals concerning physical mechanisms which occur in the real atmosphere.  相似文献   

赵昭  周博闻 《气象科学》2021,41(5):631-643
日间对流边界层最显著的结构特征是在热力作用下所形成的组织化对流。与小尺度湍涡不同的是,组织化对流具有边界层尺度的垂直相干性,可实现垂直贯穿边界层的非局地物质和能量传输。本文针对对流边界层中的动量混合,探究组织化对流对动量输送的贡献。以高精度大涡模拟数据为研究资料,通过傅里叶变换、本征正交分解和经验模态分解3种滤波方法,分离组织化对流和背景湍涡,计算与两者相关的非局地和局地动量通量,发现与组织化对流相关的非局地动量通量是总通量的重要组成部分,并主导混合层中的垂直动量输送。而后,基于协谱和相位谱分析,探究组织化对流的空间结构对动量传输的影响,发现在热力主导的不稳定环境中,单体型环流结构对动量的传输效率较低。而在风切较强的近中性环境中,滚涡型组织化结构可使垂直和水平流向扰动速度的相位差减小,从而提升动量传输效率。研究结果表明,边界层方案需要包含非局地动量通量项,其参数化应考虑整体稳定度对传输效率的影响。  相似文献   

利用BOMEX(巴巴多斯海洋与气象学试验)的探空资料和LEM(大涡模式),通过改变LEM水平分辨率的敏感性数值试验,对比分析不同尺度的湍涡对信风积云边界层中混合层和云层的结构、演变以及对流形式和强度的影响。结果表明,水平分辨率较高时模拟的湍涡尺度较小、混合层顶的夹卷作用较强,模拟的混合层较暖、较干,而且模拟的对流泡尺度较小、强度较大,能够模拟出较精细的边界层结构;而水平分辨率较低时则相反。模拟的湍涡尺度对海洋信风区边界层积云中液态水混合比的模拟结果影响较大:LEM模拟的湍涡尺度较小时模拟的信风积云形成的时间较早、云顶高度较高,单个云块的体积较小但数目较多,液态水含量较高;而模拟的湍涡尺度较大时则相反。虽然水平分辨率为50 m和125 m的试验都能模拟出较精细的信风边界层中混合层、云层的结构和演变特征,但是,考虑到提高分辨率在模拟过程中产生的噪音信号对结果的影响以及计算时间等问题,LEM采用125 m的水平网格距是对海洋信风边界层积云对流模拟较为理想的选择。   相似文献   

Classical turbulent K closure theory of the atmospheric boundary layer assumes that the vertical turbulent transport flux of any macroscopic quantity is equivalent to that quantity‘s vertical gradient transport flux. But a cross coupling between the thermodynamic processes and the dynamic processes in the atmospheric system is demonstrated based on the Curier-Prigogine principle of cross coupling of linear thermodynamics. The vertical turbulent transportation of energy and substance in the atmospheric boundary layer is related not only to their macroscopic gradient but also to the convergence and the di-vergence movement. The transportation of the convergence or divergence movement is important for the atmospheric boundary layer of the heterogeneous underlying surface and the convection boundary layer.Based on this, the turbulent transportation in the atmospheric boundary layer, the energy budget of the heterogeneous underlying surface and the convection boundary layer, and the boundary layer parameteri-zation of land surface processes over the heterogeneous underlying surface are studied. This research offers clues not only for establishing the atmospheric boundary layer theory about the heterogeneous underlying surface, but also for overcoming the difficulties encountered recently in the application of the atmospheric boundary layer theory.  相似文献   

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