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Three complexes in the zones of the Ishimbinskii and Tatarka deep faults in the Transangarian part of the Yenisei Range were studied to reproduce their metamorphic evolution and elucidate distinctive features of regional geodynamic processes. The results of our geological and petrological studies with the application of geothermobarometry and P-T metamorphic paths indicate that the Neoproterozoic kyanite-sillimanite intermediate-pressure metamorphism overprinted regionally metamorphosed rocks of low pressure of Middle Riphean age. The kyanite-sillimanite metamorphism was characterized by (1) the development of deformational structures and textures and kyanite-bearing blastomylonites with sillimanite, garnet, and staurolite after andalusite-bearing regional-metamorphic mineral assemblages; (2) insignificant apparent thickness of the zone of intermediate-pressure zonal metamorphism (from 2.5 to 7 km), which was localized near overthrusts; (3) a low geothermal gradient during metamorphism (from 1–7 to 12°C/km); and (4) a gradual increase in the total metamorphic pressure from southwest to northeast with approaching the overthrusts. These features are typical of collisional metamorphism during the thrusting of continental blocks and testify that the rocks subsided nearly isothermally. The process is justified within the scope of a model for the tectonic thickening of the crust via rapid thrusting and subsequent rapid exhumation and erosion. The analysis of our results with regard for the northeastern dips of the thrusts allowed us to consider the intermediate-pressure metapelites as products of collision metamorphism, which were formed in the process of a single thrusting of ancient rock blocks from the Siberian Platform onto the Yenisei Range.  相似文献   

Likhanov  I. I.  Kozlov  P. S.  Ivanov  K. S.  Zinoviev  S. V. 《Doklady Earth Sciences》2018,483(2):1495-1498

The occurrences of high-pressure tectonites localized in the tectonic suture zone of the Cis-Yenisei regional shear zone (CYRSZ) separated the cratonic and oceanic island-arc terranes were distinguished for the first time at the western margin of the Siberian Craton. Tectonites are characterized by high pressures (up to 15 kbar), which exceed significantly the background PT parameters of regional metamorphism. The generation of tectonic overpressure is induced by rapid deformations along ductile shear zones, which is consistent with the numerical simulation results and thermodynamic calculations. These data confirm the important role of tectonic stress as an effective thermodynamic factor of metamorphic transformations in suture zones of the lithospheric crust.


The Late Vendian (540–550 Ma) U–Pb zircon age of postcollisional granitoids in the Osinovka Massif was obtained for the first time. The Osinovka Massif is located in rocks of the island-arc complex of the Isakovka Terrane, in the northwestern part of the Sayany–Yenisei accretion belt. These events stand for the final stage of the Neoproterozoic history of the Yenisei Ridge, related to the completing accretion of the oceanic crust fragments and the beginning of the Caledonian orogenesis. The petrogeochemical composition and the Sm–Nd isotopic characteristics support the fact that the granitoid melt originated from a highly differentiated continental crust of the southwestern margin of the Siberian Craton. Hence, the granite-bearing Late Riphean island-arc complexes were thrust over the craton margin at a distance considerably exceeding the dimensions of the Osinovka Massif.  相似文献   

The geochemical patterns of major and trace elements in zonal garnets and the mineral inclusions in them formed by progressive and regressive metamorphism of pelites are established. It is shown that an increase in temperature and pressure led to a decrease in the Y and HREE contents in garnets, and the increase in their contents is related to a decrease in the PT-parameters of their formation. A negative correlation between the CaO and REE contents in garnet indicates their isomorphism. The main reason for the sharp increase in the CaO content in garnets during collision metamorphism is mass transfer between the garnet and the plagioclase. The deviations from this situaiton, which are expressed in simultaneous increase in the grossular component in garnet and the anorthite component in plagioclase, are caused by metamorphic reactions related to the epidote decomposition. The mass transfer of major and trace elements between the reacting phases in metamorphic reactions mostly occurred with preservation of the balance of matter. The mirror shape and the character of the REE patterns of the rock-forming minerals relative to the composition of the rock indicate the equilibration of the HREE and Y contents between garnet, the major concentrator of these elements in the rock, and other phases. The balance between the LREEs and HREEs in the rock is achieved by the presence of variable amounts of monazite.  相似文献   

Petrochemical study and U–Pb SIMS (SHRIMP–II) zircon analyses of subalkaline leucogranite of the Khariusikha Massif have been carried out. They have revealed for the first time a rare-metal mineralization. The elevated concentrations of rare elements (wt %) are Nb (0.5–0.7), Ta (0.12–0.16), REEs (0.08–0.24), Y (0.06–0, 1), Zr (2.3–2.6), Hf (0.1–0.12), U (0.05–0.1), and Th (0.08–0.1) and are confined to albitized granites. The main mineral phases concentrating the rare elements, U and Th, are tantalo–niobates: fergusonite, euxenite, U–pyrochlore, tantalite, as well as thorite, monazite, zircon, and sphene. These minerals associate with cassiterite, sulfides, and gold. The simultaneity of the intraplate granitoid magmatism (753 ± 4 Ma) and bimodal rhyolite–basalt volcanism (753 ± 6 Ma) in the neighboring rift structure has been demonstrated. Presumably, the Neoproterozoic rifting and intraplate magmatism relate to the plume activity that caused the supercontinent Rodinia to break up.  相似文献   

The Garevka metamorphic complex (GMC), located at the junction of the Central Angara and Isakovka terranes (western part of the Transangarian Yenisei Ridge), was studied in terms of its tectonometamorphic evolution and geodynamic processes in the Neoproterozoic history of the region. Geological, structural, geochronological, and petrological data permitted the recognition of two stages in the GMC evolution, which differ in thermodynamic regimes and metamorphic field gradients. These stages were related to crustal contraction and extension within the Yenisei regional shear zone, a large lineament structure in the region. Stage 1 was marked by the formation of metamorphic complexes in the middle to upper amphibolite facies moderate-pressure regional metamorphic settings at ~ 960 Ma, P = 7.7–8.6 kbar, and T = 582–631 °C. This suggests subsidence of the area to the middle continental crust with dT/dH = 20–25 °C/km. During stage 2, the rocks experienced Late Riphean (~ 880 Ma, SHRIMP II U–Pb and 40Ar–39Ar dating) dynamic metamorphism under epidote-amphibolite facies conditions (P = 3.9–4.9 kbar; T = 461–547 °C), indicating a metamorphic field gradient of dT/dH no greater than 10 °C/km, with the formation of blastomylonites in narrow zones of ductile and brittle deformations. In these zones, high-grade GMC blocks were exhumed to the upper continental crust and underwent low-temperature metamorphism. Comparison of the structural, geologic, and other evolutionary features (nearly identical age constraints in view of exhumation rate, similar PT-paths, and different types of metamorphism associated with different geodynamic settings, etc.) of the Garevka and Teya complexes suggests that they constitute a single polymetamorphic complex.  相似文献   

This paper presents the first Sr isotopic data for the Late Precambrian carbonate rocks of the southern Yenisei Ridge. Their geochemical study allowed estimation of the degree of secondary alterations and gave the possibility to reveal rocks with a less disturbed Rb-Sr isotopic system. The Sr isotopic data indicated Neoproterozoic sedimentation of the rocks about 1070–750 Ma ago. Sr and C isotopic data showed that carbonate rocks of the Sukhoi Pit, Tungusik, and Shirokino groups are Late Riphean and could be comparable with sedimentary sequences of three Precambrian key sections of the Northern Eurasia: the subsequent Derevnino, Burovaya, and Shorikha formations from the Turukhansk Uplift, the Lakhanda Group from the Uchur-Maya region, and the Karatav Group from the South Urals. All studied carbonate rocks are older than 750 Ma and, according to the International Stratigraphic Chart, accumulated prior to global glaciations in the Cryogenian. This is evident from sedimentological study indicating the absence of tillite horizons in the studied sections. δ13C values in the sections vary from +0.4 up to +5.3‰, which testifies to the absence of periods of great cold.  相似文献   

The study provides geological, structural, mineralogical, petrological, and geochronological evidence for polymetamorphic evolution of gneisses from the Garevka complex of the Yenisei Ridge. The results of the study provide significant insight into the geochemical behavior of major and trace elements in zoned garnet crystals and mineral inclusions formed during prograde and retrograde metamorphism of pelitic rocks. It was shown that the concentrations of Y and HREE in garnet decrease with increasing P and T and increase with decreasing pressure and temperature. The combined study of multicomponent chemical zoning patterns of coexisting minerals and metamorphic mineral reactions in metapelites was conducted. The results show that the main reason for a drastic increase in CaO content in garnets during collisional metamorphism is a mass exchange between garnet and plagioclase. The deviation from this trend, as indicated by the concurrent increase inthe grossular content of garnet and anorthite content of plagioclase, arises from the breakdown of epidote. The calculated metamorphic reactions, mass balance analysis, and changes in mineral chemistry during metamorphism reinforce the evidence for the isochemical character of processes with respect to most components of the system. The minimum volume of the system in which chemical exchange between reacting phases is balanced for all major and trace elements did not exceed ~ 1 mm3. The total HREE balance requires a greater reaction volume (up to ~ 8 mm ) involved in the redistribution of these elements, which provide evidence for their relatively higher mobility during metamorphism relative to other rare earth elements. The specific distribution and quite substantial mass transport of HREE are controlled by heterovalent isomorphic substitution between these elements and CaO in garnet.  相似文献   

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