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郑安兴  罗先启 《岩土力学》2018,39(9):3461-3468
危岩是三峡库区典型的地质灾害类型之一,而主控结构面受荷断裂扩展是危岩发育成灾的关键核心。将危岩主控结构面类比为宏观裂纹,利用扩展有限元法在模拟裂纹扩展方面的优势,基于考虑裂纹面水压力作用的虚功原理推导出了采用扩展有限元法分析水力劈裂问题的控制方程,给出了危岩主控结构面水力劈裂问题的扩展有限元实现方法,对重庆万州太白岩危岩主控结构面的水力劈裂进行了数值模拟分析。计算结果表明:暴雨是威胁危岩稳定性的最敏感因素,随着裂隙水压力上升,裂端拉应力会急剧升高,危岩的稳定性降低;I型裂纹扩展是危岩主要的结构面扩展形式,结构面一旦发生开裂,将处于非稳定扩展状态。  相似文献   

1. 浙江水利水电学院 水利与环境工程学院,浙江 杭州 310018;2. 上海交通大学 船舶海洋与建筑工程学院,上海 200240; 3. 浙江省钱塘江管理局勘测设计院,浙江 杭州 310016  相似文献   

Two-dimensional hydraulic fracturing simulations using the cohesive zone model (CZM) can be readily found in the literature; however, to our knowledge, verified 3D cohesive zone modeling is not available. We present the development of a 3D fully coupled hydro-mechanical finite element method (FEM) model (with parallel computation framework) and its application to hydraulic fracturing. A special zero-thickness interface element based on the CZM is developed for modeling fracture propagation and fluid flow. A local traction-separation law with strain softening is used to capture tensile cracking. The model is verified by considering penny-shaped hydraulic fracture and plain strain Kristianovich‑Geertsma‑de Klerk hydraulic fracture (in 3D) in the viscosity- and toughness-dominated regimes. Good agreement between numerical results and analytical solutions has been achieved. The model is used to investigate the influence of rock and fluid properties on hydraulic fracturing. Lower stiffness tip cohesive elements tend to yield a larger elastic deformation around the fracture tips before the tensile strength is reached, generating a larger fracture length and lower fracture pressure compared with higher stiffness elements. It is found that the energy release rate has almost no influence on hydraulic fracturing in the viscosity-dominated regime because the energy spent in creating new fractures is too small when compared with the total input energy. For the toughness-dominated regime, the released energy during fracturing should be accurately captured; relatively large tensile strength should be used in order to match numerical results to the asymptotic analytical solutions. It requires smaller elements when compared with those used in the viscosity-dominated regime.  相似文献   

This paper reports improvements to algorithms for the simulation of 3-D hydraulic fracturing with the Generalized Finite Element Method (GFEM). Three optimizations are presented and analyzed. First, an improved initial guess based on solving a 3-D elastic problem with the pressure from the previous step is shown to decrease the number of Newton iterations and increase robustness. Second, an improved methodology to find the time step that leads to fracture propagation is proposed and shown to decrease significantly the number of iterations. Third, reduced computational cost is observed by properly recycling the linear part of the coupled stiffness matrix. Two representative examples are used to analyze these improvements. Additionally, a methodology to include the leak-off term is presented and verified against asymptotic analytical solutions. Conservation of mass is shown to be well satisfied in all examples.  相似文献   

随着扩展有限元理论的深入研究,利用扩展有限元方法模拟水力压裂具有了一定的可操作性。相比于常规有限元方法,XFEM方法具有计算结果精度高和计算量小的优点。但是,如何模拟射孔孔眼、如何模拟流体与岩石相互作用以及分析水力裂缝的扩展规律仍然是难题。以研究水力压裂裂缝扩展规律为目的,建立了岩石多孔介质应力平衡方程、流体渗流连续性方程和边界条件。通过有限元离散化方法对耦合方程矩阵进行处理。通过富集函数定义初始裂缝(射孔孔眼),选择最大主应力及损伤变量D分别作为裂缝起裂和扩展判定准则,利用水平集方法模拟水力裂缝扩展过程。数值模拟结果显示:增加射孔方位角、压裂液排量和减小水平地应力差,起裂压力上升;黏度对起裂压力无明显影响。增加射孔方位角、压裂液排量、黏度和减小水平地应力差值有助于裂缝宽度的增加。增加水平地应力差值、压裂液排量和减小射孔方位角以及压裂液黏度有助于裂缝长度增加,反之亦然。基于ABAQUS的水力裂缝扩展有限元法可对不同井型和诸多储层物性参数及压裂施工参数进行分析,且裂缝形态逼真,裂缝面凹凸程度清晰,结果准确。此研究可作为一种简便有效研究水力压裂裂缝扩展规律的方法为油田水力压裂设计与施工提供参考与依据。  相似文献   

水力压裂是开采地下页岩气资源的有效技术手段,探究页岩水力压裂裂缝的扩展规律,可为页岩气的高效开采提供科学的指导依据。通过运用大型有限元软件ABAQUS中的扩展有限元模块,针对不同地应力差工况条件下均质页岩中初始裂缝的位置、方位角、数量和含层理页岩中层理的构造方向、内部倾角、岩性对水力裂缝扩展的影响进行探究。结果表明:对于垂向扩展的水力裂缝,水平主应力增大使裂缝更不易扩展,裂缝扩展长度减小、起裂压力增大;在注液体积流量相同时,向初始裂缝两端同时起裂所形成的水力裂缝长度大于仅向一侧起裂;当初始裂缝处于页岩中部且呈45°方向时,裂缝会向最大水平主应力方向偏转,且偏转程度随最大水平主应力的增大而增大;分时多簇压裂时,裂缝间的扩展会相互干扰,且会较大地影响裂缝扩展的形态和起裂压力,但对裂缝注液点裂缝宽度的影响较小;对于含水平和竖直构造层理的页岩,改变层理内部倾角,水力裂缝会出现不同程度偏转,且其偏转程度随着层理内部倾角的增大而减小;对于含45°方向构造层理的页岩,水力裂缝在层理分别为砂岩、煤岩和泥岩中的偏转程度依次增大,且裂缝偏移比随着最大水平主应力的增大而增大。  相似文献   

断裂问题的扩展有限元法研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
扩展有限元(extended finite element method,XFEM)是近年来发展起来的、在常规有限元框架内求解不连续问题的有效数值计算方法,其基于单位分解的思想,在常规有限元位移模式中加入能够反映裂纹面不连续性的跳跃函数及裂尖渐进位移场函数,避免了采用常规有限元计算断裂问题时需要对裂纹尖端重新加密网格造成的不便。在推导扩展有限元算法的基础上,分析了应力强度因子的J积分计算方法及积分区域的选取。采用XFEM对I型裂纹进行了计算,有限元网格独立于裂纹面,无需在裂纹尖端加密网格;分析了积分区域、网格密度对应力强度因子计算精度的影响,指出了计算应力强度因子的合适参数,验证了此方法的可靠性和准确性。  相似文献   

董琪  王媛  冯迪 《岩土力学》2022,43(12):3270-3280
水压致裂起裂压力的预测对于油气开采、地应力测量、水工结构物抗裂设计等具有重要的意义。采用颗粒离散元结合域-管道渗流模型的流固耦合非连续数值模拟方法,基于扩展前端法生成的含规则形状钻孔的颗粒体模型,对水压致裂的细观起裂过程和起裂压力大小进行了定量模拟。结果表明,在消除了颗粒体中钻孔形状不规则性的基础上,钻孔壁的接触力链分布与理论解较为一致,拟合的离散元起裂压力公式也与理论解较为接近。进一步地,从颗粒材料受挤压时产生局部张拉力的角度解释了起裂压力拟合公式与理论解之间的差别。最后,设计了含预制钻孔的抗渗砂浆试块制备方法,对不同主应力组合下的起裂压力大小进行了真三轴室内试验,验证了离散元模拟结果的可靠性。  相似文献   

We presented a finite‐element‐based algorithm to simulate plane‐strain, straight hydraulic fractures in an impermeable elastic medium. The algorithm accounts for the nonlinear coupling between the fluid pressure and the crack opening and separately tracks the evolution of the crack tip and the fluid front. It therefore allows the existence of a fluid lag. The fluid front is advanced explicitly in time, but an implicit strategy is needed for the crack tip to guarantee the satisfaction of Griffith's criterion at each time step. We enforced the coupling between the fluid and the rock by simultaneously solving for the pressure field in the fluid and the crack opening at each time step. We provided verification of our algorithm by performing sample simulations and comparing them with two known similarity solutions. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The hydraulic fracturing propagation regimes in the plane strain model are uniformly investigated using a numerical method based on the finite element method. The regimes range from toughness‐dominated cases to viscosity‐dominated cases, covering zero leak‐off situations and small leak‐off situations. Unlike the asymptotic solutions, the numerical method is independent of the energy dissipation regimes and fluid storage regimes. The numerical method pays no special attention to the fracture tip, and it simulates fracture tip behaviors by increasing the number of functions in a natural and uniform manner. The numerical method is verified by comparing its results with the asymptotic solutions. The effect of the model sizes on the numerical method is discussed along with the robustness of the numerical method. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Integration of poromechanics and fracture mechanics plays an important role in understanding a series of thermal fracturing phenomena in subsurface porous media such as cold water flooding for enhanced oil recovery, produced‐water reinjection for waste disposal, cold water injection for geothermal energy extraction, and CO2 injection for geosequestration. Thermal fracturing modeling is important to prevent the potential risks when fractures propagate into undesired zones, and it involves the coupling of heat transfer, mass transport, and stress change as well as the fracture propagation. Analytical method, finite element method, and finite difference method as well as boundary element method have been used to perform the thermal fracturing modeling considering different degrees and combinations of coupling. In this paper, extended finite element method is employed for the thermal fracturing modeling in a fully coupled fashion with remeshing avoided, and the stabilized finite element method is employed to account for the convection‐dominated heat transfer in the fracturing process with numerical oscillation circumvented. With the thermal fracturing model, a hypothetical numerical experiment on cold water injection into a deep warm aquifer is conducted. Results show that parameters such as injection rate, injection temperature, aquifer stiffness, and permeability can affect the fracture development in different ways and extended finite element method and stabilized finite element method provide effective tools for thermal fracturing simulation. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The initiation and propagation of directional hydraulic fracturing (DHF) was investigated based on true tri-axial experiment and finite element modeling. The influences of notch angle, notch length and injection rate on the DHF were investigated. The initiation and propagation of DHF was modeled by a 3D nonlinear finite element method. A comparison between experimental investigation and numerical modeling results indicates that there is a good correlation between unbalanced force (UF) and fracturing. UF can be used to predict the hydraulic fracture initiation and propagation.  相似文献   

正交各向异性岩体裂纹扩展的扩展有限元方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
师访  高峰  杨玉贵 《岩土力学》2014,35(4):1203-1210
石油开采和非常规天然气开采等领域经常遇到页岩、砂岩等沉积岩,这类岩石材料往往具有正交各向异性特征。采用扩展有限元方法研究了正交各向异性岩体裂纹扩展问题,并基于Matlab平台编写了数值计算程序Betaxfem2D。将由复变函数法得到的裂纹尖端渐进位移场作为裂尖位移增强函数,用相互作用积分法计算混合模式应力强度因子,采用修改后的最大周向拉应力扩展准则确定裂纹扩展方向。与传统有限元方法的对比表明,扩展有限元方法达到相同计算精度需要的自由度少,节省计算机时。分别采用扩展有限元程序和传统有限元程序模拟了岩石试件4点弯曲试验,二者所得结果一致。数值试验表明:随着正交材料坐标系与空间坐标系夹角α的增大,裂纹扩展方向角? 按照周期为? 的近似正弦函数的规律变化;保持剪切模量和泊松比不变时,正弦函数的值域随着弹性模量比值E1 /E2的减小而缩小,但相位基本保持不变;研究沉积岩断裂力学问题时,岩石的正交各向异性特征不可忽略。  相似文献   

王振  余天堂 《岩土力学》2014,35(9):2702-2708
扩展有限元法模拟裂纹时独立于网格,因此该方法是目前求解裂纹问题最有效的数值方法。为了在计算代价不大的情况,实现大型结构分析中考虑小裂纹或提高裂纹附近精度,在裂纹附近一般采用小尺度单元,其他区域采用大尺度单元。提出了分析三维裂纹问题的多尺度扩展有限元法,在需要的地方采用小尺度单元。基于点插值构造了六面体任意节点单元。所有尺度单元都采用8节点六面体单元,这样六面体任意节点单元可方便有效地连接不同尺度单元。采用互作用积分法计算三维应力强度因子。边裂纹和中心圆裂纹算例分析结果表明,该方法是正确和有效的。  相似文献   

This paper presents a fracture mapping (FM) approach combined with the extended finite element method (XFEM) to simulate coupled deformation and fluid flow in fractured porous media. Specifically, the method accurately represents the impact of discrete fractures on flow and deformation, although the individual fractures are not part of the finite element mesh. A key feature of FM‐XFEM is its ability to model discontinuities in the domain independently of the computational mesh. The proposed FM approach is a continuum‐based approach that is used to model the flow interaction between the porous matrix and existing fractures via a transfer function. Fracture geometry is defined using the level set method. Therefore, in contrast to the discrete fracture flow model, the fracture representation is not meshed along with the computational domain. Consequently, the method is able to determine the influence of fractures on fluid flow within a fractured domain without the complexity of meshing the fractures within the domain. The XFEM component of the scheme addresses the discontinuous displacement field within elements that are intersected by existing fractures. In XFEM, enrichment functions are added to the standard finite element approximation to adequately resolve discontinuous fields within the simulation domain. Numerical tests illustrate the ability of the method to adequately describe the displacement and fluid pressure fields within a fractured domain at significantly less computational expense than explicitly resolving the fracture within the finite element mesh. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

余天堂 《岩土力学》2007,28(Z1):305-310
扩展有限元法是一种在常规有限元框架内求解强和弱不连续问题的新型数值方法,其原理是在裂尖附近用一些奇异函数和沿裂纹面用阶跃函数加强传统有限元的基,以考虑跨过裂纹的位移场的不连续,该加强策略允许计算网格独立于不连续体几何。讨论了扩展有限元法的一些数值方面,主要包括:水平集法确定界面和加强节点与加强方式、裂尖加强范围的选择、J积分区域的确定和积分方案等。  相似文献   

罗先启  郑安兴 《岩土力学》2018,39(2):728-734
岩体中普遍存在着断层﹑节理和裂隙等结构面,这些结构面的存在和发展对岩体的整体强度﹑变形及稳定性有极大的影响。因此,研究岩体中原生结构面的萌生﹑发展以及贯通演化过程对评估岩体工程安全性和可靠性具有非常重要的理论与现实意义。扩展有限元法(XFEM)作为一种求解不连续问题的有效数值方法,模拟裂隙时独立于网格,因此,在模拟岩体裂隙扩展﹑水力劈裂等方面具有独特优势。针对扩展有限元法的基本理论及其在岩体裂隙扩展模拟中的应用展开了研究,建立了扩展有限元法求解岩体裂隙摩擦接触、岩体裂隙破坏等问题的数值模型,并将计算模型应用于岩质边坡稳定性分析和重力坝坝基断裂破坏等工程问题。  相似文献   

We present an extended finite element (FE) approach for the simulation of slow‐rate frictional faulting in geologic media incorporating bulk plasticity and variable friction. The method allows the fault to pass through the interior of FEs without remeshing. The extended FE algorithm for frictional faulting, advocated in two recent articles, emanates from a variational equation formulated in terms of the relative displacement on the fault. In the present paper we consider the combined effects of bulk plasticity and variable friction in a two‐dimensional plane strain setting. Bulk plasticity is localized to the fault tip and could potentially be used as a predictor for the initiation and propagation of new faults. We utilize a variable velocity‐ and state‐dependent friction, known as the Dieterich–Ruina or ‘slowness’ law, formulated in a slip‐weakening format. The slip‐weakening/variable friction model is then time‐integrated according to the generalized trapezoidal rule. We present numerical examples demonstrating the convergence properties of a global Newton‐based iterative scheme, as well as illustrate some interesting properties of the variable friction model. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

石路杨  李建  许晓瑞  余天堂 《岩土力学》2016,37(10):3003-3010
建立了求解自然裂纹和水力裂纹扩展的扩展有限元法,对裂纹附近区域的节点采用广义形函数,并采用线增函数消除混合单元,以提高裂纹附近的精度。引入水力劈裂的非耦合模型,即假设裂纹中的水压力为均布力;用砂浆法(线段-线段接触法)结合增广型拉格朗日乘子法处理受压裂纹段的接触条件。并通过算例分析了以下内容:计算了受压裂纹和裂纹面分布均布水压力的水力裂纹的应力强度因子,并与解析解进行了比较,结果表明,提出的方法具有很高的精度;模拟了水力裂纹对自然裂纹面的影响,并分析了自然裂纹面上的接触力和接触状态。  相似文献   

万林林  余天堂 《岩土力学》2011,32(Z1):772-0778
扩展有限元法是针对不连续问题提出的一种改进的有限元法,由于其计算网格独立于结构内不连续面,该方法十分适用于处理不连续问题,因此,该方法需能将不连续面和计算网格的几何信息转化为计算分析所需的单元拓扑信息的前处理。针对扩展有限元法在不连续岩体问题中的应用,系统地研究了二维扩展有限元解决不连续问题时单元拓扑信息生成等前处理问题,给出了单元拓扑信息自动生成算法,将不连续面和计算网格几何信息转化为计算所需要的单元拓扑信息,并在此基础上开发了不连续岩体二维扩展有限元法前处理程序。结果表明该算法和程序的适用性和正确性,同时还表明扩展有限元法在不连续岩体问题求解中有较好的应用前景  相似文献   

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