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坐落于上海外滩的上海黄金交易所已于2002年10月30日正式开业,从而结束了中国黄金不能自由买卖的历史。这标志着我国由货币市场、证券市场、保险市场、外汇市场和黄金市场组成的主要金融产品的交易市场全部建成。继股市、债市、期市、邮市和房产市场之后,黄金有望成为中国百姓下一个重要的投资渠道。 据了解,上海黄金交易所采用会员制组织形式。黄金交易所成立初期,主要进行黄金现货交易。随着黄金交易市场机制不断健全和完善,将进一步拓展黄金市场的功能和开发新的交易品种。目前,108家产金、用金、冶炼、造币企业和商业银行已成…  相似文献   

根据西方资产组合理论对中国证券市场进行定量风险测算,利用西方资本资产定价模型检验该模型对中国证券市场风险收益均衡关系的解释性和有效性,从而进一步了解中国证券市场的市场运行机制和价格行为特征,对投资者投资行为以及政府的监管政策有一定积极意义。  相似文献   

自2004年4月,鹤壁市建立土地储备制度,经过三年多的运作和不断完善,初步形成了一套符合鹤壁市实际的土地收购、储备、供应机制,为促进城市建设和经济发展发挥了积极的作用。  相似文献   

宁波市土地储备的探索与思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
土地储备机制是我国城市用地制度的一大创新,近年来不少城市已开始实行。我市从1999年以来也陆续建立了这一机制,并于2001年4月建立了宁波市城市土地储备中心,对土地储备这一新生事物进行了积极的的实践和探索。至今,全市已建立土地储备机构9个,编配工作人员56名;收购储备土地168幅1071公顷,用于土地收购储备资金近55亿元;已出让74幅422公顷,合同出让金75亿元。其中市级已收购储备土地25幅377.8公顷,用于土地收购储备资金43亿元;已出让9幅136.7公顷,合同出让金37亿元。土地储备机制的建立,对于合理利用城市土地、促进城市建设…  相似文献   

近年来,中国不少企业已经走出国门,实施“走出去”的战略。但是从目前来看,还存在不少问题。主要表现在没有实现预期的目标、也没有给国家带来直接或间接的利益。出现这些问题的原因是中国企业竞争力还不强、投资犯有盲动的错误、违背经济规律。照目前的情形来看,中国的企业还不适宜大规模走出去。  相似文献   

国外工业发达国家通过建立完善的合格评定程序机制,以此来强化技术法规、标准的实施及对实施情况进行监督,取得了显著的效果,并成为技术性壁垒的重要手段。许多发展中国家因为制定了比较明确的矿山生产、监督、管理等方面的合格评定(资格认证)体系,在吸引外资方面获得了较好的成绩。目前.我国台格评定机制的建立和运作还  相似文献   

<正>今年以来,面对涉土信访维稳工作的新形势、新问题、新挑战,淮滨县国土资源局积极引导来访人依法逐级走访,着力从根本上将涉土信访维稳工作做实在基层。积极摸排,妥善解决。该局将国土资源所作为支撑点,对全县可能引发上访的苗头性问题进行全面摸排,对排查出的问题及时汇总分析,采取有效措施积极进行妥善解决。建立机制,化解矛盾。针对全县涉土不稳定因素及上级交办的案件,该局制定疑难信访案件处置方案,明确分工,  相似文献   

日前,旨在减缓全球气候变化的《京都议定书》正式生效一年,随着议定书中核心内容清洁机制在中国市场的建立,外国投资者纷纷来到中国购买“减排额”。据有关方面人士估计,未来全球一半的清洁发展机制市场将在中国。据国际非盈利环保组织绿色和平介绍,目前全球碳市场已经形成,二氧化碳排放成为一种新的商品在国际资本市场流通,各  相似文献   

国外工业发达国家通过建立完善的合格评定程序机制,以此来强化技术法规、标准的实施及对实施情况进行监督,取得了显著的效果,并成为技术性壁垒的重要手段.许多发展中国家因为制定了比较明确的矿山生产、监督、管理等方面的合格评定(资格认证)体系,在吸引外资方面获得了较好的成绩.目前,我国合格评定机制的建立和运作还没有形成统一规划、协调及实施有力的良好格局,在国土资源管理工作中也是一个相当薄弱的环节.  相似文献   

“十一五”期间,土地利用应以建立土地市场长效制约机制为切入点,以参与政府宏观调控为手段,积极挖掘内潜、消化存量建设用地,控制新增建设用地总量,从而达到土地资源的可持续利用,保证经济社会的可持续发展。  相似文献   

The South China Sea locates at the convergence center of the Eurasian Plate,the Pacific Plate and the Indo-Australia plate. The Cenozoic seafloor spreading in the South China Sea Basin is an important part of the tectonic evolution of the South China Sea that records information of the continental margin tectonic history and its impact on regional geologic evolution. Magnetic data contains abundant geological structure information from the surface to deep. This paper reports magnetic data of the South China Sea. Through the conventional processing of these magnetic data,we report general results on the regional magnetic anomalies,such as the upward continuation graph,the polar magnetic anomaly map and the magnetic anomaly partition map. The magnetic anomaly field in the South China Sea is divided into eight areas,of which the characteristics are explained,and the tectonic evolution of the South China Sea is preliminarily discussed.  相似文献   

The investment of Samsung Electronics in China is divided into three types: production companies, sales companies and R&D institutions. Based on an analysis of the spatial structure of Samsung's three types of investment and parent company, it is put forward that regional bias exists during the operation of a multi-national corporation (MNC) in China, i.e., regional biases of technology, price, sales as well as decision-making. Front office and back ofrice, two terms related closely with the location of modern MNCs, are defined and locational principles of each are studied. It is pointed out that production companies and R&D institutions belong to back office, while sales company falls into the type of front office. Based on a summarization on the spatial distribution of production companies, sales companies and R&D institutions, the locational principles of front office and back office are then applied in explaining the location of Samsung's operating entities in China. By analyzing the spatial structure and locational principles of Samsung, a typical MNC in China, this paper aims to understand the internal operating mechanism of modern MNCs and then bring assistance to related policies to cope with those problems about MNCs that have attracted growing attention in recent years.  相似文献   

本文基于CG-LTDR土地覆盖数据产品,利用GIS空间统计等方法分析了中国1990-2010年土地覆盖的变化特点。与参考数据的比较检验表明,CG-LTDR土地覆盖数据在中国具有与其他同类数据相当甚至更高的分类精度。经逐年的长时间地表覆盖数据分析发现,由于受气候与人为因素影响,土地覆盖类型有明显的年际变化波动,尤其是云南-内蒙一线的干旱区与湿润区的过渡带。1990-2010年中国的林地和荒漠呈增加趋势,而草地和耕地呈减少趋势。利用5年的合成数据分析其年际变化,结果显示1990-2000年土地覆盖类型变化大,2000-2010年的变化较为平缓。在几种主要覆盖类型中,林地增加最明显,这主要与东南地区大部分耕地、西南和东北地区大面积草地转变为林地有关,但也有部分省份由于树木砍伐和农耕区扩张导致林地面积减小。耕地面积占比最高,其减少趋势主要与耕地变为林地和草地有关。南部的耕地减少最明显,北部略有增加,新增耕地的重心从东南向北转移。林地的增加趋势与耕地的减少趋势主要与全国大范围的退耕还林工程和生态保护政策有关。草地主要分布在生态脆弱区,其面积减少最显著,在西南及东北部分地区主要是草地变为林地,在内蒙中东部-陕西北部一线发生草地与耕地相互转换,而在内蒙北部-青藏高原一线有草地与荒漠的互相转换,在土地覆盖类型交错区,其利用类型容易发生改变。荒漠主要分布于西北地区,由于受到草地退化等因素影响,荒漠化趋势在进一步加剧。  相似文献   

Based on a synthesis of zircon inheritance from Mesozoic igneous rocks in the eastern portion of the North China Craton (NCC) , it is proposed that inherited zircons with Neoproterozoie ages identified from these rocks are of a heterogenous derivation from the Yangtze/South China block, rather than from the NCC itself. The mechanism that introduces these zircons incorporated into the NCC is likely by tectonic underplating during the Triassic continental subduction of the Yangtze block beneath the NCC. Tectonic addition of abundant crustal materials represented by the heterogenous zircons into the NCC, probably along Moho or weak interfaces within the NCC's crust, led to the crustal thickening in the NCC. These heterogenous materials, either as (partial) source rocks or as contaminants of the magmas generated during an extension environment following the crustal thickening, were reworked and therefore have significant contribution to petrogenesis of the Mesozoic igneous rocks. The crustal thickening resulted from the tectonic underplating, as indicated by the distribution extent of the heterogenous zircons, is spatially similar to that of the lithospheric thinning, with both mainly occurring in the eastern segment of the NCC. This is probably suggestive of an intrinsic relation between the thickening and thinning events during the Mesozoic evolution of the NCC.  相似文献   

中国近代(明、清和民国时期)是中国地图编制史上比较有代表性的时期,反映了中国封建社会制图学后期向现代地图学转变的过程。中国近代省区地图具有其他类型地图所不具有的编制特色。本研究通过收集中国近代省区地图资料,从单幅地图、地图集、百科全书并存的出版形式和按行政单位分级分幅的图集编排系统2方面,分析了中国近代省区地图科学内容的编排体系特色;并分别探讨了单幅省区地图、百科全书收录的省区地图和地图集的设计和变化,以总结中国近代省区地图的制图特色,为现今地图制图学提供参考。中国近代省区地图具有较高的地学价值,通过研究中国近代省区地图,可印证省级行政区划单元的地理独特性,揭示省级行政区划单元的内部格局,有利于加强省和区域的管理。  相似文献   

Seagrass research in China is still in its infancy. Even though there has been progress recently, there is still a great deal of research needed to gain a better understanding of seagrass. In this article we review and discuss the advances in seagrass research in China from two aspects: (1) seagrass species and their distribution; (2) seagrass research in China, including studies on their taxonomy, ecology, photosynthesis, applications in aquaculture, salt-tolerance mechanisms and other research topics. A total of 18 seagrass species belonging to 8 genera are distributed in nine provinces and regions in China (including Hong Kong and Taiwan), as well as the Xisha and Nansha Archipelagos. They can be divided into two groups: a North China Group and a South China Group. Based on the seagrass distribution, the Chinese mainland coast can be divided into three sections: North China Seagrass Coast, Middle China Seagrass Coast, and South China Seagrass Coast. Ecological studies include research on seagrass communities, nutrient cycling in seagrass ecosystems, genetic diversity, pollution ecology and research in the key regions of Shandong, Guangdong, Guangxi, and Hainan. Seagrass species and their locations, community structure, ecological evaluation, epiphytes, ecological functions and threats in the key regions are also summarized. Other studies have focused on remote sensing of seagrass, threatened seagrass species of China, and pollen morphology of Halophila ovalis.  相似文献   

将中国大陆划分成东北、华北、华南、青藏、西北5个块体,基于克里金插值法、最小二乘配置法、最小二乘配置移动拟合推估法等3种方法及速度场数据研究中国大陆速度场模型建立方法。利用外检点分析不同建模方法的精度情况,最小二乘配置法在大部分块体(华北、华南、东北块体)的拟合精度都较高,表现稳定|克里金插值法在青藏、华北块体的拟合精度较高。利用克里金插值法与最小二乘配置法获取中国大陆1°×1°格网中心点速度场成果,两种方法成果差异较小。  相似文献   

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目前关于中国古代产业对科学发展影响的主要理论,未把社会学分析与认识论哲学分析结合起来,因此在各产业对科学的作用地位、机制方面,这些理论均存认识不全面、不准确、不彻底的缺陷。从科学创新的内部动力机制入手,以这种机制为导向考察科学与产业的关系,进而以这种关系为线索追溯影响中国古代科学发展的根本产业特征。中国古代科学发展同中国古代工商业的性质是相关的:中国古代工商业总体上属于特殊的垄断类型,这种类型导致技术革新动力不足,从而缺乏对科学的兴趣和支持。  相似文献   

Tianchi Volcano is the largest potential erupticve volcano in China. Analyzing these data on seismic monitoring, deformation observation and water chemistry investigation gained from the Tianchi Volcano Observatory (TVO), the authors consider that the Tianchi Volcano is in going into a new flourishing time.  相似文献   

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