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We study quark and strange quark matter in the context of general relativity. For this purpose, we solve Einstein's field equations for quark and strange quark matter in spherical symmetric space-times. We analyze strange quark matter for the different equations of state (EOS) in the spherical symmetric space-times, thus we are able to obtain the space-time geometries of quark and strange quark matter. Also, we discuss the features of the obtained solutions. The obtained solutions are consistent with the results of Brookhaven Laboratory, i.e. the quark-gluon plasma has a vanishing shear (i.e. quark-gluon plasma is perfect).  相似文献   

We study quarkand strangequarkmatter in the contextof generalrelativity.For this purpose,we solve Einstein's field equations for quark and strange quark matter in spherical symmetric space-times. We analyze strange quark matter for the different equations of state (EOS) in the spherical symmetric space-times,thus we are able to obtain the space-time geometries of quark and strange quark matter. Also,we discuss the features of the obtained solutions. The obtained solutions are consistent with the results of Brookhaven Laboratory,i.e. the quark-gluon plasma has a vanishing shear (i.e. quark-gluon plasma is perfect).  相似文献   

The unusually low amplitude anisotropic wave train events (LAWEs) in cosmic ray intensity using the ground based Deep River neutron monitor data has been studied during the period 1991–1994. It has been observed that the amplitude of the diurnal anisotropy for LAWE events significantly remains quite low and statistically constant as compared to the quiet day annual average amplitude for majority of the events. The time of maximum of the diurnal anisotropy of LAWE significantly shifts towards earlier hours as compared to the co-rotational direction and remains in the direction of quiet day annual average anisotropy for majority of the events. On the other hand, the amplitude of the semi/tri-diurnal anisotropy remains statistically the same and high whereas, phase shift towards later hours as compared to the quiet day annual average values for majority of the LAWEs. The diurnal anisotropy vectors are found to shifts towards earlier hours for 50% of the events; whereas they are found to shifts towards later hours for rest of the events (50%) relative to the average vector for the entire period. It is also noted that the amplitude of these vectors are found to increase significantly with the shift of the diurnal anisotropy vectors towards later hours. The high-speed solar wind streams do not play a significant role in causing the LAWE events on short-term basis, however it may be responsible in causing these events on long-term basis (Mishra and Mishra 2007). Occurrence of LAWE is dominant, when the polarity of Bx and Bz remains positive and polarity of By remains negative, which is never been reported earlier. The amplitude of first harmonic shows good anti-correlation and direction of first and third harmonic shows nearly good anti-correlation with solar wind velocity, whereas the direction of second harmonic shows nearly good anti-correlation with interplanetary magnetic field strength.  相似文献   

We applied principal component analysis(PCA) to the study of five ground level enhancements(GLEs) of cosmic ray(CR) events. The nature of the multivariate data involved makes PCA a useful tool for this study. A subroutine program written and implemented in the R software environment generated interesting principal components.Analysis of the results shows that the method can distinguish between neutron monitors(NMs) that observed Forbush decreases from those that observed GLEs at the same time. T...  相似文献   

本文利用几种典型的银河系宇宙线分布律和星际氢分布律计算单漏模式和双漏模式中的弥散宇宙γ射线谱。结果表明,几种典型的宇宙线分布中,李惕碚的分布律优于其他作者的分布律;星际氢分子数量的取值应当比Gordon值除以1.7更小;只要适当地选择宇宙线分布和氢分布就可得到与观测γ谱相近的理论谱,宇宙线分布和氢分布均可在一定范围里选取。  相似文献   

研究了磁场对奇异星模型中夸克直接Urca过程的中微子能量损失率的影响,首先改进了弱场条件下的近似计算方法,这一方法可以推广到其他弱作用过程.在甚强磁场下,严格地计算Urca过程的中微子能量损失率,结果显示辐射率强烈地依赖于磁场,与磁场的二次方成正比,更重要的是对温度的依赖关系不同于弱场及没有磁场时的情形.  相似文献   

The data on primary cosmic ray fluxes at the top of the atmosphere are given for the period since 1937 till the present time. These data have been obtained from the regular cosmic ray flux measurements in the stratosphere and on the ground level. They have been used to find the relationship of cosmic ray fluxes with solar activity (sunspot number). On the basis of the deduced relationship the cosmic ray fluxes in the past have been recovered, as the sunspot number is known since 1500. The link between the smoothed data on Be-10 atom concentrations and cosmic ray fluxes is established which gives a possibility to calculate cosmic ray fluxes in the far past.  相似文献   

早期中子星和夸克物质   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
夸克禁闭的解除与夸克物质的存在一直是物理学家极感兴趣的问题。尽管理论上已指出在超高温或超高密的条件下可以有夸克物质存在,但是由于地面实验室的条件所限,目前还不能通过实验证实这一点.宇宙中被观测到的中子星(例如crab和Vela脉冲星)的中心密度大于4倍的核物质密度,其中心温度也可以达到10~8—10~9K,于是人们希  相似文献   

Supernova Remnants (SNRs) are the most likely sources of the galactic cosmic rays up to energies of about 1015 eV/nuc. The large scale shock waves of SNRs are almost ideal sites to accelerate particles up to these highly non-thermal energies by a first order Fermi mechanism which operates through scattering of the particles at magnetic irregularities. In order to get an estimate on the total amount of the explosion energy E SNconverted into high energy particles the evolution of a SNR has to be followed up to the final merging with the interstellar medium. This can only be done by numerical simulations since the non-linear modifications of the shock wave due to particle acceleration as well as radiative cooling processes at later SNR stages have to be considered in such investigations. Based on a large sample of numerical evolution calculations performed for different ambient densities n ext, SN explosion energies, magnetic fields etc. we discuss the final ‘yields’ of cosmic rays at the final SNR stage where the Mach number of the shock waves drops below 2. At these times the cosmic rays start to diffuse out of the remnant. In the range of external densities of10-2n ext/[cm-3] ≤ 30 we find a the total acceleration efficiency of about 0.15 E SN with an increase up to 0.24 E SN at maximum for an external density of n ext = 10 cm-3. Since for the larger ambient densities radiative cooling can reduce significantly the total thermal energy content of the remnant dissipation of Alfvén waves can provide an important heating mechanism for the gas at these later stages. From the collisions of the cosmic rays with the thermal plasma neutral pions are generated which decay subsequently into observable γ-rays above 100 MeV. Hence, we calculate these γ-ray luminosities of SNRs and compare them with current upper limits of ground based γ-raytelescopes. The development of dense shells due to cooling of the thermal plasma increases the γ-ray luminosities and e.g. an external density of n ext = 10 cm-3 with E SN = 1051 erg can lead to a γ-ray flux above 10-6 ph cm-2 s-1 for a remnant located at a distance of 1 kpc. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Three different models have been proposed for LiBeB production bycosmic rays: the CRI model in which the cosmic rays areaccelerated out of an ISM of solar composition scaled withmetallicity; the CRS model in which cosmic rays with compositionsimilar to that of the current epoch cosmic rays are acceleratedout of fresh supernova ejecta; and the LECR model in which adistinct low energy component coexists with the postulated cosmicrays of the CRI model. These models are usually distinguished bytheir predictions concerning the evolution of the Be and Babundances. Here we emphasize the energetics which favor the CRSmodel. This model is also favored by observations showing that thebulk (80 to 90%) of all supernovae occur in hot, low densitysuperbubbles, where supernova shocks can accelerate the cosmicrays from supernova ejecta enriched matter. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

In this work the galactic cosmic ray modulation in relation to solar activity indices and heliospheric parameters during the years 1996??C?2010 covering solar cycle 23 and the solar minimum between cycles 23 and 24 is studied. A new perspective of this contribution is that cosmic ray data with a rigidity of 10 GV at the top of the atmosphere obtained from many ground-based neutron monitors were used. The proposed empirical relation gave much better results than those in previous works concerning the hysteresis effect. The proposed models obtained from a combination of solar activity indices and heliospheric parameters give a standard deviation <?10?% for all the cases. The correlation coefficient between the cosmic ray variations of 10?GV and the sunspot number reached a value of r=?0.89 with a time lag of 13.6±0.4 months. The best reproduction of the cosmic ray intensity is obtained by taking into account solar and interplanetary indices such as sunspot number, interplanetary magnetic field, CME index, and heliospheric current sheet tilt. The standard deviation between the observed and calculated values is about 7.15?% for all of solar cycle 23; it also works very well during the different phases of the cycle. Moreover, the use of the cosmic ray intensity of 10?GV during the long minimum period between cycles 23 and 24 is of special interest and is discussed in terms of cosmic ray intensity modulation.  相似文献   

相对于核物质和奇异夸克物质, 仅由两味夸克构成的轻夸克物质(即ud夸克物质)有可能更稳定. 而对于由这三类物质构成的典型物质集团, 研究发现如果ud夸克物质具有较大的对称能, 那么其物质团会在特定大小(重子数$A\approx1000$)时最稳定. 在这种情况下, 就可能存在由ud夸克物质团和电子构成的致密矮星, 即ud夸克矮星. 通过进一步研究这类ud夸克矮星的结构可知: 相较于传统的由原子核和电子构成的白矮星, ud夸克矮星通常具有较小的半径, 而被正常物质覆盖的ud夸克矮星的半径则在它们之间, 这与最近观测到的质量和半径都异常小的白矮星相符.  相似文献   

Quest for antimatter in cosmic rays has revealed no compelling evidence of primary, extragalactic antiparticles up to the present time. Recent positron and antiproton observations have been found to be consistent with a pure galactic origin up to energies of 50 GeV and 20 GeV respectively. In this paper it is discussed which role might be played by Ultra High Energy (UHE) extragalactic particles and antiparticles in cosmic-ray observations near Earth. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

From the monthly data of cosmic ray intensity (CRI), sunspot numbers (SSN) and solar flare index (SFI), an attempt has been made to study the relationship between CRI and solar activity (SA) parameters SSN and SFI. The correlation between SA parameters and CRI for different neutron monitoring stations having low, middle and high cut-off rigidity has been investigated. The anti-correlation between SA and CRI is found to exist with some time lag. Based on the method of minimizing correlation coefficient and time-delayed component method, the observed time-lag between SA parameters (SSN and SFI) and CRI has been found to be large for odd solar cycles in comparison to even solar cycles. The results of time-lag analysis between CRI and SSN and between CRI-SFI have also been compared. The findings of correlative study between CRI and SSN are in agreement with earlier results, while the CRI-SFI relationship provides new insights to understand the solar modulation of cosmic rays.  相似文献   

Influence of cosmic ray pressure and kinetic stream instability on space plasma dynamics and magnetic structure are considered. It is shown that in the outer Heliosphere are important dynamics effects of galactic cosmic ray pressure on solar wind and interplanetary shock wave propagation as well as on the formation of terminal shock wave of the Heliosphere and subsonic region between Heliosphere and interstellar medium. Kinetic stream instability effects are important on distances more than 40–60 AU from the Sun: formation of great anisotropy of galactic cosmic rays in about spiral interplanetary magnetic field leads to the Alfven turbulence generation by non isotropic cosmic ray fluxes. Generated Alfven turbulence influences on cosmic ray propagation, increases the cosmic ray modulation, decreases the cosmic ray anisotropy and increases the cosmic ray pressure gradient in the outer Heliosphere (the later is also important for terminal shock wave formation). This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The pressure-corrected hourly counting rate data of four neutron monitor stations have been employed to study the variation of cosmic ray diurnal anisotropy for a period of about 50 years (1955–2003). These neutron monitors, at Oulu ( R c = 0.78 GV), Deep River ( R c = 1.07 GV), Climax ( R c = 2.99 GV), and Huancayo ( R c = 12.91 GV) are well distributed on the earth over different latitudes and their data have been analyzed. The amplitude of the diurnal anisotropy varies with a period of one solar cycle (∼11 years), while the phase varies with a period of two solar cycles (∼22 years). In addition to its variation on year-to-year basis, the average diurnal amplitude and phase has also been calculated by grouping the days for each solar cycle, viz. 19, 20, 21, 22, and 23. As a result of these groupings over solar cycles, no significant change in the diurnal vectors (amplitude as well as phase) from one cycle to other has been observed. Data were analyzed by arranging them into groups on the basis of the polarity of the solar polar magnetic field and consequently on the basis of polarity states of the heliosphere ( A > 0 and A < 0). Difference in time of maximum of diurnal anisotropy (shift to earlier hours) is observed during A < 0 (1970s, 1990s) polarity states as compared to anisotropy observed during A > 0 (1960s, 1980s). This shift in phase of diurnal anisotropy appears to be related to change in preferential entry of cosmic ray particles (via the helioequatorial plane or via solar poles) into the heliosphere due to switch of the heliosphere from one physical/magnetic state to another following the solar polar field reversal.  相似文献   

Hajyan  G. S.  Alaverdyan  G. B. 《Astrophysics》2022,65(1):126-136
Astrophysics - The thermodynamic characteristics of hot β-equilibrium three-flavor quark matter with neutrino confinement are studied in terms of the local SU(3) Nambu-Jona-Lasinio (NJL)...  相似文献   

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