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理解增暖背景下海洋环境的演化过程是海洋学和气候学一项重要的研究内容。在地质时期,地球经历了多次增暖时段(包括早全新世),这为认识海洋环境演化过程提供了重要参考。早全新世全球气候经历了快速增暖,并伴随着冰原融化和海平面快速上升,对包括白令海在内的高纬边缘海的沉积过程和海洋环境产生显著影响。白令海发育宽阔的大陆架,毗邻北美大陆,接受来自育空河、阿纳德尔河和库斯科维姆河物质的供给。目前我们对白令海如何响应早全新世气候的认识还存在明显不足。本研究对位于白令海北部陆坡LV63-19-3岩心沉积物中陆源碎屑组份进行了高分辨率调查,结合沉积年龄模型,研究了早中全新世(距今11.7~5.5 ka)白令海北部陆坡陆源沉积演化过程。研究结果显示,在距今11.5~11 ka,白令海北部陆坡沉积速率高达392.9 cm/ka,在距今约9.7 ka以后降至17.2 cm/ka。在距今11~10.7 ka,发现一层厚约40 cm的暗色纹层状沉积层。在高沉积速率时段,沉积物平均粒径较细,距今9 ka以来平均粒径逐渐增大。主微量元素分析结果表明,陆源碎屑沉积物母岩性质以长英质沉积物为主,并存在少量火山碎屑源贡献。白令海北部陆坡高沉积速率事件对应于冰原融水脉冲(MWP)-1B事件(距今11.4~11.1 ka),并导致白令海陆坡硅质生产力勃发。在距今11~10.7 ka研究区春夏季海冰覆盖增加抑制表层水体氧供给,夏、秋季持续冰川融水和高表层生产力进一步加剧了水体层化和海洋内部消耗,共同促进了纹层状沉积层的形成。距今9 ka以来白令海季节性海冰活动增强,但是陆源碎屑物质质量累积速率则逐渐减小,表明随着海平面上升,供给到研究区的陆源物质减少。我们认为早全新世白令海北部陆坡沉积环境快速变化是海平面、冰融水脉冲事件和季节性海冰活动共同作用的结果,实际上受高纬日射量、北美大陆冰原融化和全球气候变化控制。  相似文献   

该文分析了珠江口沉积物柱状样HKUV16中正构烷烃的长链奇碳烷烃含量(∑oddC25~33)、碳优势指数(CPI)、平均链长(ACL)、C31/C27和海洋水生植物比重(Pmar-aq),探讨了中全新世以来正构烷烃来源变化及对珠江流域环境变迁的指示。HKUV16的长链正构烷烃特征指示其主要来自陆源高等植物。在8.0~7.0 ka BP期间,∑oddC25~33、CPI值和Pmar-aq值增加,ACL和C31/C27为低值,指示该时期陆源有机质输入增加,木本植物占比大,珠江流域气候湿润。在7.0~3.2 ka BP期间,∑oddC25~33降低,表明陆源有机质输入减少,而ACL和C31/C27呈增—减—增的变化趋势,指示珠江流域可能经历了干旱—湿润—干旱的气候变化。3.2~2.2 ka BP,ACL、C31/C27  相似文献   

泸沽湖沉积物正构烷烃分布特征及其古植被意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用气相色谱-质谱联用仪从泸沽湖沉积物中检测出丰富的正构烷烃系列分子化石,泸沽湖沉积物正构烷烃分布特征可归纳为双峰前峰型和双峰后峰型,说明泸沽湖沉积有机质母质来源为混源。较高丰度的中等长度正构烷烃及Paq和(C15+C17+C19)/(C27+C29+C31)比值等指标指示挺水植物及沉水/漂浮植物等水生植物贡献量较大,同时,也说明较大的内源输入可能是泸沽湖TOC含量较高的原因之一。主峰碳及正构烷烃代用指标(C27+C29)/(C31+C33)比值和ACL指示泸沽湖沉积有机质木本植物输入量占优势,这与现今泸沽湖流域植被类型特征相符。纵向上,(C27+C29)/(C31+C33)比值和ACL没有明显的阶段性和趋势性变化,反映出正构烷烃记录的泸沽湖流域草本植被与木本植被相对变化不明显。不同沉积时期正构烷烃分布特征有所不同。3万年以来泸沽湖流域植被演化特征可以分为3个阶段:30~20cal.kaBP气候偏干冷,沉积有机质母质主要为低等水生生物和藻类,沉水和漂浮植物也有较大贡献;20~5cal.kaBP为相对暖湿的气候环境,陆源高等植被对泸沽湖沉积有机质的贡献增加;5~0cal.kaBP(对应剖面205~0cm)气候有变冷干的趋势,沉积有机质物源以低等水生生物和藻类为主,同时,具有较多高等植物和沉水/漂浮植物输入。泸沽湖流域12kaBP为干冷气候时期,这在时间与气候特征上与YD事件相符,可能是西南季风对YD事件的响应。  相似文献   

利用气相色谱-质谱联用仪(GC-MS)对湖北麻城金罗家遗址古文化层样品进行了系统分析,检测出丰富的类脂物分子,包括正构烷烃、一元正脂肪酸、一元正脂肪醇和α-正构脂肪酮等,主要讨论正构烷烃类脂物的分布特征。正构烷烃的分布在各文化层不同,其中,在生土层以C17为主峰;西周文化层F2和F4两样品以C17和C31为双主峰,F3样品以C17为主峰;东周文化层主要以C17和C31为双主峰,而F 7以C31为主峰,F9以C17为主峰;唐宋文化层以C17和C31为双主峰;明清文化层以C31为主峰,现代耕植土层以C29为主峰。而正构烷烃高碳数C27/C31比值的变化反映出遗址域中木本植物与草本植物的相对变化,正构烷烃高碳数ACL值反映遗址域中的草本植物与木本植物之间的转变,有机δ13C表现为C3和C4植物,它们在本剖面上表现出多阶段的变化。因此,正构烷烃在不同的人类古文化层具有不同的分布特征,除了反映当时的微生物活动、植物属种的相互取代或分子沉积后的改造作用外,还可能蕴藏着当时的气候变化和古人类活动的信息,有待进一步研究。  相似文献   

黄海是1个重要的碳汇,其沉积物有机质来源复杂多样,而且在碳循环中的作用不同。边缘海有机质来源的定量估算是碳循环研究中的1个重要内容。正构烷烃是1种常用的指示有机质来源的生物标志物。本文对南黄海63个表层沉积物中正构烷烃的分布及其组成特征进行分析,并与其它生物标志物指标进行对比。结果显示,南黄海区域表层沉积物中正构烷烃多呈现双峰群分布,前峰群短链烷烃无明显奇偶碳数优势,主要来自海洋浮游藻类和细菌;后峰群长链烷烃具有奇碳数优势,主要来自于陆地高等植物,其中草本植物和木本植物来源所占比例相近。短链和长链正构烷烃在黄海中部都有高值分布,主要受中部细颗粒沉积物的吸附作用及较低的沉积速率影响。陆源海源烷烃含量比(∑T/∑M)和陆源海源优势烷烃含量比(TAR)对沉积有机质来源的指示是一致的,北部和近苏北沿岸处有高比值分布,指示有较高的陆源输入;低比值区分布于中南部,指示陆源输入较少。∑T/∑M(以及TAR)与生物标志物指标(∑T/1.5∑B)的分布趋势相似,只是北部高值区相对明显程度有所差别,可能与北部细菌作用较强、水深较大导致短链正构烷烃降解程度较大有关。  相似文献   

正构烷烃及单体碳同位素的古植被与古气候意义   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
与古植被、古气候变化密切相关的正构烷烃分子化石及其单体碳同位素的研究是近年来最为引人注目和关切的环境科学问题之一,这一研究在国际上已取得了一定的成果。在详细综述国际上正构烷烃及其单体碳同位素在古植被与古气候方面研究进展的同时,着重叙述了他们在生物输入源的识别,古植被、古温度的重建以及古大气飘尘源区气候变化的响应等方面的研究动态,分析并讨论了目前存在的问题及其发展趋势。指出随着测试分析技术的发展,正构烷烃分子化石及其单体碳同位素将成为重现古环境变迁和现代环境信息变化的一个强有力的工具。  相似文献   

利用GC-MS对红原泥炭样品中的分子化石进行了系统检测,获得了一系列正构烯烃,碳数分布范围为C18-C28,主峰碳为C27,次主峰为C23或C25,与同一深度处的正构烷烃分布模式完全不同。泥炭中正构烯烃的轻重组分∑C21-/∑C21+、正构烯烃与相应碳数的正构烷烃比值呈有意义的阶段性变化。其中∑C21-/∑C21+与正构烷烃L/H的变化趋势大体一致;而C24:1/C24:0和C23:1/C23:0比值却与之相反。这可能与正构烯烃,特别是这些中碳数化合物因气候如温度的变化在厌氧条件下发生微生物的氢化作用有关,很可能记录了青藏高原东北部地区全新世以来的温度信号。(C26+C27+C28)/(C23+C24+C25)正构烯烃比值,与该区植被分布具有一定的对应关系,说明这些正构烯烃可能除了与植被有关外,也与不同植被类型的组织具有不同抗微生物降解能力相关。这些指标记录的气候信息与前期报道的分子化石记录的气候演化基本一致,说明正构烯烃可以作为古气候的替代性指标。  相似文献   

东海埋藏了通过长江、黄河以及台湾河流进入的巨量陆源有机碳,是重要的有机碳碳“汇”。识别东海沉积物中陆源有机碳的分布特征和搬运过程,是东海碳通量研究不可或缺的内容。目前关于陆源有机碳在东海沉积物中分布的研究区域主要集中在河口、内陆架以及水深<120 m的中、外陆架地区;针对东海外陆架和冲绳海槽陆坡的研究较少,仅少量研究对东海陆架与冲绳海槽南部沉积物的陆源有机碳特征进行了对比分析,对陆源有机碳的“源-汇”过程、分布特征、沉积动力机制等诸多问题尚缺乏系统性的认识。通过对东海外陆架-陆坡-冲绳海槽80个表层沉积物的长链正构烷烃含量及组成特征进行分析,并结合粒度、总有机碳(TOC)及稳定碳同位素(δ13C)指标,讨论了研究区沉积物中陆源有机碳的含量及运移分布。结果显示,δ13C和(ΣC27+C29+C31 n-alkane)/TOC指示的陆源有机碳相对含量在研究区变化范围很大,从外陆架到海槽,有先降低后增高的变化趋势,陆源有机碳在陆坡以及海槽的一些特定区域选择性的大量沉积。东海内陆架的陆源有机碳在横穿东海陆架后,可以在陆坡处通过搬运-沉积-再悬浮-再搬运的方式运移至冲绳海槽沉积。长链正构烷碳优势指数(CPI)的结果表明,来自东海内陆架的陆源有机碳主要在冲绳海槽28.5°—30°N范围内沉积,28.5°N以南的陆源有机质主要受到台湾物质的影响,而30°N以北沉积物中的陆源有机质主要是来源于黄河和日本岛。  相似文献   

通过分析珠江三角洲中部钻孔沉积物的微体动物群(有孔虫和介形类)组成和分布特征,结合测年、岩性、沉积物粒度和软体动物群数据,重建了珠江三角洲中部全新世以来的古环境演化。受末次冰期影响,珠江三角洲地区暴露地表遭受风化剥蚀,普遍发育杂色黏土。随着冰后期气候回暖,海平面快速回升,海水经多个口门自南向北侵入珠江三角洲地区。南部较早接受海侵,约9010cal.aBP海水入侵至中部地区,研究区开始发育河口湾环境,并持续至4510cal.aBP。期间,钻孔记录的微体动物群组成和丰度特征反映了2次短周期的水体条件波动,最大水深发生于约7000~5630cal.aBP,微体动物群的丰度达到最高值。约4510cal.aBP以来为持续海退期,河流作用逐渐增强,发育三角洲平原环境。  相似文献   

通过对渤海湾西北岸大吴庄牡蛎礁壳体内部的泥质填充物中硅藻组合的研究,试图探讨该区沉积硅藻组合变化指示的礁体古气候环境变化.分析结果表明,在 7 200~5 600 cal. a BP 整个礁体建造期间,沿岸种 Cyclotella stylorum 是含量最丰富的硅藻种类,其与海水种 Thalassionema nitzschioides 的含量变化指示了礁体生长区河流径流与海水相互作用的强弱波动,主要包括三个阶段:7 200~6 500 cal. a BP,礁体建造初期,礁体受海水影响显著;6 500~5 720 cal. a BP,礁体建造中期,礁体生长区的盐度降低,海水作用减弱,淡水作用增强;5 720~5 600 cal.a BP,礁体建造结束期,礁体生长区的盐度显著降低,礁体受海水影响进一步减弱.  相似文献   

Long-chain n-alkanols and n-alkanes in core sediments from the northern South China Sea (SCS) were measured to make a comparison during terrestrial vegetation reconstruction from ~42 ka to ~7 ka. The results showed that terrestrial vegetation record from long-chain n-alkanes matched well with previous studies in nearby cores, showing that more C4 plants developed during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) and C3 plants dominated in the interglacial period. However, these scenarios were not revealed by terrestrial vegetation reconstruction using long-chain n-alkanols, which showed C3 plant expansion during the LGM. The discrepancy during the interglacial period could be attributed to the aerobic degradation of functionalized long-chain n-alkanols in the oxygen-rich bottom water, resulting in poor preservation of terrestrial vegetation signals. On the other hand, the different advantages of functionalized n-alkanols and non-functional n-alkanes to record local and distal vegetation signals, respectively, may offer a potential explanation for the contradiction during the LGM when the SCS was characterized by low-oxygen deep water. Nevertheless, large variations on n-alkyl lipid compositions in C3/C4 plants could play a part in modulating sedimentary long-chain n-alkanols and n-alkanes toward different vegetation signals, thereby suggesting that caution must be taken in respect to the terrestrial vegetation reconstruction using long-chain n-alkanes and long-chain n-alkanols.  相似文献   

Elemental (TOC, TN, C/N) and stable carbon isotopic (δ13C) compositions and n-alkane (nC16–38) concentrations were measured for Spartina alterniflora, a C4 marsh grass, Typha latifolia, a C3 marsh grass, and three sediment cores collected from middle and upper estuarine sites from the Plum Island salt marshes. Our results indicated that the organic matter preserved in the sediments was highly affected by the marsh plants that dominated the sampling sites. δ13C values of organic matter preserved in the upper fresh water site sediment were more negative (−23.0±0.3‰) as affected by the C3 plants than the values of organic matter preserved in the sediments of middle (−18.9±0.8‰) and mud flat sites (−19.4±0.1‰) as influenced mainly by the C4 marsh plants. The distribution of n-alkanes measured in all sediments showed similar patterns as those determined in the marsh grasses S. alterniflora and T. latifolia, and nC21 to nC33 long-chain n-alkanes were the major compounds determined in all sediment samples. The strong odd-to-even carbon numbered n-alkane predominance was found in all three sediments and nC29 was the most abundant homologue in all samples measured. Both δ13C compositions of organic matter and n-alkane distributions in these sediments indicate that the marsh plants could contribute significant amount of organic matter preserved in Plum Island salt marsh sediments. This suggests that salt marshes play an important role in the cycling of nutrients and organic carbon in the estuary and adjacent coastal waters.  相似文献   

王春禹  姚鹏  赵彬 《海洋学报》2020,42(10):1-13
于2014年3月对长江口及邻近海域的表层沉积物进行了高分辨率采样,分析了沉积物粒级组成、比表面积、总有机碳含量及其稳定碳同位素组成(δ13C)、正构烷烃及其相关分子指标,讨论了此区域沉积有机碳和正构烷烃的高分辨分布特征,并结合基于主成分分析-蒙特卡洛模拟的三端元混合模型,对沉积有机碳的来源进行了定量解析。结果表明,长江口及其邻近海域表层沉积物中总有机碳含量为0.45%±0.16%,近岸泥质区总有机碳含量较高,外海砂质区含量较低。总正构烷烃(C14-C35)的绝对含量和相对于总有机碳的含量分别为(1.42±0.73)μg/g和(0.34±0.21) mg/g。泥质区以长链正构烷烃占优势,具有较强的奇碳优势;砂质区以短链正构烷烃占优势,且具有一定的偶碳优势。长江输入、老黄河口输入、闽浙沿岸小型河流输入和水动力分选等因素制约了正构烷烃的输运和分布特征。模型结果显示此区域沉积有机碳来自海源、土壤和高等植物的混合输入,其中以海源为主,其贡献为42.70%±18.18%,由陆地向外海贡献逐渐升高,其次是土壤和高等植物,其贡献分别为2...  相似文献   

对中国第四次北极科学考察期间在白令海北部获取的海水样品进行悬浮体含量及其颗粒组分特征的分析。结果表明,白令海陆架海区悬浮体含量大体呈现出表层浓度低而底层浓度高的特点。表层海水悬浮体含量在白令海峡西侧和陆架东侧靠近阿拉斯加沿岸含量较高,而底层海水中悬浮体含量则在白令海峡西侧,以及白令海陆架西南部的圣马修岛西北侧较高。陆架流系对底床物质的再悬浮作用致使白令海悬浮颗粒物浓度的高值区多位于近底层海水中。受白令陆坡流沿陆架坡折带输运作用,研究区西南部悬浮体浓度较高。白令海陆架水以及阿纳德尔流携带悬浮颗粒向北输运,使得底层悬浮体浓度呈现出自南向北逐渐减弱的模式。圣劳仑斯岛以北靠近楚科奇半岛一侧海域,受高营养盐的阿纳德尔流的影响,悬浮颗粒物以藻类为主;东侧阿拉斯加沿岸流区悬浮颗粒则以陆源的碎屑矿物为主。  相似文献   

The distribution of chlorophyll a(Chl a) and its relationships with physical and chemical parameters in different regions of the Bering Sea were discussed in July 2010. The results showed the seawater column Chl a concentrations were 13.41–553.89 mg/m2 and the average value was 118.15 mg/m2 in the study areas. The horizontal distribution of Chl a varied remarkably from basin to shelf in the Bering Sea. The regional order of Chl a concentrations from low to high was basin, slope, outer shelf, inner shelf, and middle shelf. The vertical distribution of Chl a was grouped mainly from single-peak type in basin, slope, outer shelf, and middle shelf, where the deep Chl a maxima(DCM) layer was observed at 25–50 m, 30–35 m, 36–44 m, and 37–47 m, respectively. The vertical distribution of Chl a mainly had three basic patterns: standard single-peak type, surface maximum type, and bottom maximum type in the inner shelf. The analysis also showed that the transportation of ocean currents may control the distribution of Chl a, and the effects were not simple in the basin of the Bering Sea. There was a positive correlation between Chl a and temperature, but no significant correlation between Chl a and nutrients. The Bering Sea slope was an area deeply influenced by slope current. Silicate was the factor that controlled the distribution of Chl a within parts of the water in the slope. Light intensity was an important environmental factor in controlling seawater column Chl a in the shelf, where Chl a was limited by nitrate rather than phosphate within the upper water. Meanwhile, there was a positive relationship between Chl a and salinity. Algal blooms broke out at Sta. B6 of the southwestern St. Lawrence Island and Stas F6 and F11 in the middle of the Bering Strait.  相似文献   

通过对比白令海BR07孔与B5-4孔硅藻百分含量、颜色反射率等参数结果,综合建立了BR07孔年龄框架。根据该重建年龄结果,BR07孔年龄约为11.3~1.9 ka,平均沉积速率约为28.5 cm/ka,略低于B5-4孔。基于圆柱拟脆杆藻与塞米新细齿藻比值Fragilariopsis cylindrus含量/(Fragilariopsis cylindrus含量+Neodenticula seminae含量)重建的近万年来白令海海冰变化历史,记录到该区域末次冰消期以来包括新仙女木事件在内的3次冷事件以及1次暖事件,其中新仙女木事件约发生于距今11.3~10.7 ka,与格陵兰冰心记录对应值距今12.9~11.6 ka基本相近,这进一步佐证了该重建年龄比原始的全样有机碳AMS 14C测年结果更可信。  相似文献   

According to data obtained in the Bering Sea during the 4th Chinese National Arctic Research Expedition, the distribution of dissolved oxygen(DO) was studied, causes of its maximum concentration were discussed, and the relationships between DO and other parameters, such as salinity, temperature, and chlorophyll a were analyzed. The results showed DO concentration ranged from 0.53 to 12.05 mg/L in the Bering Sea basin. The upper waters contained high concentrations and the maximum occurred at the depth range from 20 to 50 m. The DO concentration decreased rapidly when the depth was deeper than 200 m and reached the minimum at the depth range from 500 to 1 000 m, and then increased slowly with the depth increasing but still kept at a low level. On the shelf, the DO concentration ranged from 6.53 to 16.63 mg/L with a mean value of 10.75 mg/L, and showed a characteristic of decreasing from north to south. The DO concentration was higher in the area between the Bering Sea and Lawrence Island and was lower in the southeast and southwest of Lawrence Island at the latitude of 62°N. The formation of maximum DO concentration was concerned with phytoplankton photosynthesis and formation of the themocline. To the south of Sta. B07 in the Bering Sea basin, the oxygen produced by photosynthesis permeated to the deeper water and the themocline made it difficult to exchange vertically, and to the north of Sta. B07, the maximum DO concentration occurred above the themocline due to phytoplankton activities. On the shelf, the oxygen produced by phytoplankton photosynthesis gathered at the bottom of the thermocline and formed the DO maximum concentration. In the Bering Sea basin, the DO and salinity showed a weak negative correlation(r=0.40) when the salinity was lower than 33.1, a significant negative correlation(r=0.92) when the salinity ranged from 33.1 to 33.7, and an irregular reversed parabola(r=0.95) when the salinity was greater than 33.7.  相似文献   

Several years of continuous physical and biological anomalies have been affecting the Bering Sea shelf ecosystem starting from 1997. Such anomalies reached their peak in a striking visual phenomenon: the first appearance in the area of bright waters caused by massive blooms of the coccolithophore Emiliania huxleyi (E. huxleyi). This study is intended to provide an insight into the mechanisms of phytoplankton succession in the south-eastern part of the shelf during such years and addresses the causes of E. huxleyi success by means of a 2-layer ecosystem model, field data and satellite-derived information. A number of potential hypotheses are delineated based on observations conducted in the area and on previous knowledge of E. huxleyi general ecology. Some of these hypotheses are then considered as causative factors and explored with the model. The unusual climatic conditions of 1997 resulted most notably in a particularly shallow mixed layer depth and high sea surface temperature (about 4 °C above climatological mean). Despite the fact that the model could not reproduce for E. huxleyi a clear non-bloom to bloom transition (pre- vs. post-1997), several tests suggest that this species was favoured by the shallow mixed layer depth in conjunction with a lack of photoinhibition. A top-down control by microzooplankton selectively grazing phytoplankton other than E. huxleyi appears to be responsible for the long persistence of the blooms. Interestingly, observations reveal that the high N:P ratio hypothesis, regarded as crucial in the formation of blooms of this species in previous studies, does not hold on the Bering Sea shelf.  相似文献   

北白令海透明胞外聚合颗粒物的含量与来源   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
透明胞外聚合颗粒物(TEP)是海水中大量存在的黏性颗粒物质,它对于海洋颗粒物的聚集、有机碳的埋藏、食物网物质的传递、痕量金属的清除与迁出等均起着重要作用。本研究开展了夏季北白令海陆架、陆坡和海盆区透明胞外聚合颗粒物含量和分布的研究。结果表明,北白令海TEP含量介于34~628 mg/m3(Xeq)之间,其中陆架、陆坡和海盆区TEP的平均含量分别为240, 145和83 mg/m3(Xeq),整体呈现由陆架向外海降低的趋势。在陆坡和海盆区,TEP含量随着深度的增加而降低,但在陆架近底层水中,观察到TEP高含量的特征,与近底层水高的TSM, POC相对应。TEP与荧光强度、TSM、POC等的关系分析显示,研究海域TEP存在两个来源,其一为海洋上层水体的浮游生物,其主要贡献于陆架上层、陆坡和海盆水体;其二为陆架沉积物的底栖生物,其通过沉积物再悬浮贡献于陆架近底层水。  相似文献   

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