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极地积雪和海冰厚度是气候变化的重要指标,也是船舶在冰区航行需要掌握的主要参数。2014和2015年在南极普里兹湾中山站附近布放了一种新式的温度链浮标,该浮标每天进行4次常规温度观测和1次加热升温观测,用于实时获取积雪和海冰剖面温度及厚度数据的研究。通过分析剖面温度曲线和升温曲线反映出的大气、积雪、海冰和海水4种介质的热传导特性差异,可利用人工识别的方法(人工经验法)获得大气/积雪、积雪/海冰和海冰/海水界面的位置。根据统计不同介质在升温响应和垂直温度梯度等方面的特性,找到合理阈值,可通过编写程序自动判断各界面的位置(自动程序法)。本文利用这两种方法来判断不同物质界面位置从而计算得到积雪和海冰厚度。与现场人工观测的海冰厚度相比,人工经验法的平均偏差和均方根偏差分别为2.1 cm和6.4 cm(2014年)以及4.3 cm和6.5 cm(2015年),自动程序法的平均偏差和均方根偏差分别为-6.8 cm和6.4 cm(2014年)以及4.5 cm和 6.6 cm(2015年);对于积雪,人工经验法与现场人工观测的平均偏差和均方根偏差分别为0.5 cm和 8.5 cm,而自动程序法的平均偏差和均方根偏差分别为4.7 cm和10.8 cm。自动程序法误差较人工经验法偏大,但考虑到整体冰厚和现场观测的误差,两种方法的结果均是可信的,精度是可以接受的。利用新式的温度链浮标实时获取南极普里兹湾积雪和海冰厚度是可行的。 相似文献
基于卫星高度计的北极海冰厚度变化研究 总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2
A modified algorithm taking into account the first year(FY) and multiyear(MY) ice densities is used to derive a sea ice thickness from freeboard measurements acquired by satellite altimetry ICESat(2003–2008). Estimates agree with various independent in situ measurements within 0.21 m. Both the fall and winter campaigns see a dramatic extent retreat of thicker MY ice that survives at least one summer melting season. There were strong seasonal and interannual variabilities with regard to the mean thickness. Seasonal increases of 0.53 m for FY the ice and 0.29 m for the MY ice between the autumn and the winter ICESat campaigns, roughly 4–5 month separation, were found. Interannually, the significant MY ice thickness declines over the consecutive four ICESat winter campaigns(2005–2008) leads to a pronounced thickness drop of 0.8 m in MY sea ice zones. No clear trend was identified from the averaged thickness of thinner, FY ice that emerges in autumn and winter and melts in summer. Uncertainty estimates for our calculated thickness, caused by the standard deviations of multiple input parameters including freeboard, ice density, snow density, snow depth, show large errors more than 0.5 m in thicker MY ice zones and relatively small standard deviations under 0.5 m elsewhere. Moreover, a sensitivity analysis is implemented to determine the separate impact on the thickness estimate in the dependence of an individual input variable as mentioned above. The results show systematic bias of the estimated ice thickness appears to be mainly caused by the variations of freeboard as well as the ice density whereas the snow density and depth brings about relatively insignificant errors. 相似文献
海冰上积雪的分布是影响海冰与大气能量交换以及气候变化的重要因素。当前的CMIP6气候模式(如CESM2和NESM3)采用定常的积雪密度,而专注于模拟雪厚度和密度变化的模式(如SnowModel-LG)则采用经验的变化雪密度公式。对比CryoSat-2卫星观测的积雪厚度发现,从积雪厚度的空间分布与平均值难以判断出变化雪密度对北冰洋积雪厚度模拟产生何种影响,对于变化雪密度模拟积雪厚度的改进及机制有待进一步研究。本文采用随气温、风速等因子变化的雪密度经验公式模型,并利用SNOTEL单站的长时间序列观测资料,对不同影响因子设计如下敏感性实验:A. 考虑所有气象因子的变化雪密度模型;B. 常数雪密度模型;C. 在A中不考虑风对密实化的影响;D. 在A中不考虑气温对密实化的影响。实验A、B、C和D诊断计算的2018年11月1日至2019年5月10日积雪厚度的均方根误差分别为4.2 cm、4.8 cm、25.9 cm和4.2 cm。结果表明,变化雪密度方案A模拟的积雪密度、厚度在平均值上与常数雪密度的结果接近,但其模拟的积雪厚度均方根误差最小,并且能够模拟出积雪厚度在几天到十几天时间尺度上的高频变化,同时减小了这种高频变化对应时段雪厚模拟结果的相对误差,二者具有一定的相关性。此外,还发现气温变化对积雪密实化的影响远小于风。 相似文献
近30年来,北极海冰正发生着剧烈的变化。海冰体积是量化海冰变化的重要指标之一。本文以2015年CryoSat-2卫星测高数据和OSI SAF海冰类型产品为基础。提取了浮冰出水高度、积雪深度、海冰密集度、海冰类型等属性信息,通过数据内插、投影变换、栅格转换、空间重采样等工作将海冰属性信息统一为25 km×25 km分辨率的栅格数据集。根据流体静力学平衡原理,逐个估算栅格像元对应的海冰厚度值,将其与对应的海冰面积相乘,估算了北极海冰密集度大于75%海域的海冰体积,并分析了海冰厚度和体积的月变化和季节变化特征。用NASA IceBridge海冰厚度产品对反演的海冰厚度进行验证。结果表明二者相关系数为0.72,有较高的一致性。北极海冰平均厚度春季最大,夏季最小,分别约为2.99 m和1.77 m,最厚的海冰集中在格陵兰沿岸北部和埃尔斯米尔半岛以北海域。多年冰平均厚度大于一年冰。冬季海冰体积最大,约为23.30×103 km3,经过夏季的融化,减少了近70%。一年冰体积季节波动较大,而多年冰体积相对稳定,季节变化不明显。 相似文献
2016年4月至11月在南极中山站普里兹湾布设了A1、A2、A3 3套冰雪情检测传感器。传感器每隔1 h采集一次数据,实时获取了被测点空气、积雪、海冰和海水的剖面温度数据。通过对不同介质剖面温度的分析,系统可以有效反映出海冰、积雪在气温影响下的温度变化差异,即空气、积雪、海冰和海水的热传导特性差异。通过寻找合理的温度阈值,编写MATLAB程序分别对积雪、海冰上下界面位置进行了自动判断,从而得到整个观测期间海冰厚度和积雪深度的变化过程。并与人工观测进行比较,结果表明:从传感器安装时间开始,海冰持续增长,10月开始海冰增长速度放慢,直至10月末达到最大海冰厚度170 cm左右。A1、A2、A3传感器采集的冰厚值与人工观测值之间平均误差分别为5.1 cm(A1)、3.4 cm(A2)、3.6 cm(A3);积雪深度的平均误差分别为3.2 cm(A1)、3.5 cm(A2)、2.7 cm(A3),传感器测得的积雪、海冰厚度结果可以较好的反映出被测地点冰雪情的演变过程,是一种可以应用于条件恶劣地区的冰雪环境有效检测手段。 相似文献
Ground Penetrating Radar(GPR) measurements of sea ice thickness including undeformed ice and ridged ice were carried out in the central north Canadian Archipelago in spring 2010. Results have shown a significant spatial heterogeneity of sea ice thickness across the shelf. The undeformed multi-year fast ice of(2.05±0.09) m thick was investigated southern inshore zone of Borden island located at middle of the observational section,which was the observed maximum thickness in the field work. The less thick sea ice was sampled across a flaw lead with the thicknesses of(1.05±0.11) m for the pack ice and(1.24±0.13) m for the fast ice. At the northernmost spot of the section, the undeformed multi-year pack ice was(1.54±0.22) m thick with a ridged ice of 2.5 to 3 m,comparing to the multi-year fast ice with the thickness of(1.67±0.16) m at the southernmost station in the Prince Gustaf Adolf Sea. 相似文献
海冰运动是影响北极海冰平流输运和物质平衡空间重新分布的重要因素。本研究基于2018年9月至2019年8月期间北冰洋66个冰基浮标位置记录数据,结合大气再分析数据,计算得到了海冰运动速度、冰速与风速的比值和海冰运动惯性强度,以刻画北极海冰运动学特征参数在一个冰季的时空变化,并讨论了不同区域冰速与风速比与海冰密集度的关联性。海冰漂移速度在波弗特–楚科奇海、东北极中央区和西北极中央区呈秋冬降低春夏升高的季节变化特征。格陵兰海月均海冰漂移速度((0.32±0.06)m/s)最大,其次是弗拉姆海峡((0.17±0.07)m/s)和波弗特–楚科奇海((0.14±0.05)m/s),而东北极中央区((0.09±0.02)m/s)和西北极中央区((0.07±0.03)m/s)较低。在月尺度上,冰漂移速度与风速的比值主要受海冰漂移速度支配。弗拉姆海峡和格陵兰海受较强的表层海流影响,冰速与风速比值较大,西北极中央区、东北极中央区和波弗特–楚科奇海的冰速与风速比值随着海冰密集度的增加趋近,并分布在0~0.02之间。所有浮标的月平均惯性运动指数为0.158±0.144,秋冬季过渡期间,海冰对风的响应以及海冰运... 相似文献
The physical structures of snow and sea ice in the Arctic section of 150°-180°W were observed on the basis of snow-pit, ice-core, and drill-hole measurements from late July to late August 2010. Almost all the investigated floes were first-year ice, except for one located north of Alaska, which was probably multi-year ice transported from north of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago during early summer. The snow covers over all the investigated floes were in the melting phase, with temperatures approaching 0℃ and densities of 295-398 kg/m3 . The snow covers can be divided into two to five layers of different textures, with most cases having a top layer of fresh snow, a round-grain layer in the middle, and slush and/or thin icing layers at the bottom. The first-year sea ice contained about 7%-17% granular ice at the top. There was no granular ice in the lower layers. The interior melting and desalination of sea ice introduced strong stratifications of temperature, salinity, density, and gas and brine volume fractions. The sea ice temperature exhibited linear cooling with depth, while the salinity and the density increased linearly with normalized depth from 0.2 to 0.9 and from 0 to 0.65, respectively. The top layer, especially the freeboard layer, had the lowest salinity and density, and consequently the largest gas content and the smallest brine content. Both the salinity and density in the ice basal layer were highly scattered due to large differences in ice porosity among the samples. The bulk average sea ice temperature, salinity, density, and gas and brine volume fractions were-0.8℃, 1.8, 837 kg/m3 , 9.3% and 10.4%, respectively. The snow cover, sea ice bottom, and sea ice interior show evidences of melting during mid-August in the investigated floe located at about 87°N, 175°W. 相似文献
雪热传导系数是海冰质量平衡过程中的重要物理参数,决定了穿透海冰的热传导通量。北冰洋海冰质量平衡浮标观测获得多年冰上冬季温度链剖面可以明显地区分冰雪界面。本文考虑到冰雪界面处温度随时间变化,再根据冰雪界面热传导通量连续假定,提出了新的雪热传导系数计算方法。受不同环境因素影响,多年冰上各个浮标的雪热传导系数在0.23~0.41 W/(m·K)之间,均值为(0.32±0.08) W/(m·K)。北冰洋多年冰上冬季穿过海冰的热传导通量最大发生在11月至翌年3月,约14~16 W/m2。结冰季节,来自海冰自身降温的热量对穿过海冰向大气传输的热量贡献逐月减少,从9月100%减小到12月的35%,翌年的1月至3月稳定在10%左右。夏季,短波辐射通能量通过热传导自上而下加热海冰,海冰上层温度高于下层,热量传播方向与冬季反向,往海冰内部传递。直到9月短波辐射完全消失,气温下降,热量再次转变为自下往上传递。从冰底热传导来看,夏季出现海冰向冰水界面传递热量现象。由于雪较好的绝热性,冰上覆雪极大地削弱了海冰上层热传导通量,从而减缓了秋冬季节的结冰速度。尽管受雪厚影响,多年冰上层热传导通量与气温依旧具有很好的线性关系,气温每降低1℃,热传导通量增加约0.59 W/m2。 相似文献
Arctic sea ice distribution in summer based on aerial photos 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
1Introduction TheArcticOceanisoneoftheimportantcold sourcesontheearth,whichaffectsglobalclimateand oceancirculationseriously.Itsinteractionwithglobal climatesystemisrepresentedbyseaice,whichisthe mainfeatureonthesurfaceoftheArcticOcean(Aa- gaard,etal.,1989).Firstly,seaiceplaysapivotalrole intheheatandmassbalanceonthesurfaceoftheArc- ticOcean.Seaicenotonlyobstructstheheatexchange betweenatmosphereandocean,butalsoreflectsthe mostofthelocalsolarradiationbacktotheatmo- spherebecauseofitshighalb… 相似文献
A comprehensive analysis of sea ice and its snow cover during the summer in the Arctic Pacific sector was conducted using the observations recorded during the 7th Chinese National Arctic Research Expedition(CHIANRE-2016) and the satellite-derived parameters of the melt pond fraction(MPF) and snow grain size(SGS)from MODIS data. The results show that there were many low-concentration ice areas in the south of 78°N, while the ice concentration and thickness increased significantly with the latitud... 相似文献
1Introduction Seaiceoccupiesthemainpartofthesurfaceof theArcticOcean.ThefocusoftheSecondChineseNa- tionalArcticResearchExpedition(CHINAE-2003) wastounderstandthevariationsofarcticmarineenvi- ronmentsandtheseaiceeffectsontheclimatechanges ofglobalextent,inmiddleandlowerlatitudesareas, especiallyinChina.Therefore,thejointsea-ice-airob- servationforseaicestudieswasoneofthekeypro- jectsinCHINARE-2003.Theinvestigatedareacov- ered3000kmfromsouthtonorthand900kmfrom westtoeast.Seventemporali… 相似文献
Sea-ice physical characteristics were investigated in the Arctic section of 143°-180°W during August and early September 2008. Ship-based observations show that both the sea-ice thickness and concentration recorded during southward navigation from 30 August to 6 September were remarkably less than those recorded during northward navigation from 3 to 30 August, especially at low latitudes. Accordingly, the marginal ice zone moved from about 74.0°N to about 79.5°N from mid-August to early September. Melt-pond coverage increased with increasing latitude, peaking at 84.4°N, where about 27% of ice was covered by melt ponds. Above this latitude, melt-pond coverage decreased evidently as the ice at high latitudes experienced a relatively short melt season and commenced its growth stage by the end of August. Regional mean ice thickness increased from 0.8 (±0.5) m at 75.0°N to 1.5 (±0.4) m at 85.0°N along the northward navigation while it decreased rapidly to 0.6 (±0.3) m at 78.0°N along the southward navigation. Because of relatively low ice concentration and thin ice in the investigated Arctic sector, both the short-term ice stations and ice camp could only be set up over multiyear sea ice. Observations of ice properties based on ice cores collected at the short-term ice stations and the ice camp show that all investigated floes were essentially isothermal with high temperature and porosity, and low density and salinity. Most ices had salinity below 2 and mean density of 800-860 kg/m~3 . Significant ice loss in the investigated Arctic sector during the last 15 a can be identified by comparison with the previous observations. 相似文献
北极各海域海冰覆盖范围的变化特征 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
Sea ice in the Arctic has been reducing rapidly in the past half century due to global warming.This study analyzes the variations of sea ice extent in the entire Arctic Ocean and its sub regions.The results indicate that sea ice extent reduction during 1979–2013 is most significant in summer,following by that in autumn,winter and spring.In years with rich sea ice,sea ice extent anomaly with seasonal cycle removed changes with a period of 4–6 years.The year of 2003–2006 is the ice-rich period with diverse regional difference in this century.In years with poor sea ice,sea ice margin retreats further north in the Arctic.Sea ice in the Fram Strait changes in an opposite way to that in the entire Arctic.Sea ice coverage index in melting-freezing period is an critical indicator for sea ice changes,which shows an coincident change in the Arctic and sub regions.Since 2002,Region C2 in north of the Pacific sector contributes most to sea ice changes in the central Aarctic,followed by C1 and C3.Sea ice changes in different regions show three relationships.The correlation coefficient between sea ice coverage index of the Chukchi Sea and that of the East Siberian Sea is high,suggesting good consistency of ice variation.In the Atlantic sector,sea ice changes are coincided with each other between the Kara Sea and the Barents Sea as a result of warm inflow into the Kara Sea from the Barents Sea.Sea ice changes in the central Arctic are affected by surrounding seas. 相似文献