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2009年4月19日在新疆阿图什市阿合奇县(41.1°N,78.3°E)发生了Ms5.5级地震。此次地震前,阿合奇台地倾斜资料、乌什台水管倾斜资料和二氧化碳、巴楚台地应力均出现了明显的震前异常。趋势异常表现为年变畸变;短临异常表现在矢量加速和减速。  相似文献   

王伟利  张文来 《内陆地震》1999,13(4):379-383
引言1998年9月18日阿合奇县发生MS4.4和MS4.8地震,震害范围包括县城及吾曲镇。地震发生后,阿克苏中心地震台立即组织人员奔赴地震现场,收集了大量资料。在地震考察和震害调查基础上,对2次地震的震害特征进行了分析并对震灾损失予以评估。1 地震基本参数1.1 发震时刻MS4.4:1998-09-18T10-51-29.9。MS4.8:1998-09-18T11-53-12.0。1.2 震中位置MS4.4地震微观震中为φN40°52′,λE78°55′。MS4.8地震微观震中为φN40°58′…  相似文献   

2009年7月9日在云南省姚安县发生M6.0地震,利用云南区域数字地震台网记录的ML≥2.0余震波形记录,通过对S波观测记录谱进行传播路径、场地响应和仪器响应等影响的逐一消除,得到131个地震的震源谱.进而根据Brune圆盘震源模型,利用遗传算法计算地震矩、应力降、震源半径等震源参数.结果表明,该地震序列的M0在1012-1016N·m,与近震震级有很好的线性关系,与震源半径呈线性关系;应力降与近震震级有一定线性趋势相关性;拐角频率和地震矩M0之间有明显的依赖关系.  相似文献   

2005年8月26日新疆墨玉5.4级地震序列   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2005年8月26日新疆墨玉县发生了MS5.4地震,震区附近强烈有感,并造成了一定程度的破坏。本文从地震基本参数、震群监测、震源机制解、发震构造、地震序列等方面概述了这次地震序列。  相似文献   

1996年2月28日四川宜宾5.4级地震的参数和前兆   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
本文简要地给出1996年2月28日四川宜宾5.4级地震的基本参数,震源机制解,余震序列及震前地震活动的特点,观测台网分布和前兆异常,以及对宜宾5.4级地震中短期预报的情况。  相似文献   

2005年9月19日陈巴尔虎旗-牙克石市间5.0级地震特征分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
2005年9月19日在内蒙呼伦贝尔市陈巴尔虎旗-牙克石市间发生了5.0级地震。震前,震源区附近ML≥4.0级地震活动异常平静,100km以外中等地震十分活跃。震源机制主压应力方向与背景场方向NEE向一致,仰角增大了53.5°。东北地区中强地震活动显著增强,主要集中在大兴安岭及其东西两侧。研究表明,未来1~2年,东北地区存在发生中强震的可能。  相似文献   

研究了发生在海西断裂天祝拉分盆地1996年6月1日5.4级地震的震源机制,利用位于天祝-古浪地区的数字式微震监测台网纪录的余震的精确定位确定了本次地震的发震断层,研究表明这次地震是天祝拉分盆地中垂直于主断裂的近南北向断裂所形成,根据破裂模型和海原西断裂的应力积累状况,讨论了海原西断裂近期的大震危险性。  相似文献   

文中基于新疆区域数字地震台网观测资料,采用CAP方法反演了2020年1月19日伽师MS6.4主震、前震和部分MS≥3.6余震的震源机制解和震源深度,利用多阶段定位方法对本次伽师6.4级地震序列进行了重新定位,并在此基础上分析了伽师6.4级地震序列的震源深度、震源机制和震源破裂面特征,探讨可能的发震构造.初步结果显示,利...  相似文献   

陈继锋 《地震工程学报》2015,37(4):1124-1128
使用甘肃省测震台网记录的三分向宽频带长周期数字波形资料,在时间域反演2012年5月3日甘肃金塔5.4级地震的矩张量解,并与Harvard大学CMT解进行比较。结合该地区的地质资料和构造背景,分析金塔地震的发震成因。结果显示震源性质为走滑型,断层破裂面走向为166°、倾角66°、滑动角-168°,P轴走向为32°,与金塔地震余震分布和地震破坏分布情况大体一致,由此推测金塔地震的发震断层可能为神螺山-野马井断层。  相似文献   

根据震区深浅地质构造特征及现场考察结果,1996年6月1日天祝古浪5.4级地震极震区位于古浪断裂与武威天祝断裂的交汇部位,该部位是应力积累和释放的有利场所,本次地震即为两条断裂内次级断裂共同作用的结果  相似文献   

On July 31th, 2016, a magnitude 5.4 earthquake struck Cangwu Country, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, it was the largest earthquake recorded by Guangxi Seismological Network since it set up. The number of people affected by the earthquake had reached 20 000, and the direct economic losses caused by the earthquake were nearly 100 million Yuan. After the earthquake, USGS provided a global earthquake catalog showing that the focal depth of Cangwu earthquake was about 24.5km. However, the result given by the Global Centroid Moment Tensor showed the focal depth of this earthquake was 15.6km. However, the result obtained by Xu Xiaofeng et al. using CAP method was 5.1km. It was clear that the focal depths of Cangwu earthquake given by different institutions were quite different from each other. However, accurate focal depth of the earthquake has important significance for exploring the tectonic mechanism near the epicenter, so it is necessary to further determine the more accurate depth of the Cangwu earthquake. In order to further accurately determine the focal depth of Cangwu earthquake, we used the global search method for travel-time residual to calculate the focal depth of this earthquake and its error range, based on the regional velocity model, which is a one-dimensional velocity model of the Xianggui tectonic belt produced by the comprehensive geophysical profile. Then, we inverted the focal mechanism of this earthquake with the CAP method. Based on this, the focal depth of Cangwu MS5.4 earthquake was further determined by the method of the Rayleigh surface wave amplitude spectrum and the sPL phase, respectively. Computed results reveal that the focal depth of this earthquake and its error range from the travel-time residual global search method is about(13±3)km, the focal depth inverted by CAP method is about 10km, the focal depth from sPL phase is about 10km, and the focal depth from Rayleigh surface wave amplitude spectrum is about 9~10km. Finally, we confirmed that the focal depth of Cangwu MS5.4 earthquake is about 10km, which indicates that this earthquake still occurred in the upper crust. In the case of low network density, the sPL phase and Rayleigh wave amplitude spectrum recorded by only 1 or 2 broadband stations could be used to obtain more accurate focal depth. The focal depth's accuracy of Cangwu MS5.4 earthquake in the USGS global earthquake catalog has yet to be improved. In the future, we should consider the error of the source parameters when using the USGS global earthquake catalog for other related research.  相似文献   

岫岩5.4级地震前地形变观测异常的某些特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
详细介绍了岫岩5.4级地震前锦州市地震台TJ—1A型体积式应变仪和CZB—1型竖直摆倾斜仪观测资料的异常变化情况,认为中等强度地震前短期或短临前兆信息是存在的。  相似文献   

利用乌什台和阿合奇台1992~2013年积累的地倾斜观测资料,采用形态法、矢量法对40个MS5.0以上地震前出现的异常变化进行统计分析与对比。在模拟记录期间震前异常特征表现为葫芦串、错动、抖动、矢量打结转向、年变畸变,在数字记录期间震前异常特征表现为高频抖动、固体潮畸变、矢量打结转向、年变畸变。两个台站地倾斜异常特征相同点为都有年变畸变和矢量打结转向,而且震前都会出现一些临震异常;不同点表现为异常形态的幅度、形状不同,且出现在不同分量上。  相似文献   

On July 31th, 2016, a moderately strong earthquake of MS5.4 hit the Cangwu County in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. The focal depth of this earthquake is about 10 kilometers. This earthquake occurred in the junction area of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, Hunan Province and Guangdong Province. Nanning, Guangzhou, Shenzhen and other cities felt this earthquake. The Cangwu County disaster area is unique in terms of geographical position, tectonic geology, landform, economic development situation, population distribution and climate condition, etc. Based on the investigation to the earthquake hit area, and the analysis of its special natural environment, social economical conditions and humanities, seven general disaster characteristics of the Cangwu MS5.4 earthquake are summarized from the point of view of earthquake disaster emergency rescue and reconstruction. namely, the low population density in the disaster area, the single building structure type and the low-level economic development, the short duration of ground motion, the small number and low magnitude of aftershocks, no large landslide, debris flow and other secondary geological disasters caused by this earthquake, the area is prone to typhoon and other climate disasters which are likely to aggravate earthquake disaster, and the earthquake occurred in an area of weak seismicity in South China. This paper introduces the basic situation of the MS5.4 Cangwu earthquake and analyzes the seven disaster characteristics of this earthquake. In order to better respond to moderate-strong earthquake in weak seismicity regions of South China, this paper summarizes some experience and revelations about the earthquake in the MS5.4 Cangwu earthquake emergency response process, and puts forward some corresponding countermeasures of earthquake disaster reduction in weak seismicity regions in southern China. In the future work, we should pay more attention to pre-disaster prevention, and strengthen earthquake-monitoring capability. In order to reduce the casualties caused by collapse of houses, we should improve the seismic fortification standards of houses, carry out relevant researches on earthquake damage prevention measures of karst areas. And in order to carry out comprehensive disaster reduction, we should strengthen cooperation with the meteorological department, and carry out more comprehensive earthquake emergency drills.  相似文献   

2003年2月14日石河子M5.4地震地形变异常及其演化分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨又陵  张翼 《内陆地震》2005,19(3):241-248
分析了新疆石河子M5.4地震前震中250 km范围内定点形变的观测资料,认为从2002年5月到震前,单测项异常随时间起伏,多台异常在时间上连续发展并呈增加趋势,震前20天位于震中附近的台站出现临震突变;异常在空间呈现由西向东、由南向北,逐渐向震中区发展的态势.与1996年沙湾M5.2地震前的形变异常进行比较,认为存在较大的差异.  相似文献   

Based on the mobile gravity observation data in 2014-2016 in Guangxi and its adjacent areas, this paper systematically analyzed the changes of regional gravity field and its relation to the MS5.4 Cangwu, Guangxi earthquake on July 31, 2016, and combined with GPS observation data and seismic geological survey results, discussed the temporal and spatial distribution characteristics of the changes of regional gravity field and its mechanism. The results show that:(1) Before and after the MS5.4 Cangwu earthquake, the gravity anomaly changes near the earthquake area were closely related to the major faults in space, which reflects the crustal deformation and tectonic activities that caused the surface gravity change along the seismogenic fault in the period of 2014-2016; (2) The gravity changes near the epicenter before and after the MS5.4 Cangwu earthquake showed an evolution process in which the positive gravity anomaly zone changed to the negative gravity anomaly zone, a gravity gradient belt appeared along NNE direction and the earthquake occurred in its reverse change process; (3) The epicenter of the MS5.4 Cangwu earthquake located both near the gravity gradient belt and in the zero transition zone of the surface strain gradient and the edge of the high maximum shear strain rate area, the observational fact further proved that the dynamic image of gravitational field and deformation field have important instruction significance to the location prediction of strong earthquakes; (4) in recent years, the gravity dynamic change in northwestern Guangxi presented a four-quadrant distribution pattern, and there is the risk of generating earthquake of magnitude about 5 in the center of the quadrants.  相似文献   

利用乌什、阿合奇台数字形变观测资料,分析了近几次远场7级左右地震和近场5级地震前形变资料的变化情况.分析表明:震前2个台的数字形变资料有明显变化的大多是NS分向,部分地震前的中短期异常可以认定,远场强震和近场5级地震前7天左右,乌什水管仪NS向大多存在不同程度高频抖动和畸变的临震异常,与天气干扰导致的高频变化不同.同时,对2个台的数字与模拟倾斜资料进行了对比分析,并对几次中强地震前后形变资料变化所反映的地球物理现象进行了探讨.  相似文献   

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