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几种视程障碍现象的区别   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
视程障碍现象规定了能见度,光色,天气条件和成因几个标准。能见度主要是由空气中所含质粒的浓度所决定,用以判断天气现象的有无、强度。光色特征是由空气中所含质粒的性态决定的,是指天空背景和太阳的颜色,各种粒子对光波的散射和漫射不同,就呈现出不同的光色。光色和能见度标准之结合,决定了不同时刻可以出现1种或2种相似、相近的天气现象。对于某些特殊的天气现象观测员有时很难判定,是地面观测目测项目中的一个难点。  相似文献   

周建龙 《湖北气象》2005,24(1):40-41
根据十堰市2000-2001年出现的干质视程障碍现象的相关气象要素特征,结合其形成机理,可得出如下结论:十堰市干质视程障碍现象多发生在冬、春季节,且不同干质视程障碍现象出现时,测站相关气象要素间存在着明显差异。其中霾出现时,日最小相对湿度在35%-68%之间,当浮尘、扬沙出现时测站的最小相对湿度则小于35%。  相似文献   

本文通过对某些复杂天气情况下,如何判别争议较大的几种天气现象,谈一些观点,对提高测报质量和观测员的业务技术水平有一定的帮助。  相似文献   

对地面观测工作中遇到的常见视程障碍现象进行准确区分,确保气象观测记录的准确性。  相似文献   

常见视程障碍现象观测的经验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张少伟 《山东气象》2008,28(4):64-64
按照《地面气象观测规范》有关规定,结合日常工作实际,对遇到的常见视程障碍现象进行正确区分,确保气象观测记录记载正确。  相似文献   

本文介绍了新型自动气象站能见度观测数据的几种记录格式,对其计算方法等进行分析,并简要阐述了视程障碍现象自动判断的方法,以及目前存在的不足和特殊情况下的记录处理。  相似文献   

视程障碍现象自动判断方法分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了新型自动气象站能见度观测数据的几种记录格式,对其计算方法等进行分析,并简要阐述了视程障碍现象自动判断的方法,以及目前存在的不足和特殊情况下的记录处理。  相似文献   

利用四川省1981—2013年雾、轻雾、吹雪、雪暴、烟幕、霾、沙尘暴、扬沙和浮尘9种视程障碍天气现象资料,对其发生日数、发生概率和分布特征进行统计。结果表明:(1)各天气现象发生日数排序为:轻雾>雾>浮尘>霾>烟幕>扬沙>沙尘暴>吹雪>雪暴。(2)轻雾和雾年发生日数为分别为176d/a和29d/a,日发生概率分别为48%和8%,远高出其他天气现象。(3)季节变化方面,雾和轻雾主要出现在秋季和冬季;霾、吹雪和雪暴集中出现在冬季;浮尘发生春季;扬沙多发生在冬季和春季;而沙尘暴、烟幕主要发生在春季和秋季。(4)变化趋势上轻雾基本保持平稳;烟幕呈增加趋势;而雾、霾、沙尘暴、扬沙和浮尘呈下降趋势。(5)大气层结稳定、水汽充足、风速较小、人口集中和排放量较大,易于盆地雾、轻雾、霾和烟幕的形成;不合理利用水和土地资源,北方地区沙尘天气随冷空气南下,是沙尘天气发生的重要原因;而吹雪和雪暴均发生在冬季降雪量大且风速较大的川西高原。  相似文献   

几种常见视程障碍类天气现象的辨析及观测要点   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
针对近几年来我国视程障碍类天气现象有所增加的事实,着眼于2001~2002年汉川站所观测到的雾、轻雾、扬沙、浮尘、霾等5种视程障碍现象,分为3组对其异同和特征进行了辨析,并指出了各组视程障碍现象的观测要点,最后简单分析了能见度对视程障碍现象观测的影响。  相似文献   

田茂 《四川气象》2006,26(1):27-27
《地面气象观测规范》对云与云之间及尘一类天气现象之间相似主点的比较都有详细说明,观测判别这类现象时有据可依,而对沙尘下云的判断则无详细说明,当遇到沙尘天气,水平能见度、垂直能见度均较差的情况下,云特别是卷层云的判别就比较困难。一、有霾时卷层云的判别霾散射太阳光  相似文献   

The diffraction of a surface wave that is obliquely incident upon a small, cylindrical deformation of the bottom of a laterally unbounded ocean is calculated by small perturbation theory. The reflection coefficient is found to vanish for an angle of incidence of 45° independently of the shape of the obstacle.  相似文献   

In a study using the plume from the Four Corners power plant, near Farmington, N.M., lee waves were observed during times when the plume flowed across the Hogback. Wavelengths were typically about 1.2 km; wave amplitudes were more variable, ranging from 20 to 100 m. The observed amplitudes imply an obstacle that is broader and shallower than is actually the case. This is in agreement with laboratory studies that show the existence of regions of complex flow both upstream and downstream from an obstacle, which have the effect of broadening the region over which laminar flow occurs. Visual observation, measurement of the plume cross-sectional area both upstream and downstream from the Hogback, and measurement of plume aerosol concentrations show that turbulent and eddy flow over and downwind from the Hogback increase the rate of mixing of the plume with the surrounding atmosphere. This in turn increases the rate at which plume components come into contact with the ground.  相似文献   

Flow over a two-dimensional obstacle and dispersion of a heavier-than-air gas near the obstacle were studied. Two species, one representing air and the other representing the heavier-than-air gas were treated. Equations for mass and momentum were cast in mass-averaged form, with turbulent Reynolds stresses and mass fluxes modeled using eddy-viscosity and diffusivity hypotheses. A two-equation k- turbulence model was used to determine the effective turbulent viscosity. Streamline curvature and buoyancy corrections were added to the basic turbulence formulation. The model equations were solved using finite difference techniques. An alternating-direction-implicit (ADI) technique was used to solve the parabolic transport equations and a direct matrix solver was used to solve the elliptic pressure equation.Mesh sensitivities were investigated to determine the optimum mesh requirements for the final calculations. It was concluded that at least 10 grid spaces were required across the obstacle width and 15 across the obstacle height to obtain valid solutions. A non-uniform mesh was used to concentrate the grid points at the top of the obstacle.Experimental measurements were made with air flow over a 7.6 by 7.6 cm obstacle in a boundary-layer wind tunnel. Smoke visualization revealed a low-frequency oscillation of the bubble downstream of the obstacle. Hot-wire anemometer data are presented for the mean velocity and turbulent kinetic energy at the mid-plane of the obstacle and the mid-plane of the downstream recirculation bubble. A single hot-wire probe was found to be suitable for determining mean streamwise velocities with an accuracy of 11 %. The downstream recirculation bubble was unsteady and had a length range from 3 to 8 obstacle lengths.The experimental results for flow over the obstacle were compared with numerical calculations to validate the numerical solution procedure. A sensitivity study on the effect of curvature correction and variation of turbulence model constants on the numerical solution was conducted. Calculations that included the curvature correction model gave a downstream recirculation bubble length of 5.9 obstacle lengths while excluding the correction reduced this length to 4.4.In the second part of the study, numerical calculations were performed for the dispersion of a heavier-than-air gas in the vicinity of the two-dimensional obstacle. Characteristics of an adiabatic boundary layer were used in these calculations. The densities of the contaminant gases were 0, 25 and 50% greater than the air density. Calculations were performed with the contaminant injection source upstream and downstream of the obstacle.Use of the pressure gradient model reduced the size of the dense gas cloud by as much as 12%. The curvature correction model also affected the cloud expanse by reducing the effective turbulent viscosity in the downstream recirculation bubble. The location of the injection source had the largest impact on the cloud size. The area of the cloud within the 5 % contour was three times larger for downstream injection than for upstream injection.  相似文献   

The dispersion of a uniform two-dimensional flow of carbon dioxide gas in air over a square two-dimensional obstacle was studied experimentally in an atmospheric boundary-layer wind tunnel. The obstacle Reynolds number was about 6000 based upon the undisturbed velocity at the height of the obstacle, and the Froude number was about 1.75. Carbon dioxide was injected vertically upward from the surface at a rate of 10% of the freestream velocity. The injection surface area began one obstacle length upstream and extended upstream one and one-half obstacle lengths. A gas concentration measurement system for carbon dioxide and air mixtures was developed for use in an atmospheric wind tunnel. Centerline steady-state concentration profiles were measured for various locations downstream of the leading edge of the obstacle. The maximum concentrations of carbon dioxide occurred atop the obstacle in the thin recirculation zone above the obstacle. Immediately behind the obstacle within the larger downstream recirculation zone, concentration levels significantly decreased. Further downstream, the concentration levels continued to diminish.Experimental results were compared with the numerical solutions of Sutton et al. (1986). The experimental measurements of concentration were lower than the predicted results of the numerical solutions, which may be attributed to the higher value of the Froude number present in the experimental measurements.Associate Professor.  相似文献   

不同用语能见度之间的差异   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
耿加勤 《气象》2003,29(2):53-55
着重介绍各种能见度术语以及部分国家和国际组织因对能见度描述用语的不同而产生的差异,尤其是气象能见度同航空要求的能见度与跑道视程之间的不同。对于我国加入WTO后,航空界了解国际使用能见度的情况及如何和国际接轨有一定参考价值。  相似文献   

为实现微热弯成形系统中微位移的高精度测量,构建了微位移计算机视觉测量系统.应用Matlab编写摄像机标定程序并计算摄像机的内外参数,利用OpenCV对被测对象的图像进行灰度化、二值化和Canny边缘提取,采用序贯相似性检测算法(SSDA)进行模板匹配,实现了热弯曲成形过程中模具与工件位置微位移的实时在线检测.实验结果表明,该系统对微位移的测量具有操作简单、高效的特点.  相似文献   

设计了基于双目视觉的船舶跟踪与定位系统,并且完成对应算法设计.算法分为摄像机标定、目标跟踪、立体匹配、视差定位4个模块,其中,跟踪模块以目标窗口的形式给出跟踪结果,匹配模块在跟踪结果中进行左右目立体匹配,定位模块根据左右目匹配点对的像素位置计算其在物理空间的坐标,减少了匹配时间.实验结果表明,该方式可实现实时跟踪目标并给出目标的准确位置,满足应用要求.该定位系统可同时完成动态目标跟踪和定位,提供三维图像的丰富信息,具有很强的推广应用价值.  相似文献   

为弥补智能制造、机器人工程等新专业实验装置短缺、学生创新实践能力亟待提升等问题,本文设计了一种基于双目视觉的双臂协作教学机器人.双臂机械部分设计呈对称结构,底座大而稳定,可以降低制造成本及协作抓取难度;研究设计的示教动作还原算法和重投影误差最小化算法,可以提升机器人末端位姿数据采集精度,使双臂协作抓取更准确稳定.该系统不仅能够通过上位机拖动控制双臂运动完成示教编程及动作组实验,而且还能够进行基于视觉引导的图像处理及单臂抓取实验、运动分析实验、在线编程与协调抓取开放实验.该系统成本低、功能丰富、综合性强,且兼具拖动示教与开放性特点,有助于提升学生创新实践能力,非常适合在智能制造、机器人工程等专业实验教学过程中推广应用.  相似文献   

在车辆尺寸参数测量系统中,车轮中心是一个很重要的过程参数,目前该参数都是由人工进行手动测量,为此提出一种基于立体视觉的车轮中心高精度测量方法.该方法以车轮钢圈作为处理对象,首先根据边缘分组算法和椭圆拟合判别算法提取出车轮钢圈的圆形特征;其次利用立体匹配算法获取车轮钢圈圆形特征上点的三维坐标;最后通过三维平面拟合、坐标转换以及平面圆拟合算法获取车轮中心的三维坐标.实验结果表明:该方法能够有效地获得车轮中心的三维坐标,为后续车辆尺寸参数的测量奠定良好基础.  相似文献   

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