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The space experiment Gaia, the approved cornerstone 6 ESA mission, will observe up to a billion stars in our Galaxy and obtain their astrometric positions on a micro-arcsec level, multi-band photometry as well as spectroscopic observations. It is expected that about one million Eclipsing Binaries (EBs) (with V ≤ 16 mag) will be discovered and the observing fashion will be quite similar to Hipparcos/Tycho mission operational mode. The combined astrometric, photometric and spectroscopic data will be used to compute the physical parameters of the observed EBs. From a study of a small sample of EBs, it is shown that the agreement between the fundamental stellar parameters, derived from ground-based and Hipparcos (Gaia-like) observations, is more than satisfactory and the Gaia data will be suitable to obtain accurate binary solutions.  相似文献   

A review is presented of the progress that has been made in the last 3 years towards quantifying the properties of high-mass detached and semi-detached eclipsing binaries in Local Group galaxies. Comparisons between these observational results on masses, radii, temperatures and luminosities for stars in detached binaries and evolution models for single stars at the appropriate metallicity are found to be very good. New evolution models for interacting binaries passing through case A mass exchange are being calculated, and indicate a requirement for some mass loss to find agreement with the observational data. The observational data on such semi-detached systems show similar properties to those in the Milky Way galaxy. The directly-determined distances to all these eclipsing binaries are proving to be most valuable for strengthening the distance scale amongst the Local Group galaxies.  相似文献   

We present observations and light curve analysis of the eclipsing binary R CMa in the narrow band filters v and b. Observations were made during 1993 at Biruni Observatory and the light curves have been analyzed using the Wilson-Devinney light curve interpretation program. Assuming a semi-detached configuration for R CMa, the parameters i, Ω1, L 1, T 2 and A 2 were adjusted for the best fit between the synthesized light curves and observations. Both light curves were fitted well with a lower value of bolometric albedo than what would be expected for a normal cool star with a convective envelope. The masses of the primary and secondary components and the absolute dimensions of the stars have been calculated using the derived relative dimensions from Wilson-Devinney codes and the spectroscopic observations.  相似文献   

Analyzing available photometry from the Super WASP and other databases, we performed the very first light curve analysis of eight eclipsing binary systems V537 And, GS Boo, AM CrB, V1298 Her, EL Lyn, FW Per, RU Tri, and WW Tri. All of these systems were found to be detached ones of Algol-type, having the orbital periods of the order of days. 722 new times of minima for these binaries were derived and presented, trying to identify the period variations caused by the third bodies in these systems.  相似文献   

Interstellar and atmospheric extinctions redden the observational photometric data and they should be handled rigorously. This paper simulates the effect of reddening for the modest case of two main sequence T 1 = 6500 K and T 2 = 5500 K components of a detached eclipsing binary system. It is shown that simply subtracting a constant from measured magnitudes (the approach often used in the field of eclipsing binaries) to account for reddening should be avoided. Simplified treatment of the reddening introduces systematics that reaches ∼0.01 mag for the simulated case, but can be as high as ∼0.2 mag for, e.g., B8 V-K4 III systems. With rigorous treatment, it is possible to uniquely determine the colour excess value E(BV) from multi-colour photometric light curves of eclipsing binaries.  相似文献   

In this study, we present long term photometric variations of the close binary system GO Cyg. Modelling of the system shows that the primary is filling Roche lobe and the secondary of the system is almost filling its Roche lobe. The physical parameters of the system are M1 = 3.0 ± 0.2M, M2 = 1.3 ± 0.1M, R1 = 2.50 ± 0.12R, R2 = 1.75 ± 0.09R, L1 = 64 ± 9L, L2 = 4.9 ± 0.7L, and a = 5.5 ± 0.3R. Our results show that GO Cyg is the most massive system near contact binary (NCB). Analysis of times of the minima shows a sinusoidal variation with a period of 92.3 ± 0.5 yr due to a third body whose mass is less than 2.3M. Finally a period variation rate of −1.4 × 10−9 d/yr has been determined using all available light curves.  相似文献   

Sixteen new eclipsing binaries have been discovered by the MOST satellite among guide stars used to point its telescope in various fields. Several previously known eclipsing binaries were also observed by MOST with unprecedented quality. Among the objects we discuss in more detail are short‐period eclipsing binaries with eccentric orbits in young open clusters: V578 Mon in NGC 2244 and HD 47934 in NGC 2264. Long nearly‐continuous photometric runs made it possible to discover three long‐period eclipsing binaries with orbits seen almost edge‐on: HD 45972 with P = 28.1 days and two systems (GSC 154 1247 and GSC 2141 526) with P > 25 days. The high precision of the satellite data led to discoveries of binaries with very shallow eclipses (e.g., HD 46180 with A = 0.016 mag, and HD 47934 with A = 0.025 mag). Ground‐based spectroscopy to support the space‐based photometry was used to refine the models of several of the systems (© 2010 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

To synthesise images of stellar photospheres with high spot filling factors, we model an extrapolated solar size distribution of spots on an immaculate SV Cam. These models of starspot coverage show that the primary star is peppered with a large number of subresolution spots. Using these model starspot distributions we generate a photometric lightcurve, which is then used as input to an maximum-entropy eclipse mapping code, that is based on chi-squared minimisation. I solve for the system parameters to show the effect of dense spot coverage on the derived system parameters, and show that surface brightness distributions reconstructed from these lightcurves have distinctive spots on the primary star at its quadrature points. It is concluded that two-spot modelling or chi-squared minimisation techniques are more susceptible to spurious structures being generated by systematic errors, arising from incorrect assumptions about photospheric surface brightness, than simple Fourier analysis of the light-curves.Marie Curie Intra-European Fellow  相似文献   

We use the method introduced by Karami & Mohebi (2007), and Karami & Teimoorinia (2007) which enable us to derive the orbital parameters of the spectroscopic binary stars by the nonlinear least squares of observed vs. curve fitting (o-c). Using the measured experimental data for radial velocities of the four double-lined spectroscopic binary systems PV Pup, HD 141929, EE Cet and V921 Her, we find both the orbital and the combined spectroscopic elements of these systems. Our numerical results are in good agreement with those obtained using the method of Lehmann-Filhés.  相似文献   

We present a spectroscopic and photometric follow-up of binary stars, discovered in a sample of X-ray sources, aimed at a deep characterization of the stellar X-ray population in the solar neighborhood and in Star Forming Regions (SFRs). The sources have been selected from the RasTyc sample, obtained by the cross-correlation between the ROSAT all-sky survey and Tycho catalogues (Guillout et al., 1999). Thanks to the high resolution spectroscopy, we have obtained good radial velocity curves, whose solutions provided us with the mass ratios and minimum masses of the components. We have also obtained an accurate spectral classification with codes specifically developed by us. In addition, we could obtain information on the age of the sources through the Lii-6708 line and on the chromospheric activity level through the Hα line.We show also some results on very young pre-main sequence (PMS) binaries discovered as optical counterparts of X-ray sources in SFRs. The spectroscopic and photometric monitoring has allowed us to determine the orbital and physical parameters and the rotation periods, that are of great importance for testing the models of PMS evolution.  相似文献   

An updated period analysis for the overcontact eclipsing binary ER Orionis is presented. Featured is an improved derivation of parameters for the light time effect (LTE) due to the third star (in actuality, a pair of stars) utilising the latest set of eclipse timings. The very good fit between the eclipse timing differences (ETD) plot (otherwise known as an O–C diagram) and the theoretical ETD curve makes possible an improved determination of the rate of mass interchange between the binary pair, dm1/dt = +1.83(6) × 10−7 Mʘ/year. In addition, the mass of the companion system (in actuality, m3 sin i) and the elements of its orbit were computed. A suggestion is made for a method of future determination of the inclination of the orbit of the companion system.  相似文献   

Eclipsing binaries with M-type components are still rare objects. Strong observational biases have made that today only a few eclipsing binaries with component masses below 0.6 M and well-determined fundamental properties are known. However, even in these small numbers the detailed comparison of the observed masses and radii with theoretical predictions has revealed large disagreements. Current models seem to predict radii of stars in the 0.4--0.8 M range to be some 5--15% smaller than observed. Given the high accuracy of the empirical measurements (a few percent in both mass and radius), these differences are highly significant. I review all the observational evidence on the properties of M-type stars and discuss a possible scenario based on stellar activity to explain the observed discrepancies.  相似文献   

In this article, a period analysis of the late-type eclipsing binary VV UMa is presented. This work is based on the periodic variation of eclipse timings of the VV UMa binary. We determined the orbital properties and mass of a third orbiting body in the system by analyzing the light-travel time effect. The O−C diagram constructed for all available minima times of VV UMa exhibits a cyclic character superimposed on a linear variation. This variation includes three maxima and two minima within approximately 28,240 orbital periods of the system, which can be explained as the light-travel time effect (LITE) because of an unseen third body in a triple system that causes variations of the eclipse arrival times. New parameter values of the light-time travel effect because of the third body were computed with a period of 23.22 ± 0.17 years in the system. The cyclic-variation analysis produces a value of 0.0139 day as the semi-amplitude of the light-travel time effect and 0.35 as the orbital eccentricity of the third body. The mass of the third body that orbits the eclipsing binary stars is 0.787 ± 0.02 M, and the semi-major axis of its orbit is 10.75 AU.  相似文献   

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