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选取青海高原城市西宁为研究对象,开展家庭能源消费问卷入户调查,建立高原城市家庭能源消费数据库(N=500),采用探索性空间数据分析方法,总结分析家庭能耗碳排放的空间特征与驱动因素,得出以下结论:(1)西宁市家庭人均能源消费量与人均能耗碳排放平均值分别为10.57 kgce/d和6.11 kg/d,取暖、厨房设备及热水器设备是家庭能耗及碳排放的主要来源;(2)西宁市人均家庭能源消费碳排放总体呈现出高值区(HH)、低值区(LL)相对集聚,而局部地区也存在高低值区(HL)和低高值区(LH)集聚现象,其空间规律呈现明显的异质性;(3)家庭收入、地理环境以及建筑特征等因素是人均家庭能源消费碳排放空间异质性形成的主要因素。  相似文献   

选取青海高原城市西宁为研究对象,开展家庭能源消费问卷入户调查,建立高原城市家庭能源消费数据库(N=500),采用探索性空间数据分析方法,总结分析家庭能耗碳排放的空间特征与驱动因素,得出以下结论:(1)西宁市家庭人均能源消费量与人均能耗碳排放平均值分别为10.57 kgce/d和6.11 kg/d,取暖、厨房设备及热水器设备是家庭能耗及碳排放的主要来源;(2)西宁市人均家庭能源消费碳排放总体呈现出高值区(HH)、低值区(LL)相对集聚,而局部地区也存在高低值区(HL)和低高值区(LH)集聚现象,其空间规律呈现明显的异质性;(3)家庭收入、地理环境以及建筑特征等因素是人均家庭能源消费碳排放空间异质性形成的主要因素。  相似文献   

文章以道路运输为例,通过实地调研统计和文献比对的方法分析了珠三角地区交通运输现状,结果显示:珠三角地区货车总量从2009年的634 117辆持续上升至2010年的686 022辆,经2011年保持基本平稳后并于2012年下降至615 188辆,货物运输的汽油消耗总量从2009年的1 605 039 063 L持续上升至2011年的1 683 547 808 L,并于2012年下降至1 565 549 249 L;柴油消耗总量从2009年的10 280 424 087 L持续上升至2011年的11 469 238 676 L,并于2012年下降至10 132 183 276 L。客车总量从23 709辆增长至26 586辆,相应的汽油消耗总量从61 475 930 L增加到108 517 822 L,柴油消耗总量从627 713 514 L增加到704 660 120 L。计算结果表明,珠三角地区2009年的CO2排放量由31 443 857.39 t持续上升至2011年的34 808 009.10 t,2012年的道路运输CO2排放下降至2009年水平(31 277 418.02 t),其中2012年CO2排放的贡献比率以柴油货车(82.9%)远远高于其他类型车辆。总的来看,能耗巨大和环境污染是珠三角地区交通发展所面临的重要挑战,尤其以交通大气污染对人们的影响最为明显。最后,提出珠三角地区未来交通发展的核心思路--“交通低碳化”,其主要内容包括提高交通运输效率、推行公交先行战略、推广清洁能源交通工具和技术、发展水路运输和推行绿色货运等。  相似文献   

据2006—2015年间制造业能源消费数据核算中国大陆30个省(除港澳台、西藏外)的制造业碳排放,并依据要素密集度将制造业划分为资金、技术、劳动力密集型3类。在分析制造业以及不同类型制造业碳排放时空演变基础上,运用Kaya模型将碳排放驱动因素划分为经济规模、产业结构、能源强度、能源碳强度4个方面,并运用LMDI-I分解模型定量分析碳排放的驱动因素。结果表明:除北京外,其余省域制造业碳排放均呈现不同程度的增长;资金密集型制造业碳增长最高,其次是技术、劳动力密集型制造业;经济规模扩大是导致各省、各类型制造业碳增长的首要因素;产业结构调整、能源强度与能源碳强度的变化在各省、各类型制造业碳排放中呈现双向效应,且作用强度差异显著。因此,在未来,各省、各类型制造业碳减排措施应各有侧重。  相似文献   

我国东中西部碳排放量影响因素面板数据研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为促进省域低碳经济发展,以碳排放量为研究对象,采用5个解释变量建立面板数据模型.研究发现:经济增长和产业结构是影响东中部碳排放量的2个最重要变量,影响系数东部依次为0.602,0.544,中部依次为1.441,0.407,其次是人均收入水平、人口增长和能源价格:在西部,人均收入水平和产业结构是影响其碳排放量的2个最重要变量,影响系数分别为0.967,0.788,其次是人口增长、能源价格和经济增长状况:能源价格影响度从东到西依次提高,特别是人均收入对西部碳排放量影响度远远超过东部:因地制宜,对于东、中部地区政府要重视优化经济增长方式和调整其产业结构,对于西部更应重视调整人均收入政策及加强能源价格控制.面板单位根检验我国东中西部各变量均存在一阶单整,面板协整检验省域碳排放量与人们收入水平、经济增长水平、产业结构、能源价格和人口增长之间存在长期稳定内生经济关系.  相似文献   

气候变化和二氧化碳减排问题已引起全世界的关注.本文运用岭回归分析1995-2008 年新疆碳排放与人口、经济、技术间的关系,并进一步探讨了产业结构和主导产业对碳排放的影响,以寻找减排的技术路线和对策,推动区域低碳经济的发展.结果表明:①不合理的经济结构和人口增长对碳排放有显著的推动作用,技术进步虽在一定程度上缓解了碳排放,但影响甚微;②新疆过分依赖自然资源的经济增长方式和以第二产业为主的经济结构是导致温室气体排放量增加的主要原因;③研究期间,新疆的主导产业均为以石油天然气开采、石油化工、煤化工为主的重工业,但其在工业总产值的比重却有较大提升,导致对能源的消耗急剧增加.未来在全球化背景下,新疆应转变经济增长模式,加大生态保护力度,更多地依靠科技创新、技术进步和制度的改进,大力发展低碳产业.  相似文献   

中国城市居民生活用电碳排放差异及时空演变   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李媛芳  张晓平 《热带地理》2015,35(2):250-257
以地级市为研究单元,以人均生活用电碳排放为测度指标,借助经典统计学中的各类不平衡指数,对2002―2011年间中国城市居民生活用电碳排放的差异程度进行动态时序分析。同时,运用ESDA方法,从静态的碳排放量和动态的碳排放增长率2个角度,定量描述了2002年以来中国城市生活用电碳排放的时空演化特征。结果表明:中国城市居民人均生活用电碳排放差异逐渐缩小;就人均碳排放量来说,总体上表现为空间正相关,且集聚程度逐渐增强,冷热点格局基本稳定,高值区域从广东省逐渐向北延伸至其他东南沿海地区;就碳排放增长率来说,碳排放增长在总体上无显著的空间相关性,地理集中现象不明显,冷热点区域转换迅速,高值区域数目显著增加且表现出向北转移的趋势。  相似文献   

低碳城市是在改造和适应全球气候的基础上提出的未来城市发展模板。城市的碳排放值是衡量低碳城市的主要指标。从社会经济、能源和环境3个角度分析了天津市现状,并在此基础上进行情景分析,估算不同情景下天津市2010—2050年的碳排放量。主要结论有:(1)天津市近10年能源消费量和碳排放量均呈现出持续上涨的趋势;(2)从产业结构来看,第二产业所产生的碳排放是天津市碳排放的主体,而一次能源中,煤炭所形成的碳排放占据了首位;(3)天津市在节能情景下即可完成我国2020年的减排承诺,在低碳情景下,天津市可以承担更多的减排责任;(4)按低碳模式发展,天津市将在2020—2035年间达到碳排放的高峰。基于这些结论,提出天津市构建低碳城市的策略,这些策略也同样适用于处于城市化后期的其他中国城市。  相似文献   

郑汴都市区一次能源消费的碳排放变化及机理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
城市发展面临着向低碳生态转型的挑战,探析城市一次能源消费的碳排放变化及机理是郑汴都市区低碳生态化研究的基点。采用LMDI分析法对2000~2009年间郑汴都市区化石能源碳排放变化、2004~2007年间一次能源碳排放与主要农作物碳吸收变化机理进行研究,构建低碳发展判别函数进一步辨析郑汴都市区产业低碳发展的类型与方向。结果发现:郑汴都市区的碳排放量逐年增加,但两市的增长速度与方式有所不同;碳排放量是在经济发展水平与人口规模、能源强度与能源结构、种植结构、播种面积及产出强度等7个因子相互作用下变化的,经济发展水平的提高是促进碳排放增加的显著因素,能源强度、播种面积和产出强度的增加是抑制碳排放的显著因素;郑汴都市区的产业错位发展有利于消减碳排放总量,但多种产业的产能和结构亟待提高与调整。郑汴城市复合生态系统之间的低碳耦合发展路径、各子系统之间的相互作用机理是应继续深入的方向。  相似文献   

Accompanying the rapid growth of China’s population and economy, energy consumption and carbon emission increased significantly from 1978 to 2012. China is now the largest energy consumer and CO2 emitter of the world, leading to much interest in researches on the nexus between energy consumption, carbon emissions and low-carbon economy. This article presents the domestic Chinese studies on this hotpot issue, and we obtain the following findings. First, most research fields involve geography, ecology and resource economics, and research contents contained some analysis of current situation, factors decomposition, predictive analysis and the introduction of methods and models. Second, there exists an inverted “U-shaped” curve connection between carbon emission, energy consumption and economic development. Energy consumption in China will be in a low-speed growth after 2035 and it is expected to peak between 6.19–12.13 billion TCE in 2050. China’s carbon emissions are expected to peak in 2035, or during 2020 to 2045, and the optimal range of carbon emissions is between 2.4–3.3 PgC/year (1 PgC=1 billion tons C) in 2050. Third, future research should be focused on global carbon trading, regional carbon flows, reforming the current energy structure, reducing energy consumption and innovating the low-carbon economic theory, as well as establishing a comprehensive theoretical system of energy consumption, carbon emissions and low-carbon economy.  相似文献   

长三角地区旅游业能源消耗的CO2排放测度研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
谢园方  赵媛 《地理研究》2012,31(3):429-438
旅游业与气候环境变化息息相关,低碳旅游是旅游业对气候变化的积极响应,也是低碳经济的延伸,将会给全球旅游业带来深远影响。但目前国内大部分有关低碳旅游的研究仍停留在定性阶段,尤其是旅游业碳排放的测度研究仍比较薄弱。本文在深入分析和总结国内外已有研究的基础上,以能源消耗平衡表为依据,借鉴"旅游消费剥离系数"概念,构建出符合我国目前统计口径的旅游业碳排放测度方法。并以长江三角洲地区为研究范围,对江苏、浙江和上海三地旅游业碳排放进行测度和对比分析。研究表明:目前在长三角地区,旅游业碳排放总量持续攀升,并与旅游业总收入成正相关。其中旅游交通仓储和邮电业碳排放在旅游业碳排放总量中占主导地位,而旅游餐饮、住宿和购物过程中的碳排放也不容忽视。旅游收入增长与旅游低碳化发展的矛盾仍然十分突出,迫切需要转变旅游业发展方式。  相似文献   

中小城市家庭生活用能碳排放空间分异——以开封市为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用2015年开封市居民家庭生活用能的大样本问卷调查数据,采用探索性空间数据分析(ESDA)和标准差椭圆(SDE)方法,探索城市居住区家庭生活用能碳排放空间分布特征。结果表明:① 家庭生活用能碳排放存在以热点区为主的空间正相关特性,碳排放高值集聚发生在城市新建开发区和建成区向外扩张较快区域,以2000年以后新建高档商品房小区和机关事业单位家属院为主,低值集聚区则发生在建成时间长、后续开发力度小的区域,以老商品房小区和胡同社区为主;② 开封市家庭电力消耗碳排放占生活用能总碳排放的67%,但人均生活用能碳排放空间格局由供暖碳排放决定,且人均供暖碳排放空间格局又由集中供暖碳排放空间格局决定,故降低集中供暖能耗、缩小居民供暖用能差异成为居民生活用能碳减排工作的重中之重;③ 家庭经济状况、集中供暖设施分布和城市发展的空间格局是家庭生活用能碳排放空间依赖性和空间异质性形成的主要驱动因素。  相似文献   

中国能源消费碳排放的空间计量分析(英文)   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5  
Based on energy consumption data of each region in China from 1997 to 2009 and using ArcGIS9.3 and GeoDA9.5 as technical support,this paper made a preliminary study on the changing trend of spatial pattern at regional level of carbon emissions from energy con-sumption,spatial autocorrelation analysis of carbon emissions,spatial regression analysis between carbon emissions and their influencing factors.The analyzed results are shown as follows.(1) Carbon emissions from energy consumption increased more than 148% from 1997 to 2009 but the spatial pattern of high and low emission regions did not change greatly.(2) The global spatial autocorrelation of carbon emissions from energy consumption in-creased from 1997 to 2009,the spatial autocorrelation analysis showed that there exists a "polarization" phenomenon,the centre of "High-High" agglomeration did not change greatly but expanded currently,the centre of "Low-Low" agglomeration also did not change greatly but narrowed currently.(3) The spatial regression analysis showed that carbon emissions from energy consumption has a close relationship with GDP and population,R-squared rate of the spatial regression between carbon emissions and GDP is higher than that between carbon emissions and population.The contribution of population to carbon emissions in-creased but the contribution of GDP decreased from 1997 to 2009.The carbon emissions spillover effect was aggravated from 1997 to 2009 due to both the increase of GDP and population,so GDP and population were the two main factors which had strengthened the spatial autocorrelation of carbon emissions.  相似文献   

基于STIRPAT模型,运用情景分析法对西北地区2017—2030年能源消费碳排放进行预测,在高、中、低三种环境规制强度下设定出9种发展模式,以分析环境规制与FDI对能源碳排放峰值的影响。研究表明:(1) 在初始发展情境下,西北地区2030年碳排放总量为70 273.07×104 t,无法实现碳排放达峰目标。(2) 低环境规制背景下,高、高中、高低三种发展模式2030年能源消费碳排放额为73 550.53×104 t、64 881.98×104 t、56 296.96×104 t。(3) 中、高环境规制下,中低、低两种发展模式分别于2025年、2020年达到碳排放峰值,峰值额度为53 447.15×104 t、51 022.68×104 t。能源碳排放强度为0.86 t·(104元)-1、0.68 t·(104元)-1,相比较2005年碳排放强度下降48.38%、60.14%。9种发展模式中,仅中低、低两种发展模式能够如期实现碳排放峰值任务,表明严格的环境规制政策能够有效减缓西北地区能源消费碳排放,为促进西北地区碳排放峰值目标如期实现,针对西北地区碳减排工作提出了相应对策建议。  相似文献   

定量分析碳排放的影响因素,对降低区域碳排放具有重要的指导意义。利用STIRPAT模型,定量分析江苏省能源消费碳排放量与人口、富裕度(以人均GDP表示)、技术进步(以能源强度表示)和城镇化水平之间的关系,通过岭回归拟合后发现,人口数量、人均GDP、能源强度、城市化水平每变化1%,江苏省能源消费碳排放量将分别发生3.467%、(0.242+0.024 lnA)%、0.313%和0.151%的变化。在以上研究的基础上,设置8种不同的发展情景,分析了江苏省未来能源消费碳排放量的发展趋势。结果表明,当人口、经济保持低速增长,并保持高技术增长率时,有利于控制江苏省的能源消费碳排放量,2020年江苏省的能源消费碳排放量预测值为202.81 MtC。  相似文献   

中国不同区域能源消费碳足迹的时空变化(英文)   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
Study on regional carbon emission is one of the hot topics under the background of global climate change and low-carbon economic development, and also help to establish different low-carbon strategies for different regions. On the basis of energy consumption and land use data of different regions in China from 1999 to 2008, this paper established carbon emission and carbon footprint models based on total energy consumption, and calculated the amount of carbon emissions and carbon footprint in different regions of China from 1999 to 2008. The author also analyzed carbon emission density and per unit area carbon footprint for each region. Finally, advices for decreasing carbon footprint were put forward. The main conclusions are as follows: (1) Carbon emissions from total energy consumption increased 129% from 1999 to 2008 in China, but its spatial distribution pattern among different regions just slightly changed, the sorting of carbon emission amount was: Eastern China > Northern China > Central and Southern China > Southwest China > Northwest China. (2) The sorting of carbon emission density was: Eastern China > Northeast China > Central and Southern China > Northern China > Southwest China > Northwest China from 1999 to 2003, but from 2004 Central and Southern China began to have higher carbon emission density than Northeast China, the order of other regions did not change. (3) Carbon footprint increased significantly since the rapid increasing of carbon emissions and less increasing area of pro-ductive land in different regions of China from 1999 to 2008. Northern China had the largest carbon footprint, and Northwest China, Eastern China, Northern China, Central and Southern China followed in turn, while Southwest China presented the lowest area of carbon footprint and the highest percentage of carbon absorption. (4) Mainly influenced by regional land area, Northern China presented the highest per unit area carbon footprint and followed by Eastern China, and Northeast China; Central and Southern China, and Northwest China had a similar medium per unit area carbon footprint; Southwest China always had the lowest per unit area carbon footprint. (5) China faced great ecological pressure brought by carbon emission. Some measures should be taken both from reducing carbon emission and increasing carbon absorption.  相似文献   

Study on regional carbon emission is one of the hot topics under the background of global climate change and low-carbon economic development, and also help to establish different low-carbon strategies for different regions. On the basis of energy consumption and land use data of different regions in China from 1999 to 2008, this paper established carbon emission and carbon footprint models based on total energy consumption, and calculated the amount of carbon emissions and carbon footprint in different regions of China from 1999 to 2008. The author also analyzed carbon emission density and per unit area carbon footprint for each region. Finally, advices for decreasing carbon footprint were put forward. The main conclusions are as follows: (1) Carbon emissions from total energy consumption increased 129% from 1999 to 2008 in China, but its spatial distribution pattern among different regions just slightly changed, the sorting of carbon emission amount was: Eastern China > Northern China > Central and Southern China > Southwest China > Northwest China. (2) The sorting of carbon emission density was: Eastern China > Northeast China > Central and Southern China > Northern China > Southwest China > Northwest China from 1999 to 2003, but from 2004 Central and Southern China began to have higher carbon emission density than Northeast China, the order of other regions did not change. (3) Carbon footprint increased significantly since the rapid increasing of carbon emissions and less increasing area of productive land in different regions of China from 1999 to 2008. Northern China had the largest carbon footprint, and Northwest China, Eastern China, Northern China, Central and Southern China followed in turn, while Southwest China presented the lowest area of carbon footprint and the highest percentage of carbon absorption. (4) Mainly influenced by regional land area, Northern China presented the highest per unit area carbon footprint and followed by Eastern China, and Northeast China; Central and Southern China, and Northwest China had a similar medium per unit area carbon footprint; Southwest China always had the lowest per unit area carbon footprint. (5) China faced great ecological pressure brought by carbon emission. Some measures should be taken both from reducing carbon emission and increasing carbon absorption.  相似文献   

能源消费是碳排放的主要来源。根据IPCC碳排放计算指南缺省值计算了哈萨克斯坦共和国1992-2010年的碳排放量,并对哈萨克斯坦近20 a来碳排放进行阶段划分,采用对数平均迪氏指数法(Logarithmic Mean Divisia Index),对碳排放量进行因素分解,定量分析能源结构、能源效率和经济发展对不同阶段碳排放的影响。结果表明:(1)1992-2010年,哈萨克斯坦一次能源消费的碳排放量整体呈先下降后上升的“U”型曲线,拐点在1999年。煤炭消费仍然是碳排放的主要来源,这是受长期以煤为主能源供应政策影响的一种必然结果;(2)碳排放不同阶段各影响因素的作用程度不同。总体来看,经济增长是碳排放量增加的主要推动因素,能源强度降低是抑制碳排放量增长的主要贡献因子。并以此提出哈萨克斯坦未来能源战略的一些政策建议。  相似文献   

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