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关于太阳射电快速活动真伪信号识别问题   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文列举了云南天文台四波段太阳射电实测中得到的几种干扰实例及确认的太阳快速信号,在认识到太阳射电和干扰信号十分相似的基础上,探讨如何识别真伪信号问题。  相似文献   

对云南天文台“四波段太阳射电高时间分辨率同步观测系统”自1989年12月-1994年1月期间观测到的100个射电爆发和与其共生的29个快速精细结构在日球和日面的经度分布做了统计,并做了初步的分析的讨论。  相似文献   

本文对太阳射电高时间分辨率观测中的一些干扰问题作了初步分析,并提出了区分太阳射电精细结构事件与雷达干扰的相应办法。  相似文献   

1990年7月30日观测到一个射电大爆发,其中在2840MHz射电爆发的峰值附近,发现了周期约为30ms的快速脉动现象,脉动是窄带的,调制度约为50%。  相似文献   

对云南天文台“四波段太阳射电高时间分辨率同步观测系统”自1989年12月—1994年1月期间观测到的100个射电爆发和与其共生的29个快速精细结构在日球和日面的经度分布做了统计,并做了初步的分析和讨论。  相似文献   

许富英  吴洪敖 《天文学报》1995,36(2):220-224
本文着重介绍了紫金山天文台在10cm波段上观测到的太阳射电快速结构事件资料,并对其进行了初步的分析.得到的一些结果如下:1.快速事件的宽度介于几十毫秒一几百毫秒的变化范围内;每秒出现的频数介于21-1之间;2.从spikes事件的形态上,也有着不同的结构特征;有的spike结构比较简单,基本上是一个个的单脉冲,而有的则比较复杂,即在每个spike尖峰上,还叠加有亚-精细结构。  相似文献   

姚骑均  秦志海 《天文学报》1995,36(2):188-192
本文主要讨论了太阳射电快速观测记录中可能存在的几种非太阳因素,分析或定量估计了它们的影响,这些因素主要来自天线跟踪效应、接收机增益起伏效应以及地球大气吸收、折射等,估计、分析这些效应对确认太阳射电爆发中的精细结构现象是有益的。  相似文献   

Some Linear and nonlinear plasma wave modulation processes in the solar radio bursts arc reviewed.  相似文献   

通过分析云南天文台(YNO)0.7~1.5GHz太阳射电频谱仪2000年9月至2001年9月取得的158个射电爆发、发现其中约有65%存在4类不同类型的快速精细结构(FFS);毫秒类峰辐射、Ⅲ型爆发、准周期脉动,慢漂移结构。给出了其中6个典型精细结构的介绍和相关的初步解释。  相似文献   

We have found that solar flares in NOAA active region (AR) 10696 were often associated with large-scale trans-equatorial activities. These trans-equatorial activities appeared to be very common and manifest themselves through i) the formation and eruption of trans-equatorial loops (TELs), ii) the formation and eruption of trans-equatorial filaments (TEFs), and iii) the trans-equatorial brightening (TEB) in the chromosphere. It is determined that the TEF was formed following episodic plasma ejecta from flares occurring in the AR. The TEF eruption was associated with a trans-equatorial flare. All flares in the AR that were accompanied by trans-equatorial activities were associated with halo coronal mass ejections (CMEs). It was noticed that one or several major flares in the AR were followed by an increase of brightness and nonpotentiality of a TEL. These coupled events had a lifetime of more than 12 hours. In addition their associated halo CMEs always had a positive acceleration, indicating prolonged magnetic reconnections in the outer corona at high altitudes.  相似文献   

本文对1990年7月30日云南天文台四波段(1.42GHz、2.00GHz、2.84GHz和4.00GHz)太阳射电高时间分辨率同步观测系统[1,2]所观测到的太阳射电大爆发进行了分析,对在1.42GHz、2.00GHz、2.84GHz三个波段上观测到的大量尖峰辐射(ms—spikes)作了关于寿命和强度的统计,最后,针对本次爆发中的ms—spikes的特点做了一些讨论。  相似文献   

太阳射电宽带动态频谱仪步研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了围绕我国近年完成的太阳射电宽带动态频亦仪展开的研究工作进展,并提出了今后的努力方向,以期庐设备能在我国第23周太阳活动峰年研究中发展更大作用。  相似文献   

A new solar telescope system is described, which has been operating at Huairou Solar Observing Station (HSOS), National Astronomical Observatories, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), since the end of 2005. This instrument, the Solar Magnetism and Activity Telescope (SMAT), comprises two telescopes which respectively make measurements of full solar disk vector magnetic field and Hα observation. The core of the full solar disk video vector magnetograph is a birefringent filter with 0.1  bandpass, installed in the tele-centric optical system of the telescope. We present some preliminary observational results of the full solar disk vector magnetograms and Hα filtergrams obtained with this telescope system.  相似文献   

Radio observation is one of important methods in solar physics and space science. Sometimes, it is almost the sole approach to observe the physical processes such as the acceleration, emission, and propagation of non-thermal energetic particles, etc. So far, more than 100 solar radio telescopes have been built in the world, including solar radiometers, dynamic spectrometers, and radioheliographs. Some of them have been closed after the fulfillment of their primary scientific objectives, or for their malfunctions, and thus replaced by other advanced instruments. At the same time, based on some new technologies and scientific ideas, various kinds of new and much more complicated solar radio telescopes are being constructed by solar radio astronomers and space scientists, such as the American E-OVSA and the solar radio observing system under the framework of Chinese Meridian Project II, etc. When we plan to develop a new solar radio telescope, it is crucial to design the most suitable technical parameters, e.g., the observing frequency range and bandwidth, temporal resolution, frequency resolution, spatial resolution, polarization degree, and dynamic range. Then, how do we select a rational set of these parameters? The long-term observation and study revealed that a large strong solar radio burst is frequently composed of a series of small bursts with different time scales. Among them, the radio spike burst is the smallest one with the shortest lifetime, the narrowest bandwidth, and the smallest source region. Solar radio spikes are considered to be related to a single magnetic energy release process, and can be regarded as an elementary burst in solar flares. It is a basic requirement for the new solar radio telescope to observe and discriminate these solar radio spike bursts, even though the temporal and spatial scales of radio spike bursts actually vary with the observing frequency. This paper presents the scaling laws of the lifetime and bandwidth of solar radio spike bursts with respect to the observing frequency, which provide some constraints for the new solar radio telescopes, and help us to select the rational telescope parameters. Besides, we propose a spectrum-image combination mode as the best observation mode for the next-generation solar radio telescopes with high temporal, spectral, and spatial resolutions, which may have an important significance for revealing the physical essence of the various non-thermal processes in violent solar eruptions.  相似文献   

The analysis of WIND/WAVES RAD2 spectra with fine structure in the form of different fibers in 14 events covering 1997?–?2005 is carried out. A splitting of broad bands of the interplanetary (IP) type II bursts into narrow band fibers of different duration is observed. The instantaneous-frequency bandwidth of fibers is stable: 200?–?300 kHz for slow-drifting fibers in type II bursts, and 700?–?1000 kHz for fast-drifting fibers in type II?+?IV (continuum). Intermediate drift bursts (IDB or fiber bursts) and zebra patterns with variable frequency drift of stripes, typical for the metric range, were not found. Comparison of spectra with the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory/Large Angle and Spectrometric Coronagraph (SOHO/LASCO C2) images shows a connection of the generation of the fiber structures with the passage of shock fronts through narrow jets in the wake of Coronal Mass Ejections (CME). Therefore the most probable emission mechanism of fibers in IP type II bursts appears to be resonance transition radiation (RTR) of fast particles at the boundary of two media with different refractive indices. The same mechanism is also valid for striae in the type III bursts. Taking into account a high-density contrast in the CME wake and the actually observed small-scale inhomogeneities, the effectiveness of the RTR mechanism in IP space must be considerably higher than in the meter or decimeter wavelengths. For the most part the fibers in the type IV continuum at frequencies of 14?–?8 MHz were seen as the direct expansion of similar fine structure (as fibers or “herringbone” structure) in the decametric range observed with the Nançay and IZMIRAN spectrographs.  相似文献   

太阳和月球射电辐射对40m天线数据接收影响分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用标准射电源和标准噪声源,对宁静太阳和月球射电辐射的噪声温度进行了测量,估计它们对40m天线接收绕月卫星信号的影响,结论是:(1)40m天线指向偏离太阳超过2°时,能够满足正常数据接收要求;(2)40m天线指向月球时,系统接收的噪声温度增加值为87.1K, 此时系统的总噪声温度能够满足正常数据接收要求.  相似文献   

王婕  王建  王琳琳  孙威  肖振宇  张昊  梁中 《天文学报》2022,63(3):34-105
研究发现,太阳自转速率的变化与太阳活动之间存在一定的联系,但是不同学者的研究结论存在着矛盾:有的认为两者为正相关,而有的却认为是负相关.究竟两者之间是什么关系,需要做进一步深入的分析.利用EEMD (Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition)等方法对太阳自转速率和太阳黑子数据序列进行相关关系以及相位关系的计算和分析,以探讨太阳自转速率变化与太阳活动之间的关系.研究发现:两者的长期趋势项分量呈显著负相关;在11 yr左右周期分量上,观测到的太阳自转速率滞后太阳黑子的变化约2 yr时,呈显著负相关关系,超前3 yr时呈现次显著的正相关;对太阳活动第12–23周各周内部太阳黑子与太阳自转速率的相关分析表明,两者的关系比较复杂,但负相关关系更为显著.这为进一步理解太阳活动变化与太阳自转速率变化之间的成因联系提供了新的依据.  相似文献   

本文介绍了云南天文台微带功率晶体管放大器在太阳射电快速记录系统中的设计原理和技术性能,并给出了放大器的线路图和最初的测量结果。  相似文献   

太阳活动区的模糊分类与活动性预测   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
韩正忠  唐玉华 《天文学报》2002,43(3):242-246
运用模糊聚类分析的方法,研究太阳活动区特性。根据Hα、软X射线耀斑与黑子群各项特征因子的数据,进行标准化处理,分别运用模糊理论中的夹角余弦法,算术平均最小法进行标定,构造模糊相似矩阵与等价矩阵,根据模糊动态聚类分析方法,确定不同λ阈值,按照活动性强弱,对24个活动区进行分类。理论计算结果表明,不同等级类型的活动区强度预测与活动区实际活动性相一致,作为太阳活动水平预报,模糊聚类分析也是一种有效的方法。  相似文献   

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