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The acid mine drainage (AMD) discharged from the Hejiacun uranium mine in central Hunan (China) was sampled and analyzed using ICP-MS techniques. The analyzing results show that the AMD is characterized by the major ions FeTotal, Mn, Al and Si, and is concentrated with heavy metals and metalloids including Cd, Co, Ni, Zn, U, Cu, Pb, Tl, V, Cr, Se, As and Sb. During the AMD flowing downstream, the dissolved heavy metals were removed from the AMD waters through adsorption onto and co-precipitation with metal-oxhydroxides coated on the streambed. Among these metals, Cd, Co, Ni, Zn, U, Cu, Pb and Tl are negatively correlated to pH values, and positively correlated to major ions Fe, Al, Si, Mn, Mg, Ca and K. The metals/metalloids V, Cr, Se, As and Sb are conservative in the AMD solution, and negatively-correlated to major ions Na, Ca and Mg. Due to the above different behaviors of these chemical elements, the pH-negatively related metals (PM) and the conservative metals (CM) are identified; the PM metals include Cd, Co, Ni, Zn, U, Cu, Pb and Tl, and the CM metals V, Cr, Se, As and Sb. Based on understanding the geochemistry of PM and CM metals in the AMD waters, a new equation: EXT = (Acidity + PM)/pH + CM × pH, is proposed to estimate and evaluate extent of heavy-metal pollution (EXT) of AMD. The evaluation results show that the AMD and surface waters of the mine area have high EXT values, and they could be the potential source of heavy-metal contamination of the surrounding environment. Therefore, it is suggested that both the AMD and surface waters should be treated before they are drained out of the mine district, for which the traditional dilution and neutralization methods can be applied to remove the PM metals from the AMD waters, and new techniques through reducing the pH value of the downstream AMD waters should be developed for removal of the CM metals.  相似文献   

The present work describes the process of acid water discharge into the Andévalo Dam (Iberian Pyrite Belt, Huelva-Spain) starting from the interpretation of rainfall data and chemical analyses regarding pH, conductivity, metal and sulphate content in water, from a time series corresponding to the sampling of two confluent channels that discharge water into the referred dam. Statistical data treatment allows us to conclude the existence of acid mine drainage processes in the Chorrito Stream, which are translated into very low pH values and high sulphate and metal concentrations in the water coming from Herrerías Mine. On the other hand, the Higuereta Stream shows, for the same parameters, much lower values that can be interpreted as the channel response to acid rock drainage processes in its drainage basin induced by the rocky outcrops of the Iberian Pyrite Belt.  相似文献   

The chemical characteristics, formation and natural attenuation of pollutants in the coal acid mine drainage (AMD) at Xingren coalfield, Southwest China, are discussed in this paper based on the results of a geochemical investigation as well as geological and hydrogeological background information. The chemical composition of the AMD is controlled by the dissolution of sulfide minerals in the coal seam, the initial composition of the groundwater and the water–rock interaction. The AMD is characterized by high sulfate concentrations, high levels of dissolved metals (Fe, Al, Mn, etc.) and low pH values. Ca2+ and SO4 2− are the dominant cation and anion in the AMD, respectively, while Ca2+ and HCO3 are present at significant levels in background water and surface water after the drainage leaves the mine site. The pH and alkalinity increase asymptotically with the distance along the flow path, while concentrations of sulfate, ferrous iron, aluminum and manganese are typically controlled by the deposition of secondary minerals. Low concentrations of As and other pollutants in the surface waters of the Xingren coalfield could be due to relatively low quantities being released from coal seams, to adsorption and coprecipitation on secondary minerals in stream sediments, and to dilution by unpolluted surface recharge. Although As is not the most serious water quality problem in the Xingren region at present, it is still a potential environmental problem. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Transport and sediment–water partitioning of trace metals (Cr, Co, Fe, Pb, Cu, Ni, Zn, Cd) in acid mine drainage were studied in two creeks in the Kwangyang Au–Ag mine area, southern part of Korea. Chemical analysis of stream waters and the weak acid (0.1 N HCl) extraction, strong acid (HF–HNO3–HClO4) extraction, and sequential extraction of stream sediments were performed. Heavy metal pollution of sediments was higher in Chonam-ri creek than in Sagok-ri creek, because there is a larger source of base metal sulfides in the ores and waste dump upstream of Chonam-ri creek. The sediment–water distribution coefficients (K d) for metals in both creeks were dependent on the water pH and decreased in the order Pb ≈ Al > Cu > Mn > Zn > Co > Ni ≈ Cd. K d values for Al, Cu and Zn were very sensitive to changes in pH. The results of sequential extraction indicated that among non-residual fractions, Fe–Mn oxides are most important for retaining trace metals in the sediments. Therefore, the precipitation of Fe(–Mn) oxides due to pH increase in downstream sites plays an important role in regulating the concentrations of dissolved trace metals in both creeks. For Al, Co, Cu, Mn, Pb and Zn, the metal concentrations determined by 0.1 N HCl extraction (Korean Standard Method for Soil Pollution) were almost identical to the cumulative concentrations determined for the first three weakly-bound fractions (exchangeable + bound to carbonates + bound to Fe–Mn oxides) in the sequential extraction procedure. This suggests that 0.1 N HCl extraction can be effectively used to assess the environmentally available and/or bioavailable forms of trace metals in natural stream sediments.  相似文献   

This study investigates the retention of heavy metals in secondary precipitates from a sulfidic mine rock dump and underlying podzolic soils by means of mineralogical and chemical extraction methods. The rock dump, which is at least 50 years old, consists of a 5–10-cm-thick leached zone and an underlying 110–115-cm-thick accumulation zone. Optical microscopy and electron microprobe analyses confirm that pyrrhotite weathering has proceeded much further in the leached horizon relative to the accumulation horizon. The weathering of sulfides in the leached zone has resulted in the migration of most heavy metals to the accumulation zone or underlying soils, where they are retained in more stable phases such as secondary ferric minerals, including goethite and jarosite. Some metals are temporarily retained in hydrated ferrous sulfates (e.g., melanterite, rozenite). Received: 28 October 1996 · Accepted: 24 February 1997  相似文献   

Different from previous studies on effect of weathering upon geochemical variation along a single weathered profile, this paper provides a new methodology validated by comparing a weathered outcrop samples and their stratigraphic counterpart un-weathered core samples in a nearby shallow borehole. This outcrop and borehole penetrated the Ordovician-Silurian Wufeng–Longmaxi shales, located in the same anticline structure in the northern part of Guizhou Province, Southern China. The mineral composition, major, trace and rare earth elements (REEs) composition and Rock-Eval parameters of outcrop and core samples were analyzed and compared. Organic matter (OM) was observed in the microscope and extracted for elements analysis. The results show that short-term weathering still has significant influence on OM, mineral and elemental composition of black shales. The elements composition shows the outcrop profile was moderately weathered. The REEs compositions do not alter much during weathering process and the REEs composition and their relative ratios still are valid for rock origin determination. The OM, mainly composed by graptolite and bitumen, even entering the highly-over thermal maturity, is still sensitive to the weathering with a systematic loss 30–50% of TOC along the outcrop profile, which suggests that the OM consumption is predominantly controlled by weathering duration and the distance from the weathering surface. In turn, OM has significant influence on the trace elements transportation behavior during weathering. Some trace elements associated with the OM such as V, Cr, Th, U, Ni and Co, change significantly in their absolute concentration during weathering, but their relative ratios do not necessarily change too much and might be still reliable proxies for paleo-environmental determination. The mobility of shale minerals during weathering is in the following order: plagioclase?>?potassium feldspar and dolomite >pyrite and OM. Short-term weathering can also result in considerable transportation of elements and significant variation of minerals content in black shale, which may pose potentially high environmental and engineering risk in the regions rich in black shale.  相似文献   

A comparative study of sulfide mine tailings from two sites near Silver City in southwest New Mexico has shown the need for environmental monitoring in a geological context. The Cyprus-Piños Altos and Cleveland deposits consist of Cu and Zn skarn mineralization in the Piños Altos Mountains of New Mexico. Primary ore minerals in both deposits include chalcopyrite, sphalerite, and galena. The Cyprus-Piños Altos Mine ceased operation in 1995 and the Cleveland Mill closed in 1950. The deposits have similar mineralogical characteristics; however, the tailings are different in terms of age, degree of oxidation and method of disposal. The Cyprus-Piños Altos tailings (CPAT) are stored in a lined, bermed impoundment. They are dominantly water-saturated and exhibit no secondary-phase formation. The grains are not cemented and show no evidence of primary-mineral dissolution. The geochemical data show a predominantly primary signature. The tailings pond water is neutral to slightly alkaline (pH?from 7 to 8.3), partly as a result of processing methods. The Cleveland mill tailings (CMT) were deposited in a valley at the headwaters of an ephemeral stream. They are highly oxidized and differentially cemented. They have undergone numerous wet/dry cycles resulting in extensive oxidation. Secondary minerals predominate, and consist mainly of jarosite, goethite, hematite, and Fe-oxyhydroxides and -oxyhydroxysulfates. The pH of the stream draining the CMT is as high as 2.15. Maximum metal contents in the stream immediately downstream from the tailings are 5305?ppm Zn, 454?ppm Cu, 1.16?ppm Pb, 17.5?ppm Cd, 1.4?ppm As, and 0.01?ppm Hg.  相似文献   

Six hundred and sixty-five soil samples were taken from Changxing County in Zhejiang Province, China, to characterize the spatial variability of Hg Cd, Pb, Cu, As and Cr. The geostatistics and geographic information system (GIS) techniques were applied, and the ordinary kriging and lognormal kriging were used to map the spatial patterns of the six heavy metals. Hg, Pb, Cu and As were fitted to the spherical model with a range of 85.75, 82.32, 86.10, and 23.17 km, respectively. Cr was fitted to the exponential model with a range of 6.27 km, and Cd was fitted to the linear model with a range of 37.66 km. Both Pb and Cu had strong spatial dependence due to the effects of natural factors including parent material, topography and soil type. Hg, Cd, Cr and As had, however, moderate spatial dependence, indicating an involvement of human factors. Meanwhile, based on the comparison between the original data and the guide values of the six metals, the disjunctive kriging technique was used to quantify their pollution risks. The results showed that only Cd and Hg exhibited pollution risks in the study area. The pollution source evaluated was closely corresponded with the real discharge of industrial production and the application of organomercury pesticides. The results of this study provide insight into risk assessment of environmental pollution and decision making for agricultural production and industrial adjustment of building materials.  相似文献   

Acid mine drainage (AMD) has been recognized as a major environmental pollution problem over past decades. This pollutant effluent is complex and is characterized by elevated concentrations of iron and sulfate, low pH, and high concentrations of a wide variety of metals depending on the host rock geology. Massive inadvertent discharges from acid mines have given rise to dramatic cases of ecological damage. These events indicate an improved understanding of the mechanism controlling metal transport to the river is important, since the aquatic ecology will be affected, to some degree, dependent on the phase (dissolved or particulate) in which the metal is transported. In this study, polluted water samples were collected along the Hengshi River near the Dabaoshan mine, Guangdong, China, in April 2005. The concentrations of dissolved Cu, Zn, Cd and Pb have been determined using ICP-MS and the chemical speciation of those metals in suspended particles was examined using BCR methods and SEM/EDX mineralogical analysis. Combining these two sets of data, the intention was to develop geochemical concepts, which explain the behavior of Cu, Zn, Cd and Pb in particle-water interactions of heavy metals in AMD. The results show that the dissolved heavy metals exhibited non-conservative behavior in the Hengshi River. The dissolved and particulate Cu, Zn, Cd and Pb have the similar spatial distribution, which decreased gradually along the river except in the lower reaches because of the absorption-desorption between dissolved and particulate phases. Although the metal concentrations in both phases were elevated, dissolved metals were dominant and had the maximum concentrations in the low pH region.  相似文献   

黄玉  蔡保新  王宇  李昊熹 《地质通报》2014,33(8):1260-1266
饮水水源水质的人体健康安全是水源是否安全的首要问题。在调查锡矿矿坑水作为个旧市A镇及B矿段锡矿生活区饮用水源情况的基础上,应用国际辐射防护委员会和美国环保署推荐的风险评估模型,开展饮用水的人体健康风险评价。结果表明,水源中重金属致癌物质所引起的健康危害较高,风险值超过了国际辐射防护委员会推荐的最大可接受风险水平,其中以Cr6+和As的致癌风险最大,应优先控制;非致癌物质所引起的健康风险较小,风险值在10-8以下,远低于推荐的最大可接受风险水平。虽然水中重金属含量符合相关标准要求,但是长期饮用对人体存在健康风险。  相似文献   

黄玉  蔡保新  王宇  李昊熹 《地质通报》2014,33(08):1260-1266
饮水水源水质的人体健康安全是水源是否安全的首要问题。在调查锡矿矿坑水作为个旧市A镇及B矿段锡矿生活区饮用水源情况的基础上,应用国际辐射防护委员会和美国环保署推荐的风险评估模型,开展饮用水的人体健康风险评价。结果表明,水源中重金属致癌物质所引起的健康危害较高,风险值超过了国际辐射防护委员会推荐的最大可接受风险水平,其中以Cr6+和As的致癌风险最大,应优先控制;非致癌物质所引起的健康风险较小,风险值在10-8以下,远低于推荐的最大可接受风险水平。虽然水中重金属含量符合相关标准要求,但是长期饮用对人体存在健康风险。  相似文献   

 A few simple mass balance equations were developed to simultaneously estimate how much the pollutants from acid mine drainage (AMD) in stream water are diluted and removed during their migration. The application of the equations requires knowledge of the variations in the concentrations of the dissolved pollutants and the stoichiometry of the precipitation reaction of the pollutants when none of the pollutant shows a conservative behavior along the stream path. The calculation should be restricted to the pollutants showing much higher concentrations in the polluted main stream water than in the combining or diluting water of the same target area. The mass balance equations were applied to estimate the dilution factor and precipitation fractions of pollutants in Imgok Creek such as Fe, SO4 and Al from the AMD of Yeongdong mine. The results show that the estimation, especially for SO4 and Al, significantly depends on the kinds of the precipitates. When FeOHSO4 and AlOHSO4 are assumed to precipitate, the maximum removal fractions of SO4 and Al by precipitation are respectively 34% and 46% of the original input, which is much higher than the values estimated when SO4 is considered to be perfectly conservative. It indicates that the stoichiometry of precipitation reaction is very important in the interpretation of the pollutant dilution and migration and assessment of environmental impacts of AMD. The applicability of the mass balance equations may still need to be verified. However, examining the calculated dilution factor and precipitation fractions with the equations can provide invaluable information on not only the behavior but also unexpected input of the pollutants in the stream water polluted by AMD and other point sources. Received: 12 November 1997 · Accepted: 30 March 1998  相似文献   

The main goal of this study was to quantitatively and qualitatively characterize the sedimentary organic matter (OM) and demonstrate the usefulness of geochemistry and palynofacies analysis for obtaining paleoenvironmental data for the Holocene in southernmost Brazil. The results indicate that during the time interval from 10,586 cal yr BP to the present, the study area housed a wetland characterized by different hydrologic regimes. The basal peaty deposits correspond to a phase influenced mainly by the groundwater table, whereas the upper deposits composed of silty organic mud indicate fluvial influence related to river overflow events. In a similar manner, the TOC (total organic carbon) and TS (total sulfur) contents are higher in the basal portion of the profile, decreasing toward the top. These findings could be related to granulometry alterations that are linked to hydrologic regimes or anthropogenic interference in the landscape dynamics. Anomalous TS content observed in one of the samples might be due to an external source and perhaps related to the presence of thermal springs in the region. These types of areas have potential as a modern reference that can be applied in the reconstruction of past analogous environments such as coal deposits associated with fluvial paleoenvironments.  相似文献   

Metal cycling via physical and chemical weathering of discrete sources (copper mines) and regional (non-point) sources (sulfide-rich shale) is evaluated by examining the mineralogy and chemistry of weathering products in Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Tennessee, and North Carolina, USA. The elements in copper mine waste, secondary minerals, stream sediments, and waters that are most likely to have negative impacts on aquatic ecosystems are aluminum, copper, zinc, and arsenic because these elements locally exceed toxicity guidelines for surface waters or for stream sediments. Acid-mine drainage has not developed in streams draining inactive copper mines. Acid-rock drainage and chemical weathering processes that accompany debris flows or human disturbances of sulfidic rocks are comparable to processes that develop acid-mine drainage elsewhere. Despite the high rainfall in the mountain range, sheltered areas and intermittent dry spells provide local venues for development of secondary weathering products that can impact aquatic ecosystems.Electronic Supplementary Material  Supplementary material is available for this article if you access the article at . A link in the frame on the left on that page takes you directly to the supplementary material.
Jane M. HammarstromEmail: Phone: +1-703-6486165Fax: +1-703-6486252

对贵州省清镇市站街镇林歹铝土矿第二矿区的油菜种植区、矿土上部树林区、废石堆积区、矿土堆积恢复区4类环境进行苔藓植物采集,并对具芽胞苔藓种类进行统计分析,结果表明:(1)经鉴定发现苔藓植物10科22属37种,优势种(频度大于10%)为日本大丛藓Molendoa japonica Broth.(18.72%)和银叶真藓Bryum argenteum Hedw.(11.06%);(2)发现8种具芽胞苔藓,占总种数的21.62%,隶属于丛藓科Pottiaceae和真藓科Bryaceae,其中日本大丛藓和芽胞银藓Anomobryum gemmigerum Broth.为常见具芽胞苔藓;(3)油菜种植区中具芽胞苔藓种类最多(6种),但出现频度不高,非该类环境中的优势种,日本大丛藓在4类环境中均有发现;(4)在4类环境中,相对恶劣条件下具芽胞苔藓出现的几率更大;(5)瘤根真藓Bryum bornholmenseWinkelm.& Ruthe.和毛状真藓Bryum apiculatum Schwagr.的芽胞长于假根上,其余种类芽胞均见于叶腋处,呈扫帚状,芽胞形态上呈现多样性,有球形、棒形、棒槌形、芽形、纺锤状和火炬状。   相似文献   

A paleolimnological study of lake-level changes in Lake 239 (Rawson Lake), a headwater lake in the Experimental Lakes Area in northwestern Ontario, indicates large fluctuations have occurred over the Holocene. Analyses are based on diatoms, the proportion of chrysophyte scales to diatoms and organic matter content from near-shore sediment cores. Quantitative estimates of lake level are based on a diatom-inferred depth model that was developed from surficial sediments collected along several transects in Lake 239. Declines of ∼ 1-3 m occurred during the late Holocene, whereas declines of at least 8 m occurred during the more arid mid-Holocene. These results provide the first substantive evidence of large declines in lake level in northwestern Ontario during the mid-Holocene. Conditions during the mid-Holocene may provide a partial view of future conditions under increasing global temperatures.  相似文献   

Surface water samples from the Drake mining area show elevated metal concentrations, notably cadmium, iron and zinc. A detailed study of a sphalerite /quartz vein from Strauss Pit and chalcopyrite and pyrite from the Adeline mine and Strauss Pit indicate that micro-scale analyses of ores are necessary for environmental management of mine sites. Analyses show that Cd is elevated, up to 2.1 % by weight, and is associated with sphalerite, replacing Zn, or to a lesser extent replacing Pb within small galena grains. High concentrations of Cu are also associated with the Strauss Pit ore as small chalcopyrite grains along the margins of the sphalerite vein, within the central quartz zone of the vein system, and as replacement rims on sphalerite grains. Chalcopyrite from the Adeline mine area, is by comparison, metal poor, but still contains elevated heavy metal concentrations. Whereas, pyrite and chalcopyrite, from Strauss Pit have variable heavy metal concentrations, with chalcopyrite from within sphalerite veins having higher Cd and Zn concentrations than chalcopyrite distal to the veins. Cadmium and other heavy metals within the ores are mobilised during sulphide weathering and enter the drainage network; precipitation of secondary oxidation minerals act as temporary stores for many heavy metals. The complexity of the mineral and heavy metal associations at Strauss Pit suggest that a detailed knowledge of these associations and distributions within ore bodies, and associated waste rocks, are needed by environmental managers of mine sites because the presence of havy metals may greatly affect the decision making process, and management strategies employed. Received; 14 July 1999 · Accepted: 17 August 1999  相似文献   

From June 2004 to December 2004, Lake Dianchi, which had large scale of cyanobacterial blooms was investigated in order to study P-fractionation in the suspended matter and the sediment. The investigation improves our understanding of phosphorus in Lake Dianchi and the relationship between phosphorus and cyanobacterial blooms. It contributes to the available literature on the behavior of P in hypertrophic lakes. The distribution of P-fractions in Lake Dianchi was not uniform from northwest to south, but was closely related to the trophic status of the whole lake. The concentrations of total phosphorus, labile P (NH4Cl-P), Organic P (NaOH-NRP) and loss on ignition in suspended matter were positively correlated with the strength of cyanobacterial blooms. Total phosphorus in suspended matter was relatively stable for almost half an year and closely related to Chl. a concentration. The main content of organic phosphorus is in the cyanobacterial blooms. The concentrations of phosphorus bound to metal oxides and carbonates (NaOH-SRP and HCl-P) in sediment were similar to NaOH-SRP and HCl-P in the corresponding suspended matter. The latter two forms of P in suspended matter were not affected by cyanobacterial blooms, indicating that the inorganic phosphorus is derived from the sediment after resuspension from the sediment due to wind and wave action. The contribution of the different P-fractions to TP in sediment and in suspended matter indicates that NH4Cl-P in the suspended matter is an important buffer for maintaining dissolved phosphorus in water.  相似文献   

The knowledge of the variability, the anthropogenic versus natural origin and corresponding environmental risk for potentially harmful elements in urban topsoils is of importance to assess human impact. The aims of the present study were: (1) to assess the distribution of heavy metals (Sn, Li, Ga, Ba, Fe, Mn, Co, Be, Ti, Al, Hg, Cr, Sb, As, Bi, Pd, Pt, Au, Ni, Cd, Zn, Cu, Pb, Se, Mo, Sc and Ag) in urban environment; (2) to discriminate natural and anthropogenic contributions; and (3) to identify possible sources of pollution. Multivariate statistic approaches (principal component analysis and cluster analysis) were adopted for data treatment, allowing the identification of three main factors controlling the heavy metal variability in Xuzhou urban topsoils. Results demonstrate that Hg, Cr, Sb, As, Bi, Pd, Pt, Au, Ni, Cd, Br, Zn, Cu, S, Pb, Se, Mo, Sc and Ag could be inferred to be tracers of anthropogenic pollution, whereas Al, Ti, Ga, Li, V, Co, Pt, Mn and Be were interpreted to be mainly inherited from parent materials. Iron, Ba, Sn, Pd and Br were interpreted to be affected by mixed sources.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic influence, mainly due to urban and industrial activities and traffic exhaust, may affect urban topsoil via atmospheric contamination and solid waste. Magnetic susceptibility measurements were conducted on 21 urban topsoil samples from the city of Xuzhou, China. High intensities of magnetic susceptibility were detected in the majority of the samples. SEM analysis shows that magnetic minerals are in the form of spherules and mainly due to anthropogenic inputs. The heavy metals Pb, Cu, Zn, Se, Sc, Mo, Fe, and Bi show strong correlations with magnetic susceptibility, and Ag, Ba, Cd, Ni, Cr, Sb, and Sn, on the other hand, show a weak correlation with magnetic susceptibility. Whereas, of these metals studied, only Hg has no significant correlation with the susceptibility. The Tomlinson pollution load index (PLI) also shows significant correlation with the susceptibility (χ). The present study shows that magnetic susceptibility is a fast, inexpensive, and non-destructive method for the detection and mapping of contaminated soils.  相似文献   

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