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热带气旋结构和强度变化研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
热带气旋结构和强度变化的物理过程和影响因子十分复杂,其登陆过程中海-陆-气三者之间的复杂作用常使其结构和强度发生突变,给热带气旋预报带来较大困难。近年来外场科学试验及数值模拟等科学方法都取得较大改进,在此基础上对热带气旋结构和强度研究取得了新的进展,如热带气旋强度突变及不同下垫面对热带气旋强度变化的影响等。但对热带气旋非对称结构对其强度的影响及热带气旋内部结构变化与其强度之间的联系等问题的研究仍不全面。本文通过查阅国内外相关研究文献,从环境气流、下垫面及内部结构3个主要方面,总结影响热带气旋结构和强度变化的主要因子,以期为改进热带气旋结构和强度的预报方法提供有意义的理论依据。  相似文献   

This paper provides the first quantitative synthesis of the rapidly growing literature on future tropical and extratropical cyclone damages under climate change. We estimate a probability distribution for the predicted impact of changes in global surface air temperatures on future storm damages, using an ensemble of 478 estimates of the temperature-damage relationship from nineteen studies. Our analysis produces three main empirical results. First, we find strong but not conclusive support for the hypothesis that climate change will cause damages from tropical cyclones and wind storms to increase, with most models predicting higher future storm damages due to climate change. Second, there is substantial variation in projected changes in losses across regions. Potential changes in damages are greatest in the North Atlantic basin, where the multi-model average predicts that a 2.5 °C increase in global surface air temperature would cause hurricane damages to increase by 63 %. The ensemble predictions for Western North Pacific tropical cyclones and European wind storms (extratropical cyclones) are +28 % and +23 %, respectively. Finally, our analysis shows that existing models of storm damages under climate change generate a wide range of predictions, ranging from moderate decreases to very large increases in losses.  相似文献   

西北太平洋热带气旋气候变化的若干研究进展   总被引:13,自引:11,他引:2  
赵海坤  吴立广 《气象科学》2015,35(1):108-118
热带气旋气候变化研究不仅是当前国际热带气旋气候界的热点科学问题,而且也是具有现实意义的社会问题,各国气象学者和科学家们对此进行了广泛的研究。虽然热带气旋活动与气候变化之间的关系及其相应的内在物理机制至今还处在探究之中,但是近20多年来热带气旋气候学的研究还是取得了显著的进展。本文主要针对濒临中国的西北太平洋海域,回顾了热带气旋活动季节内、年际、年代际变化及其全球变暖背景下的变化趋势的气候学研究。此外,文中也对西北太平洋热带气旋气候学的研究进行了展望,并提出了该领域中一些亟待解决的科学问题。  相似文献   

登陆华南热带气旋强度变化与大尺度环流的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用UK再分析资料,采用合成分析方法,对比分析了登陆华南的登陆前迅速增强的TC(Rapid Intensifying TC,简称RITC)和迅速减弱的TC(Rapid FillingTC,简称RFTC)登陆前24h的大尺度环流背景特征。结果表明:从外流、入流强度和范围上看,RITC的低空入流和高空外流均明显强于RFTC,两类TC高空外流强度的差异比低空入流明显,RITC的次级环流径向范围大;从外流垂直伸展高度上看,RITC的平均外流主要集中在500hPa以上,而RFFC的平均外流比较分散,向下伸展到850hPa;从高空流场配置看,RITC上空除西北象限外均有较强外流,而RVrC仅在东北象限有较强外流,相应的RITC和RVrC的高空辐散在范围和强度上均有明显的差异,其中RITC的高空辐散明显强于RFTC;强烈的西南季风水汽输送是登陆华南的TC登陆前突然加强的先兆条件,RITC的对流活动明显比RFTc活跃;RITC的纬向风垂直切变比RFTC小,有利于RITC的强度增强。  相似文献   

韩峰  储可宽  刘浩铄  张熠 《气象科学》2018,38(5):637-647
针对2015年2月12—16日发生在东亚的一次预报过度的温带气旋开展了资料同化及资料影响性观测等研究。此次温带气旋的发展与各个主要数值模式的预报相差甚大,并未出现预期中的爆发性增长。针对此次过程,采用WRF模式及其变分同化系统开展了模拟与同化试验,主要同化了NCEP全球地面和高空观测资料,修正了此次温带气旋过度预报的问题。经过同化后,减弱了系统的气旋性环流,同时南北温差的减弱也导致了环境场的斜压性的减弱,使得气旋爆发性增长延后,强度减弱,更符合实际观测。与此同时,还利用WRF伴随模式WRFPLUS和观测资料影响性模式WRFDA-FSO开展了观测资料影响性的研究,并发现三类资料SOUND、SYNOP、GEOAMV在减小预报误差中的作用最大。进一步的敏感性试验表明仅同化这3种资料可以取得更为理想的预报。  相似文献   

Sumant Nigam  Bin Guan 《Climate Dynamics》2011,36(11-12):2279-2293
The twentieth century record of the annual count of Atlantic tropical cyclones (TCs) is analyzed to develop consistent estimates of its natural variability and secular change components. The analysis scheme permits development of multidecadal trends from natural variability alone, reducing aliasing of the variability and change components. The scheme is rooted in recurrent variability modes of the influential SST field and cognizant of Pacific-Atlantic links. The origin of increased cyclone counts in the early 1930s, suppressed counts in 1950?C1960s, and the recent increase (since 1990s) is investigated using the count data set developed by Landsea et al. (J Clim 23: 2508?C2519, 2010). We show that annual TC counts can be more closely reconstructed from Pacific and Atlantic SSTs than SST of the main development region (MDR) of Atlantic TCs; the former accounting for ~60% of the decadal count variance as opposed to ~30% for MDR SST. Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO) dominates the reconstruction, accounting for ~55% of the natural decadal count variance, followed by the ENSO Non-Canonical and Pan-Pacific decadal variability contributions. We argue for an expansive view of the domain of influential SSTs??extending much beyond the MDR. The additional accounting of count variance by SSTs outside the MDR suggests a role for remotely-forced influences over the tropical Atlantic: the Pan-Pacific decadal mode is linked with decreased westerly wind shear (200?C850?hPa) in its warm phase, much as the AMO impact itself. Non-canonical ENSO variability, in contrast, exerts little influence on decadal timescales. Interestingly, the secular but non-uniform warming of the oceans is linked with increased westerly shear, leading to off-setting dynamical and thermodynamical impacts on TC activity! The early-1930s increase in smoothed counts can be partially (~50%) reconstructed from SST natural variability. The 1950?C1960s decrease, in contrast, could not be reconstructed at all, leading, deductively, to the hypothesis that it results from increased aerosols in this period. The early-1990s increase is shown to arise both from the abatement of count suppression maintained by SST natural variability and the increasing SST secular trend contribution; the abatement is related to the AMO phase-change in early-1990s. Were it not for this suppression, TC counts would have risen since the early 1970s itself, tracking the secular change contribution. The analysis suggests that when SST natural variability begins to significantly augment counts in the post-1990 period??some evidence for which is present in the preceding decade??Atlantic TC counts could increase rapidly on decadal timescales unless offset by SST-unrelated effects which apparently account for a non-trivial amount (~40%) of the decadal count variance.  相似文献   

Climatology and interannual variations of wintertime extratropical cyclone frequency in CCSM3 twentieth century simulation are compared with the NCEP/NCAR reanalysis during 1950–1999. CCSM3 can simulate the storm tracks reasonably well, although the model produces slightly less cyclones at the beginning of the Pacific and Atlantic storm tracks and weaker poleward deflection over the Pacific. As in the reanalysis, frequency of cyclones stronger than 980 hPa shows significant correlation with the Pacific/North America (PNA) teleconnection pattern over the Pacific region and with the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) in the Atlantic sector. Composite maps are constructed for opposite phases of El Nino-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and the NAO and all anomalous patterns coincide with observed. One CCSM3 twenty-first century A1B scenario realization indicates there is significant increase in the extratropical cyclone frequency on the US west coast and decrease in Alaska. Meanwhile, cyclone frequency increases from the Great Lakes region to Quebec and decreases over the US east coast, suggesting a possible northward shift of the Atlantic storm tracks under the warmer climate. The cyclone frequency anomalies are closely linked to changes in seasonal mean states of the upper-troposphere zonal wind and baroclinicity in the lower troposphere. Due to lack of 6-hourly outputs, we cannot apply the cyclone-tracking algorithm to the other eight CCSM3 realizations. Based on the linkage between the mean state change and the cyclone frequency anomalies, it is likely a common feature among the other ensemble members that cyclone activity is reduced on the East Coast and in Alaska as a result of global warming.  相似文献   

In this study, we examine the relationship between the number of tropical cyclones (TCs) in the western North Pacific and the tropical Pacific sea surface temperature (SST) during the main TC season (July–November) for the period of 1965–2006. Results show that there are periods when TC frequency and the tropical Pacific SST are well correlated and periods when the relationship breaks down. Therefore, decadal variation is readily apparent in the relationship between the TC frequency and the SST variations in the tropical Pacific. We further examine the oceanic and atmospheric states in the two periods (i.e., 1979–1989 vs. 1990–2000) when the marked contrast in the correlation between the TC frequency and the tropical Pacific SST is observed. Before 1990, the analysis indicates that oceanic conditions largely influenced anomalous TC frequency, whereas atmospheric conditions had little impact. After 1990, there the reverse appears to be the case, i.e., atmospheric conditions drive anomalous TC frequency and oceanic conditions are relatively unimportant. A role of atmosphere and ocean in relation to the TC development in the western North Pacific changes, which is consistent with the change of the correlations between the TC frequency and the tropical Pacific SST.  相似文献   

The impact is studied of small land areas on the configuration and structure of the tropical cyclone as well as on the variations of different characteristics of hurricanes (wind field, kinetic energy, and vorticity) during their passage over islands. The results of computations based on the regional numerical atmospheric ETA model for the hurricanes of the Caribbean Sea and typhoons of the Northwestern Pacific revealed that the disturbance of the symmetric circulation in the vortex accompanied by significant kinetic energy losses takes place when crossing the archipelagos or separate islands. It is demonstrated that the vortex intensity depends not on the energy loss due to the underlying surface roughness only but on the heat flux from it as well. The kinetic energy generation in the hurricane sharply decreases as a result of the decrease in the pressure gradient over the land that is caused, in turn, by the tropical cyclone moving away from the oceanic heat source. At the recurring appearance of the cyclone over the warm ocean waters, its deepening and intensification recommence.  相似文献   

利用2016年5月2—4日NCEP的FNL 1°×1°再分析资料和GDAS的1°×1°再分析资料、地面观测资料,运用天气学分析、等熵位涡、物理量诊断和水汽来源追踪等方法,从大尺度环流背景、水汽源地和输送、动力和热力机制、等熵位涡等方面对2016年春季一次地面气旋爆发性发展导致的东北地区暴雨天气过程进行了分析。结果表明:位于40°N附近的黄淮气旋北上加强发展,2日14时至3日14时中心气压下降24 hPa,超过爆发性气旋的定义标准。500 hPa高空槽快速加强发展为闭合低涡,低空切变线加强发展为低空低涡,其东部形成明显的低空急流,为暴雨区提供水汽和热量,为东北地区典型的暖式切变降水。等熵位涡自320 K高层向305 K低层输送下传,并逐步向南向东移动,高空正位涡的下传促使地面气旋快速发展,上升运动加强,有利于暴雨的出现。比湿在6 g·kg^(-1)以上对东北地区春末夏初暴雨预报有一定的参考意义。水汽主要来源于东海、黄海及西北太平洋。暴雨区与850 hPa水汽通量散度的负值区、700 hPa垂直速度和850 hPa绝对涡度大值区较为一致,强降水区与850 hPa相当位温密集带和暖区锋生区相对应,降水位于能量锋区以及偏暖区一侧。  相似文献   

使用Emanuel和Nolan完善的潜在生成指数(GPI)的计算方法,利用美国联合台风警报中心提供的热带气旋(TC)资料和欧洲中期数值天气预报中心提供的全球ERA-40再分析资料,比较了1970-2001年西北太平洋海域的TC生成频数和GPI的气候特征,分析了包含于GPI中的环境要素对西北太平洋TC频数年代际变化空间分布的影响.结果表明:GPI能近似地表述西北太平洋TC频数的季节变化和空间分布.各环境要素对TC、较弱类TC和较强类TC生成频数的影响有显著差异,相对湿度随着TC强度的增强而减弱,风速垂直切变则相反.西北太平洋TC频数年代际变化空间分布的正异常主要分布于130°E以东,(15°N,140°E)附近最大的正异常频数中心主要受绝对涡度和相对湿度正异常变化的影响;负的风速垂直切变和正的相对湿度异常变化引起了(10~15°N,160°E)附近的TC频数正异常.  相似文献   

为了进一步了解热带气旋(TC)尺度变化与其结构的相关关系,本文基于多平台热带气旋表面风场资料,通过相关分析得出西北太平洋上TC的24 h尺度变化率(SCR)与其尺度,强度以及强度变化率(ICR)的相关系数分别为-0.43,-0.12,0.25.其中SCR-ICR的相关关系主要受不同发展阶段的影响,在TC均达到/均未达到...  相似文献   

利用1953-2007年NCEP/NCAR再分析逐日海平面气压场资料,统计分析东亚地区北方气旋和南方气旋的时间和地域分布特征。结果表明:南、北气旋活动频数存在明显的年际和年代际变化,伴随着一次全球性的年代际气候跃变,20世纪80年代初期北方气旋活动频数出现了显著的突变。从月际分布可知,5月北方气旋频数最多,8月南方气旋频数最多;春季北方气旋活动频繁,存在着明显的两个高值中心,分另Ij位于蒙古国中部和中国东北地区北部;夏季南方气旋活动频繁,主要集中在中国东部沿海及日本南部海面。南北气旋活动频数的季节变化与大气环流的变化密切相关。相关统计结果可增加对东亚温带气旋活动规律的认识和了解,并为预测和预报提供参考。  相似文献   

Structural changes during the intensification of a tropical storm into a hurricane in a numerical simulation are examined. A 10 layer primitive equation model that employs a horizontal grid spacing of 20 km over 4400 × 4400 km area is integrated. An elongated band in vertical motion over the storm area intensifies slowly during the first few hours. In the upper troposphere high pressures arise due to condensational heating. Between 8–12 h strong outflow winds develop in the upper troposphere due to the increased pressure gradients. Strong divergence occurs in the outflow wind region, and a large increase in the vertical motion, condensational heating and intensification rate of the storm ensues. Between 12–24 h the elongated band of the storm stage transforms into an eye-wall like structure, and the tropical storm intensifies into a hurricane. Regions with negative moist potential vorticity appear in the high troposphere. Widening of area of condensation and slanting of the convergence area occurs with height in the high level negative moist potential vorticity regions. Results suggest that the formation of anvil clouds in some cases may be due to the development of slantwise convection on the outer periphery of a hurricane's eye-wall.  相似文献   

Moist potential voracity (MPV) and Its generation may be important in the development of mesoscale structures such as rainbands within cyclones. In an adiabatic and frictionless flow, MPV generation is possible if the flow is three-dimensional and the air is unsaturated. Moist potential vorticity can be generated through the combined effects of gradients in the potential temperature and moisture fields. The diagnosis of MPV generation in an extratropical cy-clone was performed with the ECMWF objectively analyzed fields for a system that developed during February 1992. It was found that at various stages during the development of the cyclone, negative MPV was generated: at the north end of the cold front; along the occluded front and the cold front; and in the region of the warm core. This pattern of negative MPV generation is in excellent agreement with the predictions of previous theoretical and numerical studies. After the cyclone ceased to deepen, the region of negative MPV generated in the cyclone was horizontally adverted in-to a saturated area. The area of negative MPV generated both along the occluded front in this case study and in the region of the bent-back warm front in a numerical simulation showed a mesoscale structure with a width of about 200-500 km. It was found that the intrusion of moist or dry air into baroclinic zones was important for MPV genera-tion. In addition, baroclinicity increase (adjacent to the area of condensation) in the regions of high moisture gra-dients led to significant MPV production.  相似文献   

利用美国国家环境预报中心(NCEP)的FNL格点资料和大气数值模式WRF,对2012年1月11—13日发生于西北太平洋上的一次爆发性气旋过程进行诊断分析和数值模拟。气旋于1月11—12日在日本以东海域爆发性发展,经历2次转向后于13日在堪察加半岛附近减弱。研究表明,气旋发展中存在明显锋面结构,对流层高层的高位涡下传对气旋发展非常有利,气旋发展过程中伴随着一支低空急流的生成和发展,使辐合抬升更加明显。利用WRF模式对10日1800 UTC至13日0000 UTC气旋过程进行海温敏感性试验。结果表明,海温变化对气旋发展强度影响明显,但对气旋路径影响较小。  相似文献   

通过研究热带气旋的活动规律以及对文昌天气的影响,揭示了各类路径的热带气旋在不同的位置与文昌降水的关系。  相似文献   

2015年11月5—8日发生的一次江淮气旋具有与以往过程不同的特征,发生时间晚、路径偏北东移、途经山东半岛后又南折,导致山东半岛连续降水36 h,降水时段内累积降水量最大接近50 mm。为揭示上述特点的成因,利用FNL(Final Analysis Data of Global Forecast System)再分析数据进行了天气形势分析,结果表明:副热带高压位置偏北且强度较强是导致气旋过程发生时间偏晚、路径偏北东移的重要原因,而副热带高压的异常变化与2015年强厄尔尼诺事件有很强的关联性。借助WRF(Weather Research and Forecasting)数值试验探究了气旋过程路径偏北又南折的原因,发现:1)黄海的高海温有利于海面水汽通量向上输送,积云对流加强,潜热释放促进江淮气旋增强发展;高空西南气流对增强气旋的控制较弱,导致气旋没有一直向北移动,中途发生南折。2)黄海南部海温较北部偏高约4 ℃,低空大气南、北部之间形成的能量锋区对江淮气旋的南折有指向作用;同时对流层低层偏北风的存在以及副热带高压的短时南撤为气旋的南折提供了动力环境。  相似文献   

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