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The biologically active compounds, antioxidant activities, and free radical scavenging effects of black mussel dry matter (Mytilus galloprovincialis)--(BMDM) were investigated. The extract from BMDM with absolute methanol (BMDMAMet) showed the strongest inhibition of lipid peroxidation as a function of its concentration, and was comparable to the antioxidant activity of butylated hydroxyanisole, at the same concentration of 0.2 mg/ml. The extract with 50%methanol/water (BMDM50%Met) had the weakest antioxidant activity, whereas other extracts such as 1.2 M HCl in 50%methanol/water (BMDM50%Met/HCl) exhibited an average inhibition of lipid peroxidation. BMDMAMet extract showed marked activities in free radical scavenging determined by beta-carotene bleaching (beta-carotene), nitric oxide (NO*) and 2,2'-azino-bis(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonate) radical cation (ABTS*+ methods. The antioxidant activities of BMDMAMet extract determined beta-carotene, NO* and ABTS*+ methods showed the highest correlation coefficients (R2) such as 0.998, 0.9976 and 0.6103, respectively, with the presence of total polyphenols. BMDM50%Met had lower antioxidant ability than BMDM50%Met/HCl in different scavenging methods, indicating that the major antioxidant components in these extracts must be derived from the polyphenols. Correlation between proteins and antioxidants was very low (0.0318 and 0.0433). The mussel extracts from polluted areas have shown by all using methods higher antioxidant activity than from the clean ones. The results presented in this report indicate that the antioxidant activities of mussel extracts could possibly be an additional index of pollution characterization.  相似文献   

Definitions of hazard and risk of groundwater pollution are given. A deterministic method for the assessment of groundwater pollution risk using estimates of groundwater protection against and vulnerability to pollution and stability indicators of groundwater quality is considered. Also presented are the principal methodological approaches to the assessment of groundwater protection against pollution and the formation of the structure of indicators and indices characterizing the stability of groundwater quality. The structure of hazard, risks, and damages associated with groundwater pollution is shown. Expert appraisal method is used for the assessment of groundwater pollution risks.  相似文献   

Optical properties of colored dissolved organic matter (CDOM) were measured as a tracer of polluted waters in a Southern California surf-zone with consistently high levels of fecal indicator bacteria. Salinity, temperature, fecal coliform, absorbance (200-700nm) and fluorescence (lambda(excitation)=350nm; lambda(emission)=360-650nm) were measured in the creek and surf-zone during a dry and rain event. Fluorescence to absorption ratios for CDOM were used to distinguish water masses, with two distinct CDOM end-members identified as creek (flu/abs=8.7+/-0.8x10(4)) and coastal (flu/abs=2.2+/-0.3x10(4)). Waters containing the same CDOM end-member had highly variable bacterial levels during the dry event, suggesting intermittent sources of bacteria added to a uniform water source, consistent with marine birds. During the rain event, increased levels of the creek end-member and bacteria indicated a second bacteria source from runoff.  相似文献   

西藏羊卓雍错流域水体水质评价及主要污染因子   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
者萌  张雪芹  孙瑞  汪步惟 《湖泊科学》2016,28(2):287-294
水质是流域生态系统的重要指标,水质评价则是开展流域水体污染防治等工作的基础.基于2010-2014年羊卓雍错流域湖泊、河流水质及2012-2014年流域居民饮用井水、自来水水质监测资料,结合单因子污染评价法和内梅罗污染指数法,对流域水质现状进行分析和评价.结果表明,12处地表水体中,羊卓雍错和巴纠错受中度污染,其他水体清洁或尚清洁,硒及氟化物为主要污染因子;9处居民饮用水体中,自来水水质明显好于井水,但也仅有3处自来水达清洁标准,硒、铝及硝酸盐为主要超标项.污染因子通过水-土-植被-动物系统破坏流域生态环境、阻碍农业生产发展,并直接或间接影响人类身体健康.因此,必须做好流域环境的综合整治、控制农业面源污染、完善饮用水基础设施建设,同时继续加强水质监测.  相似文献   

The plankton was examined as an indicator of water quality in 14 shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei farms in Brazil in 2003. The ponds were categorized by high stocking density (>30 PL m−2) of phytoplankton, consisting of 51 species with concentrations ranging from 365,218 ± 416,615 cells mL−1 to 1,961,675 ± 3,160,172 cells mL−1. Diatoms contributed to almost 70% of the species number and high densities resulted from Cyanophyta blooms, mainly Pseudanabaena cf limnetica. Forty zooplankton taxa were registered and were essentially composed of typical marine euryhaline species and suspension-feeders. Copepoda dominated (45%) the make-up, followed by Protozoa (18%), Rotifera (12%), and Mollusca (12%) larvae. Zooplankton varied from 972 ± 209 ind m−3 to 4235 ± 2877 ind m−3. Enhanced nutrient input affected plankton density and composition. Diatom and Copepoda dominance was replaced by cyanobacteria, protozoan, and rotifers as nutrient concentrations increased with the cultured period, indicating that plankton structure is affected by eutrophic conditions.  相似文献   

The long-term changes in the structure of phytoplankton in two large lakes of northwestern Russia—Onega and Imandra—are considered. Similar regularities in anthropogenic changes in the phytoplankton communities are found in both lakes. Despite the local nature of the lakes’ pollution, phytoplankton changes are traced within several tens of kilometers from the sources of wastewater discharge. The mass species of algae that are characteristic of the regions subjected to human impact are identified in both lakes.  相似文献   

Results are presented of a study on liver histopathology in Baltic flounder (Platichthys flesus) carried out in 2001 and 2002 in four coastal sampling areas of the Baltic Sea: Kv?d?fj?rden (Swedish east coast, reference area), Klaipeda-Butinge (Lithuanian coast), Gulf of Gdansk (Polish coast), and Wismar Bay (German coast) within the framework of the EU-funded BEEP project. Liver lesions were diagnosed and categorised using standardised methodologies and, for a spatial and temporal assessment of the prevalence and types of lesions detected, a scoring system was applied, involving the calculation of mean histopathology lesion scores. 83.0% of the 436 female flounder examined (size range: 20-43 cm total length, age range: 2-8 years) were affected by liver lesions, out of which 74.3% were assigned to the category of non-specific, 3.4% to the category of early toxicopathic non-neoplastic, 4.6% to the category of pre-neoplastic and 0.7% to the category of neoplastic lesions. Mean lesions scores were highest in the areas at the Lithuanian and Swedish coast and there is indication of an impact of the age structure of the flounder populations studied, the sampling season as well as of contaminant effects.  相似文献   

The basic principles of the environmental regulation of anthropogenic impact on water bodies were discussed in this paper. Importance of the biological approach to pollution regulation in aquatic ecosystems was shown. The environmental regulation of the chemical pollution in aquatic ecosystems is based on the methodology of environmentally acceptable exposure levels.  相似文献   

我国城市水源中约40%为湖泊或水库,且大部分为水库,因此水源水库的水质状况对我国城市安全极其关键。本文综述了我国水源水库水质问题研究进展,分析了22个代表性水源水库的周年水质状况。结果发现,当前我国城市水源水库水质风险类型主要是异味问题、藻类水华、铁锰超标、有机质偏高、营养盐超标等。引发水源水库水质问题的主要原因包括流域开发强度过大、库底淤积及内源释放、生态系统结构失衡、气候与水文异常变化等。针对上述主要问题,提出了构建在线水质监测预警体系、控制流域土地开发强度、构建面源拦截及流域净化系统、疏浚底泥、优化生态系统结构、实施应急曝气与控藻工程、完善流域生态保护法律法规等多种水源水库水质安全保障技术措施。鉴于水源水库水质及水生态对暴雨、高温热浪等极端气象响应敏感而复杂,在当前极端天气事件频发、强度不断增加的气候背景下,还应加强水库生态学基础研究,以深入理解水源水库水质对气候变化的响应机制,提高水库水安全保障科技支撑能力,满足我国城市高质量发展的水资源需求。  相似文献   

Abkenar open water(AOW)has a 35 km2distribution and is the largest part of the Anzali Lagoon in the southern coastal zone of the Caspian Sea.The effects of deforestation in the upstream basin of the AOW were assessed by measuring the rate of sedimentation,sediment contamination,and ecological risk for aquatic life and end-users using radioisotopes Cesium-137 and Lead-210.The chronology of the AOW sediment column was studied using the Constant Rate of Supply model.Correlations between environmental changes and the sedimentary regime of the study area highlight the contribution of the AOW authorized international and local wood harvesting companies pre-and-post 1950 in the catchment in terms of the rate of sediment supply and the influx of toxic metals.Historical evidence shows that two specific layers formed during World Wars I and II with the mean rates of 0.185±0.04(±STD)and 0.32±0.02 kg/(m2·y),respectively.The highest influx of alkali elements and toxic metals(nickel,cadmium,lead,zinc,and copper)into the basin occurred in 1945.Two layers of gray mud(16-50 cm)and organic-rich dark loss mud(0-16 cm)correlated well with the programmed wood harvesting projects.These layers accumulated from 1953 to 2000 with a mean rate of 0.6±0.2 and 2±0.7 kg/(m2·y).Thus,aquatic life and end-users have been exposed to moderate to extremely high levels of toxic metals and a moderate level of contamination since the 1950s.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate groundwater fitness for domestic and irrigational use in Unnao district of Uttar Pradesh,India.For this study,block wise(n=16) groundwater samples were collected,and measured parameters were analyzed using the pollution index of groundwater(PIG),various irrigational indices,and graphical techniques.The results of this study suggested that most of the parameters were within the prescribed limits of WHO and BIS,excluding F~-(0.4 to 2.6 mg L~(-1))and Fe~(2+)(0.1 to 1.7 mg L~(-1)).Concentrations of total dissolved solids(TDS) were exceeded the desirable limit( 500 mg L~(-1)) in 43.75% of samples at some sites.The Gibbs plot revealed that groundwater chemistry was governed by rock-water interaction in the region,especially silicate weathering.The Piper plot suggested that Ca~(2+)-HCO_3~-is dominant hydrochemical facies in the area followed by mixed Ca~(2+)-Na~+-HCO_3~-type,Na~+-Cl~-type,and Na~+-HCO_3~-type.PIG evaluation revealed that the contribution of F~-and Fe~(2+) in groundwater degradation is high in comparison to other elements in the region,about 18.75% samples showed low pollution,while about 6.25% samples shows moderate pollution,and 6.25%samples reflected high pollution.The human health risk(HHR) assessment finding suggested that children(mean:1.36) are more vulnerable than adults(mean:1.01).Sodium absorption ration(SAR),Residual sodium carbonate(RSC),and Permeability index(PI) indicated that most of the groundwater was suitable for irrigation,whereas,Magnesium hazard ration(MHR) and Potential salinity(PS) indices suggested that only 37.5% and 56.25%of the samples were suitable for irrigational use,respectively.This regional study would help in decision making for stakeholders and relevant authorities in the execution of groundwater management and remediation plans in the area.  相似文献   

A new multimetric MMI_PL index, which is based on the macroinvertebrate composition and combines six single key metrics, has already been implemented in Poland according to the requirements of the EU Water Framework Directive. The objectives of our survey were to assess the biological water quality using the new multimetric MMI_PL index in both reference and human-impacted streams, to analyze whether the values of the new multimetric index properly reflect the ecological status of the water in upland and mountain streams as well as to determine which environmental factors influence the distribution of benthic macroinvertebrates and the values of the metrics. The study was carried out from 2007 to 2010 in three Ecoregions that were established by the EU WFD. A total of 60 sampling sites: 36 reference sites that were situated in the headwaters of mountain streams at mid- and high-altitudes and 24, human-impacted sampling sites were selected. The benthic macroinvertebrate surveys were supported by both a hydromorphological and macrophyte assessment according to the River Habitat Survey (RHS) and to the Macrophyte Methods for Rivers. Canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) showed that the values of the Habitat Quality Assessment (HQA) index, conductivity, pH and altitude were the parameters most associated (statistically significant) with the distribution of benthic macroinvertebrate taxa and the values of the metrics in both the reference and human-impacted (impaired) sections of the streams in Ecoregions 9, 10 and 14. The new MMI_PL index was useful for biological water quality assessment and was also important for separating both the reference and impaired sections of streams. The MMI_PL index and some key metrics performed contrary to what was expected in relation to the reference high-altitude siliceous streams (the High Tatra Mts., Ecoregion 10). Low values of multimetric index and key metrics did not properly reflect their high ecological status and pristine character as reflected by the hydromorphological (RHS) and macrophyte surveys or the physical and chemical parameters of the water.  相似文献   

This paper presents a framework to quantify the overall variability of the model estimations of Total Polychlorinated Biphenyls (Total PCBs) concentrations in the Niagara River on the basis of the uncertainty of few model parameters and the natural variability embedded in some of the model input variables. The results of the uncertainty analysis are used to understand the importance of stochastic model components and their effect on the overall reliability of the model output and to evaluate multiple sources of uncertainty that might need to be further studied. The uncertainty analysis is performed using a newly developed point estimate method, the Modified Rosenblueth method. The water quality along the Niagara River is simulated by coupling two numerical models the Environmental Fluid Dynamic Code (EFDC) – for the hydrodynamic portion of the study and the Water Quality Analysis and Simulation Program (WASP) – for the fate and transport of contaminants. For the monitoring period from May 1995 to March 1997, the inflow Total PCBs concentration from Lake Erie is the stochastic component that most influences the variability of the modeling results for the simulated concentrations at the exit of the Niagara River. Other significant stochastic components in order are as follows: the suspended sediments concentration, the point source loadings and to a minor degree the atmospheric deposition, the flow and the non-point source loadings. Model results that include estimates of uncertainty provide more comprehensive information about the variability of contaminant concentrations, such as confidence intervals, and, in general offer a better approach to compare model results with measured data.  相似文献   

Marine plastic debris is a global issue, which highlights the need for internationally standardized methods of monitoring plastic pollution. The stomach contents of beached northern fulmar (Fulmarus glacialis) have proven a cost-effective biomonitor in Europe. However, recent information on northern fulmar plastic ingestion is lacking in the North Pacific. We quantified the stomach contents of 67 fulmars from beaches in the eastern North Pacific in 2009-2010 and found that 92.5% of fulmars had ingested an average of 36.8 pieces, or 0.385g of plastic. Plastic ingestion in these fulmars is among the highest recorded globally. Compared to earlier studies in the North Pacific, our findings indicate an increase in plastic ingestion over the past 40years. This study substantiates the use of northern fulmar as biomonitors of plastic pollution in the North Pacific and suggests that the high levels of plastic pollution in this region warrant further monitoring.  相似文献   

太湖流域(江苏省)水质污染空间特征   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:5  
胡开明  李冰  王水  周家艳  田颖 《湖泊科学》2014,26(2):200-206
基于SPSS 20.0统计软件,对太湖流域(江苏省)9个三级生态功能分区和湖体28项水质指标数据分别进行处理,从原始监测数据中提取出5个主成分,计算其贡献率和主成分得分值,研究主要污染因子的组合,并对相应污染源进行分析.结果表明第一主成分主要体现了水体中氮、磷等导致富营养化的关键因子,而第二个主成分主要反映水体重金属水平,整个江苏省太湖流域污染情况空间分布略有不同,水环境质量也大体表现为北高南低、西高东低的趋势,湖体也存在对应的空间特征,反映了流域外源输入是导致湖体水质污染的主要原因之一,为太湖流域的环境监测及污染治理提供重要的信息和依据.  相似文献   

Coastal aquifers are at threat of salinization in most parts of the world. This work investigated the seasonal hydrochemical evolution of coastal groundwater resources in Urmia plain, NW Iran. Two recently proposed methods have been used to comparison, recognize and understand the temporal and spatial evolution of saltwater intrusion in a coastal alluvial aquifer. The study takes into account that saltwater intrusion is a dynamic process, and that seasonal variations in the balance of the aquifer cause changes in groundwater chemistry. Pattern diagrams, which constitute the outcome of several hydrochemical processes, have traditionally been used to characterize vulnerability to sea/saltwater intrusion. However, the formats of such diagrams do not facilitate the geospatial analysis of groundwater quality, thus limiting the ability of spatio-temporal mapping and monitoring. This deficiency calls for methodologies which can translate information from some diagrams such Piper diagram into a format that can be mapped spatially. Distribution of groundwater chemistry types in Urmia plain based on modified Piper diagram using GQIPiper(mix) and GQIPiper(dom) indices that Mixed Ca–Mg–Cl and Ca-HCO3 are the dominant water types in the wet and dry seasons, respectively. In this study, a groundwater quality index specific to seawater intrusion (GQISWI) was used to check its efficiency for the groundwater samples affected by Urmia hypersaline Lake, Iran. Analysis of the main processes, by means of the Hydrochemical Facies Evolution Diagram (HFE-Diagram), provides essential knowledge about the main hydrochemical processes. Subsequently, analysis of the spatial distribution of hydrochemical facies using heatmaps helps to identify the general state of the aquifer with respect to saltwater intrusion during different sampling periods. The HFE-D results appear to be very successful for differentiating variations through time in the salinization processes caused by saltwater intrusion into the aquifer, distinguishing the phase of saltwater intrusion from the phase of recovery, and their respective evolutions. Both GQI and HFE-D methods show that hydrochemical variations can be read in terms of the pattern of saltwater intrusion and groundwater quality status. But generally, in this case (i.e. saltwater and not seawater intrusion) the HFE-D method was presented better efficiency than GQI method (including GQIPiper and GQISWI).  相似文献   

丹江口水库大型底栖动物群落结构及其水质生物学评价   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
2007年7月至2008年5月,按季度对丹江口水库4个区域(丹江库区、汉江库区、取水口、五青入库区)14个采样点进行大型底栖动物调查.共采集到底栖动物61种,主要由寡毛类(颤蚓科、仙女虫科)和摇蚊科组成.其中,寡毛类密度在全年中占优势地位,占底栖动物总密度的90%以上;生物量的优势种则主要为软体动物.空间分布上,底栖动物密度以汉江库区最高(大坝前:33792ind./m~2),丹江库区次之,取水口和五青入库区的密度相对较低,且五青入库区偶尔出现0密度的样品;生物量则由于丹江库区和取水口经常有软体动物出现而导致该区域内生物量相对较高.季节变化上,密度分布为夏季春季秋季冬季;生物量也呈现出类似的分布,但秋季和冬季差别较小.采用Shannon-Wiener多样性指数、Goodnight-Whitley生物指数、Wright生物指数及Carlander生物量法对丹江口水库水质进行评价,比较而言,Goodnight-Whitley指数不适宜用于丹江口水库的水质评价;而综合利用其它三种方法进行评价的结果表明:取水口为轻污染状态,丹江库区为轻-中污染,汉江库区为中-重污染;五青入库区由于水深太浅,底栖动物生境易受外界影响导致群落波动较大,因此不宜采用底栖动物作为评价指标.  相似文献   

The ability of the two synthetic marine biotic indices, AMBI and M-AMBI, to account for changes in the ecological quality of coastal soft bottoms of Reunion Island according to disturbances was assessed from macrobenthic samples collected in five sectors between 1994 and 2004. Samples were collected under non-perturbed conditions and at two sites subjected to heavy organic enrichment. Both indices are based on a classification of macrofauna into ecological groups (EG), and their transfer to tropical waters required some adaptations. These indices proved efficient in detecting a degradation of habitat quality. Their use resulted in the classification of all sites sampled between 1996 and 1998 as "good" or "high". M-AMBI nevertheless tended to result in the attribution of a slightly worse ecological quality status than AMBI. Together with an update of the EG species list for the Indian Ocean area, our results support the extension of both indices for the assessment of tropical soft bottoms.  相似文献   

Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment - The phytoplankton community structure is affected by both ecological and spatial factors. Influences of these two factors on phytoplankton...  相似文献   

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