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The rheology of the lower mantle of the Earth is examined from the viewpoint of solid state physics. Recent developments in high-pressure research suggest that the lower mantle contains a considerable amount of (Mg, Fe)O with Fe/Mg + Fe = 0.2–0.3. The pressure and temperature dependences of diffusion in (Mg, Fe)O are estimated by the theory of diffusion in ionic solids. Of the materials composing the lower mantle, (Mg, Fe)O may be the “softest”, and therefore the rheology of the lower mantle may be that of (Mg, Fe)O, unless the framework effect is important.Temperatures in the lower mantle are inferred from the depths of phase transitions and the melting temperatures of the core materials. A thermal boundary layer at the base of the mantle is suggested. The physical mechanisms of creep are examined based on a grain size-stress relation and non-Newtonian flow is shown to be the dominant flow mechanism in the Earth's mantle.The effective viscosity for the temperature models, with and without the thermal boundary layer, is calculated for constant stress and constant strain rate (with depth). For constant strain rate, which may be appropriate for discussing the mechanics of descending slabs, the increase in effective viscosity with depth is smaller than for the constant-stress case, which may be appropriate for discussing the flow induced by the surface motion of plates.The relatively small depth gradient of viscosity, for constant strain rate, suggests that the lower mantle could also participate in convection. The effective viscosity increases with depth, however, by at least 102 to 103 from the top to the bottom of the lower mantle, for a reasonable range of activation volumes and temperatures. There will be a low-viscosity layer at the base of the mantle, in contrast to the high-viscosity layer at the top of the mantle (plates), if a thermal boundary layer is present. The constant Newtonian viscosity inferred from rebound data may be an apparent feature resulting from the difference in deformation mechanisms between isostatic rebound and large-scale flow.  相似文献   

The case is presented that the efficiency of variable viscosity convection in the Earth's mantle to remove heat may depend only very weakly on the internal viscosity or temperature. An extensive numerical study of the heat transport by 2-D steady state convection with free boundaries and temperature dependent viscosity was carried out. The range of Rayleigh numbers (Ra) is 104?107 and the viscosity contrast goes up to 250000. Although an absolute or relative maximum of the Nusselt number (Nu) is obtained at long wavelength in a certain parameter range, at sufficiently high Rayleigh number optimal heat transport is achieved by an aspect ratio close to or below one. The results for convection in a square box are presented in several ways. With the viscosity ratio fixed and the Rayleigh number defined with the viscosity at the mean of top and bottom temperature the increase of Nu with Ra is characterized by a logarithmic gradient β = ?ln(Nu)/? ln(Ra) in the range of 0.23–0.36, similar to constant viscosity convection. More appropriate for a cooling planetary body is a parameterization where the Rayleigh number is defined with the viscosity at the actual average temperature and the surface viscosity is fixed rather than the viscosity ratio. Now the logarithmic gradient β falls below 0.10 when the viscosity ratio exceeds 250, and the velocity of the surface layer becomes almost independent of Ra. In an end-member model for the Earth's thermal evolution it is assumed that the Nusselt number becomes virtually constant at high Rayleigh number. In the context of whole mantle convection this would imply that the present thermal state is still affected by the initial temperature, that only 25–50% of the present-day heat loss is balanced by radiogenic heat production, and the plate velocities were about the same during most of the Earth's history.  相似文献   

Viscosity is a fundamental property of the mantle which determines the global geodynamical processes. According to the microscopic theory of defects and laboratory experiments, viscosity exponentially depends on temperature and pressure, with activation energy and activation volume being the parameters. The existing laboratory measurements are conducted with much higher strain rates than in the mantle and have significant uncertainty. The data on postglacial rebound only allow the depth distributions of viscosity to be reconstructed. Therefore, spatial distributions (along the depth and lateral) are as of now determined from the models of mantle convection which are calculated by the numerical solution of the convection equations, together with the viscosity dependences on pressure and temperature (PT-dependences). The PT-dependences of viscosity which are presently used in the numerical modeling of convection give a large scatter in the estimates for the lower mantle, which reaches several orders of magnitude. In this paper, it is shown that it is possible to achieve agreement between the calculated depth distributions of viscosity throughout the entire mantle and the postglacial rebound data. For this purpose, the values of the volume and energy of activation for the upper mantle can be taken from the laboratory experiments, and for the lower mantle, the activation volume should be reduced twice at the 660-km phase transition boundary. Next, the reduction in viscosity by an order of magnitude revealed at the depths below 2000 km by the postglacial rebound data can be accounted for by the presence of heavy hot material at the mantle bottom in the LLSVP zones. The models of viscosity spatial distribution throughout the entire mantle with the lithospheric plates are presented.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of a seismological investigation of the Voronezh shield. The use of industrial quarry blasts, as the most economic seismic energy source, and telemetric arrays of the Taiga type for deep seismic sounding observations has enabled the Geophysical Research Group of the Voronezh State University to obtain complete and valid information concerning the deep structure of the shield.Seismic records of refracted and reflected P and S phases from the intracrustal and subcrustal discontinuities allow the determination of independent and compatible velocity models VP(Z) and VS(Z).Analysis of the travel-time and amplitude curves derived from the deep seismic sounding data reveals a complex and inhomogeneous structure of the Voronezh shield lithosphere. The major discontinuities are found in the middle part of the consolidated crust. Several rather thick layers can be resolved, which are separated by first-order seismic boundaries.In the consolidated crust beneath the southeastern part of the shield at depths from 6–7 to 11–13 km, a low-velocity layer is clearly established from the compressional wave data. Within the low-velocity channel, VP appears to decrease by 5–6%. The low-velocity channel in the uppermost consolidated crust is assumed to be due to metamorphogeneous granitization. This is revealed by the Precambrian basement structure.Poisson's ratio calculated from the compatible velocity models VP(Z) and VS(Z) shows a systematic increase down to the crustal basement and becomes discontinuous only in the low-velocity channel. At the top of the mantle, Poisson's ratio decreases on all the deep seismic sounding profiles. The systematic variation of Poisson's ratio is related to changes in the composition and mineralogy of the Voronezh shield lithosphere.  相似文献   

The lithosphere is interpreted as a thermal boundary layer. Approximate solutions of the boundary layer cooling problem are developed which include mantle radioactivity, partial melt in the asthenosphere, a temperature gradient in the asthenosphere, and a non-zero lithospheric thickness at the ridge crests. The cooling history of oceanic lithosphere is found to be remarkably insensitive to assumptions about the amount of radioactivity in the upper mantle and the extent of melting in the asthenosphere. Determinations of the thickness of oceanic lithosphere and the depths of oceans as a function of age are in excellent agreement with boundary layer predictions which include a heat flux from the asthenosphere. However, the determinations do not resolve how much of the total asthenospheric heat flux might be caused by a temperature gradient in the asthenosphere. Simple thermal arguments indicate that the initial lithospheric thickness, L0, at ridge crests should depend on the local half-spreading rate, V, as L0 = 3 km/V(cm/year).  相似文献   

The melting curve of perovskite MgSiO3 and the liquidus and solidus curves of the lower mantle were estimated from thermodynamic data and the results of experiments on phase changes and melting in silicates.The initial slope of the melting curve of perovskite MgSiO3 was obtained as dTm/dP?77 KGPa?1 at 23 GPa. The melting curve of perovskite was expressed by the Kraut-Kennedy equation as Tm(K)=917(1+29.6ΔVV0), where Tm?2900 K and P?23 GPa; and by the Simon equation, P(GPa)?23=21.2[(Tm(K)2900)1.75?1].The liquidus curve of the lower mantle was estimated as Tliq ? 0.9 Tm (perovskite) and this gives the liquidus temperature Tliq=7000 ±500 K at the mantle-core boundary. The solidus curve of the lower mantle was also estimated by extrapolating the solidus curve of dry peridotite using the slope of the solidus curve of magnesiowüstite at high pressures. The solidus temperature is ~ 5000 K at the base of the lower mantle. If the temperature distribution of the mantle was 1.5 times higher than that given by the present geotherm in the early stage of the Earth's history, partial melting would have proceeded into the deep interior of the lower mantle.Estimation of the density of melts in the MgOFeOSiO2 system for lower mantle conditions indicates that the initial melt formed by partial fusion of the lower mantle would be denser than the residual solid because of high concentration of iron into the melt. Thus, the melt generated in the lower mantle would tend to move downward toward the mantle-core boundary. This downward transportation of the melt in the lower mantle might have affected the chemistry of the lower mantle, such as in the D″ layer, and the distribution of the radioactive elements between mantle and core.  相似文献   

Pressure effect on the electrical conductivity of San Carlos olivine was investigated by the newly installed electrical conductivity measurement system at China University of Geosciences. Electrical conductivity of San Carlos olivine aggregates was measured up to 12 GPa and 1475 K using the Walker-type multi-anvil apparatus equipped with eight WC cubes as the second-stage anvils. The pressure generation against applied load for the experimental assemblage was examined by phase transition of Bi,quartz, forsterite under different P-T conditions. To check the data validity of this new system, electrical conductivities of the serpentinites and talc samples were measured. The results are consistent with the published data of the same samples. Electrical conductivity(σ) of the San Carlos olivine aggregates and temperature(T) satisfy the Arrhenian formula: σ=σ0exp[.(ΔE+PΔV)/kT].The pre-exponential factor(σ0), activation energy(ΔE) and activation volume(ΔV) yield value of 7.74 S/m, 0.85 eV and 0.94cm3/mol, respectively. Electrical conductivities of the San Carlos olivine aggregates decline with increasing pressure at same temperatures. The negative pressure effect can be interpreted by strain energy model of defect energy together with the lattice deformation. In addition, the electrical conductivity-depth 1-D profile of the upper mantle was constructed based on our results and some assumptions. The calculated profile is concordant with the geophysical observation at the depth of 180–350 km beneath Europe, which indicates that the upper mantle beneath Europe might be dry.  相似文献   

The mantle convection model with phase transitions, non-Newtonian viscosity, and internal heat sources is calculated for two-dimensional (2D) Cartesian geometry. The temperature dependence of viscosity is described by the Arrhenius law with a viscosity step of 50 at the boundary between the upper and lower mantle. The viscosity in the model ranges within 4.5 orders of magnitude. The use of the non-Newtonian rheology enabled us to model the processes of softening in the zone of bending and subduction of the oceanic plates. The yield stress in the model is assumed to be 50 MPa. Based on the obtained model, the structure of the mantle flows and the spatial fields of the stresses σxz and σxx in the Earth’s mantle are studied. The model demonstrates a stepwise migration of the subduction zones and reveals the sharp changes in the stress fields depending on the stage of the slab detachment. In contrast to the previous model (Bobrov and Baranov, 2014), the self-consistent appearance of the rigid moving lithospheric plates on the surface is observed. Here, the intense flows in the upper mantle cause the drift and bending of the top segments of the slabs and the displacement of the plumes. It is established that when the upwelling plume intersects the boundary between the lower and upper mantle, it assumes a characteristic two-level structure: in the upper mantle, the ascending jet of the mantle material gets thinner, whereas its velocity increases. This effect is caused by the jump in the viscosity at the boundary and is enhanced by the effect of the endothermic phase boundary which impedes the penetration of the plume material from the lower mantle to the upper mantle. The values and distribution of the shear stresses σxz and superlithostatic horizontal stresses σxx are calculated. In the model area of the subducting slabs the stresses are 60–80 MPa, which is by about an order of magnitude higher than in the other mantle regions. The character of the stress fields in the transition region of the phase boundaries and viscosity step by the plumes and slabs is analyzed. It is established that the viscosity step and endothermic phase boundary at a depth of 660 km induce heterogeneities in the stress fields at the upper/lower mantle boundary. With the assumed model parameters, the exothermic phase transition at 410 km barely affects the stress fields. The slab regions manifest themselves in the stress fields much stronger than the plume regions. This numerically demonstrates that it is the slabs, not the plumes that are the main drivers of the convection. The plumes partly drive the convection and are partly passively involved into the convection stirred by the sinking slabs.  相似文献   

The ∼0.2 mm/yr uplift of Hawaiian islands Lanai and Molokai and Hawaiian swell topography pose important constraints on the structure and dynamics of mantle plumes. We have formulated 3-D models of mantle convection to investigate the effects of plume-plate interactions on surface vertical motions and swell topography. In our models, the controlling parameters are plume radius, excess plume temperature, and upper mantle viscosity. We have found that swell height and swell width constraints limit the radius of the Hawaiian plume to be smaller than 70 km. The additional constraint from the uplift at Lanai requires excess plume temperature to be greater than 400 K. If excess plume temperature is 400 K, models with plume radius between 50 and 70 km and upper mantle viscosity between 1020 and 3×1020 Pa s satisfy all the constraints. Our results indicate that mantle plume in the upper mantle may be significantly hotter than previously suggested. This has important implications for mantle convection and mantle melting. In addition to constraining plume dynamics, our models also provide a mechanism to produce the observed uplift at Lanai and Molokai that has never been satisfactorily explained before.  相似文献   

The composition, structure and evolution of the moon's interior are narrowly constrained by a large assortment of physical and chemical data. Models of the thermal evolution of the moon that fit the chronology of igneous activity on the lunar surface, the stress history of the lunar lithosphere implied by the presence of mascons, and the surface concentrations of radioactive elements, involve extensive differentiation early in lunar history. This differentiation may be the result of rapid accretion and large-scale melting or of primary chemical layering during accretion; differences in present-day temperatures for these two possibilities are significant only in the inner 1000 km of the moon and may not be resolvable. If the Apollo 15 heat-flow result is representative of the moon, the average uranium concentration in the moon is 0.05–0.08 p.p.m.Density models for the moon, including the effects of temperature and pressure, can be made to satisfy the mass and moment of inertia of the moon and the presence of a low-density crust inferred from seismic refraction studies only if the lunar mantle is chemically or mineralogically inhomogeneous. The upper mantle must exceed the density of the lower mantle at similar conditions by at least 5%. The average mantle density is that of a pyroxenite or olivine pyroxenite, though the density of the upper mantle may exceed 3.5 g/cm3. The density of the lower mantle is less than that of the combined crust and upper mantle at similar temperature and pressure, thus reinforcing arguments for early moon-wide differentiation of both major and minor elements. The suggested density inversion is gravitationally unstable and implies stresses in the mantle 2–5 times those associated with the lunar gravitational field, a difficulty that can be explained or avoided by: (1) adopting lower values for the moment of inertia and/or crustal thickness, or (2) postulating that the strength of the lower mantle increases with depth or with time, either of which is possible for certain combinations of composition and thermal evolution.A small iron-rich core in the moon cannot be excluded by the moon's mass and moment of inertia. If such a core were molten at the time lunar surface rocks acquired remanent magnetization, then thermal-history models with initially cold interiors strongly depleted in radioactive heat sources as a primary accretional feature must be excluded. Further, the presence of ~||pre|40 K in a FeFeS core could significantly alter the thermal evolution and estimated present-day temperatures of the deep lunar interior.  相似文献   

—Recently a high-resolution tomographic model, the P1200, based on P-wave travel times was developed, which allowed for detailed imaging of the top 1200 km of the mantle. This model was used in diverse ways to study mantle viscosity structure and geodynamical processes. In the spatial domain there are lateral variations in the transition zone, suggesting interaction between the lower-mantle plumes and the region from 600 km to 1000 km. Some examples shown here include the continental region underneath Manchuria, Ukraine and South Africa, where horizontal structures lie above or below the 660 km discontinuity. The blockage of upwelling is observed under central Africa and the interaction between the upwelling and the transition zone under the slow Icelandic region appears to be complex. An expansion of the aspherical seismic velocities has been taken out to spherical harmonics of degree 60. For degrees exceeding around 10, the spectra at various depths decay with a power-law like dependence on the degree, with the logarithmic slopes in the asymptotic portion of the spectra containing values between 2 and 2.6. These spectral results may suggest the time-dependent nature of mantle convection. Details of the viscosity structure in the top 1200 km of the mantle have been inferred both from global and regional geoid data and from the high-resolution tomographic model. We have considered only the intermediate degrees (l = 12–25) in the nonlinear inversion with a genetic algorithm approach. Several families of acceptable viscosity profiles are found for both oceanic and global data. The families of solutions for the two data sets have different characteristics. Most of the solutions asociated with the global geoid data show the presence of asthenosphere below the lithosphere. In other families a low viscosity zone between 400 and 600 km depth is found to lie atop a viscosity jump. Other families evidence a viscosity decrease across the 660 km discontinuity. Solutions from oceanic geoid show basically two low viscosity zones one lying right below the lithosphere; the other right under 660-km depth. All of these results bespeak clearly the plausible existence of strong vertical viscosity stratification in the top 1000 km of the mantle. The presence of the second asthenosphere may have important dynamical ramifications on issues pertaining to layered mantle convection. Numerical modelling of mantle convection with two phase transitions and a realistic temperature- and pressure-dependent viscosity demonstrates that a low viscosity region under the endothermic phase transition can indeed be generated self-consistently in time-dependent situations involving a partially layered configuration in an axisymmetric spherical-shell model.  相似文献   

In this study, we have modeled the density(ρ) and bulk sound velocity(VΦ) profiles of the bottom lower mantle using the experimental thermal equation of state(EoS) parameters of lower-mantle minerals, including bridgmanite, ferropericlase,CaSiO3-perovskite, and post-perovskite. We re-evaluated the literature pressure-volume-temperature relationships of these minerals using a self-consistent pressure scale in order to avoid the long-standing pressure scale problem and to provide more reliable constraints on the thermal EoS parameters. With the obtained thermal EoS parameters, we have constructed the ρ and VΦ profiles of the bottom lower mantle in different composition, mineralogy, and temperature models. Our modelling results show that the variations of chemistry, mineralogy, and temperature have different seismic signatures from each other. The Fe and Al enrichment at the bottom lower mantle can cause an increase in ρ but greatly lower VΦ. A change in mineralogy needs to be considered with the lateral variation in temperature. The cold slabs will be shown as denser regions compared to the normal mantle because of the combined effect of a lower temperature and the presence of a denser post-perovskite at a shallower depth,whereas the hot regions will have a 1–2% lower ρ than the normal mantle. VΦ of both cold slabs and hot regions will be lower than the normal mantle when bridgmanite is the dominant phase in the normal mantle, yet they will be greater once bridgmanite transforms into post-perovskite in the normal mantle. Our modeling also shows that the presence of a(Fe, Al)-enriched bridgmanite thermal pile above the core-mantle boundary will exhibit a seismic signature of enhanced ρ and VΦ, but a reduced VS,which is consistent with the observed seismic anomalies in the large-low-shear-velocity-provinces(LLSVPs). The existence of such a(Fe, Al)-enriched bridgmanite thermal pile thus can help to understand the origin of the LLSVPs. These results provide new insights for the chemical and structure of the deepest lower mantle.  相似文献   

Inferences on the rheology of the mantle based on theoretical and experimental rate equations for steady state creep are discussed and compared with results from geophysical models. The radial increase of viscosity by one to three orders of magnitude across the mantle, required by inversion of postglacial rebound and geodynamic data, is confirmed by microphysical models based on the estimation of continuous and discontinuous changes of creep parameters with depth. The upper mantle (viscosity 1020–1021 Pa s) is likely to show non-Newtonian rheology (power-law creep) for average grain sizes larger than 0.1 mm as an order of magnitude. Given the variability of both grain size and stress conditions, local regions of linear rheology can be present. The rheology of transition zone and lower mantle (viscosity 1022–1024 Pa s) cannot be definitely resolved at present. Estimation of creep parameters leads to possible nonlinear or mixed rheology, if grain sizes are not lower than 0.1 mm and flow conditions can be approximated by a constant strain rate of about 10−15 s−1. This conclusion can be modified by different flow conditions (e.g. a decrease in strain rate or constant viscous dissipation). Furthermore, experiments on fine-grained garnetites and perovskite analogues have shown that diffusion creep is predominant at laboratory conditions. However, the pressure dependence of creep in these phases is unknown, and therefore direct extrapolation to lower mantle conditions is necessarily speculative. Lateral variations of viscosity, largest in the upper and lowermost mantle (up to 2–4 orders of magnitude) are predicted by models based on lateral temperature anomalies derived from seismic tomographic models.  相似文献   

Water released from subducting slabs through a dehydration reaction may lower the viscosity of the mantle significantly. Thus, we may expect a low viscosity wedge (LVW) above the subducting slabs. The LVW coupled with a large-scale flow induced by the subducting slabs may allow the existence of roll-like small-scale convection whose axis is normal to the strike of the plate boundary. Such a roll structure may explain the origin of along-arc variations of mantle temperature proposed recently in northeast Japan. We study this possibility using both 2D and 3D models with/without pressure- and temperature-dependent viscosity. 2D models without pressure and temperature dependence of viscosity show that, with a reasonable geometry of the LVW and subduction speed, small-scale convection is likely to occur when the viscosity of the LVW is less than 1019 Pa s. Corresponding 3D model studies reveal that the wavelength of rolls depends on the depth of the LVW. The inclusion of temperature-dependent viscosity requires the existence of further low viscosity in the LVW, since temperature dependence suppresses the instability of the cold thermal boundary layer. Pressure (i.e. depth) dependence coupled with temperature dependence of the viscosity promotes short wavelength instabilities. The model, which shows a relatively moderate viscosity decrease in the LVW (most of the LVW viscosity is 1018∼1019 Pa s) and a wavelength of roll ∼80 km, has a rather small activation energy and volume (∼130 kJ/mol and ∼4 cm3/mol) of the viscosity. This small activation energy and volume may be possible, if we regard them as an effective viscosity of non-linear rheology.  相似文献   

Siberian traps are the result of huge basalt eruptions which took place about 250 Ma ago over a vast territory of Siberia. The genesis of Siberian traps is attributed to a mantle plume with a center in the region of Iceland or beneath the central Urals in terms of their present coordinates. The eruption mechanism is associated with delamination—replacement of the mantle lithosphere by the deep magma material. The receiver function analysis of the records from the Norilsk seismic station (NRIL) allows comparing these hypotheses with the factual data on the depth structure of the region of Siberian traps. The S-wave velocity section place the seismic lithosphere/asthenosphere boundary (LAB) at a depth of 155–190 km, commensurate with the data for the other cratons. The mantle lithosphere has a high S-wave velocity characteristic of cratons (4.6–4.8 km/s instead of the typical value 4.5 km/s). The seismic boundary, which is located at a depth around 410 km beneath the continents is depressed by ~10 km in the region of the NRIL station. The phase diagram of olivine/wadsleyite transformation accounts for this depression by a 50–100°С increase in temperature. At the depths of 350–400 km, the S-wave velocity drops due to partial melting. A new reduction in the S-wave velocities is observed at a depth of 460 km. The similar anomalies (deepening of the 410-km seismic boundary and low shear wave velocity at depths of 350–400 and 460–500 km, respectively) were previously revealed in the other regions of the Meso-Cenozoic volcanism. In the case of a differently directed drift of the Siberian lithosphere and underlying mantle at depths down to 500 km, these anomalies are barely accountable. In particular, if the mantle at a depth ranging from 200 to 500 km is fixed, the anomalies should be observed at the original locations where they emerged 250 Ma ago, i.e. thousands of km from the Siberian traps. Our seismic data suggest that despite the low viscosity of the asthenosphere, the mantle drift at depths ranging from 200 to 500 km is correlated with the drift of the Siberian lithospheric plate. Furthermore, the position of the mantle plume beneath the Urals is easier to reconcile with the seismic data than its position beneath Iceland because of the Siberian traps being less remote from the Urals.  相似文献   

Solvi and liquidi for various LiFMgF2 mixtures have been determined at pressures up to 40 kbar by differential-thermal-analysis in a piston-cylinder high-pressure device. The melting curves of pure LiF and MgF2 were also studied and the initial slopes (dTm/dP)P = 0 were found to be 11.2 and 8.3°C/kbar, respectively. The eutectic composition (LiF)0.64(MgF2)0.36 is independent of pressure to 35 kbar and the eutectic temperature rises approximately 6.3°C per kbar. Initial slopes of 11°C/kbar and 35°C/kbar are inferred for the melting curves of MgO and SiO2 (stishovite) respectively, on the basis of data for their structural analogue compounds. The observed solid solution of LiF in MgF2 and other evidence suggest the possibility of solid solution in the system (Mg,Fe)OSiO2 (stishovite) under mantle conditions which may have important consequences for the elastic properties of a “mixed-oxide” zone of the earth's mantle.  相似文献   

俯冲板块的深部脱水使得上覆地幔含水, 从而降低含水地幔的熔点, 导致上覆地幔部分熔融。 部分熔融的地幔柱一旦喷发到地表就是俯冲带火山, 也形成新的地壳。 相对于周围的地幔来讲, 具有较小密度和黏度的部分熔融地幔的时空活动性就控制着俯冲带火山的时空分布特征。 本文主要回顾近年来运用三维热力学岩石力学模型数值模拟研究与板片脱水相关的俯冲带火山活动的时空分布特性。 结果表明, 部分熔融地幔的有效黏度和密度是影响俯冲板片之上的三维地幔柱横向分布特征的主要因素。 高黏度的部分熔融地幔(1020~1021 Pa·s )易于形成近平行于海沟的、 长波长(70~100 km)的、 薄的波状地幔柱; 低黏度(1018~1019 Pa·s )的熔融地幔易于形成平行于海沟的, 短波长(30~50 km)的蘑菇状地幔柱和垂直于海沟的山脊状地幔柱。 当部分熔融地幔和周围地幔的密度相差小于50 kg/m3时, 在俯冲板片之上只能形成长波长低幅度(宽50~100 km, 高10~15 km)的地幔山丘。 岩浆产率随着时间的变化反映了火山活动的生命周期性。 板块俯冲速度会影响地幔柱形成的深度和范围大小。 高效率熔融提取会增加新地壳增长总量。 低的板块俯冲速度和低的熔融提取效率会增加上地壳(花岗岩质)和中地壳(英安岩质)化学成分的比例。 数值模拟结果可以很好地解释如日本东北、 新西兰、 南阿拉斯加俯冲区火山的横向分布特征。  相似文献   

A new analysis of the isotope systematics of sulphide common leads can be made on the basis of examining the deriations of the data from a simple single-stage evolution. Δt, the age discrepancy between the single-stage lead model age and the geologic age, increases systematically from 3.8 Ga to the present. This trend appears to reflect an increase in the μ of the primitive mantle due to incorporation of a large portion of the earth's lead into the core, early in the earth's evolution. Leads associated with shale-hosted lead-zinc deposits show a rapid increase in Δt beginning at 2.5 to 2.0 Ga. This deviation of shale-hosted leads from the general trend is interpreted as a response to concentration of uranium in organic-rich shales subsequent to the evolution of an oxidizing atmosphere. Comparison of common leads in alkali feldspars with the volcanogenic sulphide data suggests that they have a similar evolution of Δt with time. Numerical simulations reveal that even substantial increases in real μ over the last 2.0 Ga are not reflected in significant increases in the single-stage model μs.  相似文献   

The densities of silicate liquids with basic, picritic, and ultrabasic compositions have been estimated from the melting curves of minerals at high pressures. Silicate liquids generated by partial melting of the upper mantle are denser than olivine and pyroxenes at pressures higher than 70 kbar, and garnet is the only phase which is denser than the liquid at pressures from 70 kbar to at least 170 kbar. In this pressure range, garnet and some fraction of liquid separate from ascending partially molten diapirs. It is therefore suggested that aluminium-depleted komatiite with a high Ca/OAl2O3 ratio may be derived from diapirs which originated in the deep upper mantle at pressures from 70 kbar to at least 140 kbar (200–400 km in depth), where selective separation of pyropic garnet occurs effectively. On the other hand, aluminium-undepleted komatiite is probably derived from diapirs originating at shallower depths (< 200 km). Enrichment of pyropic garnet is expected at depths greater than 200 km by selective separation of garnet from ascending diapirs. The 200-km discontinuity in the seismic wave velocity profile may be explained by a relatively high concentration of pyropic garnet at depths greater than 200 km.  相似文献   

The study of Poisson's ratio (σ) behaviour in various crystalline rocks under different temperatures and pressures shows this parameter to depend upon the rock composition rather than upon P-T conditions. The results of this study are presented in the form of a comparison of σ(z) distributions within the consolidated crust and continental upper mantle and the specific variations of σ in crust and mantle rocks underlying the Voronezh crystalline massif (VCM). These investigations, which are based upon seismic and seismological data as well as high pressure experiments, should clarify in particular the composition and petrology of the Earth's interior.  相似文献   

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