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A comprehensive analysis has been made of analog and digital recordings of eigenvibration ground motion obtained following four great earthquakes; August 1976 (Philippines), August 1977 (Indonesia), September 1979 (West Irian), and December 1979 (Colombia). The time series (ranging in length from ~28 to ~140 h) are assumed to be linear combinations of damped harmonics in the presence of noise. Tables are calculated from values of the four parameters: Θ, used in describing eigenvibrations, period of oscillation, amplitude, damping factor Q, and phase together with their statistical uncertainties (53 spheroidal modes, 0S4to0S48, and 13 torsional modes, 0T8to0T45). The estimation procedures are by the methods of complex demodulation and non-linear regression that specifically incorporate into the basic model the decaying aspect of the oscillations. These methods, extended to simultaneous estimations of groups of modes, help to eliminate measurement error and measurement bias from estimations of Θ. The result is that overtone modes very near in frequency to fundamental modes can, under certain conditions, be resolved through a non-linear regression technique, although parameter uncertainties are underestimated in general.Of the time series analyzed, 17 were from a northern California regional network of ultra-long period seismographs at Berkeley (three components), Jamestown (vertical component), and Whiskeytown (vertical component) following the four listed earthquakes. The other 7 time series were recorded digitally by the worldwide IDA network following the 1977 Indonesian earthquake. Weighted regional and worldwide averages were made for period and Q of each eigenvibration mode.From the theoretical viewpoint, comparisons of measured period, Q, amplitude, and phase for all modes analyzed led to five conclusions. First, there are no detectable systematic shifts in period, Q, or phase of eigenvibrations within a region whose dimensions are less than a wavelength. Second, though not conclusive, there may be slight systematic shifts in period (<0.65 s) and relative amplitudes within the California regional network due to different source positions and mechanisms. Differences in Q values are not statistically significant. Third, even though differences in period obtained worldwide were as great as 1.33 s (≈0.33%), differences between Q values (as great as 20%) for the same mode were not significant. The conclusion is that the damping characteristics of singlet eigenfunctions are not observed to be significantly different. Fourth, the assumption that a multiplet nSl behaves as a single oscillation is valid from at least 0S7 through 0S30. Fifth, no systematic pattern emerged for the shift of eigenperiod as a function of order / or posit on the Earth.  相似文献   

The melting curve of perovskite MgSiO3 and the liquidus and solidus curves of the lower mantle were estimated from thermodynamic data and the results of experiments on phase changes and melting in silicates.The initial slope of the melting curve of perovskite MgSiO3 was obtained as dTm/dP?77 KGPa?1 at 23 GPa. The melting curve of perovskite was expressed by the Kraut-Kennedy equation as Tm(K)=917(1+29.6ΔVV0), where Tm?2900 K and P?23 GPa; and by the Simon equation, P(GPa)?23=21.2[(Tm(K)2900)1.75?1].The liquidus curve of the lower mantle was estimated as Tliq ? 0.9 Tm (perovskite) and this gives the liquidus temperature Tliq=7000 ±500 K at the mantle-core boundary. The solidus curve of the lower mantle was also estimated by extrapolating the solidus curve of dry peridotite using the slope of the solidus curve of magnesiowüstite at high pressures. The solidus temperature is ~ 5000 K at the base of the lower mantle. If the temperature distribution of the mantle was 1.5 times higher than that given by the present geotherm in the early stage of the Earth's history, partial melting would have proceeded into the deep interior of the lower mantle.Estimation of the density of melts in the MgOFeOSiO2 system for lower mantle conditions indicates that the initial melt formed by partial fusion of the lower mantle would be denser than the residual solid because of high concentration of iron into the melt. Thus, the melt generated in the lower mantle would tend to move downward toward the mantle-core boundary. This downward transportation of the melt in the lower mantle might have affected the chemistry of the lower mantle, such as in the D″ layer, and the distribution of the radioactive elements between mantle and core.  相似文献   

The dependence of bulk sound speed Vφ upon mean atomic weight m and density ρ can be expressed in a single equation:
Here B is an empirically determined “universal” parameter equal to 1.42, m0 = 20.2, a reference mean atomic weight for which well-determined elastic properties exist, and λ = 1.25 is a semi empirical parameter equal to γ ? 13 where γ is a Grüneisen parameter. The constant c = (? ln VM/? ln m)X, where VM is molar volume, is in general different for different crystal structure series and different cation substitutions. However, it is possible to use cFe = 0.14 for Fe2+Mg2+ and GeSi substitutions and cCa ? 1.3 for CaMg substitutional series. With these values it is pos to deduce from the above equation Birch's law, its modifications introduced by Simmons to account for Ca-bearing minerals, variations in the seismic equation of state observed by D.L. Anderson, and the apparent proportionality of bulk modulus K to VM?4.  相似文献   

By use of the modern theory of liquids and some guidance from the hard-sphere model of liquid structure, the following new results have been derived for application to the Earth's outer core. (1) dK/dP ? 5 ? 5. 6P/K, where K is the incompressibility and P the pressure. This is valid for a high-pressure liquid near its melting point, provided that the pressure is derived primarily from a strongly repulsive pair potential φ. This result is consistent with seismic data, except possibly in the lowermost region of the outer core, and demonstrates the approximate universality of dK/dP proposed by Birch (1939) and Bullen (1949). (2) dlnTM/dlnρ = (γCV ? 1)/(CV ? 32), where TM is the melting point, ρ the density, γ the atomic thermodynamic Grüneisen parameter and CV the atomic contribution to the specific heat in units of Boltzmann's constant per atom. This reduces to Lindemann's law for CV = 3 and provides further support for the approximate validity of this law. (3) It follows that the “core paradox” of Higgins and Kennedy can only occur if γ < 23. However, it is shown that γ < 23 ? ∫0 (?g/?T)ρ r(d/dr)(r2 φ)dr > 0, which cannot be achieved for any strongly repulsive pair potential φ and the corresponding pair distribution function g. It is concluded that γ > 23 and that the core paradox is almost certainly impossible for any conceivable core composition. Approximate calculations suggest that γ ~ 1.3–1.5 in the core. Further work on the thermodynamics of the liquid core must await development of a physically realistic pair potential, since existing pair potentials may be unsatisfactory.  相似文献   

Using the spectral ratios PPcP,ScSn+1ScSn,sScSn+1sScSnandSKSScS, models for the core-mantle boundary are found. The models have close similarity with each other, implying an irregular surface with lateral variation in the core-mantle properties. The models are characterized by two to four low-velocity, high-density layers imbedded between the mantle and the core half space. The velocities of the imbedded layers decrease towards the core boundary with a lower bound of 9.3 km/sec for the compressional wave and 3.5 km/sec for the shear wave. The models fitted to the empirical data support the hypothesis of a finite rigid outer core with a higher bound for the shear velocity of 1.4 km/sec. Based on this finite rigidity in the outer core and a layered core-mantle transition zone, the value of Q for the whole mantle is 2,000. For the outer core Q ranges from 100–1,000 , which may indicate that it is chemically zoned.  相似文献   

Surface-wave amplitudes in the period range 50–100 s at eight European and North American stations, horizontal slip profiles along the rupture zone and the timing of certain events along the fault during rupture time are all engaged in unison to reconstruct the motion at the source. A modified source model is used to accommodate a moving rupture with variable dislocation in the direction of propagation.It is inferred that the rupture started at about 13 h 11 m 55 s GMT near San Juan Bautista and propagated unilaterally northwestward along N35°W over 400 km with an average rupture velocity of 3.5 km/s. At 13 h 12 m 12 s, the dynamic shear front, moving with the rupture speed, hit the Lick Observatory. Then, at 13 h 12 m 18 s, the rupture arrived to the vicinity of the epicenter in the Santa Cruz Mountains given by B. Bolt. There the slip changed sharply from an average of 0.5 m to a high value of 3 m causing extensive landslides and avalanches. At 13 h 12 m 32.5 s two railroad clocks at San Rafael were stopped. Finally, at 13 h 12 m 36 s the offset front hit the Naval Observatory at Mare Island and stopped the astronomical clocks there. Conspicuous surface waves, visible on Wiechert seismograms in Europe in the period range 55–65 s, reflect the true rupture time.The seismic data inversion yields an effective radiation source some 240 km long with an average vertical extent of some 34 km over a total fault length of 400 km (UdS ? 29,000 m km2or μUdS ? 9 · 1027dyn cm). It began at the Santa Cruz Mountains and ended some 20 km off coast Point Arena. Thus, due to the nonuniform slip profile, only 35 of the total fracture length contributed to the far radiation field.Although the product of the average source displacement (over the entire fault) and the vertical extent appears to be fairly well determined from the surface-wave spectrums, the separate values of these entities cannot be uniquely determined. If the average surface displacements (~ 3.2 m) are diagnostic of the entire fault, a vertical extent of H = 34 km is required.Finally, a new analysis of surface waves from the Alaska earthquake of July 10, 1958, the Queen Charlotte Islands earthquake of August 22, 1949 and the Kern County shock of July 21, 1952, enables us to draw parallels between the three biggest major events which occurred along the NE Pacific coast during 1906–1958. A common feature of all of these earthquakes is that vertical failure extents of 30–40 km are implied.  相似文献   

The effects of the variation of magnetic grain size on the magnetic properties of rocks have been studied throughout a reversely magnetized basaltic dyke with concentric cooling zones.Except in a few tachylites in which the magnetic mineral is a Ti-rich titanomagnetite, in the bulk of the dyke the magnetization is carried by almost pure magnetite grains. Although the percentage p of these magnetic oxides varies slightly, the large changes in the various magnetic parameters observed across the dyke are essentially attributable to large variations in the grain size of the magnetic particles.From the outer scoria region, where the magnetic grains are a mixture of single-domain (SD) and superparamagnetic (SP) grains, to the tachylite zone with finely crystallized basaltic glass containing interacting elongated SD particles, one observes an increase of both the ratio of the saturation remanent magnetization and the saturation induced magnetization Jrs/Jis, the bulk coercive force Hc, the median destructive field MDF, the intensity of the remanent magnetization Jr, and the Koenigsberger ratio Q. In the tachylites these parameters reach unusually high values, for subaerial basalts:
JrsJis〉 = 0.3, 〈Hc〉 = 460 Oe, 〈MDF〉 = 620 Oe r.m.s., 〈Jr〉 = 2.7 · 10?2e.m.u. cm?3 〈Q〉 = 24
These parameters decrease in the basalt toward the centre of the dyke where pseudo-single-domain (pseudo-SD) particles coexist together with multidomain (MD) grains. The susceptibility remains approximately constant from the inner basalt to the tachylite, but increases in the scoria up to values 10 times higher owing to the presence of SP particles. The magnetic viscosity increases also drastically toward the margin of the dyke due to an increase of the fraction of the SD particles just above the superparamagnetic threshold.  相似文献   

High-temperature and high-pressure recovery experiments were made on experimentally deformed olivines at temperatures of 1613–1788 K and pressures of 0.1 MPa to 2.0 GPa. In the high-pressure experiments, a piston cylinder apparatus was used with BN and NaCl powder as the pressure medium, and the hydrostatic condition of the pressure was checked by test runs with low dislocation density samples. No dislocation multiplication was observed. The kinetics of the dislocation annihilation process were examined by different initial dislocation density runs and shown to be of second order, i.e.
dρdt= ?p2K0exp[?(E1+PV1RT]
where ρ is the dislocation density, k0 is a constant, E1and V1 are the activation energy and volume respectively, and P, R and T are pressure, gas constant and temperature, respectively. Activation energy and volume were estimated from the temperature and pressure dependence of the dislocation annihilation rate as E1=389±59 kJ mol?1 and V1=14±2 cm3mol?1, respectively.The diffusion constants relevant to the dislocation annihilation process were estimated from a theoretical relation k=αD where k=k0 exp[?(E1 + PV1)/RT], D is the diffusion constant and α is a non-dimensional constant of ca. 300. The results agree well with the self-diffusion constant of oxygen in olivine. This suggests that the dislocation annihilation is rate-controlled by the (oxygen) diffusion-controlled dislocation climb.The mechanisms of creep in olivine and dry dunite are examined by using the experimental data of static recovery. It is suggested that the creep of dry dunite is rate-controlled by recovery at cell walls or at grain boundaries which is rate-controlled by oxygen diffusion. Creep activation volume is estimated to be 16±3 cm3 mol?1.  相似文献   

The faulting mechanism and multiple rupture process of the M = 7.4 Miyagi-Oki earthquake are studied using surface and body wave data from local and worldwide stations. The main results are as follows. (1) P-wave first motion data and radiation patterns of long-period surface waves indicate a predominantly thrust mechanism with strike N10° E, dip 20°W, and slip angle 76°. The seismic moment is 3.1 × 1027 dyne-cm. (2) Farfield SH waveforms and local seismograms suggest that the rupture occurred in two stages, being concordant with the two zones of aftershock activity revealed by the microearthquake network of Tohoku University. The upper and lower zones, located along the westward-dipping plate interface, are separated by a gap at a depth of 35 km and have dimensions of 37 × 34 and 24 × 34 km2, respectively. Rupture initiated at the southern end of the upper aftershock zone and propagated at N20°W subparallel to the trench axis. About 11 s later, the second shock, which was located 30 km landward (westward) of the first, initiated at the upper corner of the lower aftershock zone and propagated down-dip N80°W. Using Haskell modelling for this rupture process, synthetic seismograms were computed for teleseismic SH waves and nearfield body waves. Other parameters determined are: seismic moment M0 = 1.7 × 1027dyne-cm, slip dislocationu = 1.9 m, Δσ = 95 bar, rupture velocity ν = 3.2 km s?1, rise time τ = 2 s, for the first event; M0 = 1.4 × 1027dyne-cm, u = 2.4 m, Δσ = 145 bar, for the second event; and time separation between the two shocks ΔT = 11 s. The above two-segment model does not explain well the sharp onsets of the body waves at near-source stations. An initial break of a small subsegment on the upper zone, which propagated down-dip, was hypothesized to explain the observed near-source seismograms. (3) The multiple rupture of the event and the absence of aftershocks between the two fault zones suggests that the frictional and/or sliding characteristics along the plate interface are not uniform. The rupture of the first event was arrested, presumably by a region of high fracture strength between the two zones. The fracture energy of the barrier was estimated to be 1010 erg cm?2. (4) The possible occurrence of a large earthquake has been noted for the region adjacent to and seaward of the area that ruptured during the 1978 event. The 1978 event does not appear to reduce the likelihood of occurrence of this expected earthquake.  相似文献   

Slow changes in the magnetic field are believed to originate in the core of the Earth. Interpretation of these changes requires knowledge both of the vertical component of the field and of its rate of change at the core-mantle boundary (CMB). While various spherical harmonic models show some agreement for the field at the CMB, those for secular variation (SV) do not. SV models depend heavily on annual means at relatively few and poorly distributed magnetic observatories. In this paper, the SV at the CMB is modelled by fitting 15-year differences in the annual means of the X, Y and Z components (from 1959 to 1974). The model is made unique by imposing the constraint that ?CMBB?r2dS be a minimum, using the method of Shure et al. (1982). If SV is attributed to motions of core fluid, then this model will yield, in some sense, the slowest core motions. The null space is determined by the distribution of observations, and therefore, to be consistent, only those observatories have been retained which recorded almost continuously throughout the interval 1959–1974.The method allows misfit between the model and the observations. The best value for the misfit can be derived from estimates of errors in the data, or alternatively, because larger misfit leads to smoother models (i.e., smaller ? B?r2dS), the best value can be estimated subjectively from the final appearance of the model. Both procedures have their counterparts in the conventional spherical harmonic expansion approach, when smoothing is achieved by lowering the truncation level. The new proposal made in this paper is to use objective criteria for determining the misfit, based on the assumption that diffusion is negligible, in which event all integrals B?r2dS will vanish when Si is a region on the CMB bounded by a contour of zero vertical component of field. For the 1965 definitive model which is adopted here, and for most other contemporary models, there are six such areas, giving five independent integrals (the integrals over the six regions must sum to zero if ? · B = 0). Tabulating these integrals for various choices of the misfit gives minimum values near 2 nT y?1. It is impossible to achieve this good a fit to the data using a reasonable model derived by truncating the spherical harmonic expansion. The value 2 nT y?1 corresponds to errors of ~ 20 nT in individual annual means, which is rather larger than expected from the scatter in the data.  相似文献   

An essentially arbitrary function V(θ, λ) defined on the surface of a sphere can be expressed in terms of spherical harmonics V(θ, Λ) = a n=1m=0npmn (cos θ) (gmn cos mΛ + hmn sin mΛ) where the Pnm are the seminormalized associated Legendre polynomials used in geomagnetism, normalized so that 〈[Pmn(cos θ) cos mΛ]〉2 =1/(2n+1) The angular brackets denote an average over the sphere. The class of functions V(θ, λ) under consideration is that normally of interest in physics and engineering. If we consider an ensemble of all possible orientations of our coordinate system relative to the sphere, then the coefficients gnm and hnm will be functions of the particular coordinate system orientation, but 〈:(gmn)2〉) = 〈(hmn)2 = Sn/(2n=1) where Sn =m=0n [(gmn)2 + (hmn)2] for any orientation of the coordinate system (Sn is invariant under rotation of the coordinate system). The averages are over all orientations of the system relative to the sphere. It is also shown that 〈gmnglp〉 = 〈hmnhlp〉 = 0 for lm or pn and 〈gmnhlp〉 = 0 fro all n, m, p, l.  相似文献   

The magnetic properties of specimens containing dispersed magnetic particles, at low concentrations, containing two distinct size ranges, have been measured. The results have been used to evaluate the effectiveness of several parameters which have been used to discriminate the type of particles in a dispersion. The location of the point representing the properties of a specimen on a graph of MRSMS and HRHc indicates a possible particle dispersion which would produce a model with equivalent magnetic properties. The behaviour of dispersions of titomagnetic is also considered and these produce ambiguities in the interpretation of the graph. The possibility of modelling a dispersion which has equivalent properties to specimens from a single lava is considered.  相似文献   

The compressibility of an individual ion is examined, in comparison with a known set of data for the alkali halides. A simple extrapolation of ionic radius to high pressure is not acceptable, because the pressure derivative of ionic radius changes for different salts. According to the classical concept of an elastic ion, the repulsive potential energy between the ions i and j is specified by the nature of each ion as:
i + ρ j) exp[i + ρj ? r)i + ρj)]
as a function of the interionic distance r. In this expression, qi and ρi are the ionic radius and ionic compressibility, respectively, in a suitably modified meaning. Such a form of the repulsive potential fits well to the data of lattice constants and bulk moduli. The parameters qi and ρi are evaluated for alkali and halogen ions, and an anion turns out to be much more compressible than a cation. The present treatment may be usefully applied to the minerals in the Earth's mantle, which contain only a few major ions.  相似文献   

Lowes (1966, 1974) has introduced the function Rn defined by Rn =(n + 1) m=0 [(gmn)2 + (hmn)2] where gnmand hnm are the coefficients of a spherical harmonic expansion of the scalar potential of the geomagnetic field at the Earth's surface. The mean squared value of the magnetic field B = ??V on a sphere of radius r > α is given by B ·〉 =n=1 Rn(a/r)2n=4where a is the Earth's radius. We refer to Rn as the spherical harmonic spatial power spectrum of the geomagnetic field.In this paper it is shown that Rn = RMn = RCn where the components RnM due to the main (or core) field and RnC due to the crustal field are given approximately by RMn = [(n =1)/(n + 2)](1.142 × 109)(0.288n Λ2 RCn = [(n =1){[1 — exp(-n/290)]/(n/290)} 0.52 Λ2where Iγ = 1 nT. The two components are approximately equal for n = 15.Lowes has given equations for the core and crustal field spectra. His equation for the crustal field spectrum is significantly different from the one given here. The equation given in this paper is in better agreement with data obtained on the POGO spacecraft and with data for the crustal field given by Alldredge et al. (1963).The equations for the main and crustal geomagnetic field spectra are consistent with data for the core field given by Peddie and Fabiano (1976) and data for the crustal field given by Alldredge et al. The equations are based on a statistical model that makes use of the principle of equipartition of energy and predicts the shape of both the crustal and core spectra. The model also predicts the core radius accurately. The numerical values given by the equations are not strongly dependent on the model.Equations relating average great circle power spectra of the geomagnetic field components to Rn are derived. The three field components are in the radial direction, along the great circle track, and perpendicular to the first two. These equations can, in principle, be inverted to compute the Rn for celestial bodies from average great circle power spectra of the magnetic field components.  相似文献   

Thirty-one single crystals of synthetic forsterite, Fo100, were deformed in 69 compressional creep tests in a 0.1-MPa confining atmosphere of H2 + Ar. Temperature ranged from 1753 to 2023 K and stress σ (= σ1 - σ3) from 1.5 to 37.8 MPa. Steady-state creep under these conditions follows an empirical law of the form: strain rate ?? = Azigma;nexp(?QRT) where A, n, and Q are constants. General characteristics of Fo100 creep — uniformity of strain, shape change as a function of orientation of σ, relative deformation resistance of different orientations — match those of natural olivine single crystals of composition Fo92. Specific constants in the flow law, however, are distinctly new: for σ oriented along [111]c (equidistant from the three principal crystallographic axes), values for Fo100 are n = 2.9 ± 0.2 and Q = 0.67 ± 0.03 MJ/mol (160 ± 7 kcal/mol). A single law covers the range 3 < σ < 30 MPa and 1753 < T < 1953 K. Steady-state deformation is preceded by a transient period of strain softening. High strain rates at σ ? 10 MPa render the transient barely resolvable; it apparently displaces the steady-state flow law by approximately ?0.5% in strain. At σ ? 7.8 MPa, the amount of strain imparted to a sample of the [101]c orientation is typically <0.1% after one hour.  相似文献   

Ultrasonic data for the velocities of the ilmenites MgTiO3 and CoTiO3 have been determined as a function of pressure to 7.5 kbar at room temperature for polycrystalline specimens hot-pressed in a piston-cylinder apparatus at pressures up to 30 kbar. Titanate and germanate ilmenites define divergent isostructural trends on a Birch diagram of bulk sound velocity (υφ) vs. density (ρ). On a υφ vs. mean atomic weight (M) diagram, however, all of the ilmenite consistent with a single υφM12 = constant trend. Elasticity systematics for isostructural sequences are used to e the bulk modulus (2.09 Mbar) and bulk sound velocity (7.4 km/sec) of MgSiO3-elmenite.  相似文献   

The results of two millennia of earthquake documentation, a few decades of macroseismic and instrumental routine seismological observations and five months of microearthquake monitoring, are used to estimate the rate of seismic activity of the Dead Sea fault. It is found that these vastly diverse data which combine long- and short-term tectonic processes, are in good accord with the formula:
log10N=2.54 ? 0.86ML
where N is the annual number of events of local magnitude ML or greater. If this equation is extrapolated to ca. 2000 B.C., it yields a Richter magnitude Ms = 7 for the event of Sodom and Gomorrah which is believed to be associated with the strongest earthquake in the region during historical times.Comparing our findings with the results of other investigators in Turkey, Greece, Aegean Sea and Iran, we note that the b values along the Syrian-African rift zone (0.78–0.86) are smaller than those in Greece and its surrounding seas (0.94–1.16).  相似文献   

Tin dioxide (SnO2) in the rutile structure as starting material has been found to transform to the orthorhombic α-PbO2 structure (S.G. Pbcn) at about 155 kbar and 1000–1400°C when compressed in a diamond-anvil cell and heated by irradiation with a YAG laser. The lattice parameters at room temperature and 1 bar are ao = 4.719 ± 0.002, bo = 5.714 ± 0.002, and co = 5.228 ± 0.002 A?with Z = 4 for the orthorhombic form of SnO2, which is 1.5% more dense than the rutile form. Crystal-chemical arguments suggest that stishovite (SiO2) may also transform to the α-PbO2 structure at elevated pressure and temperature with an increase in zero-pressure density of about 2–3%. Mineral assemblages containing the orthorhombic SiO2 are unstable relative to those containing the perovskite MgSiO3 under lower-mantle conditions.  相似文献   

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